Thursday, September 04, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of September 1, 2014 - PAGE TWO

Hola Reinamaniacs, the Crockpot Theories™ are bubbling away with more than 140 comments for the first three capitulos of this week. So here is your page two. In response to Novelera's question on Page One, here is an updated list of Navier's perils to date. Enjoy the rest of this week!

The Perils of the Dragon or, It's Hard being Navier

shot twice in back on Victor's orders;
beaten by guards in prison;
knocked out when Reina was kidnapped;
shot in leg rescuing Reina w/fever complications;
shot (graze only) while in shower with Reina;
forcibly sedated on orders of Esmeeth;
knocked out by Izzy and pinned by falling beam in fire;
shot in shoulder by Fico;
poisoned by coffee laced with heart-attack flu virus;
involved in roll-over car crash (no injuries); and
shot by Reina but was wearing a bullet-proof vest - no injury
thrown out of window onto van 

So the grand total of times Navier has been shot so far anyway is 5 if you count the graze in the shower! And never a scar to be seen on his lovely bod.

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Jean, Thanks! Wow, I definitely lost track of all his injuries.

I'd lost track, too! Wow. Poor guy.

NFL starts tonight and hubs is firmly entrenched on the couch and will be interfering with Reina. Hopefully he'll go to bed before I do and I can watch my recording.

Thank Jean for the recap and for page 2. Can't wait until tonight's episode.

Navier's injuries:
He was also shot during the shooting in the shower. It wasn't serious though - it was just a scratch.

Thanks, Mauricio. I had forgotten about that one. I'll add it to the list.

Here's a little tide-you over until the recap is up.

Subtitled: I Am Not Responsible For Making This Up

WEEK EIGHT – Mon Aug 25

A Dragon is always considered well dressed in grey, even when he is down to his grey skivvies.

A Dragon is not a romantic (or so he says).

When faced with mounting negative evidence regarding his damsel, the prudent tactic is to become enigmatic.

A Dragon can act as if he feels nothing, but inside he’s an emotional bowl of jiggling, partially set red jello, with half a canned pear floating in it. [In grateful appreciation to Creemelo, commenting in FELS—not to be confused with Fernando El Supremo].

A Dragon never looks back (unless it’s to see if someone is following him) and is NEVER sorry.

A CIA-trained Dragon learns the art of computer hacking (always for good).

A Dragon cannot be “loaned out” as a male escort (but might be persuaded for his own safety’s sake).

A Dragon has to do what he has to do, even when it incurs the wrath of his boss.

Even a Dragon cannot go back and undo what is done.

If a Dragon can’t kiss the one he loves; he kisses the one he’s with…no, no, if a dragon can’t love the one he kisses; he makes sure the one he loves sees him kiss the one he can’t love…it’s complicated.

A Dragon is an expert at Poker Faces.

A Dragon cannot defend himself against a passionate damsel throwing herself at him in a thin pink nightgown on his own bed. (I am a gentleman dragon and not at liberty to say what happened next.)

If a Dragon is fed lies; he will most likely not stop to chew, but swallow them whole.

A Dragon can mitigate swallowing lies by not making snap decisions. (It requires time, skill and careful investigation for discovery of the truth, sometimes it takes as long as 60 hours.)

Reminder: Make your bed and pick up your dirty clothes every day. A Dragon’s bedroom can be a busy place.

A Dragon can watch porno tapes, if it’s work related.

The human lie-detector becomes inoperable if a dragon has had sex with the subject (or subject tells a whopping good lie).

It’s not nice to make a fool out of a dragon twice (don’t ask how I know).

It’s not nice to make a fool out of a dragon even once, especially if it’s his boss.

A Dragon will protect his damsel and the dragona daughter with his life. But first he must know where they are.

A Dragon can’t let his lock-picking skills diminish; it could be a matter of critical timing between rescue and capitulation.

A Dragon does not beg; it’s not his style.

A Dragon does not disappear, just because someone snaps her fingers.

A Dragon is the only one who knows what’s best for him.

A Dragon can act like a child occasionally; this allows a dragon to let off steam without burning down the office.

A Dragon will accept the better of two dirty jobs in order to stay in the game.

A Dragon must bathe; a Dragon must be awake. These two dicta are not mutually exclusive.

A Dragon always recognizes a dragona daughter’s artwork.

Excellent, Anita! I love this week's compilation.

Your Wisdom of the Dragon lists get better and better, Anita!

This was amazing! Thanks Anita!

Fabulous, Anita! My favorite:

"A Dragon can act like a child occasionally; this allows a dragon to let off steam without burning down the office."

I'm impressed that you were able to put together Navier's travails so readily. I bet you could tell us how many times Reina has been kidnapped (and then rescued by the Dragon)...

Brilliant, Anita! :)

Jean - Thank you for the injury list. It's amazing how much he has survived.

Anita - as always, I love your Wisdom of the Dragon updates. You've outdone yourself this week.

Okay . . . re: tonight's epi . . . .
MY MONEY is on abuelita as the angel of death.


Novelera: I've been keeping a list of the Dragon's tavails so all I had to do was update it. I could probably put together a list of the times Reina has been kidnapped and rescued by Naiver. I can only think of two actual kidnappings offhand - the coffin storage place and the place where Reina was tortured with the guy pretending to shoot her.

I vote for Granny as the Big O offer, too. If you wanted people to believe it was suicide, how dumb was it to shoot him with one caliber gun and leave another caliber gun in his hand?

Jean - shouldn't the crime scene have been messier, too? A bit more blood, perhaps? The caliber sounded like big bullets.

Just saw this on our local TV morning news:
Dragon boat races! Hhhmm.....will Navier be there???


Reina realizes she has shot Navier. She panics thinking she killed him. Has our Dargon been shot yet again? Not this time. Our Dragon has FINALLY decided to get himself a bullet proof vest and he’s wearing it. [Note to Navier: Wear that bullet proof vest all the time and invest in a full body one if you can. You can find them online. Just do a Google search for them.] Reina asks Navier “What are you doing here?” “How’d you get in? How’d you know I was here?” Navier replies “I always find you.” Reina tells Navier “I didn’t see you because the lights went out.” “That’s why I shot you”. Reina panicking tells Navier that she has no idea where Clara is. Navier goes to the electrical box and turns the lights back on. He reports to Reina that Clara has been taken.

Esmeeth tells Victor she was at the hotel looking for him. Victor finds this strange because he was there the whole time [I couldn’t quite catch what he said. The CC’s said “whole time” so I’ll go with that] Esmeeth tells Victor that she asked for his hotel room but no knew. He tells her that his room was a secret until now. Estefania and Lopez 2.0 have found Abuelita. Victor hugs his Abuelita. Lopez 2.0 will take Abuelita home. Victor tells Estefania she should leave too. Estefania won’t be leaving the hotel. She does leave the bar though along with Lopez 2.0 and Abuelita. Esmeeth notes that Victor and Estefania get along so well. He tells her that it’s a special night. A night of truths and secrets revealed. A night full of surprises. The biggest surprise being that Esmeeth was the love of Big O’s life.

Susana receives a call from Christian. We see that Susana and Juanjo are in bed. [Has Christian interrupted a nookie? Is Juanjo still wearing his socks?] Christian tells Susana he has to arrest her. She hangs up and Juanjo asks her what’s up. “My time has come” she replies. She calls Victor and asks him where he is. Juanjo wants to know what’s up and offers his help. Susana explains she called Victor because Victor has to know the truth before she’s arrested. Susana wants to leave Victor out of it. She’s the only one who’s responsible.

Esmeeth tells Victor that her relationship with Big O is in the past and over. Victor tells Esmeeth that their relationship [Esmeeth and Big O’s] was important to Big O. He asks if it was important for her too. “Do you think I’m going to talk about my private life with you?” she asks him. He asks her if she knew that his mother found out about the relationship and sent the hitmen after her. Esmeeth didn’t know this. Fernando shows up and Esmeeth asks him what he’s doing there.

Navier has searched the shop. Clara is no where to be found. He repeats what he said earlier “They’ve taken her”. He wants to wait for a call from the kidnappers. He thinks its impossible to search for Clara when they don’t know where to begin. Reina panics. She wants to go searching for Clara. Navier thinks she should stay at the shop and wait for the kidnappers to call. Reina snaps at him. She yells “It’s easy for you to tell me to wait because you have no idea what it's like being a parent!” “You have no idea about the anguish I’m feeling!” “You have no idea because she’s not your daughter!” “You don’t care!”. The phone rings. Navier answers and hands the phone to Reina. Reina apologizes to him. She takes the call. The caller on the other end tells Reina “What are you waiting for to kill yourself once and for all?” Is Reina waiting to see her daughter's corpse at the cementary. The caller tells Reina to look for Clara at the abandoned cementary. The caller hangs up. Reina tells Navier that Clara is at the abandoned cementary. They rush over there.


Fernando tells Esmeeth he’s staying at this hotel. Esmeeth says she thought that he was staying at the hotel where the diamond was exhibited. Fernando tells her that he didn’t know she was so intereted in his whereabouts. He explains that he didn’t like that hotel and came to this one. He didn’t know he had to ask for her permission to come to this hotel. Victor notes that Fernando and Esmeeth have gotten to know each other well. Fernando asks them what they’re doing there.
He assumes something must be going on. He tells them that he doesn’t want to bother them so he’ll leave. Esmeeth is the one who is leaving. Victor tells her to go and talk to Big O up in Room 517. Fernando asks Esmeeth if she’s been having a bad night. She tells him that it could’ve been worse but an idiot complicated it. Esmeeth leaves. Victor says “So you do business with my father.” Fernando says “Yes, sir and I’d like nothing more than to do business with you.”

Laz tells Greta that Christian was at the mansion with an arrest warrant. Greta can’t vouch for everyone else except for her mother. Her mother is no murderer!

Victor tells Fernando he’s always interested to do business. But not the line of business that Fernando had in mind with Big O. Victor receives a phone call. Estefania shows up. “How’s my father?” Victor asks the caller. “What happened?” Estefania asks Victor. “Esmeeth wasn’t very clear but I have a bad feeling” he replies. Susana shows up wanting to speak to Victor. But Victor can’t talk right now. They all leave.

Esmeeth is in Room 517. “I got here late” she says. Victor, Susana, Estefania, and Fernando come into the room. Big O is sprawled on the bed. There is a gun in his hand. He’s been shot and is dead [should we call him Dead O from now on?]. Victor asks if Dead O committed suicide. “It seems like it but I think he’s been murdered” Esmeeth replies.

At the abandoned cementary, Navier and Reina find an unconscious Clara. We learn that Dragons have a keen sense of smell because our Dragon is able to tell that Clara has been drugged due to her smelling of chlorfom. The grave has been marked Reina Ortiz. 1980 - 2014. Navier finds a bloody note which says “Reina Ortiz this is where you’ll end up”.

Esmeeth dimisses everyone from the room. Victor wants to get near Dead O but Esmeeth doesn’t let him. They all leave except for Fernando and Susana. Susana stays for a while to say “May you rest in peace, Octavio”. Susana leaves. “Do you need help?” Fernando asks. Esmeeth says she doesn’t. She has already called the police and the forensic unit. Fernando asks if she found the body. Esmeeth says “you know I did”. Fernando leaves. Esmeeth tells Dead O’s corpse “You couldn’t die of old age.” “You couldn’t die from an illness.” “You couldn’t allow yourself to deteriorate.” “You had to die like this.” “There could be no other end for you” “Octavio De Rosas you died as you should”. [Wow. That was cold.]

Estefania asks Victor if he wants to talk. All Victor can say is “He’s dead!”. Juanjo comes into the room. Susana called him. Susana tells Juanjo that Dead O is dead. He committed suicide. Fernando comes into the room and he gives Victor his condolences. He thinks it's a shame Dead O decided to off himself. Victor tells Fernando that Esmeeth said Dead O could have been killed. If that was the case then Victor wants everything done to find out who did it. Fernando asks if Dead O had a lot of enemies. “All powerful men have enemies” Victor replies. Estefania adds “And so do men who are malditos” [does she mean damned? cursed?].


Navier and Reina arrive at his apartment. Navier is carrying Clara in his Dragon arms and sets her down on the couch. Reina asks why Clara doesn’t wake up. He tells her that Clara was drugged. “How do you know everything?” Reina asks him. “She smells of chlorofom” “You don’t have to be an expert” he replies. Reina thinks that whoever kidnapped Clara is the same person who also kidnapped her. Clara was taken to the same abandoned cementary as she was. Navier asks “Do you think it was Dead O?” He doesn’t think it was Dead O who kidnapped her. Reina doesn’t know who it could have been. Reina says that if they want to drive her crazy it is working. She’s going to go crazy! She wants to leave and go someplace far away.

Navier receives a phone call from Esmeeth. We see that the cops and the forensic unit have arrived at Room 517. Esmeeth tells Navier that Dead O is dead. It looks like it was a suicide. Navier tells Esmeeth that he’s with Reina. He tells Esmeeth that there was an emergency with Clara. Navier thanks Esmeeth for calling him. He asks her if she’s alright. She tells him she’s not but she will be. Clara comes to and is happy to see that the Dragon came back.

Susana tells Victor about their upcoming arrest. She’ll tell the truth - she killed the man found in the garden. Victor tells her she didn’t kill him. He did.

FLASHBACK: The rapist was still alive. Victor killed him by whacking him with the shovel he was using to dig up the hole. [We got a glimpse of the rapist. It looked like it was someone we've never seen before] Susana thinks Victor became a murderer because of her. She goes to hug him and he tells her that he’s a murderer but not beause of her.

Navier talks on the phone and reports Clara’s kidnapping to Fernando. “They want Reina to kill herself” “They are going to drive her crazy” he tells Fernando. “We aren’t going to let that happen” Fernando tells him. The call ends. Reina shows up and asks him who he was talking to. He tells her he was talking to Fernando San Juan or whatever his name is. Reina thanks him for everything. For always saving her because he always saves her. She tells him that she didn’t understand when he left her with Fernando. She thought he betrayed her. He tells her that he’d never do that. He knew Fernando was a cop and that Reina would be in good hands. It did hurt him that he wasn’t able to take Reina with him. But he couldn’t explain. Reina asks him how he found her. “Intuition” he replies. They hug and he takes off the cheep he had planted on Reina. “There’s more isn’t there?” Reina asks him. She feels that there is something more. He’s been acting strange. Navier tells Reina that Dead O committed suicide. Dead O may have been the scum of the world but he was his father.

The following morning, Christian arrives at Room 517 and Esmeeth leaves. Before she leaves Victor asks “Are you leaving?” She replies “Yes, I’m no longer in charge”. Esmeeth leaves and Fernando who was also in the room follows.

Outside, Esmeeth passes out and falls into Fernando’s arms.



Victor tells Christian he killed the man found in the garden. Susana enters the room and tells Chrstian she killed the man found in the garden.

Navier is fast asleep on the couch. Reina covers him up with a blanket. She finds a letter on the floor near the door. She is all ga gag over it thinking it is a love letter from Navier. She opens it and reads it.

It says: “There’s a movie I want you to see - Sleeping with the Enemy. There’s no better story than that of revenge. The story of a man who loved with all his heart and who was tricked and sent to prison. Film and literature are filled with stories of vengeance. They say revenge is a dish best served cold. Someone looking for revenge knows how to take their time. Could it be he’s the one who wants to drive you crazy and wants you to kill yourself? The one no one suspects. Could I be your enemy, my love?”

Fernando carries Esmeeth into her apartment and sets her down on the couch. Esmeeth comes to and asks where she is. Fernando goes to fetch her a glass of water and tells her she’ll be fine. She drinks the water and then asks what he gave her. He tells her it’s just a glass of water. He’s no murderer [Really Esmeeth? You drink first and then ask what it was. So much for being well trained agent]. Esmeeth asks him who he is. Who is Fernando San Juan?

Reina awakens to find Rocky there. Rocky tells Reina he’s there to take care of her. His boss called and told him what happened at the bridal shop. “How could they have taken my daughter?” “There was a guard outside!” she tells Rocky. “Yeah something happened” says Rocky. She asks where Navier is and Rocky tells her Navier had things to do. Rocky receives a call from Navier. Navier tells Rocky to be alert. There is a traitor among them! [in other words this news is same old same old] Otherwise it would have been impossible for someone to kidnap Clara. Navier tells Rocky that Dead O was murdered. Dead O didn’t commit suicide with the .25 caliber gun he had in his hand. Judging by the hole in his skull it was either a .357 or .44 caliber gun. Navier will send their boss the encrypted information.

[Ok Crockpot Theorists: Any guesses on who killed Dead O? Could it have been Abuelita? She went missing conveniently for some time and she said she’d do it if Victor or Estefania didn’t. Could it have been Esmeeth? Esmeeth was the person who found him. Could it have been Fernando? He was at the hotel.]

Victor enters Christian’s office at LAPD and confesses to having murdered the man found in the garden. He wants Susana to be released. The rapist has a name - Humberto Giraldez. He was 45 years old. He had a prior record for rape. This will apparantly make it easier for the lawyer to get Victor and Susana out of the slammer. The case with Victor’s mother body is complicated. Victor says it was Dead O who murdered his mother. Christian tells Victor that he’ll have to talk to his lawyer about Dead O. “You might’ve behaved violently that night” “You could have killed him” Christian tells Victor. “He didn’t commit suicide?” Victor asked surprised. Christian tells Victor that Dead O was murdered. He asks Victor if he has any idea who the murderer could be.



Estefania and Abuelita have coffee and talk about who could have murdered Dead O. “Was it you?” Estefania asks. “Was it you?” Abuelita asks. Lopez 2.0 shows up and says Greta wants to see Estefania. Abuelita goes to hide. Greta is wheeled in by Izzy. Greta says that with her parents in the slammer and her grandpa dead she thought Estefania could help her. Estefania is touched. She says of course. She hugs and kisses Greta on the head.

Navier arrives home. He was out doing paperwork and at the bank. He brought some clothes for Reina and Clara. Rocky leaves. “Did you sleep well?” “Did you like the breakfast?” Navier asks Reina. Reina is silent. “Will you tell me what’s wrong?” Navier asks her. “Isn’t what happened yesterday more than enough” she replies. Navier thinks there is more and is disappointed that she doesn’t tell him what’s up. Our Dragon decides to kiss her to see if it will change her mind. He kisses her in various places as he creepily tells her that her body doesn’t think and analyze. Her body can’t put distance between them. It loves and yearns and screams for him. Her mind, however, questions and suspects and doubts. He tells her there is a movie he’d like for her to see. It's called Sleeping With The Enemy. Cara de fear from Reina.

Susana and Victor are behind bars. They are in the same cell [Wait a minute..don’t they usually separate the men and women in jail] Susana is sorry Dead O is dead. She’s one of the few people that actually liked the old goat. For some reason the old goat liked her too. Victor says his dad was heartless. His mom and dad tricked him into taking Estefania’s daughter from her and prevented him from separating from Susana. It hurts Susana to think about it. Susana thanks Victor for taking the fall for the murder but she feels like she doesn’t deserve it. It has been many years of silence and she can’t keep quiet anymore. She tells him that the man raped her and that Camila was the daughter of her rapist. Susana had doubts on who the father of Camila could be. It could have been Victor or her rapist. Victor was so happy over being a father and Susana thought her pregnancy could save their marriage. When Camila was born she had a DNA test done and she prayed so Victor could be the father. Victor is fuming by now and all that is missing is the steam coming out of his ears. He tells Susana she did good in not telling him. Those things are best left unsaid. [Kudos to Juan Soler. He did such a good job at looking really mad]

Navier knew about the letter that was sent to Reina.“If I sent you this not talking was not a good strategy and if I didn’t send it…” he tells her. Reina interrupts him. She tells him that the idea that he could be behind all this scares her. She can’t help this idea because he’s always there. The times she’s been kidnapped he has shown up. The times she’s been in danger there he is. He’s always there! He even said so himself that he always knows where she is. If he isn’t behind this she can’t think of another explanation. He tells her there is another explanation but he can’t tell her.

Esmeeth whines to Fernando how she had to evacuate her office after years of 24/7 work and dedication. He tells her he can offer her a job. Well then he can make his offer and if the job is illegal it’s better for her. That way she’ll make tons of money and be able to leave the country. She’s fed up with serving her country and doing things right. He’ll bring it into consideration. They’ll talk later. He tells her that there is nothing more easy than the betrayal of a beautiful women but to be careful with him because he doesn’t forgive them.


Christian tells Estefania that Victor and Susana’s lawyer has written up a letter so Victor and Susana could be released. The issue with the corpses [or should I say skeletons in the graden] could be solved. The issue with Dead O - hmm not so much. It complicates things. Estefania tells Christian that it wasn’t Victor who killed Dead O. He was with her the whole time. Christian asks her if she is covering for him. If so then she’ll have to testify. Victor enters. Christian leaves. Victor asks Estefania to take care of Greta. Victor knows that the issue with corpses [or skeletons] won’t bring him any consequences. He thinks the thing with Dead O won’t bring him any problems. There were many people at the hotel who hated Dead O. “But as much as I did and you did” Estefania says.

Fernando shows up at Navier’s apartment. He tells Navier that they are looking in to who the traitor was the previous night. Navier asks him if he knows anything about Esmeeth and he tells her that she’s fine. Reina shows up. Navier brings up how Reina believes he’s the one who has been psychologically tormenting her. Navier goes into the room to be with Clara. “Is that true?” Fernando asks her. “I don’t know” replies Reina. She needs to get out of here. She asks him when she’ll leave. He tells her that she isn’t going anywhere. She started something with him and she’ll finish it. He needs her there and cooperating. He needs for her to recover the evidence she lost. He needs her to be strong. With guts. She needs her as a spy. He needs the Reina he met a year before who was up for anything. He needs her close to Victor and far away from Navier. Reina tells him she doesn’t know who she was a year ago. She doesn’t know where to start and what to do. He tells her that the evidence is what is most important. He tells her they need to know the offshore bank account numbers. They need to know the route of the money laudered. They need to know the names of the owners of the mines. They need to know if there is connections with terroist cells. Reina has no idea what he’s talking about. He tells her that they know of the existance of a diamond trafficker with contacts to terrorist cells and that makes her cooperation absolutely necessary. Lot of people’s live are at stake in this mission. He needs to know if she can count on her. What if she refuses to help? He’d have to bring up the whole thing with the diamonds being found in her bridal shop and she would be implicated in the trafficking of diamonds. Her daughter would be left all alone and the real criminals would remain free. Is that what she wants? She has 48 hours to decide.

Greta tells Laz it hurts her to see him like this [Huh?] She’d love to caress him and be with him. He tells her she can kiss him or tell him she loves him. She does love him. He tells her he wants a future with her and his son. She wants that too. She wishes she could hug him but she can’t. How many times will she have to tell him that she wants everything with him. He kisses her on the cheek.

Esmeeth shows up at Navier's aparment. She came to see how Navier is. He says he’s fine. He asks her if she knows they confirmed the murder of Dead O. She says she does and she has been called to testify. Reina asks Esmeeth to stay for dinner. They could all eat as if they were a beatiful… Esmeeth interrupts and says she has to leave. She tells Navier he knows where to find her. They hestitate to give each other a hug and they end up giving each other a semi hug barely touching each other. She leaves. Navier offers to spend a weekend where they forget about everything. He wants her to think about living these last 48 hours of their love story. They kiss passionately.


Navier and Reina spend the next two days as if they were a real family. Navier cooks as Reina and Clara set the table. The three of them play scrabble. Reina combs Clara’s hair and Clara wants Navier to comb her heair. Clara falls asleep and Navier takes her to bed. The three of them watch a movie [Sleeping With The Enemy perhaps?]. Clara falls alseep watching the movie and Navier takes her to bed. Navier and Reina make love on the couch. His shirt comes off [drink]. [This passage of time occured as we heard a voiceover from Navier]

The 48 hours have passed. Reina says she can’t do this - she can’t bid farewell to Navier. Fernando says “It’s time”. Reina and Clara bid farewell to Navier.

Susana and Victor are free. It was proven that the death of the man was in self defense. Greta asks “What about the death of my grandma?” It was most likely Dead O who killed her says Victor. Greta says that now they have to figure out who killed Dead O. Victor asks Laz if her daughter was taken care of. Laz says "yeah she’s in good hands." We hear a noise of something breaking. Roman comes running out and says he broke a vase. Greta says Roman and Laz are living there. Victor welcomes them. He goes to rest. Tomorrow is Dead’s O funeral.

Everyone is at the funeral. Reina arrives. She walks over towards Victor and tells him “If you’ll forgive me I’m here with you my love.”

Many thanks, Mauricio, for a(nother) terrific recap. I especially loved your advice to Navier to wear a bullet-proof body suit all the time, and that he should simply Google to find one.

Interestingly, I didn't find Esmeeth's words over Big O's corpse to be cold. Rather, I thought they were a sober but perhaps also somewhat tender acknowledgement of who he was, and that he not only couldn't but shouldn't die of old age, infirmities, dementia, etc.

Like you, I was surprised that Esmeeeth drank the glass of water that Fernando offered her and only then asked what it was. Duh. After how many years as an agent??

I agree that Juan Soler did an excellent job of showing barely controlled anger at Susana for telling him he wasn't Camila's father. As he was stroking her head, I kept expecting his hands to drop to her neck.

My vote for who killed Big O is the abuelita. Which almost surely means it's someone else. :-)

This comment has been removed by the author.

Mauricio – Thank you for the recap and the snark!

Navier needs “Google” for a bullet proof hat, too. It’s a miracle Reina did not blow his brains out.

Dead O – yes, or maybe DBO

WHO SHOT J.R.? Crockpot Theories™ ---
1.) The fact that Esmeeth fainted in the parking lot made me wonder if perhaps SHE offed the DBO/DO. Why else would Esmeeth faint? If she did it, this might be the first time she has killed someone. That would make ME faint.
2.) BUT, I had not considered Fernando as the killer. Ooooh, good theory, Mauricio! Big O might no longer be useful to him.
3.) ”Estefania tells Christian that it wasn’t Victor who killed Dead O. He was with her the whole time.” Maybe it was Estefy. Didn’t Victor go off with OBD? When Estefy made those grimaces at OBD?
4.) So… maybe the killer is OBD. Perhaps Big O didn’t pay her all the money she wanted. She WAS in the hotel, also, around that same time. And she is an OB.
5.) Maybe my money is not on abuelita, after all. Perhaps she's the red herring.

Jean --- I wondered if Victor was going to hurt Susana, too. But maybe his anger was directed toward the rapist. Victor seems to still care for Susana on some level.

Again, that mischievous wardrobe department was messing with us. My LOL moment last night was Greata’s


shirt in the midst of all the drama. (Scrabble, anyone?) Because, bless her heart, she is feeling the Love/Joy of Laz, her arm, wants to feel more of Laz’s Love/Joy, while all this telenovela drama surrounds her.

Mauricio -- this was great! Thanks so much!

Doris, Thanks for capturing the SHIRT! Yes, love (and joy!) amid the ruins of the De Rosas family.

Who killed Big O?

Well Abuelita had a powerful motive: she had just learned that Big O had murdered her daughter.

Vic and Stefi had motive, of course, but they hadn't finished working him over. Still, things were spinning out of control, too many people were showing up, and Big O might have said something untoward.

Esmeeth had opportunity, means and motive: She was the first one on the scene, but we didn't actually see her arrive; she is a trained killer (I imagine she has plenty of kills under her belt already); she knows Big O has told everyone about HER, but apparently not about NAVIER. She might have killed Big O to silence him and protect Navier from Victor.

BTW, I loved her little apostrophe to Big O's body. It reminded me of Willa Cather's words:
"I shall not die of a cold, my son, I shall die of having lived."

These little poetic asides are very characteristic of this novela and one of the things I love most about it. They were what I had in mind when I originally suggested collecting The Wisdom of the Dragon. But of course Anita has taken TWD to a whole new level.

FELS could have done it, but I think Big O was more valuable alive than dead, for his purposes.
And no one is talking about the hats? There is Estefi swanning over Big O's grave in her huge, black widow hat with the veil over her face, and then Tough Reina strides up right past her with that black 40's hat -- somewhere between a cloche and a beret -- and takes her place beside Victor. Wow!

Oh, I forgot about OBD as a possible murderer. She WAS lurking around the hotel for no reason at all. And as I've said before, I think she is behind more evil than anyone realizes.

Doris -- can we count on you to check out the Dragon boat races?

You're right, of course, that the crime scene was not as gory as it should have been. But you won't hear any complaints from me. I'm glad that it is all stylized and unreal. May it stay like that!

Mauricio- This was stellar!

Yay! Another mystery. Who shot Big O? But wasn't he already dying (although very slowly) because of the poison Vic and Stefi gave him? So many suspects. Looking forward to the final reveal.

I also thought Vic was going to reach down and strangle Susana when she admitted that Camila wasn't his daughter. Clearly, she doesn't know how murderous Vic is. I hope she feels better now that her big, dark secret is out. Now, do we think that rapist was just random, or that someone sent him?

Wow! Fernando must do some kind of amazing training to turn Reina from the nervous wreck she's been during most of this, into the cool, calm spy who sashayed up to Vic at the funeral is just a few short hours.

By the way, I don't think Smith was serious at all when she said to Fer that she might work for him and go over to the dark side. I think she's just continuing with the mission El Supremo gave her to get close to Fer and find out all he's up to. How's she to know that they are one and the same? And since El Supremo fired her, I have a feeling she's planning on doing this operation all by herself and then informing El Surpemo when she has the evidence. Unfortunately, Fer will think she really IS betraying the government/her boss/HIM! I really don't get what his plan is for Smith. This really doesn't seem like the best way to determine if she's an enemy of the gov.

Great recap, Mauricio!!

I wonder if Victor was wearing the Injecto-Death 3000 when he was in the holding cell with Susana? I'm sure these police wouldn't recognize it as a weapon.

Many possible suspects in who killed Big O. If it was an attempt to fake a suicide, it was a bad job and therefore would indicate not being professionals like Victor, Estefi or Esmeeth. Both Victor and Estefi wanted Big O to suffer more BUT Victor sent Esmeeth up to Big O's room. If Big O told Esmeeth that he was being held there against his will, she probably would have done something.

So Victor's Sex Pad and Film Studio was a room in a hotel?

I don't think you mentioned in your recap, Mauricio, that FELS told Reina that he wanted her close to Victor and away from Navier. Now that Reina is back, is Navier going to have a job at the DeRosas house? He can't be Big O's chauffeur anymore either.

I'm not sure how the police determined that the death of the guy buried in the garden was done in self defense with no witnesses to the rape or the murder. It is also a crime not to report something like that and bury a body in your garden.

I guess all Reina and Javier's nookie in their 48 hours of domestic bliss was on the short couch!

The abortive Mother-Son hug ( or -- When inadequately programmed robots try to express maternal/filial sentiments) was hilarious and touching at the same time.

Esmeeth manages to be ridiculous and tragic. And I agree with Vivi's assessment -- she is PLAYING Fernando, not realizing that he is playing her. FELS is definitely NOT a nice man.

Who is the traitor among the agents?
Assuming it isn't just FELS being cute, could our dear poker-faced Rocky have an ace or two up his sleeve?


I too found the abortive hug between Esmeeth and Navier hilarious and touching, and even more hilarious was your alternate description: "When inadequately programmed robots try to express maternal/filial sentiments."

And my money too has been on Rocky's having a much more significant role than has been apparent, whether for good or ill I'm not yet sure.

NovelaMaven said:
The abortive Mother-Son hug ( or -- When inadequately programmed robots try to express maternal/filial sentiments) was hilarious and touching at the same time.

LOL. That was it exactly.


thanks so much Mauricio,
magnificent recap!

and thanks to all this weeks recappers as I haven't been able to comment much, and to the commenter's as well.

Reina's hat was so noir
(but why was I comparing it to Robin Hood)

so underneath, Reina is a trained spy,
double O corazones.


Mauricio--This was fantaaastic. For an episode which moved from place to place faster than a speeding bullet, you stayed out in front of it. Loved your asides.

My brain is in turmoil. I'm packing to go to the beach and just can't organize my thoughts to comment rationally.

All the suspects who could have offed Dead O are definitely in play. Do we have an Orient Train waiting on some siding? My vote goes to abuelita, but she's probably a an old gray-wigged herring. I don't think it was OBD, though because Dead O was her current money machine.

About the Clara kidnapping--the note that accompanied her has OBD stamp all over it. Now that she's lost her ATM machine to some shooter, what is she going to do. (P.S. I didn't say anything yesterday, but those shorts OBD wore when she met Victor for coffee, couldn't have been any more blatantly suggestive as to what she does for a living--yeah wardrobe was laughing us.)

Jean, Nookie can be had on the table, against the wall, in the tub, beside? of the fireplace, etc. etc. (If you watched Amores Verdaderos, remember Arriaga and Victoria spent their pent up passion all over the place before they ever got to a bed?)

deb--you've got something there: Reina de Doble 0 Corazones.

If I were Victor and the last few days he had with Reina were of her repulsed by his words, look, and his touch, I wouldn't believe her 180D turn about for one hot Las Vegas second.

She did look amazing.

Is she really going to go to bed with Victor to prove her sincerity? Maybe Stefi and Susana will have something to say about that!

I thought this was going to be the end of Reina and Navier's nookie getaways, but maybe not.

Just watched the episode again.

Navier and Reina could have let Clara sleep on the short couch since she is short and they could have had the bed, but no.

Reina's funeral outfit was very 40's glam. But Estefi's skin tight pink (it looked like leather)dress of the day before was amazing. You could see every bit of her underwear.

Big O's murder is a classic soap opera type, where a hated character is offed and everyone has opportunity and a motive. [It would only be the Orient Express if everyone with a motive had shot O.]

It was funny how there was crime scene tape on the outside of the room where Big O was killed but Vic and FELS were both inside. The police didn't do any gunpowder residue test on anyone's hands? Too easy I guess.

It's sorta kinda so obvious that Navier is some kind of agent based on his conduct with Esmeeth and Rocky and his spy gadgets and abilities that it seems ridiculous that he couldn't tell Reina that to calm her suspicions of him.

I won't even bother to mention that the "Let's Drive Reina Crazy" plan makes no sense unless the perpetrator actually does something bad to people Reina loves like Clara or Navier. Just pretending or threatening to do something bad doesn't really cut it and the more times the threat is a fake, the less impact it has. But hey, it's fun to watch.

Only now does has the CIA figured out that there is a traitor in their midst? How many times before has the security they have provided for Reina been compromised?

NovelaMaven - Yes, the hats are TDF. Stefi wore a nice hat to Reina & Victor's wedding, too.

Jean - my TV screen isn't big enough for me to see how tight that dress was on Stefi. ;-)

double 0 corazones, indeed! LOL

”Big O's murder is a classic soap opera type, . . . “
Definitely! The writers have once again given a nod to this type event in similar movies & TV.

The screen shot with each of Victor’s women giving Reina the QTH? look at the cemetery was classic.

Reina looks like she’s stepped back into her spy mode for which she was trained, just as she easily handled that gun & shot the apple off the dress form. It’s like riding a bike . . .

Anita – Reina cannot go to bed with Victor, sincerity or not. It’s in the telenovela rules.

Anita --- Nookie anywhere. Yes, and I remember those scenes in Amores Verdaderos, and recall our Caray discussions on her wearing skirts vs. pants to facilitate with more ease.

An observation: In all this week's scenes with Vic & Stefy, they both move and act like a married couple that is still in love and have been together for a while. There is a certain calm about them in their dialogue and scenes together. They seem to be communicating and moving as one.


Doris, I noticed that harmony between Victor and Estefi,too. They definitely worked together to take revenge on Big O. It's rather strange when only last week Estefi swore that she would kill Victor for taking the red diamond from her and apparently raping her. Are they allies now because they had both been victims of Big O? Maybe Estefi is playing a very deep game.

Jean - they will always have the common bond of their past love affair and Greta. Now that they each know the truth about Greta being snatched from Stefy, it may have given some closure to past resentments.

However .... give it time and they'll be at each other's throats again. I don't see them working as a team up until the Gran Fin. Too many episodes left to go.

Big O wished for Vic to have a great love, like he did with Smith. Seems to me that Vic DID have that great love, Stefi, and Big O was the one who went out of his way to ruin it and turn it into hate. Vic and Stefi do seem like a perfect match, and Reina and Navier are just their obsessions and play things.

Is Delfina working for Rocky?

Doris--I do remember telenovela rules, that's why I brought it up. It puts Reina between a rock and a hard place (the hard place being Victor). How to stave him off for the foreseeable future is going to try the writers' brains and our patience.

I agree with you, Vivi, about Big Dead O's comment about a great love. He ruined it for Vic & Stefi.

I wonder why he and Susana liked each other so much.

Thelma--Delfina working for Rocky will be filed with the rest of the Crockpot Theories™. It's good, but not likely. Delfina was definitely working for Big Dead O.

Mauricio, thanks for another marvelous recap!

Did anyone get a a weird vibe when Reina woke up at Javier's apt. and Rocky was setting up breakfast? I can't really put my finger on it, or maybe this tn is making me see conspiracies at every corner.

Jean, I also noticed the hot pink dress. Yep, definitely skin tight.

I am definitely swimming in the deep-end of the Dragon kool-aid, because I was kind of a surprised when they showed Javier doing something as venerable as sleeping. Not really counting his morning stand off with Octavio since it looked like he was actually sleeping with one eye open.

So I looked up to see how tall the actor playing El Supremo is, & he's 6'4. Seeing him out of his suit yesterday made him, in my opinion, look taller than usual (but just as attractive). It's funny how much his height jumps out at me.

I guess the hotel was the place to be last night. My money is on Stefi shooting Octavio or having him killed. She seems to be flying underneath everyone's radar.


Jlk- I definitely agree with you that it seems weird to see Navier do things that normal people do like sleep or eat. Usually, there is some significance to it. When he drinks Dr. Pepper, that's product placement. When he drinks a cup of coffee, it's poisoned. When he's sleeping, he's either has one eye open, like when Big O barged in to his bedroom. Or, in this case, I think the writers wanted Navier to be present when Reina read the note but not be able to take charge of it or respond. This way Reina could have her suspicions raised while the object of those suspicions was cute and vulnerable in sleep.

Thanks for your wonderful and detailed recap, Mauricio. I was forced to watch this in the wee hours of the morning before coffee had kicked in (this seems to happen a lot lately) and I was fuzzy on some parts.

Speaking of weird vibes: I definitely saw the family resemblance when Navier was giving Reina his "your body remembers my kisses" spiel. Very Victor-esque.


Oh my. I just posted a comment on the wrong page. Forgive my repetition here.

I'm about to get started on tonight's recap, but I have to recover from WHIPLASH first!!

Maybe it's Univision induced trust issues, but are they editing this to get through it faster or is this just poorly edited?

I love this show, so color me very confused. Less by the story than by Telemundo' s editing. Clearly, they cut a lot of things out of this episode. It was jerky and hard to follow. They appear to be shortening this novella, although I am not sure why. Are the ratings so bad they decided to end it sooner than planned, or maybe they're trying to cut it short for some other reason? Or maybe it was just this episode that they chopped up?


Drat. Don't do this to me Telemundo!!!! One of the reasons I switched to your shows was because you DON'T edit out content.

I'M CURSED!!!!! *grumblegrumble*

Really? They are editing this? No, it is not doing well in the ratings, and I can't understand why. It's crazy, but fun crazy!

I think if they are cutting it, it's because of all the promos they are running for Señora Acero, Los Mis and Soy un Artista in addition to the commercials. Tomight's episode didn't seem that bad to me. There's a lot going on.

Oh there was tons going on and I LOVED it. I can handle crappy editing jobs. What I can't handle is cutting out scenes to make a TN shorter. *cough*Univision*cough* I WANT TO SEE THE WHOLE THING I DON'T CARE HOW CRAPPY!

Not that Reina is crappy. It's actually awesome. I was thinking of shows in the past that Uni edited.

Wait, those were pretty good shows, too.

QTH? Why edit at all?

Of course Victor forgives Reina!! The Padre tries to get the Christian burial of BDO (Bid Dead Octavio) back on track. Vic interrupts. He believes in God like the rest of the folks in attendace, but BDO? Not so much. Was the priest planning on talking about Octavio's virtues? The man had few, if any. He didn't know how to earn anyone's appreciation. In fact most everyone there just put up with him (padecer suffer; endure; put up with). No one is crying for him. More lines and floricide.

Robbery of an outdoor cafe. It's Miriam.

As the funeral breaks up Navier approaches Reina. He can't believe she's back with Victor on her own accord. Reina begs him to get as far away as he can. She leaves and Navier approaches FELS. Navier is not cool with the new arrangements. FELS doesn't give a fuego en la sangre. Even Esmeeth is wondering what's up. Navier informs her the boss in charge of everything. Estefy rubs it in about Reina returning to Victor and says Navier should return to her. She's the only one who really loves him.

Victor asks Reina if she's ready to head back to the house. He asks about Clara. The child is waiting at home for them. OBD interrupts and Vic wonders why she's there. She says she has a right to be. Big O was the only one who supported her. Victor reminds her he's bDO now (emphasis on the D.) Victor tells Navier he wants to talk to him back at the house.

Miriam barges in on Juanjo who's at Laz's house. She says nothing of importance (does she ever?) Oh, she yells about not being thrown out like a dog. Juanjo tells her he actually respects dogs.

FELSupremo calls Esmeeth and there's a voice distortion advice involved. FELSupremo is giving her one last chance. He wants Esmeeth to get FernandoFELS to trust her. She agrees. After they hang up FernandoFELSupremo makes sure to drive her way. She tells him she wants to talk to him. Sounds pretty dull to him. He can think of other things he'd rather do. He tells her to follow.

Victor is happy to finally be alone with Reina, but Navier arrives.

FELS has led Esmeeth to his hotel parking lot. He asks where they will do that is. In the cafeteria? In the lobby? The sauna? Esmeeth will think about it. She lays a kiss on him.

Victor tells Navier that Reina is back and he doesn't need to look for her anymore. Also, at one time he did want Navier to be like Reina's shadow. Now he wants the opposite. He wants Javier as far away from Reina as possible. Vic is the one who will be taking care of Reina now.


Reina shakes Bolivar's hand. It was a pleasure working with him. He says the feeling is mutual. He wishes Vic the best. He and Reina make a beautiful pair. Vic tells Reina to take one last look. It's the last time she'll see Navier in her life.

Esmeeth and FELS get it on....until FELS's cell rings. It's Navier. Vic just fired him. FELS tells him he's in charge. Well of course, says Navier. That's why he's calling. If *he* had been in charge he wouldn't have called. FELS tells him he's busy and hangs up. Too late. Esmeeth is not in the mood any more. She suggests some other time...perhaps with dinner, wine, wooing....and more time.

Navier and Reina gaze at each other- He from the lawn, she from a window in her gilded tower.

Izzy reports to Vic that Abuelita is safe in the cabaña at the beach. Victor didn't call him in for an Abuelita Report. He wants Izzy to get rid of Navier. As in "sleeps with the fishes". TODAY!

FELS explains to Navier that Reina will be the one to bring Victor in. Navier thinks Vic will kill her first. FELS tells him not to underestimate Reina. She's brave and strong. Navier asks if FELS obligated her to do it. FELS explains that the mission is important and if Navier is asking if Reina may end up as collateral damage, then the answer is yes. FELS would hate that, but he did what had to be done and Navier will also have to do what needs to be done. Navier is being given a new mission: Estafania Perez Hidalgo.

Estefania meanwhile is discussing stem-cell (células madres...ironic, no?) therapies with Laz and Greata. Since Greata seems to be getting some feeling back, maybe this therapy could be helpful.

FELS fills Navier in on Estefy and the investigations he's made. She's got the doll with the diamond eyes and the crown was robbed. Navier thinks she could have inherited Artemio's wealth. FELS informs him that she actually was the one that created the empire. Artemio was a prince. She is the true Reina de Diamantes.

Reina (in an unfortunately draped dress) enters the bedroom. Victor starts in on the "finally you will be mine" speech for the umpteenth time. She tells him he needs to know something. She can't think of love right now. Vic thinks it's on account of Javier. She tells him she's sick. Very sick. She's going to die! She runs out of the room.

The Agatha Christie-esque portion of the night
Seriously, was anyone else having Death on the Nile/Evil Under the Sun flashbacks?
Navier is still in a state of shock. Yeah, he's seen Estefy in some sketchy situations, but the Reina de Diamantes. FELS reminds Navier of Estefy's story. She saw her parents assassinated. She saved her brother and never saw him again. That is the woman they are dealing with. But FELS wants to get back to Big O's death. Who could it have been. Navier says it could have been anyone. FELS says lets suppose for a moment it was Estefy. She had plenty motive. Navier doens't think this is a valid theory. Precisely because of her history she is afraid of guns and wouldn't be carrying around two of them. She's also way too smart of have let herself be seen at the scene of the crime. FELS wonders if she let herself get carried away by hate and didn't have a plan (dude? Then why the heck did she have two guns on her?...oh, Navier heard me.)

Navier hypothesizes that it was Abuelita. FELS continues to wonder about the two guns. Navier thinks it was on purpose to confuse authorities; to disorient them. And it's working. FELS likes the way Navier thinks.


Reina tells Victor she has milofibrosis (I can't seem to find a translation, but I'm assuming it's mylefibrosis--according to it's a bone marrow disorder that disrupts blood cell production. It's an uncommon chronic leukemia. Also according to the site many people do get progressively worse and some folks can live for years.) Anyhoo, it's why she can't think of passion or sex. All she can think about it if she'll live or die. They hug. She is cara de did he believe me? and He is cara de is she feeding me bull?

Navier and FELS continue to theorize. Navier proposes that Victor could have been the killer. FELS thinks that's one of the possibilities. Navier wonders what the other could be. FELS reminds him that there was a woman on the scene who had access to one, two, three even four guns. A woman who could go anywhere without being seen and who could leave no trace of her been there. A woman with plenty of motive to kill: Agent Esmeeth. Victor gave her the room number. She could have gone up and only pretended to have found Big O dead. Wouldn't that be the perfect crime? Navier doesn't think so. Why not? asks FELS. Why don't you think so? Because she's your MOM? (dunh dunh dunh!!)

Rodents in Kia commercial break. Complete with Bailando the techno version.

FELS understands Navier's dilemma. That's why he's being assigned to the Reina de Diamantes and FELS will take care of the Reina de Corazones and Esmeeth. FELS gets a text. OBD is being sent to an important party that evening with some African businessmen. FELS wants Javier to go to the party (what? Why, what the heck does OBD have to do with Estefy?) FELS is done talking. Navier is dismissed.

Victor replays the "I'm dying conversation" in his head. Izzy comes in to inform him that Operation Bolivar is underway. He's got men looking for him. Oh, and Delfina won't stop calling. Victor tells him to find out everything he can about Reina's illness (Psst, Izzy checkout

There's a celebration at Laz's house! Greata might walk again. Christian interrupts the familial fête. He's there to propose. I found the whole thing hilarious. He's such a dope but at the same time we've seen him hot and heavy with his barely legal goddaughter. Oh, and the look on Roman's face. Excuse me. Have to contain my snorts and giggles. Let me compose myself...


Not watching this so I don't know if it is being chopped down, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case. Its ratings are terrible.

Telemundo cancelled DAMA Y OBRERO in the US at episode 80, which was given a specially filmed finale to end it early (most of the world got 35 episodes after where the US version ended and a totally different finale.)

I mention DAMA Y OBRERO because it was cancelled by Telemundo, yet got much better ratings than REINA DE CORAZONES in the same time slot. The lowest DAMA ever dropped in the ratings was 4.5, and it only got that rating once. In its last 4 weeks, REINA has gotten a 4.4, 4.3, 4.2 and this week will probably be another 4.2.

Ok. I think I've got it together.

Javier is at the Bud Light Product Placement party for Important African Dignitaries. He is spotted by someone.

Reina asks Asuncion to help her find proof, but Victor interrupts to tell Reina he's been researching her strange blood disease.

Connie talks a lot and finally says yes. Little Roman says "finally!".

Someone informs Izzy of Navier's whereabouts. Izzy wonders what the hell he's doing at the party.

Victor tells Reina he's going to save her: from her illness and Javier Bolivar.

FELS arrives at Esmeeth's apartment ready to prepare dinner.

Reina is willing to stay with Victor, but if he asks for more than she's willing to give she'll leave. He's never going to let her leave. She'll either live here or die there (ISBIS)

Navier watches OBD at the party.

Juanjo has a job bartending. He and Susanna discuss his working situation. He doesn't want to be her "mantenido" he wants to be her "hombre."

Navier is subtly escorted from the party.

Reina writes in her diary: "I'll never seen him again."

Navier is ambushed, but fights back. As always, there's that ONE guy who manages to sneak up on him and take him down. They throw him out a window. (Like that's going to go unnoticed at the swanky Product Placement Party for Important Bussinesmen.)

The scene that sounds better in Spanish
FELS is a good cook. Lines about the special dish. Each ingredient has it's moment to be caresses. Because every caress has it's moment to take you to paradise. It's been a while since Esmeeth has eaten like this. It's been a while since FELS has eaten lips like hers. Slobbery kisses and bow chicka wow wow.

Miriam arrives at the family party. She tells Greata that Laz will get tired of her. Estefy tells Laz to throw her out or she'll kill her. Miriam doesn't think Estefy would kill a cockroach. Miriam lets herself out.

FELS and Esmeeth bask in the afterglow. She feels like she's been hit by hurricane Fernando (Aw, you know you're being played?) He loves her smile, but she's always so serious. She should come work for him, but he's a little afraid. Maybe it's just a lie that she's left her job and she's setting a trap for him. She swears she's playing her own game. She wants to work for FELS and prove she's the best. FELS's phone rings. It's about Bolivar.

Laz leaves Greata on a lounger near the pool. Miriam and Roman come into the garden and Miriam sends Roman in. She tells Greata that she will not end up with Laz and her son (Miriam keeps saying "marido" why does she think she's married and Laz doesn't?) She pushes Greata into the pool.

The lawyer has gathered everyone together so they can see Big O's final video. They are waiting for a couple more people: Esmeeth and Navier. Victor looks shocked to see Navier...alive.

Navier explains he had an accident. Reina asks what happened. He fell. The lawyer says they can start watching the video.

Miriam screams that Greata will die! Roman comes out and sees Miriam. He sees Greata floating. He comes back into the kitchen. There doesn't seem to be a sense of urgency in his walk so I'm going to assume he's in shock.

On the computer screen, Big O begins to talk. He imagines how angry Victor must be.

Estefy sees Greata. She jumps in the pool to save Great. Laz also arrives and is a little distracted when Roman says "it was mom." Laz and Estefy get Greata out of the pool and Laz starts CPR.

Asuncion interrupts Big O's reading of the will to announce Great's accident. Navier tries to run out, too. Esmeeth stops him and tells him not to get involved.

Greata wakes up and asks for her mom, meaning Susanna. Estefy looks crushed and goes to the kitchen where Asuncion and Roman tell her it was Miriam who pushed Greata into the pool. Methinks Miriam is not long for this world.

Everyone fusses over Greata. Estefy returns to the scene and announces it was Miriam. Laz apologizes and thinks it would be best if he distanced himself from Greata. Victor was thinking the same. Greata begs him not to leave her.

Navier tells Esmeeth about his injuries. He's sure Victor was behind the attack. He seemed very surprised to see Navier. Esmeeth says she called Navier and he saw the messages. It must have been intuition. Not motherly or anything, secret agent intuition. He almost died without knowing who his mom was. He assumes she'll think his feelings are stupid since she got to care for her child and her child got to know her. He waxes sad about never knowing his mom. She abandoned him and didn't want him. Esmeeth tells him not to say that. He doesn't know. Navier knows what he saw and suffered. He spent years alone in an orphanage. He never even had a birthday cake until he was 14 (when he ran away from the orphanage and his street friends got him one.) And now he has this terrible doubt that the person who killed Big O was his mother.

Victor and Estefy have a discussion about who gets to kill Miriam. Estefy claims mother's right to kill her.

Rocky, a minion and FELS watch a screen. They are spying on OBD. FELS says she's a woman with no scruples. No one wold believe she's the sister of Reina Ortiz.

Navier tells Victor he's sorry about what happened to Greata. Victor is not happy about seeing Navier. Navier is sorry about that, but it's Big O's fault. Victor doesn't really care. Even if Navier gets some money from Big O, Vic doesn't care. He's got plenty and there are some things money can't buy-like health. He tells Navier that Reina has a terminal illness!

Ok. Is anyone else distracted by FELS facial hair and the changing grooming of it?

This is my theory: the person behind all this is Rocky. Because he's seething with jealousy over the fact that his cousin, El Supremo (did he say his real name was Paulo Picasso? That was so funny) was a gifted child who rose to the top of the field. He's always been a genius, who easily gets what he wants, solves everything etc etc. And Rocky is going to (he's currently succeeding in outsmarting everyone) make sure that everyone will be kicking themselves for not seeing it earlier.

And Delfina is working for him right now.

Excellent, Sara! Thanks!

I too noticed the Bud Light product placement. Wouldn't it had been a hoot if Javier landed on a Kia after being thrown out the window? We would have had two product placements in one episode!

From armed robbery to attempted murder! Wow! It looks like Miriam will soon be reunited with the Putz.

Speculation: Navier will be named sole heir of Dead O's fortune. Since Dead O owns half the mansion Navier will be able to live there and be close to Reina even if Victor doesn't want to.

Not sure what think of this terminal illness plan. I suppose this will prevent Reina from having to sleep with Victor.

Fernando is a slimeball. It is sickening to think he is playing with Esmeeth and was able to get her to sleep with him. I don't trust him at all.

I'm sad to hear TM is editing this.

Yesterday's episode was a little weird.

I was left confused by the scene where Greta tells Laz it hurt her to see him like this.


thanks so much Sara,
magnificent recap!

could we see big O get killed one more time, ha!, or again?

I spent most of this show wondering about how mr know-it-all has broken up the Dragon family, put them in separate places, in danger, while he is at home working a cheap scam to boink the mother.


Super recap, Sara!!

There was lots of great and wierd stuff in this one.

Roman comes out and sees Miriam. He sees Greata floating. He comes back into the kitchen. There doesn't seem to be a sense of urgency in his walk so I'm going to assume he's in shock. What is wrong with the kid? He didn't seem to have any problem telling everyone it was Miriam.

I like your theory, Thelma, Rocky could be jealous because he's really tall, too and hasn't gotten a leadership position in the CIA.

What a scumbag FELS is. He almost seems to be putting more effort into bedding Esmeeth than catching Victor.

What? You don't ever get a birthday cake in an orphanage? How Dickens-esqe.

If they wanted to cut something, they could have started with the multiples versions of Big O being murdered. So convenient of him to turn his head every time so they don't have to show a bullet hole.

I hope Reina and FELS worked out this blood disease thing in advance so that there is some proof. It doesn't seem that FELS would have any problem in making Reina have sex with Victor though. Otherwise, it's going to be pretty easy to prove that she's lying.

Why do the novelas I like always get bad ratings?

"Why do the novelas I like always get bad ratings?"

Oh I share your pain! I like to think it's because we have a refined taste. We recognize true originality and quality. Something the typical viewer doesn't. *snort* lol

Thelma- your theory is very plausible. Something is definitely afoot with Rocky.

Thanks, Sara, for another marvellous recap. I too was interested and amused to see that stem cells are células madres.

So now we see why Esmeeth doesn't recognize FELS' voice: he uses some kind of voice distorter. OK, one small mystery solved, 183,965 to go.

I loved Big/Dead O's despedida video, especially when he addresses Victor with an accurate account of his expression and mood.

Mauricio, I like your speculation about B/DO's will.

Thelma, I agree that Rocky could be El SuperSupremo. I've been suspicious about his seemingly insignificant role for quite a while.

Is there real evidence that TM is editing/cutting the novela? The fact that episodes are weird isn't compelling evidence for me, since it has been pretty weird from the start. For some people, I'm sure that's a turnoff, while for others (including, of course, the Reinamaniacs), it's part of its appeal.

There's no real evidence, Juanita. It was just a poorly edited episode last night. So much so that I got suspicious (and like I said, Univision has created some trust issues on my part.) Reina has consistently been poorly edited. Last night was just so choppy I began to wonder.

They left out some things with Connie, Izzy, Miriam, Greta, Juanjo, & Susana.

Miriam stole Connie's life savings and in the struggle she knocked Connie out. Roman found her knocked out and panicked. He called Laz and told him that Connie was dead. Izzy arrived on the scene and he put Connie on the couch. She came to and Laz arrived. He accused Izzy of having hurt Connie. It was revealed what happened. Connie cried over losing her life savings that she made sewing all types of clothing. She added that she even sewed two divorce dresses. Juanjo and Laz went looking for Miriam at the dangerous part of the hood and Connie showed up. Some dude mentioned how Miriam had been prostituting herself for drugs. He made a nasty comment about Connie and Laz and Juanjo got into a fight. Next day in a comic scene Connie sits on the couch on between and hands them things to help them cure their bruises. Izzy finds Miriam and she tells him that she spent all Connie's life savings. He expected it so he hands her an envelope with some cash to give to Connie. Izzy hides and Connie shows up. Miriam hands her the envelope and Connie finds there is more money than she had in her life savings. Connie spots Izzy as he leaves. I think she realized the money came from him. There was a scene where Connie admitted that she didn't love Christian.

Juanjo was able to see Susana thanks to Connie who asked Christian to let Juanjo see Susana. He brought her some things along with the perfume he loves to smell and a bra he loves to see her in. They eventually kiss passionatly and Estefania catches them and she tells them she saw nothing, heard nothing, and knows nothing.

Laz told Greta he wanted to get custody of Roman. Greta invited Laz and Roman to move in.

In between packing the car, I have to give my thanks to our enthusiastic reporter-on-the scene, Sara! Great recap.

Mauricio--When Greata said it hurt her to see him like this, I had to go back and watch it all again--just for that (!#@*!-LOL). I noticed a purple bruise on his face, just to the left of his mouth. Where did that come from? Maybe that's the best evidence TM is cutting some scenes and the continuity is off. Could he and Miriam have gotten into a fisticuff?

I'm still sitting at Fernando's Hide-Away Table on the Patio. He's had a thing for Smeeth for a long time. He's had to find a way to get close to her and using all the seduction skills in his basket of goodies to do it, including his role as her mysterious boss, which is NOT nice (and decidedly unprofessional). I think his interest is genuine--why wouldn't it be? But he also has a mission. I think he wants her on the "inside" of his operation and this is one way to keep her close--in both senses of the word. It's my Crockpot Theory™ and I'm sticking to it (for now).

I'm surprised that after all these years Smeeth has never met her boss face-to-face. Usually there is some interaction, not by one-way notes, flowers, chocolates, and disguised-voice phone calls etc. Oh, this is a telenovela.

Sara--I'm also at a loss as to why this is getting poor ratings on both sides of the border. Including OBD and Carmen, I can't think of anyone who isn't pulling his/her weight either in front of or behind the camera.

Maybe it's the mixture of action-narco-romance-fantasy they don't like? Who was this made for--young adults or women "of a certain age." Maybe Mexicans don't like novelas set in the US? Do we not like novelas set in the U.S. that need English language captions and do funny things with our crime-justice-legal system? Dunno.

To me it's the best Uni *and* Telemmundo have offered us in a long time. Certainly not your cookie-cutter same old, same old, just change the actors and their characters names type of novella.

I guess I'm with you, Sara ... I like to think it's because we have a refined taste. We recognize true originality and quality. Something the typical viewer doesn't. *snort* lol

Be sure to read Urban's Weekend topic for this week.

Have a good week everybody. The Wisdom of the Dragon will be back next week with an exciting update.

Oooh, Mauricio. Thank you for filling in what was actually cut out. That was a lot. Thank you again, for looking it up and telling us. We love that side story and the bruise on Laz's face now makes sense when Greata was talking to him.

There was more to the scene with Navier and Reina from Thursday.

Navier actually recites the entire letter to Reina. After he finished she asks him something like "you are my enemy Nicolas?" and that's where he lets her know that he knows about the letter.

There was a scene they left out back when Reina is at Esmeeth's and she talks to Clara and tells her they will play a game when they arrive in Mexico - they will pretend to have different names and that Reina is a widow and to win the game you have to survive.

I am in mourning fellow Reinamaniacs. First of all, thank you Sarah for a great recap and even greater snark of a very choppy episode. Second, thank you Mauricio for filling in misding parts. I went online to see the Mexican version of Friday's episode and it turns out that it was actually two episodes combined into one. Apparently we will be getting shredded versions of the remaining episodes of Reina.

I am in mourning not only about that but also because this show has spoiled me badly. After its lightening pace and complex plot, it will be hard to go back to the usual telenovela plots about class differences, toxic parents/relatives and underhanded frenemies keeping the protagonist apart. And doing it at a glacial pace.


Sara – thank you for the recap and snark. We’ve got houseguests and I haven’t been able to watch my recording.

Mauricio – how did you see the scenes that were cut out? I can’t even find a complete capítulo on the internet. Thank you for filling us in on what we did not see!

I hate the idea that this telenovela is getting the tijeras treatment. I’ve gone off Telerisa ‘novelas (especially their remakes) and have not stuck with anything since Amores Verdaderos. I am truly enjoying Reina and this tijeras thing just puts a cloud over my day. ~ sigh ~

I cannot believe Esmeeth hopped into bed with Fernando. That is so unprofessional. Wait! She hopped into bed with BO before he became BDO, so perhaps she just has odd taste in men.

Anita – have a good vacation at the beach and safe traveling!


Superb recap, Sara! Gracias.

Thanks for the heads up about the editing, and giving us the cut scenes, Mauricio. Wow, 2 episodes in one. That's awful! But it is kind of funny that the editing in this tn was already so choppy that it wasn't really that noticeable. :) I'm still loving the show though.

It is kind of creepy that El Supremo orders Smith to do what it takes to win his alter ego's trust and confidence-- which basically amounts to giving in to his/Fer's seduction and sleeping with him. I don't think he has anything more nefarious planned than getting into Smith's pants and proving whether or not she's a traitor, though.

The Miriam story arc is crazy. But Vic should admit he has a bit of the blame for creating this monster since he didn't warn off Miriam in the first place, but instead turned her into one of his accomplices.

I didn't know that Navier was actually a mutant. How else do we explain his AMAZING ability to still be alive and walking around after a fall like that?

Thanks for that info, Mauricio. I'm really, really bummed about the editing. Apparently, it's a trend I can't escape. I will need to be very cautious from now on and only watch the shows that either air in the US first or are so close to Mexico that editing is a little more difficult to do. Although with RG saying they cut DyO short I may just have to suck it up, period. I apparently only like flops so I'll always get stuck with edited shows. Durn.

All right Senora Acero and Los Miserables. Don't let me down!!

I got myself down to ONE univision show. My plan was to stick with Telemundo from here on out, but I guess the editing is inescapable.

You're Welcome everyone!

doris - email me and I can send you a link to where I saw the episode.

you can find my email by clicking on my username.


" I will need to be very cautious from now on and only watch the shows that either air in the US first or are so close to Mexico that editing is a little more difficult to do."

Sara - I think Robo started in the U.S. less than a month after it started in Mexico, and I think it was chopped, edited and shortened by Looneyvision? Maybe I'm thinking of a different one, but if it was Robo, was it also tijera'd in Mexico?

Ugh. So nothing is safe.

I started watching La Malquerida (original and while dark, quite good), but I think the scissors have already come out. Vivi says they are doing a better job with the editing than they did with Por Siempre Me Amor, but it still just drives me nuts that I can't see a show in it's entirety and the way the director/producer meant it to be seen.

I left a comment on the Telemundo FB page today. They had posted a picture of Navier and Reina kissing and has something like ¿Te gustaría ver besos así? or some such and I said "me gustaría que no corten escenas." I'm such a cranky old lady.

Sara, I LOVED your recap. You have great writing skills. I got a kick out of "floricide" in the cemetery scene. I don't know if Juan Soler improvises or is directed in his behavior, but he does some funny OCD things from time to time.

So Christián proposes to Connie without ever going on a date with her? And she accepts? Wow!

I'm a bit obsessed with Laura Flores' hair. Of course, I've just seen her with longer hair in a smaller role in En Otra Piel. Her hair was blonde. And she had the same sort of hair in En Nombre del Amor, a Uni novela that I liked a lot.

At first, I was sure it was a wig. It also seems to me it's gotten some highlights recently and looks lighter. It's a very good wig, if it is one. Even though it's very short, they manage to give it a lot of style when she dresses up.

OK, enough hair!

I'm with Vivi. I think El Supremo has a thing for Esmeeth [BTW do we know her first name? I don't.]. I sort of think he's just being the garden variety male dog by using tricks to get her into bed. I think he genuinely has feelings for her. I also think he suspects she could be dirty and would not hesitate to entrap her. I STILL think he's the real deal, a dedicated CIA guy.

Vis a vis Rocky, it could be he's the one who's dirty. But I like the character and don't like to think it.

Thanks novelera! I know BDO called Esmeeth "Sara", but I guess that's a fake name.

Thanks so much, Sara. Loved the recap, hated the news that Telemundo is chopping up our favorite show.

I disagree about the quality of the editing on earlier episodes. I always thought it was witty, with lots of implicit puns and double entendres between one scene and the next.

Since this is one of the few novelas that doesn't depend on endless repetition, EVERY SCENE COUNTS. You cut a scene, you gut the novela. Why, Telemundo, why?

What if we all promise to buy a Kia? Hmmm. Too much? Ok. What if we all promise to stop making fun of the Kia ads and commit to drinking Dr. Pepper, at least for the duration of the show?

More about hair!!

I love Esmeeth's hair - very appropriate and attractive style for a mature woman. I don't like it that virtually ALL women on TN's have to have big hanks of long hair. Estefi's is particularly annoying. I'm sure most of it is extensions anyway.

Mauricio, thanks very much for filling us in on some of those missing scenes.

Personally, I love the Upstairs Downstairs thing with the Juanjo-Connie-Laz-Miriam et al story and the clever way it intersects with (mostly via Navier) with the rich folks' tale. And Juanjo, Laz and Connie can be sooooooo funny. Has Telemundo decided we don't deserve to laugh?

A pox on your houses, Telemundo, for messing with the cleverest novela I've seen in ages!

That's a promise I'd be happy to keep.

(Offpring's first car was a Kia. It's right outside in our driveway.)

I'm putting all my eggs in the Señora Acero basket come Sept 23rd. Lol.

hmm, maybe the ratings are down because so many people are watching the most recent episodes on line, as shown in Mexico.

I think Esmeeth's first name is sara, sofia, etc, etc or whatever she calls herself at the time, as someone in the show put it.

I'm starting to think that superSupremo is a genius that thinks himself above everyone else and not answerable to anyone, and after looking at the position he put everyone in (like even Clara for example) and that while he needs to make a name for himself in the end with the powers that be, could he care less about anyone else, I mean what was the deal where he sent the Dragon to that African party, was he supposed to blend in, only to be thrown out the window, so I'm wondering if all of the unexplained dirty tricks are coming from him, (was Frank working for him say to uncover if Navier was a traitor) could he just be playing with everyone?


"I'm putting all my eggs in the Señora Acero basket come Sept 23rd. Lol."

My poor dear Sara. Bank some of those eggs, Escúchame bien, te lo imploro -- It's a Narconovela and it's Blanca Soto. It's a Double Whammy!

Lol. OK NovelaMaven, I'll save a few for Los Miserables and whatever Telemundo decides I can see of Reina.

(I will check out Sra Acero though precisely because it's Blanca in a narco. And Rebecca Jones and Alberto Agnesi are in it!)

Still more about hair...

Jean, I also really like Laura Flores' hairstyle, wig or not. It shows off her lovely face and expressive eyes. Like you I was sort of hoping she'd really cut it and moved away from the trend of hair extensions down to the trasero of nearly every female in telenovelas.

"A pox on your houses, Telemundo, for messing with the cleverest novela I've seen in ages!"
I wholeheartedly agree, NovelaMaven! I guess the masses want the same old same old.

deb --- where online are the complete episodes?
- Telemundo's site shows abridged versions and 4 out of 5 parts only play on my desktop. (why is that?)
- YouTube has 1 of 3 capítulos on Tmundo channel. Why no 2 & 3?
- And the App is useless since my cable provider is not on Tmundo's list of providers for episodes.
(Maybe I can compile a list of 95 complaints and nail them to Tmundo's corporate door. )


I'm needing to buy another car. Maybe I'll sign onto the Kia pledge! Especially since I loved their commercials during the World Cup this summer: the ones where the beautiful Brazilian model steps out of a Kia and into, respectively, a bar, a man-cave garage and a football field to try to entice some stereotypical American males into watching soccer during the World Cup. I think something worked. Apparently the ratings were the highest ever for the World Cup in the US.

Hair: I really liked her 'do at the diamond auction. I'm not too keen on her "at work" 'do, but if they swept it off her face all the time it would be too glamorous.

There was no cutting of Lo Que La Vida Me Robo. Just the sex scenes, since Uni doesn't think we can handle that. It was a HUGE hit in both Mexico and the US. Reina is flopping in both Mexico and the US, and Telemundo is deciding that the fans of the show in the US (since we were 2nd in line) have to pay for it.

OK. So they rush to finish it. Do they have something ready to take its place?

I guess the other option is to flat out stop showing episodes. So I guess put in that perspective editing is better than cancellation.

doris- I watched the first two episodes of Reina on line way back before it started in the U.S. but now I don't even watch the avances, but Mauricio posted today (2:38) for you to contact him via his email for the link.

maybe "Dueños del Paraíso" will follow Reina.


Actually I was thinking that maybe the things we like most about Reina are also the reasons for the poor ratings.

Because the show is so fast paced and complex, it may be hard for many viewers to follow. Even with the great recapers and commentators at caraycaray, sometimes I still have to have a plot point clarified for me. Most telenovela watchers do not have that kind of resources or interest (I think), so if they feel a story is too fast paced or confusing, the just don't watch.

Just my Crockpot Theory.


I'm leaning toward Caray, Caray viewers being more discerning.

Judging by some of the absolute crap winners in the premios where, unlike the Oscars, the winners are chosen by fans, I think we may have better judgment than the run of the mill viewer.

LOL! I like that theory best!


I found Telemundo's email on their website. You can email them your complaints about the editing here:

I have already emailed mine.


I'd be willing to drink a Bud Light each time Navier is shirtless. ;)


Thanks for giving us Telemundo's email address. I just sent them an email begging them to reconsider their edits.

Your offer to drink a Bud Light each time Navier is shirtless is beyond selfless. Now with the Kia in Sara's driveway and with me drinking Dr. Pepper, surely something has to give, right?

Many thanks, Mauricio. I will be composing and sending my email today!

Sara, thanks for your recap!

My favorite line was, She is cara de did he believe me? and He is cara de is she feeding me bull?

NovelaMaven, I also like how Connie/JuanJo/Laz have attached themselves to different members of the De Rosas household. They're firmly entrenched in the crazy drama now, no escaping.

That bums me out if they start editing. I can't understand how everybody is not eating this tn up! Ugh, that's my second tn that I'm watching that's being edited....

Thanks Mauricio for filling us in!


Ok. I officially logged in my complaint.

I wonder if they will respond.


I sent my complaint to the email Mauricio gave us but I also sent a tweet to Telemundo and posted on their RdC Facebook page. Got to use social media, folks. If those things are in your skill set, use them. We should post the info on the other Caray pages and get others to complain as well even if they are not watching the novela. NOBODY likes a novela that is being edited like that.

I made a comment about it on FB yesterday as well.

At the risk of making myself look like a loser, I'll admit that I told Telemundo that I switched cable companies just to get Telemundo (which is true. How sad is that?) So I am doubly disappointed that they are editing. I thought by switching to Telemundo I could avoid edits.

I made a FB comment to Telemundo and to the Reina FB page.

I also sent a tweet to Telemundo and to their Reina Twitter page.

" novelera said...

I'm leaning toward Caray, Caray viewers being more discerning.

Judging by some of the absolute crap winners in the premios where, unlike the Oscars, the winners are chosen by fans, I think we may have better judgment than the run of the mill viewer."

Well said, novelera. When I look at the basura y tontería that people watch (Toddlers & Tiaras, anyone? Real Housewives of ... juarever?), it's no wonder that I'm reading more books and watching less TV.

I was VERY DEPRESSED this weekend and I couldn't really tell anyone why because if I said that I was depressed because a TV network was messing with my favorite telenovela, people would think that I was crazy (or crazier than they think I am already).

I watched Friday's capitulo on TV along with the Mexican version on my computer. It was two Mexican episodes combined into one US one.

There were LOTS of cuts as Mauricio said. In some of them a scene was just shortened (Esmeeth and FELS sex scene, for example or Laz giving Greta therapy). After Navier is thrown through the window, everyone at the party goes out to see what happened.

However some scenes that were deleted or shortened affected the story or character development. For example, a scene where Christian catches Izzy kissing Connie was cut, which makes the later scene of his showing up at her house and proposing more interesting. She thought she had lost him.

The scene were Victor tells Izzy to kill Navier was longer and clearly showed that Izzy doesn't want to do this but he agrees. Then he calls his henchmen and tells them to kill Navier but not make him suffer. This shows the softening of Izzy's character due to his love for Connie.

Also, some more scenes with OBD were cut. She is included as one of the possibilities for killing Big O and she is shown some diamonds by an African guy at the party who tells her that he has thousands more. This info is for Victor, I guess.

So I guess we have to enjoy what we have. Bummer, though.


They say that it is not a good idea to work for a family member and this certainly seems to be true for Navier. When Esmeeth told him to do things that he didn't want to do, we went ballistic, disobeyed her, went behind her back, etc.

FELS has told Navier do things that he REALLY doesn't want to do like let Reina go back to Victor and fire Esmeeth and he just does them with no tantrums. I guess that he knew that no matter what she said, Esmeeth would always forgive him.

Jean, I appreciate your filling in some of the missing links in Friday's episode. Bummer, indeed. If you're crazy, then so I am I because I was also feeling glum about Telemundo's slash and burn editorial decisions.

Mauricio and I went through a similar experience together when we were both recapping La Tempestad and enjoying it enormously. In that case, not only did the U.S. audience see multiple episodes compressed into a 1 hr time slot, but the actual filming ended early.

So if a telenovela does well in the ratings and the stars and writers are sufficiently malleable (because they're happy to have work or because they are under contractual obligation), the foolish thing is likely to go on forever. [That's what happened with the Uni novela I just recapped, Lo que la vida me robó.]

But if the network feels the show isn't getting the numbers it hoped for, it is likely to get out the scissors, viewers be damned.

The only exception to this rule seems to be the super-expensive project where the writer has some clout and the actors' availability is not elastic. Example: La Reina del Sur.

If I continue watching any current Uni or Telemundo novelas, it will be because of this blog. There's not one single novela on Uni that I can stomach right now. I'm going to see Reina through to the end and then decide where to go from there. I definitely need an attitude adjustment:
--a telenovela is a commercial product, not a work of art.
--readers of this blog are not Telemundo's target demographic (although a good argument might be made that we should be taken into account).

Hey guys,

Is anyone able to cover me tonight's recap? I got sick over the weekend and it has gotten worse today. I went to work but left and I will probably be knocked out with cold medication tonight. Please let me know.


Jean wrote:

They say that it is not a good idea to work for a family member and this certainly seems to be true for Navier.

So do you think el llamado de la sangre was there along? That Navier instinctively knew there was a tie between him and Esmeeth?

FELS is behaving like a real maldito infelíz. Is he for real? [Of course Esmeeth's original decision to involve Navier in the De Rosas mission was fairly heartless too. Maybe that's just the way the Company operates.]


I'll do it. You just concentrate on taking care of yourself.

Feel better!

Thanks for helping Caroline out, NovelaMaven.

Re Navier and Esmeeth, the question is: when did Navier find out that Esmeeth was his mother? Unless some scene was cut, we don't know when he found this out, only that he knew when Esmeeth got fired. If he has always known (since before the "current" events on the novela), then he has knowingly been abusing the relationship all along - acting like a 5-year old interspersed with long diabtribes to Esmeeth about how hard his childhood was.

For example, when Esmeeth had him forcibly sedated, she told him that there was still time to correct his errors. He replies that he would sooner die, no one cares about him so he can die in peace. Not a very sensible answer to your boss about your work performance but a nice dig at the mother who abandoned you.

I'm glad to do it, Jean.

How long has Navier known that Esmeeth is his mother?

My assumption was that he guessed it after hearing her tell Octavio that they had a son together. Navier may have been less than 100% sure because of her story about the imaginary servant in the De Rosas household who was conveniently carrying Big O's child at the same time as Esmeeth. But at some point between then (just a few episodes back) and now (when he says "Adios...mamá"), his suspicion became a certainty.

That makes sense. I hope we actually find out!

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