Friday, September 05, 2014

The Enemy Advances

Cap 34

Ana forces Diego to retrieve her confession letter.  “—You owe me!  You OWE me!”  He races into Fernando’s bedroom and grabs the paper out of his brother’s hands.  I don’t want you to read this!  It’s a letter asking forgiveness.  I apologize for that with Ana in the library.”  But Ferd really wants to read the letter.  Di stuffs it into his mouth and eats it.  Problem solved.

Diego races back to Ana’s bedroom and tells her mission accomplished.  He gave his brother some cock-n-bull story and no, he didn’t have a chance to read the letter because his innards are digesting it as they speak.  He ATE the thing!  They grouse about whose fault it was until she tries kicking him out of her room so she can get to bed.   He tells her she should be grateful and eventually show him how grateful—a good-night kiss would do for starters.  She slams the door on him and he is totally smitten.  He giggles to himself.  “How adorable!”  

Ana gives a prayer of thanks and then adds a BTW, could ya maybe try saving my friend Jennifer from the big C while you’re handing out favors?

Later that night neither Ferd nor Ana can sleep.  They run into each other in the living room outside the kitchen doorway.   She mentions she has insomnia, brought on by certain persons entering her dreams.  He’d like to know just who they might be.  She takes evasive measures; he backs off and says he’d like to apologize for making her witness that scene between him and his brother.  His problem is the wedding and Isabela’s pregnancy, yada, yada……  Ana turns her head.  ZZZZZZ.  Not her bidnez, ya know, Ferd?????  For Ana this is TMI, way too much and she’d like to get her glass of water.  He changes topics and haltingly tries explaining that he does truly love his brother and hates that they’ve been distant all these years.  He  adds that he hopes Diego realizes sometime that certain sentiments just cannot be controlled.   Ana's expression changes.  Again TMI, but when she wants to hate the dude, not care about him even more!

The next morning at breakfast Bruno warns Manuela off flirting with the boss’s brother.  She smiles and lays it on even thicker.  Diego starts chatting with Nando.  Ferd enters and comes in mid-conversation about Nando being stuck on Ximena and how she got upset when she saw him with Alicia’s friend.   Diego snickers at Nando seemingly taking after his old unc.  This rubs Ferd the wrong way till Nando assures his dad he’s a one-woman man.

Meanwhile, Ana has paid a visit to Don Doroteo, informing him that Jennifer has cancer and that the law demands him to pay for all of her treatment.   Do Rot says that’s her problem not his.  What’s Ana gonna do if he doesn’t?  Sue him?  Hah!  He offers her a deal instead.  He will loan Ana the money to pay for Jen’s treatment, but she’ll have to work it off by extending her dance contract with the club.

Jen shows up about the same time at the manse to find Don Nico and reconcile.  They do.  FF>>  Di tells Nando he doesn’t know what’s up but he does like Jens a lot.

Ana stops over at Johnny’s apartment.  She’s met by the court clerk who’s leaving an eviction notice.  Johnny has to have everything out of the apartment within 24 hours.  She can’t stay and leaves her keys to the place with the dancer/waitress from the club who has been hanging around with Jens.  She apparently has the hots for Johnny.

At the office, meanwhile, Yo Mama Yolanda grouses with Bela over the wedding arrangements and wonders if Bela is going to introduce her to all the important wedding guests as her nanny again.

Johhny’s still being held captive—and being starved apparently.  He talks the head gorilla into getting him some food.  Ana walks by just as he’s headed out the door of the warehouse.  J hears Ana scream and complain when she cuts her finger.  He tries yelling to her but Gorilla #2 hold a gun to his head to shut him up.  

Outside Ana hears some gunfire?  car exhaust? But she’s on her way to warn off the hip hop crowd from mixing with Sebastian who is too young to get mixed up with them.  They promise not to let him hang with them anymore.  

Inside the warehouse Head Gorilla looks down at Johnny who is not moving and asks #2 Gorilla what they’re supposed to tell Don Do Rot.
Ana picks up the kids after school and tells Seb he’s got his daddy’s permission to take hip hop classes after school.

Back at the office Ferd sees Bela’’s list of 800 wedding guests, most of which are totally unknown to him and nearly has a heart attack.  He tells her he’ll only accept 100.  She bargains for 400.  They finally agree on 200.

Ana returns home and learns from Di that Jens is there and has reconciled with Don Nico.  He asks if Nico knows she works at El Chicago as a dancer.  Definitely not!  He does know they’re friends since he asked her to contact Jens a while back.  Diego doesn’t really care much about the details.  He lays a major lip-lock on Ana (who takes her time deciding to break away methinks).  She threatens him if he ever tries that with her again.  He isn’t buying it at all.  (Somehow, Viewerville isn't either.)

She goes outside and finds Jens; she and Jennifer greet each other as old friends and Nico wonders—well now that the two of them know each other better…..blah, blah, blah.   Oh and yes, she does know about Jens’ condition.  Ana and she head up the stairs to go to her room for a heart-to-heart.  

Inside, downstairs, meanwhile, Diego confides in Nando that he’s stuck on Ana.  “—And does my dad know?”  Sure does.  But he’s marring Isabela, right?  Nando realizes there's a time-bomb waiting to go off somewhere very near.

Jen thinks the kiss was a terrific start for Ana to get over Fernando.  Not on your life does Ana want to start up with a playboy, let alone one that happens to be her boss’s brother!  Talk turns to the cancer treatment as Ana hands Jens the money she needs.  (Viewerville is puzzled and wonders if Ana agreed to extending her dance contract with Do Rot.)  

Next thing we see is Jennifer in a hospital room lickety split, getting ready to have her operation.  

Ouside in the hallway, Ana remembers the near drowning incident with Jens and starts crying.  Diego lends her his shoulder.  Just then Ferd arrives, sees them, ponders the probabilities.  He greets the group which includes the waitress friend from El Chicago.  She reintroduces herself. 

Diego doesn’t let that fly by.  “—Oh, Fernando Lascurain at a place like El Chicago?”  “—To take care of some business.”  “—Oh, that’s where that little Italian number, Lola, works isn’t it?”  “--Yeah, but how do you know about her?”   Diego admits to having his sources….. Ana looks away.  Ferd mentions Ana’s tearing up.  She says it’s the (???) in hospitals that she’s allergic to or some such.  She refuses to look Ferd straight in the eye and races off for some coffee.  Diego goes after her.  

Yo Mama and Bela grouse some more about wedding arrangements.  Fer isn’t in the office since they’re all off at the hospital while Don Nico’s GF’s getting operated on.  She’s got cancer.  It might be Jens but Yo Mama still is upset at the news.  She’s more upset that her daughter could care less and actually hopes the naca dies.  (One less piece of trash, right Bela?)

Ana and Diego take a walk together during the operation.  She fills in Di on her and Jen’s history.  He continues to make moves on Ana, but Ana tells him outright she’s not interested in getting involved with her boss’s brother.

Back at the hospital, Ferd learns from Nico that Jennifer and Ana have become fast friends since they met….. He asks Nico about Ana’s teary eyes.  Nico says he believes the allergy excuse.  Ferd wonders if she and Diego are becoming an item.  He admits he’s extremely jealous whenever he sees Ana and Diego together.  Yeah, but he is marrying Isabela, Nico reminds him.  “--And, if you think you’re jealous, just wait till Isabela moves into the house.”  Ferd swallows hard and again ponders  the probabilities.

That night Bela walks in unexpectedly on Alicia as she’s putting on her medicated face cream.  Bela blabbers on and on about how she used tons of that same cream when she was her age and about how skinny and flat she was also.  Ali cannot believe it but guess what?  Bela just happens to have a (very convenient and possibly doctored?) picture of herself at that age complete with braces and pimples galore.  (Viewerville assumes that Bela is learning fast.)  Ali and she hit it off now that she and La Bruja Esa have so much in common.  The twins stop at the door to see them all dummy-chummy.  They race back to Seb’s room where he and Luz are hiply hopping and give them the news that Ali’s been taken in by Bela the Bruja!  

(A cry goes up in Viewerville.  “Oh noes!!!  Say it ain’t so!!!!!”)

The four confront Ali afterwards and she says the woman isn’t that bad.  She understands her problems, was just like her at the same age and well, she deserves a chance.  She’s gonna be their daddy’s wife, after all.  The others remain unconvinced.  “--Traitor!!!”

Jen’s operation, meanwhile, is a success, but she will never be able to have kids, she tells Ana.  They hug, tearfully.

Outside, Leon and Fanny are hugging and expressing their luhhhhvvv for one another.  She tells him that she really gets the feeling he’s hiding something from her.  Just then Diego drives up on his motorcycle and comes over to threaten Leon if he ever hurts his niece.  He’s her official bodyguard!  Leon swallows hard.  “—Gotcha!!  Big joke!!”  Leon fakes a smile…..

The next morning at breakfast the kids are griping at Ali for going over to the dark side.  Ali again explains that the woman deserves a chance.  Nando agrees.  Ana comes in, gets the 411 and realizes that Bela’s making a move for “her kids”.  Despite that, she tells them Ali is correct and they should treat Isabela with respect.    (Talk to the hand, Ana.)  Ana leaves.  Ali asks for someone to pass her the milk.  Seb and the others retaliate by purposely ignoring her.  “—Did somebody hear something?”  Nope.

Upstairs Ana counts up what’s left in her bank account and wonders if she’ll have to actually borrow a bit from Do Rot after all.  Diego walks in to tell her he’s leaving for a bit but yes, he plans to be back in time for the wedding.  So, even though she forbids him to kiss her on the mouth she never said he couldn’t kiss her cheek [cachete].  He grabs her, turns her face over and plants one on her cheek just as Fernando walks past her open door.  From Ferd's viewpoint it looks as if the two are enjoying a major mouth-meld.  (Damn that man's timing is so on target!!) Poor, dopey Fernan-dohhh!


This must be a tremendously gigantic mansion!

# of bedrooms
1- Fernando
1- Nico
1 - Ana
1- Diego
1- Nando
1- Bruno
1- Manuela
1- twins + Sebas
1 - Luz + Alicia
1 - Future baby's room
1- Guest room?
12 Total

Did I add that up correctly? 12!


Love it as always Jardinera. Can't think of a better way to start my Friday than indulging in your delicious recap. The title gave me the giggles.

I'm starting to see, that like the dearly departed Robo, none of these people are perfect, including the kids ( even little Luz is turning more ornery). And that's ok. Difference is we have the kind hearted Ana stuck in the middle of everyone, but she needs to come clean with Fer as well I think. Her dancing is known to pretty much everyone except IsabetyourdollarI'llsqueal and Fer. That combo is far too dangerous.

So Diego was in Lothario mode last night, but I do think he's actually falling for Ana not just trying to move in on her to get back on his Bro. Problem is the guy has been using his smooth moves for 20 years to only have relationships that were shallow and short term...dealing with his "heartache" dontcha know. They are tacky with Ana, but I think he's getting to realize this woman is the real deal and not going to be just a conquest. And yes, she lingered a bit with that kiss. I didn't mind.

Is it me, or is Fer the brother that has a tendency to start the one-up-manship or fall back on the behavior that Diego dealt with as a child....I'm the brother that knows better and you're the bum. I know this is now about Ana, but their arguments always seem to ramp up when Fer pulls that and then Diego gets defensive. Plus, Fer has no sense of humor. I took Diego's kidding with Nando as just that than Fer has to get all bent out of shape. Some therapy needed guys?

800 guests...800!! Really? And this doesn't make Fer question what he's walking into even more? Wait until he gets the bills.

Which, yes, Victoria. I was thinking that the other day when Yolanda said she wanted to move in too. So this begs the question...exactly what does Fer do and what is his positionin the company? Is this mansion actually the family house so it's largesse is because of Nico and then Fer and family moved in? I'm starting to lean that way. Inquiring minds want to know.

And now, I'm seriously worrying about Leon's secret. He's freaking out far too much. This is not going to be good.


And I've been wondering all along how come in such a big hose the younger kids all share rooms. But it seems the house just keeps expanding to bring in more & more people. Next they will need a room for Yolanda - though she wouldn't mind sharing with Nico.

It was very unfair to leave us hanging about Johnny. We hear a gunshot, see the goon standing over him .... And they never go back to let us know what happened.
I'm glad to see that there's a love interest on the horizon for Johnny. I guess that assures us the goon didn't really kill him.

I also thought like you Jardinera, that the quick cut to surgery ( pun un intended) was jerky. Bad editing.

Loved your very complete recap, Jardinera.

Guerra from Syra-cuse.


Excellent, Jardinera.

I love how Yolanda asked whether she was going to be introduced as Isabully's nanny. She doesn't pull any punches, does she?

That list of bedrooms is definitely astounding. The mansion also looks like the upper floor is smaller than the lower one so where all these rooms?

On the subject of buildings, what are those twisted skyscrapers often shown in the opening shots? Enquiring minds want to know.

800 wedding guests? Did Isabidness seriously think she could get the entire Social Register of Mexico City to come to her pathetic wedding?? Fernando should yank her plastic immediately, tell her they are just having the judge and his family as witnesses and be done with it. He's beyond stupid; he's punishing himself.

Jardinera this was great. "he and Luz are hiply hopping"

Two things bother me from last night. Alicia and Isabela bonding and the possibility Ana will extend her contract with Don Doroteo. I know in Ana's mind she has justified working at a strip club but she also knows the owner beat Juan (we know it's worse than that) and threatened her. Why continue to deal with a devil? If she doesn't want to ask Fernando for a raise or Jenny won't take money, at least they could, through his connections, find other employment at a legitimate establishment.

Isabela now has a neutral Nando and won, at least the mind, of Alicia


For the record and posterity, Jarifa's minicap is now pasted onto my last recap as promised. Sorry it took longer than expected and thanks for doin it!

Buenas y'all. TGIF!

Guess it's beanie time so a mansion can be as huge as a rock star's or Buckingham Palace, I suppose-- and yeah, I thought they did mention the number of bedrooms a couple of episodios ago? But I thought YoNaca said twenty-two. It went in one ear and out the other.

*I'd add one more bedroom for the chauffeur, anyway.


Not to mention the two nameless maids we've seen. Really, for this many people Fernando would need Hacienda del Fuerte.

Fernando must own a substantial amount of stock in his company to be able to afford so much. I can see Isabubblehead gobbling up all that cash and the family ending up out of that mansion before too many more episodes go by.

Actually, since she now considers Fernando out of reach she should just come clean about the Chicago Club so he could pay her debt to Do Rot and get her free of that place. That would oblige her to work without pay for a while but that can't be any worse for her than it is now.

Pls someone clarify:

22 bedrooms

NO WAY! Say it isn't so!

I thought the "ballroom/party room" was bad enough!

And how can Alicia be such a turncoat after all Ana has done for her?

Alicia is a sheltered and vulnerable 14-year-old. Isabel was clever enough to not trash Ana... yet. But she is saving that up for later, I'll wager.

Welcome Guera from Syra-cuse! Intended puns are always welcome.

As for "dancing with the devil" (couldn't resist), I suppose dancing with the devil you know is better than with one you don' to speak. We know Do Rot's been beating up Johnny, but naive Ana doesn't. I don't think she quite believe's he's as ruthless and cruel as he really is.
UrbanA: ITA that Fernando is punishing himself with Isa and is still filled with enormous guilt over what happened with Estefania 22 years ago because of the "loss of control" which as we know is anathema to the likes of Fernando. As he told Ana and Nando even earlier, sentiments like that cannot be controlled. One loses all control when you truly love someone.
DaisynJay: It will be a lot tougher on Ana to slip out at night with Isa black catnapping just down the hall. And it does disturb me how the bruja has enchanted Ali. GRRRRRRR!


And what's up with these time gaps that Televisa is throwing at us lately: unbelievable 7-year coma in LQLVMR and now we are suppose to believe that Fernando and Diego haven't seen each other but one time (Fanny's funeral) in the past 20 some odd years!

I don't remember such unbelievable time gaps in other Novelas. A few years but 7 or 20!!!

UA, I agree Ana considers Fernando out of reach and happen to agree sh could easily come clean and survive working only as the nanny. Would be much less compromising and eliminates the possibility more of the kids knowing and no more late night cloak and dagger. I also agree with Daisynjay and it Fernando the competitive one.

There are two households clearly defined. Most so far, in the live and let live camp, Nic, Diego, Ana, Jenny, the help and all the kids but Nando. In the Strict, appearances above all else and let the rest eat cake, is Fernando, Nando, Isabela and soon to be Alicia. This is Fernandos creation.

Isabruja will definitely be able to turn the screws/twist the knife into Ana's back with sensitive Alicia--especially since Alicia doesn't know about her dancing at El Chicago. Diego and Fanny know. Nico won't mind. Seb won't. The other kids are too litle to care and if Bruja bellows they'll just laugh and stick with Ana--unless the bruja brews up a few more enchantments to claim the rest of the kids with. Hmmmmm!

Oh and didn't the hacienda (where Fernando took Nando and where Isabruja and Fernando held the business conference and did the "deed") belong to Fernando and his family? I thought I heard Fernando tell Isabruja that and thus his familiarity with the staff at the hacienda.

Oh, I'd add Mani to the live and let live group for Team Ana. I'd add Bruno to Team Ferd.

Victoria: yeah, you're right about the hacienda. The time lapses in the editing were evident all through last night's episodio and I kept having to scratch my head with the time line, then just gave up on it for Jen's surgery. The recovery was also the quickest in telenovela history.

Victoria: yeah, you're right about the hacienda. The time lapses in the editing were evident all through last night's episodio and I kept having to scratch my head with the time line, then just gave up on it for Jen's surgery. The recovery was also the quickest in telenovela history.

Just dropping in. Not watching but reading all your wonderful recaps. From the latest comments, it seems you all feel Fer would be understanding enough to pay Ana's debt AND let her keep her job in his household with his kids, if she came clean about her other job. Really?

I forgot about the hacienda. I guess because we haven't seen too much of it yet.

Fernando should curse that place because it's where he got slimed into boinking Isabitch.

Who else bets that the marriage won't be consummated?

Vivi in DC

you should watch! I hate comedies, but this one is really enjoyable. Especially with Diego (Pablo Montero) mixing things up.

Victoria- I like comedies too, but trying to cut back on the tn watching, although I just can't quit Caray Caray, and I read all the recaps. I feel like I'm watching the show because the recaps are so good. :) Plus, I'm watching the Telemundo 8pm show.

Guera--don't worry, Johny's not a goner. When they don't show a body, you can almost be assured that the person is going to show up again soon. Next episode, couple episodes, 50 episodes later, but they'll show. Good probably fired the shot to scare Johny and from fatigue and hunger he just fainted straight away. Just a guess. Would find it very hard to believe he would be out of this story already.

Forgot about that hacienda...ok, now I really want to know Fer's role? Does he actually OWN that company -- he was talking to investors. Wish they would clear that up because honestly, if he doesn't own it, I want to work there. The must have a rockin' pay scale for employees.

So do we think Jen's surgery recovery was another of those TN miracle recoveries or could we have gotten a slice and dice from UNI already. Those scenes just didn't flow right.

If he does own it, can they find something else for that poor guy to do who seems to only have the job of keeping the company name shiny.


OK. This might be TMI, but Jen's storyline is eerily paralleling mine at the moment (except I don't work at a gentleman's club, and I'm not dating a man old enough to be my grandpa). But I am in my 30s, and for medical reasons that are bumming me out right now (not HPV), I will be having a hysterectomy next month. Just met with my surgeon yesterday afternoon and he says I will be able to go home the same day and will be back to work in 2 weeks. Was there a 1-2 week passage of time this episode? Laparoscopic surgery is a wonderful thing.

Jardinera, you're welcome. It was so nice of you to include my minicap! I am always happy to help out if I can. Now, thank YOU for this fun recap I am enjoying with my café this a.m. Just loved "poor dopey Fernan-dohhhh." That's him these days!

Daisynjay, I liked your comment about none of these characters being perfect including the kids. It is just making the story so much better.

Thank goodness Diego just ate the note so we did not have to spend more time with that.

I liked that Fernando finally gave in to let Sebastián go to proper dance lessons.

Now on to something else I found very interesting. When Isabela and Yolanda were first looking at the wedding invitations, Isabela got a call from an "Enrique Basurto". Isabel told the secretary to tell him she was busy and would call him later BUT Isabel and Yolanda both looked worried. Hmmmmmmm . . .



Vivi, I'm sorry to hear that. But the same day? That's amazing.

"Enrique Basurto" is Lisardo, so we'll be seeing him soon. I wonder if he is her ex. If so he might be the real sperm donor. Maybe he's out to fleece Fernando?

BTW, Mayrin Villanueva is actually 8 years older than Silvia Navarro.

Urban- I was surprised too, but happy I won't have to sleep in a hospital!

Vivi in DC

My prayers will be with you!

Vikki (Victoria)

Thanks Vikki- I already had the Jen meltdown two weeks ago when I first met with the surgeon. Then I spent the last two weeks chatting and crying with the Anas in my life (thank goodness there are many), and now I'm ready and eager to get it over with and to get on with things.

Thank you, Jarifa, for the enjoyable recap!

Vivi in DC - I also send my prayers and best wishes your way. Aren't the 'Anas' in our lives wonderful?

Things don't look good for Ana if Isabruja wins over the kids. Alicia disappoints me. If the bruja wins them all over, Ana will be out of a job. Fer will have to let her go to maintain peace in his home. I realize it probably won't happen, but the threat is there.

If I understand you all correctly, apparently there is a telenova timewarp, in which estrangements last 20+ years (Bruno and Mama; Fer and Diego) and people recover from major car accidents and full hysterectomies muy rapidos. Good to know, so I can go with the flow. . .


Jardinera, thanks as always. It is indeed a pleasure to start a Friday with a good laugh from your recap.

Vivi - Many good wishes and glad that your "Anas" are there. I had something about a year ago that was also in and out but freaky nonetheless and my friends made the difference in my attitude all the way.

I like the actress playing Jenny here and in other roles. She is very sympathetic and completely believable. And her relationshp with Ana is great to watch.

So Johnny has an admirer, Isabela has a voice from the past haunting her and Ana is living out these brothers' rivalries and strong emotions. I want to echo Carlos' earlier advice (also a quote from an old Frasier): Run fast and run far!

Diego had good advice for Nando, btw. Watch out for Ximena!

What has been mystifying me so far is if Johnny owes Do Rot so much dinero, what is the point of locking him up, beating him up, and starving him? That's no way to get your money back.

I don't think Isabully will win over Fanny at all and while Nando will probably not be outspoken about it he still won't like her. He's smart enough to see that she will make his dad's life a living hell. Can't speak for Sebastian, but I don't think the youngest kids are that easily convinced. Especially Luz, who loves Ana as though she were her own mother.

Thanks Jardinera, great job as always.

Vivi, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, good luck with the surgery.

After the guy shot Jonny, the other one said "what will we tell Doroteo?", which tells me that something had to have happened to him. If he just pistol whipped him, then we wouldn't even be able to tell, so either he shot him dead or just shot him and injured him. Personally, I hope he's a gonner, I don't like this character.

So Diego leaves again, will he bring back his girlfriend? I saw a bumper where he is kissing her in the office and Ana walks in on them. And if Diego needs to go off for photo shoots, how could he have a relationship with Ana anyway?

The boy playing Sebastian isn't that bad of an actor. He's just that bad of a dancer. I wish they wouldn't keep showing the dancing. They can have him be really into dancing without actually showing us his moves.
Previews show the kids getting their hands on the wedding dress.


Leon better not hurt Fanny! If I find out he has a woman on the side, I will be upset for Fanny. Let this be a warning to teens and young adults, anyone really, do not hop into the sack so fast! Get to know who you are with as best as you can. I feel Fanny will be paying for her mistake in the near future. I have a gut feeling that Leon leads a double life of some sort, but I also see him as wanting to be faithful to Fanny and maybe feeling trapped in this "secret" situation? We shall have to wait and see how this all unfolds.

Aw, Vivi, sorry to hear and all my best wishes for a swift recovery. One of my fellow supervisors just had that surgery a week ago. She went home next day as well, but this morning sent an email saying she is still "sore" and finds it hard to just sit for any length of time. So she's up all hours and during the day doing "laps around the house". Her doctors told her she should see that subside next week. So sounds about the same as your estimates.

We'll be thinking of you and sending lots of virtual hugs! (We would send Diego, but the producers said no. They need him).


Jardinera, excellent title. Your recap was fantastic and so laden with details. Thank you!

Relieved Jen's surgery is over and I'm sure Nico and Ana will ensure she is cared for and supported during her recovery.

Once again, the children seems to assess situations quicker and more accurately than the adults: "Nando realizes there's a time-bomb waiting to go off somewhere very near future". An understatement indeed!

Though Isa had a minor success with Alicia, I cannot see her good luck continuing. She can barely conceal she has no love for or understanding of children. Which of course will be even more transparent when she is there full time. Shudder.

I'm a bit concerned for Johnny and hoping he is all right. He's done his penance as far as I'm concerned.

800 guests? Really???

Liking Diego and agree Ana certainly protestsed too much regarding the kiss. I think he's a major contender.

This was fantastic.


Thank you for the excellent recap!!

Vivi: Sending good thoughts your way!

The one thing in Diego's favor over Fer for Ana is that Diego knows all of her secrets (except the depth of her feelings for Fer) and he doesn't judge and still likes her. She now has a man she can confide in and that may draw them closer together.

Also, I'm wondering if Fer, because of his feeling of guilt from the past, will continue to put aside his feelings for Ana for Diego's sake.

Dear Vivi, as a strong woman, I know you will face your surgery with the courage you possess. You will be uppermost in my thoughts and prayers. You have many friends here and are cared about tremendously.


@ Vivi
Women are strong "creatures" and must endure a lot of unfair and difficult challenges. I wish you well in your surgery. I hope you do not experience a lot of pain. Sending you healing vibes and healing energy.

Thank you all, lovely "Anas". :) My surgery isn't for a few weeks, but I will take all your well wishes with me into the operating room when it happens. One plus, I will have time to watch all the tns I want to while I'm recuperating.

I will let you go back to your show. I didn't intend to monopolize your comments section. Just wanted to share because of the questions about Jen's recovery time. I will now go back to lurking in the corner. :) *scuttle*

Jardinera, i am in awe how you can recap and make it so concise while keeping all the good details in.
I haven't read the comments yet so sorry if this was mentioned but when Nico and Fer were talking, Nico's last question was not:
And, if you think you’re jealous, just wait till Isabela moves into the house.”
it was 'if you think you are jealous, imagine how it will be like for Ana when Isa moves in as your wife'. (THAT is what got Fer instantly concerned).
now, on to reading comments.

Vivi, adding my thoughts, get well wishes and prayers to your group of 'Ana's here... be well, my friend.

Daisynjay, ROLOL on:
...can they find something else for that poor guy to do who seems to only have the job of keeping the company name shiny.
I had noticed the same thing...

and as far as the time warp, yes, they do label them but if you blink you miss it... i believe the almost 3 week time warp happened before we see Jenny fully recovered or at the beginning of tonight's ep... we saw previews that the dress arrived so the weeks have already gone by and everyone is setting up for the wedding...
i think tonight's ep was what i caught on the internet a couple weeks ago... so i am as 'clueless' as you all as of end of tonight's ep...

I agree that the Isa getting Alicia on her team is only partial and temporary... I am sure the kids will witness things about Isa and her mom soon enough that they will side with Ana in just about anything...
although i also see trouble brewing around the corner.

Still totally enjoying the Diego character here... such a sprinkle of fresh air and such a good friend for Ana to have on her side, besides Nico.


and as far as the rooms.. it seems the house has several wings on it... i believe all the service staff, except Ana, live in the first(main) level. Ana lives on same level as Fernando and the kids because she is the nanny... but all other staff are elsewhere...
My guess is there are 10-12 rooms upstairs and at least 6 rooms downstairs...
also the main library, living room, kitchen, breakfast area, and party room are in 1st room, and the kids study room is part of the 2 other rooms upstairs.

# of bedrooms
2nd f - Fernando
2nd f - Nico
2nd f - Ana
2nd f - Diego (might b guest rm#1)
2nd f - Fanny
2nd f - Nando
2nd f - twins + Sebas
2nd f - Luz + Alicia
2nd f - Future baby's room
2nd f - Guest room #2?
2nd f - kids study/homework room
1st f- Bruno
1st f- Manuela
1st f - at least 4 other staff to include gardener, housecleaning, etc

Does anyone know if the Johny character has been received as bad in Mexico as here on Caray, Caray? This guy definitely gets on my nerves and if they think this is a family-friendly show, they need to think again. But then maybe I'm out of touch. Twenty five years or so ago I wouldn't let my children see the movie "Gremlins" because I didn't think microwaving small animals was appropriate viewing. And then again I refused to buy them Velcro tennis shows because I thought they needed to learn how to tie their shoes.

I am loving the Nico character as much as the Diego character... Nico is so mature, he is letting his sons resolve their differences but he is a good 'voice of reason/conscience' for both... and he is so sweet with Jenny and totally un-prejudiced to where people are from or where they work or what they do for a living... he is all about finding the 'goodness' in people and being able to read them for who they really are (i remember the Fer/Nico/Bruno scene in the library... so much fun to see these as the 'voice of the heart' for the two big boys.

Marta - Re. Nico's comment to Fer: "if you think you are jealous, imagine how it will be like for Ana when Isa moves in as your wife," it shows consideration for others' feelings, something Fer lacks. I admire Nico and consider him a first-rate person, too.


I have been a long time reader of this blog and just felt it was time I pop in and say gracias to all who take the time to recap these wonderful soapy dramas! It's hard juggling so many novellas but you all make it much easier when I am traveling and unable to watch. I am currently loving this novella and find myself more intrigued by Leon and Fanny than the adults right now. I am not looking forward to Alicia aligning herself with IsaBruja but we all know it's coming!

EcuadorBound, seems life has taught Nico some good lessons and now he is trying to give good advice to try to not let his sons make the same mistakes he once made...

Hola Tei from Oregon! welcome!

Teri, welcome! Glad you decided to share that you are watching.

Agree with you Marta that both Diego and Nico are great. Warm, caring, sweet and supportive. I think Diego just needs to meet the right woman. Of course, I think he already has but Ana might not agree! :)


Vivi, sending you good thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery from your upcoming surgery.



You flatter me but Jardinera did this wonderful recap not I. : )



Thanks, Jardinera! Fantastic as always.

I liked the "hiply hopping" line but sadly, I think it only applied to Luz. Sebastian, bless his little nepotized heart, has neither hip nor hop. He "dances" like he's wearing concrete shoes and a straitjacket. If he wants to be believable as a dancer, he needs to figure out how to not look like he's under three times the gravitational force the rest of us experience. Or else develop his own brand of "supergravity" slo-mo animation style dance that doesn't require any hopping. Not sure he has the flexibility for that, but he could work on it. Offscreen.

I think that mansion must have wings that aren't visible from the front shots :-).

Never a fan of the Face Attacks, Telenovela Style (FATS). I think Diego really is interested in Ana but doesn't know how to pursue a real relationship as opposed to using cheap maneuvers like surprise kissing. You'd think an experienced mujeriego would know enough to seduce a woman a bit more and get her wanting to be kissed before lurching in for contact. But she did take awhile to push away.

Liked that Nico tried to stimulate some empathy on Fer's part. Fer was all about his own jealousy, but DUH, man. If you're that upset by her little flirtation with your brother, think how she's going to feel when you MARRY a woman who hates her and bring her into the home.

Vivi, condolences on the surgery. I hope it goes smoothly, you recover quickly with lots of loving assistance at home, and it solves whatever issues are necessitating it. And do let us know if the telenovelas are any more interesting under the influence of painkillers!

Jardinera, fun recap as always. Lots of sense of humor on your part, makes this already fun TN even more fun to comment on with all of you. I like how you are calling Fernando, "Ferd", almost sounds like Nerd and Doroteo "Don Do Rot". Lol!

I also enjoyed "Poor, dopey Fernan-dohhh!" and "A cry goes up in Viewerville. “Oh noes!!! Say it ain’t so!!!!!” as Alicia has started to accept Isa. I also think that this won't be for long.

Add me to the list of those not liking the Johnny/Doroteo story line. It's just too violent for this type of show. Urban, you asked "what is the point of locking him up, beating him up, and starving him?" If his goal is not to kill him, I think Doroteo is trying to scare him into keeping quiet. When Johnny was drunk, he threatened with exposing all of Doroteo's illegal business (or something like that) and that is when he ordered him locked up.

Looking forward to seeing what the kids have planned for Isabruja's dress!

Before I go, I also want to add my best wishes for your surgery Vivi. I pray that you have a speedy recovery.


If Doroteo is really obligated by law to provide healthy care like Ana said, why doesn't she demand it or report him to whatever authority? Too much corruption so it would do no good? The place would get shut down and they'd be out of the job (doesn't seem like too much of a loss, really...Ana could get out of that contract and Jen could surely tend bar someplace less horrid). She was just bluffing?

At any rate, Inodoroteo should be the LAST person she should ever ask for a loan. Begging the kids for their allowances would be preferable (oh, wait. Ana gives them their allowances out of her salary. Still.). Selling the casita and starting over again from scratch would be preferable. Posing for racy photos for Diego and charging him a huge modeling fee would be preferable. Really almost anything. Or, you know, borrow the money from Nico and insist on paying it back since Jen doesn't want to be a gold-digger or even let anyone believe she is.

Julia, I loved "Inodoroteo"

Ana is intimidated by Doroteo and for good reason: if she reports him for anything she fears for her life. She could end up beaten or dead or stuffed in a room like Johnny. Tipos like Doroteo operate with impunity out of the fear of very real consequences they place in others. Heck, he "playfully" slapped her on the arm with the stack of money he had in his hand and she noticed it. It was his way of putting her in her place. That is why I agree with those who think thatthe whole Doroteo/Johnny/Ana plot seems too violent for this novela. She should be paying off her debt asap and not incurring any new debt with him.


Has anyone else noticed that Chicago and the party room at the mansion have the same white diagonals bottle rack?

How does Dorkoteo wield so much money and power anyway? What's he up to aside from the club and getting people beat up? He's got to be trafficking something, because I don't think he can be making that much money from the patrons we see in the joint. But what? Drugs? Prostitution seems likely, but Jen and Ana haven't been used that way, we're pretty sure. The other girls? We're just skimming over this issue because it's a family comedy but it's okay to see the beatings and extortion?

Late to the party but want to thank you for another terrific recap.
Vivi, adding my wishes for your speedy recovery!

I thought it was odd we heard a shot but saw no-Johhny-body, but agree that he is still among the living.

I'm liking both Nico and Jennys, not sure if I want them to end up together but they are among my faves.

J in Oregon

Just realized my error. I apologize, Jardinera; thank you for the excellent recap!

Thanks to all of you.--And Marta I appreciate that clarification. I couldn't catch what was said hardly at all in that seems and again my excuse is no CC and subpar listening --ha-ha! Mine!!
ViviDC: was really sorry to hear it and will be thinking of you. You're about my daughter's age and emotionally it isn't easy. We'll be there in spirit for you for certain!


Late beyond limits, but thanking Jardinera for the recap, especially with my current unreliable cable feed.
Vivi, thinking of you and your upcoming surgery. I had a hysterectomy five years ago, wishing you great support during and after. Good wishes for a solid recovery.

Had to respond Vivi. If this is a result of fibroids that most women of color suffer from, find a good west Indian surgeon that can extract them with eyes closed. Most MDs do a hyste just because its easy. I have a doctor if you need one who does lapros all the time and knows what he's doing. If that's not the case, then I'll say a little prayer for you. Thanks to the Caray family for the blog.

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