Monday, October 20, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE, week of October 20, 2014 -- Los Miserables, Señora Acero, etc.

Thanks to  the folks who are stepping up and recapping Los Mis and Señora Acero, NovelaMaven, deb and J desde NYC. It looks like they could use some help so if anyone is watching those novelas and wants to try recapping, here is an opportunity.


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Monday, October 20


Gustavo Millan reaches his limit and chokes out what el Diablo wants to know: He gave the flashdrive to César Mondragón and no one else knows it exists.

This time it is Genaro who plays executioner. He puts a single bullet in Millan's forehead. Genaro seems distressed. Lily whispers to him to man up.

El Diablo calls Radamés and summons him to the bodega. (We see that Pablo is listening in on the call.) Radamés is reluctant to leave. Elena was uncharacteristically passionate last night (we know it's because she was fantasizing about Pablo) and he's ready for another round. Too bad, Radamés.

So the miserables have to get the flashdrive back and they have to get César. Radamés knows that César is at the house on the beach. Lily knows where the house is. El Diablo tells her to take care of the job -- she wanted to be a full partner, right? Well that means sharing the dirty work. She'll do it, but she wants back-up. Agreed. Genaro will accompany her.

Meanwhile César and Lucha are in no big hurry to leave. (Let's assume they know that Octavio and Vicky are safe.) Lucha prepares sandwiches and they eat together. César shows her the wine cellar that is reached through a panel in the wall. It was a favorite hiding place when he was a kid.

Lucha wants to walk on the beach before they head back to the city. César decides to use the time to make some calls and check his email. At first he resists looking at the contents of the flashdrive, but then his curiosity gets the better of him. He is horrified to see Millan's torture and murder and even more horrified to see that GENARO is working for el Diablo and LILY DURÁN IS A MURDERER!

César tries to reach Daniel. He gets his voicemail. He leaves a message, but doesn't name names. (Arrrgh!)

Lucha is enjoying her stroll at the shore. She comes upon Panchito, an elderly fisherman who knows and likes the Mondragón family. (Which of the sons is her boyfriend? The younger one -- what's his name again? -- or the older one? She doesn't have a boyfriend, she says.) Panchito has just cut his hand with a fishhook. Nurse Lucha tends to his injuries and makes a friend and admirer for life. He invites her to go fishing with him. She does. They come back with an impressive catch. FINALLY, Lucha heads back toward the house...

...where César hears a car approaching. He peeks out and sees Lily and Genaro. He searches for a place to hide the flashdrive. Aha! He slits the back seam of the stuffed toy Lucha bought for Roxanita the night before, and deftly conceals the flashdrive inside it. Then he sticks the toy in Lucha's purse and puts the purse next to the bed.

Genaro provides latex gloves for himself and Lily. He doesn't want any trace of their presence in the house. Lily pounds on the door. Genaro is about to shoot the door open when César decides to let them in. At first, César plays dumb. But it is soon obvious that he KNOWS. The three struggle. César has Genaro in a chokehold. Lily uses the moment to shoot César in the back.

Lucha is approaching the house. She hears the shot. She drops the fish and breaks into a run.

Lily is actually upset by what she has done. Genaro sends her out to the car. He will take care of everything. He tears through the house looking for the flashdrive.

Lucha enters stealthily and sees César lying on the floor. He is alive! He signals to her to move away -- Genaro prowls through the house while Lucha crouches behind a curtain...

Monday -- PART 2
Back in the city...

The kids have made it safely back to the hospital. Amazingly, Octavio is doing well. His harpy of a mother Deborah is there hurling abuse at Vicky. Vicky's father Gastón apologizes to Deborah. She threatens him: keep your slutty daughter away from my son or I'll make sure you lose your job in my daddy's hotel. Consuelo takes Vicky's side. Later, back home, Consuelo stands up to Gastón and demands respect for Vicky.

Consuelo calls her sister Elena. Elena gives her some Ladies' Home Journal marriage advice. Vicky, however, is feeling empowered by her mother's support -- so empowered that she tones down the Rebelde look and dresses "pretty" for her visit to Octavio.

Gastón seeks refuge at the hotel. He is outraged when he sees a bill for Nuria's expenses: 51,800 pesos! ($3,822 USD). Nuria is having a party and all her street buds are invited. Gastón kicks them all out on their traseros.

Clueless Daniel has spent the night cooling his heels in Washington DC. At last he is on a plane back to Mexico to save his informant Millan (sigh!) and to be there for César's son. He takes a moment to call Genaro and let him know he's on the way. He orders Genaro to find Millan immediately. Genaro feigns confusion -- didn't Daniel fire him?

Genaro orders Leon to meet Daniel's plane at midday. She agrees, but not without an argument. (If Genaro weren't a murdering, treacherous SOB, you'd almost be cheering for him in this conversation.)

What did I forget or get muddled?

I will be off the grid for a few days. I hope you guys will keep the story going. ¡Hasta luego!

Love the commandante and Lucha juntos! I just started watching. Will let you know if I can recap

Señora Acero... Friday, epi 20

the crooked guard comes for Enriqueta, who senses all is not well, no, my name is Rita, as she works her way out of the cell, here comes Enriqueta now, and when the guard gets her alone, stabs the real Rita, killing her, but Enriqueta returns with the regular guards, and the bad guard is shot and killed.

Aracely, sitting alone by a fountain is approached by an old boyfriend, he tries to drown her, but with the help of a passing survey crew, she gets away.

Miriam is on her way to Colombia, but is stopped at airport security, a present Juan got for Pepito is a toy gun, this gets confiscated, then she is on her way, and finally home after so many years at the door to her mother's house, everything thing she has is taken at gunpoint by a couple of sicarios on a moto, who later go right for the money Juan had stashed in the suitcase, (somehow Miriam's hung onto the fake passports)

Sara comes to see Elio at his office, upset that Salvador has been expelled but their talk is interrupted by Cortez and internal affairs as they come to arrest Elio, the bullet in Pedro's leg matched Elio's gun, later Elio is visited by (is this the judge he knows) who knows it was a trap but talks him into leaving his job so they don't prosecute, it's the best he can do.

a smug Cornelia comes to the jail to see Enriqueta, feeling secure because Empanada got rid of all the evidence, but Enriqueta lets her know she has the video tapes from the shop.

Elio is out, and out of a job, so the trip to L.A. is on after Lupita's funeral, he stops by a friends shop who has modified a vehicle with secret compartments for him, he also buys a gun from another guy.

Cornelia, Empanada and Juan talk, Juan thinks he knows where the tapes are, he goes over to the vets with his gun, and after he leaves the vet pulls a box out of a kennel with money and tapes.

Aracely tells Sara what she is really like, Sara lets her stay there.

Berta and Felipe have a drink, Berta confesses that it was Junio that shot her, not Sara, as Sara's mom is walking by, and hears.

we see Lupita's funeral, then Elio, Sara, and Salvador leave for the U.S. in Elio's car.

Miriam returns with Pepito, who adores his mother but doesn't like Juan, who has arranged to have him kidnapped and returned to his father, but in the meantime has snorted some coke and decides he is going beat on the boy for not respecting him, but Miriam gets between them,

Salvador is hungry so they stop at a place in Tijuana, but there is a party going on, but Salvador recognizes Carlota, Sara's mom, and as they go up to greet her, we see it is a party for Berta who has just been elected mayor, Berta (who is now living at the Acero rancho) sees Sara, raises her glass, and gives her an evil smile...


Thanks so much NM for the help with Los Mis.

Is something missing from the Mis account? I missed this epi (like too many others) and my good intentions to catch up on the weekends never quite work out. Is Lucha still behind the curtains while Genaro talks with Dan and Leon or did the situation at the beachhouse resolve somehow?

Los Miserables

Thanks, NovelaMaven. Is it me or does it appear that the beach house will play another part in the story later on. And I can't help but wonder why Cesar didn't hide in the wine cellar. He said he didn't want to get Lucha involved but he put the flash drive in the toy which can only incriminate her.

I didn't notice any mention of Octavio's eyesight but he appeared to be back to normal.

I totally enjoyed watching Consuelo put Gaston in his place. I hate watching him project his own guilt onto his daughter. Can't wait til they find out he's throwing their money away on a prostitute.

Now that Daniel has 2 emails from Millan and Cesar informing him of an enemy within, I wonder who he'll suspect...probably not Genaro.

Also, Daniel's friend went to a hospital to visit a grandparent (?) but I don't recall a follow up to this. I'm wondering where they're going with this story line.

spanish student

Señora Acero... Friday, epi 20

(above, should read)

Señora Acero... Monday, epi 20


Senora Acera

Thanks, Deb. Lately Aracely is being portrayed as weak with lots of skeletons. Junio would have been perfect for her but hopefully she'll pull herself together soon.

Now that Miriam will have to deal with Juan I'm wondering what happened to the gun Sara gave her (and if she gave her the one that is unloaded).

I'm hoping that Sara won't fall for whatever Berta does tonight. She can only lose this battle if she doesn't stay focused. All of her enemies are Tijuana.

spanish student


Los Miserables

Octavio was told by the Dr that he will recuperate his sight.

Spanish Student ...
for me the situation at the beach house has not resolved anything. We did not hear completely what Cesar said to Daniel on the phone message, from my point of view (Liliana and Genaro wearing gloves = no fingerprints)... Genero and Liliana will not be blamed.

So that leaves our querida Lucha to take the fall. I doubt the flashdrive will be found.

I too, wonder who Pablo is working for... DEA?

fan de Caray Caray

Los Miserables

fan of Caray Caray

Perhaps my mind was overworking but I thought that the hidden wine cellar could possibly come up again. The intro and ads have always made it seem as though Daniel will relentlessly purse Lucha (as a suspect). Being away from the city, it would be the perfect hiding spot.

Spanish student

Señora Acero... some more

ok, I think I got this right,
the original money that Elio confiscated from the sewer truck was Indio's,
(unknown to Indio, Pedro and Cortez had set up the bust in order to keep half of the money for themselves)
so Indio is unhappy with Elio for taking HIS money,
and Cortez is unhappy with Elio for taking HIS money,

Cortez works for Indio and he was promised a small fortune to get Elio out of Indio's business, which he did by getting the evidence against him, he then calls Indio, who says, so you called to get your money, we should get together, (does Indio now know?)

Martin was the guy trying to drown Aracely, it appears they were together in love (when Aracely probably had one of her lapses) and he discovered she was a prostitute and it totally took him by surprise, but she tells Sara she plans to start a new life (who's letting her live in her place while she is gone to watch over her stuff) with this surveyor guy (and how many frogs did she kiss to find her prince) and she shows back up at the fountain dressed real nice, but no one is there.

that was Elio's judge friend, who says tell me the truth, like we are family not like I am a judge, which Elio does, but with the evidence against him, the prosecutor is only willing to let the whole thing drop before it gets out, if Elio gets fired.

Felipe announced that he was the new senator as well as Berta being the new mayor.


Senora acero

THanks, Deb. Your post above filled in a lot of blanks for me, especially about the money.

Spanish studeny.

Señora Acero... Tuesday, epi 21

Miriam and Pepito take refuge in the bathroom as Juan tries to get to them, until he gets a call from Enriqueta, who wants her money, (Crucecita was so proud of Enriqueta she has given her the phone) or she will tell all, Miriam can hear the conversation on the other side of the door.

Berta rubs in her new job as well as her purchase of Rancho Acero to Sara, and with the barbs flying back and forth, Felipe has his hands full as they are surrounded by the press.

they finally leave, but Sara's mom follows to Berta's anger, and chats with Sara, while Elio and Salvador wait in the car, Salvador fidgets around and opens the secret compartment, upsetting Elio.

Aracely's mom calls her, Ramon is having some kind of drug seizure, she wants help, Aracely comes over and her mom gets a dose of reality, Aracely tells her next time call an ambulance, there won't be a next time her mom says, but Aracely knows.

there is some trouble crossing the border, but they do arrive in L.A.

Pepito wants to take on Juan with the shower curtain but they find he has left, and pack up there things, Miriam calls Sara and tells her about Juan/Enriqueta's conversation, that Juan helped with Magdalena's body and that they have a plan to kill Elio and Sara.

Empanada, Juan, and Arnulfo (Pepito's real father) meet and talk about getting Pepito to him.

Sara goes down to the car to warn Elio but sees him with his bag of money, figures it's stolen and that he put their lives at risk smuggling it across the border, (I didn't get this as I thought the money was part of the plan to help Salvador) but anyway, she doesn't get around to telling Elio what Miriam told her.


Deb,thank you for continuing with the very informative
recaps.You've filled in so many blanks for me. I had totally missed the part about Elio being fired. Also, thanks
to you, I finally understand about the money and the
bad cops. You're the best!

Anon Gringa

Los Miserables – Recap – Tuesday, October 21
Part 1 of 2

This is totally on the feel free to add and/or correct.

At the beach house: Lucia wants to help Cesar but he signals for her to stay back. Genero is still in the house looking for the flash drive. When Genero is out of sight, Cesar reaches for the phone to call 911 but instead knocks down a few things. Genero now knows that that he’s still alive and offers to spare his life if he tells him where the flash drive is. Cesar refuses and I think he mumbles something about not trusting the police (a clue for Lucia). Genero shoots him again, this time fatally, and exits the house. Lucia runs to Cesar and he dies in her arms. [It appears that he wrote an ‘L’ on the floor with his blood. If so, I’m guessing the L was for Liliana.] On the way back, Genero tells Oleg that he had to kill Cesar but couldn’t find the flash drive. Oleg orders him to return for it. Liliana, still flustered from shooting Cesar the first time, stays outside while Genero goes in. Lucia hides in the wine cellar and when the coast is clear she rushes to the bedroom to grab her bag and then leaves. Genero notices a glass with lipstick and takes it for fingerprints. He tells Liliana that the woman with Cesar may have seen them and may also have the flash drive.

At some point, I think after Genero shoots Cesar, the old fisherman that Lucia spent time with earlier hears a shot and sees Liliana outside the house. However he really only sees the back of a slim, blond woman.

Carlos, Daniel’s psychiatrist friend, is driving nearby (returning from a hospital where his grandmother just died) when Lucia runs out onto the road frantically and he swerves to avoid hitting her. She doesn’t want to tell him what happened but instead warns him that they’re both in danger and should leave ASAP. Sometime later he stops at a gas station and Lucia hears him asking to use a telephone. She takes a few bucks from his wallet to catch a bus home then leaves a thank you note and promises to mail the money she borrowed.

My memory is foggy here but sometime later Leon picks up Daniel from the airport. Daniel calls Genero but he says he’s not in the area and Daniel yell at him for this. Leon and Daniel discover that Daniel’s and Millan’s apartments have been torn apart. Leon listens to his answering machine where Cesar says that he’s seen the flash drive that Millan left and that they are all in danger. No one really notices Genero acting suspiciously.


Los Miserables – Recap – Tuesday, October 21
Part 2 of 2

Consuelo takes Helena’s advice and buys a nice outfit to impress her good-for-nothing husband Gaston. She enters his office and catches him red handed with Nurla the prostitute who boldly tells her that she’s giving him what he really wants. Instead of apologizing to his wife, Gaston sends her home and continues making out with Nurla. At home, he plays victim saying that he never loved her or “her” daughter and has been unhappy since the beginning. She begs him to stay but Vicky jumps in and tells him to leave. She adds that she never felt any love from him, never loved him, and will now consider herself fatherless. And Nurla tells her boyfriend that Gaston is easy prey and plans to take advantage of him.

Another bad parent, Deborah, makes a pass at Pablo. When Helena asks him to return to work, Deborah claims that Helena’s jealous because she likes him (noting that her father is no woman’s dream).
Daniel stops by the hospital and meets briefly with Octavio who tells him that his father was on his way to the beach house. Daniel tells Sor Amparo that he’s worried about Cesar.

spanish student

Los Mis cap 16
Genaro sees Cesar move & shoots him again, killing him.
Fisherman hears the shot & hides. He sees Genaro & Lil leave, so I hope he got the license plate #. He dropped a hat that I think he was returning to Lucia.

Lucia didn't call police because she heard Cesar say all cops were traitorous except his bro, it was for her benefit.

Hospital scene with abuela dying.

Diablo tells Genaro to get back to the house & find the USB. Lucia hides in the concealed room. Why on earth would she sneak out before they were gone. She makes it.
Daniel calls Genaro & tells him to get to the office. He takes a glass that had lipstick on it to get DNA.

Daniel & Leon go into his place with guns drawn & find it in a turmoil. They also searched Gustavo's apt, also torn apart.

Lucia takes her bag with the stuffed toy & flags the nieto (Dr Gallardo) of the woman that died. She faints he places her in the car, trying to figure out what to do, the battery is dead on his cell. Lucia comes around & says they are in danger so they leave. The man is a psychiatrist & says he can help her, she won't give her name. When he stops at a gas station, she leaves. She checked his ID & took some money, leaving a note that she would repay it. She takes a bus home. Lucia remembers Cesar buying her the toy.

Consuela catches Gaston kissing the puta. He has no respect for her because he doesn't love her or Vicky. He only married her because she was pregnant & get this (he is a gentleman!!!!)

Leon & cop listen to Cesar's call, Genaro walks in.

Dan leaves for beach house after seeing Octavio.

Genaro wants Cesar's recording because Daniel put him in charge.

Diablo promises Lil a biiig house to get a little. She hasn't taken her pill, nooooooo!

Pls fill in or correct.

Los Mis
Just noticed Spanish student recapped also.

Sorry, just noticed that it's Genaro, not Genero.

spanish student

Los Miserables

Thanks, Varopinto. You filled in a lot of blanks as I usually read the english subtitles and didn't hear that Liliana missed her pill. I'm somewhat confused now that Cesar is dead. I thought he was going to play a bigger part in the story. I guess Aron Diaz is preparing for Tierra de Reyes.

Senora Acero

Thanks, Deb.
I'm really liking Pepito. He's daring, honest, and protective of his mother. I agree with meatpie that there's something fishy about Arnulfo's sudden desire to be with his son. And to think Juan staged the fish so that Miriam would leave and he wouldn't be connected to the kidnapping.

spanish student

re: comment above. I meant to say Juan staged the fight with Miriam.

Señora Acero... 21, extra

Felipe and Beta ran their campaign based on fighting the drug trafficers.

when Miriam, locked in the bathroom with Pepito, threatened to call the police, Juan came back with they are illegal immigrants with false passports, so she couldn't.

when Felipe got Elio alone, he asked, are you stupid for walking into the lion's den, with one finger I could make you disappear, Elio's reply was with one reporter I could ruin your career.

Ramon wouldn't let Aracely's mom call an ambulance, her mom thought maybe it was food poisoning, they put him in a tub of cold water, and when Aracely and Ramon were alone she asked what it was, because she saw the needle marks in his arm, he just wants out of this world, and when her mom blames her, Aracely makes it clear at no time did she ever bring any of her drug life to him.

the reason Berta wanted the Rancho Acero and to flaunt it in Sara's face was because Vicente had it built for Sara after he learned she was pregnant.

Enriqueta's hold on Juan is that she has videos of him carrying out Magdalena's body, she wants her money but I guess that was it that Juan sent to Colombia in Miriam;s suitcase, so what do you want asks Juan, she wants someone on the outside to do my bidding, first off is to kill Sara and Elio, how he asks, you figure it out she says.

Crucecita comes in and listens to Enriqueta's phone call, is impressed, you are strong, the herd needs a leader, she wants to help, no, no Enriqueta says, but Crucecita explains, she's not weak, when she can't control her demons all hell breaks lose, and I know an explosive expert.

after 2 hours Miriam and Pepito come out of the bathroom, she calls Sara and tells all about the Juan's phone call, that Rita is dead, that they plan to kill you and Elio, Sara offers her a place to stay, she'll be safe with Aracely

Pepito asks Miriam, is my real dad an honest man or a jerk like this guy, we'll talk about this when you are older, says Miriam.

Juan and Empanada (or meat pie as the english captions call him) are talking about the kidnap when Arnulfo walks up, what is the plan, ok, Juan got rough with Miriam so she would move to Sara's place because his place was probably being watched, Empanada is the driver, Juan will wear a mask and grab Pepito, ok Arnulfo says, then take him to this address where 2 of my guys are, who will take him across the border.

so why go to all the trouble, asks Empanada,
Arnulfo says, 2 years ago I was in a car wreck and became sterile,
and do you expect him to just start calling you dad?
oh yea, after he sees the good life, then Arnulfo leaves
Empanada turns to Juan and says, I don't believe a word that guy says...

thanks Gringa and spanish student!



(official Telemundo release)
production has begun,

shot in Miami and Houston

" the story of three brothers who seek revenge on the family they hold responsible for the mysterious and tragic death of their younger sister."’s-new-original-novela-tierra-de-reyes?network=33144

some nice pics here,


A huge thank you to Spanish student and Variopinta
for the Los Mis recaps. They were a pleasant surprise
since I wasn't expecting one today. Now I don't feel so
bad about Aaron Diaz's character getting killed after
finding out that he's starring in a new one in December.
It's so funny because I really never liked him that much
before, but something about César appealed to me. It's
SO difficult to have to wait so long for these villains to get
theirs, but I guess that's the way it is in novelas.

Tierra de Reyes

Fuego en la sangre, again?

Aaron Diaz

I think Pasion de Gavilanes was one of those novelas that come only once in a blue moon where the writing, the acting, the directing and everything just seems to click in a positive way that traps viewers with every episode. Granted, making the novela longer made it loose some of that magic towards the end. I don't think Telemundo will be able to recreate that "magic" with this new version, but I want to see Aaron, so I will watch him interpret the Juan Reyes character. I don't know much about the actress playing the Norma character, have never seen her. I read she was in Cosita Linda with Christian Meier. Kimberly dos Santos will probably be the Sarita character. I can see Fabian Rios as the Fernando character, will probably be meaner than the PDG Fernando. And, Sonia Smith as Gabriela, should be interesting.


Tierra de Reyes

photos from People en español

The best performance in FELS was by Capricho, the horse.

Señora Acero...Wednesday, epi 22

Sara and Elio work things out, they go to the hospital, Salvador likes it, Sara agrees to live with Elio, be a family, and when they meet with the hospital administrator, the total cost for Salvador will be $288,000, whoa.

Elio plunks his bag with $100,000 on the desk and says he'll get the rest.

later Sara finds out she is not a compatible kidney donor for Salvador, and it's about a 5 year wait.

Arnulfo checks out the place he will keep Pepito with his 2 guys.

and the kidnap is on, Juan and Empanada wait in a van outside the door, while Miriam and Pepito are off to find a school, Ramon passes them on the steps as he comes to warn Aracely to not say anything to their mom, Juan jumps out with his gun, knocks Miriam down and grabs Pepito, he fights back, she gets up and joins in, but Elio has his PGR partner following Juan, and they drive up surrounding everyone, and it's a standoff, Juan with his gun to Pepito's head, when the cops tell Juan to lower his gun , Miriam figures out it's Juan and just about takes out all of the cops to get to him, and Aracely up in the apartment trying to locate Plutarco the surveyor, hears her screaming and comes down and walks up behind Juan, but as he spins around, Pepito punches him and gets away and before Juan can shoot Aracely, Ramon grabs the gun and the shot goes wild, and it's off to jail for Juan.

Aracely hugs Ramon but he pushes her away, their mom shows up and he goes off with her,
leaving Aracely all alone.

Sara, Elio, and Salvador stop in Tijuana on their way home, and visit their former horse Cabu, Sara's mom meets them, brings some stuff from the house and catches up, while Elio goes off and phones his old partner to get an update on Juan.

days later,

Sara's mom travels to L.A. to the hospital to test for compatibility as a kidney donor.

Arnulfo meets with Empanada, he wants him to finish the job, Tiburon comes into the place and Empanada hides his face, but later goes up to him, he wants to know all about Sara, who Empanada is being paid to follow.

Aracely, Miriam, Pepito, Sara, and Salvador are at some carnival having a good time, when Salvador spots a surprised Elio and runs to him, as they hug Elio slips off his... wedding ring maybe, and later they spot him with, aaa, he introduces HIS daughter and her mother, and them as secret agents, huh? Sara is really pissed this time.

Enriqueta gets a book in prison, it has money in it from the Vet guy, who she calls and thanks, I think she gives half the money to the explosive girl.



Thank you Spanish student for recapping. This novela is riveting, even though you can see the trajectory leads to Lucha once again being framed.


I've seen a few eps of the original PdG and ten episodes of Fuego en la Sangre so I can say the female cast in TdLR looks fresh and young, and like they can act. Sonya Smith as the villana mother is an inspired choice. I want to see her as a villain.
Where I'm iffy is on the male protagonist cast. Gabriel is a yes because the character description in the masquenovelas link, an athletic metrosexual, fits GGV to a tee. Aaron, after impressing me as Caesar is a maybe-yes, but Christian Campo, in a non-villain-pretty boy role, is a no.

I would've loved seeing Juan Luis Pila play the oldest brother role, Aaron playing the middle brother and Gabriel playing the younger brother role.
The oldest brother should be varonil, a la Juan Reyes in Fuego en La Sangre, a good actor, and JLP fits the bill. He used to play strong secondary cop roles.

JLP deserves more strong, unambiguous prota roles before he ages out them. All his roles since La Patrona and En La Otra Piel has him wasted as this middle-of-the-road, milquetoast, sad-sack. He's a great actor and he needs to be playing strong protas. He would've been good as the galan in Los Miserables since he used to play strong cop roles.

I'm a big advocate of his, and increasingly, Diego Soldano, because those men should have been frontpage galans TEN YEARS AGO. I don't like seeing strong leading men types being wasted as secondaries.

Tierra de Reyes
I'm looking forward to this one. I feel kind of lucky that I haven't seen PdlG and only the DVD of FELS. I figure I won't have anything to compare it to.

The cast looks good to me. I've seen a little of Gruber in Cosita Linda and she was not awful. It's hard to judge since the what I saw of the show wasn't great.

Senora Acero
I just started watching this online and I'm only on epi 9. Clearly I will never catch up to the rest of you, but WOW this is good! (This is my first narco. I assume RDS is even better.) I am actually kind of impressed by Blanca. I think she's improving.

Los Miserables

Thanks, J desde NYC. I have a DVR now so starting next week I'll only watch it with the Spanish subtitles (and sometimes without them) in order to improve my Spanish. I've been studying for 3 years but I only understand half of what I hear.

I totally agree about the trajectory leads to Lucha being framed. With Oleg's power, Liliana is able to do quite a bit of damage (lying). Perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me but I thought there were scenes in the previews where Lucha was making out with Cesar. That's no longer a possibility but I can guess who'll replace him as an ally.

spanish student

Senora Acero

Thanks again Deb! The entire kidnapping scene was interesting. Meatpie took off and let Juan take the fall for it all. Everyone was brave but I was still surprised by Ramon's attitude. And Arnulfo hasn't given up so another attempt is possible.

In general I like Elio's character because he's not so predictable, no so black and white. Not sure how he'll wiggle his way back into her life now that she knows about his wife and daughter (young actress from Corazon Valiente). I'm sure it won't be too difficult since his wife appears to be more than a handful.

spanish student

Señora Acero.. 22, extra

great comments spanish student!

ok, some other stuff,
Pepito is 10 yo, Elio said he was an orphan, Sara speaks English, and Sara's reply to Elio protecting her is that Vicente always thought he was immortal and now he is dead.

I'm thinking Elio may be working undercover as he talks to Rufino a lot, once he asked about putting through a transfer so he could use the money, and later when Rufino said Juan wasn't talking, he asked that Rufino get him into the jail so he could question him.

it's interesting to watch Aracely, who is surrounded by mothers, and what they wouldn't do for their kids, and their boyfriends, and as the camera backs away, Aracely is always alone.

and we see an early scene when Aracely and Ramon as kids see their dad take away painkillers from their mom, as she is addicted to them.

Eriqueta chats with a girl about killing "her" and when she gets some money in her "little red riding hood" book, she tells Crucecita to give the girl half to get the gunpowder and follow "her" around.

the white horse Cabu was Sara's but was confiscated by the feds.

the old kidnap plan was to deliver Pepito to Arnulfo's guys who would keep him at that apartment for 2 weeks till the police were done looking for him, then take him across the border and now Arnulfo wants Empanada to convince Pepito he is a friend of his mothers and bring him to Arnulfo.
(I think tough guy Empanada has some morals peeking through)

so Elio's daughter is having a "surprise" birthday party, and Sara sure was, when Elio says he can explain, she says all liars have an explanation.


Señora Acero

deb, I think you are onto a lot. I doesn't make sense that Elio could just take that money even if it was restolen, stolen, confiscated dinero. I'm sure he is not a dirty cop. Does he think Sara still knows sth from Vicente. For someone that is fired, he sure cks in a lot.
Things were so lovey dovey for Elio, Sara & Sal that we should have known sth would happen but wife & kid were a surprise.

I still have a problem sorting out the characters.

I agree, Blanca has improved but she overdoes it with the facial expressions, subtle is not in her acting vocab. At least there is hope.

Señora Acero... Thursday, epi 23

Sara is upset and wants to be alone, Elio wants to explain, but can't, and we get to know Elio's psycho wife a little better, (and wish we didn't), while Rufino rolls his eyes but gets to spend some time with Miriam, the investigation you know, and later he asks her if she loves Juan. (is she living back in Juan's place)

and Aracely lets Elio know that if he messes with Sara, snip, snip...

and Sara tells Vanesa (Elio's wife) to ask him about his L.A. operative, as Sara figured out the it was her making all of those calls he wasn't answering.

Sara's mom travels to the hospital in L.A. and finds out she IS a match for Salvador's kidney transplant, returning to rancho Acero, she hands Berta the keys, she's checking out of Berta's nightmare, and lets everyone know she heard Berta say that it was Junio that shot her, not Sara.

Aracely talks to her bomb girl from her prison office, she wants her to follow Sara, later we see her with a guy checking out Sara's neighborhood looking for Sara, and what luck, there she is.

Elio carries her asleep daughter into her house, Vanesa doesn't want him to leave, he tells her to take her pills, she wants a husband.

in jail Juan asks visiting Empanada to get a hold of his Colombian contacts to get some money for a lawyer, but Empanada says there is another way, by him finishing the deal with Arnulfo.

Salvador wants his new father Elio, Sara finally breaks down and explains, he has a wife and daughter, no this can't be as he locks himself in the bedroom and calls Elio, Elio sees it's finally a call from Sara and answers, Vanesa grabs the phone and lays into Sara, but it's Salvador who is listening and he gets it, and falls out of his shoes and goes into a seizure, Sara finally gets into the room, gives him his shot but his blood sugar is too low, she calls Aracely, she's going to the hospital.

Aracely goes to a drug anonymous meeting and there is Plutarco speaking, later they chat, he's done well about every kind of drug but he's been clean for ten years, she has been clean for a year, well almost, but Sara calls and Aracely is off.

Elio kisses his daughter (Patricia) good night and we see she is disoriented and drowsy, and Elio wonders...

(I'll try to dig up some details tomorrow)


Señora Acero

Tks deb for keeping this going.

Looks as though Vanesa might have Münchausen syndrome, we saw her mix up some potion for pobrecita Patricia (Brigitte Bozzo). Love those red curls. She is the niña from Abismo de Pasión, great little actress.


Senora Acero...

Vanesa is the judges daughter, thanks to him Elio got his job...

Patricia is a twin and her brother Angel, died... possibly, through some negligence from Vanessa. She is under psychiatric care for the loss of Angel.

fan de Caray Caray


Senora Acero...

Vanesa is a judge's daughter....

Other bits:
Elio and loony Vanesa are together but separated. She is sure he has not forgiven her for the horrible accident that killed their son, it obviously is a very painful subject for Elio and he tells her to take her medicine and go to bed. She wants him to go to bed with her, when that fails...she accuses him of not loving Patty and only caring for Angel. Patty is the only reason he is still here, to which she replies ... it is not a good idea to fight with the daughter of a very influential judge. I can now she why Elio has bonded with Salvador.

Enriqueta has sent a couple thugs after Sara. He says... we don't even have a picture of her, she says... "She is tall and beautiful with green eyes, won't be hard to find her in this barrio"... lucky thugs, and who just happens to walk by the car... Sara, Aracely and Salvador.

Later on... Salvador lucks himself in the bedroom and calls Elio, and has a seizure after listening to Vanesa. Sara notices the door locked and starts an eternity of screaming and cackling before she can get to Salvador. She needs to take him to the hospital, more screaming and she runs outside carring Salvador into the waiting arms of the good samaritans waiting for her... The question is where are they going to take her.

fan de Caray Caray


Los Mis

After many novelas, I've finally met a protagonist that will be hard to like. Daniel's distant, rude and self-righteous behavior is so unattractive I forget that he's a good guy.

Equally unlikable is the idiot Gaston. Who leaves their wife to live with a prostitute?

Senora Acero

Thanks Deb and fan de Caray Caray.
Elio is my fav at the moment as he's essentially a good guy but not without his flaws (he continued with his little white lies to both Sara and his wife). It's easy to empathize with him since Vanessa needs psychiatric attention. This actress plays crazy very well.

There are obvious differences between Salvador (from an upper middle class family) and Pepito (little money). Salvador is clearly spoiled and whiny while Pepito is too cocky for his age. With the recent addition of Elio's daughter, it will be interesting to see how these 3 develop.

Do we know how Aracely found Plutarco?

spanish student

Señora Acero... 23, extra

thanks guys, I can write about what I see but I don't follow the conversations very well, so thanks for any details you can throw in.

anyway these extras are some things I notice after watching it again with english subtitles.

Variopinta- hmm, I'm not sure now if Elio is working undercover, I think he's just a good guy with some friends, but there will probably come a day when he is face-to-face with Indio.

fan de Caray Caray- thanks for your help with the details and your comments, but maybe some of the things you covered were from the previews which on this board its the policy to not mention those.

spanish student- I think Aracely just went to her DA (drugs anonymous) meeting and Plutarco was there, I think he said he was going somewhere else but thought he'd try here and he liked it, also I guess he has only been clean for 533 days, and when Aracely says a year er... I did relapse 2 weeks ago, he explains it's 1 day at a time thing, so you've been clean for 2 weeks, but as Aracely runs off he realizes he didn't get her phone number again.

some other things that may cover what fan de Caray Caray has already told us,

Vanesa is actually a trip now that I've heard her words, when she was asking Rufino who exactly were these ladies, and he's stumbling, she asks, and what about the kids, are they secret agents too?

but wow, she was forbidding Patricia to get dirty, sweaty, or even run, poor girl.

and I guess 2 years ago there was an accident that killed Patricia's twin brother, Angel, who would be 10 now, and Vanesa just can't quit trying to convince Elio that it wasn't her fault.

it was an interesting scene when Vanesa said that her dad, Judge Cril, could get Elio another job, and she brings up how her dad got him the job with the PGR, by asking the Attorney General to hire him in exchange for finding one of the AG's friends innocent, what? is the look on Elio's face.

and yes there is a noticible difference between Pepito and Salva, who thinks of Salva as a wus, like when Pepito jumped in front of the line at the bumper cars and Salva asks why he did that, he says, "if you don't cheat, you don't eat".

ah, and when Empanada went to see Juan, he wanted a copy of his house key, which is where Miriam is now living.

but all-in-all after Sara pretty much took away all of Elio's explanations, I really liked how he just stood there and said, "I love you!"


the Miserables

spanish student- I saw Erik Hayser (Daniel) in "Camelia la texana" where he played twin brothers, the one that was always scamming Camelia was really exciting to watch, while the other who was a good but dull brother, I really didn't like very much, so odd because they were being played by the same guy.


Senora Acero

Really?.... I have read Caray Caray for a long time and have always enjoyed reading the recaps. I have noticed that you bloggers are very quick to call newcomers on writing spoilers but... you all give each other a pass when you comment or "predict" what is about to happen in the future even though your "prediction" was seen on an "avance" (or preview, your definition of spoiler). You all brag later on how you predicted so and so way back when....

When I posted my comment, I did not realize that my last comment about Sara handing Salvador to the good samaritans was part of the preview...I was writing from memory. You called me on it.... but you also failed to call Variopinta ... for doing the same, when she commented the following:

""""Variopinta said...

Señora Acero

Tks deb for keeping this going.

Looks as though Vanesa might have Münchausen syndrome, we saw her mix up some potion for pobrecita Patricia (Brigitte Bozzo). Love those red curls. She is the niña from Abismo de Pasión, great little actress.

Fri Oct 24, 09:12:00 AM EDT"""

Variopinta's comment was based on the same preview. I'm not trying to be petty and I apologize to Variopinta for signaling her comment. I'm just trying to make a point that I have noticed from time to time.

Could be why more readers don't attempt to comment, so much scrutiny is just not worth the scolding.

just saying.......

luv and peace
fan de Caray Caray

Spanish Student

I agree about Daniel. My heart goes out to Lucha.

Thank you to all for the enlightening details. I am
increasingly enjoying these two novelas and your recaps
and added details help immensely.

Anon Gringa

Fan de Caray Caray
There are rules and they should be followed. And that's coming from someone who comments regularly AND who has been scolded... often. I forget and I need a reminder. Especially since I comment on both sides (Uni and Telemundo.) Sometimes comments slip through as well. It doesn't necessarily mean that someone is being called out.

Also-Telemundo is probably the worst about red herrings. I think that's another reason most folks don't mention avances. They are often false leads/promises.

Please stick around. It's clear you love it here and that you appreciate the work the recappers are doing.

Please pardon my butting in to this thread.

Telemundo TNs are current, not like Univision where they are shown in Mexico months before the US. So it's a little hard to predict correctly what will happen in Tele TNs.

fan de Caray Caray

I was just saying, in case you were new, in case you didn't know the rule,
because they are not posted anywhere.


Señora Acero... friday, epi 24
part 1

the bombers (Chayo and Lalo) have decided to watch Sara for a week before they decide on how to blow her up, and here she is now, they offer her and Salva a ride to the hospital, no you don't need to pay us, later Lalo asks if they will kill the boy too, no Chayo says, I don't do 2-for-1 specials.

at the hospital, Aracely has tipped Elio who has snuck in to see Salva, who reminds him of the son he lost, and tells Salvador he will make sure he lives to be 100, even if he has to fight God.

at Miriam's, Pepito wants to go out and meets Joaquin at the door (Pepito likes him), it's time for him to move on, going to the U.S., he's come to say goodbye, later, outside a couple of boys are messing with Pepito, as Empanada conveniently breaks it up, Arnulfo watching from behind a tree, Miriam and Joaquin arrive, daggers in the eyes of Empanada and Joaquin but Miriam keeps them apart, when leaving Joaquin sees Arulfo behind a tree watching, he makes like he is talking on his cell.

Carlota at rancho Bertas, is checking out, but the shrinking family gives it one last try to convince her how horrible Sara is, Felipe whips out his cell phone with the evidence, "come and get your roadkill" Sara's text says, Carlota laughs, Sara doesn't talk like this, she gets Berta to admit it wasn't Sara that shot her, Josafina looks surprised, as always.

Indio meets with Cortez, pays him with a bag of coffee, Cortez doesn't trust him, looks inside to see the money, count it if you want says Indio, and what about tomorrow?, your trucks will have an open road from Manzanillo to Guadalajara, Cortez guarantees.

Sara catches Elio in Salva's room, he says he is doing this for love, Sara doesn't want to be his lover, and I don't either Elio says, I want you to be my wife, wife? his clinging psycho real wife who has followed him says (I keep waiting for her head to spin all the way around), Elio finally gets her out of the hospital, after learning that she left Patricia alone, by promising to come home and sleep with her, (of course he doesn't but I guess she thought it was worth a shot).

Aracely is trying to convince Sara that she can tell Elio loves her, she is an expert, well, kind of, like a dentist with bad teeth.

Sara tells Aracely that she almost died giving birth to Salvador, but looking at him she decided to live so he wouldn't be an orphan, he is her salvador.

the doctor has the test results, Salvador needs a new kidney within a week or he will die, Elio offers to do the blood test, Aracely says if she hadn't had hepatitis she would do the test too, except they would probably say she needs a donor too.

psycho Vanesa goes home, wakes up Patricia and makes her drink her juice with the contents of a pill poured in.


Señora Acero... friday, epi 24
part 2

Indio questions Tiburon about Sara, he doesn't know much, she disappeared, but is now back, but no longer mourning, who's the guy Indio asks, Elio, "that chicken just doesn't want to leave the coop" Indio says, we'll have to pay him a visit.

then he laughs, remembering a song about tripping over the same rock twice, Sara just hasn't learned her lesson yet. (is he planning something?)

meanwhile Rufino gets an anonymous email about laundered money, he calls his contact in Manzanillo to get a list of all ships arriving, especially from Colombia, then meets Elio at the hospital with the info, this could be a trap, Cortez maybe, are you sure you want to do this, Elio says he has to take the risk.

Sara wonders where she is going to get a kidney, they sell them you know Aracely adds, yes but for a lot of money, when her mom calls, she is a match! and Elio adds he will take care of the money, and runs out.

on the road to Guadalajara, Elio throws out spikes to flatten the tires on the first truck, and hijacks the second that has to stop, and calls Rufino, watch Cortez and find out who calls him with the news.

Indio has stopped for a little drug party with the local girls, Jalisco girls are very beautiful he says, and wow, what is going on here, but gets the news his truck was hijacked, Tiburon is trying to help himself to some left overs, but the party is over, Indio calls Cortez, Rufino is watching him.

Empanada tries to sweet talk Pepito through the fence at his school, Pepito says cut to the chase, he introduces Jose (Rufino) who has a remote control car, lets race and if you win you get to keep the car.

Vanesa who has been poisoning Patricia about Elio's other family, preps her on what not to say to her grandfather, who is coming over to open presents on her birthday, you don't want to give him any ideas because it makes me crazy and you don't want to see me crazy, do you, Patricia is petrified.

arrangements are being made to fly Salvador to L.A., what about the money Sara asks, taken care of the doctor says, happy faces all around.

except for Elio, no laundered money in the truck, it's full of drugs...


Thank you, Deb. Good, as usual. Have a great weekend!

Anon Gringa

By tbe way, I'm so happy that now they're using numerals instead of those weird words for the "prove
you're not a robot". It makes commenting SO much easier.

thanks Gringa,

I really appreciate your little thankyous.

say, if you haven't noticed, there is a little reload symbol in the guess-the-word box, I just keep clicking away till it gives me something I like.



Léon says to Daniel and Rodriguez that the composite sketch that Pancho the fisherman gave is no good because Pancho can't see well. Daniel calls Pancho in the room and asks him if he has vision problems, and the old pescador says yes. He had cataracts which he had to have an operation on and left him unable to fish full-time. He also has an eye disease which I was unable to catch since it was said in Latin.

At Casa Duran, Ignacio points his shotgun at Gaston and warns him if he comes back to the duran home to yell at or threaten Consuelo and Vicky he will kill him. Gaston tries to concern troll Ignacio saying such violence and excitment is bad for his health but Nacho tells Gaston to have several seats--Gaston will die before he does because he'll kill him before he goes. Gaston wisely retreats and Vicky notes how proud she is of her abuelo defending them sinfe the shotgun wasn't loaded. Nacho comments it was a good day when Consuelo decided to leave Gaston.

Back at Misericordia Hospital, Lucha tells Octavio that his brain scan went perfectly well and he'll be released from the hospital soon. Octavio is sad despite the good news since his father is dead. Lucha commiserates and then Oct asks for her name-Lucía Duran she says as she walks off-and Oct realizes his nurse is his girlfriend's long-lost aunt.

At Hotel Faraón, Lily tells Oleg she is still worried they haven't found the flashdrive ( la memoria). She asks Oleg to do his best to find it. Oleg says he will as Genaro calls and tells him there's a witness who saw the second blobde leaving the beachhouse but the witness doesn't know who she is.

Daniel puts a lineup of blondes in front of Pancho and he fails miserably. He picks a woman who looked and dressed like Lucia but it wasn't her.

The PI Lucha's brother hired found Lucha and tells the brother (I forgot his name).

The pyschiatrist Lucha encounteredc running away from the beachhouse finds her at the hospital. His name is Carlos Gallardo and he wants to know all about the murder since it's obvious she knows something about it since when he encountered her on the highway she was covered in blood. Lucha flees from Carlos who gives chase and catches up with her in a park. They sit and Lucha explains that she didn't know Dan and Cesar were brothers since Cesar didn't get to tell her. Carl says he doen't believe her and then I want to scream b/c Carl knew Cesar was purposefully hiding seeing Lucha behind Dan's back so Cesar would win her heart from Dan, whom he considered fickle and flighty with women.

Lucha then explains how the murder happened. She took a walk on the beach and when she returned she heard a shot. She ran to help Cesar but he told her to hide since the killers were still in the house. She hid, the gunman comes back, threatened Cesar to tell where is the flashdrive and when he doesn't tell, shoots Cesar, who says before dying he can't trust any police officer except his brother. Lucha tells Carlos that's why she didn't notify the cops b/c Cesar's killer is a cop and her life is in danger.



Carlos admits Cesar hid his being Dan's brother so it wouldn't cause friction between the two brothers and hoping Dan would treat Lucha as a fling leaving the way clear for him
Genaro calls Lily and tells her she shouldn't worry about te old fisherman witness because he has eye problems and confused about what he saw. Lily is still worried about the flash drive since it's not in the baddies' hands.

The flash drive in question has been unwittingly taken by Roxanita's teacher who frowned upin Roxana bringing her toy to school. Deyanira tries to get it back but the teacher won't give it back until she speaks with Roxana's legal guardian.

Carlos tells Lucha that his knowledge of people as a psychiatrist tells him Lucha didn't kill Cesar but she has to tell Daniel what she knows as a direct eyewitness of the crime or he will tell Daniel.
Lucha says no because Dan won't believe her. He's a good and upright man but implacable. Dan will not believe she was 'just friends' with Cesar. He will make sure she spends the rest of her life in prison for killing his brother since he already hates her and broke up with her for being an ex-con. Furthermore she adds, she has a daughter to think about-a daughter who only has her to depend on. When Carlos says Lucga should stop manipulating him, Lucha says she's not, she's telling the truth and this isn't about manipulation but her life. She has a chance to be a mother and she won't ruin it over this murder she had nothing to do with. Her happiness and life, and that of her daughter, are in Carlos' hands, Lucha emphasizes.

Lucha's brother and his girlfriend run to Casa
Duran to tell the family the news that the PI found Lucha. It seems a great waste of money as at that exact moment, without knowing the PI found Lucha, Vicky meets Lucha as she returns to the hospital with Carlos.

Fernanda, Ignacio's wife, goes to Lily and Oleg's love nest to complain that since the PI found Lucha sheneeds Lily's help since Nacho and family will find out from Lucha that Lily and Fernanda knew she was in DF all along. Lily doesn't care about her family's mediocre life and problems since she's now making a life with her 'marido' Oleg and has more important things to concern herself with. Fernsnda tells Lily she barely knows this man and is not his wife, how can she not care about her family. St this, Oleg walks in, calls Fernanda 'suegra', and says Nanda will know him now...



The Duran kids get a doctor to examine Ignacio to find out uf he can get the news abou Lucha being found without giving him a heart attack. While they discuss this among themelves Nacho overhears them, steals the foler with the info with Lucha's home and work address and goes to her home. She isn't there but Roxana is, alone, while Deyanira goes shopping at the market.

Ignacio quesions Roxana through the door if this is where Lucía duran lives as he's her father and is looking for her. Rox says yes, but she isn't home and I'm her daughter. Mom didn't tell me I had an abuelo. Nacho says that's because your mother thought I was mad at her. Nacho asks roxana to open the door so they can meet and she does and she and Nacho hug. (As sweet as this scene was, I was screaming stranger danger the whole time.)

Lily is busy living her fabulous non-mediocre life picking out fabrics for her and Oleg's love nest but she's so worried about the flashdrive not showing up she tells the decorators she's in no mood to continue at the moment.
She tells her bodyguard Anselmo that she's worried about the flashdrive and leaves. She shows up at AFAID and tells Dan she's working for Oleg and she's worried because he and his people do strange things. Dan just says they are dangerous people and imagines Lily as the woman who fits the composite sketch Pancho described. He tells lily as much but then he is called by Octavio for help as his Mom Deborah fell down a flight of stairs. Deb had been drinking and upon seeing Oct enter the house with Vicky called her a whore and was coming down the stairs to confront Vicky, whom Oct had told mom to respect, and Mom fell down the stairs.

Vicky heads home after calling an ambulance for Deborah and tells the assembled Durans that she has seen Lucha who told her she wanted to see her family as soon as she returned to D.F. but Abuela Fernanda and Lily told her not to see Ignacio. Fernanda is shocked and angry the Vicky knows this. Vicky tells Nanda that ahe shouldn't look at her funny as she knows what she says is true.

Deborah has bruised two ribs but will be fine. Radames says both she and Oct will stay at his home until she recovers.

Lily and Oleg show up at the hotel to ask Radames to speak with Deborah 'woman-to-woman'' to find out if she knows about the flash drive. Radames insists that they leave his family out of their business but Lily tells Radames he's just an employee whose job is to listen and obey orders. Oleg agrees.

Dan is listening to Cesar's final voicemail to him when he draws his gun on hearing the door pulled. It's Carlos, who has keys to the apartment. At Lucha's apartment Lucha comes home to see her father Ignacio who hugs her deeply to Roxana and Deyanira's big smiles.



Los Mis
Tks mucho desde NYC. I missed this one so appreciated the super recap.

y deb, gracias por Sra. Acero, missed that one also.


Thanks so much to spanish student and Variopinta for jumping in with recaps this week. You both really helped keep the story going!

I had a chance to catch up with the episodes this weekend. I guess the stage has finally been set for Daniel to be the hunter and Lucía to be his prey.

J desde NYC, you did a wonderful job recapping Friday's episode. I especially loved your asides ("I was screaming stranger danger the whole time" and "Lily is busy living her fabulous non-mediocre life" -- just to cite a couple).

So far, there have been enough hopeful moments (like the father-daughter reunion, or Dr. Carlos's willingness to believe Lucía or Vicky's strong defense of her mother against her idiot father) to carry me along in spite of all the malice and the apparent advantage the bad guys have.

I like the way the writers let us see how hollow Lily's victories always are. We know that even the awful Olegario is on to her and is prepared to dump her as soon as she becomes an inconvenience to him.

I like the way Daniel's character has been developed: he is an attractive man who is deeply flawed, nursing emotional wounds that make him susceptible to pointing fingers in the wrong direction.

If Daniel had questioned Pancho (the old fisherman) more expertly, he would have elicited the fact that the woman on the beach stopped to help him when he hurt his hand. Since Pancho has no idea that he saw TWO different women that day, his recollections would surely have removed Lily from suspicion! (No way would Lily stop to help anyone!)

I hope to contribute a little this week, but I'm not sure how things will play out. Keep the comments coming!

Thanks deb and J desde NYC for your recaps, and to all other recappers and commenters for making this an intersting week.

Los Mis...Im glad that Lucha reconnected with Papa. let's hope Roxana doesnt open that door for a stranger again (although it was for the best this time).

Sra Acero...i was hoping meatpie wouldnt work with Arnulfo. I doubt Joaquin is leaving soon so maybe he'll save the day. So will bad luck (drugs in the truck) convert the good folks in order to save salvador?

Spanish student



Novela Maven,

ITA about the shoddy questioning of Pancho-Daniel knows he's an inportant witness but his heartbreak and mourning are making him fall down on the job.

I also agree that Daniel's grouchiness and immaturity with women has been explained well by the writers-he's still emotionally that eight year-old boy who wants to save his mother and father, who wants everything to be black and white that he doesn't listen.
I want to slap him, because every other person in Lucha's life, even Sor Milagros, believes Lucha is innocent, but his flaws have been properly explained. The tn is as much about him growing up and being worthy of Lucha as it is about Lucha being definitively cleared of wrongdoing and finding out Nanda and Lily are even worse than she thought.

Victoria Parraga has certainly done better on explaining Daniel Ponce's neuroses than she did Alejandro Beltran's in La Patrona.

the Miserables.

thanks for the recap, J desde NYC!

I am a bit discouraged that we have to deal with a flash drive forever, that would put away all of the bad guys in one whack, anyone that watches television would know that Millán's only way to save himself was to let EVERYONE know, by emailing everyone, emailing the press, or even posting it on the internet would have worked.

but even though this is a bit predictable, the show does pack an emotional would have made a terrific two-hour movie.

and thanks NovelaMaven for clarifying that "Pancho has no idea that he saw TWO different women that day", because didn't he spend all day looking at Lucha's face.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Los Mis

Deb, I agree with your comment about Millan and pursuit of flash drive. In this age a simple email or internet post would suffice (or simply stating the full truth on the voicemail messages). But TNs specialize in delaying the inevitable. Let's hope the writers have other storylines to keep us interested.

NovelaMaven and J desde NYC, I also liked your explanations of Daniel's behavior. His rudeness with everyone was such a turnoff that I started rooting for Carlos.

On another note, I find it odd that Lucha and Daniel supposedly love each other although they didn't know anything about each other and hadn't spent much time together. And now of course he's showing nothing but hatred and contempt for her. Yet the entire novela, como siempre, is about these 2 reconnecting in the end.

spanish student
spanish student

spanish student

Oops, sorry about the repeated name above.


See you there!

Deb, the offending post is gone. You can delete your earlier one if you like. Thanks. :)

NovelaMaven- I'm not registered with blogger so I don't have the option to delete my posts.


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