Friday, November 21, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo, 11/21/2014, No show doesn't mean that we don't get to chat

First of all: I apologize for my lack of presence on the boards. I just started a new job that is killing me softly. It's a completely new field of work for me, one that I'm not completely sure that I even like but I absolutely have to make work; so I'm constantly exhausted and I'm behind on all my TV watching.
Having said that and since there was no show yesterday, I figured we could do something else for today's post.

How about if we take advantage of the mini-break to explore some of the moral themes of the story, some of the situations that have been discussed before, but never at length because there was always something else to comment on.
  •  Ana has no real skills, other than dancing on the pole and making bad business decisions. She has a huge heart and she loves the kids just like a mother would, but what has she really accomplished so far, except surviving?
  • Fernando decided to marry the mother of his presumed 8th child, even if there was no connection between him and the mother to be and he was in love with another woman. Is this type of situation still acceptable in 2014?
  • Nico married a much younger woman, but failed to realize that she will want to be there for him no matter what and fixing her up with another man is not OK. For better and for worse, right?
  • Diego, an adventurer at heart, decided to give up on his entire life for a woman that only feels gratitude for him. Even if he had Ana's love, would a life of domesticity be enough for him?
  • Fanny, a barely 20 year-old, who is still struggling with finding out who she is and what she wants out of life, committed to a guy with a young child to take care of. Seen from this point of view, isn't Lenin - the care-free student boy, a more appropriate match?
  • Manuela wanted to be the surrogate for her employer and she would have probably done it if not for Nico's health problems.
  • Alicia accused Fernando of not respecting her privacy; but she's 15, still living in her father's house and cyber-dating is almost never safe.
  • And the big elephant in the room, that hasn't even been addressed yet: when Fernando finds out about Ana's real job and lying to him for so many months, won't he have the right to be upset? Ana's presence in his house exposed all of his children to the likes of Doroteo (and even Johnny), so should we blame him too much when he jumps through the roof upon finding out the truth (because I believe that he will)
 If anything else pops into your heads, feel free to discuss.


Adriana Noel,
Thanks for posting this page.

Something that really bothers me is the fact that Johnny keeps thinking about Jenny, and saying how in love he is with her. And then you have Nico saying that he wants Jenny to find a younger guy. I pray that the writers aren't planning on a Jenny-Johnny hook up. NO WAY!

Another thing. When is Isabruja going to start showing? She has no indication of being pregnant. Isn't she far enough along to be showing even a little?

One more thing. I really like Nando and Edith together.

Hasta pronto!

If Fernando didn't go ballistic over Johnny, introduced as Ana's ex, hanging around at all, much less hiring him to work in the house around his kids after and being aware of some connection between Johnny and Chicago, and well, just being aware of Johnny the sleaze taking a check to pimp out "Lana," showing up drunk at La Costena, and so forth, just how legitimate would any outrage blaming Ana for bringing Johnny into his life be at this late date?

As for Ana's working at Chicago, I'm not so sure Fernando's going to be all that upset, at least not for very long.

He saw Lana, he lusted for Lana, and if Ana does indeed forgive him for making her door #2, he will have Lana, that is to say Ana's sensual side, as well as the woman he's fallen for already, the one who makes him laugh, who is so good with his kids, and whose mere touch and the memory of a kiss have him enthralled.

To pick a metaphor from Hasta, it would be like a sweets lover finding out that what was labeled as a plain piece of chocolate had a luscious caramel center.


Thanks for posting this.

Ana: She is in a self-Pygmalion process. She is learning new languages and other subjects she didn't get during whatever formal education she has in order to keep up with the kids. She is also good for the kids because she has the appropriate instincts to protect them as though she were their real mother. Fernando's Freudian Slip the other night is very telling about that as well as it is about his own feelings for her.

Ana has found her place. Get her out of Chicago and put Doroteo and his set where they belong and Ana will have everything she ever wanted.

Fernando: No, he definitely shouldn't have married Hissabela just because he thought he knocked her up. This is quite unnecessary in 2014, but it may jive with the moral code he grew up with. I probably pointed this out before but is it possible that Nick married his wife after she was already pregnant? However, I don't think Nick would be too concerned about this now in view of the lessons he has learned.

Fernando's biggest failing in all this was ignoring everyone's feelings about it, not just his own. He had not taken the time to observe Hissabruja with his existing children and he certainly didn't get to know her well enough to realize what a narcissistic, snobbish bitch she really is. His previous emotional distance from his family -- which was obvious to Ana from the outset -- kept him from even thinking about this.

I think it was a major sense of guilt about hurting Ana (and himself) that kept him from fighting the intrusion of Yolanda. It's as though he were punishing himself. He could easily have paid for Yolanda to live in Hissabela's previous (and very nice) apartment. However, that would have not allowed for the antics that took place in the 50 episodes to follow.

More after caffeine.

I was thinking the other day that Isabitch has been preggers for what? a year now. Didn't she get into a scuffle the other day snd fall? AND are we to believe that Fanny Diego Nico and Lord knows who else knows Ana's a pole dancer but not Fer? She has supposedly danced there for many years.

The fall was in a nightmare, so it didn't really happen.

As for how long she's been pregnant I think she's only in her 4th month. Time passage is not handled well by novela production teams so unless we get slides that say "Three weeks later" or something it's hard to tell. I look for stuff like that to include in my articles because I like to clear up confusion to the degree possible.

Had Ana not misrepresented her credentials and gone on that interview, she would still be in the rough, loud mouthed, exotic dancer, begging her worthless wannabe pimp to marry her and have kids, rut. She did nothing until that interview to change her lot though she pined for a family because her biological clock ticking and knew the shelf life of a dancer at a mens club.

While I understand and support her initial decision not to disclose her other "career" once she morphed from being a nanny to being a mother, aware of the type of person she worked for at the club, she should have at least attempted to either minimize her involvement or work on an exit strategy. Instead, she refused assistance from Diego and brought more people into the deception of Fernando. Why? So he doesn't fire her? The kids won't allow him to fire their mother. Pride? What is prideful about refusing help from Diego and continue working for a beast of a man that owns you. Her art? Ok, she is good on a stripper pole after 10 years but what happens when Dana gets a little better and takes a little more off or the lighting in the club brighter and why hasn't she auditioned for a dance troupe? Haven't seen any recently.

She hasn't come clean because she wants Fernando and telling the truth, she believes, will blow that up. So she lies and doesn't have the respect for him to allow a decision based on truth. (same as Leon) It's crazy because Ana, at heart, a wonderful person and has done what she could to feed and house herself and her friends with the asset she had that was marketable. Her eyes are open to a world she can easily live within and belongs now but she hasn't the courage to shoot her past in the head once and for all.


Oh.. Thanks forgot the fall was in a dream. Yeah thats true about tns the time warp keeps things interesting.

I think the photo is of Norma Herrera herself... same eyes as published photos of young Norma Herrera...
check this out...*%26quot%3BLos+que+ayudan+a+Dios%26quot%3B*(M%C3%A9xico,+1973)*

btw, i have been nursing a crazy prediction that Manuela will end up running into or working for Soledad Fuentes and will be the catalyst for the reunion... just a thought... Didn't we see 'Veracruz' when we saw that little clip of Soledad currently? That is where Manuela was heading.

Lots of good themes to discuss Adriana!

With the type of childhood Ana grew up in I think surviving is a huge accomplishment. She isn't on drugs, she isn't a prostitute. She found a job that lets her do something she loves, dance. Yes, she got in with the wrong type of boss. She is honorable in trying to pay her debts and she and Jenny worked hard to buy a home. Coming from her background maybe Jonny was the best of the lot. He's a buffoon but a good guy at heart and maybe she thought that's the best she could do in her situation. She's not exactly meeting quality men at work. She is an extremely hard worker and I would say, a quick learner. She has a gift for taking care of kids, isn't defensive about her weaknesses and is open with her heart. I think she has a lot to be proud of.


Adriana, thanks for posting this...
i agree with UA that Fernando will probably go through the roof because of at the time he was growing up having your loved one be a dancer at a mens club was an outrage... esp in the society he grew up in...
And I also agree that his anger/outrage won't last long unless Isa and Reeky start building false/misleading evidence against Ana to make her job at the CHicago different from what it really is... maybe InoDoro will help them in that so that Fernando will stay away from ANa and she will continue working there.

Tofie, I agree that Ana should have come clean with Fernando long ago and got it over with... i agree her fear is loosing Fernando but now that she has the kids and the house staff and even DIego and Nico on her side, she should have come clean pretty much since Fernando got married...
(at that time her chances of getting him were slim and she would still probably keep her job at the house with the kids).

But about... "Had Ana not misrepresented her credentials and gone on that interview"... if I remember correctly it was the staffing company woman who confused the candidates and sent Ana to interview with Fernando for the nanny job instead of someone else... and Ana and Jen just acted a bit awkward since the COstena building was such a 'fine' place compared to what they were used to... but i don't think Ana misrepresented herself... she just went along and once she met the kids she fell in love with the family and the job. Then she started having feelings for Fernando and the fear of his finding out about the chicago job kept her from being honest about it.

but the 'sh' will hit the fan soon, and i am afraid Isa, Reeky and InoDoro will make it very hard on Ana and mislead Fernando (just like Rodrigo was misled by his fiancee adn his mom in Refugio)...
i only hope that by the time this happens Ana will have reunited with her mom and at least will have her as her safety net/support while Nico, (Diego, if he is around still), Bruno and the kids knock some sense into Fernando about what is really important.


Carvivlie... totally agree... but it will take Fernando sme time to get over his stereotyping issues especially if Isa, Reeky and InoDoro paint Ana's picture much worse than it really is.
This is where the family, staff and even Betty will help Fernando crack through the shell of stupid stuff and see the light of all the virtues of Ana... nobody is perfect... he really hurt Ana with marrying Isa... so he can't really throw the stone and look the other way.

AdrianaNoel, Sorry you are having to deal with the new job thing, most of us have been there and it's not easy.

One thing that bothered me from the start: Fernando dealing with his grief over losing Fanny Sr by being a workaholic and ignoring his kids...but the new nanny gets him to come out of his shell. What? The kids weren't motivation enough?
Then all the little coy flirtations between Fer and Ana. I realize this is the whole premise of the story, but on some level there is a tinge of ickiness to the whole employer/employee aspect of their relationship bleeding over into their personal lives.

Also, without meaning to, Ana sort of "used" Diego: accepted the fun and the distraction and the help with her mom, when she knew she didn't love him.

But--I do love the show!

J in Oregon


Adriana thanks for the posting:

I was surprised when watching "Soy tu Dueña" that José Miguel (FC) didn't follow the typical tnland path and marry Ivana (GS) right away when she said she was pregnant with his child after a one-night stand.

So already in tnland it's been put out there that the guy doesn't necessarily have to marry the pregnant girl (if not sooner in another telenovela that I missed).

But Fernando (JS) couldn't have gone this route because we wouldn't have the first 80 or so episodes; and we wouldn't have the setup for the animosity between Isabruja and Ana (well, from Isabruja's end).

I'm not liking that Don Nico is pushing Johnny on Jen. He married her knowing full well the age difference and now he definitely shouldn't
be thinking for her.

It only stands to reason that Fernando will blow a gasket when he finds out about Chicago, otherwise where is the storyline going to go? We still have Jorge Aveneda's character to be integrated into the storyline, so we'll have many episodes spinning out a romance between Ana and JA. And Ana's reunion with her mother; not to mention Isabruja probably moving back into the mansion and IkkyLizard's plan to take down Fernando. And the endless PSA with all the problems seven growing children present.

Great idea Adriana!!

Ana has done well enough for herself with the life she was dealt. But her continued stubbornness to get help for her debt is really unnecessary. Want to pay someone back--then make it Nico or Diego!! I sometimes wonder if she loves the dancing so much, she doesn't really mind having to go there to pay it off (subconsciously). The fact she tries to learn along with the kids shows she's a smart cookie--I would LOVE to see her enroll in school along with Fanny.

While I think Fer is growing as a person, it's still mainly through his kids. But you see how quickly he becomes outraged still. I believe it was understood he was a tough and exacting boss too.

So I think his initial reaction to any reveal on Chicago is going to be ballistic initially. And like I said the other day, the fact EVERYONE seems to know but him is not going to sit well. Remember that one scene where he explicitly told the kids, Ana, et al to please not keep secrets from him and keep him in the loop. And Ana stood there and agreed. We've already seen he doesn't let her get a word in when angry, and then apologizes later. He may say and do something in the heat of the moment he'll regret, but she's already on thin ice with him not choosing herfirst, so she'll think he really does think she's not good enough, etc.

As much as I hate it, I do believe the writers are telegraphing an eventual Jen/Johny pairing. And in the process, we are going to get a real sell job on how great this guy is, etc. As Anon brilliantly pointed out, Fer seems just fine with this joker hanging around his kids and working for him, which honestly, is a blatant sexist move if we see him unnerved over Ana as a pole dancer. Then it will can do anything and allow to be redeemed, women must be pure as the driven snow dressed in Snow White garb (how appropriate with the fairy stuff) otherwise they have to suffer before their happy ending and deserve the guy with issues they fall for. Bull hockey.

My guess is we will see Isa start to show and be all into the baby about the time Fer finds out about Ana. Guesses how Isa uses that draw.

Sorry for being wordy--seeing what having a day off can do?


Another curious thing (something I might be missing), but I never see Edith (Bea Ranero) listed in the opening credits, but Edna (Elba Jimenez}, Ximena (Daniela Cordero), Laura (Karla Farfan), and Dana (Daniela Goyri - child of Sergio Goyri???) are all listed plus other actors that I don't know and don't know which characters they are playing.

Does this mean Edith will have a more limited role than Ximena? Is is this just some weird thing with regards to who Osorio decides to list in the opening credits and in what order?


I think they just haven't updated the credits yet. I think they have a starting point with what characters/actors are signed on at the beginning of the show.As the script changes/is edited, new characters not in the original break down are added and there names aren't necessarily added to the credits right away.

test new picture in my profile. lisa with Galileo (dolphin)

I think Fernando will be justified in blowing his top, not for Ana's choice of dancing at the club (though I agree with Daisynjay, part of the reason she hasn't made any plan to leave because she likes it, the dancing and the adoration)but because of the continued deception (she knows Fernando not an ogre and saw how quickly he whipped the checkbook out to help Leon) which also puts the kids at risk. She is lying to him and noticed she is a bit concerned Fernando will be around all the time and she has enjoyed cover with her relationship with Diego and that gone. I jumped all over Leon for hiding the fact he had a wife & child and didn't come clean because he feared the relationship's end, so Ana lying, knowing she may lose him if disclosed, disrespectful and insulting. She has a support system now and while it may not end with a romantic fairytale relationship with Fernando, she could get out. If she thinks a doctored photo embarrassing to Fernando, why would she let a disclosure she the headliner at that club happen and blindside him?


How can one tell the difference between Alex and Guille? They are so alike to me it's unreal.

Good thing Fernando already quit his job over the photoshopped newspaper article. Imagine his volcanic eruption if (when?) Enrique, Isa and Linda decide to publish his young children's nanny's moonlighting occupation, complete with quotes from Chicago clients and "helpful" sleaze boss (Ino)doro!

I think Ana's skills are learning and adapting. I like her eagerness to learn. She's doing well with the English that she only started studying in order to help the kids with their schoolwork, and she's also put effort into studying things like child development issues, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. Wanting to keep finding out more is certainly making her smarter than Isa, who had a posh extended education but isn't much interested in thinking or developing herself further or in new areas.

If Jennys has to move on to a younger man, I hope it will be Jorge Aravena's character. We don't know what he's like yet, but he has to be better than Johnny.

Fer gets mad when people keep information from him, but he doesn't stay mad for long. Once he starts thinking about watching Lana the Pole Dancer, he'll probably get over it faster. I wonder if Diego will "accidentally" let it slip out of spite.

OK, I'm back.

We didn't mention Nando, who has gotten involved with a girl who initially humiliated him, then fell in love with him, and is troubled to the degree that he had to save her life. He is going to be torn between what he feels for her and what he is about to feel for Edith. We need to hope that Ximena will hook up with Gustavo, freeing Nando to get together with Edith.

Fanny isn't ready for marriage and motherhood, although one could argue that she probably mothered the twins and Luz to some degree before the curtain went up. She needs time to get her degree if nothing else. And Lenin is the polar opposite of Leon in the sense that he may be intellectually more developed but he's emotionally less mature.

I think Fanny could handle motherhood. She took on that role with her siblings when their mother got sick and then after she died. But it's just for that reason that I think she should not rush into marriage and kids. It would be good for her to be on her own for awhile, even to move out and have her own apartment and a full-time job and learn to be independent. And she needs to finish school. I'd like for her to go work with an impoverished or refugee community somewhere. She'd do fine if she had a few lessons in basic skills first.

Nick: Had he dated much since his own wife died? She must have died about 25-30 years ago for Fernando and Diego to have been the same ages as Nando and Sebas, respectively, when Fanny, Sr died. He is a charming fellow who should have begun dating a year or two after the death of his own wife... or was he too busy building his company?

No matter how much dinero he has he would somewhere down the road develop insecurities about whether a substantially younger wife would ultimately lust for a younger man. The heart attack is a nasty reminder of their age difference and is bound to make him insecure. That Jennifer is sure of her feelings for him is something he doesn't realize because his own angst is too intense at this point.

Diego: I don't see him becoming domesticated. The thrill of his career was all about capturing things that nobody else had the courage to do. I don't think that trading that for a career as a fashion photographer or doing newspaper photos for the society page would satisfy him in the long term. I suspect that Ana is a lot like his mother was and that was part of the attraction, but since he's not interested in having children of his own this sort of woman is not what he needs. He needs someone more like Natalia. That his viewpoint on life and morality differs somewhat from Fernando's is not surprising because he's had to make his own way, like many younger sons through history. However, even he hasn't seen what was behind that initial attraction.

None of which makes him damaged or even flawed.

Diego was upstanding and generous in wanting to buy out Ana's debt to Doroteo. He should have pressed the issue more strongly or seen a lawyer about his options.

Ana: Getting back to her own mistake in not allowing this, she does have her pride. She also knows she doesn't have a lot of time left as a pole dancer. However, no matter how little time is left for that she doesn't recognize that Doroteo will still find some way to enslave her. She doesn't fool around with customers and barely interacts with them, but he would do something to keep her in shackles.

She should have had her Lola disguise from the get go, but then we wouldn't have a story.

Maybe Ana should start getting worse at pole dancing so inoDoro will be willing to let her go. Train up a few of the others who want to work there for some reason, and start falling off the pole or looking less sexy with the moves. Take a lesson from Esmeralda in LQLVMR :). Draw on some wrinkles and cellulite. Whatever.


LOL, Esmeralda was awful but thought she was good. So did Maria. Watching those two dance was excruciating. I really enjoy Ana's dances because they take so much skill and strength.

Adriana: Thanks so much for posting this discussion page.

The thing that bothers me the most is Fer's marrying Isa because she was pregnant. So unnecessary in this day and age.

I also have a problem with setting young people up in the love-of-my-life scenarios. In the real world, Fan would be much too young to commit to an older man with a child.

Love at first sight bothers me, too. Though I suppose it's somewhat necessary since there's a time limit to these shows.


Dana was practicing on the pole the other night when Juan came up and she was doing a good job. We still don't know was she is cooking up to help bring Doroeto down. Ana knows the kind of guy he is. He recently made a prouncement she still owes the original amount or he'll tell. When Leon was faced with exposure he confessed to Fanny.


From personal experience, love at first sight is real and not necessarily the end of the world.

I feel in love at 15 to a guy 5 years my senior, married at 21, and have experienced the most wonderful marriage imaginable for the past 40 years. Also, I completed my Masters while pregnant with our first child, and Doctorate while pregnant with our second child.

I wouldn't trade my love life (or motherhood) for anyone else's, particularly a love life wandering from guy to guy just so I might say I had experienced independence or self-sufficiency.

It is all in the eye of the beholder.

Anon 3:25: My mother fell in love with my father at first sight and they were together and in love until his death (of course, she's still in love with him). I believe in your case and in my mother's it is a soul reognizing their Divine Partner and not a "sight" thing (I don't use the term soul mate, because I believe that a soul mate isn't necessarily a romantic partner) . I do think it's rare for a "love-at-first sight" to be a real soul connection.

For me personally, the love of my life wasn't someone I loved at first sight.

I forgot to say that I'm happy for you. The romantic in me loves your story.

I was watching Salome the other day and I realized how similar Ana, Jen, and Johnny are to Salome, Caricia and "Figurin" although I'm guessing Johnny is a saint compared to "Figurin." Also how Julio, Diego, Arturo (their father) and Angela are like Fernando, Diego, Nicolas and Estefania.


I posted my story to show that it is possible to fall in love with someone right away and just feel that "It" is meant to be. Of course, love comes when it comes, and may or may not last forever.

I love that the main protagonists in novelas always seem to love each other in a fairytale way. In today's society where more than 50% of all marriages end up in divorce, it is refreshing to daydream just a bit about fairytale love. Not that fairytale love has to end in marriage, I'm in perfect accord with civil unions or other of any kind.

Anon: I like the fairytale nature of the novelas, too. I'm glad you shared your story. I love hearing about people who are still in love after many years. Gives me hope. :)

Adriana, thanks for prompting a great discussion! I'm way behind in watching, commenting, and thanking the recappers. I truly appreciate the recaps from our devoted volunteers. They make it possible to keep up with parts I've missed.

CS, I loved that novela. Salome (Fernanda, really) was actually worse off than Ana in some ways. She was a lot more bitter and she had Lucrezia to deal with. Who was nothing to laugh at.

Johnny: Not inherently bad, but he is a buffoon. And an immature one, which is why Ana broke up with him. He cheated on her and she couldn't trust him anymore. He doesn't think ahead about anything and is not running his own life in a responsible manner. He's living off Ana and Jennifer in the house that they own; I'm sure he's not paying them any rent and he should now that he is the only one of the three living there. He needs a major wake-up call.


Manuela: Here's a lady with maternal instincts who would probably not be a great candidate for a surrogate. In most places she would never be accepted as one because she hadn't had any children of her own yet. She would be at a greater risk of wanting to keep the baby. Bruno was absolutely right in insisting that this was his debt to pay.

I hope she finds the right man to marry, but I don't think it's Bruno.

Alicia: I think we're all on the same page about Fernando putting the kibosh on her cyberdating venture. She is far too young and naive about what dangers there are in the world.

Is there a NetNanny app that Fernando could use to block sites like that on the tablets used by his kids? If so he needs to get those yesterday.

Finally, the Elephant in the Room: Ana should have come clean about this a long time ago, but what is a novela without the Sword of Damocles hanging over a protagonist's head? She should have fessed up that the employment agency sent her by mistake, that she took the job because she was both in need and because she loves children, and that she stayed because she wanted to protect the children from Hissabela because Fernando still had blinders on about her.

Fernando needed the wake-up call of Hissabully actually physically abusing Sebas to see that he had exposed his children to a Brothers Grimm-level wicked stepmother.

Ana's smarts about people are partly the result of her working in that club. She had Hissabruja's number from Day One. These same smarts are what gives her the creeps about Enrique and could be what saves Fernando from whatever else that monster has in mind.

Yes, Fernando will be upset when he finds out about this. Nick can talk some sense into him, especially if he knows about the Lola thing. Ana has been the children's nanny for about five months or so and she has been a positive force in their lives.

However, between Enrique and Isabela there will be an issue or two big enough to cause a rift that will last at least 20 episodes.

Until Doroteo showed up at the mansion Ana had no reason to worry about him causing a problem. She should have just nipped it in the bud right there and spilled the frijoles. That would have taken away his power over the situation regardless of the consequences. This is particularly true because she needs to get out from under the shackle of his resetting her debt.

Which makes me believe she paid him back in cash.

We still haven't seen Jen pay off the medical debt money. If the writers omitted that scene, it's a mistake.

Urban, didn't Diego go to Doroteo and pay off the debt Ana was carrying for Jenny? If not, what was it Diego paid off?
J in Oregon

He didn't. Doroteo wouldn't deal with him.

Finally. About time they showed Soledad's face. The actress that plays her is Norma Herrera who was previously Rocio in amor bravio (ironic since Silvia Navarro was in that show too).


Not really; there are numerous examples of actors cast together in the more than one series (or even two) and sometimes in the same relationships.

This is the second time Jorge Salinas and Pablo Montero have played brothers. There is a third novela where they were rivals.

Helena Rojo and Adele Noriega have played mother and daughter twice.

Enrique Rocha has been Arecely Arambula's father twice (although in one of them they didn't know until the end).

Why is it that whenever anyone rings the front doorbell in the Lascurain house, Ana screams at the top of her lungs and runs full speed for the door. Why is the nanny answering the door? Don't they have other staff to do that? Is that for comic effect? It just doesn't seem realistic and is getting annoying.

i agree, Bluefan... Ana screaming at all is annoying... and although she is supposed to be that spontaneous and lively, screaming at the top of her lungs and scaring others including Fernando makes her look annoying. Even Fernando covers his ears when she starts screaming, which is the only thing i find funny about her screaming, others reactions.

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