Thursday, December 04, 2014


I'm cooking up the recap so stay tuned!

Sofia has Alexa in the third degree about why she is in the same clothes she was wearing the day before.

Sofi- Don't play dumb.
Lexi- I was with Armie!
Sofi- Mom is sick, you need to let him go or at least he gets his stuff straight and furthermore we need to set an example for the employes! Keep it platonic like... Salvador and I.
Dani and Lexi- Salvador?
Sofi- He's back...

Nestor Miranda from Guapos, I mean, Peralta talks with Oliver about helping Isadora well, get help for her drinking problem. He agrees in glee and is asked avout Daniela; Olly and Dani are good but you can tell all MiPeNe cares about is his name being clean.

Tavares and Renzi talk about how Renzi is a delinquent/ victim he hasn't been able to convict and Renzi lies he is here for the magic of friendship and not enemies.

Tav- I'd like the names of your social partners.
Renzi- I'm not authorized to do that so just take my word for it.
Tav- (I'm not buying this crap; Renzi is a sleazeball through and through so act natural.) Sure thing, bye Meester Renzi.
Renzi-(Bye Felicia) Adios.
(The door closes and the cussing begins.)

Chava chides MariMuneca about Javier.

Mari- 2 days! Doctor's orders!
Chava-I wanted to celebrate mom's birthday without him there though!
Muneca- He's your dad, you have to forgive him! Why are you hellbent on cutting him off?
Chava-I don't know, I do not know.

The Ripoff sisters discuss the whole #TeamChava, #TeamPatricio thing.

Lexi-Ostuas, so the Ripoffery is going to become a battlefield now.
Sofi-Heavens no! I just need to put the boys in their place like Dani did with Lucas.
Lexi- Well if it were Dani's choice, she'd be with that sexy-when-riding-a-horse-little-crackpot.
Dani- Love you too sis!
Sofi-All I ask is that including me, we don't bring our personal troubles to the Ripoffery our father entrusted us with!

Greta has Patricio ringing in her head saying that he rehired Chava and that he knows what he is doing.

Silvie yells at Laris that the only reason she was hired is because Alexa hasn't even the slightest idea what is required and to get out of her office! Laris runs out and into Matias as Silvie thoughtbubbles, "Respect me, or respect me."

Laris asks Mati if Silvie is always so pissy and Mati says she had a phase where she was sweet but that's not existent anymore. Laris bruahes Silvie's BS off and exclaims, "I'm interested in working here neneeee!"

Mati- Matias, it's Matias and I don't let anyone insult Silvie especially due to her anemiatic state.

Laris- I could use a tour around the factory (on the inside- be my horse so I could ride you JK.)

Mati- A pleasure to be your guide, I'm the future chocolatier and close your mouth you'll catch flies. When ahould we start?

Laris-I'd love to right now.


Thanks in advance for your recap.

Great episode.


Tavares with a smile telling swollen faced Renzi "que se mejore pronto."

Patricio seeing the Chava-Sofía picnic after he was put off for a dinner date by Sofía and making sure Chava saw him and Chava making sure he saw him.

Greta thanking Paco for the delicious mermelada then telling him to get lost.

The two lawyers (Irma's Araceli and Armando's) both needing time to "think" about what to do next for their clients.

Araceli just letting Irma run her mouth bad mouthing Armando to Paco without opening her own big mouth to tell him the whole truth. So glad Armando did it for himself later.

Loser Javier berating Lupe for wanting to divorce him ( break her sacred vows) now that he finally has decided to reform himself after 20 plus years (?) of being an a-hole.

The kids in the fight scene all looked like they were laughing at the beginning of the fight.

Fausto looking Irma up and down and down and up when she arrives demanding to see Greta.


Jarifa, I'm going to be looking forward on the day Irma gets killed off at some point (see Monika Sanchez of AV).

Everything Irma touches is poison.

Thanks, CorazonSalvaje! “magic of friendship…!” LOL Renzi’s just a legitimate business man.

Silvana yelling at Iraís: Silvana may not be her usual cheerful self since her “anemia,” but she was a whole order of magnitude over the top by yelling at and insulting Iraís.

That was about jealousy and poaching Silvana’s Matías territory. YAY!

I wonder how long it will take Silvana to realize she's falling for Matías. I hope it's before she winds up on the bedroom floor with two kids looking down at a gunshot wound in her heart.

I have a feeling it was Octavio did the kids' mom in -- and Patricio who would do that to Silvana if she didn't cooperate.

And Silvana is not going to cooperate, if Patricio keeps on trying to marry Sofía.

Seeing Matías happy with the woman of his dreams would be such a nice thing to see in this show.

Jeri, if Octavio shot Silvana's mother to death, is it possible Greta found out & poisoned him ?

Hmmm. Interesting theory there.

Was Octavio poisoned? I didn't remember that.

Octavio died five years before the start of the show, because on the 30th anniversary of Ripoll and Sofía's 30th birthday she said she'd been running the business for five years.

That's assuming he headed up the company until he died.

Jeri, it's a crazy theory.

Big question is whether Octavio was involved in the mafia ?



The Name Origin and Meaning of Irais

Gender: Female
Origin: Greek
Meaning: The Greek name Irais means - descendent of Hera


Jeri, Odds that Lucas' mother shows up anytime soon in this TN ?

A.) 50-50

B.) 80%

C.) 100%

Irkme is: Evil, Dishonest, Crazy, Selfish. Now where did she put that bottle of pills?

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