Friday, January 16, 2015

La Gata #97 Thur 1-15 The one I'd rather flush than re-crap!

Hey y'all.  I couldn't even gin this thing up at all.  It tis what it tis!

Esme’s ready to go deliver some beads.  Damian comes to the door.  Damian tells her he will be with her for the appointment in the Lawyer’s office.  Esme refuses.

Pablo discusses the Garza appointment with Lo.  She plays her cognitively impaired son like a fiddle.  She tells him that when he was in New York Esme confessed to her that a man had offered to help her out, to take her on as his concubine or his wife, you know to help her.  Lo counsels that he should not be too hard on Esme, she was all alone and needed help.  Pablo kisses Lo’s hands in gratitude for her goodness and her sage counsel!

I guess Blanca is trying to apologize for having lied/hidden the truth about the Garza thing.  She appeals to their common motherhood, that she must know what it is to want to protect a child.  We suffer flashbacks from the dumpster days of wild, flying, unkempt hair and toting one baby in each arm.  Even though you’re a grown woman, you’re still our baby.  Blanca believes in Esme absolutely.  Hugs.

Pablo takes his confusion to Mariano.  He doesn’t understand Esme.  She insists on going alone to the lawyer.  Pablo says he’s going anyway.

Fernando is in his office in deep thought.  Jarocha brings him coffee, she thinks like Damian that Esme should tell the truth.  Fer thinks Esme will be hurt when she confronts Garza.  Jarocha gives a speech about how Esme is now a grown woman and knows how to defend herself.  She’ll be fine:  she’s La Gata! 

Garza and Gutierrez discuss whether Esme will come alone.  Gut doesn’t think so.  She has lots of defenders and there is no way they will let her come alone to this most important phase of the process.  If she comes alone, it will be like walking into a guillotine.   Gut tells him not to worry, she will not come alone but they have enough evidence to win the case.  Gut likes the tough legal battles but he likes to win them by skillfully wielding the law.  Garza grins that he should prepare for the first time to win by an unfair advantage because he’s sure La Gata is going to come alone.  Was this supposed to be suspenseful or something?

Pablo comes over to Esme’s.  She asks what are you doing here?  I told you I didn’t want to see you anymore.  She continues to reject his going.  Esme tries to get him to promise not to look for her.

Now Fer and Blanca try to talk her into not going alone.  More flashbacks are inflicted on us:  A younger Garabato fighting Pablo; Meatball trying to kiss Esme and she fighting him off.  The smackdown with Ines which Ines won.  Meatball pulling a gun on Pablo and Esme showing her fanny as she wrestles meatball to the ground.  La Gata de la barranca!  She’s back!  Now they’re all filled with confidence.  Blanca gives her the blessing and she’s off!

Pablo’s in his parent’s bedroom getting more counsel from his shamelessly manipulative “mother.”  (Lo implies) Please support Esme even though she screwed another man and conceived those babies.  Love should be above everything else and not prejudiced by error, Lo coos.  Augie tries to pull Pablo’s coat that his mom is breaking one off in him but Pablo doesn’t catch on.  He leaves fully loaded with seeds of doubt.  Augie has an expression on his face like, “ya dumb fu*k!”  Pablo bids Mariano farewell and Mario warns him that if Esme doesn’t want him to go, he shouldn’t. 

Over at Gut’s law office Esme flounces into the room with what to me looks like a seductive air.  Garza compliments her on how good she looks; she calls him by his full name and looks up at him with her feline gaze.  She says she doesn’t know him!  Say what!  The way she said his name it was like a long time no see, like “look what the cat dragged in!”   Esme demands to know why he’s made up this story and all he does is leer and make sexually provocative comments.  Who’s paying you?   She gets in his face and tells him not to dirty her babies names in his mouth and other stuff of equal import.   Meanwhile Pablo is in the reception area trying to force the secretary to let him in.  Gut shows up.

Lo and Gisela are in the gallery laughing and drinking.  They congratulate each other, rejoicing that right now Esme is in the lawyer’s office and the story between her son and the maldita gata is about to end. 

Esme and Garza circle each other, looking more like they’re sexually sizing each other up than about to have a showdown; Esme says the only father is Pablo Martinez Negrete.  A commotion interrupts their little dance.  Esme goes to the door.  Pablo rushes in and collars Garza.  She breaks them up.  What are you doing here?  Do you doubt me?  Esme asks.  Pablo answers with a question:  Do you know this man or not?  If something happened between you and this man in a moment of weakness, now is the time to tell me.    Now Pablo gets the cat eyes:  You are offending me.  But I have to know! Pablo whines.  Esme asks Pablo, what are you saying?  She turns to Garza and tells him they are done.  You do what you want; I know what I need to do.   She leaves the room.  Now, this next bit is so weird.  Esme exits into the reception area and then in the background we see Gut get the Secretary and they scurry out?  Is this supposed to be like Esme, the cat is so fearsome they are running for cover or something?  That was laaame as hell!   Oooo, ahm skeeerd, let’s git outta here!

The scary, fierce Gata tells Pablo they’re done for good now.

Gut comes back into the reception area looking warily at Esme and looking at the space where she and Pablo stood long after they’re gone.  Garza is smilingly texting someone that Pablo and Esme are broken up again so it will be easy to take her babies.  The interview ended badly which pleases Garza.  Gut wants to know why if things ended so badly between him and the mother of his children, why is he smiling.  Garza doesn’t answer but smiles goofily and shrugs his shoulders for about five minutes.  Then we see a phone with a man’s hand answering the text about how good it is that La Gata is defenseless.  Taking the little bastards from her will be the finishing touch.

Pablo follows Esme home and they argue.   He tries to get her to talk.  Nope.  This is it, it’s over.  She used to love him.  He leaves.  Jarocha comes down the stairs.  Esme starts to tear up.  Camera stays on her too long.  Now.  Jarocha and Esme talk about something on the sofa.  Jarocha has done something for Esme which really makes her feel Jarocha is the sister she never had.  I have no idea what they were talking about.  Feel free to fill in.

Lo is talking to Gisela on the phone again, giddy that Pablo and Esme did not arrive together and were probably arguing.  I don’t understand the “logic” but on Gisela’s suggestion Lo decides she’s got to get Esme into the house and sends Dorila over.   Dorila interrupts Fer, Blanca and Esme talking about the Garza interview.  Lo is about to faint trying to take Augie to the bathroom and Esme must come over right away!  Esme tries to go, Fer tries to stop her.  Esme insists on going but tells them before she leaves that she and Pablo are broken up forever. 

Back at the gallery Gisela is talking to some dude who buys one of Pablo’s paintings.  Mariano appears as the dude leaves and tells her that’s the last of Pablo’s paintings she’ll ever sell.  He serves her the notification that the contract with Pablo is broken:  Pablo will keep painting but without a rabid hyena on top of him.  He laughs and leaves.  Gisela looks at the notification and then throws it on the floor.

There’s a too long scene over at Augie’s.  I suppose Esme has just finished wiping Augie’s ass and has him settled in his wheelchair.  He tells her to leave Pablo; she’s only made everyone unhappy, leave him and let him make a life far away.  You two are not for each other.  There’s too much hate.  She tells him they have broken up for good.  She tells him the only one who believes in her is Lo.  She is there because of her and puts up with his insults.  He calls Lo a two-headed serpent and tries to hip her to Lo’s game.  Esme says he will not turn her against Lo.  He asks her if she has broken up with Pablo, why is she still there and tells her to put an egg in her shoe and beat it!  She’s there because she promised to take care of him and will not leave him alone.  He tells her to get out again and suddenly a brain cell fires and she tells him he’s right:   there is nothing for her to do there and she stomps out!

Esme cries on Fer’s shoulder.  Sometimes she wants to die.  She can’t take it anymore.  She tells them that Pablo doubts her and cries on Blanca’s shoulder, too.

Pablo goes to see Augie.  Where is Esme?  Augie asks can’t he tell by the smile on his face?   She’s gone for good.  Goody, goody, goody.

Esme is back with Fer and Blanca and tell them about Pablo coming to the lawyer’s office to spy on her.  He doesn’t trust her, boo hoo hoo!  Fer decides it’s time for him to respond directly to Pablo. 

Some cliff hanger, hunh?

Previous: Episode 96
Next: Episode 98


Lila, this was wonderful. Thanks so much!

Que horror! Esme took Augie to the bathroom.

That was hilarious when Gut and Secretary left so Pabs and Esme could argue.

I wish they'd tell us already who is behind Garza.

What's up with all these flashbacks?

Gracias, Lila! Thank you for hanging in there. And thank you for confirming my suspicions that this isn't only a train wreck in my own mind! At least your recap was entertaining, even if the show was flushworthy. Perhaps, double-flushworthy. And nobody should light a match. And pass the air freshener.

What Jarocha told Esme was that she had the same experience of seeing Juan Garza and thinking she recognized him, but not being able to recall where she'd seen him before. And when did she have this experience? Why...when she tarted up and went over to his place to check him out. And for doing this, Jarocha is Esme's BFF forever.

Pablo, on the other hand, doesn't get to even show up at the meeting with the guy trying to take his non-existent paternity away, because that means he's spying and doesn't trust her.

I actually liked the blocking where the lawyer hustled the secretary out of there because it was believable in contrast to Esme being hit on by the Ferret and then crossing in front of him so that he was between her and the door. WTF was that? Dude's being all creepy and threatening, you don't let him get between you and the door! Fire the director! Plus, the entire scene was unnecessary. Here, lemme rewrite it for you: "Hi. I'm Esme. I'm here for a meeting with Juan Garza.... You're Juan Garza? I have no idea who you are and I sure as hell never shagged you. Bye." Flounce back on out and scene!

Ooh, ooh, also...PRINCIPE!

I like Jarocha (the ONLY thing I like about this mierda) but, everyone else has been made over for the most part, so why doesn't she EVER comb her hair? I mean EVVV-ERRR!

Whew! Thanks Lila for recapping this steaming pile of an episode for us! I can't believe even Saint Esme is dumb enough to keep going over there to feed Augie his pablum...and that she thinks Lorenza is a nice, misunderstood lady.

Diva--what? Principe? What did I miss?

J in Oregon

Thank you, Mauricio! Isn't Esme taking Augie to potty about the most disgusting thing you've heard all year! Oh, the visual! I need another shower! This hatred of Gata is so gol derned stupid and this weak-assed attempt at suspense in this episode is just. . .doh, I wish I could think of something other than cuss words! I guess the flashbacks are to remind us how we all got to this (NOT) riveting standoff over who's behind DNA-gate. It's got to be meatball! Thanks for hanging with us, Mauricio.

Hey Diva! Thank you girl. No, this is a car wreck with bodies hanging out and you just. can't. look. away!

Thanks for that bit on the bonding conversation between Jarocha and Esme. How come nobody recognizes this guy as Rita's son? How long was he in the hoozegow? All of Esme's and Damian's life, I guess? Jarocha should recognize him for farting out loud!

The chemistry between Esme and the ferret was totally inappropriate. She was coming off like she knew the guy, maybe even intimately! You are so right! That scene and most of the gotdamned episode was unnecessary! Uuuuuuuf!

Thanks, J. Not only is Saint Esme dumb enough to keep feeding Augie pablum, she dumb enough to toilet him!

What the hell demographic is ANY of this appealing to? Is this Rita and Cha Cha and now Augie being fed and toileted by his son's hot (former) mujer supposed to be revving up the geriatric crowd? I can't even see what teeny boppers get out of this!

Where are you gringmeister? Any joy left in poopville?

He has Esme wipe his liver-spotted behind and is still an asshole to her? That confirms his place in hell as the Devil's right-hand man.

Couldn't have said it better Corazon!

Fabulous Lila.

"Lo coos"

“ya dumb fu*k!”

"Esme and Garza circle each other, looking more like they’re sexually sizing each other up than about to have a showdown"

"I suppose Esme has just finished wiping Augie’s ass and has him settled in his wheelchair."

Er. Swear I could watch Pablo almost run over the dumpster dog a hunert times, keep it coming.

When bodily functions enter a story it is intended for teen boys. Ya know, chick flicks are sometimes attended by the bf of said chicks.

I love it when Pablo thinks somebody else touched Esmeralda with their peepee.


Can't wait to read this! I only caught the last 10 minutes because I was watching recordings of La Chucara and Tierra de Reyes.

Hey tofie! This cracks me the hell up: "I love it when Pablo thinks somebody else touched Esmeralda with their peepee."

Thank you girl, yah. It's gone there hasn't it? This thing has been circling the bowl for a long time and when it comes to this Garza thing I wish THEY would shit, or get off the pot!

It's sad when a show lends itself so easily to potty humor.

Hey Sara! Come on in ad suffer and crack wise with us!

OMG. I just read the early paragraph about Lo playing Pabs like a fiddle. It's the same plot device from October. Jeez Louise this show sucks.

Thank heaven for the patio and booze.

Back with more later.

This whole thing has gone to the dogs. It's a shame when things are so bad that it has us commenting like a bunch of low life's. When is the next patio therapy group? I'm bringing Xanax to put in my booze.

Principe sighting yay!!

Thanks Sara! Hey Anon, the best thing about it is if anybody's getting liquored up, at least we're already home!

Yes, Principe, the saving grace of this thing!

Lila, thanks for your great take on this, and for hanging on through such uninspired plots and dialogue, then making it interesting and palatable for us with your humor.

I haven't commented directly on the plot recently because I just simply don't know what to say, but you other commenters sure come up with great observations and alternative ideas for the story line.

5ft, I like your re-write of the meeting between Esme and the Ferret.

Tofie: "peepee" I loved it.

All points bulletin: Where is gringo?


"He leaves fully loaded with seeds of doubt." and the suddenly firing brain cell were great lines.

I'm glad I decided to skip the first part of the episode and just read your fabulous recap.

Not only have they given us the Juan Garza garbage, they are now resorting to lots of flashbacks. Can they make it more obvious that they 1. Think we are dumb and 2. Are just stretching this like taffy?

David, you are not alone in being left speechless by this thing. I've read on this board that some of our friends have talked to native Mexicans about novelas and they (the Mexicans) have quickly and somewhat indignantly denied watching them or having any interest in them! I certainly understand that even better now. They are all bad and probably very few are this bad but show like LG must certainly feel like an embarrassment and a huge waste of time!

We're all learning our lesson Thanks, David! Hang on in with us till the bitter, snotty end!

* I meant to say they, the novelas, are NOT all bad. . . .

Sara, thank you, darlin'! Ok, I feel better I thought maybe LG was turning my lights down. The episode was that bad, wasn't it? Sara, I haven't been able to watch lately but obviously had to watch this last night.

Sara, you, Eli, Diva and our wonderful LG patio (or fireside) gang crack me up every night.

LaDooDoo-oo will not bring us down! Stand strong Gata peeps!

Gringo! We love you! Don't leave us! We'll all laugh and throw spit balls together in the general direction of LaToodle-oo!

At this point I'm stocking up in booze and digging in. I will not let La Gata win. I will be the last one standing and will watch to the bitter end.

That's the spirit, sister!


I can't take this anymore. I'm out until the last week, maybe just the last episode. I can't take the constant stupidity of everyone. None of these people should be allowed to populate.

Carvivlie! I can't say I blame you! We sure shouldn't drive ourselves crazy over this thang. Thank you Carvivlie!

I stay just to listen to ya'll shootin the shit

Are any of us watching out of any desire to know what will happen to the characters?

I doubt it. I think most of us are here to drink and kvetch.

I just saw a comment over on La Mal about Uni slicing that one and leaving this alone. I think in this case it's not entirely Uni's fault. La Gata has great ratings, La Mal does not. I can't believe it either.


Is there anyway we can sue UNI for allowing this TN to be broadcast? It has provoked both obscenities and potty mouth comments by so many bloggers. Was the reaction like this in Mexico? The worst TN I have ever seen.

Potty Mouths Unite!

Tofie, Sara and Anon, this thing begs for potty mouth! It awakens such a contempt in me it's a little frightening! What is it that people like about this thing? It makes me frightened to think about "them", the Gata lovers! It truly must have an "exposed corpse" appeal!

Well. Here's the consolation. When this finishes we'll know we've hit bottom as far as novelas and it will never be this bad again!

It'll all be Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful is what we'll feel when Gata's over. . .sing it y'all!

Dodo, peepee, lollipop

One good lollipop deserves another!

Hey! Isn't that Andy Williams making the "pop" sound with his mouth?

Thanks, tofie! These songs make me SOOOO Happy! And I'm not a bit ashamed!

Awesome Lesley Gore. Yep a young Andy Williams

Anon, well, Jarocha did switch her scrunchie to the top of her head when she went into Mata Hari mode...does that count?

J, Principe was on the stairs when Damian came over. I actually said "Hey! Principe! Maybe this episode won't suck!" There goes my theory.

Lila, if the words from the mouths of the characters are to be believed, when Ferret was being sent away Centavito and Esme were babies. That was why Rita couldn't take in Garabato--according to him. So he went away to prison and just left Garabato on a hill of garbage or something. And then he fathered Ines from prison without his knowledge. So, unless Rita has been visiting him in jail, she'd be the only one to recognize him. And how he got his bad-boy nickname "Tilico" (which I can't find in a dictionary unless its 'tilico as in "etilico" as in "ethylic or alcoholic" or it's a corruption of "tilichero" which is "junk man") is beyond me. Maybe he got it when he was a teenager, before he had the respectable job of driving for a rich family? So, whatever Esme did to him, she did when she was a baby. She's just that amazing, our Gata. To know her is to love her or hate her, even if you only knew her when she didn't do more than eat, sleep, and poop.

The Ferret does have a little something-something, but he's so sleazy I just can't get into him. They need to cast that actor elsewhere, as someone not sleazy. And possibly cut his hair. I'm on the fence about that.

Clearly, whoever programs Gmail's spam detectors has never seen one of these shows, Anon, or they would know that we have legitimate reasons to be talking about "Xanax!"

"Are any of us watching out of any desire to know what will happen to the characters?" I tried to think of who I still care about and I don't think there is anyone. I can't get excited about Jarocha and the PI because I got all excited about Omar and Vero and they just disappeared. Carlos and Virginia are basically settled and I'm willing to ignore the "don't get knocked up or you'll die" crap. Nope. Don't think I really care about any of them. Not expecting any really great anvils (castration by hos on LM last night is going to be too tough to beat) and all the "good" characters getting "rewarded" is going to be an insult to my intelligence.

Mr. 5ft has abandoned ship, BTW. Last night's "meeting" with Esme and Ferret was too much. He has requested that I turn off the English captions. I could have sworn that this isn't the first show he's deemed "too stupid to ignore" but he swears it's the first. He won't even tell me if he'll continue to read my recaps--he's still thinking about it. That's how bad this show's causing strife in the house of 5ft!

Oh no! Household strife! This is a new low! It's as if someone like Lo and G-spot in real life wrote this bile. You know? It's like people who actually think about everybody the way they do: out of touch with reality and suffering from delusions of grandeur "wrote" this shit they're shoveling each night!

Amazing! It's almost over though. Principe, Leti and Pablito should not have their moms put this on their filmography! Blech!

Well, I guess we know what Latoodle is like in real life. I wonder if she's more Lo-of-the-big-beads or Gi-of-the-bizarro-glasses?

This is probably off topic, but I'm still gonna put it here.

As I've said, I'm showing the CCEA dvd to my classes. I understand that one was a hot mess, but I think it's better than this. I actually *want* Marichuy and JM together. And there is actual romance. They are really hot together. I don't know that I ever felt way about Esme and Dan.

I am utterly ambivalent about La Gata.


This show is pretty heat-less. It's like chili without any actual chiles. Mexican food for people who can't handle spice. There's no sex, no lust, no romance. Esme and Pablo seem bored with each other. They haven't been anxious to get their hands on each other since the rodeo (remember THAT floor show!). Now it's kind of "Oh. It's you again. *yawn*" She doesn't even hate him. She's just bored with him.

Sara, say again what is CCEA?

No. There is no romance in this. Really weird for a novela. But then there's no mystery, intrigue, no ehtos, pathos or logos either. Just a vehicle for commercials.

You mean like the product placement for the "milk" that was on the counter at Esme's recently and practically the entire carton was blurred out? Yeah, that wasn't obvious at all.

CCEA: Cuidado con el Angel. Maybe they had chemistry because how could someone not have chemistry with William Levy...ay papacito!

CCEA=Cuidado Con El Angel
It's another Latoodle-doodoo production with Matie and William Levy. The Dvd probably did the show a lot of favors since I think a lot got cut out (it's only 12 hours long and I think there were 160+ episodes.)

Oh, and I stand corrected-the rodeo scene was the standout romantic scene in this. The only stand out romantic scene.

But then there's no mystery, intrigue, no ehtos, pathos or logos either. Just a vehicle for commercials.

Word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even when they try to put in some mystery like backs of heads and hairy fingers we just don't care.


Thanks Diva and Sara. You mean LaToodle-oo actually did a good novela?

Ummmmmmm...good...well, lemme see...if I remember correctly, I believe that was the one where the lawyer quicklikeabunny went to medical school so he could be an eye surgeon....

would you all be ok with me faking my death so I don't have to recap on Monday?

Eli--dammit. *I* was going to do that.

Lila--don't get crazy girl. I didn't say it was good. Just better than this...which isn't saying much. :-/

Is that what happened in CCEA? Ooo. That's kinda stupid!

Eli, you crazy. gurl!

Twinsies!! Posted at the exact same time!

Maybe NOBODY likes this tn and it's getting huge ratings in Mexico because everyone's watching it for the same reason we continue to do so: to snark and disparage and meet and drink. And maybe it's being promoted as the best example of how NOT to write a telenovela, que no?

Pro tip: it really helps sell it if you don't announce your intention to fake your death beforehand.

(I had to slap a hand over my mouth...this is Mr. 5ft's conference calls day and I wasn't sure if he had them on mute! A really loud cackle slipped out first, though, but I totally muffled the sustained giggles.)


I should probably add that I'm watching CCEA with 16-17 year olds and I am being infected with their enthusiasm. They are eating it up.

I'll let y'all know how it goes when it goes into the circo realm. There are three discs and we started disc 2 this week.

Eli-You could write from Principe's POV.

Cat's Diary Day 99
The humans continue to confound. Where's the tuna?

Diva, don't forget, the quickie (in 6 months!) TOP eye surgeon in Mexico also assisted in Marichuy's BRAIN surgery!

A cat's recap would be sooooo totally cool!

Anon, I think the entire audience is in shock and disbelief that this crap is disgracing the airwaves. Everybody's like o_O.

Maybe you're right, anon. It's possible they're watching it so they can hang around the water cooler the following day and say "Dude, did you see...? Total BS!"

When I was a young'un I actually watched a certain TV show that shall remain nameless (it involved a certain famous starship and a hot bald captain) just because my boyfriend was watching it. He wasn't good at conversating, but he could talk about that show all day long.

Lila, my take on CCEA was not a good novela. People seemed to love Maite as the perky, brave orphan girl, but not me. This stupid novela made me seriously not like her. Her romance with sweet William was better than Pablo here, but that had the stupidity of his career change from lawyer to eye surgeon.

I wish Quiero Amarte had been shown at this time. It's a great show, a major, pivotal, shocking development just happened yesterday and it's just me and the crickets! I'm coming off like this wigged out chick that needs to get a life instead of freaking out over Mexican soap operas in the middle of the day!

I'm like a teenaged girl that keeps picking up the phone to see if she hears a dial tone (yeah, I know, that's old school) cause her boyfriend hasn't called. I keep checking the board to see if anyone else is shocked by yesterday's show and it's only my rant from yesterday at 7:00 p.m.

How sad. :-(

Thanks, LaPaloma. Jeeesh. Too bad. Oh well, I'll see y'all later, going to watch my recording of QA and carry on all by myself on the board!

Later and thanks y'all for, as Mr. Rogers used to say, for just your being you!

Sara- I might just do it.

Diva-party pooper!

Pobre Lila! I meant to check that one out, but they never put it on OnDemand. Karyme must have really pissed people off!

Anon, I didn't know about the brain surgery thing. That just adds another layer of stupid on top!

It was a good thing to see Principe lounging on the staircase and having the run of Esme's apartment.

Maybe good to see the mother's reassurance from Blanca to Esme.

Dorila arrives to summon Esme and stands there like a lump, even after they tell her they're having an important family chat. Not good.

Convo with Esme and Juan Ferret at office--unbelievably stupid. What did that accomplish?

Love the idea of a recap from Principe's point of view. Or maybe Esme should fake a kidnapping, take the kids and leave town. She could send plastic jewelry with secret messages to her parents.

Lila- I am five or six episodes behind in QA and I admit I've put a lower priority to it because of Tierra de Reyes, Dueños del paraíso and La Chúcara.

I'll try and catch up a little on it this weekend. I have to confess that Karyme's nasal whiney voice kind of grates.

La Paloma - Maite was really good in Cachito de cielo.

Lila- Once I emerge from LM this week, I'll be able to give QA the love and attention it deserves. I'm pretty excited to be cutting down to one tn, and an afternoon one at that-- meaning it's ready for me on my dvr when I get home.

CCEA was one of the tns on in my early days on Caray. I saw bits and pieces of it, but I remember the hilarious recaps on it because the plot developments were so stupid. Yes, the lawyer morphing into top eye surgeon and brain surgeon in a few months was a hoot. So was the birth of a baby through tight jeans.

Sara, I was ok with Maite in Triunfo del Amor. Only watched a few bits of Chachito, so can't judge her there. There was just so much stupidity in CCEA.


Actually, he wasn't a lawyer. He was a psychonalyst and had background in ophthalmology. He started out studying ophthalmology then decided to become a psychonalyst.

Vivi, wasn't he (in CCEA) also a world famous psychiatrist/psychologist? Ha, ha, ha, the stupid (LaTurd's) just keeps on growing!

Mauricio, when you put it that way, it sounds less stupid. I still reserve the right to point and laugh, though. It's what I do.

It's getting harder and harder to get through this story but no La Paloma and Lila I have not thrown in the towel. The lure and strong scent of Eau de Protagonista is more than the gringo can resist. How can any guy turn away from Maite's La Gata look when she gets angry. Maite's eyes are both lethal and compelling.

Thanks for wading through this Diva from yesterday and Lila today

I had something come up yesterday so I wasn't on the patio with you guys but I did read everything.

David---I loved your list yesterday. Are you going into competition against Tofie?

Who is behind this baby snatch scheme? My money is on Meatball. She rejected him and now he is out for revenge???

Potty mouth? No I am not there yet
but I have been a potty mouth on the Univision Corporate send us an email section of their website
for chopping the last two weeks of a GREAT La Malquerida to pieces
A SUPER GREAT novela and Univision is rushing to end it so that they can start something new.
La Gata is left untouched and the best novela out there is getting chopped. Makes no sense.
the gringo

aw, gringo! Your devotion to the raven-haired goddess is touching.

re: LM, I've seen the horrors inflicted on it and it makes me think of the line in the theme song "que triste ser buena, y que no valga la pena." How sad that going to the trouble of making a really good show doesn't keep it from getting hacked to bits.

Hey brother gringo! Yaaay! Wow! You let 'em have it over chopping up a good novela? Good for you! How dUMB is that? Just amazing. Absolutely amazing!

Thanks for hanging with us, gringo. I know you love you some Maite but I feel more like "Oh de protagonista!" as in "woe is me!"

Thanks Vivi and Sara for your empathy over the QA thing. We do have some faithful commenters like you, Viv, before you got super busy with LM, and two other real troopers, one of whom is a prime highlight/summary blogger for the show. Anywho, don't want to break any rules talking about another novela on this board!

It's Friday! Give 'em hell, Sara!

Gringo, it annoys the living daylights out of me when Univision does that, should I send them an angry tweet on your behalf?

Eli---Yes, by all means.

Gringo, done!

Even in the intro Esme is clearly abusive with the cat. It bothers me to no end. She is too rough. Animals are living creatures with feelings.

I walk out of the room during the opening for that reason. I can't stand watching her run with that cat. :(

Kat - Yes, it was still silly. It was Latoodle after all. :)

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