Saturday, January 03, 2015

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo 118: Checkmate, You Ingrate!!

Cap #118, Parte 1  AND 2 complete 

Ana and Jenifer get a lesson first hand in what “going viral” means—and the problem is that not only might Don Fernando get an eyeful, but his kids as well!  R.U.H. – R.O.H.!!!

"--How can we erase the thing?"  Fanny isn’t sure, but they need to try reporting it.   (--And how!! But, to whom? Good luck with that!)

Meanwhile at the café during lunch, Dr. Angel, El Médico Mágico Ese, discusses the witch that is his ex-wife with Mama Soledad.  True, they were so in love with each other, but nobody in love chooses to selfishly abort their child as she did, he exclaims!  Soledad suggests he forgive her since true love can forgive all.  Well, perhaps it wasn’t true love at all.  Sole counters that all love is somewhat selfish…(--But that is a philosophical discussion best left for a different audience and a different venue).  And, speaking of selfish women, he mentions his new possible love interest—a woman named I…nes, whom he believes must be single/divorced.  (Beanie time here, cuz we have to believe that he doesn't remember her--this great lookin' babe-- coming in and acting as Ferd's "assistant" when getting Sole's data a few weeks back.)

At La Costeña’s exec offices, Isabela enters Ferd’s office to officially greet him just as Leon has finished with his label design presentation.  She officially greets Ferd and snubs Leon with a refusal to shake his hand in the professionally accepted manner.  She mentions she wants to discuss bidnez with the boss,  hinting broadly that El Peon de Leon should am-scray, but Ferd says they were in a bidnez meeting of their own in which he’d just approved one of his designs.  She considers them somewhat average [regular=middling/so-so] but Ferd disagrees and says he considers them rather fine [bastante bien].  “—I prefer that you concentrate on finance since that’s your forte.”  He turns to Leon and tells him that tho’ it might be out of his area of expertise, he’s in need of a change and wants to redecorate his office.  Leon offers to draw up a terrific set of plans for the change and Ferd offers to pay him separately for that set of designs.  Isabellow wisely sucks it in here as Leon agrees, pleased as punch,  and races out to give the good news to Beti and his supervisor.

Back at Public U-D.F.,  Fanny tries giving Lenin the short version as explanation of why a viral video of her father’s nanny is a disaster waiting to happen once he gets wind of it Hashtag#: Poledancing-nannies! “—Hey, how’d you feel knowing that your kids’ nanny danced in a dive of a [strip] club since she began working for you?” Lenin doesn’t see anything to get so excited about.  (Viewerville actually agrees for once with the curly-headed comical looking commie namesake.)  “—Hey, it’s not exactly damaging, nor is she exactly a terrific talent, ya know?” But, okay, who’s he really going to tell, he replies in frustration.  Conversation is over when they notice Edith and Baby Brother swapping saliva on a park bench nearby.

Back in Ana’s bedroom, she and Jens discuss the probability that since only young boys who are into rock and dance are interested in these sorts of videos, then it’s unlikely that Don Fernando would actually see the thing.  Bruno stops at the open bedroom doorway and reminds Ana that she’s got to take the twins to the doctor for their vaccinations once they get back home.  Bruno is terribly curious about what she and Jens have been looking at on the computer and once the two women leave seems awfully anxious to sneak a peek.

In the meantime, Bela-belly tries making nice with DF and he reminds her that theirs will be nothing more than a working relationship from here on out.  She begs to differ and rubs her bulbous belly.  She sweetly encourages him to feel “his” child moving.  (Viewerville screams at him to get wise and ask for a DNA test, but then remembers that that particular neuron is still in telenovela deep-freeze mode.)   Eventually, Ferd acts wise to her devious and flirtatious ways.  He mentions that Yolanda came to see him the night before.  Really?  Oh!  “—Yes, and this was the only thing missing in your list of [catálogo=index] of cruelty.  Hmnph!  Throwing your mama out of your house!”  He takes a moment to enjoy his snicker of a verbal gut-kicker.  (Viewerville wonders if the bitch feels even a smidgen of shame at this or is just wondering how she can best fix and fib her way out of this glitch in her plan.)

Back at Pub U-D.F. once again, Fanny learns that she may have made a mistake in changing career paths and Edith gets a secret phone call from Leon asking for loan of her apartment for the evening in which he plans a romantic night of it with Fannys.

Yo-mama has lowered herself to entering bars in the middle of the morning and begging for drinks.  Actually she’s looking for Doroteo—possibly to ask him for a job—but Don Rot hasn’t made it in yet.  Dana offers her a table and brings her a trago of tequila.  Yo-low falls asleep and has a nightmare about juggling on the streets for tips and meeting up with Bela who denies her even a pittance. 

The kids return home from school, excited that Sebastian and Sarai are entering a dance contest together.  “—Neta?”  Sarai questions Ana’s use of this type of slang and we get a discussion about language crutches/ filler words in sentence structure.  FF>>  Once Ana leaves the room to get the twins ready to go to the doctor’s office, Seb, Sarai and Luz start looking for dance videos on the net to give him a fresh idea for something “original”.  He sees the link for a video—Ana’s viral video—and begins to download it.  Ruh-roh!!   (Make that a triple Ruh-roh!)
--end of parte 1--
                                                      Begin Parte 2 
On her way back home via the bus, Edith has an unwanted traveler (entering by the back door of the bus and thus not paying,either) sit down next to her: her sexually abusive half-brother.  She’s been talking to Leon on her cell and he hears the panicked expletive as Creepy Bro starts manhandling her thighs.  Creepy Bro pulls a knife on her as he forces her to take another bus ride to a crappier part of town where apparently not a soul cares when they see a young woman fighting off some hulking guy.  

Meanwhile, Seb (who still doesn’t have any school buds his own age hanging around like most kids), Sarai, Alicia, Pablo, and Luz are all waiting for the video to finish downloading.   Before it does, though, Ana walks back into the living room and learns what the kids are waiting on.  “Ana Impresionante En El Tubo” [The Incredible Ana On The Pole]!!!! (duhn-duhn-duhnnnnn!)  

Ana manages to salvage her soon to be sewer sludge reputation by grabbing the computer away from Seb, claiming the right as nanny to judge if it is suitable for kids to see first and sending the kids upstairs to get cleaned up and changed.  A quick call to Fanny gets her the instructions necessary to put a parental block on the video so that Fanny’s kid brothers and sisters cannot watch it.  Safe for now!  (Whew!  That was close!!)

Upstairs, Ana does a search for the twins who are hiding in order not to have to get their shots.  Ana does a PSA for Uni on vaccinations and talks them into getting ready.  FF>>  
Downstairs, Pablo tries entertaining Manuela and Ali with some really bad jokes.  FF>>FF>> Pabs gets an unexpected phone call and races off without an explanation. 

At El Chicago Yo-low’s spirits are in the dumper after Dana wakes her up from her clown-juggling nightmare.  While Dana gets her another trago of tequila, she thinks back to her and Bela-belly’s various and sundry arguments over Bela’s child’s true baby-daddy, and how that truth will really throw a wrench in her gold-digging plans to take a chunk of the Lascurain fortune for her own.

Back in the barrio, Jens is back to cleaning house for Johnny, who returns ready to pamper his best pal.  I believe he’s going to make dinner for her to cheer her up.

Before Ana leaves the house for the doctor’s office she gets a call from DF who has stopped in at the hospital to check on  Enrique.   The call ends up turning into a flirt session.

Outside some two-bit hotel, Edith eventually manages to twist herself around enough to get off a good kick in Creepy Bro’s family jewels.  Edith races back to Mansion Lascurain where Leon, Nando and Fanny have been standing around, jawboning for the past three or four hours about the bad feeling they’ve had since she hung up on Leon earlier.  They think that they should go to the police cuz she’s failed to get back in touch with them when she said.  It’s gotten pretty late, after all.

Don Ferd tells the nurse that the company will be covering all of Freeky’s medical expenses.  The nurse tells him that earlier in the day his step-sister came to visit him.  Ferd thinks this is odd since Freeky never told him he had any other family than his dearly departed daddy.   Food for thought…..

Back at the manse, Seb and Sarai practice for the dance contest; Ali has a cow because she can’t get hold of Pablo and thinks he’s suddenly dropped her; and Nando wants to send out a search party for Edith.

Over at Dr. Mágico’s office, the twins get vaccinated and Ana gets background material on Angel’s life.  She learns he has been divorced for two years and was married for eight.  Ana asks him if he might have any children.  (Viewerville waits with bated breath to hear what Angel’s got to say on this score.  –Sarai, call your long-lost daddy’s office…..)

Edith tells the others how she spent her miserable afternoon.  They try talking her into finally going with them to the police and reporting the incident.

Meanwhile, Yo Mama has gotten wise.  She arrives unexpectedly at the offices of La Costeña and has walked into Bela-Belly’s office and personal space.  “—I’m going to play the same game as you, Little Girlie.  I am going to threaten you if you don’t hand over some payola!”  Bela is incredulous.  She scoffs at her mother.  “--What are you talking about, Yolanda???”  She hasn’t got time for her mother’s antics she decides.  “--Don’t bother, Yolanda.  Get out of here or I will sic Security on you!”  Yo Mama has had all she’s going to take from her ungrateful, smart-ass bit of flesh and blood.  “—Either you take me back into your apartment or I will tell Don Fernando that the baby you’re expecting is really Enrique’s……   C.H.E.C.K.M.A.T.E.!


I'll have to comment later because I'm going out in half an hour, but that's a great title!

OK so the stepbro who raped goth girl kidnapps her at knifepoint. So the whole group gets together and cant figure out what to do? P U L E E Z. 100% of the time you go straight to the cops and report it . Hell you already know his first and last name. The frippun dog 7 or 8 or 6 of 9 or whate the forkever his name is could figure this one out. Grrrrrrr

Great detail, Jardinera. Thanks.
Kirby, of course going to the authorities is necessary to establish this guy's pattern of aggression, but neither here nor in México does this actually protect the victim from harm, seeing as he may not be locked up for brandishing a weapon. Of course we know that this was a kidnapping,but that would have to be proven.


Thanks, J., for Part One with some nifty, funny comments. I wish I had confidence that Fernando would keep his distance from BelaBelly (love it!) and be as stern as he has been lately after Ana reveals her hidden life.

I did feel sorry for Fanny with her 3.4. You really don't have to be poor or a revolutionary to perform well in a sociology class (I say after teaching the stuff for 30 years), but you have to sit down and study and not have your time spread a million different ways. She will succeed in something in the end, of course. Pardon my silly kvetching about another way in which novelaland departs from reality.

Not complaining too much, however. We have made great progress in the last two weeks. Soledad is in the mansion. That is a big plus in my book.

Excellent start Jardinera.

I turned away when I thought the kids saw that video. I don't think it is age appropriate but quite telling the kind of dancer Ana is. The site is frequented by young boys not connoisseurs of dance as art. She is wanting to take down the video (good luck) but no mention of her quitting that club which would go a long way toward being able to come clean with Fernando.

The Gabriel/Edith rape story line makes me angry and sad.

Once more Isabela doesn't think things through and Yolanda will be back.

Fernando is stupid to keep Isabela


Yeah right...not. a simple restraing order would do the trick then. But that would be to sensible and straightforward for ths looney Telenovela. Thanks

Thank you for part one!

Agree that Edith should go to police.

Yomama blackmailing Isa isn't what I was hoping would happen but I guess she is desperate. Yo is worse than Isa in my book bc she has a conscience and knows what she is doing is wrong. Whereas Isa is soulless.

After all of Isas lying you would think a little doubt abt the baby's paternity would creep into Fer and Anas minds.

Loved your one-liners in part one, Jardinera! Such nice springlike weather here in Florida--I appreciate your taking time for this.

I have a couple of questions. Was Fanny's score 3.5 out of 5 or out of 10? And Edith's score came up on my captions as .4--was that an error? Did she say 4?

Also, I think they were putting a child-lock on the iPad, but what happens if the video has already been downloaded?

Kirby, the thing is that so many victims killed by their exes already have a restraining order on them (on the exes).



I understood it to be 3.4 out of ten, with Edith getting a 9. Fanny seemed to recover quickly enough. I think that they are trying to say, through Lenin, that Fanny still doesn't get the way the world really works.
But we are in novelaworld, so I guess enquiring minds are going to have to wait to see how this works itself out.


Thanks Jardinera for the recap. I love the title!

If my memory serves me, Angel has never met Isabruja, only "Ines" in the hospital. When she pretended to be DF's assistant to get Sole's info, they communicated through email and over the phone.

Thanks, Mati. Poor Fanny. It must be hard to study when you're living at home and have six siblings, a jealous boyfriend, and some very needy friends.

Jardinera, love the title. Thank you!

Feeling very sorry for Edith. Rationally she should go to the police/should have gone to the police but when it is a crime of a sexual nature, it puts a whole different spin on it for the victim. Once she gives her testimony she is " out there" besides all of those incidents being a "public record." I do not know what they do to protect victims of criminal sexual assault and their identities in Mexico. Let us hope Edith going to the authorities gives her the justice she is due.Denise, you made a good point about restraining orders and victims. Some perpetrators just don't care. I am sorry that we have entered this storyline because it is just too sobering for this novela just as is Johnny's and Ana's indentured servitude to Doroteo with all of its ugly and violent ramifications. I hope the criminal sexual assault PSA wraps up quickly. I would love a light hearted novela with no PSA's.

My favorite part was the "jaque mate" of Yolanda.

Very annoying: So now, the Ana video seems to be just passing out of interest? Has this just been a tease? Is Ana just going to put her head in a shell like a tortoise and push the topic off on to the back burner again? I am tired of her just about to tell Fernando but then allowing something to interrupt her.
Maybe her mother can talk some sense to her.



Hilarious recap, Jardinera! Thank you!

Really?! Angel hands a woman a card, talks to her for fewer than three minutes on the phone, and thinks she may qualify as a potential love interest? For such a good-looking, well-educated guy, he appears quite desperate in the dating department.

If Yomama Bruja blackmails her daughter to move back into the apartment, I bet Belabelly (love the new moniker) will try to murder her.

No one on the public bus or busy streets noticed a knife-wielding man dragging a young woman against her will?

Note to Fanny - Chica, if you want to succeed at school, stay on top of the lessons daily; don't try to cram in several chapters the night before the exam!

Angel is pretty desperate and desperate to me is not attractive. Sees Ana one time and smitten but warned off, sees Isabela once and one quick call and she becomes the back up. Will we have Ana & Isabela vying for the same Angel at some point?

Sorry I didn't have time to get it all down before going off to work. Anyway, it's all done now and I hope the typo's are all fixed as well.

I am sort of over this none-again love affair between Ana and DF. On the other hand, I was shocked and stunned by Yo Mama's finally getting her own back on the bratty bitch-spawn.

Am anxious to hear if Sarai could truly be Angel's daughter. Otherwise, the germ phobias make no sense. Not that that ever matters in one of these things.


Jardinera--thank you so much! I always find something I missed in the episode when I read your recaps.

Big highlight for me was Yolanda putting the screws on Isa. However, she will have to get used to sleeping with her eyes open.

Pondering the idea that Sarai is Doc Angel's. The doc has thought bubbled that his wife aborted their baby four years ago and he's still grieving over it. So Sara would have to be his baby with another woman, a baby he was unaware of. Ooh, maybe Sarai's mother's infidelity is why her parents are now getting a divorce?

J in Oregon

Jardinera thank you for the excellent recap.

I am surprised by how many deadly serious issues are in this "comedy." Mental illness, cancers, sexual assault,, the list goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, these are all very important and I'm all for educating society about them, I'm just surprised. It has me wondering-- and thinking one of you can answer-- since this is my first "comedy" should I expect some extraordinary finish ending in Isabella's flamboyantly dying in flames or driving off a cliff? I was expecting a different kind of hijinks, not so much violence but am beginning to wonder.

Re Sarai, I don't think she could possibly be Sarai's father-- I understood them to say that her parents (plural) were friends of Fers. Did I get that wrong? If he was friendly with both surely he would have known him?

Good to see Yomama giving back to Isababyb*#ch. I'm disappointed in her character though. She has a moral compass-- she sees that some of the things her devil spawn did crossed a line between bad and evil-- but she still didn't come clean. I wish she had just stopped by to tell her hija that it was too late and she was coming clean with Fer. Where she would live at that point? That's a good question, but I liked the idea of her working at Chicago!


Rebecca, unfortunately most of the comedies(which are really "dramedies") I have seen have been plagued with PSA stuff. Too bad since the dramas can be so very heavy. Really nasty things can happen in the comedies(dramedies)) so there is always the possibility that Isabela could have a very horrible ending. Sort of hard to get used to. I still would like to see something really funny, light and with no PSA's bit alas it is not part of the genre.


Another reason Angel is not Sarai's known parent--they saw each other at the Lascarains during the Soledad/Ana reunion party.

Thanks, Jardinera. Great title and great recap.

I'm not normally a violent person, but I want to reach into the screen and castrate and lobotomize Gabriel. What a sick, twisted, evil creep. Did they think we wouldn't get our daily allowance of perversion with Frique out of commission? Not liking this storyline at all.

I was hoping Nando would use his supernerd skills to track Edith's phone so they could go find and rescue her instead of standing around wringing their hands and waiting for her to rescue herself.

Also, I am very not impressed with the horrid citizens of Telenovelalandia. First, no one in the school calls security on the guy who's clearly not a student lurking around looking like a poster for FBI's Most Wanted? Then, those bystanders on the street do NOTHING when Gabriel grabs Edith? No one says anything when he forces her onto a bus? And brandishes a knife? The first bus driver doesn't even say anything when he doesn't pay the fare? So many potential safety nets there all those useless people let her fall through. She was very lucky she managed to get away on her own.

I can understand why Edith is afraid to report him, though. She has no evidence of what he did to her. It's her word against his. He could easily paint her as a troubled teen making up lies. And in cases of rape or other sexual assault, the unfortunate truth is that often it's the victim who is put on trial more than the perpetrator. They almost have to prove that their character is absolutely above reproach before anyone will take them seriously, in a way that victims of crimes like robbery and such rarely do. Actually getting the judicial system to take the case and to get a guilty verdict and a just punishment is very difficult, and the victim's reputation is usually dragged through the mud in the process.

And a restraining order rarely restrains a creep. Usually the best you can hope for with a restraining order is that you can get the guy arrested WHEN he violates it, although he may very well rape Edith again before she could call the police, and even if she did manage to get him arrested, he wouldn't be jailed long enough to do any good. He'd probably be right back out on the street and more angry at her and looking for vengeance.

Angel must be really hung up on the idea of having a child if he's willing to believe himself smitten with Isa after a brief meeting and a phone call.

I think there's no way he's Sarai's father unless neither of them knows it because her mother cheated on the guy she thinks is her father (which could be one reason for their fighting), and didn't tell Angel about the child. Sarai and Angel were both at the mansion for the reuniting of Ana and Soledad and neither of them seemed to know the other.

Fanny needs to learn to cut back on some stuff and focus if she wants to succeed in school. I think she should stop spending any time talking to Lenin. Her subconscious at least seemed to grasp what a pushy controlling jerk he's being to her.

I forgot totally about Sarai being at the mother/daughter reunion. I do like the idea of her being an illegitimate kid, but the only thing Angel's got against his ex is the abortion. Maybe there's another link to Sarai?

I think DF finally has his head screwed on right now and will be buffering everything coming from Bitchabela. We're getting close to las últimas semanas. Numerous things should begin to start bubbling to the top. I still do not see the Jennifer/Johnny as a possibility no matter how much they push it. I'd rather see Jens and Dr. Angel.


How old is Sarai? If she's only slightly older than Luz, then she's probably too young to have been a child Angel conceived with Sarai's mother before marrying his wife, if they were married for eight years and have now been divorced for two. I suppose he could have had an affair, but that would be a major chink in his angelic armor and seems out of character.

Sarai is the daughter of a female friend of Fernando's first wife. It would not seem likely that he wouldn't know that woman's husband, so this blows my theory about Sarai being Angel's child.

This series has at least nine weeks to go. We have too many things to solve and resolve before then.

Off topic
Is it true that AB and SR are having a baby or just Tweeter gossip?

My favs last night were 3: Fer laying one down on Isa about kicking her mom out was the last page on her catalogue of cruelty.
then Yola's 'jaque-mate' on Isa in the end...
and the flirting session on the phone of Fer and Ana...
it went something like this:
A tells the kids it was the 'high command' on the phone for her...
A: Delivery flower shop?
F: Yes, Senorita. I would like to order all the tulips you have in stock
A: And who would that be for?
F: For the most beautiful woman on the planet.
A: (after sighing) And would you like to write a card along with the 4,403 tulips we have available?
F: (giggling) yes, of course. i will dictate to you (tome nota). 'Ana...'
A: Yes, Sir?
F: All the tulips in the world are nowhere near as many as the kisses i want to give you. When will you let me kiss you again?
A: (puts a face of delight that the twin boys go ooooooohh!!!) The... the... flower shop just closed, Sir.
F: Alright, i just called to say hi.
A: Well, thank you but we are on our way out.
F: We? who?
A: The clones and I are on our way to the doctor.
F: Ah yes. the shots for the twins. Then i will send you a tulip of a 'beso tronado'.
A: Alright, thank you. I will see you later.

(After Ana leaves, Bruno says 'love love... definitely there are two things that cannot be hidden... money ... and (putting his hands shaped as a heart over his jacket left side)... love. No siree!)

Denise: You are right about the restraining order statistics. So what DOES Edith do? I, personally, would just get a concealed carry and a glock.

ITA about Angel. Viewerville can't help but notice that Latinoworld is swamped with gorgeous single available sexy women. Most of who put Ana ( who realisticly, is pretty plain) to shame. Or he is going for the preggers Amazon? If Angel aint the size of Santamarina leave the one with the one in the oven alone. She's too big in more ways than one.

I'm really disappointed with Fanny. Cute adorable chica she is, stop pr___ teasing Lenin and remember you do have a boyfriend who is CRAZY about you. And while I'm preaching Fanny, what's UP with your hemline? At its present rate of ascent we will be seeing yore bloomers before this tn is over.

Fanny's hemlines have always been short.

I think Sarai is around the same age as Sebastian. She's just a very tiny girl.

Jardinera, gracias for parte dos!

Marta, gracias for the translation of the telephone flirtation! I totally missed the tulip conversation.

This comment has been removed by the author.

A tells the kids it was the 'high command' on the phone for her...
A: Delivery flower shop?
F: Yes, Senorita. I would like to order all the tulips you have in stock
A: And who would that be for?
F: For the most beautiful woman on the planet.
A: (after sighing) For the Miss Universe?
F: No, she has not competed in that contest but I am certain that if she did... she would win it.
A: And would you like to write a card along with the 4,403 tulips we have available?
F: (giggling) yes, of course. i will dictate to you (tome nota). 'Ana...'
A: Yes, Sir?
F: All the tulips in the world are nowhere near as many as the kisses i want to give you. When will you let me kiss you again?
A: (puts a face of delight that the twin boys go ooooooohh!!!) The... the... flower shop just closed, Sir.
F: Alright, i just called to say hi.
A: Well, thank you but we are on our way out.
F: We? who?
A: The clones and I are on our way to the doctor.
F: Ah yes. the shots for the twins. Then i will send you a tulip of a 'beso tronado'.
A: Alright, thank you. I will see you later.


Fanny's hemlines were even shorter when she was using the A-line skirts away from her legs. but what i have noticed lately is she is using now stretch pencil skirt dresses now... tighter to her thighs...

What I find amusing is that the kids are now wearing scarves with their school uniforms, while Fanny is still mostly in barely-there skirts (although she does wear jeans occasionally).

I think my favorite thing about this episode was Fernando not letting Isa treat Leon like a peon. I loved it when he politely chastized Isa for interrupting his meeting with Leon, told her to stick to finance, and then asked Leon to design his office redecoration in front of her.

However, if Fer EVER decides to get back with Isa, I will lose all respect for him. No matter what happens with Ana or anything else, what Isa has done to his loved ones has been so far over the line that nothing could justify letting her back into his home or his family life. And that is even considering only the stuff he knows about.

I agree, Julia. He should not have allowed her back into the office either. The only thing that protects is his bottom line because it earns her enough (if she's competent) to invalidate any future financial demands she might make on him.

ITA Julia. Fer gave Leon his respect and did not follow along with Isa's attempt to put Leon down again...
And remember Isa had initially blamed the pearl necklace and the 'Yola fakes being Ana's mom' pranks on YoMama. (and those were before the lost guitar incident and the poisoning Siete incident and worst of all the hurting Sebastian incident)And Fer heard YoMama say Isa was the one behind them (I have to give the reason to Isa on the pearl one, she only heard what YoMama had done after the fact, but then again when it came time to rat to Fernando she was front row blaming Ana for it)

So I loved it when he told Isa '... right out of your catalogue of cruelty... that only thing that had been missing... you kicked your mom out of your place...'

Fer wasn't in charge when Isa got her job back. Speaking of which, where is Linda Bunny? Fer had resigned, and now he just walks back into his old job como si nada? I guess the rest of the board likes Fer and if Linda Bunny is still in New York distracted by her new surely-soon-to-be-dead husband, they can do what they like. I'm surprised the rest of them would have allowed Enrique and Isa into those positions without consulting Fer about it, though, since he knows both of them better than the rest of them. Oh, well, it generates drama.

I think Fer is mostly letting Isa keep her job because, as mentioned, it creates less financial liability to her for him personally, and also it keeps her busy and gives her less time to think up ways to ruin everyone's lives.

I think he sees letting her work there as the less damaging option given the way she behaves, her tendency to petty vengeance, and the power she can wield as the mother of what he thinks is his child. Otherwise, I would hope that he would not consider employing such a childish and ethically challenged person with demonstrably poor decision making skills and terrible manners. That's a liability to the company. He's going to have to employ some strategies to keep clients and the media from seeing any of her horribleness in a way that would reflect badly on the company.

I think Isabrat is conscious enough of her own image to not let the business world see her in her worst light. What she can't handle is the competition with Ana. That is what brings out the worst in her.

And who knows how she will treat the baby.

I believe once he put her in her place when she tried to downplay Leon's presence there, he told her that he wanted her to concentrate on the finances (implying 'and leave the decision making to him', to include chosing label graphics)...
So yes it helps his bottom line but i think he also wanted her to take care of the financial balances so he has more time to make decisions that will right the ship sooner for the sake of the employees and the company. I am sure he is keeping an eye on the numbers too to prevent her from doing anything shady with the books, although as you said, it does not do her career any favors to try anything shady there.

I think Isa is image-conscious, but I think sometimes she doesn't realize what looks really bad to others and she does let her emotions rule her.

For example, even when she first started working there and was trying to snag Fer, she would openly treat Leon and other low-level employees like dirt. She seems to think that this is the high-class way to behave, but to a nice person of any class, it is just bad manners.

And she also threw a tantrum in a restaurant. Yes, that was Ana-triggered, but I don't know that she has the self-control to avoid similar ugly displays in the future, even if she's in front of clients.

So I think Fer would be well served to keep her busy at work, but behind a computer or some reports, interacting with other people as little as possible. She's too erratic and rude to be trusted.

Fernando has the CFO that encouraged him to return and bet he could find someone just as competent as Isabela. She needs to go.

Tight bun Linda moved to NYC with her very old new husband.

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I agree that Isa needs to go and Fer can find some other CFO who will not have such rough manners in interacting with employees... I believe Torres is an accountant that cared enough to keep Fer up to date on the balances/numbers.
Fer hired Isa originally to serve as CFO [or VP of Finance]... so she would just be doing what she used to do at first, only now with VP title if she did not have it early on.
Given how bad it went for the company when they let Tight Bun have her way, i doubt she would have any influence on the other boardmembers now if she tried to protest, especially when the numbers start improving again.


Has anyone heard of the Suleimon novela on Telemundo? Any good? Thanks for any comments.

Thanks Jardinera for the recap and thanks Marta for the translation.

Is Sarai supposed to be close to Sebes' age? I know in real life the actress is younger.

sorry i've only seen commercials for it. the outfits look great.
i am not going to watch Kate's novela either. no need for any violent shows at this time, even with the great actress she is.

Isa still escalating the hostility and upping more chaos into destroying Ana's life.

Shaking my head.

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