Thursday, February 05, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo on Thursday, February 5, 2015 "Cap. 121"

Armie embraces Alexa while verbally easing her and subtly resting (or fueling) his boner.

Sofia cries and Chava comforts her; she's not alone in this problem at all.

Renzi and Patricio are on the phone with each other then Renzi is on the phone with Manjarrez.

Chava is so peppy that I crack a smile as he boosts Sofia's spirit. Noemi comes with positive news then Matias and the other guy whose name I forgot come in to let her know clean-up-time in Chocolates Ripoff has come to order.

Clean-up-time at Paco's emotional dump has begun. Pedro kisses Araceli's hands while turning on the charm with everyone else. Nandito and Benito make Irma squeal in disgust.

Morgana is just eyeing on Isa and Javier (there's something about her gaze that's unsettling.)

Peralta lifts a roast and Morgana snitches to him about Isa's drunkerade with Javier.

The one Grreta and Fausto scene of the day.

Sofia and Chava makes

PatPrick is trying to thwart Silvetti's plans with Chocolates Ripoll and ultimately fails.

ChOfi (Chava & Sofia's moniker) file with Tavares the pressing of charges against Manjarrez. Dani eventually calls and says that unfortunately Manjarrez got away but ChOfi has the charges pressed.

Dani lets Marisol, Lucas and Alexa know what's up with the Manjarrez situation.

ChOfi want to press charges against Renzi because the He in the relationship is sure he is behind everything that's gone wrong (that Patricio or Manjarrez haven't touched at least.)

Araceli lets Paco know she's helping Lupe divorce Javier so he should give her a second chance.

Javier and Isa are playing around in the wannabe speakeasy while Morgana still spies out.

Silvie looks hilarious in a hardhat while Dani scolds Alexa

Olly ends up helping with the chocolate mess (I smell editing on this show.)

Tavares and  co. infiltrate ManWhorez's lair and the whole area. Not a lick of him!

ChOfi is biking when Dani calls letting them know that Clean-Up is going to be overnight as well.

With the door wide open, Silvie and Pato dictate to themselves their evil plans.

Cristian gets his Greta-Be-Gone drugs from a sexy thug friend.

Silvie sells her crocodile tears to Noemi (Maura Duran would mop the floor with Silvana Blanco.)

Irais and Mati scene of the day followed by Olly comforting Dani (Marisol rushes Lucas out of there.)

Armie who has a subtle woodie comes to entertain- err, help Alexa and advise her.

ChOfi and Silvetti bro-shake before having their conference.

Paolo is on the phone with Alexa and Armie eavesdrops.

At Cuco's, Lupe lets it drop that she and Javier are through. Meanwhile Javier is still wooing Isa and Morgana looks absolutely disgusted.

Drunk-off-her-ass Isa is being called out by Morgie and she tries going to the bathroom which turns out to be be the emergency exit. EWWW SHE AND JAVIER KISSED! Ewww they still are! Morgie has had enough but is in fotr more.


Avance- Chava is about to beat up PatPrick when Arnie stops him usual and Silvetti makes his final offer.


What does Silvetti want ?

Irma is going well put Benito into the frying pan! She wants to destroy Nandito mentally & psychologically!

Thanks for the fun recap, CorazonSalvaje!

Steve, so true about Benito. He couldn't even hitch a ride with Irma back home from the "party."

Slick Patricio was at his deceptive best giving Silvetti the impression that Ripoll Chocolates was in a worse financial state than it is so he feels that he better file a lawsuit asap to assure he is first in the line of creditors to be paid when Ripoll chocolates goes bankrupt.

Only one "de verdad te lo digo" from goofy Alexa.

I absolutely enjoyed Isadora and Javier giving "the general" the slip. Their drunken adventure could provide a few good laughs.



CS, just great.

"Armie who has a subtle woodie comes to entertain- err, help Alexa and advise her."

Cannot wait till Alexa hooks up with Pablo, all that wailing and feeling sorry for her self needs an outlet. Armie is history and doesn't know it.

Best part of the show was when the wasted Javier was calling Morgana, general.

Salvador, in the midst of the crisis, still able to make himself the injured party, making sure everybody knows Renzi messed with his car and oh, by the way, probably had something to do with the factory sabotage.

Something to add: by filing his lawsuit Silvetti could be causing Ripoll Chocolates to go bankrupt. Patricio is on a roll !


I hope you're wrong about Alexa hooking up with Paolo.

However, is there a possibility that Greta might be involved in busting up Alexa & Armando?

It was so funny when Salvador tried to bro greet Silvetti and the dude wasn't having it.

Sofia, tried a decent tactic, telling him she will fulfill the first shipment at no cost but Silvetti wanted no part of that, believing if they had enemies committed enough to sabotage the manufacturing, it not worth doing business with them.

Silvetti explained he has customers that will sue him for non delivery so he needs compensation. Instead of suing Ripoll he gave her a number commensurate with his loss to make that go away. Very fair, but seems that number too large. One thing is certain, Patricio, knows business (and what number will crash the company) much better than Sofia, and clearly better than out of his element Salvador.


Tofie, I'm hoping you're wrong about Alexa hooking up with Armando!

Irma would be thrilled if that happened: she needs to GO AWAY!

Corazon, thank you so much for the recap. "Nandito and Benito make Irma squeal in disgust" had me smiling away.

Steve, in all seriousness, Irma's attitude toward Benito (and Nandito) is scary and wrong. And that darn pig is so cute. The only beast on the screen is Irma.

Jarifa, "Patricio was at his deceptive best" was spot on. He is masterfully manipulating everything. There was something rather pathetic about Alexa, Dani et all in the warehouse with their pretty dresses and hard hats. Simply no contest...

As you noted tofie "One thing is certain, Patricio, knows business (and what number will crash the company) much better than Sofia, and clearly better than out of his element Salvador".

I don't know how things will be turned around at this point. At first, I thought the admission of sabatoge would be helpful but the client rightly assumed that there may be further tainting. Probably some silly scenario where Chava comes to the rescue.

Isadora and Javier are both rather creepy to me.


Though I don't like Greta, beginning to see her point about her girls pairing up with beefcakes but no business or social skills. I also, have more respect for Dani, and she a real trooper and rolled up her sleeves to salvage what she can for the sake of the company and her family. All bets off, however, if she floats back to Lucas.

It's inconceivable to me the huckster, Salvador, could save the crash, Sofia needs a hard as nails attorney instead of a shoulder.

I wonder how much Alexa wound like Benito if she were to end up with Armando, Nandito and Benito in the end and had to "share in his care" so to speak".


Javier, Morgana and Isadora are a caricature of Chava, Sofia and Silvana.

Thanks Corazon---Short and hitting all the points.

Can anyone tell me who/why the spy that is watching Javier and Isadora? Is Lupe paying her to watch Javier? It just seems strange that the woman was watching them all night.

Wow, maybe not important but one can't help but notice how jealous and possessive Marisol is. She wont let Lucas within arms length of Dani. Marisol sticks to Lucas like glue. If she is that way now, How would it be after mirage? I mean would Lucas ever be allowed a night out with the boys? Boy that young woman is jealous.
the gringo


Gringo, the spy, Morgana, really works for Peralta, (also Renzi & Patricios boss) Olivers dad and ex husband of Isadora. Peralta believes if he proves to his son, Isadora a drunk and engages in other unsavory behavior Oliver will run to daddy. Morgana ostensibly works and is loyal to Isadora but nooooooo.

I wonder who is going to get sick/die from eating the chocolates that Armando gave Araceli for her birthday?

Anon 2:12- Maybe a recall notice will hit soon or those chocolates are clean.

Thanks Tofie
the gringo

"Javier, Morgana and Isadora are a caricature of Chava, Sofia and Silvana" LOL! so true! Thank you for pointing that out Corazon Salvaje. These comments are cracking me up! The recap was perfect, this TN is so ridiculous that bullet points capture it perfectly.

Javier asked Isa if she had the keys to her car, here's hoping those 2 drive themselves into a light post and we get rid of them for good.

Thanks, CorazonSalvaje. I fell asleep and missed some key stuff. Yay, key stuff is happening! So glad I missed the Javier-Isadora kiss.

I get a kick out of Patricio enjoying his dastardly deeds.

Who was that woman that Marisol was so nasty to that she cried. I missed a couple of episodes. Is she someone important in Lucas' life. I can't stand Marisol.

Ditto for Araceli. Does she think Chava will change his mind. I hope she ends up without Chava and Pedro as well. She deserves it.

Thanks for your recap Corazon.



Ann, that woman is Rose, Lucas's mother, that ran off and has now returned and hopes to at least see and interact with her son. Of course he doesn't know but grandma knows she's back and doesn't like it one bit.

The bar owner where Rose (Lucas' Mom) is working knows who she is also. Ditto on Marisol. Little four letter word. Never been nice. Even way back she was a c to Dani. And rather than just return the favor and unceremoniously fire her in front of everyone Dani helped her get a loan. If I remember right Marisol never even said thanks to Dani.

Thanks for the info, guys. Now I can understand why she felt so bad.



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