Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #31 Mon 6/29/15 When you're in love, Green Hell feels like Paradise - or - The Protagonists Finally Catch a Break.

Even Vero had begun to think of him as Crazy Marty.  Now Dr. F has declared him sane (the high-pitched giggle? just an endearing tic), Marty has surrendered to love, and the couple's problems are behind them.  Claudia and Ginny are both safely in Mexico.  Yes, Nanciyaga is still (omni)present, but for the most part, her machete is sheathed.

Of course Vero doesn't know that Marty has chosen to FORGIVE her for something she didn't do and that while he has set aside his lust for vengeance, he is still conflicted and riddled with guilt.  It wouldn't take too much to upset the balance in this supposedly balanced man.  It is much too soon to make him our Mental Health Poster Child.

(Nor does Vero know how ready he was to believe the worst of her and how he had been trashing her behind her back while swearing his confidants to silence.  Oh man.  She's gonna be sooooooooooo mad when she finds out.)

In the hills overlooking the falls.

Marty vows to make Verónica the happiest woman in the world.  His love for her is stronger than any other feeling ... like, say, hatred or desire for revenge (though he doesn't say this last part out loud).   

For her part, after their night of passion, Vero finally feels like Martín's woman.  Which means she can finally speak up about Claudia – she's not trying to get her fired, but the woman has to keep her personal feelings to herself and learn to be more professional.  (When pigs fly, Vero.  When pigs fly.)

Vero surprises Martín by proposing marriage to him.  Aren't they already married?  They are, but she has a spiritual ceremony in mind, something simple, right here in Mina Escondida, witnessed by the people they care about.  It's what they should have done to begin with...

They snuggle and snoozle and gaze at the falls.  Ah love.

Would you shut up about the wedding already?

Pablo finally has the chance to set things right with Mariana, only he can't get a word in edgewise.  An image of Ana Perla flits through his mind, and it seems to give him the courage to speak.  He tells Mariana to stop blathering about the wedding.  She falls silent, stung by his words.  Then she begins to cry, and through her tears, she reproaches him for the way he has neglected her.  He apologizes.  She immediately brightens and begs him to spend the night with her.

It looks as if Pablo might do just that (his conflict management strategy is heavily weighted towards avoidance, after all), but he resists.  They have to talk, he tells her.  He has to leave now but he will come back tomorrow.

Deliver da letter

Claudia delivers Dr. F's letter to Ginny.  [From the looks of it, Claudia hasn't even steamed it open.  Though when you think of it, why would she?  Claudia is nosy, but she is totally self-involved and cares only about things that affect her directly.  Ginny, on the other hand, is nosy about everything, and wisely squirrels away any tidbits for possible future use.]

Ginny smiles contentedly as Claudia describes Vero's miserable living conditions in Mina Escondida and Martín's weirdly volatile personality.

When Claudia leaves, Ginny reads the letter:  Dr. F now knows why they call the place the Green Hell – it is unbearable.  Vero and Martín's relationship is bad.  Marty sometimes acts as if he HATES his wife and he treats her with scorn.  Dr. F suspects that Marty holds Vero responsible for Demetrio's death, that is, for what Ginny herself did.

Botel and Magdalena have left the big city behind.

The follow-up investigation of her daughter's (fake) death is in the hands of the detective in Mexico City.  (This means it will be many, many episodes before we discover that Verónica's coffin is weighted with rocks.)  Magdalena may as well grieve here in Mina Escondida, among friends, as in the undoubtedly overpriced Hotel Conquistador.  

Botel heads out to find out the latest on the mines, and Vero arrives with flowers and fruit.  Very soon, Magdalena is sharing her sorrows with this young woman for whom she feels such an inexplicable affinity.   When Magda voices her profound despair ("I don't want to go on living") Vero comforts her, assuring her that her life matters very much to the people of Mina Escondida.  

Vero feels close to Magdalena, as if the two have known each other all their lives.  She confides in the older woman, telling her that she and Marty have overcome their marital problems: she has rescued the tender, loving man who was hidden within the beast.  Indeed, the Green Hell has become her PARADISE!  

The Prado Castelo Family Dines on Lies.

Ginny tells the family how happy Verónica is, according to Dr. F's letter.  It sounds as if she plans to stay in Green Hell forever.  Noting Emiliano's obvious distress at hearing this, Ginny gives the knife one more little twist:  The only thing Vero needs to make her bliss complete is a baby!

The Advice is as Terrible as the Fake Club Background

Mariana complains to Ginny about the way Pablo is treating her.  Ginny advises her friend to teach Pablo a lesson by calling his bluff.  This will surely earn her his respect.

So when Mariana meets up with Pablo a little later, she is ready to play hardball.  "I need time," Pablo bleats.  "For what?" she asks.  "Is there someone else?  If you're looking to break up with me, fine."

Pablo looks relieved.  That was EXACTLY what he was trying to do – they need to end this right now.  His relief, however, is short-lived.  Mariana immediately switches back to desperation mode – she didn't mean it!  She only said it because she was angry!

But Pablo uses his secret weapon – he thinks about Ana Perla waiting back in Mina Escondida - and he hangs tough.  "It won't work," he tells Mariana.  He asks for her understanding and forgiveness.

Nice watchdog.  Can I teach him some tricks?

Ana Perla and Vero are chatting about the Pablo problem.  Vero notices Julio standing a few paces back, watching them.  Ana Perla explains that he's there on Crescencio's orders.  Vero invites Julio to join the classes in the school and offers to talk to Crescencio on his behalf, in case he has objections (yeah, like that's doing him a favor).   She also offers to teach him privately.  Julio agrees readily.  He'd like to read and write better.

Botel and Marty Play Catch Up in El Infierno

"So now you don't think Verónica is a gold-digger?" Botel asks his partner.  Marty admits that Vero's many virtues have surprised him – but he still doesn't want Botel talking to her about Demetrio.

Now Crescencio enters the cantina and looks witheringly at Botel.   "A lot happened in Mina Escondida while you were on vacation with that... woman of yours," he says.  Botel stands up, seething, and retorts: "I know that a drunken bastard almost killed Martín!"

How nice.  Little Ginny is learning her way around deadly weapons.

Emi is irritated when Ginny interrupts his target practice, but smiles when she shows him her target peppered with hits, including a bullseye (diana).  And it's only her first day!

Now Nico joins them and Emi goes off to change.  Nico tells her that he and Emi both like the new Virginia.  Ginny beams... until Emi comes back and starts talking about his dinner and karaoke date with Claudia after work.  

A Truce of Sorts

Crescencio says if Marty, who was, after all the injured party, is willing to let the incident go, then Botel has no reason to insult his grandson.  Botel says he'll lay off Manuel if Crescencio will stop badmouthing Magdalena all over town.  Crescencio grudgingly agrees and the conversation turns to the mines.

Marty says the new filter, the materials for repairing the pipes, plus the materials for constructing the new school and repairing the church will be arriving in a few days.  He's going to need construction workers and asks for Crescencio's help in putting together a work team.  Crescencio agrees – as long as there are no more outsiders!  Marty can't promise that.  They'll need specialists for some parts of the work.

And then a new skirmish breaks out!

In that case, Crescencio will need fair warning before these men come to Mina Escondida.  He wants to have his granddaughters MARRIED OFF before then and out of harm's way.  In fact, he already has someone picked out for Ana Perla!

Martín can't believe his ears!  "You can't force your granddaughters to marry someone," he says self-righteously.  

"Who's going to stop me?" asks the Old Goat ™ (Thanks, Mauricio!).  


"Yes," says Marty.  "If necessary."  A forced marriage would be an injustice, continues the newest feminist and human rights advocate on the block with all the fervor of the recent convert.  

"Call it what you like," says Crescencio.  "My granddaughters will do what I say."

A glimpse into Julio's inner life

Ana Perla sits at the table where Julio has been practicing his writing (he taught himself by copying texts from the books Crescencio seized from Ana Perla and ordered him to burn).  She is moping about Pablo.  Julio is not exactly a charter member of the Pablo Fan Club.  In fact, when Pablo made Ana Perla cry, Julio wanted to KILL him.  Then Julio lets slip that he has a secret love of his own.  

An Offer He Can't Refuse – Or Can He?

Mariana, who just can't stop humiliating herself, runs after Pablo with amazing news.  The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York City wants to show his work!  It's a one in a million opportunity, the chance they have both been dreaming of!  He'll be famous!  She can continue to be his agent.  He can go back to Mina Escondida to finish his paintings. Then they can go to New York together.  When it's all over, they can figure out where their relationship stands.

But Pablo wants to resolve their personal issues once and for all.  He feels bad about the way he's been treating her.  "Then I'll step aside," Mariana says nobly.  [Really?  I don't think so.]

To Know Him is To Love Him

Ana Perla is convinced that Julio and Pablo will become great friends.  They just need time to hang out together.

Heard enough of this delusional crap?  So has Julio.  He gets up and tells Ana Perla he'll wait outside for her.

Now that Marty and Vero have been a happy couple for five minutes, they are determined to fix everyone else's problems.

  • In the cantina, Marty rails about how Crescencio wants to control his granddaughters' lives.  Botel thinks Blanquita will be okay because she has a father to look after her; but the Old Goat is Ana Perla's legal guardian and the girl has a lot of respect for him (le tiene demasiado ley a su abuelo).

  • Meanwhile, Vero warns Ana Perla not to make her happiness dependent on anyone else.  She tells her to live in the present and enjoy what she has.  "You're just like Magdalena," Ana Perla remarks.

Did you think she would really step aside? 

Mariana calls her mother and tells her to call off the wedding plans.  The artist is feeling pressured right now.  Are they breaking up?  Certainly not.  He's going to finish his paintings and go to New York with her.  When they get back, THEY'LL GET MARRIED.

Free as a Bird.  In a cage.

Pablo gazes at his sketch of Ana Perla.  Oh how he longs to be with her and to tell her that he's free.  He's going to fight for their love.  He'll win over Crescencio and they won't have to hide the way they feel.

The flowers fall. 

Julio steals away from Ana Perla to gather a bunch of yellow flowers for her.  She receives them happily.  A moment later, she is forced to say she picked them herself when Crescencio demands to know where they came from.  And where has she been all this time?  The Old Goat isn't happy that Ana Perla has been spending time with Vero, even if they are only talking about school.  

He grumbles about how everyone seems determined to undermine his authority lately.  That damned Botel and San Telmo... 

"This is what I'm going to do – I'm going to write to my friend Gendardo and arrange for you to marry his son!"

Ana Perla gasps.  The little bunch of yellow blossoms falls to the ground.

He fixes, she "supervises"

Marty lives up to his promise to do the manly chores around the house while he is waiting for the filter and building stuff to arrive.  They goof around and giggle together.  A bit later, he and Vero talk about Magdalena and her daughter.

I feel your pain

Nanciyaga comes to welcome Magdalena home.  She feels the sorrow (pesar) of the mujer bonita y buena the moment she enters her presence.   When Maggie tells her she has lost the most precious thing she possessed – more precious than her own life – Nanci tells her she is mistaken. She is in a storm that is going to bring about good changes.

"I want so much to believe you," answers Magdalena.

"Your storm will bring about what you are seeking," says Nanciyaga.

Botel gets home in time to hear this last exchange.  He is angry with Nanciyaga for stirring up false hopes.  But Nanciyaga stands her ground.  She insists she has no reason to lie.  "The spirits say she is this far" – and she holds up thumb and index finger an inch or two apart – "from finding what she is looking for."

Avances:  Emiliano plans an excursion to Mina Escondida.


NovelaMaven this is awesome, thank you.

"Oh man. She's gonna be sooooooooooo mad when she finds out"

"his conflict management strategy is heavily weighted towards avoidance, after all"

"A forced marriage would be an injustice, continues the newest feminist and human rights advocate on the block with all the fervor of the recent convert"

"Free as a Bird. In a cage"

I cringed when Veronica said "she has rescued the tender, loving man who was hidden within the beast" What kind of message is this to be perpetuated as romance?

Golly, with all you guys that have been saying Magdalena needs to dry up, it's old.

What is it with all the attention fixed on Ana Perla? I think it more about poking a finger in the eye of Crescencio.

The person with reason to mope, Julio, doesn't.


NovelaMaven thank you for the excellent and entertaining recap. Much more entertaining than the capitulo IMO!

I was confused in the Pablo/Marianna exchange. Am I right in thinking that they left with Pablo thinking they broke up and Marianna thinking they were on break and not broke. So can Pablo go back and feel free with Ana Perla and the Old Goat? I mean I know that Marianna will cause problems, but I'm more interested in understanding whether or not PABLO did the right thing. I kind of think he did?

Tofie re Julio, YES! Love him. Ana Perla-- open your eyes! Thought Vero was going to give her a clue, but not yet.


Thanks so much tofie and Rebecca!

tofie, Julio may not mope but he sure has that silent manly glare thing going. :)

I think it's more about poking a finger in the eye of Crescencio.
Let's all take a moment to reflect on that one. hee hee.


I think it was Pablo's intention to break up with Mariana. As far as he's concerned, he has done so and he's a free man.

It was Mariana's intention to play along with Pablo (she has him hooked and now she's letting out the line and giving him some play, but when the time comes, she plans to reel him back in.)

Pablo's big mistake/act of cowardice was this: Mariana asked him quite pointedly if he was seeing someone else. If he had admitted that he was, things would have played out very differently. (For one thing, there wouldn't be an upcoming MOMA exhibit!) As long as Mariana believes she has no rivals, she will continue to attribute Pablo's rejection to his sensitive soul, to the pressures on him, to his fear of a hasty marriage... to anything but his indifference to her.

Or that's how I interpret the thing. :)

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Thanks so much NovelaMaven. Fantastic recap.

"How nice. Little Ginny is learning her way around deadly weapons."
My thoughts exactly. This can't be good... Thanks for the explanation of what "diana" meant - I didn't get what she was talking about. I thought perhaps she had named the target practice person on the paper "Diana".

Ana Perla gasps. The little bunch of yellow blossoms falls to the ground.
Poor Ana Perla. Like the flowers, Ana Perla's whole world has crumbled. I hope Martin sticks to his word and does something to intervene and stop this arranged marriage madness.

I agree with your interpretation of the Pablo and Mariana scene, NovelaMaven. Pablo should have been more clear with Mariana and told her that there was someone else in his life. Instead, he chose not to and now Mariana still thinks she has some hope with him. While he thinks they have broken up. It will be interesting to see what will happen on that NY trip.

A message to Magdalena: listen to Nanciyaga - she knows what she's talking about. And a message to Botel: SHUT UP (there were at least two times in this episode when I wanted to yell SHUT UP BOTEL at the TV screen).

I did the same Mauricio, Botel makes me mad just looking at him and know something idiotic is coming out of his mouth when it begins to move.

Thank you, Mauricio!

As tofie says, you just "know something idiotic is coming out of [Botel's] mouth when it begins to move." I still don't know what Botel's game is though and what, if any, secrets he is concealing about Demetrio's death and whether he shares responsibility for Veronica's disappearance.

Yes, poor Ana Perla. I don't mind her quiet tears, but her bawling drives me up a wall. (Flat-out crying must be a really difficult skill for an actor.)

The Lovely Linda and I are cruising up the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Memphis this week. It is something of a pilgrimage that will culminate with a solemn visit to Graceland after which well indulge in a couple of days relaxation with the mallards at the Peabody Hotel. I have no access to Univision and the WiFi on the boat is far too slow to comfortably view episodes by computer. Thanks to you NovelaMaven and to you Mauricio and your detailed, colorful, and graphic recaps I am able to stay abreast of the events in Mexico and the hinterland. This may have been a good week for me to get the news second hand since this sudden melting of Martin's heart and the subsequent romantic activity sounds a bit treacly for my taste. I think I might prefer the grumpy vengeful Marty to this newer tender version. But thanks to you wonderful and diligent recappers, I at least won't be in the dark when we return later next week. I hope when I get back to commenting I'll be able to hew to the recent edict issued by our Blog Mom. I wouldn't want to be expelled from this wonderful study group.


NovelaMaven---Another Super recap, one right after another. All to perfection.
The advice is as terrible as the fake club background. That was a great line.

Botel says---I know that a drunken bastard almost killed Martin. Ouch! That was a strong statement.

My granddaughters will do what I say. Ouch! That doesn't sound good either. Old Goat!

Oh! Oh! Emi will be on his way soon and V-snake taking target practice FOR SURE can't be good.

NovelaMaven---I do love the recaps and am very grateful for them. I wasn't going to say anymore after Blog Mom's directive but now we have an anonymous comment that ends with must see tv which is often the way that I end my comments. However, I use
the name gringo and (there is actually a story behind that name) not anonymous. Anyway I thought that I chose my words carefully in my weekend comment and said nothing hurtful or derogatory. I just expressed my opinion that I thought the whole issue that had come up was ridiculous. Maybe Blog Mom didn't agree. I had already put the weekend comments behind me and was ready to move on and then the anonymous must see tv comment today. So I am just saying that is in not the gringo's post at 12:16PM
the gringo


@NovelaMaven, this recap was absolute perfection. You outdid yourself!!! I especially loved the "nice watchdog. Can I teach him some tricks?" subheading.

I agree about Ana Perla's bawling. I also don't care about the way she bats her eyes in some scenes. Very annoying.

@Mauricio - I believe Emi referring to Ginny as a "Diana" is in reference to Roman mythology, where Diana is the "goddess of the Hunt" (but also of the moon and childbirth) - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_%28mythology%29

ooh Carlos, that sounds wonderful. I hope you two kids have a blast! And thank you for checking in with us. (You know how worried we get when we haven't heard from you.)

Actually, I don't mind the treacle all that much. In any event, you aren't likely to be burdened with it on your return, since word on the street (and by that, I mean in my own head) is that it ain't gonna last.

You expelled? ¡Jamás de los jamases! ¡Hasta pronto, amigo!

Dear gringo,

I appreciate your generous comment. And don't worry – we know and recognize the REAL gringo when we see him around here!


You are too kind!

Maybe Emi was making a pun on diana/Diana? http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=diana
I'll try to go back later and replay the lines to see if the context makes the meaning clear.

Thanks LatinaInMD for the link. That's interesting about the word "Diana".

It was actually Virginia who said the word "Diana" not Emi. She told Emi she wanted to show him her "Diana" and Emi was like "What Diana?". That was why I thought she had named her little target practice person "Diana". You'd think she'd name it Veronica.


Carlos - Hope you have a wonderful time!

gringo - We all know it wasn't you who made the Anon comment.


Great recap, as always. Thank you.

Not a spoiler, just my thoughts (haven't watched ahead nor seen previous versions, but will understand if this is deleted) - I wonder if Pablo will go back to Mina Escondida and Mariana will follow him and act as if they're still engaged? She'll force a kiss on him which, of course, Ana Perla will see - after which she'll run home crying and agree to marry Cresencio's choice for her!


NovelaMaven- you are spot on girl. Thank you for an amazing recap.

I FEEL YOUR PAIN- You go nancy girl, you and those spirits got it going on.
Botel need to go take a powder. He want even give an inch, not even that there might be the slightest possibility that this child might still be alive. He knows how nasty this man (her ex) was. He would do anything to hurt magda, he hated her that much. maybe he's (botel) being that way to keep her from a world of hurt because after all we viewers know that she is alive and he's playing a character that didn't know anything. So its good for effect. Its effecting me. He 's pissing me off. Stand your ground nancy girl, don't back down. That bond that magda and ronny
Is feeling it'll get stronger, and she gonna need moma cause marty 's gonna go dr. jekel n mr. Hide again, and moma can open up a can of whipass on him.
Pablo, I feel your pain, stupid he got himself into that mess.
I wont feel to sorry for ana perla if the guy gramps sets her up with is julio.
of course it sounds like he'd have to go through Martin to set her up with anybody cuz he(martin) look like he would go to war protect those little girls from crazy gramps.

OMG, I am sorry for breaking the rules, over on Perdone Dios, they have a giant preemie baby. Every time I see it, I think of Novela Maven and crack up laughing! You once wrote about the giant preemie baby.

You're welcome, Lisa! Hey, your Ana Perla scenario sounds plausible – unless, of course, Marty intervenes.

Nina, glad you liked the recap. I agree that Vero is going to need her mama sooner or later. (Well, don't we all?)

Cynderella, I'm not sure which rule you think you are breaking. Is there one against making NovelaMaven giggle?

That was why I thought she had named her little target practice person "Diana". You'd think she'd name it Veronica.

NovelaMaven - Emiliano must have named his target person Martin. :)

I'm gonna name mine Crescencio. :D

Mine would be Botel :)

novelamaven, thanks so much for the recap. I missed the eoisode, so I appreciate finding out what happened.

I would like to volunteer to teach Julio how to read since I have taught many Julios how to read..and write..and speak..and understand.

Carlos, I hope that you and lovely Linda are having a lovely time. I would appreciate knowing if your trip was enjoyable because I have been looking for an adventure. I met a couple at your favorite B &B at the shore who take a lot of train trips, but a trip down the Mississippi might be fun.

Not" your"..."my"...meh

Excellent recap, NM! Great headings and details--not going to list them because I'm supposed to be working on a presentation and sneaked away to see the recap! Vero needs to get Magda to help with the good works she's doing.

"I would like to volunteer to teach Julio how to read since I have taught many Julios how to read..and write..and speak..and understand."

susanlynn, you are just so... so... GENEROUS to make an offer like that. (Be prepared to elbow the crowds away though) :-)

And what will you name YOUR target person?

Hi La Paloma, So glad you enjoyed the recap. I bet Magda (like susanlynn) would be a terrific teacher.

Good recap from last night!

Looks like Blondie is PISSED off that her man is in love with Perla!

NovelaMaven- Work got in the way of me being able to read and comment today. Thank you for your, as usual, funny recap.

I thought the scene with the blender was cute. I'm happy that Vero is getting some happy time with her man.

I did laugh when slut shaming, wife-punisher Martin, and doormat Vero, suddenly both became feminists-- all about a woman standing her ground and choosing her own destiny. Uh huh.

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