Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #20 Fri 6/12/15 When The Town Doctor Leaves Town, The Town Priest Will Take Over

* Some scenes have been combined to help the recap flow better. 

Marital Problems 

Our lovebirds are having yet another spat, this time because Martin thinks Veronica wants to send a note home complaining about the terrible time she's having in Mina Escondida. He tells her to go ahead and leave if she wishes but if she does then she can't come back. Veronica isn't up for yet another argument with him nor does have time for one. She wants to send a note to thank her family for having sent over a suitcase with Pablo and to let them know she's doing fine. She assures him that HIS attitude makes her want to rush out of there but she won't leave because she loves him and vowed to be with him through the good and bad times. She won't leave until she finds out what the hell is his problem. She storms out of the hovel. 

Now alone, Martin is tired of this situation and gives a big sigh, and tells himself that he should have never brought Veronica to Mina Escondida because he'll never able able to make her happy. 

Motherly Instinct 

The gold has been packed in these HUGE boxes and Botel is asking Uspin for discretion. But I'm not sure how that's possible since the HUGE boxes are sure to catch the attention of just about anyone. Whatever. 

Anyway, Magdalena is awaiting to see if Veronica will show up with a note for her family. Botel doesn't think she should be trusting Veronica so much. At least not until she's sure Veronica is a good person. Magdalena doesn't give a crap what Martin thinks. For her - Veronica is a good person. Botel assumes Magdalena feels this way because Magdalena sees in Veronica a possible image of her own daughter. He advises her NOT follow her motherly instinct. ShutUpBotel.

Manuel shows up and as always when Manuel shows up it can't be good. Incidentally, will he ever take off that crap he always wears on his head. He's like Virginia with the headbands. Anyway, Manuel spots the HUGE boxes and wants to know what the hell Botel and Magdalena are up to. Botel refuses to give explanations and Manuel gets offensive. First, insulting Uspin and the other rowers then insulting Botel and Magdalena. Botel wants to rearrange Manuel's face but Uspin intervenes and calms the doctor down. Eventually, Manuel leaves the scene and Magdalena and Botel are ready to leave for the city. 

Meeting Potential Art Clients At The Local Cantina 

Pablo arrives at his date with Cresnecio on time and the pompous bastard (Cresencio) instructs Pablo to take a seat because he doesn't like people looking at him from above. The waitress (named Ireri) takes Pablo's order and Cresencio steps in and orders Pablo a beer. The waitress likes how Pablo has manners and knows how to say "please" unlike others *cough Cresencio*.

Cresencio doesn't beat around the bush and gets straight to it - what the heck does Pablo want with Ana Perla. Cresencio never bought the story that Pablo wants to paint a family portrait of Cresencio and his granddkids. Pablo assures him that he does want to paint a family portrait. He's looking to paint something worthwhile and what better than to paint THE most important family in town, no? Cresencio accepts that his family is the most important in town but for that very reason he's not about let a perfect stranger with a doubtful reputation inside his home. People would talk. Pablo assures Cresencio that he doesn't have a bad lifestyle like other artists and is simply a man who loves his job. He shows Cresencio some of the sketches he made and in those sketches is the drawing he made of Ana Perla. Which BTW looks more like a photo than an actual drawing. Cresencio doesn't give him a yes or no about painting the family portrait but he does rip out the Ana Perla drawing because no one can look at her granddaughter's image. 

Meanwhile, the waitress Ireri tells Medel the bartender how she wishes someone as handsome as Pablo would pay attention to her. Later, after Cresencio leaves, she brings Pablo a tequila on the house (well actually the tequila will go on Cresencio's tab since Cresencio made Pablo have a bad time LOL) and she warns Pablo not to court Cresencio's granddaughters because the old geezer will scratch his eyes out. 

One Can't Read Shells When There Is A Storm In Your Heart

Nanciyaga wastes salt but spreading it around in a circle. She attempts to read the shells but can't because there is a storm in her heart.

Is There A Doctor In Town?

Veronica arrives with her note in hand but is too late. The doctor and Magdalena have already left. Manuel slithers his way towards Veronica and starts to harrass her. Eventually, he forces herself on her, and she shoves him off of her and slaps him hard. He grabs a hold of her again and this time a man who is nearby intervenes but the coward leaves once Manuel threatens to take his boat from him. Veronica is now alone with Manuel and he forces himself on her again. She tries to fight him off. Martin shows up and defends his wife. He shoves Manuel, knees him in the stomach, and punches him hard. Manuel falls to the ground and Martin goes to check on Veronica. Martin gives his back to Manuel who takes this opportunity to stab Martin in the side leaving the knife inside of him. Manuel flees the scene like the rat he is and Martin falls to the ground in pain. Veronica cries and desperately asks for help. 

Nanciyaga arrives and Veronica sends her off to find Botel. But wait...the doctor has checked out without leaving a replacement. Veronica sends Nanciyaga to go and get Padre Juan because priests know what to do in these situations I guess. Nanciyaga hurries off and Veronica holds Martin and tells her hubby to resist. 

Eventually, Nanciyaga returns not only with Padre Juan but with Joaquin also. We see that the knife is no longer inside of Martin and Martin's shirt is now open revealing a semi-abs shot. Joaquin is set to fetch the doctor and is told the doctor has left town. But he's the only doctor there is in many kilometers away! Veronica cries and Padre Juan sends Joaquin off to fetch someone to help carry Martin back to his place. Joaquin leaves and Veronica takes off her sweater and applies it to the wound.  Padre Juan rolls up one of his sleeves (but fails to put on gloves) and holds the sweater down on the wound.

They eventually have leaves applied to the wound along with the sweater and Padre Juan dabs at the wound with the sweater instead of applying pressure. Of course we can't expect a priest to know what to do. If only the doctor would have found a replacement before actually leaving town. Oh well. Padre Juan will have to suture the wound shut so Martin doesn't lose anymore blood. But if the knife touched an important organ than Padre Juan won't be able to do more for Martin. Except perhaps give him his last rites. Just saying.

Listen To Matilde

Jorge is a little bummed that Veronica hasn't sent over a fax. Matilde is sure Veronica hasn't had the chance to send one. Besides, the fax machine is far from where she lives. Matilde reminds Jorge of how much Veronica loves him and how close she is to him. Later on, Jorge thanks Matilde for reminding him of the important things. Jorge brings up how Emiliano took Virginia to the doctor and it is all thanks to the great advice Matilde gave Emiliano. He's glad that Emiliano listens to Matilde. He hopes that now there will be peace at home. Keep dreaming, Jorge.... 

Claudia Wants A Reward

Claudia is a little nervous but instead of rubbing her leg err arm she drops her papers and Alfredo gallantly goes over to help her. She wants to do a great job with the task relating to the mine that Martin entrusted her with. The two get to talking about how much the gold being transported is worth. Claudia sees dollar signs and Alfredo reminds her of the front they must put up with the Prado Castelo clan - where they have to pretend the mine isn't doing so well. Alfredo leaves and Claudia can only think about the reward that Martin will certainly give her for doing such a great job.

Sex Ed In Mina Escondida?

I suppose this was a PSA of some sort about sex ed but I found it pointless. Although it was kind of comical. Ana Perla and Blanquita are teaching the kids at school how to plant seeds. It is explained that once the seed hits the soil it is nourished and the water helps the seed grow and plants come out. One of the little girls announces that her mother told her that that is how babies are made. 

The adults are left rather uncomfortable and Ana Perla has to explain that they haven't gotten to that umm chapter yet but for sure Botel will come and give a lecture about it. She gets the teacher to the side and asks if she handled the situation well. The teacher tells Ana Perla she did handle it well - the birds and the bees is something parents must talk about with their kids and the school has to reinforce that info. Of course it all has to go according to the age of the child. The teacher will have a talk with Botel so he can guide them. 

Later on, also at school, Blanquita asks Ana Perla if she's still sad. Ana Perla is still sad but being with the kids make her feel less sad. 

One Must Knock Before Entering

Emiliano takes Virginia to see Dr. Daniel Fernandez for Virginia's umm "exams". Yeah that's right - they're "exams". Once they arrive, Virginia tries to get rid of Emiliano telling him that she doesn't know how long the "exams" will take. They could be fast or take some time. Daniel comes out into the waiting room and agrees with Virigina about not knowing how long the umm "exams" will last. Emiliano is left a little baffled since it seems that Virginia wants to get rid of him when she's always the one who whines about him not paying any attention to her. She tells him it's not that she doesn't want him around. She doesn't want to seem insidious with him. Daniel is clearly jealous of Emiliano. 

Once inside the examining room, Daniel wants Virginia to swear that she won't sleep with Emiliano. She tries to clam him down and tells him not to ruin the plan before it begins. She reminds Daniel that Emiliano loves Veronica. She tells him that she will take advantage of Emiliano being down. He asks her how he can be so sure that he is not the one being fooled. Well, because when he asked her to send Demetrio far away, she sent him to the jungle. She tells him that she'd be living with him (Daniel) already if he had the fortune that she'll take from Emiliano. She tells him that he'll just have to stand seeing her with Emiliano while she'll have to stand being touched and kissed by Emiliano. And I bet that will be hard work for her.....

The two eventually end up having sex right there on the examining table. Fortuantely, the sex scene is implied and we don't actually see it. 

Virginia is not finished getting dressed after the little fling (she still has to zip up her dress) when Emiliano bursts into the room and catches them in what would seem a rather indecent situation but hey the two are doctor and patient so it's normal for Virginia to have gotten undressed. Emiliano leaves the room and Virginia and Daniel laugh it off. Virginia will now have to pretend to be embarrased over Emiliano seeing her with an unzipped dress.

She does exactly that because when she comes out she lets Emiliano know that she was embarrased with him bursting into the room like that. He apologizes for having burst into the room like but the receptionist wasn't there so he went right inside. He asks her about the "exam" results and she tells them they aren't in yet but the doctor said she was doing better. She hopes that from now on she and Emiliano get along better and she wants for him to tell her what bothers him about her. For starters, she knows that he hates that she talks too much. He tells her that it all depends on what she says. He wants her to know that even though he's been a big fat jerk he has never stopped caring and worrying about her. 

The two do go out for lunch and Emiliano notices that they won't be able to get to the other doctor's appointment in time. Virginia is able to weasel herself out of seeing the other doctor by telling him she's feeling better. Virginia says that she feels that she'll be alright. She wants to continue believing that she will have a normal life. Emiliano likes her positive attitude. She tells him that she now has many reasons to be feeling good. Emiliano is sure that Virginia will be fine and live a better life. She tells him that he has been her best example. Despite his sadness he is moving on and she admires him for that. He tells her that he does whatever possible to live each day. She tells him that she wants to change and to show him she wants to change she won't ask him to forget Veronica. She thought about it and she can't force him to not think about Veronica when she herself can't stop thinking about him. Emiliano suggests they forget the past and start something new.

Manuel Must Die

Cresencio finds out via Joaquin that Manuel stabbed Martin. Cresencio finds Manuel drinking and chews him out for what he did. Unfortunately, the old geezer doesn't whack Manuel a couple times with that stick he always carries. Cresencio backs down on the chewing out once Manuel brings up how the outsider was transporting something out of Mina Escondida. Perhaps he was stealing their gold? Manuel tells Cresnecio that Martin started the fight only because Manuel was greeting Martin's wife. Cresencio smells BS and knows Manuel very well - surely, Manuel disrespected Martin's wife. Manuel accepts he did disrespect her but he only did it because Veronica provoked him since she was dressed so provocatively. Raise your hand if you want Manuel dead.... Cresencio tells Manuel that if Martin dies then Manuel will be in a problem that not even he (Cresencio) will be able to get him out of. Manuel looks impactado. 

Martin Gets The Leaves Treatment

Martin is now at the hovel sprawled on the bed without a shirt on. Padre Juan has sutured the wound shut. Veronica is worried and thinks a doctor should see Martin. We hear thunder and know a storm is coming. Veronica thinks perhaps Pierre can help her find a doctor. But Padre Juan and Nanciyaga dismiss this idea and anyway with the storm no one would transport her over to Pueblo Nuevo. When the storm lets out Padre Juan will go fetch the pharmacist who should be able to help. He used to cure people before Botel arrived. I say: How come you didn't think of fetching him before the storm?

Padre Juan leaves to get penicillin. Veronica sends Nanciyaga off to fetch a bucket and water so Veronica can put compressions on Martin to lower his fever. Martin now alone with Veronica comes to and calls Veronica's name. He FINALLY tells her that he loves her and she's glad to hear him FINALLY say that. He passes out again and Veronica rushes to get medicine. We see her looking through the medicine cabinet. Meanwhile, Nanciyaga enters and puts leaves on Martin. She also starts caressing him because I suppose it will help cure him. Veronica catches her doing all this and shoves her off her hubby thinking she was trying to kiss him. Nanciyaga denies she was kissing her "patron". Veronica asks what the hell are the leaves for and Nanciyaga explains that they'll cure Martin. Veronica apologizes to her for her behavior and asks her to cure Martin. Nanciyaga sends Veronica to go and get more leaves. 

After fetching the leaves, Veronica runs into Cresencio who takes one look at Veronica and realizes his grandson was right. Veronica is wearing only her tank top and the old geezer thinks Veronica provoked Manuel by dressing provocatively. This is utter BS and Veronica tells him off. Cresnecio blames Veronica for what happened to Martin. Veronica lets Cresencio know that if Martin dies then she'll do what it takes to make sure Manuel pays. 

Back inside, Martin comes to again and Veronica is glad to see he is feeling better. He asks her if she really does love him and she tells him that she loves him with her all her soul. Like she never imagined she could. She'd die of sadness if anything ever happened to him. She tells him that she'll take care of him and will fight to show him that it is worth living for their love. She kisses him on the forehead. Later, she brings him soup and feeds him. He didn't know she knew how to cook and she tells him that Matilde taught her. He thanks her for taking care of him and knows that he doesn't deserve it. She tells him that she is taking care of him because she loves him and is sure he'd do the same. She says that with her taking care of him and with lots of love he'll be fine. He tells her that she's right - he can't die just yet. He has things to do. She jokes that he can't leave her a window so soon. She tells her that she was so afraid when she saw that he wasn't well. She tells him that something beautiful happened - she doesn't know if it was the fever or what but for the first time he opened his feelings and told her that he loved her. And it was the only thing she needed to hear to know that she did right in not leaving. He asks her if she really would have left and she admits that she would have despite not wanting to. She says that now that she knows that he loves her like she loves him she wishes with all her heart to be with him forever. The two stare into each others eyes.


Color me confused since when CrazyMart wanted to make Vero happy? Wasn't his plan to make her anything but happy? Thank you for the recap. Vero is projecting her love for Martin on him. Vero when your new husband can only say I love you in the throes of fever, it ain't love,lol

Thanks much Romy. You caught a bunch that I missed

Well, well, well Grampa Chastity you have earned a major upgrade in status from Chastity to Pervert with a ‘who must die’ clause . Oh my Grandson sexually attacked you and tried to murder your husband? Weeeellll if you were not HOT and dressed for the sweltering heat, Manual would not have attacked you It is YOUR fault. You should be dressed like the other women, (Nancyaga excepted) like fripping ESKIMOS in 38 plus weather. Ya Ho….(CSI Note: Impressive pair of bolt-ons duly noted on victim)

If there is a TN God he will let Manual pay. NOW Crazy Boy really does have a motive for some real revenge against an equally crazy advesary. He can now plot his revenge against someone who tried to kill him and rape his wife rather than against an unwitting little girl whose only crime is having the same initials as Satan personified. Those two horse turds deserve each other. Let the games begin.

Veronica is turning out to be pretty impressive. She actually handled Manual deftly. Give her a real sword rather than those regulation play swords which will not pierce or cut and put her in the woods with Manual (labor) and his pocket knife. She will turn him into something you would expect to see under the glass alongside the lettuce and pickles at Subway. She didn’t cower from Grampa Pervert either much to his surprise. Since I could care less about the whole inbred clan in Many Excursions, Grampa needs to catch his grandson molesting his granddaughter about the time his mine runs out of gold. Fork him he’s done.

Father Juan: You just have to love a man who knows how to sew. Does this give him license to circumvent his unbreakable vow? I hope so.

I am still waiting for the Nanci piece of this puzzle to fall into place. There has to be more of her involvement in the story than packing eucalyptus leaves on Injured White Man. In her close-ups with Crazy Marty I was surprised to see a ‘native’ girl so obviously wearing false eyelashes. I’m sure they were made by her from lichens she gathered off rocks by the waterfall. FWIW.. Nanciyaga is a resort on the shore of lake Catemaco in Veracruz, not that far from the Yucatan Peninsula and Belize, etc.

The Emu almost making it a threesome with Dr. Dick and Vsnake was special. The Cardiologist, Dr. D, is as gullible as Veronica. Any grownup in a romantic, sexual relationship with someone who is admittedly, even unashamedly, gleefully dishonest gets what they deserve. OTOH, I have seen it too many times among friends and co-workers. Sociopaths and Psychopathological behavior make for fun TNs.

Thanks Mauricio. Great details . Interesting turn of events.

Mauricio, this is superb. You must be near superhuman to turn out such quality work in consecutive days on such short notice. My hats off to you.

"The gold has been packed in these HUGE boxes..."

Mind boggling. Has anyone attempted to estimate the weight of these HUGE boxes? Gold is not exactly lightweight and there are 5 of them loaded onto that little boat which appears unsteady under ideal circumstances.

As for Nanciyaga, shouldn't we start calling her Dr. Nanciyaga?


By the way, while I hate to comment on medical techniques in TNs, suturing a stab wound to the abdomen like the one that Martín received is the worst possible treatment they could have provided. Let's hope that Dr. Nancyaga's plants are strong medicine.


Mauricio, appreciate this mightily.

This was my favorite episode so far because Martin was no more than a prop and a place to park a knife. I cringed though when Veronica admitted she was seriously contemplating leaving, I'm sure once Martin up and about he'll beat her with that.

Hell yes, Veronica, give it back to that scumbag old man and want it to be you that takes that stick from him and....... I don't hate him like I do Martin but he's moving up quick.

Thought it ironic, Emi said too bad Virginia hadn't been so sickly when younger, the healthy Virginia is appealing.


Mauricio- you done good, hit all the fine points.

Manuel is cow poo, and granpee← is dinosaur poo. The rain should wash them both away. And then maybe ana perla and blanguita can have shot at getting a husband thats not afraid of crazy manny and wacky grandpee.
Martin said he shouldn't have brought veronica there, because he wouldn't be able to make her happy. Yeah thats why! You stupid, stupid man. You've been plotting to destroy this woman who has given up het life for you jackass←if thats permited.
Veronica was so upset, no doctor, no nurse, just nancy and her leaves. Witch was funny when she came in and saw the greenary, and ask,"what the hell are the leaves for" ? Hahahha haha LOL, that was so funny to me.

Maybe the greenary works, he woke up to say I love you Veronica. I thank he does, he 's just eaten up with stupid revenge. Maybe there will be a change when he's better. Lets hope so.

Mauricio, thank you so much for another excellent and detailed recap. I am raising my hand. Someone has got to give MAnic Manuel a beat down. He thinks that he can manhandle any woman and push all the guys around. What a jerk.

It was kind of funny seeing big CrazyMarty with the leavesbon his forehead and neck. In Amor Real, a historical novels, the woman put tiny leaves on their temples when they were not feeling well.


Thanks everyone for all the comments.

Since the doctor was away, it's a good thing they had the Padre who knows how suture wounds shut, and Nanciyaga who knows how to cure with leaves.

That was funny when Veronica entered the room and found Martin with all those leaves on him and in addition found Nanciyaga hovering over him and caressing him.

It was also funny when Emiliano burst into the room and caught Dr. Daniel and Virginia with her dress unzipped. The looks on their faces was priceless.

I hope Magdalena does follow her motherly instincts.


It was also nice seeing Martin giving Manuel the beating her deserved. It's about time someone did it. Too bad Martin got stabbed afterwards. BTW I wonder who took the knife out of him. I'm guessing Padre Juan.

*the beating he deserved

Re: Manuel...are there no laws or law enforcement in Mina Escondildo or whatever it is called? Does Manual Labor try to stab someone to death as he is incidentally sexually assaulting the victims wife and walk?

If true, can we assume by the same token that when CrazyMarty has recovered he is free to beat Manual to death with his bare fists without interference? Maybe they will kill each other.

Thanks, Mauricio, for your salient recap!

I couldn't help thinking that this little isolated village must have some kind of first aid around, so I was glad that they do and Martin got some antibiotic treatment.
Dr. Botel strikes me as a pretty mindless and irresponsible character to leave like that without ensuring another doc to replace him.

Martin's defenses were down enough because of his pain to finally admit to Veronica that he loves this a turning point in his mission to exact revenge on her?

Manuel is a pretty scary fellow so I hope that Veronica will begin carrying her sabre with her when she goes out. I would love to see her take him down with that!!!



Thanks Mauricio, I love your recaps! Full of detail but you cut to the chase at the same time.

I found that doctors office scene beyond ridiculous. First of all, you don't go into a private room fully clothed WITH the doctor. And the doctor certainly doesn't help you undress then ZIP UP YOUR DRESS! Emiliano should have found the scene he stormed in on shocking, not normal. And the fact the two crazies burst into laughter after they are nearly busted is just nuts. Lock the door for crying out loud!

With all these scenes with V-Snakes doctor I couldn't help but wonder if he would be Botels pick for a replacement jungle doctor. No spoiler just a wild guess! That would explain Botel's inexplicable "I'll find a doctor first thing in Mexico"!

Thanks again, Mauricio! I thought it was a good episode. The first time crazy Marty's been a little bit nice to Vero.

Kirby: They do have a law enforcement I believe although we haven't seen them yet. Cresencio told Manuel that if Martin dies then Manuel will be in a problem that not even he (Cresencio) will be able to save him from. I assume the "problem" was referring to was problems with the police.

Gale: It was irresponsible for Botel to leave the town without a doctor. The worst part is that he's going to find replacement when he arrives in Mexico City instead of finding a replacement before actually leaving for the city.

Martin is so deep in his evil sociopathic revenge, he's not even thinking straight!

Veronica might want to get a gun just in case!

Thanks .. I do remember that now that you mention it. It is still mind numbing that Manuel will possibly only be in trouble if CrazyMarty D I E S. Otherwise, we are to assume, if the old crazy one manages to pull though, Manuel simply gets a brief scolding. Oh Well. I'm counting on CrazyMarty to dish out Manuel's punishment. Thanks again. Great read.

I hope marty beat the crap out of crazy manny.
He may not, he may start the revenge crap again. He should rest this weekend and start
Over monday. He should think about what hes doing to himself and the wife. He should do a lot of things, but he wont.

Wow. Thanks, Mauricio, for telling us that we really saw what we thought we saw.

Enjoyed the way Vero stood up to nasty, icky, insane, stupid Manuel. He's a big load of manure and Grandpa is definitely related to him. Vero was wearing only a tank top because she removed her blouse to mop Marty's blood!

Nanci should give Vero credit for finding the right leaves in the pouring rain. She should also show Vero how to handle a machete (easy with Vero's sword skilz!), so Vero can defend herself from lustful idiots in the village.

Would love to see: Nanci and Vero use machetes with strong purpose on Gramps and Manuel. Then teach Blanca and Ana Perla how to defend themselves, so Gramps and Manuel don't have to worry about it.

The large crates were strange. If they were filled with gold, the little boat would surely sink in the river. Working brain cells seem to be in short supply among the people of Mina Escondida.

Not surprising to me Botel left the town with no doctor, no way he was letting Magdalena out of his sight. Last thing he wants is a woman that can walk free and decide never to return. Her threat after he ran his mouth while drunk will prompt him to be ever more possessive instead of changing his ways. Same can be said for Martin. Veronica's declaration she seriously contemplated leaving, not wanting to suffer his abuse, will make him double down. Oh, he'll be sweet till the crisis has passed but his opinion of women, especially Veronica, not too far removed from Manuel and Cresencio's. They believe women should be locked away and used for serving them and sexual release while Martin believes an independent, smart, beautiful woman should be dominated and corralled and if they cannot, be put down.

I like the naughty Virginia when she's with Dr. Dan and the hair band off. Hair band on, whiny, frail, no personality. Hair band off, playful, clever and wild. I want Virginia and Martin to hook up, dude would have his hands full and she'd eat him for lunch.


marty is in love with his wife he told her that because of the delirium from the fever it happens like that when you're drunk also, all of your inhibitions are gone and all of the truth comes sliding out. he's in love with his wife It's just to bad he had to almost die for her to find out. He may not remember when hes better. she can remind him. He might wonder why he took a knife for this woman.
Because you love her stupid. Now do some investigating and find out who the real V-bitch is. And stop makeing your wife's life a living hell.

OK.. I am officially on Team Tofie. Who of us would not have PAID to see CrazyMarty hooked up with the Viper. Martin with someone as messed up, crazy, conniving and evil as he. What a hoot. That would be a match made in heaven. Little Dr. D is like a child crushing on an evil grownup with the Viper. He even believes some of what she is telling him. IE: Woman has not uttered a truthful word in a decade.

Viper pretends to, and possibly may truly not, know that Dimbulb committed suicide over her rejection. Much less little Dr. Danny. How would he see that?

The whole plot of Dr. Bottle :-) leaving town with no doctor strikes me as funny. Mining is known to be ummm sort of dangerous work. Do they have two operating mines without red cross or a first aid station or anything? Hell the other day old Crazy Martin with a knife sticking out of his gut would probably been happy with a Veterinarian. I am looking forward to the repercussions for Manual (Labor) from his attempted murder, if any.

Great work, Mauricio. Thanks so much for writing two splendid recaps in a row.

I'm so glad you drew our attention to a few of the sillier things in the episode (the HUGE boxes of gold in the little boat, the disappearing knife, the stupidity of Botel's decision, just to name a few). Even so, it was a fun show and seemed to mark a turning point for Vero and Nanciyaga's relationship and possibly (though who can tell?) for Vero and Crazy Marty.

I've also got my hand raised.

I have to say I was happy to see those caracoles. Now I know the story will bounce along satisfactorily.

Brains seem to be in short supply with jorge, selma, emi, even ronny and marty. I wont even mention crazy claudia and her affair shes having with her legs. Strange people.:×

Affair with her legs. Funny funny Nina. Whichever way one reads it. :-)

Thank you, Mauricio! Another great recap and thank you for pointing out the way Botel decided to transport the gold. QTH? In boxes on a clingy boat? Is this how they are supposed to arrive at the factory of the great Prado Castellos? I hope they don't meet a moving truck on their way, things might get confusing if instead of pure gold they find grandma's old china and some silver spoons in one of the boxes.

So now Martin is sick, at death's door, he has an epiphany and decides he loves Vero after all? Will the love spell lift as soon as he feels better or will we be witness to a few episodes of matrimonial bliss? Have these crazy kids even seen one another naked already?

And my unpopular opinion of the day - I really don't like Nancyaga and the way she talks irritates me to no end. I don't see her becoming Vero's friend, but more of a silly, vodoo believer rival.

Mauricio, thanks for 2 great recaps this week. I laughed at several of your comments such as Botel's desire to rearrange Manuel's face (oh please, please) but also the ShutUpBotel.

As well as Mauricio's excellent work with double duty this week, I want to thank NovelaMaven for her witty work times two as well. And Kirby… stepping in and keeping us in the loop on Tuesday. I appreciate the time all of you have given us.

I loved the photo…..ummm, I mean sketch of Ana Perla that Pablo had in his book. I guess he took a little artistic license because Ana Perla's mole was on the wrong side of her mouth.

Emi got in a good one when he told Ginny it was not so much her talking that bothered him but what she talked about that bugged him.

Now why and how would Manuel and Abuelo think that Botel would be stealing from their mine? How would that work?

I think it would be difficult for Botel to find his replacement whether before or after he left for Mexico City considering he treats everyone for free. Maybe he could offer to pay the doctor too--with a big cardboard box of gold.


Thank you Mauricio. I am late to the party but reading your great recap made my wait worth it.

Several think that Martin will finally snap out of it and turn his sick mind around, as he know knows that Veronica really loves him. I don't see that happening at all. We will just be beginning episode twenty one on Monday. It's way too early for lovebirds in the jungle. I think that after a short time, Marty will slip back into his old crazy demented ways.

Did anyone notice how touchy feely V-snake and Emi were getting. The snake is starting to work him. Between V-snake and Salma smiling at each other, they are going to make me sick.

We had a rumble in the jungle with Martin and Manual. I can't help but think that at some future point we might have a rumble in the jungle between Martin and Emi. Remember Emi told Martin that if you ever hurt Vero???

No doctor in sight? A lot of small towns are without medical services. That's commonplace all over the world. Ok, there is a mine in Mina Escondida but that doesn't necessarily mean that there would be a doctor standing by. Snake bite? Too bad you are out of luck.

Speaking of Doctors---Dr. Carlos. It is obvious that when you were in medical school you didn't sign up for the jungle medicine class. You get a cut or a knife wound, just get a needle and thread, sew it up and put some leaves on top. Nothing to it. You see, you missed out on an easy A.

The big boxes? I'm sure that they weren't filled with gold ore. Yes, they would be too heavy for a small boat. Also a dead giveaway that a gold shipment was going out. Robbers anyone?

Thanks again Mauricio for a great weekend read.
the gringo

Mauricio- We owe you a big thanks for the multiple, detailed recaps you provided us this week. Just wonderful.

Haven't watched the episode yet, but can't believe that Manny is walking around free after assaulting two people, one of them gravely. Que?!

So delirious Marty threw Vero a bone, and now she's his loyal doggy again. Hmmm...

Hahahahohohaha, her mole on the wrong side of her mouth, that is funny. I realy didn't notice the mole on the wrong side, it was always on the left side. They need get rid of it altogether, shes a pretty girl she don't need it. "WARDROB KILL THE MOLE". LOL!!!!:-D


Hi All,

I'll second gringo's comment that it is doubtful that the boxes were loaded up with pure gold ore. There's no indication that there's a big processing plant in Mina Escondida separating the gold from the rest of the rocks and minerals it is encrusted on, so I think it's safer to assume that it is unprocessed rocks with gold veins in them that is inside those big boxes....which would also explain why the boxes are so big. Second, I looked closely and they didn't just use Uspin's little boat to transport the boxes. It looked like some kind of improvised barge. I'll give them poetic license when it comes to transporting unprocessed stones with some gold in them, because when I lived for a couple of years in Indiana I worked in a office that overlooked the Ohio River and regularly saw relatively small barges transporting huge piles of coal.

Lol. Nina. The mole is real, so I think it would be the post-production team that would have to work on removing the mole. But they are busy enough screwing up the editing, so the last thing we want is to give them yet another distraction from their editing duties.

OMG the mole on the wrong side? I am just not that astute. Good eye Barb. I was completely sidetracked by her hand painted portrait's resemblance to a studio photo. For Pablo to be an 'artsy' artist that he ostensibly is, I was shocked at how "Olan Mills" his sketch of Ana P looked.

If the mole is real, real ugly---a simple trip to a dermatologist could remove it very easily. I would go for a removal.
the gringo

Isn't it a beauty mark? It's really big. O well beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or whatever. If shes happy why are we complaining, pablo don't care, he loves her.
The mole don't make the girl. Its late and Im just sproutin off stuff, good nite yall.

A mole is a mole is a mole.

I also forgot to mention that in an earlier episode Martin said that he was going to have Claudia make arrangements for a leased cargo plane to meet up with whatever the end point of the boat trip would be so that it could transport the gold the rest of the way to the city.

Happy Monday Everyone! Thanks Mauricio, wonderful recap. My Martin made me so proud. He took care of the idiot. Too bad the coward had to stab him. Botel had no choice but to leave town. His wife was a like a constant dropping of rain on a roof. She left her kid when she was 6yrs old and She laments 20yrs later? Poor guy should have arranged for a replacement doctor but between the boose and lady raindrops, well, the rest is poor Martin's nightmare. The old man needs a whip. His grandson almost kills a man and he blames the victim's wife? He is so big on respect and a godly behavior and yet sees nothing wrong with his grandson's behavior. He had a few moments of clarity but for the most part he needed a whip. What does the old man do with all his gold anyway? Its obvious he doesn't send it anywhere since he trusts no one. Why did Emanuel accuse Botel of stealing gold if they have their own mine. Maybe I missed something.


@Hanna - re: Malena, she didn't abandon her daughter. In recent episodes it was revealed that her husband gave her a severe beating, left her unconscious and lmost dead. Botel took her to get treatment and was so focused on saving her life that he didn't think of taking her daughter too. When they returned, the husband had gone away with the daughter, which is why she has to search for her. Also, I've noticed some readers have asked why she is suddenly searching for her 20 years later. That is also incorrect - in a recent episode it was mentioned that they searched off and on for many years, and it is only in the past two years that they hadn't done it because they had run out of money, given that the mine wasn't producing gold. Now that they are making money from the gold mine, she wants to continue searching.

I really want to see the episode when her and veronica discover they are mother and daughter. I hope they are, cause then she (mom)can open up a can of whipass on her stupid son-in-law. And then after everything is straightened out they'll make a really nice little family unit. and then maybe Marty wont have to go back to the grave and start screaming and crying the digging up dirt all over again and his brother can rest in peace. That is after he finds out who the V-bitch is.
Don't you just love happy endings?:-):-):-):-):-):-)♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
But thats a long way off.

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