Sunday, July 12, 2015

La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #11-19 July 6-17

15 episodes in and here's what we have.

Triangles and Torment
Antonio, Sara, Isabel

Sara, Antonio, Cheo

Antonio and Sara fell in love over a three day period. But Antonio is still attached to Isabel and Sara can't get rid of Cheo. Update: Now Sara is in the DF and Antonio is trying to shuffle her without Isa finding out.

And Sara's friend Bruno is convinced that Antonio is a player de lo peor. Update: And it only got worse since he found out Antonio is engaged.

Juancho-Sara's brother. Team Cheo

Ema-Antonio's mother. Team Isabel for a self-serving reason: Isa comes from money. Update: Ema is still pushing for the marriage. She's also kind of obsessed with that gabardina she saw Sara wearing. Ema knows it belongs to Antonio. And as soon as Antonio's dad found out that the girl Ema saw was Sara Granados, he spilled the frijoles to his wife-that's the neighbor Antonio spent the weekend with. Ema is more determined than ever to get to the bottom of things.

Ricardo-Antonio's coworker. Generally out to sabotoge Antonio. Update: he's a totally creepy bra-sniffer.

Padre Vicente has a team. They are number one in the rankings(?)

Fidel, the ironically named atheist, also has a team. They aren't doing so well in the rankings. He's convinced his young son to look for Padre's playbook during his catechism classes. Not cool.

Update: Meh. They're all still practicing. Vladimir is hanging out with Padre Vicente more.

Gasoline Robberies
Probably the hardest plot for me to follow. Pedro(Luis Gatica) is the leader. People at Conatrol are involved...but for now it isn't clear exactly who. Pedro is willing to kill, too. The last guy who failed him ended up drowned in a bog.

Antonio thinks that by involving the community and helping them feel more invested in the company, they will be more watchful and helpful in stopping the robberies. To that end, he hires Sara as a community liaison.

Update: Did we we see Pedro this week? Sara thinks she has the job. Antonio is pretty sure he won't be able to hire her. They are putting some dye in the gas. I don't get it.

Business Ventures
Simon and Bruno still have this agricultural thing going on. Bruno has applied for a loan at the bank (He spoke to an Edwina.) They need some sort of guarantee (aval), so they are going to use the deed on Simon's land(?)

Update: Edwina the bank employee has it bad for Simon. I don't blame her. Oh, we did see Pablo. I think he offered a sketchy loan to Simon. Simon turned him down. Simon had a love in the past. We don't know what happened there.

Previous: Episodes 1-10
Next: Episodes 20-29


Sara- Thanks for the post. I was working from home today and saw this episode. I haven't seen it since the first episode and couldn't believe the underwear didn't emerge until today. Also couldn't believe that Antonio ended up getting it back to Sara, without his fiance seeing it. I thought she reacted pretty well to finding that tarty dress among his things.

Does Sara wear pink every day? Aren't those shoes awfully impractical? I think the jeans wouldn't look so tight, and the top wouldn't look so bare to my eyes, if she were wearing some flat sandals or TOMS shoes. Does that make sense?

Here little brother is being awful, literally selling her out to her (ex?) boyfriend.

I didn't realize that the little boy hanging out with the priest was actually spying for his father. I thought it was so cute his hanging out with the Padre and the soccer team, but now I know there was a slightly sinister reason for it.

Sara's heels are killing me. I wish they would but her in flats. I second that opinion!

I lol'd when Antonio tossed the underwear. I was also surprised Isa didn't find them.

I'm still not getting an antagonist vibe from Isa. I feel really bad for her actually.

PS - there's also some plan to install pressure monitors or something to the gasoline lines. Something I don't understand at all.

Yeah, the measuring of the pressure on the gas lines will help them figure out where/when the gas is being siphoned off.

Thanks, Vivi!

Gracias, Sara! The resumen is really helpful, 'cause boy is there a lot going on.

I'm with y'all on the shoe issue. The precarious teetering bugs me.

As does Cheo. Ya vete!

Ay, Antonio, delaying the inevitable. As bland as Isa was to begin with, she's now gone into cranky shrew mode and that's not any better.

Bruno is still my favorite character. Though, Padre Vicente is pretty cool too.

Bruno? I'm all over Simon. I love that man.

I'm not quite getting why Antonio didn't just straight up break up with Isabel.

And now Cheo is all "I lurve you."

This is going to be so long and I would rather see Sara and Antonio together more than apart. Or at least apart for a decent reason.

Yeah, I don't dislike Isabel that much. Cheo, on the other hand, I could do without. And Antonio loses points for not having a backbone. But I still like it. :)

Pfft...I meant Simon. Hey, maybe I could actually check the thoughtfully provided resumen! Wouldn't that be a novel idea :D Bruno is ok. He's a little hotheaded and I wonder if he might at some point go too far in his antagonism toward Antonio. Though I can't imagine him doing something like Cheo did and screwing with Antonio's company on purpose. And if he did something like that accidentally, I think he'd apologize for it.

Hey, Katie!!

Have we met? (I have a swiss cheese memory, so please forgive me if we have.)

Cheo makes me want to punch things, but Juancho makes me even angrier! Where's your family loyalty, bro?

Maybe Isa will really get in touch with her inner antagonist, but right now she has every right to be angry with Antonio. So I'm not thinking of her as "the enemy" yet.

To tell you the truth, though...if I were Isa I would be welcoming this excuse to break up. Antonio's mom is a real metiche.

Bruno acts more like the loyal brother than Juancho does!

I know she's marrying him and not his family, but...she's going to be stuck with that woman. Don't do it Isa!

A few highlights from Monday 7/6
I wasn't paying close attenion :-/

Most of the episode was really spent just keeping Sara and Isabel from seeing each other. The closest they got was when Isa stumbled upon Sara's clothing from the Lost Weekend. Isa ran next door to return the dress, but Sara was already gone. Because of the nature of the dress, Isa now thinks Sara is a golfa. She says as much to her friend Natalia.

Sara has decided to move back to Progreso and give up on Antonio.

Ricardo is keeping tabs on Antonio via Natalia.

Fidel and his underling discuss the body found in the bog. No one would be swimming there and someone would notice if someone was wandering around drunk.

Padre Vicente takes Vladimir to practice with him. Vladimir gets a loot at Padre's notes.

Cheo talks Juancho into getting mom out of the house. As soon as Juancho and mom leave, Cheo arrives to profess his love.

The dress wasn't THAT bad. OK, it was a little tarty, but come on...she didn't even see the shoes. The dress wasn't anywhere near as tacky as Isa's attitude.

I'm inclined to cut a lot of slack with Isa. She totally knows something is up. She has to initiate all the kisses, she feels the distance and he doesn't seem to be returning her "te amos."

He needs to cut ties y ya.

Eye-roll-inducing drama aside, it's refreshing that she seems to genuinely care about him and isn't just determined to stay with him for his money or whatever. Seems more like it's maybe his family that needs her family's money?

I get that impression. But I also get the impression that the money was never one of Antonio's motives for being with her. He seems to genuinely like her, too. Well, until he met Sara.

thanks SBC for the recap of where we are so far! (you don't mind the abbreviation?)

I thought it was cute watching Vincente & Simon playing mother hen to Sara. Love those two characters. My favorite two moments were watching Antonio throw the underwear across the balcony & when Vincente just pushed Sara to the ground preventing a confrontation with Isabel. HAHA could not stop laughing!

I don't dislike Isabel, but I kind of feel she's kind of a downer in general. Maybe that's why Antonio is attracted to Sara. Although of course Antonio hasn't given Isabel that many reasons to smile since the start of the tn.......

And I kind of just glaze over the details of when they start talking about CONATROL and the robberies. Just know that someone (Pedro) is stealing it and they're coming up with a plan to stop it.



Con mucho gusto, jlk! And of course feel free to abbreviate :-)

I could have written that comment myself! Simon's face when Antonio tossed that underwear was a hoot. I could not stop laughing. Same for the scene when Padre Vicente pushed Sara

So far my favorite people are Simon, Magda and Marina. I felt so bad for Marina the other day when she was jealous of the DF secretary (Ligia?) I hope Antonio starts praising Marina a little more.

I react the same way to the CONATROL business and robberies. I can assure you I will not be giving that a lot of my attention when I put up highlights. They start talking business and I just hear buzzing. Though I do wish Antonio would stop telling Ramon to put his shirt on. It's hot in the machine room. Leave the man alone. Let him keep his shirt off....

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Highlights Tuesday 7/7
Rafa tried to make Antonio understand that he can't keep being an ogre. The people at CONATROL just have their way of doing things. Ingeniero Lopez understood that. Antonio thinks that if not wearing the proper uniform, listening to loud music and coming in late is "their way of doing things" then they will have to get used to him being an ogre. There was a conversation at the end of the episode where Antonio asks about how Ingeniero Lopez handled it when he was think he was taking Rafa's advice into account...but I really wasn't paying close attention.

Cheo swears he can get a job at the used car place for Sara. Whatever.

Ricardo is still out for Antonio's job and novia. He's heard the gossip that Sara is a golfa so he makes plans to have Sara come to the DF for an interview...conveniently scheduled around the same time that Antonio has to meet with Lic Uribe.

Sara is thrilled to be going for the interview. Antonio didn't let her down!

Ricardo also makes moves on Isa. He goes to her apartment and makes the usual douche bag moves: Acts like he shares the same interests, brings flowers, impeccable manners. I find it all kind of funny...until he creeps around in her bedroom, sniffs her bra and says "delicious." EW!! EW!!

Simon and Bruno go back to the bank to talk about the loan. Edwina has it bad for Simon. I don't blame her a bit. My cold heart flutters a little when he's around, too. Simon doesn't want to lose his land, so despite Edwina's assurances that she can get a great interest rate for them, Simon wants to think on it a little more.

Simon and Bruno run into Pedro on their way out. Simon and Pedro exchange the stink-eye.

Edwina blabs to Pedro that Simon is there for a loan.

Pedro later tells a henchman that they could use Simon's help on the team of baddies. The community looks up to him and he's mechanical. He might be able to help with a new valve.

Pedro goes to visit Bruno at the huerta. Pedro is sure they will have a great crop and he wants to be their middle man. Bruno is tired of Pedro selling them short and informs him they will not be using his middleman services. Pedro is all "we're among friends! I'm trustworthy!" Simon walks up and is like "Trustworthy? Who?"

Though I do wish Antonio would stop telling Ramon to put his shirt on. Not gonna argue with you there :D

Gracias for today's highlights, SBC!

Ricardo is such a Mean Girl. This is oddly juvenile behavior for someone who's supposed to be an executive. And his literal sniffing around in Isa's bedroom...gross, dude!

How stupid is Pedro to think he could get Simon to help him? You saw the stink-eye. I saw the stink-eye. Did Pedro not see the stink-eye?

Well...Pedro didn't have his glasses on in the bank.

I find I like this more and more and part of it is precisely because it's NOT action packed. People packed, yes; but not action packed.

Just don't ask me to explain why I'm saying that.

Darn. I did not get to see today's episode.

Lol. Neither did I. I'm going to try and get to it tomorrow.

I missed today's too - the time got changed because of the pope

Now I feel bad for being mad - cause - ya know - the pope

Antonio is trying so hard and has some good ideas too - I think he said something about putting an additive in the gas so they can ID theirs if somebody else tries to sell it - but everything he does seems to get undermined, either accidentally in Sara related things, or treacherously by Ricardo and Pedro et al
Its not fair!


Muchas gracias for the extra information about the gas, Sneaky! I vaguely remember that.


Main Events-Wednesday 7/8
Simon turns down Pedro's offer of a "loan" (I'm getting a loan shark vibe), but does decide to go ahead and apply for a legit loan at the bank.

Antonio finishes his meal at the restaurant Rafa recommended. Turns out it's Pedro's restaurant and it sounded to me like Ingeniero Lopez went their often. It also sounded like Lopez got a lot of free meals. I'm thinking he paid his bill by looking the other way at the gas robberies.

Antonio was not impressed with Pedro's restaurant and he definitely didn't like his armed guards.

Pedro also has a woman. I didn't catch her name or her relationship to Pedro. I'm thinking she's some kind of kept woman. I think she's supposed to tell Pedro whenever Antonio comes to the restaurant?

Pedro wants Nelson to find out more about the gas additive (thanks for the reminder, Sneaky!) Pedro also wants to know what Antonio's weak spot is. Nelson says Antonio has a weak spot for the ladies--especially his neighbor Sara Granados.

Sara lets Cheo know she's grateful he tried to get a job for her, but she's got an interview with CONATROL.

Cheo uses Juancho to find out when the flight leaves. Cheo is a terrible antagonist. When he finds out that Sara's flight leaves at 7 AM and he will have to get up early, he again enlists Juancho to do the work. Ok. Maybe outsourcing just makes him a more pragmatic antagonist. He tells Juancho to fake being sick. Sara won't leave knowing her brother is sick.

No, he's a terrible antagonist because he outsourced to a teen-age boy whose priority is video game soccer. Juancho oversleeps and Sara makes it to the plane on time.

Antonio and Sebastian have a long conversation about how Antonio feels. He really likes Sara, but he's spent four years building a relationship with Isa. And neither girl deserves to have him use Sara as an aventura.

Poor Sara is walking right into a set up. Ricardo did all this scheming only to tell Lic Silva that the interview and appointment was all Antonio Andrade's idea. Ricardo has arranged it in such a way that Sara will end up interrupting a very important meeting between Lic Uribe, Antonio and some other muckity mucks. Antonio had no idea she was coming!

thanks SBC for the highlights! Also missed the episode yesterday, so glad to know I haven't actually missed Sara's trip to CONATROL HQ. Btw I think Friday's episode is going to be bumped up 1 hr as well.

I'm probably overthinking it, but I'm trying to figure out why Cheo wants to stay with Sara. I know I can find a lot of negative words to describe him (clingy, pushy, stalkerish,etc...) but he does sincerely seem to want to get back with Sara. Glad to know his dumb plot of getting her to miss her interview didn't work.

And after the episode on Tue Ricardo has gone firmly into the creepy category. Isabel has my sympathy for being the object his desire & the poor girl doesn't even know it.


Thanks for the heads up on the schedule change, jlk!

The only thing I can think of with Cheo is male pride. He certainly didn't mind flirting with someone else. It must burn him up that Sara was out with some guy so soon after the break up. And she broke up with him. That's really must have fried his ego.

I'm watching Friday's episode...I am sick of hearing the word "gabardina"! Antonio's mom is so incredibly unpleasant.

I've missed Thursday and Friday. And I just realized I forgot to bump this. I'll do it Sunday afternoon. Or Monday. My apologies!

It's all good :) Did I hear it right, he wants to put dye in the gasoline? I think the whole "how we're going to stop the gasoline theft" plot is going over my head. I guess I can understand how adding dye would help confirm that it's Conatrol gasoline that they're looking at, but they have to test the gasoline at wherever it's ending up...but how are they going to know where it's ending up?

OK, I probably need to not try to wrap my brain around that and just look at JDC's beautiful smile instead :D

Diva - I think that's what he said but as for finding out where its ending up - check every gas station? Your guess is as good as mine

Hey guys so I need help w/a Vecina related question - I know its not from the most recent chapters (in fact it might be from last week) but I keep wondering about it and I can't let it go

So, when Sara was helping Antonio put food away and he went for ice cubes and found the empty ice tray, he went to the sink to fill the tray up and Sara stopped him and said no no no you can't fill the ice tray from the tap, it'll make you sick, you can't ever drink the tap water here you could get all kinds of bugs even cholera!
I know they tell North American tourists not to drink the water when you visit Mexico or places in Europe but Antonio is from Mexico City right?

So my question is why did Antonio think he could fill the ice tray from the tap? Because he went to the tap without a second thought. Does his tap at his place in the DF or at Isabel's or wherever he was staying have a filter on it? Or does Mexico City have a more reliable and safer municipal water supply than San Wherever or Progresso? Or is it a third thing I haven't thought of yet?

Anything is welcome, even speculation I know this is a little piddly thing and maybe nobody else even noticed but its keeping me up at night wondering (I have insomnia anyway so if it wasn't this it'd be something else, but still)

Also, if my water might have cholera in it I wouldn't even wash dishes or clothes or anything in it so what's the point of having a tap anyway.

sneaky, now that you ask, I realize the water thing is a little weird, too. So I looked up cholera. And now I'm even more confused. The site I looked at didn't say anything about it being dangerous to wash dishes in contaminated water, but it did say using contaminated water to wash fruits and vegetables could transmit it, so.... Clear as mud. Maybe you're right and Antonio has a better filter on his tap at home.

Sneaky two shoes, now you have me thinking about my water. I don't drink from the tap but do use it for everything else....maybe Sara was exaggerating?

But for her maybe not, she seems to be a walking example of Murphy's law. Although I would like to see her in a professional capable job because right now she's seems a tad bit clueless.

And I think it's sweet to see how Antonio helps and takes care of Sara in his kinda of dry manner despite all the problems she brings, whether accidentally or not. Should be fun to watch what mischief she causes in Antonio apt!

Favorite part of Fri episode had to be when Sara and Antonio were jamming to the car radio & she happily waves to Antonio's boss as he passes them by unaware of the issues caused by her presence.


Main Events Thursday 7/9
Simon and Bruno get the paperwork for the loan. Edwina obviously has a thing for Simon. Later Bruno asks Simon if anyone has ever caught his interest. Bruno phrases it "has anyone caught your eye since...." and Bruno doesn't finish the sentence, but I felt like it was implied that there was a special lady in Simon's past.

Simon and Bruno are interrupted by Inge Lopez who is back in San Gaspar to open his own business. Lopez lets it slip that Antonio was engaged. Bruno is not pleased.

Vladimir wants to watch Padre Vicente's soccer practice. Magda wonders if Fidel will get mad, but Vladimir says he's gone to PV's practices before.

Isa's dad is back in town. He seems like he's a pretty busy guy. He leaves a check for Isa (maybe she can replace the Dr. Seuss lamp?) Later he runs into Ema. Ema tries to press her case: Those two crazy kids need to get married y ya. Isa's dad thinks they are mature enough to make their own decisions.

Sara is shuffled out of the meeting. He asks why she's there and she explains. She's also cold. He loans her his gabardina. He tells Sebastian to bring some coffee.

Antonio gets to the bottom of why she's even in the DF. He finds out from Silva all about Ricardo arranging it. Antonio also finds out from Ligia that Ricardo wanted all the San Gaspar business to go to him. So at least Antonio knows that Ricardo is a snake. But this is all still bad because now it looks as if Antonio is hiring people based on his personal feeling. There's also this misunderstanding that Sara is going to be the DIRECTOR of the community outreach program.

Antonio asks Sebastian to watch Sara while he finishes up with Lic Uribe. Take her to get something to eat and take her to the airport. Antonio also realizes that hiring Sara is going to be more difficult now.

Antonio has a lunch meeting with Lic Uribe. Lic Uribe informs him that there is no way Antonio can hire Sara. Antonio does try to plead her case. She really does have great communication skills and she will be able to connect with the community. Lic still denies the request. What's more, if Antonio fails in San Gaspar, he will be asked to resign. Ricardo watches from another table and gloats.

Ema and Isa's dad just happen to be in the same restaurant that Sebastian takes Sara to. Uh oh. Ema recognizes the gabardina! She was the one who gave it to Antonio as a gift!

Ema reports this to Antonio's dad. He doesn't seem too upset, but agrees to have dinner with Antonio and find out something.

Sebastian drops Sara off at the airport. Oh no! The plane has already left! She's stuck in the DF.

I'll watch Friday's episode, write up some highlights and bump the post late tonight.

Gracias, Sweet Baby Chihuahuas! I liked watching Antonio and Sara's time hanging out together.

FWIW, I also thought Antonio was hiring Sara to be the director of the program until he kept saying over and over that he just wanted to hire her to work *in* the department. So I guess now he needs to hire a director?

So you caught the Bruno thing, too! I agree it sounds like there was a woman in his past. Either it was an epically bad breakup or maybe he's a widower? It kind of sounds like he doesn't date at all.

Thank you Sweet Baby Chihuahuas!.

"No, he's a terrible antagonist because he outsourced to a teen-age boy whose priority is video game soccer."

Dry Humor is Power.

-Encaje Rojo

Welcome Encaje Rojo! Always happy to see a new "face" on the patio!

Diva- I'm in love with Simon. I would date him. Er. But I'm married so imaginary me would date him.

I'm watching Friday's episode now. Am I really supposed to believe that Sara thought the time on the ticket was the time she was supposed to be at the airport? Really?

Right? Because wouldn't she have missed the first flight if she was just getting there at the time on the ticket? I'm not buying it.

Gracias, Sweet Baby Chihuahuas, for getting us all caught up and ready for next week.

I'm not looking forward to Antonio finally breaking the news that Sara doesn't have the job, but I thought the whole point of the show is that they do end up working I'm wondering how that comes about.


Friday 7/10 Impressions

I've republished the post with a few updates. Hopefully that will make it easier for anyone to find it on the page.

Really I don't have a "here's what happened" kind of comment. More like the stuff that went through my mind.

Why does anyone say anything in front of Juancho? I am so done with that little twerp.

Cheo was funny standing at the airport waiting for a Sara who never arrived. Cheo is another twerp.

I hate Ricardo and Ema. They like to stir up drama. Ricardo sniffs bras he's more dangerous.

I love Sara and Antonio together. I am just ready for them to be a couple already!

Thanks for mentioning the scene where Sara waved to Lic Uribe, jlk. It was funny. Lic Uribe looked like "Uh...wave?"

Sara is going to get in some sort of mess before Monday's episode is over.

Sara getting into trouble is a given. She's got cousins in town? I wonder if Antonio will come home to a full-blown party in his place.

Thanks for keeping this going, Sara. Today is my work from home day, so I will take a late lunch break to watch. Is there a time change or was it just due to the Pope's LatAm visit?

Thanks so much, Sara.
I'm just loving this novela. Sara and Antonio have the cutest dynamic ever. I'm loving the "I Love Lucy" vibe.


I see it showing at the regular time, Vivi, but sometimes my cable listings lie to me.

Denise, I love that description! Sara gets into a scrape, Antonio rolls his eyes and can't help smiling....

Kat already answered, but yes Vivi I think the schedule changes last week were just because of the Pope's visit.

Denise!! That is PERFECT!!! No wonder I like watching Antonio and Sara so much!! The really are a great on screen couple.

Now the bad news: I found out today that real life is going to be stupid and I will probably spend this week behind...on ALL my shows (*grumblegrumble*)

It's going to be hard for me to put up daily highlights, but please dear peeps, don't think it will offend me or will step on my toes if you want to to talk about the episode even though there's nothing "offical" up. Talk all you want ;-)

Hope everything is alright, Sara. Don't worry about us.

Oh no worries! School is starting to rear its ugly head and I promised to help someone move and set up a classroom ;-)

(In addition to having to start thinking about my own classroom.)

But, but, but... it's July! Naw, I'm kidding, I know "summer vacation" is a myth. Thank you for your dedication.

Sara- I can do a recap for today. I'll post it in a bit.

Monday 7/13/15, Part 1:

Sara makes herself at home in Antonio’s apartment. She orders a pizza; she goes through his impressive and well-organized walk-in closet looking for some sleep clothes; she leaves a trail of clothes and under clothes on the floor to the bathroom; she uses his toothbrush; she squeezes the toothpaste from the middle and leaves it open and oozing; she uses his wash sponge; and she puts on his robe. It’s in this state that Antonio’s sister Mariana and her boyfriend Hector (who intercepted, paid for, and delivered her pizza) find Sara. Unlike most tn characters, Sara manages to get out exactly who she is, why she’s there, and where Antonio is (with his father and then with Isabel), all in a swift and efficient manner-- probably the only thing Sara has ever done in a swift and efficient manner. She’s still embarrassed though. Mariana is totally cool, likes Sara, and believes her story. Hector, like Antonio’s father, thinks the worst—that Sara is Antonio’s not-so-secret lover. Mariana makes him promise not to mention this incident to her parents.

Over drinks at a restaurant, Antonio’s father is still disbelieving of Ant’s story about Sara, but is just concerned that she’s gone and out of their lives. Ant lies that she flew back home that night. Mariana calls him and tells him about meeting Sara, and asks him to call Sara and tell her all is well and she shouldn’t feel bad.

Sara doesn’t get the call, because she’s on the phone speaking to her two D.F. friends—the nephews of her mother’s friend—and eating pizza and drinking orange soda in Ant’s bed! They convince her to come out with them to a “canta-bar” and pick her up a bit later. From the canta-bar they go to a street hotdog stand, and then for a night tour of D.F. Sara is sure she is not missed, since she’s sure Antonio will be spending a romantic night with his novia, Isabel.

That’s not quite how it turns out. First, Isabel’s roommate and BFF, Marina (?) tells her boyfriend Simon (Antonio’s BFF) that she’s spending the night at his place to give Isa and Ant space. Isa is going to give Ant and ultimatum. Marina tells Simon NOT to tell Ant. He quickly texts Ant, then gets in trouble when Marina nosily picks up his phone and reads Ant’s reply. She gets mad at him for betraying her trust. He points out that she did the same by reading his text messages. They are at an impasse. She decides to get dressed and return home.

And it doesn’t matter, because Isa’s night with Antonio does not turn out as romantic as she hoped. He is obviously uncomfortable with the romantic candles and setting she’s prepared. Isa says all the right things—she doesn’t scold, she tells him she loves him, she tells him how much she missed him, she kisses him, she apologizes for being the one to put her exhibition above their original wedding date. In fact, she offers to stick with their original date, and just move to San Gaspar with him and prepare for her exhibition from there. She also offers him an out by asking if his feelings towards her have changed. It’s obvious that they have, but he lies badly that he still loves her (never ever really saying the words directly), and kisses her stiffly. He blames his cold, distant attitude on work stress, and asks to keep things as they are now. He begs off the romantic evening, claiming being tired and having an early work commitment. Poor Isabel!

Antonio gets home and gets super worried when he finds Sara missing and hears she left hours ago and told the porter she would just be out for a bit. He calls Simon, who, like the great friend he is, comes right over in the middle of the night. The two fret, and then finally decide to go down to the police station. Just as they leave the building, Sara and her friends drive up, laughing, carefree and happy. Antonio is NOT pleased. Simon and the other two guys see Ant’s face and the writing on the wall, and know that Lucy, uhm, Sara has some major ‘splainin’ to do. They leave quickly.


Monday 7/13/15, Part 2:

Once upstairs, Sara apologizes profusely, while Antonio tries to maintain firm as he explains how worried he was. I’m shocked that he doesn’t rip into her for the mess she made in his house and in his bed, and the stain she got on his coat. Sara mentions she met his sister and really liked her—she’s nothing like his mother, whom she also met. But Antonio IS a lot like his mother. Antonio is offended by the comparison. He is really annoyed by how little sleep he’ll get (on the couch, not his now dirty bed) that night, when he has to be up so early. Sara is sad and worried about Antonio being angry at her; Antonio seems to be having a hard time staying mad at her. She admits that one of the reasons she left was because she didn’t want to stay in the apartment being all depressed because he was with Isa. She’s not the kind of gal who sits around crying. “The more I suffer, the more I dance.” This softens Antonio, and he goes into the bedroom to talk to Sara. Unfortunately, she has slipped out of his itchy hoodie, and is walking around (top) half naked! Antonio is embarrassed, but obviously impressed with what he sees. Sara is mortified.

Meanwhile, in San Gaspar—
Cheo and Juancho continue their pay to play (with Sara) relationship. Cheo will cough up some more money.

Padre gets called to the bedside of a (rich) dying parishioner. He gets called away so quickly that he forgets his soccer playbook in the trophy case. The parishioner turns out to be played by Mariana Kerr (Yay! Didn’t catch her character’s name.). She isn’t dying-- just using this opportunity to find out what conniving money grubbers her two sons and two nieces are. All they argue about over her “deathbed” is who will get what from her fortune and estate. Padre tells them to set their priorities straight. Meanwhile, cop Fidel does some breaking and entering into Padre’s house and finds exactly what he was looking for—the playbook.

Bank lady Edwina comes over to Simon’s apartment for coffee and to personally help him fill out his loan forms. She and we learn he’s a widower when they gets to the marital status portion of the form. He’s obviously uncomfortable with her interest in him and with speaking about his late wife. Things get more awkward when Bruno arrives home and Simon pulls him into filling out the form with them. After Edwina leaves. Bruno teases Simon about her, but he’s not having it.

Bad guy Pedro is talking to one of his partners in crime. The new plan is to siphon off less gas from more spots along the pipeline. This will make it harder to detect the theft and harder to trace. Pedro acknowledges that Antonio is a pretty smart dude, but they will continue to thwart him. He’s determined to find Ant’s weak spot and exploit it. Pedro goes home to a pretty lady (his wife, girlfriend, prisoner?) who’s on the phone. He gets suspicious and roughly asks who she was speaking to this time of night. She says she was trying to call him, but he hasn’t been answering. He does realize that he’s left his phone somewhere. He sends her off to bed, and stops to check the caller id to see who she really was calling (by his pleased smile I assume she was telling the truth), and pours himself a drink.


Typo: Mariana Karr, not Kerr.

A few observations, from a person who has now only seen three episodes of this tn...

I really like Antonio's sister. She seems like she could be great friends with Sara. Haven't seen this actress since Un Refugio Para el Amor.

I think I have the names Mariana (Ant's sister) and Marina (Isa's BFF) wrong. Someone else please provide the correct names. Just went by what I thought I heard.

I like that grown people, who aren't married but are dating, can spend the night at each other's homes and have sex, and it's no big deal.

I like Isabel. She seems like a really nice person and I feel bad that her fiance has fallen out of love with her and doesn't have the courage to tell her. She deserves better than the creepy bra sniffer. Any other prospects for her?

Gracias, Vivi! I love how you worked in the Lucy this what every episode is going to be like from now on? "But Antonio, I wanted to go to the canta-baaaaaaaaar!"

OK, who am I kidding, I want to go to the canta bar!

I agree with you that Antonio's sister is really cool, but uhm, I have no idea what her name is. Her boyfriend, on the other hand...bleh.

Also with you on the adult relationships including sex and sleepovers, yay! And I also noticed that we're actually going to have working cell phones that people actually use, another yay! Because, 2015!

And Mariana Karr! So nice to see her again!

Vivi - how do I thank you? I still haven't seen the episode, but here I pop in and you have this wonderful, wonderful recap. It's perfect and fabulous and I thank you. If I could I would give you a big candy house ;-)

Isa's friend is Natalia. I'm not sure I remember what Antonio's sister's name is.

Mariana Karr? Sweet baby chihuahuas! I can't wait to see that! That's made my day.

Unfortunately there are no prospects for Isa so far. I feel for her too.

Crud. My brain isn't working right because I also loved the "splainin'" line and forgot to say so.

Thanks, Sara! Natalia! I must have just had Mariana on the brain after seeing Mariana Karr and decided to make both of those characters versions of the name- Marina, Mariana. I DoD think Ant's sister is named one of those two. But then again...Mariana in the brain. ;)

Do, not DoD. Department of Defence?

I'm not firing on all cylinders, but Mariana seems right to me. We haven't seen much of Toño's sister so I'm not sure.

Thanks SBC for the updates and recaps last week and sorry about life stuff catchin you up & thanks Vivi for the recap today

I just kept watching that open container of orange drink on the bed bounce and waiting for it to spill all over Antonio's bed, I guess it still can since nobody's moved it yet, (which is driving me a little crazy) and then when Antonio came home and saw all that and didn't get mad -
I don't know - I'd be a little irritated if I were him and a guest treated my stuff that way
Am I too persnickety?

sneaky two shoes, if you're too persnickety about that, then so am I! At the very least, I wouldn't have been so calm.

She's a chef, right? So I know she knows about food safety and I know she knows she can't just leave the pizza sitting there like that.

Sneaky2Shoes- I'm with you. I would have bit highly annoyed if I came home and found my houseguest had made that kind of mess.

Been highly annoyed. And really, I would have been plain old pissed.

My husband and I even straighten the bed/room when we stay at a hotel!

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(Pssst Encaje Rojo- don't forget to say "thank you" to Vivi. She did us a huge favor today.)

(Pssst, my bad.)

Thanks a Bundle Vivi!

“The more I suffer, the more I dance.” Words to live by.


And yet, oddly, only a few seconds of dancing at the canta bar :( I mean, if we're going to go to a canta bar, then let's go to a canta bar, you know?

I think canta bar is my new favorite phrase.

ER- Thanks. That line really summed up Sara's personality.

Good point, Vivi. What's she going to do when she finally finds out she doesn't have the job?! Which at this rate will be week?

Kat- I hear ya. The canta bar looked like fun, and they only showed us a tiny bit of it. And don't those two guys seems super sweet? Maybe one of them for Isa?

Sara has so many sweet guys around her...and then there's Cheo. I have no explanation for this.

I think one of those guys could work for Isa, or Bruno. Anybody but Ricardo. Unless she goes bad, then all bets are off.

(Thank you Encaje Rojo.)

And I need to have that phrase tattooed somewhere on my person. Literally.

Hubs is telling me to quit looking at my phone.

Y'all are so much more fun! I would rather be with y'alllllllll.......*whine*


Ha ha ha ha... "splainin'".

Thanks, Vivi


Denise-your observation that Toño and Sara are like Ricky and Lucy has really added even more the my enjoyment of this show.

I just got home and thought I would watch today's episode, but all I have is a special Gordo y Flaca Joan Sebastian tribute episode. But right before it started there was a promo for today's La Vecina at 3/2C.

I am bummed. Was there a schedule change? Because the DVR thought it was recording La Vecina because that's what was listed.

I don't think it's on hulu either.

Sweet Baby Chihuahuas! - I had the same experience. I'm hoping it was preempted everywhere and we get to see it tomorrow. :/

Yep. Just checked my recording and its the Joan Sebastian tribute.

Ok. Thank you Katie and Vivi! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that we get today's episode tomorrow.

Vivi-I watched yesterday's episode instead and it made me so happy to see Mariana Karr looking so good. I just adore her and loved her "Beba" on Amorcito Corazon. Thank you again for that recap.

I wrote on Uni's FB page and asked about yesterday. They said that the episode will air today. Yay!

What an episode! Why can't Antonio see that he needs to break it off with Isabel and be with Sara?? They were so cute together the morning after doing the deed with their lovey dovey talk.

I know that it's Isabel that's being cheated on, but I couldn't help but feel Sara's heartbreak when she heard the message of Antonio's wedding and decided to call the cabbie to head to the airport.

Sebastian just makes me laugh, I like the actor they cast to play the role.

OTOH Pedro I'm already a little afraid of him and all he's done really is be menacing. I wonder how that nice girl ended up with him, must be some shadiness to that story.



And thanks Vivi for Monday's recap!


"doing the deed"

OMG why do I have to be busy this week?!

I am moving this episode up the watch priority list.

Thanks for input, jlk!

Wow. Watching the epi now. Can't believe that they did the deed! Ant better break up with Isa right away.

I'm getting a real creepy vibe (like Danilo and Ale in La Malquerida) from Pedro and his wife-- like he owns her or something.

jlk- I felt bad for Sara too. But it's a lesson to her to never again get involved with someone who is still committed to someone else.

I'm already feeling the Laura-Bruno matchup. They'll make pretty babies. But that's NOT going to be easy with dangerous Pedro in the way.

It was such a good start to the episode with Sara and Antonio doin' a little dance.... And all the sweetness the morning after. I just want to forget the rest of the episode happened. And he still hasn't told her that she doesn't have a job, on top of everything else.

I like this show more and more. I am so on board with Antonio and Sara. They have amazing chemistry. I know, broken record...but that was a pretty good love scene today.

Antonio needs to break it off with Isabel. Right now I am impressed with how well JDC is playing the torment...but after a while he's going to look like the cheating jerk. Then again, he and Isa were together 4 years and were planning to marry. I guess it's hard to end that kind of relationship.

But he and Sara are so cuuuute!!

I agree with you jlk...I just ached for Sara at the end of the episode. She was really trying to keep it together when she called Gabriel the paisano cabbie. And she even remembered to leave Antonio a note so he wouldn't worry!

Bruno didn't really float my boat, but the more I see him the more I like him. Laura certainly saw it immediately. I loved the scene, too Vivi (and oh yeah pretty babies!)

Kat-The post luvin' part of the episode was not fun...BUT, Fidel seems to be back to trusting Magda and she seems happy again. It's a small thing, but it's something. I really didn't like him being all suspicious of her. I totally love her. I want to look like her.

If worse comes to worse, I'll try to have some highlights up Friday night.

Hey, do you all mind weighing in on Lopez? The first week I assumed he was in cahoots with Pedro...but now maybe I don't think that? At least, he doesn't seem obviously in league with Pedro, but he's always at his restaurant and giving him info about Sara. I admit I don't pay close attention to the gas robbery story.

Which one is Lopez? Is he the guy whose job was given to Tono?

Yup. He was the old manager. He quit because he was offended that Lic Uribe said that the robberies got worse on his watch. Now he's back on the scene claiming that money isn't everything and he's going to start his own business.

He seemed pretty clueless that Pedro is a bad guy, so for now I'm going to say he's clueless and lax, but not corrupt.

Just sitting down to watch today's episode. Sara and Antonio had a mature conversation about his relationship with Isabel. A rarity in TNs.

And Cheo is Eddie freaking Haskell. Blech.

Really??!! they did the deed, damn, I missed it.

Ok gonna slide right past the Sara - Antonio drama because I just don't know what to say about greek tragedy misunderstandings like this and can't wait till its over, and go on to how funny Antonio's friend (Sebastian?) with the car was and the taxi driver was just so good when he said 'well you might get it started but that won't do you any good without wheels'
I can't feel too bad for a guy who routinely calls his best friend a cretin so I pretty much laughed throughout his mishaps

Yeah. By the end of the episode I was bummed. Antonio (with help from Lic Uribe and Ricardo) is really screwing things up.

Sebastian was funny, but I found it even more hilarious because he came off like a high school kid for most of the episode...after telling Antonio he (Ant) was a grown man and should be able to figure out love from a roll in the hay. I agree with Sebastian that Ant has to put on his big boy pants and break up with Isa, but it seemed ironic coming from a guy that had practically "squeed" minutes before because his girlfriend talked to him.

My thoughts on Lopez: kind of bumblingly incompetent, but doesn't have a clue what Pedro is really up to and isn't in on it, just having his ineptitude taken advantage of.

The fact that Antonio and Sara had that entire conversation without cutting each other off or refusing to listen was refreshing. I'm bummed that Sara is hurting so badly, and then getting notice that she doesn't have a job on top of that.

Variopinta, awww, that means you also missed the morning after and all the smiles and the kissing and the cuddling and Antonio being utterly charmed by seeing that she left toothpaste all over his bathroom sink. It was all very cute.

sneaky two shoes and sara, I am a Sebastian fan. I like that he's so easygoing and makes fun of Antonio.

Were we getting product placement for fertilizer and a PSA on crop rotation today?

Highlights for Thursday 7/16
Now I feel like I can't remember anything that happened. It's all out of order.

Lopez wants to by a little cafe/fonda. His wife Berenice is not pleased. I agree with Vivi and Kat. He's not corrupt.

Antonio and Sara had a discussion in the airport. Sara knew he had a girlfriend, not a fiancee with who he had planned a wedding. Sara feels used.

Sara runs into Cheo's arms as soon as she's home. Blech.

Simon and Bruno talk ag stuff.

Bruno talks to some farmer buddy about having to sell crops to Pedro. Bruno and Simon are getting a truck. Folks won't have to put up with Pedro's crappy prices.

Ricardo and Antonio snarled at each other in the hallway.

Lic Uribe ordered that a letter be sent to Sara saying she was not being hired.

Sara gets the letter berfore Ant can explain anything. She feels really used now.

Overall a sad ending.

Thank you for today's summary, Sara! Oh, I had forgotten about ProtaSara clinging to Cheo. What is up with that?! They're together, they're not together...he's a controlling ass in any case and I really can't stand that.

Ricardo is such a little twerp. I don't know why it's not obvious to Uribe that he's just stirring up trouble.

Thanks for the mini-recap, Sara! I'll catch up and watch this episode this weekend. Sad to hear that ProtagSara is suffering. I hope she doesn't tell Cheo the reason. That would just give him too much information he can use and manipulate things in the future.

I feel like Antonio is suffering as well. For now I do understand his torment, but if he keeps it up for long, it will start to look like he's stringing both girls along.

I'm watching today's episode. I'll probably do a write up somewhere between a quick highlight list and a recap.

I really hate that right now ProtaSara thinks Cheo is the good guy and was right all along

But I loved Antonio's mom going to the housekeeper? after a new unexpected arrival and telling her to cut the salmon in more pieces to serve each time, that was priceless.

Well, I'm all caught up and I think Juancho just moved up above Cheo on my "dislike" list. It wasn't so much the lying to Antonio that Sara was out with Cheo, but the way he talked back to his mother when she confronted him about it. Little punk!

The dinner part was so uncomfortable, I don't know whether to laugh or just find it very unrealistic that everyone kept interpreting Antonio's facial expression as being "serious." No, he's unhappy. Which they might know if they'd seen how happy he gets around Sara. Though Isabel made it sound like he used to be that way with her, too? I feel bad for her. She doesn't deserve this.

sneaky two shoes, I was really looking forward to seeing how small those pieces of salmon got, but they never did show us. Bummer.

I'm watching the last two episodes now. I feel for Sara. Worst day ever finding out about Tono's upcoming wedding and not getting the job. I feel bad for him too, but less so. He's being a coward with Isa and he should have been more honest with Sara.

Everyone is making sense in what they're saying and I like how reasonable they're all being. Sebas makes sense when he points out Tono has been with Isa 4 years and with Sara for just a hot minute. How can he say it's love and know that it isn't just a passing fancy? Isa is totally right to call Tono out about his attitude at the dinner and about their upcoming nuptials. Sara was right in how she called out Tono's behavior. And Padre was right in how he called out Sara's behavior.

My question is, why is Tono going to SG? He's still engaged and still getting married in 2 months. What on earth does he think he can say to Sara to make things better?

Sara- Can you repost this? Its fallen off the main page. I guess I never got around to posting anything about Friday. Half-assed isn't just a recapping method, it's a lifestyle.

That was an incredibly awkward dinner.

I'm assuming that the reportioning of the fish was mean to show that the Andrade family might be feeling the need to tighten their financial belts. I'm pretty sure the father said something about a business deal that went down the tubes.

Vivi: I am putting a new post up tomorrow so I am hesitant to repost this. It will just knock the Telemundo thread off the front page and I would feel like a jerk to put a post this old ahead of J desde NYC's YNCELH post. I hope that's ok.

No worries then. Looking forward to the new post.

I believe if you check again, you'll find this post back on the front page with no bumping of anyone.

Vivi, "What on earth does he think he can say to Sara to make things better?" I don't even know how much it's about this and how much he wants her to forgive him for the job part of the mess so he doesn't feel as bad about it. He's a little carelessly selfish. He's not trying to hurt anyone, but at some point he needs to make some decisions and take responsibility for the fact that he's hurt people whether he meant to or not.

Sara, you want a half-assed recap for Friday? Here's mine..."Sara has a sad. Antonio feels trapped. One of Pedro's people got busted. Ivan has a sad because his daddy won't let him assistant coach the futbol team."

I think you're right about Antonio's family feeling a bit of a financial squeeze. I wonder just how squeezy it is, though. Like, is his mom having to buy off-the-rack instead of couture? Or are we talking "lose the house and have no financial assets whatsoever"?

"I believe if you check again, you'll find this post back on the front page with no bumping of anyone."

Oh! Was it magic?

"One of Pedro's people got busted"
That's probably important. It's been 2 days, so my memory is fuzzy, but I do remember a conversation where someone worried that the guy would roll over. And was there something to the effect of Pedro positioning himself to be a higher up? I can't remember what he said, but I remember thinking "wait. So he's NOT the head honcho?"

And I thought it incredibly ironic that Ema was telling the paid hired help to stretch the fish to serve more people.

I plead the fifth ;)

The dude getting busted was all very vague. I got the impression that the guy in the back seat of the SUV was maybe someone Pedro answers to?

Thanks, Kat! That was magic.

The only thing that was important to me about Pedro going away for a few days is that his poor wife will have a few days of freedom, and might bump into Bruno again. Yeah, and I suppose it has some important implications for Pedro's shady business.

Also Pedro wants his mole to send him a picture of Sara. He already got him a glimpse of her resume. Pedro seems to have homed in on Sara as a possible weak spot for Tono.

Too bad Uribe isn't playing along with Pedro's plot. Or Ricardo, for that matter, since he's the one who got her un-hired in the first place with his little "interview" prank. At least, that's my interpretation.

Wait, or do I need to thank Ricardo for that because without it there would have been no nookie? I'm so conflicted!

Thank you, Kat!! I get worried about knocking people off the page. (I even hesitate to post the La Vecina post every other Monday.)

sneaky two shoes said:

"I really hate that right now ProtaSara thinks Cheo is the good guy and was right all along."

OMG I know!!!!

It's like she keeps forgetting that Cheo wasn't just "flirting" with his "client" he was asking her out on a date. Or am I misremembering?

I remember it was just flirting, which I guess in real life wouldn't be *that* bad except I'm a jealous person and I would probably break up too. Must be a "Sara" thing.

I tend not to trust those characters who use work as an excuse for flirting. Probably because it never ends up being true and it never stops at "just flirting." Although, I suppose, in all fairness, I don't know whether Cheo has ever followed through. Still, if that's where she draws the line and doesn't think it's something she wants to put up with, whether he's "just" flirting or actually cheating on her, then more power to her. Draw that line wherever you want to!

If nothing else, Cheo's obsessive, controlling, stalkerish behavior with Sara is enough to shown that he's not good boyfriend material.

Now *that* is very true. Maybe the flirting wasn't so horrible and Sara's reaction was overkill, but his response showed him to be a little scary and not the kind of people Sara should be with.

I'm with you both on Cheo's behavior post-breakup. Especially tracking her down at whoever's party just to punch Antonio in the face.

I just put the post up for the next two weeks. See y'all over there.

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