Friday, July 10, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #40 Fri 7/10/15 Cousins Doing Things Cousins Don't Do

(scenes out of order and some have been combined)

Marty has promised Vero that he'll control himself and listen to her before turning into Crazy Marty (™ NovelaMaven). (Let's take a bet - How long before he breaks his promise? I give him two days) He gets all lovey dovey with her and using his charms err kisses he's able to convince her to give him a second chance under the condition that he keeps his word and controls himself. First, Marty tells Vero that he would love to stay and be all lovey dovey with her forever. Then he tells her that he has to go work at the mine. Smooth Marty. Smooth. Before leaving, he asks Vero if things are a little better between them. Vero tells him that they are. 

Emi has seen Virginia at the cantina and he isn't amused. Usch! That's just what needed - for her to come slithering to town to asphyxiate him. He sits down and serves himself a drink. Virginia explains she had to come because his parents decided to travel to Cancun earlier than expected. They would have noticed he wasn't there and realized he was in Mina Escondida. Emi thinks Virginia ratted him and she denies it. She informs him that daddy is on his way over there. From behind, Daniel watches as Virginia talks with Emi and isn't a happy camper.

Pablo has showed up unexpectedly at Blanquita and Polo's door. Blanquita is reluctant to let him come in since 1. they aren't allowed to hang out with him anymore 2. it could cause them problems with her parents and grandfather. While Blanquita tries to close the door shut, Polo tries to open the door and let Pablo in. Pablo explains he came to see their mother Raymunda to talk to her and let her know how things are. Eventually, Blanquita lets him come in and she calls her mother telling her there is someone at the door. 

Ireri brings Emi a fresh new bottle of booze. Virginia suggest they leave. She tells Emi he can continue drinking over at the hotel bar. They can take the bottle of booze with them. Emi asks Virginia how come she's with him after he has spurned her time after time. She tells him that she's there because she promised to always be by his side - as a friend or as whatever Emi wants her to be. Emi tells Virginia that one thing the two have in common is that they are both very stubborn. Virginia agrees. She tells Emi - "Let's go". 

Raymunda overhears and finds out that Manuel is to blame for the time Polo cut his hand. She also finds out Pablo defended Polo from Manuel and took him to Dr. Botel. She thanks him for what he did for her son. Blanquita tells her mother that they didn't mention it before to avoid problems and because Manuel is a psycho knife wielding veerrrryyy vindictive. Blanquita asks her mother to listen to Pablo's woes (lamentos). Yes, she actually said that. Raymunda agrees. 

Daniel offers to help Virginia carry a drunken Emi out of the cantina. Emi makes a joke about Dr. Daniel being a cardiologist and not being able to cure his achy breaky heart. He then puts his hat on Daniel for no reason. Daniel and Virginia carry Emi out of there. Ireri watches as Emi carried out. 

Pablo tells Raymunda that he hopes to change the old goat's mind about Ana Perla. Raymunda can't see this happening because her father is of "fixed ideas". Pablo then changes the subject and talks about Blanquita and Polo. He tells Raymunda that he believes it's unfair that he's not allowed to see them. He tells Raymunda that he doesn't have band intentions with Ana Perla or with anyone from her family. Raymunda will give him the benefit of the doubt and will allow him to see Polo. Because she knows that he will take good care of him. She thanks him again for helping her son with the knife incident and she says that she'll speak with Manuel about it. Polo and Blanquita who have been listening from the kitchen come into the living room where Raymunda and Pablo are. Polo thanks his mother and tells her that Pablo is the only REAL friend he has in town. He also asks her not to speak to Manuel about the knife incident because it'll make him madder. 

Marty arrives home and finds Vero setting the table. He has brought her a gift. He kisses her. No, that's not the gift. He hands her a bandanna. She unwraps it and finds a piece of gold which she thinks is beautiful. She'll make a necklace out of it. The necklace will be a reminder to Marty to always listen to her before thinking the worse. Good luck with that one, Vero. She goes to fetch her jewelery making kit. 

While she's gone, Nanci shows up and announces that she no longer wants to serve the "mujer blanca". Nanci tells Marty that the blond woman who came over to the hovel has a rotten soul and is a "mala mujer". This of course catches Marty's attention and he grills Nanci with questions. What is she talking about? What is she trying to tell him? Was she the mujer mala of her brother? Nanci doesn't give a straight answer unfortunately. All she tells him is that she just says what she sees. She also tells him that the "mala mujer" has a dark heart. Marty gives up the interrogation convinced that Nanci knows nothing. For a moment there, he thought Vero wasn't to blame for anything. Nanci doesn't want to work for the "mujer blanca" because she said that they were going to fire her. Marty assures her they won't fire her and tells her that she just needs to treat his wife better. Nanci tells Marty that she only serves him. Vero returns and Nanci leaves. She asks Marty what he was speaking to Nanci about. Another vision perhaps? Marty replies that they were talking about Virginia. He tells her that Nanci called her "mala mujer" and Vero is in agreement with Nanci. Virginia is a bad person. Vero tells Marty how Virigina came over to make amends with her. Can he believe it? What is Virginia making amends for? Well, for never getting along with her and making her life miserable. 

Meanwhile, the "mala mujer" is at the hotel bar and sitting at a table with Daniel. Emi is at another table drinking away and getting drunker. Danny boy doesn't want to leave Virginia alone with that borracho but Virginia reminds him that their future depends on said borracho paying attention to her. Doesn't Danny boy realize how hard it is for poor Virginia to have to flirt with the borracho while she actually only desires the cardiologist? Danny boy agrees to leave but before he does he makes sure of where she'll be sleeping. She tells him that she'll be sleeping in a room which has just become vacant. 

Marty tells Vero that Virginia seemed like a good person when he talked to her back at the party (that Marty crashed). Vero laughs and jokes that Marty ran into "el oro de los tontos" (the gold of the dummies). Whatever that means. Marty chuckles. (Oh, and Vero also told Marty that Virginia likes to act all kind but she's really the worst).

Back at the hotel bar, Virginia slithers over to Emi's table and Daniel leaves. She asks him if he wants to head to his room. He doesn't. He wants more booze, Okay, she'll get it for him as long as it helps him relax. She goes to fetch the booze and tells herself that tonight Emi won't escape from her claws. From the look on her face she is planning something sick and twisted. Stay tuned. 

Marty and Vero are enjoying some din din which Marty loves. He tells Vero he's heading to the city tomorrow afternoon. Oh to prove that he trusts her he is leaving knowing that Emi is still in town. Vero asks sarcastically if she should thank him. This might have led to another spat and really Marty's remark was unecessary but luckily Magda shows up. She enters without knocking because the door was unlocked. But she really should have still knocked first. Whatever. Marty and Vero don't mind. Magda gets invited for some din din. Magda doesn't want to impose. Oh nonsense. Does Magda want dessert? Vero made pineapple pie. That was Magda's daughter favorite. Vero doesn't want Magda to get sad. She tells her that her daughter wouldn't want to see her like that. The two chat and we see them doing the same gestures as they talk. Vero had a doll named "Adorable". Magda asks Vero if she still has it with her. She doesn't because Virginia fed it to the dogs. Marty watches the two and laughs commenting on how the two share the same gestures.

Teo visits Blanquita at her home. The two sit on the couch with Polo in between them. Teo hopes him being there won't cause her problems with her dad. Blanquita assures him that it won't. Her dad is cool and nothing like the overprotective possessive old goat her grandfather. Teo and Blanquita exchange sweet glances and Polo makes them uncomfortable by stating out loud - "I thought you didn't like my sister, Teo". Blanquita reprimands her little brother and Teo shushes him nicely. Teo think it's a shame Blanquita wasn't able to go to the restaurant at Pierre's hotel. Blanquita says her dad wouldn't have let her go there and she can't go being disobedient like Tom Sawyer. Teo gets a tad jealous and asks who Tom Sawyer is. Is Blanquita going out with him? Blanquita explains Tom Sawyer is a character from a book and she tells Teo and Polo about his adventures. Without revealing the end -- she tells them they can read about it themselves. Raymunda comes out. It's almost dinner time. Teo says he was just leaving and Raymunda invites him to stay for dinner. He accepts. Joaquin arrives home. He's happy to see that Blanquita's friends come to see her over at his house. Teo asks Joaquin for permission to let Blanquita and Polo accompany him to the San Telmo's to deliver a fax. Joaquin accepts but asks Teo to take good care of Blanquita who is the apple of his eyes. Teo lets it slip that Blanquita is the trauma of his eyes -- LOL. This causes a rather awkward moment and Teo covers up for what he just said. The youngsters leave. Joaquin is glad to see that Raymunda is on her family's side and that she lets their daughter have friends. Raymunda says that she doesn't want to keep their kids locked up and wants them to be happy. Joaquin says that there is no doubt that Raymunda is back to being his "rayito de sol" (ray of light) now that the shadow of the old goat is no longer over her.

The youngesters arrive at the hovel with the fax for Vero. She goes to read it. Marty asks about Ana Perla. Blanquita tells him she's still punished for escaping the other day. Marty asks if the old goat still has that crazy idea about the arranged marriage. Teo tells Marty that the old goat denied Pablo the permission to see Ana Perla. Marty says that he'll have a talk with the old goat when he gets to the city. Vero wants to send a response to the fax. She'll send a long letter with Marty also. But she wants to let her aunt and uncle know that Virgina is there and will take Emi back home. She also wants to tell them about Emi's heavy drinking. Magda hopes Emi can get the help he needs before he destroys his life and the life of his family. Magda hopes Marty can convince the old goat (about the Ana Perla and Pablo thing) because she thinks Pablo and Ana Perla's love is for real. 

The electricity goes out over at the old goat's house. Did he forget to pay his bill perhaps? Manuel is off to the cantina to see The Claudia Show. He wants to make sure Ana Perla won't leave the house so he wants to lock her up in the dark, windowless, and bug infested storage room. (WTH? Is this a horror movie?) And Perla begs him not to do it. She's afraid of the dark. Manuel has no sympathy for his sister and asks Julio to put a cot in there and to go get the keys. Good old Julio saves the day and says that won't be possible. 1. the storage room is full and 2. the lock doesn't work. Manuel says fine. He'll lock Ana Perla in the old goat's room where the window does not lead to the plaza. Ana Perla asks him to leave her in her own room. She lets it slip that she wants to be with her things. This catches Manuel's attention. What things? Ana Perla tires to cover her slip and says she meant her embroidery, notebooks, and books she uses to prepare the classes for the school. Manuel will get her things and will take the opportunity of searching her room for things from Pablo. Good old Julio realizes that Ana Perla has gotten herself in hot water and again saves the day by suggesting he get Ana Perla's things while Manuel locks her up. Manuel agrees. He orders Ana Perla to go to the old goat's room and even shoves her to get her over there. Can someone just kill Manuel already?

Back at the hotel bar, Emi tells Virginia that he should have never returned from Spain. He was happy over there. If he had allowed himself he would have fallen in love. But he never let himself get serious about anyone. Only Vero existed for him. Virginia tells him he can still find happiness. He just needs a woman that will take care of him, spoil him, and makes him happy without asking for anything in return. Pierre shows up and invites the two to see The Claudia Show. Virginia says thanks but no thanks. It's been a hard day and she wants to take care of her poor fragile heart. Pierre tells her that her room is ready if she wants to rest. Any cousin of Madame San Telmo is welcomed. Emi remarks on how Everyone Loves Vero. Virginia tells Pierre not to pay any attention to him. She whispers that Emi is a tad drunk and Pierre whispers back offering to help him carry him to his room. Pierre does help carry Emi to his room and remarks on Emi being heavy (LOL). Virginia follows hiding a bottle of booze behind her back. 

At church, Nanci speaks with Padre. She doesn't want to continue working for the "mujer blanca". She's not the "mala mujer" but she doesn't like Vero. Padre tells her to enter reason and understand that what happened with Vero and Marty was a misunderstanding. He reminds her that he explained to her already that she must not have other feelings for Marty that is not feelings of friendship. Nanci doesn't want to leave her patron. Her heart hurts when she even thinks about it and when she sees her patron suffering because of the "mujer blanca". Padre says that Nanci suffers because she loves Marty. He tells her to set her feelings aside. Life goes on. You'll find someone else, he tells her. (And after that scene we were taken to one of Emi -- foreshadowing perhaps?) 

Pierre has helped Emi to his room. He asks Virginia if he is sure that Emi will be alright. Yes she replies. You know how these things are, she says. Well, actually Pierre doesn't. Since they've never had a booze enthusiast guest at the hotel before. He'll have to get a manual for these situations -- LOL. Virginia says she'll take care of her cousin. Pierre leaves after telling Virginia that she's so kind. Virginia says to herself that Pierre hasn't seen anything yet - she's sooo sweet. She kneels down and begins to remove Emi's shoes. She'll let him sleep so he can recover his energy (for what is to come next..). 

Julio searches through Ana Perla's things for the things that Pablo gave her. He finds them in a box under the bed. For once he's glad he can't read because he doesn't want to know what Pablo writes to Ana Perla and what she writes to him. He gets all the letters from the box and puts them together with Ana Perla's other things.

Virginia is in bed next to a passed out drunk Emi. She unbuttons his shirt and rubs his chest. Then she slobbers all over him. He eventually comes to and asks her what she's doing. She says that she's kissing the most handsome, intelligent, and manly man ever. Barf! He asks her to quit playing or he'll forget that she's his cousin. She tells him that what he forgets is that they aren't really cousins. She kisses him. He calls her Vero. She tells him that yes she is Vero and she's his Vero. Only his. They kiss some more. 

Daniel arrives all smiles and asks Pierre for Virginia's room number. He has to give her a medication he got for her. Pierre hopes the medication will work. Daniel says that he knows what Virginia needs. I bet he does. Pierre gives him the room number and off he goes. Then Claudia shows up. She's down in the dumps because she hates it when she can't get her way. She doesn't feel like singing. She may never do it again. Pierre pep talks her and tells her life goes on and the show must go on as well. He goes to fetch a new dress that he has gotten for her. Now alone, Claudia says to herself that she can't let the Emi candle turn off. She searches for his room number in the hotel records. 

Ana Perla is now locked in the old goat's room. Tomasina tries to convince her to eat her dinner. Ana Perla wants Julio to accompany her while she eats but Tomasina tells her it's not possible. Julio will be on the other side of the door.

Pablo talks with Padre. He's desperate. He loves AP. Padre says in part Pablo is to blame because he entered the old goat's home with the excuse of painting a portrait but he really wanted to court Ana Perla. Pablo explains that Ana Perla already loved him. Pablo wants Padre to help him make the old goat understand that Ana Perla and his love is pure and that he has good intentions. Padre says that the old goat is stubborn and his beliefs are like rocks on a path that can't be moved. Pablo says that Ana Perla and his love is stronger than those rocks. He's willing to run off with Ana Perla. Padre thinks it's crazy. But Pablo is determined to do it if the old goat continues to be against his relationship with Ana Perla. 

Ana Perla and Julio talk through the closed door. Julio lets her know that he has the things she got from Pablo (which she refers to as her treasures) well hidden. Ana Perla asks Julio if he has seen Pablo. Julio says he hasn't. Ana Perla asks him to please tell Pablo when he sees him that she's being locked up in the old goat's room that doesn't have a window leading to the plaza. Julio will tell Pablo. Julio begs Ana Perla to eat her dinner. He's on the verge of tears. Ana Perla will eat because Julio asks him to.

Emi and Virginia have sex. Kisses. Movements. Sheets in between. Etc. (This was cut from the Uni version)

Virginia tells Emi that he was incredible. She knew that he was a real man. He made her feel like his woman. She realizes that Emi has fallen asleep on her. But she doesn't care because Emi was a good lover. He has nothing on the doctorcito. Poor Danny boy.

Pablo roams around outside the old goat's home. He knocks on Ana Perla's window. When he gets no answer he wanders around and climbs a tree. WHY??? (More on this later...) 

Ana Perla wants Julio to tell her about the girl he loves. How does she look like? Well, she's the most beautiful girl ever. She has long black hair. Her skin is like porcelain. Her eyes reflect sadness which makes Julio want to hug her. Ana Perla thinks the girl resmebles her but Julio says she doesn't. She thinks that Julio thinks that she's ugly since he said that the girl didn't resemble her. Julio tells Ana Perla that she's beautiful and has the most beautiful heart ever. She tells him that he's so nice. 

Emi wakes up and finds Virginia next him. He doesn't seem to believe it at first and he even lifts up Virginia's (who is asleep) arm and then lets it drop. He then looks under the covers (LOL) and says what have I done. What have I done? Virginia wakes up and he asks her how they got there. Virginia pretends not to remember. All she knows is that he made her the happiest woman ever. Claudia then enters the room wine in hand surprising the two cousins who do things that cousins don't do and is shocked to find them in bed together. She apologizes and says she didn't know they had a thing together. She says she came into the wrong room and leaves. Virginia comments on how strange it is that Claudia came into the wrong room. Virginia tells Emi that she always knew that Claudia wanted something with him and it doesn't surprise her. Emi assures Virginia that he and Claudia are only friends. Don't go making up stories in your head! he tells Virginia. Emi tells Virginia this shouldn't have happened. But Virginia says that it has been incredible. With her poor fragile heart she thought she'd never know how it was like to make love. It has been like a present for her. 

Emi says that he feels bad because this isn't something that he wanted. Virginia doesn't want him feeling guility - it's something that just happened. He made her first time extraordinary and it was just like she had imagined it. Emi realizes he just took her innocence (or so he thinks) and this make him feel worse. She tells him that he doesn't have to feel obligated with her. What is she talking about? he asks her. He doesn't know what to say. He's sooooo ashamed. Virginia gets dressed. She tells him that he can't feel bad for making her the happiest woman ever. She wants him to realize that he can start over again with whoever he wants. To show him that she doesn't want for him to feel committed to her he'll ask Claudia not to tell anyone what she saw. She leaves. Emi asks himself what he has done. What have I done? 

Pablo jumps down from wherever he was and ends up back at the same place near Ana Perla's window. Not sure what the point was of him climbing the tree. Anyway, Manuel catches him. Pablo tells Manuel he wants to see Ana Perla. Manuel kicks him out and tells him that he'll never see Ana Perla again. Pablo won't leave until he sees Ana Perla. Manuel pulls out his handy dandy knife (which he isn't allowed to carry per the agreement he signed -- whatever happened to that?). He threatens Pablo with it. Pablo acts brave and tells him that he isn't afraid of him and tells him to go ahead and kill him. Manuel looks ready to attack.

Previews: Cousins fighting like cousins don't do. Stay tuned.



The ultimate one-upmanship for Claudia! Hilarious! She really can't take a hint. Surely there must be other wealthy males in Mexico City!!! The actor playing Julio is one I'd like to see more of. He is just incredibly handsome and a good actor.

Now I must say this: The main story is interesting and absorbing enough without the Ana Perla/Pablo storyline. Why is it even included???? It's boring and distracting from the main story and I just want it to hurry up and get over and get back to the main storyline. Having to spend half the showtime with it just about makes me want to stop watching because it is so frustrating. I play cards while it's on. The actors are fine, especially Julio - it's just a boring story. I wish the writers/producers wouldn't do this.

Can't wait to see when Martin finds out Virginia is the owner of the V-necklace that he found. When will Nanciyaga tell him?? Must be something up as per the previews with Virginia and Veronica fighting. Jorge should be there soon....what a treat that will be!!!


What an episode! Virginia has finally succeeded in getting her claws on Emi. Nothing good can come from this even though she's acting cool about it and telling him that he doesn't have to feel obligated with her. That was hilarious how Claudia barged in wine in hand and caught the two in bed together. Don't these people ever knock on the door? More importantly, don't these people lock their doors?

Vero and Marty are back together. Vero forgave Marty pretty quickly. Let's see how long it is before he breaks his promise to control himself.

Come on, Magda. You saw the first sketch of your daughter. You know Vero is adopted and has the same name as your daughter. And you can see that you have the same gestures as her. Plus, you feel a special connection with her. There are so many hints and you don't seem to realize who Vero really is.

Julio saved the day twice. He is better boyfriend material than Pablo.

Raymunda IS more likable without La Sombra De The Old Goat.

Wow, Mauricio, you've outdone yourself this week. Thank you so much for this hilarious, beautifully written and detailed recap of last night's craziness. I especially loved the cousins theme. This line in particular cracked me up:

"Claudia then enters the room wine in hand surprising the two cousins who do things that cousins don't do and is shocked to find them in bed together."


I agree completely about Raymunda. The Old Goat needs to leave 'the island' more often (although he really should take Manny with him).

Oh yes, the Magda/Vero think is verging on ridiculous. Gah, what am I saying? It IS ridiculous! Anyone remember The Patty Duke Show theme song? They laugh alike, they walk like, they talk alike... and they rub their arms alike and Vero showed up on the Prado Castelo doorstep with a doll named Adorable and her favorite dessert is pineapple pie! Get your DNA test done already! Maybe Dr. F has brought a test or two along with him. (Or maybe Botel has one in his office!)

BTW, I thought Vero told Marty that he had stumbled upon "el oro de tontos," i.e., fools gold (which sounds exactly the same as "el loro de tontos") :-)

Vero kind of let us down last night (or at least Vero's writers did. Ana Brenda nailed it.)

She told Marty how furious she was that he was FORGIVING her for something she hadn't done.
She asked pointedly about what Marty had been told.
She denied outright any romance with Demetrio.
She knew Marty had a secret and demanded to know what it was.

And Marty answered NONE of her questions – Instead he silenced her by telling her he loooooves her. He has suffered so much to be with her. He doesn't want to talk about Demetrio. "Here, let me kiss those doubts out of your pretty little head."


"The ultimate one-upmanship for Claudia! Hilarious!"

Yes! What do we think? Will she turn to Pierre now? (Of course, there's always Manuel.)

I don't mind the Ana Perla/Pablo storyline so much, especially because it connects in so many different directions. But I agree that it is probably getting a little too much time per episode. (On the other hand, no Claudia show last night. Yay!)

Great job Mauricio and thank you for it.

"his achy breaky heart"

"Then she slobbers all over him"

Did Marty ever once say he was sorry? Nope. I know he begged forgiveness but that is different than admitting he is wrong. The guy is an arrogant, condescending prick.

Teo and Blanquita are much more endearing, let me see more of these kids.

Please, somebody kill Pablo or have him fall in a manhole.

OMG, Virginia and Emiliano did it, who saw that coming



Thanks. "El oro de los tontos" makes me more sense. I'll go change it right now on the recap.

Yes, I agree that the old goat should take Manuel along when he goes away on these trips.

I agree. Marty and Vero got NOWHERE with their argument. Nothing important was resolved.


I agree about Teo and Blanquita. I would like to see more of them as well. What is good about them is that they aren't rushing things like Marty/Vero and Pablo/Ana Perla did.

Great recap. I am bored by Pablum as a baby would be eating it, trying to be clever, ha! Anyhoo, Magda and Vero need a neon signs to realized their related even the doll has the same name? or I misunderstood? I want Vero to find out about the vengenza now. Ojala Virdinia blurt it out in the cat fight

Mauricio you done it up good baby.
Virgi, acting like a virgin. Thats an insult to real virgins, and poor emi. Poor drunk baby, good he don't remember it, might have been that good. Whatever.
Marty standing there laughing and commenting on vero&mom shareing the
same gestures. He's going to remember that one day and put 2 and 2 together and figure out that little Orphaned vero and lost daughter is one and the same.
Martin is not going to apologize until he's slammed in the face with the truth about his wife, she is not the" mala mujer", its "virgi the fake virgin".
Until then he'll kiss his way out of apologizing to his wife for listening to other peoples lies about her. He'd be sweeter with the romance if he wasn't such a jackass. But theres still time to change.
From what is shown on the openning credits looks like someone is going to kill manuel, I hope its not pablo.
Julio, is a sweet man. The writers should let him learn to read, and give him someone special. Cause ana p is taken. I wish someone would take manuel out of the way. He's just nasty and I don't like him. Shovin his sister, he should have triped on the steps and fell into a coma. The show would go on happily without him. Then we'd have to deal with "ye old goat".
Ya'll have a cool weekend. Its smoldering hot here in north florida.

Thanks for this outstanding recap, Mauricio. Since we were gone for over a week it took me until today to catch up with watching the episodes I'd missed while cruisin' the Mississippi with The Lovely Linda. TV was available on the boat but no Univision. We never even bothered to turn the thing on. Also no Univision at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis but there were ducks. I was able to keep up, however, thanks to the excellent recaps.

Like you guys the two things that really stood out were Verónica standing up to Martín and yet failing to get any response to her basic legitimate questions about what the heck has made him such a creep, and with all the clues slapping them in the face, still no one is seeing the obvious connection between Magdalena and Verónica. I wonder if the snails know?

One thing that struck me during my marathon watching is how clever much of the dialogue is. An example of this was Pierre assuring Claudia that Daniel was too sophisticated to be baited into a fight with Manuel then admitting dryly as they fought, "I guess I was wrong about the doctor."

Loving Nanciyaga more and more and I have to admit that I get a perverse kick out of Grandpa Goat.


Yay! Carlos is back! Now it's a party!

"One thing that struck me during my marathon watching is how clever much of the dialogue is."

Exactly. There is a self-awareness in the writing that is not all that common in the telenovela world.

(Ducks for Univision. Not a bad trade-off after all.)

Thanks, Mauricio, for another fine recap. Enjoyed seeing Vero standing up for herself. Ana Brenda always brings some fire to her emotional scenes.

Maybe Emiliano's entrapment by V snake will teach him that drinking too much is a really, really bad idea that leads to hideous consequences!

The sooner Manuel bites the dust the happier I'll be. I give the actor credit for bringing the character, but hate this guy and the way he treats people. At least Grandpa will sometimes listen to others (ok, rarely.)

Thats whats so aggravating, That guy thats playing manuel, he's good. I've only seen him play good guy rolls, this is the first time I've seen him do this. He's really good at playing the scum of the earth. Sickeningly so. Kudos to you Mr. Who ever you are.
LA PALOMA, you hit it. He (Emi) drank himself into a pit with v-snake Medusa. They'll have little snakes. I'd like to see Emi with manciyaga together, they could make sweet beautiful jewelery together and make millions of $$$$$$$$$$. You loose V-snake.

This was an excellent recap. Thank you for the treat this weekend. It was so detailed, witty and funny.

I have to say that I am liking the main storyline, but I also feel that sometimes there is too much time spent on AnaPerla/Pablo. It's getting frustrating. The only cool thing about that storyline is that we get to see Julio. I think Julio needs to forget about AP. He can find someone better. I don't know what it is, but I find AP annoying at times. She's all like, "Oh, poor me, I can't be with Pablo so I'm gonnna cry until I get my way." I sometimes think she's a little full of herself. I like her cousins better; Blanquita and Polo. That's probaby because they have a cool dad like Joaquin. .

Well it looks as like V-Snake's trip wasn't a waste of time. She sure got what she wanted. Now, she just has to wait for her tio's to "accidently" find out about the drunken love-making session. Can't wait to see Dr. Feelgood's reaction when he realizes that V-Snake made good on her promise.

What's driving me crazy is Nancyaga. Does she really know who Virginia is? Did she see her before in a picture or something? I missed the first few episodes of this, so I might have missed something. And if Nancyaga does know who she is, why doesn't she speak up?

Have to get back to work...
Hasta Pronto

These comments made me LOL!!!!!

From tofie:
"Please, somebody kill Pablo or have him fall in a manhole."

From Nina:
"...he should have triped on the steps and fell into a coma." (regarding Manny)

-Awesome! Thanks for the laughs.

Thanks Mauricio. Very detailed recap. I am loving Vero and Martin storyline. I cant waut for next episode.

The actor who plays Manuel, is doing a great job. He is really good. I am not really into this Ana Perla and Pablo, but I like Blanquita.

Thank you Mauricio for a great recap. Although I think Sebastian Zurita is a wooden actor, I actually like the AP/Pablo storyline line. I think it lets the steam off the dysfunction that is Vero and Martin. You see a love story that is innocent and pure in contrast to a love story that is, for now, still built on deceit, mistrust and lies. Also, I think through the AP/Pablo storyline you see two people actively growing up instead of, like Martin and Vero, retrogressing before eventually getting better.

Martin getting over Claudia breaking up with him and working with her for years tells me he was a lot more mature about women before the Vero veganza emotional storm. Vero's ability to stand up for herself and be direct with Martin tells me that if not for the fact that he's her 'soulmate' she wouldn't be putting up with Martin's mess. Vero's face when Martin was kissing on her to make up told me that if he does one more dumb thing she's done, while Martin's obsessive kissing on her without explaining the whole truth about Dem like Vero asked tells me he"s still nutty when it comes to Vero. The AP/Pablo storyline makes watching that trainwreck a lot more palatable since none of the otherb fuereños have together love lives.
AP and Pablo are growing up. Pablo, who usually hates confrontation stood up to Don Crescencio and AP is a lot less pie-in-the-sky in love. She decided to tell Cres the truth and she decided that she and Pablo shouldn't flee out of respect for her abuelo, as awful as he is. Julio, Blanquita and Polo do make the storyline better, though, and I can see without them wanting to gag every time I see AP and Pablo.

I love how Ivan Sanchez and Ana Brenda are playing their roles but it's not pretty, so a straightforward, traditional "we're in love but my abuelo and silly prejudices are keeping us apart" storyline tides us over until the protas get it all-the-way together.


Thanks also for making it clear that Emiliano and Ginny actually successfully boinked. I wasn't certain from what we were shown and would have bet that it was virtually impossible for him to perform in the state that he was in. Good for him and even gooder for her. She's quite a trooper and apparently does whatever it takes to get what she wants.

I still don't understand why Marty didn't take the opportunity to clear up all his doubts about Verónica and why she didn't adamantly persist when she clearly had the upper hand. Also, I think that Iván Sánchez lacks a certain tender touch when it is called for but is generally rather rough and ham-handed in his romantic advances. I think that he'd benefit from some lessons from Eduardo Yáñez who is a master of both approaches.


Thank you Mauricio for a perfect weekend read. Your recap is so detailed, you never miss a beat.

WOW! Carlos is back on the patio. We need you. I don't think that Nanci has thrown her snails since you've been gone.

The opening credits have been mentioned. I have been thinking about the bloody knife and was going to mention it for sometime now. Does Manuel die by his favorite weapon? That's interesting that little part is in the opening. Everyone that wants Manuel dead just might get their wish.

Some have commented that all of the clues are there and that Vero and her long lost mother should recognize each other. I remember that in Corazon Indomable Octavio meets Maricruz, a poor peasant girl and marries her. They are soon separated and sometime later when they meet again, Octavio doesn't recognize his wife who by then was no longer a peasant girl but a very sophisticated lady. Ridiculous right? Sometimes I think that the writers throw in things like this just to move along and expand the storyline. Vero and her long lost mother--just give them time. When the time is right, well just wait.

Almost no one likes the Pablo and Ana Perla plot---I do. What's wrong with young love? In almost every novela people complain that they don't like the side plots or secondary characters. They want only to focus on a few main characters. Now that would be boring. Other people around the main characters do exist and they have lives too. J desde NYC---I like your take on this. A great comment at 11:45AM

Advances showing cousins doing what cousins shouldn't be doing.
Must see tv.
the gringo

Thanks everyone for all the great comments.

Carlos: Welcome Back! Hope you had a great time!

The dialogue is very clever -- I loved Pierre's "The Purgatory is turning into a hell" line as well as when he said that he'd have to get a manual to know what to do in situations where he has a alcohol enthusiast.

It's a shame Uni didn't make that clear. In fact, over on Hulu in the little description for the episode it says that "Virginia makes him think that they had sex" which is WRONG because they did indeed do the deed. I'm not sure why Uni decided to leave that scene out and is misleading it's viewers. It wasn't that bad and could have very well be shown. It's a 9pm show after all.

Nina: The actor playing Manuel is Juan Ángel Esparza. He is doing a good job with role. The character is so hateful -- the most hateful character on the novela in my opinion.

I'm just not sympathetic to Pablo and Ana Perle. Ana Perle is the grand daughter of the richest dude in the county, she's educated, and she hasn't had to lift a finger in her life, ever. Most of the inhabitants of both towns are poor or working poor, living hand to mouth and do not have the first world luxury to piss and moan for some romance novel Pablo character. Don't forget Pablo is mid 20's, hobnobbed in sophisticated circles with rich female patrons that have spoiled him rotten, and he spots one of the only 17 year old girls in a 200 mile radius with running water, stars in her eyes and in his caprice, decides he's gonna wife her.

Having said all that it makes more sense than Martin and Veronica. In just six months he's been able to hoodwink a successful, educated, chaste young woman into a life of isolation, bugs, dirt, nuts, slut shaming, intimidation and humiliation. If he really loved her his shares in his brother mine would have been sold and they'd be back in Mexico.

Want young love, Blanquita and Teo, give Julio a shot somebody or I'd like to see poor Nanci get some lovin or at least a flirtation.


Ok Tofie---I get your points. Don't agree with them 100% but that's ok. Yes to Blanquita and Teo and Julio will probably score big before the novela ends. A lover
for Nancy? Yes ok but I think that she scares everyone away with her snails and smoke---everyone except Carlos that is.

the gringo

Even though I don't like Manuel, I don't want him to be killed off so early. Maybe around the episode 100s. He is entertaining to watch.

Thanks for the great recap Mauricio. I loved the title and theme. I also thought it quite funny when Emi checked himself out under the covers to figure out what went on.

Virginia seemed more than satisfied with Emi’s performance. Hard to believe that falling down drunk Emi is better in bed than Dr. Feelgood.

Pierre also made me laugh when he tells Virginia her room is ready. He offers to take her to bed (acostarse) and then immediately corrects himself and offers to accompany her (acompañarse) to her room.

Onix cracks me up. He is barely under control in a lot of his scenes, which is probably why he has a leash on even in the house. He knows how to stay but you can see he’s waiting to explode after he is released from his command. I wonder if he got the job like Claudia got her singing scenes…..they know the right people. Saying that, I love seeing Onix and he is actually very “real” in that the craziness is how most average dogs act at home.


Sorry about the double comment.


Mauricio, You'er right about manuel, he is hateful. He and vsnake are almost neck-n-neck, ALMOST. Vsnakes is slimmy and sultrynasty hateful. Manuel is pompus, meanspirited, just nasty nasty. I think its the way he treats women is what I can't stand about him.
Him and his abuelo ( I think I spelled that right), Locking a young woman up until a husband is found for her. They've taken her freedom away from her. Thats wrong on all kinds of levels. I'd like to see him change, a coma would do that in telenova-soap opera fashion. Hope springs eternal!!!!!
I started to say he can't help himself, he was raised that way, but noooooo, he's a total nut job. what ever asskickin he got coming, he
deserves it. Goodday people.

@Mauricio, excellent recap. And glad you pointed out that Vsnake did, indeed, get her way. I'm too busy right now with my packing to work on clips, otherwise I would have offered to provide a clip of it, though I personally was grossed out by it. Seeing the look on Sendel's drunken face while he and VSnake did the deed totally grossed me out.

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