Friday, October 09, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #103 Thu 10/8/15 Vero goes for the gold – and she gets it! Virginia? She doesn't even medal.

Over Crescencio's Dead Body

In the quiet and now nearly abandoned church, Manuel holds the knife aloft, poised to plunge it into his sister's back as she kneels in prayer.  But when he glances up at the image of the Virgen de Guadalupe, he stops, as if his arm is frozen.  He shakes himself slightly and once more prepares to attack.  Then he looks at an image of Jesus; again his hand is momentarily stayed.  But it is only when he looks at the third image – the funeral portrait of Crescencio – that he really seems unable to continue.  

Bam! The open panel on Grandpa Goat's coffin slams shut! As Ana Perla turns, startled by the noise, she sees her brother holding a knife and she begs him not to hurt her.   He ignores her pleas.  Instead, he chases her around the coffin, determined to finish what he came to do.   Then he stops to lift up the panel and view his grandfather's face.  His lunatic eyes widen – with what?  with terror?  with horror? – and he backs away.  As he does so, his arm passes into the flames of the candle that burns for Crescencio and he cries out in pain.  Ana Perla takes advantage of the moment to escape.  Manuel stumbles after her into the night.

Padre Juan enters the church and sees that Ana Perla is gone and the candle by the coffin is overturned.

Start without us, okay?

The next morning, Raymunda has sent a note to Padre Juan explaining that she, Joaquín and Blanca are out looking for Polo.  If they don't get there in time for the burial, she would like him to go ahead without them.  Padre Juan prays for Polo's safe return and wonders where Ana Perla might be.

Half a loaf is better than none.  Or maybe not...

Manuel orders Remigio and the other fool to remold the ingots from La Morenita so they bear the seal of La Perla.  They grouse that he hasn't paid them what he promised.  He says that, like it or lump it, he has decided to cut that amount in half.  And if they even think about taking some of the gold for themselves, he'll say they're the ones who stole it.

A visit to Prado Castelo

Verónica talks her way past Rita, enters an office, and checks the incriminating email.  She determines it was sent at the very time she was visiting Aarón in prison and had no access to a computer.  "This is going to prove my innocence," she says.  "I'm sure that Virginia is behind all this!"

Aarón – Jailhouse Alpha Male 

Marty sits alone in the common room.  Aarón huddles on the stairs with two creepy guys.  Do they know what they have to do?

The Prado Castelo Breakfast Table – The Shunning

Emiliano tells Jorge they don't have to agree to Cepeda's ruinous conditions because the law is on their side.  Virginia works on softening up father and son: she tells Emi how intelligent he is; she tells Jorge that she knows she made some mistakes, but she is going to show him that she has changed.

When Salma enters, Ginny suddenly loses her appetite and flees from the table.  Jorge says he's sorry and he hopes Ginny comes around one day because she owes Salma a debt that can never be repaid.  Emi seems puzzled, and looks like he wants to ask his father what he means, but Jorge doesn't give him the chance – they need to get to the office to review Cepeda's contract proposal.

Left alone, her chin quivering with self-pity, Salma picks up her phone and enters a number.  ¿Nicolás?


Aarón's creeps taunt Martín with lewd insinuations.  When they start pawing at him, he springs up to defend himself.  Now one guy pulls a knife.  All the while, Aarón is enjoying the show from a safe distance.  Suddenly a couple of guards show up and break up the fight before any real harm has been done.  Unfortunately, no one believes Marty when he says he was the victim.  All three are put in isolation cells as punishment.

The Italian plays hardball (or is it bocce?)

When Emi threatens to sue him for contractual noncompliance, Cepeda insists on exercising his contractual right to inspect the gold for quality before the jewelry is made.  Jorge and Emi babble excuses, but it's obvious that Cepeda has them over a barrel; they end up agreeing to his proposed changes. 

Meanwhile, Verónica (who still hasn't learned to keep her mouth shut) accuses Virginia of sending the damning email to Cepeda.  The time and date stamp prove that Vero could not have done it.

They threw away the mold

Screw Manuel!  Remigio and his partner in crime are three sheets to the wind and have no intention of following Manny's orders.  They have even tossed the mold!

 It's the wrong face

Vero is at the prison to visit Marty, but it is Aarón who shows up in the visitors' room.  He tells her that not only is Marty in solitary, but now they are cellies! If she doesn't give Aarón what he wants, he is going to make Marty's life hell.

We get a glimpse of Marty in the isolation cell.  The harsh conditions seem to have jolted his brain into action because he realizes that Manuel is the only one with motive and means to have stolen the gold.

What Aarón wants is money and lots of it – because, he tells Vero, prison is the most expensive hotel in the world – or Marty is a goner.  Vero agrees to give him what he wants.

Virginia goes shopping

Jorge asks Virginia to go to Mina Escondida to buy the gold they need from Manuel.  Emi says he has another errand (diligencia) to attend to while she is away.

Manuel sticks it to the padre

Padre Juan is angry.  What did Manuel do to Ana Perla?   She disappeared from the church and didn't show up for the Old Goat's burial – and neither did Manny.   And what happened to Manny's arm?  Did he burn it on a candle in the church?

Manny, now clutching the Old Goat's green stick, says his arm is just fine and he knows nothing about Ana Perla.  Padre Juan tells him he will ask the police to investigate.

Manny pokes the padre with the stick and tells him to lay off the threats because the church is sitting on land that the Old Goat owned and that now belongs to him:

Si sigue molestando, le voy a tener que pedir que le vaya ahuecando.
(If you keep bothering me, I'm going to have to ask you to scram!)

Overheard and misconstrued.  Crap.

Today Mariana is wearing a sparkly miniskirt that barely conceals the good china.  She has come to pick up Pablo and take him to New York.  The apartment door is conveniently left open, so when Ana Perla comes along a moment later, she hears and sees this:

We're going to live out our dreams, Pablo!

It is what I've always wanted, my greatest dream.  But let me call Ana Perla...

Why don't you let her be surprised when she finds out!  We deserve to be happy!

As she says this, Mariana caresses Pablo's cheek.  Ana Perla turns away in horror.  Unfortunately, that means she doesn't see Pablo push Mariana away from him or hear what Mariana says next:

We deserve to be happy with our own passions – yours for painting and mine, for working as your agent – but without interfering in each other's personal lives.

[Patio assignment: Compare and contrast Ana Perla's reaction to Vero's when the latter found Nanciyaga trying to ravish her husband.]

Marty is back with the Gen Pop

Aarón limps up to Marty and fills him in on Vero's visit and his demands.  Marty is furious.

Verónica gets caught up on the news in Green Hell 

Magdalena tells her that something weird happened at the Old Goat's funeral and now Ana Perla has disappeared.

We see Ana Perla looking for Vero in the San Telmo apartment in Mexico City.  Of course, no one is there.  Ana Perla weeps, believing that Pablo has betrayed her.

How dumb can you be, Pablo?

At the airport, Pablo allows a photographer (who has, of course, been planted by Mariana) to take a picture of him with his traveling companion.  

He's been trying to leave word for Ana Perla with Magdalena, but he can't get through.  He is worried about Ana Perla "misinterpreting" his behavior so he calls his mother and asks her to keep trying to reach Maggie.

Ana Perla finds someone new to abuse her work

She is walking aimlessly down the street when she sees a woman post a "help wanted" sign outside her door.  She is looking for a maid.  The hard-faced lady of the house hires her.  Too bad Ana Perla can't read the lady's mean thought-bubble:

A esta pueblerina, le voy a sacar todo el jugo que se me antoje.
(I'm going to take as much juice out of this country bumpkin as I feel like/I'm going to take as much advantage of her as I please.)

Grammar nerd note:  
Se me antoja is an example of one of those upside down verbal constructions that still often leave me scratching my head (que se me antoje in the sentence above is in the present subjunctive).  

Most of us have probably run into these kinds of sentences:

Se me olvidó el número.  (I forgot the number – or, more literally, The number was forgotten/forgot itself on me.)  I think of it as the "don't blame me" construction.

Se me perdió la tarjeta de crédito.  (I forgot the credit card/The credit card forgot itself on me.)

As you may have noticed, in this so-called IMPERSONAL construction, the verb is always in the 3rd person (the he/she/it – or – in the plural, the they form).  The 'se' part never changes.  

The grammatical subject of the verb 'feels like' the logical object.  

The grammatical indirect object of the verb (some call it the dative) – the only variable from one person to another – 'feels like' the logical subject.  These pronouns – me, te, le, nos or les – are used to express agency.  (In the equivalent English, we would use the subject pronouns I, you, he/she/it or they.) 
What's interesting about the verb antojársele (that is, antojar + se + le) is that it is only used in this inverted impersonal construction.   

It has a few meanings but most commonly it is translated as 'to want,' or 'to feel like having.'  The base word, antojo, meaning 'whim' or 'craving,' is derived from the Latin ante oculum, before or in front of the eye.  (You probably already know the word anteojos (eyeglasses).

This is what it looks like in the present indicative:
Se me antoja ir de compras.  (I feel like going shopping.)
¿Se te antoja tomar un cafecito?  (Do you feel having like a coffee?)
Se le antoja una cerveza.  (He/She feels like/is in the mood for a beer.)
Se nos antoja...  (We feel like/want/have a yen for....)
Se les antoja...    (They, you all feel like...)

P.S.  Let me know if I got something wrong here.  I still find this one confusing. :-)

Manuel knows nothing

Or so he says when Vero, Magdalena and Botel swoop down on him and demand to know where Ana Perla is and what he can tell them about the missing Morenita mold.   Botel isn't buying his denials.

Claudia takes liberties in prison

She visits Marty, hugs him, calls him 'mi amor,' and because of the circumstances, gets away with it.  She has some good news for him: the construction company is about to receive a large payment for a shopping center they built in Mérida.  At least for now, he won't have to worry about money.

Where's Polo?

While Joaquín is searching for Polo, he spots the mold from La Morenita lying in the grass.  He picks it up with his bandana and wraps it up, taking care not to let his fingers touch it. 

Oh wow!  Look!  Polo, Dorita and Onix are coming out of a little cabaña!  They look happy and well-fed, thanks to the kind lady of the house (the aptly named Milagros (miracles)).  She tells the kids to hurry home – their families must be very worried about them.

Raymunda's Telepiphany

Raymunda is walking around in circles like a dog getting ready to lie down for a nap.  Suddenly she sees Polo.  As she and her little son rush into each other's arms, she  experiences an instant telenovela epiphany:  

"Forgive me," she begs her son.  "I've been very foolish! I realize how much harm I was doing to you and Blanquita.  Things are going to change from now on. I love you so much.  When I thought I was going to lose you, I realized my error."

This might be a lot for the average kid to process, but our Polo accepts it with good cheer.  He remembers the lesson she taught him about forgiveness.

Now Joaquín and Blanquita come running.  They greet Polo joyously.  (Poor Dorita.  Nobody has even acknowledged her existence.  She doesn't seem to begrudge Polo the attention, though.  I guess she's used to being ignored.)

Raymunda's transformation is not over:

"From now on, we're going to be the same family as before.  And Blanca, you're going to the city to study!"

Blanca is so excited that she finally notices Dorita and gives the girl a little hug.  Everyone thanks the good Milagros.

Cenicienta (Cinderella)

The lady of the house peels and eats an orange while she reels off the morning's chores for Ana Perla: Move all the furniture, sweep, dust and clean the whole living room, then do the laundry, iron the clothes, wash the dishes and fix lunch – and get a move-on! 

Ana Perla thinks about seeing shiny, predatory Mariana with Pablo.  "I don't understand how you could have cheated on me all this time when I never stopped fighting for and defending our love."  [If you say so, Ana Perla, but the Patio has a long memory.]  She pushes around some heavy chairs.  [I don't like the looks of this, especially after hearing Ana Perla declare that she would return to Mina Escondida to be buried.]

The Smoking Gun Mold

Joaquín presents his finding to Verónica.  She agrees that the person who stole their gold is the same person who stole the mold to manufacture the fake ingots. 

Ginny and Manny make a deal

Manuel offers to sell Virginia all the gold she needs and at a good price.  Virginia bats her eyes at him.

Nobody makes fools out of us!

Jorge and Emi see a gloomy future for the firm.  They are taking a bit hit financially and there's a stain on their corporate image.  But Vero and Marty are going to pay!

Find the real gold thief and prove Marty is innocent!

That's what Vero, Botel and Magdalena have to do.  The first order of business is finding that Remigio guy.  But how?  Vero has an idea:  "Let's offer a reward!"

C'est magnifique!

Virginia calls Jorge to tell him she has sealed the deal.  Manny will sell them the gold they need.  The price is 10% higher than they were paying Martín, but under the circumstances...  Jorge is delighted.  He tells her she has done a magnificent job.  "I think I should have trusted you more than Verónica all along, but it's never to late to rectify that." 

Emilio pays a visit to the judge at the reclusorio

Emi has further evidence of Martín's guilt, he says.  He shows the judge the email that was allegedly sent by Vero and explains that she is Martín's wife.  Emi is not interested in taking action against Vero – at least not at the moment.  He only wants to show that she and Marty acted together to harm the corporation.  The judge agrees to study the document; at first blush, however, it seems fairly compelling.

In another part of the building, Aarón boasts about the surprise he has in store for Marty, now that he's been convicted.  [News really travels fast around there, I guess.] 

One Thousand Pesos

Juancho (the same guy who was doing Manny's dirty work only recently) stands before Vero, Botel and Magdalena.  He says he would gladly hand over Remigio for 1,000 pesos [and seriously, who wouldn't this jerk sell out for $1.000?], but he really doesn't know where he is.  Vero asks him to spread the word.  If his efforts are successful, he'll get a share of the reward.  He agrees.

It turns out to be much easier than Juancho expected.  He spots Remigio and his accomplice, both of them snoggered, singing and feeling no pain, and runs back to report to Vero.

A slow news day

Ana Perla picks up the newspaper in order to dust the table and sees the banner headline on the society page:  "Mariana de la Corcuera and Pablo Hidalgo Travel to New York to Get Married."  And there's the photo showing Mariana with her head on Pablo's shoulder.

Ana Perla holds her belly and talks to her baby: "From now on, we're alone, you and I."

Just as Vero is beginning to think that Remigio has left town...

Juancho rushes in with his news – he found Remigio on the road to Mina Escondida!

Emiliano Prado Castelo was right!

Or so the judge concludes.  The evidence is sufficient to declare Martín guilty and sentence him to prison even before the statutory 72 hours have elapsed.

Holy Guacamole! There really are police officers in Mina Escondida!

Vero and Botel approach an earnest young officer in a blue cap: they want to report the theft of gold from La Morenita.  They know the people who stole it and they need the police to arrest them.  The young man seems outraged.  [Maybe he's from Pueblo Verde and doesn't know how things work around here.]  He will get his back-up guy and accompany them.

Why you should never ask a divorce lawyer to represent you in a criminal procedure:

Licenciada Espinosa explains to Marty that unless Vero finds proof of his innocence, he may end up spending 8 to 10 years in prison. 

Gold Bricks

Two policeman plus Botel and Vero come upon Remigio and his accomplice trying to escape with a wheelbarrow full of gold ingots.  When the cops tell them they are under arrest, they pull an Abbott and Costello feint  (Look over there!  Where? Boing!) and make a run for it.  Vero doesn't care.  She says the gold is what matters.  The ingots bear the seal of La Morenita.  This is the proof they needed!

The police quickly draft a report that documents the theft and recovery of the gold.  Now Vero just has to get it to the judge in Mexico City.

Manuel is in a very bad mood.

Apparently he knows that Vero has recovered the gold.  He's not ready to give up, though.  Grrrrrr...

Hurry, Verónica!  Hurry!

Magdalena tells Vero that the judge has moved up Marty's hearing and it's happening today.  The lawyer said that the judge has that kind of discretionary power.

Aarón crows

He tells Marty that the judge has found him guilty.  They are going to spend a lot of time together.

Salma, what do you need?

Salma's chin trembles.  Nicolás takes her hand in his.  Before he can kiss it, she pulls it away.  Why did she summon him so urgently?  "I only wanted to say that I've thought about it very carefully and I've made a decision about what you proposed..."


Vero negotiates heavy city traffic.  She leans on her horn impatiently?  Will she make it to the hearing in time to save Martín?  [Or will she be a victim of someone's road rage?] 

But you promised!

Manny reneges on his deal with Virginia.  He just changed his mind, he says. 

The judge swats away the lawyer's objection – THWAP!

He has already made his decision.  Martín San Telmo is guilty!  But at that very moment, we see that Vero the Warrior Goddess has made it!  She rushes into the hearing room waving the report.  Marty is innocent and she has the proof!

Caras impactadas de Emiliano and Jorge!  The judge is inscrutable.  Will he consider the new evidence?

Tune in tomorrow and find out!


It looks more hopeful for our couple than it did 24 hours ago. I wonder what the judge will do...

I guess Raymunda gets to live and continue her happy life after all.

Pablo and Ana Perla? That's anyone's guess.

At least we know that Onix is going home.

To date, Jorge and Emiliano are still jackasses, but that could change in a Mexico City minute...

I cannot with Ana Perla. She is weak & dumb.

If you are in a relationship with a man, and you see some chick draping herself all over YOUR man (in this case, your HUSBAND and FATHER of your CHILD), you confront them! Git yo hands off my HUSBAND! Put the woman in her place & send her packing (then deal with HIM). Veronica has had to do this numerous times with Nanci & Claws.

You don't say "oh, i've been tricked." *sigh* *sob* *snif* and just slink away in tears. How is that "defending your love?"

But, maybe Ana Perla has a point to just give up without a fight and slink away because stupid Pablo refuses to simply TELL Mariana he is married to Ana Perla now and expecting a child. It's not hard: Just tell Mariana you are married to Ana Perla & expecting a child. He's not doing it for the same reason he didn't do it when he "broke up" with Mariana: He knows she will withdraw her financial support if she knew the truth.

I hope AP and Pablo break up, because they are too stupid and weak to be together. Then again, maybe they should be together to spare the rest of us. Poor Ana Perla/Pablo baby, having two weak stupid idiots as parents.

Jorge & Emiliano are going to feel stupid when the truth comes out and when it does, Veronica tell the Prado Castelos although she'll always have a soft spot for them, she's creating a new family with Martin, Magdalena & Botel and to please don't contact her anymore.

And when that happens, DON'T let Magdalena babysit the kids because she can't be trusted to keep an eye on them.

I am continually in awe of Novela Maven's writing skills. Her (or his) recaps are informative, accurate, and highly entertaining. Thank you so much for your recaps! Are you a professional writer? And, have you ever considered writing a telenovela?

Why didn't Veronica send a fax or email to the court or the divorce lawyer advising them that she has evidence that will clear Martin? Or she could have even called them using her cell phone! It would have eliminated the need for that dramatic but stressful and hurried drive to the city court.

Wonderful recap!

If I never see AP again it will be too soon. She is so stupid, whatever anyone puts in front of her she believes and does nothing.

Raymundo's character turnaround was as sudden as OG's. I guess they are related.

I wonder if the judge will believe Vero now that he thinks she and Marty were accomplices.

Vero so stupid giving away her evidence to Ginny for a second of satisfaction. Has she learned nothing?!

I find the whole Nic and Salma relationship creepy. Maybe it's his mustache.

Thank you, NovelaMaven. You certainly made the recap more enjoyable than the episode.

In this world of instant technology, it was still ridiculously far fetched (tn beanie notwithstanding) for Ana Perla to run away from Manuel, go to Pablo's apartment, "catch" him traicionando her as he's leaving for the airport with Moron-a, run away again, straight to the San Telmo house, find no one, go outside, find a job, start working, and conveniently find a PRINTED newspaper with the wedding announcement ON THE FRONT PAGE!! Ahhh, Mejia, Mejia, Mejia. Come on, dude, really???

That was a funny scene to me, when Joaquin, Raymunda and Blanquita were first looking for Polo. They all ran straight out of the house with nothing and suddenly appeared in the middle of a field, all with flashlights in their hands as if by magic. Then they all proceeded to run around in circles, weakly calling for Polo, shining the lights on each other, all within TWO FEET of each other!! It was stupid directing, for sure. Ahh, the production value of this Mejia gem ... the gift that keeps on giving!

Thank you, NovelaMaven, for a fantastic recap! Love the title! I truly hope Verónica did get the gold. I'm not trusting that judge very much or anyone in that prison for that matter.

As for Emi, now I really want him gone. He does not stop trying to bury Martín just so he can have Vero, imo. Otherwise, he would have pushed for Vero to be arrested as well. I now think Nanciyaga is too good for him.

And, yes, Vero still hasn't learned to keep her mouth shut! Is she planning on revealing everything she finds out to Ginny before she shows what she's got to someone who can do something about it? ¡Qué estupida! Yet, I admire her fierceness, and Warrior Goddess suits her well.

AP's reaction to Pablo and Mariana? Point well taken re: comparing that to Vero finding Marty with Nancy. Although Pablo is equally dumb in that he doesn't tell Mariana he's married and expecting a child, and even more stupid going to New York with her!

Anonymous, your description of AP's ability to cover so much ground in so little time is priceless. I was thinking the same thing last night. No es posible.

And Manny will truly screw himself, I think, in the end. He enlists the help of those guys in a robbery scheme, and then he doesn't want to live up to the terms of the agreement. Really dumb...fortunately.

I'm actually liking Salma and Nicolas right now. Probably because I can't stand anyone else in that house.

NovelaMaven - Thank you also for the grammar tips. I now understand antojarse better, and love your term for the "don't blame me" construction. I find that really funny how in Spanish some events are expressed in the third person, such as accidents, surgery, et cetera.

And finally, re: AP again, love "the patio has a long memory," refuting her claims that she has always fought for their love.


Thanks for this hilarious recap, NovelaMaven, brilliant. I especially appreciate your illuminating exposition on antojarse. Very clear and helpful. I think I'll be able to use the word with much more confidence and understanding now. You're a peach.

"Poor Dorita. Nobody has even acknowledged her existence."

Initially I felt the same way about this, but after reflection, I was just thankful that Raymunda didn't viciously scold her for luring Polo and Onyx away.

What a nifty surprise that it was the team of The Holy Virgin, The Divine Son, and The Unholy Goat that saved Ana Perla. I was so afraid that it'd be Julio.

Hasn't Manuel become a treat to watch? He's really stepped up his game. And here I was wondering early on in this TN why he is even here.


Carlos - Agree that Manny is a treat to watch right now. Great acting.

Also loved the way Virginia flirtatiously looked at him in their initial meeting and her angelic voice. A true mosca muerta. Also great acting...always from her.

WOW!!! NovelaMaven you made me laugh right from the start with your "GREAT" episode title. You're so creative. I'd bet that you would be a good partner with Lichita over at Iconika, the big advertising company.

You said that Raymunda was walking around in circles---I kinda got that impression last night. She looked like she didn't know what planet she was on. A flashlight in broad daylight? Que?

Right. I kept asking myself last night when someone would at least say hi to Dorita.

NM---You were so rich/right on all through your recap today. Example--Holy Guacamole
there really are police in Mina Escondita.

Never hire a divorce lawyer for a criminal case. LOL Was there a shortage of lawyers that weak?

Vero---The victim of road rage? LOL again. Road rage in Mexico City? I thought that
we only had that in So. Cal.

Vero the Warrior Goddess. Thanks NovelaMaven.

Last but not least---Jorge and Emiliano are still jackasses but that could change in a Mexico City minute. How soon and how long will they be begging Veronica and Martin for forgiveness? From tonight until the novelas end?

Anon207---You always crack me up. I agree, don't let Magdalena babysit.

So Virginia didn't even metal. I wonder what she will do tonight? And how will empty head Pablo handle Mariana?

must see tv
the gringo


I'll be back a bit later, but just couldn't let this one pass without a tip of my sombrero:

"What a nifty surprise that it was the team of The Holy Virgin, The Divine Son, and The Unholy Goat that saved Ana Perla. I was so afraid that it'd be Julio."

Too funny, Carlos!

Yes! Brilliant, Carlos!

Good one Carlos---A new trinity team. The Holy Virgin--the Divine Son--and the Unholy Goat.

the gringo

Dear Gobluefan,

Thank you so much for the kind words. Please know that this is strictly amateur hour. I'm flattered that you would even suggest that I might take a seat at the table with the monkey writers. Oh, and BTW, I'm Ms. NovelaMaven :-)

"Why didn't Veronica send a fax or email to the court or the divorce lawyer advising them that she has evidence that will clear Martin? Or she could have even called them using her cell phone! It would have eliminated the need for that dramatic but stressful and hurried drive to the city court."

Good point, especially since it was an official police document who veracity should have been beyond dispute. I guess when it's a choice between what's logical and what's dramatic...

Thank you! Ditto to everything you wrote, but I have to admit I feel for Ana Perla a little. I also feel uneasy about her fate. I don't like seeing her in that house. The orange-eating woman looks like trouble to me.

Anon 12:33
You're welcome!

" was still ridiculously far fetched"

Surely you don't intend that as a criticism?

Thanks so much NovelaMaven for the recap and the grammar lesson. It is very helpful with my spanish.

Again I FFF the Martin jail scenes, did not like seeing him suffer like that. Isn't Aaron supposed to be in solitary confinement? He killed his own cell mate (brother)!

I am happy Vero was able to get the evidence, hopefully the judge hears her out. I really like as they have made Vero a strong character compared to Ana Perla. I really like that Vero isn't crying all the time and just gets on with things.

I'm delighted that you liked the recap and particularly glad to know you enjoyed the grammar discussion. Thanks! Those impersonal constructions always get me. They have a sort of "Mistakes were made" aura to them, don't you think? (Though not "Se me antoja," which is a bit different from the others.)

" I now think Nanciyaga is too good for [Emi]"

Oh my. That's harsh! jajaja

gringo, I'm glad I made you laugh. I hope you realize that the "Warrior Goddess" was just for you!

I haven't seen Lichita so I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted. :-) Anyway, thanks for the great comment!

Thank you so much! And I think you may get the award for the wittiest one-liner inspired by this novela – or maybe by any novela – on CarayCaray!

"I was just thankful that Raymunda didn't viciously scold her for luring Polo and Onyx away."

Well yes. I admit I was worried about that too. Fortunately, she was too busy having a Telepiphany for that to happen.

You are very welcome!

"I really like that Vero isn't crying all the time and just gets on with things."

Oh, definitely, I do too. I'm liking Ana Brenda a lot in this one and I like that her character seems to have grown stronger in the course of the story.

'barely conceals the good china' Good One Maven. I thought I had them all, but I must add this one to my collection.

NovelaMaven---Lichita works for a big advertising company. The crew must be creative and come up with great ideas for different clients. They have to come up with great ideas that the various clients would love and support in add campaigns. Well it's advertising but the key word is "creative" and that is an area in which you shine. Your writing is very creative.

I'm not the only one who has noticed --- Gobluefan has noticed your creative writing talent as well.

the gringo

I concur! NovelaMaven you can certainly sweep aside those Monkey Writers and get this mess back on track that they have derailed.

Pablo Pablo Pablo, AP AP AP!!! Ya'll do deserve each other and this poor child on it's way is to be pitied.

Traffic in Mexico City is horrible and phone/fax/cellular service is even worse so I get that Vero might have felt safer taken the documents directly to the Judge.

So Emi can dictate to the Judge that he doesn't want Vero arrested but can sink Marty even further in jail? Another far fetched non fact about the law I'm sure.

What annoys me about Salma is she is one of those typically weak women who when the chips are down just HAS to lean on someone. Preferably a man. Lady don't you have a girlfriend to cry to or rely on? Oh yeah you prefer to burn those relationships in favor of your Diabolic Daughter.

The actors portraying Ginny, Manny and Aaron are completely in their element right now and I'm so glad they have been given time to shine before the TN ends... all their evil machinations considered.

Our computer has been disconnected from the internet most of the day, but so glad it's working now and I get another chance to enjoy a stellar NovelaMaven recap. I echo every bit of praise that Goblue Fan and the others gave you. Especially since this mishnash, unbelievable, illogical episode was so ridiculous I couldn't even watch up to the end. Just nauseatingly bad from start to finish.

Now on to your well-crafted resumen:

Lord have mercy "barely conceals the good china" is a new one on me too. But I love it. For all I know, you made it up on the spot. Even better.

Appreciated the "diligencia" = "errand" info, and the antojarse lesson was excellent. As was your very schoolmarmish/tongue-in-cheek request for the patio to "compare and contrast" poor dolt Ana Perla's reaction to Pablo/Marianna with Veronica's to Nanciyaga and Martin. As Carlos likes to say, Ana Perla's child will probably be riding on the little bus to school.

Perhaps my favorite line, though was "Raymunda is walking around in circles like a dog getting ready to lie down for a nap". 'Nuff said.

Meija continues to absolutely doom any telenovela he lays his hammy hand to....why is he so dang popular? But you graced this hopeless episode with a truly marvelous recap. Don't know how you do it. I would have sulked and whined through the whole thing. Instead, you were absolutely brilliant. Thanks.

LOL totally agree about AP! And yes I think it's the mustache lol I also don't know we should care about Salma and Nic, she's annoying and he's just a log.

gringo, thanks for the info on Lichita – and thank you for the nice words. I really appreciate them. I write recaps here because it's fun. Even so, it is very sweet to know that a handful of folks read and enjoy what I write.

Thanks, JackieV!
You know, it's interesting that Salma was the only woman in the story that had a friend right from the start (Montserrat), but that friendship turns out to be completely inconsequential and superficial.

I agree that there are some star turns among the villains. Given how rapidly these novelas are churned out, I am always in awe of the players' ability to transcend the material from time to time. Also, as I mentioned above, I'm really enjoying Ana Brenda's acting in this silly story.

That's what I was yelling at the TV: REALLY?! Didn't the photog take the picture the same day AP saw the newspaper?! That was a fast print job! Ridiculous.


It's not like I take attendance or anything, but... well, you know. Anyway, I am happy to see you here, a shiny apple in one hand and a flower in the other. Thank you so much. You exaggerate, but oh so graciously. I blush, Miss Judy.

BTW, I hate to disappoint you, but I didn't make up "the good china."

"Meija continues to absolutely doom any telenovela he lays his hammy hand to....why is he so dang popular?"

"... this mishmash, unbelievable, illogical episode was so ridiculous I couldn't even watch up to the end. Just nauseatingly bad from start to finish."

hahahahahaha! Feeling as you do about this show, I appreciate your solidarity in continuing to hang on the Patio with us. I wish you could see this through my eyes and enjoy it as much as I do. (How did Carlos describe the novela the other day? Did he say it was "inexplicably enjoyable"?) When I hear "Mejía," I run toward it, not away from it!


" I also don't know we should care about Salma and Nic, she's annoying and he's just a log."

Excellent! Actually, I agree with Carvivlie about these two – they creep me out. And yes, the newspaper was completely ridiculous. (DIdn't bother me a bit, though. Come on, what is NOT ridiculous in this story?) :-)

NovellaMaven, good recap, thank you much.
They are doing the usual running around looks like all is lost and then finally "Bam" good stuff starts to happen. The truth comes
Out. But not without hiting some bumps alone the way.
How dumb is pablo? Really dumb!!!!!! And why Does ana perla purposely believe everything she hears? Why not just go and ask what's going on, instead of believing the worst? They don't use their brain cells, thats what I say. The girl ain't to bright, neither is he. And Why the hell doesn't he tell her hes married?
What are they, stupid or something? These
Folks are frustrating me. Which means the end is near.

Thank You for the recap. It was so entertaining. Especially on a frustrating and busy day like today. I am at work and swamped, but I tried to read a little bit whenever I had a few minutes to spare. Your recap was simply delicious!

The comments have all been awesome as well. I was laughing by myself walking down the hallway at some of them. They must think I am crazy. Anyway, I know it is late, but I had to stop by and thank you personally.

I agree with so many of you on many thing that happened last night, including AP.
I wanted to throw a shoe at her yesterday. How can she believe that after everything Pablo was done to prove his love to her that he would run off with Mariana? She's living in a strange universe if you ask me. I was starting to like AP after she stood up to OG, but now we're back to square one. One step forward and two steps back. Now she's going to have to be rescued by Pablo again. She needs to take lessons from Vero and learn to ask questions. She could have easily walked in yesterday and said, "Hey, what's going on?" But no, I'm gonna go cry in the street and feel sorry for myself. I am done with AP. Punto!

Thanks again NovelaMaven, I'm back to work again.
Hasta Pronto.

After losing most of the day to other activities, it was a treat to read your superior recap and grammatical discourse. Also liked the essay assignment. Compare and contrast essays were always one of my fave formats.

All these Mina Escondida people must have toggle switches in their brains. Smart one minute, dumb the next.

Mariana's skirt barely hiding the "good china?!" I was choking and laughing at the same time.

I bow down to your brilliant grammatical explanations/examples. Thank you.

Hi NovelaMaven. I'm late to the Patio but wanted to thank you for another stellar recap filled with many great and witty lines. Too many to name.

What a frustrating scene with yet another misunderstanding that separates Ana Perla and Pablo. I definitely did compare and contrast Vero's reaction to Ana Perla's. Vero did it better. Not sure why Ana Perla didn't barge in and demand to know what was going on. The monkey writers were definitely behind that one.

Ana Perla is definitely not a good people person. You could tell by a mile that the woman who was putting up the Help Wanted sign is NOT someone you'd want to work for. I am dreading where this is leading to. And I can't believe the newspaper headline came out so fast when the photo of Mariana and Pablo was taken a few hours before.

It was nice watching Vero getting to the bottom of where the gold was. Not sure though why Vero let Remigio and his partner flee the scene. It would have been better had she allowed the cops to go after them and catch them. With those two in custody it would have been easier to get to the bottom of who is behind the gold scam.

That was a great cliffhanger at the end with Vero making it in time to save Marty.

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