Monday, October 05, 2015

Yo No Creo en Los Hombres #60 Lunes, 10/5/15

Chapter 60: The Fakeout

Doris finally gave Ari his walking papers. He pleaded with her, saying he would change. She told him she no longer loved him as she had before. She left immediately.

Maleny was in the study, gulping coffee she probably didn't taste. Arango entered.
“I had to see you. Don't worry; your mother knows I'm here.”
“To bring us down?”
“I want to know whom you've spoken to.”
“You think I'm going to tell you?”
“Actually, this was just a pretext to be alone with you. I knew you were with Claudio.”
“What do you think he told me?”
“No. He knows something but he won't tell anything. But we're not the only people involved in this business. The only one who could tell you anything is Medina. Am I right?”
“If you;re so sure, why don't you go running back to my mother's arms and say that someone complied.”
“Of the six people involved in this business only your story is different.” He left the room. She sat down and ticked off the names.
“My mother, Arango, Claudio, Medina, myself, and who?”

Ivana and Gerry argued about the void contract. He had been so certain before this that their farewell ritual by the stream had changed her mind about having a family with Danny-Boy. She said she was going to divorce him. He didn't believe it. He then pointed out that if she tried to take away Danny-Boy's baby he would fight her over it. But if she offered him a sum similar to what she would offer Maria Dolores.... He walked out.

Max and Leo said goodbye to their sweethearts and went home as Julian arrived back from the office. Jenny left him to speak with Honoria. He stayed in the courtyard to talk to Maria Dolores.

Isela was pleading with Orlando to leave just as Claudio got home. He took a swipe at Orlando, but missed. Isela yelled at Orlando to leave her alone. Orlando said to him and Alma, “Please listen, both of you. Isela is lying.” This time Claudio's blow landed. Orlando fell against the foyer table. Something broke. Isela yelled at him to get out. “He raped me!” she screamed. Alma gasped. Claudio took out his cell phone. He said he would call the police and get Orlando thrown into prison. Orlando left. Alma led Isela upstairs.

Julian told Maria Dolores that Max knew that Danny-Boy did something to her.
“Did you tell him?”
“No, I said nothing.”
“Thank you.”
“Look, if you ask me, you're deceiving him. The most important thing in a relationship is that there be no lies,” he said. “What you're doing to Max is what you criticize about Daniel.”
“No, don't say that, Julian.”
“He loves you.”
“It's not that easy. My mother has a heart condition. The doctor said if she's to get better she has to remain calm.”
“Does Max know?” She nodded. “So he'll understand and know he'll need to control himself.”
“I promise you I'll tell him.”

A maid brought a glass of water up to Isela's room. Alma stroked her hair as Claudio announced that Orlando had exceeded his limits by coming to his house. He intended to call out the law. Isela told him it wasn't necessary because she was leaving. “Because I don't want to cause any more problems,” she said in that fake little-girl-lost voice.
“Isela is right,” Alma said. “We need to get her into an apartment as soon as possible where he won't be able to find her.”
“But he'll look for her at the office.”
“So let her work outside the office to keep him away.”
Isela and Claudio exchanged a look as Alma continued to stroke her hair.

Doris told Maria Dolores about breaking up with Ari. She had not told him that she loved Orlando. Maria Dolores thought that was smart. It would destroy his friendship with Orlando. She told her about her conversation with Max about Ivana's indecent proposal. He had told her he would help. The problem was that the next day was the court hearing. They could not trust Ivana to help. Maria Dolores told Doris to come to work as usual. She was also to tell Esperanza that she was out buying things they needed for their business. Doris agreed, but looked doubtful.

Julian took his mother out to dine at an elegant restaurant. Jenny pushed the wheelchair into place and left them alone. It was meant to be a special mother/son dinner. They were at an outdoor table. Honoria was shocked at the prices on the menu.
“For the cost of one plate I could buy two days of groceries in the market!” she said. She looked guilty.
“That's what's special about restaurants, Mother,” Julian said. “I'm here to celebrate with you.” He handed her some papers. “I paid off all your debts on the house.”
“Ay, Julian, son. Thanks so much!” She embraced him. He looked happy and sad at the same time.

Doris spoke to Ivana on her cell. She rold her that Maria Dolores would not accept her offer. Ivana was peeved.
“You were supposed to convince her,” she said.
Doris told her that Maria Dolores would not be persuaded. Max was sure he could prove her innocence at the hearing the next day. Ivana cut off the call. Just as Doris realized this Orlando came up to her. He needed to hide at her place for a few days if she would let him.

Shortly thereafter they entered her apartment. She got him to explain what happened at the Bustamante mansion. Then she sighed in frustration.

Susanna had listened to Ivana's side of that phone call. She told her if she testified in Maria Dolores' favor she could put Danny-Boy in prison. That this could work in her favor. Ivana didn't look so sure.

Doris served Orlando a beer and took one for her self. She tried to point out the difficulties he would have if he stayed there. He had a car to repair and a business to run. He told her it would only be for a few days. She was sure the police would look at her place first. He mentioned that Ari had told him about their breakup. She didn't want to talk about it. He wondered whether his presence there could cause problems with Ari. He reconsidered. Also the situation was more complicated and he wasn't sure what to do.

The next morning Ivana arrived prior to the hearing. She gave Maria Dolores a last chance to accept her offer. Maria Dolores said “You know what my answer is, Madam.”
“I'd also like to see Jacinto found guilty of all this,” Ivana said. “If Daniel ends up in prison, even better, Maria Dolores.” She handed her a folder. “Here is the contract. If you accept you give me the baby you're expecting.”
Neither of them saw Hosefa, who had been eavesdropping as usual. She was near the entry from the next room. At the last sentence she bolted with a look of glee like a lone vulture that just found an entire carcass.
“Sign it so Daniel goes to prison. You can go home with the confidence that nobody can implicate you in anything. Neither of them will bother you ever again.”
Maria Dolores stared at her in shock.

Hosefa was on her cell, calling Úrsula. Úrsula told her that Maleny was not down with their deal. “That's why I called. I was just at the courthouse. I just heard that Ivana is about to tell them that your son and Jacinto burned the tailor shop.”
“Are you sure what you heard, Hosefa?” Danny-Boy was in the next room. He looked up.
“Of course I know what I heard. And that in exchange for that Maria Dolores will give her the baby she's expecting.”
Úrsula hung up on her. Danny-Boy knew something was up. She told him.
“It's not true! It's not true! It can't be!” He stepped over the elegant dining room chairs in his sneakers. He went into Mama Bear's arms as though he were a child who had only broken a window playing ball. “You've got to help me, Mother.” Before she could stop him he was out the garden door.

I could sign this contract and all this would stop?”
“Yes,” said Ivana.
“I could get even with Daniel and Jacinto for everything they've done to me?”
“Well, I can't sign it because I'm not pregnant.” Ivana backed away in shock. Maria Dolores gave her the folder. “And if I were I wouldn't give my baby to anyone. Madam, you want so much to have a baby. What would make you give one up? Resentment? Anger? Bitterness? Did you think you could buy a baby like you'd buy a house or a car?”
“That's what I get from this contract and that's why I can't sign it. I couldn't sleep at night if I did that. That's why I'm here. To tell the truth no matter the consequences.”
Ivana retreated, speechless. Max came to Maria Dolores' side.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
She jumped into his arms. He looked worried.

Adrian, Claudio's legal assistant, was with him in his drawing room. Claudio introduced him to Isela, saying he would work with her on her thesis. He then left for the office. Alma went to the kitchen to see about breakfast and coffee. Isela asked Adrian about the archive. He told her this was off-limits for confidentiality reasons. She said she could not find what she needed in the office and agreed to accompany her.

Ivana's cell rang as she was leaving the courthouse. She looked at the caller ID. Úrsula was the last person she wanted to talk to.
“What do you want, Úrsula?”
“Ivana, get out of there immediately because if you are even thinking of hurting Daniel, forget about your baby.”
“Maria Dolores is not pregnant. She told me.”
“She lied because she will never give up her baby. So we will have to take it away.”
“You are the liar. Maria Dolores is not pregnant. Now I am more convinced than ever that a mother will never give up her baby.”
“Listen to me, Ivana,” she began.
“I don't know why you are doing this to me, but don't ever come near me again.”
“Listen to me – “
“The only reason I don't tell your children what a harpy you are is because you have always supported them. That's all you deserve.” She ended the call.
“Ivana, Ivana!” Úrsula shouted into the phone. Maleny then appeared with a drink in hand, as usual.
“Looks like all the lies are exploding in your face,” Maleny said. “So everything you've done will be blown to pieces.”
“And I hope you'll get crushed, too. We're all in the same boat, sweetie. If you haven't convinced Ivana that Maria Dolores is pregnant your deal with Isela is off. Excuse me for saying so, but in view of this you blew it.”

Hosefa returned to the courthouse and walked right into the room as the case was about to be heard. Maria Dolores knew she couldn't expect anything good to come of this. She asked her what she was doing there and whether she was going to tell lies. Baldomero then accused Maria Dolores of attempting to intimidate Hosefa. The judge told Max to control his client. He then told everyone to shut off their cell phones and put them away. They all obeyed.

Danny-Boy called Ivana's name and ran up to her. “How could you be so stupid?” he asked.
“You're too late. The first mistake I made was dining with you and letting you kiss me. You are the cause of all my problems.”
“I did hurt you but I was dealing with things you can't imagine.”
“You're right,” she said with an ironic laugh. “I never knew there were people as cynical and cruel as you.”
“I was sick. I was on the edge. I lost everything!”
“No. You haven't lost your freedom. That's the most important. And you can thank me for that. Now get lost if you don't want me to regret not sending you two pieces of garbage like you and Jacinto to prison.” She walked away. He heaved a shallow sigh.

Max opened by explaining that Maria Dolores had no motive to burn down her own business. Baldomero said that the original rental contract was with Danny-Boy but he was obliged to write a new one. Maria Dolores disputed this. Baldomero then said that Hosefa was there to present the case that Maria Dolores burned down the shop to get Danny-Boy to get her a better one. Maria Dolores said that was crazy. Baldomero tried to stop her. The judge ordered him to show respect for the proceeding. He was to limit his answers to the specific questions being asked. He turned to Baldomero's lawyer. He asked if he had any more questions. He said he didn't but had questions for Hosefa.

Maria Dolores requested permission to speak. The judge allowed her to. She explained that the shop was very important to her family. It had been her father's dream for them. They started it with money they had and with her severance pay. Why therefore would they burn it down? Hosefa watched with her usual hostile expression. The judge called her. She exchanged looks with Baldomero. Max watched them.

Ari and Orlando exchanged their relationship woes over the phone. Ari asked where he was but Orlando wouldn't tell him. He told Ari that Doris had the keys to his shop. She would let him in to work on the car that was due. He couldn't risk being seen there.

Hosefa Cabrera "a secas" gave her name as ordered by the court clerk. Baldomero's shyster asked “Would you tell us what you found in the fire at the tailor shop?” Baldomero grinned. Hosefa smirked.
“I was at home with my daughter; her name is Isela. We heard a noise and went to see what happened.”
“Therefore when did you see Maria Dolores in the place setting it on fire?”
“Burning it? Maria Dolores didn't burn anything.”
“Madam, perjury is a serious crime,” said the judge.
“I mean no disrespect to anyone. I'm not accusing anyone. I'm telling the truth.” Baldomero looked daggers at her.
“Hosefa, you said you would tell the truth, didn't you?”
“Yes, I did.” She looked at the judge. “These guys tried to buy me off to help them convict the girl. But I can't because she didn't burn anything. She was inside but I saw her trying to put out the fire. Nothing else.”
Maria Dolores smiled. Max had been watching with suspicion.

On the way out of the building Baldomero made threats saying “She will pay!” His shyster could not figure out what happened. Danny-Boy came up to them.
“What happened?” They told him that Hosefa betrayed them. “So what happens now?”
“Who's going to pay for my property?” Baldomero demanded.
“This doesn't have to be over yet,” said Danny-Boy.
“Oh, yeah? Well, it stops here because somebody is going to pay. I'll have all of your heads! Hosefa's, yours, and that Jacinto's.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Danny said. He grabbed Baldomero's lapels. “You're not going to threaten me. Say anything and you're dead.” He walked off.

Doris was straightening out Orlando's apartment. She picked up a shirt and inhaled its scent. Ari walked in unheard.
“What are you doing?” She turned around.
“I was cleaning up and packing this bag for Orlando.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“No. How would I know? I just thought I'd get a bag ready if he calls. I'm sure he will.”
Ari wasn't convinced.

Maria Dolores caught Hosefa at the exit door and thanked her.
“Well, it was the least I could do to start erasing my offenses. You mother offered to help me and I rejected her. She and Honoria won't believe in my good intentions.”
“Well, it's a little difficult to believe that a person can change overnight, isn't it?”
“Yeah. Shouldn't I have a chance to do that?”
“Well, I hope so. What I want to say is thank you. Very much.”
Maria Dolores went back to Max, who was at the clerk's desk. Hosefa watched them for a moment.

Isela was reading through some files. Adrian left for an appointment. After he was out the door she went to the desk and asked for the file on Hector Santibañez Lanca.

Danny-Boy followed Hosefa and grabbed her from behind. She put up quite a fight. She even tried to bite him. He stayed behind her and pushed away from the courthouse.

Ivana was back at her desk, crying. Gerry came in.
“What did you do?”
“You were right, Gerry. You always are.”
“What? Tell me!”
“Maria Dolores is not pregnant.” She cried some more as he sat down in the other chair.

Maria Dolores hugged Esperanza as she gave her the good news. Esperanza hugged Max. Maria Dolores told her that this wasn't over yet. She intended to press charges. Esperanza tried to talk her out of it. They had lost equipment and clothes belonging to clients. Max reminded her that this was about their future income as well. “Most important of all, I will not be anybody's victim,” Maria Dolores said. “Everyone pays for their sins.”

Somehow Danny-Boy managed to shove Hosefa to his family's mansion. He threw her onto a couch as Mama Bear and Maleny came in. He then said “Mama, Maleny, we have to locate this witch's daughter because she forgot the terms of our deal.”
“I'm on your side,” Hosefa said as she got up. “Guess what? They tried to buy me off.” She looked at Maleny. “Because your mother said you're useless because you can't work with this – “ She made an obscene gesture.
“That is not true!” yelled Úrsula.
“Don't try to lie. You said – “
“Nothing more,” said Maleny.
“What happened?”
“You know what happened? I testified and did a favor for Maria Dolores. Not because I wanted to. I had to. If my daughter isn't in the neighborhood I had to.”
“Our plans are lost, Mother.” said Danny-Boy.
“To hell with your plan. I'll get you for this. This was Sequestro Express,” said Hosefa as she started out.
“You are not going anywhere,” Úrsula yelled. She followed. “Because all our interests are at stake.”
“You're crazy if you think I'll believe anything from Isela,” said Maleny. “Tell this woman to leave us alone. The only ones who should pay anything are you and this imbecile.” She indicated Danny-Boy, who muttered a few nasty responses.
“What a beautiful family,” Hosefa said, amused. “I'll leave you to settle your differences.” She tried to leave but Danny-Boy blocked her way. “One thing. I'm your errand girl from the neighborhood. You hurt me, you get nothing.” She charged out past a frustrated Danny-Boy.

I don't see it,” said the law clerk. “That case surely must be very old. It must have been destroyed.”
“Can you look it up under the lawyer's name? It's Claudio Bustamante.” A few keys later the clerk found something.
“Yes. This name comes up. It's another set of records. Do you need any others?”
Isela was thinking of past conversations with Julian and Orlando about her sister. The clerk asked again whether there were others and she finally replied.
“Marta Ramos Cabrera.”
The record came up on the screen.


Aplastar v., to crush
Expediente n., legal document, record
Recardera, n., errand girl
Revolcar v., to bring down
Sequestro Express n., kidnapping for a comparatively small ransom (like $20K) which can be easily paid by wealthy parents or other relatives of the victim


Great recap, Urban, and a perfect title for Josefa's fakeout. She keeps us all on our toes, doesn't she.

FYI. When Josefa said her name, she said "a secas" which means just/only in this instance. She was saying that she neither has a paternal last name (she's illegitimate) nor a marriage name. She's just Josefa Cabrerra. Nothing more (a secas).

One small victory for MD, and looks like tomorrow she finally tells Max the whole truth. Yay!

Ivana continues to disappoint me. She talks a good game about how she wants to destroy Dan, but when she has the perfect opportunity she does nothing. Gerry is right to think that she would accept Dan back as her husband if it meant she could have the whole package with a sham marriage, baby, and family.

Orly has got to come to his senses, now that he sees how Isela is accusing him of being her rapist and of trying to hurt her, all in order to cover her backside in front of Alma and Claudio. Now he's got to go on the run from the police. He has made a fool of himself for this heffa.

Fantastic recap Urban! You selected the perfect dialogues. When I watched Maleny's scene recounting the names of those involved in her father's death I thought that would go perfectly with your style of writing.

I was glad MD showed Ivana once again that she is a much better person than she thinks but Ivana takes those words only to torment herself instead of doing something proactive like putting Daniel and Jacinto behind bars.


I dearly hope Max wasn't fooled by Hosefa. I wasn't for a second. It's exactly what most abusive people do to people whose trust they want to steal (because they sure as hell don't earn it).

Looks like things will get darker for Orlando, too. That boy needs some serious help.

I hope we don't get much more of the sotto voce stuff with Maleny and Danny the Weasel. These two actors sometimes bring the volume down and I'm afraid I miss things even with my speakers at full volume.

Jarocha - Yes, that scene of Maleny recounting who The Six (minus one) are was very noir. Who is number six? I hate the two of them, but love how both Mal and Isela are finally digging for the truth themselves instead of accepting their twisted mamas' versions of the truth.

Ursula is just a more intelligent version of Hosefa. Neither of them has any love for her children and now just sees them as a means to an end.

Ursula is looking to marry hers off to money so her own fortune isn't depleted. Wonder if Arango might then find a way to embezzle it and run off with a younger woman. Interesting prospect, but my current suspicion is that the lot of them will end up killing each other.

The other real question is how Hosefa will treat Isela going forward. Would she let go of her if she finds out what Hosefa wants her to find out? What will she do if Isela finds out something else (which is what we all think)? My guess is that she will say it's all lies and she will never stop until Julian blows the whistle on her about Isela not being her daughter. That might be enough for Isela to get away from her no matter what she has to do to keep away from her.

Great work UA, thanks you, your tone matches perfectly this TN.

"she bolted with a look of glee like a lone vulture that just found an entire carcass"

Ursula may be polished and refined but Josefa gets the better of her every time. Ursula's continues to underestimate Josefa but for how much longer.

Sofie Alexander is killing it, well all the actors are.

Daniel is so nasty. Josefa sniffed him and said he needs to bathe.

Glad Doris told Ivana she was wrong to speak to her about convincing MD. Love Doris but wished she wasn't in love with the village idiot.

Wow, Julian has paid all Honoria's debts, glad his business is doing well.


Thank you UA, great dialogue recapping. That must have been tedious.

So many surprises today. My favorite was Orlando staying with Doris for a few days. I can't wait for some fireworks to happen there.

So I was right about Isela using the access to archives to look up her sister's case. And about her remembering what Julian said to her. But it wasn't too difficult to figure that out, so I can't really take much credit.

Looks like Dan is in a world of hurt tonight. Previews show Max learns about the rape.

Dialogue can be and often is tedious. When actors speak too fast or whisper I give myself three rewinds before I give up. It is necessary to the noir style to have pithy dialogue so I make the effort for those scenes that I think need it most.

Now if only someone would get it into their heads to do a noir novela. I outlined one once in a weekend discussion but I guess Televisa doesn't read this blog.

I would think #6 was Hector himself:

#1- Ursula
#2- Arango
#3- Claudio
#4- Medina
#5- Maleny

#6- Hector. Only Hector knows what really happened but he's not talking.

Maybe Orlando needs some jail time to get it through his thick head that Isela is bad news. Because telling him to stay away from her and constant troubles with the law isn't getting through to him.


Orlando should have just told Max what he knows about Isela, and washed his hands of her. But instead he keeps trying to rescue her-- from Josefa, from Claudio, and from herself. But she doesn't want/need to be rescued.

UA, terrific recap. Thanks a bunch for including the dialogue, especially between Ivana and MD. Madam, you want so much to have a baby. What would make you give one up? Resentment? Anger? Bitterness? Did you think you could buy a baby like you'd buy a house or a car?

I have grown to not like Ivana at all. She’s so deep into her own hurt that she has no empathy for others. It’s so plain that MD is not a lazy gold digger who would sell a baby.

Orlando going to Claudio’s – dumber than dumb. And not good that he and Doris are not telling Ari where he’s staying.

So Julian gets MD to think clearly about telling Max about the rape. I hope the previews are for real.

All for MD telling Max about the rape and while I want someone to wipe the smirk from Daniels face Max opening a can of whip ass on him will cause more problems. Didn't turn out well for Julian. If indeed MD tells Max I hope she prefaces the disclosure with; I have evidence and want to proceed with a case against Daniel, keep your lawyer hat on.

Thank you Urban for the recap. I havent watched it yet but I have read it so i can give some cents about it.

I was not surprised when Josefa played goody goody at the hearing, she did say a few episodes ago that it was a ruse so that Isela can spy on her BFF MD more effeciently. Ursula offered Josefa to take care of the issue themselves because their daughters are supposedly giant dolts. Chameleons often shed their skin to suit the circumstances but a chameleon will always remain a chameleon. If Josefa and MD were stuck together in a jungle I am sure that Josefa would waste no time putting tarantulas on MD's beautiful hair.

Well speaking of dolts there are Ivana and Orlando, both are giant idiots. Ivana is intelligent but she is so deep in her pain that she molests everyone else. Orlando on the other hand seems to have troubles with court orders , jealousy and authority. He should just dump Isela because Isela does not deserve him. Girls come and go and at times you have to let people go despite how painful it seems. The show must go on!

I could feel bad for Ari but after all the mess with Maly, I am not sure if there is pity left to give. Same goes for Maly the Disaster although I am glad that she's got the brains left to investigate.


Technically, Orlando was not the one who violated the restraining order the last time. His mistake was in not telling Isela to get the hell out of his house. And this time he also did not got to see her. He went to the Bustamante house when he thought Isela and Claudio would be at work and he would find Alma alone to spill the dirt. At this point I don't think his issue is jealousy. He actually is trying to help Claudio, and save the family of his friends Leo and Max.

Urban, thanks for posting your recap last night. I read it then but am just posting a short comment. Someone else mentioned your description of Josefa as "vulture going after a carcass." The way you write is like a publshed author, dont know if you are but you sure write like one. lucky us!
Anon207, I'm probably wrong but I just don't think Hector is the 6th person. Because Arango said all 6 peole present agreed with what they saw, and Hector was not around to agree. I have been thinking who could that sixth person be???? A maid or an employee?
Speaking of employees, last night Beatrice was serving coffee at Alma's house. She was fired and I dont remember her being rehired. Did I miss that?
Urban I rewind so much to understand some of their mumbling, to make matters worse the captions appear and disappear so quickly you cant even read those either.
Thanks Urban for your helpful definitions, but "revolcar" also is used to mean a roll in the hay. Ursula has accused Mal of revolcandose con Ari man a time. Of course, according to her enemies MD se "revolca" con TODOS. Ha! Estan muy equivocados.


I missed part of this show when I was out of the country 3 weeks but do we know for sure Hector is dead? I saw the flash backs but never a body.

Ava- That's another nameless maid, not Beatrice.

Tofie- They didn't show the body, but when we first met the doctor when Ursula brought him to keep Ivana drugged up, he made it very clear that he had already done her a favor by doctoring the death certificate to rule it a suicide when they knew that wasn't true. And when Ursula rolled Ivana into the pool to kill her, he said he would not be part of this AGAIN.

thanks Vivi, I keep answering every assumption with maybe yes, maybe no, ain't necessarily so

Tofie- Well, you never know with this bunch...

Since his name came up again I am guessing his days are numbered. I just hope we don't have to wait too much longer to find out the truth about that situation.

Well I am sure that we will see the sixth person in the next few episodes. This show knows well how to handle side characters. They dont turn cheesy from overdevelopment and neither are they irrelevant to the story because they impact the storyline as much as the main characters do. With side characters I mean Jacinto, Baldo, Dan's lawyer , Arango and the now defunct Fat Man . Speaking of Fat Man I haven't seeen Fat Man for a while, am I the only crazy one who misses him? My wicked desire is for him to join MD's gang to kick Dan's nutballs straight to Saturn!

With "over-development" I meant that the side characters are often used too much in certain shows thus overshadowing the main characters. No Creo cleverly avoids that same old fashion trick.

Count- I agree. Side characters are not overused here. This is a large cast, and each of the main characters (there are a lot of them) has very developed characters/background/story lines. I was worried at the very beginning, for example, that we would see a LOT of Jacinto. But instead, the writers have used him very deliberately. We are spared having to see him plot, and fume and speak to himself on a regular basis. But we know he's still there. Still resentful of MD. Still resentful about having lost his job when the women finally stood up to him. And still willing to lend himself to the plots of the main villains in order to get back at MD. Always lurking.

I don't need to see Jenny sitting at home or at work pining for Julian. I know she loves him. I don't need side stories about Leo and Clara at school and all their school friends. They have enough drama with their home lives, and all things seem normal at school with no extra drama. Despite the large cast and the complicated plot, the writers have kept things tight.

Yeah Vivi. Although I would not dare equaling this with GOT the writing in Yo No has a certain appeal to it because it does not cut slacks .Therefore there are no garbage fillers and everything gets put on the plot. I have also watched many Japanese cartoons commonly referred as "Anime". A lot of them cannot stay on track with the story because the directors begin using the shows as a cash-cow instead of producing something unique and noteworthy. Often reading manga results to be a better experience because the anime will blow your brains out. One Piece and Naruto are the perfect example of it. Good luck with catching up on the story when you have to evade 100 episodes worth of filler after filler. There are some which stand out but since not a single soul on Caray Caray watches Anime than its pointless to offer suggestions.

Only few projects nowadays manage to entertain and tell stories that are worthy of praise.

Countx- We just had a discussion about manga and anime on the Lichita thread last week. "Lichita" used her knowledge of an anime character to impress some Japanese clients, and then recapper Sara provided us all with some additional info since she (and others on the blog) are fans of anime and mange. This blog has lovers of ALL art forms.

Manga not mange. Got to love auto-correct. :)

I was thinking the 6th person is Hector too. They could have made it look like a suicide, with the promise to him that he leave and not come back or they will kill him. I can't think of anyone one else who it could be.

Orlando said that he didn't want Ari to know because Ari has a big mouth and word could get out.


Isidro, the butler, sounds like a candidate. He's worked for them forever, doesn't question anything they do or say.

Are you thinking that Hector's death was faked?

No way would the Hector we've heard about, who adored his daughter, have let her take the blame for killing him if he was just faking his death. Ursula was even trying to use his love of his children to get him to commit suicide. Doesn't sound like someone who would callously leave his children in the clutches of Ursula all these years, while he cavorted freely elsewhere (and with what money?).

If it is Hector, he wouldn't know that Ursula was blaming Maleny for his 'death'. If they threatened him with 'you leave and pretend you committed suicide, or we kill you and blame Maleny', then he would leave.

But then that would mean person number 6 (Hector) would NOT be telling the same version of the story as the rest of them, as Arango said.

Hector could be alive but incapacitated.

Now I've lost my mind over this show.

Vivi, I agree with you. I don't think Hector would have ever allowed that. I think some third party pulled the trigger. It was likely Ursula, but the 6th person isn't Hector.

If Ursula has lied to her children about their wealth, I can see her lying to them about Hector's death too.

Actually, Arango was the originator of that lie. All Ursula is doing now is perpetuating it, but that is the least of her sins.

urban thank you for the recap, and the circus continues. These rediculous people continue
To amaze me with their antics & insane tricks and treats. These people are a horror show. If they were to go trick or treating ursula Would make a really good, bad witch. Shes Already got the name.
Ivana should forget about a baby for now. She is not emotionally ready for a baby. She
Should go into therapy, and stay the hell away from her future ex & inlaws.
What game is josey playin? See, this is a crazy circus. More insanity to come.
I think isela loves where she is. I'll be glad
When orlando gets a clue. This girl is very
Badly damaged. His life is tough enough, he
Shoud Leave her alone.

I love what I saw in the advance, and thats all


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