Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #32 Wednesday 11/4/15

Well, this one was a lot of fun: doubled up episode with plenty of action but also with twice as many scenes as a "normal" episode. My head felt like a ping pong ball in the first half hour. So, this will be more of a bullet point type presentation.

Important plot points from tonight not necessarily in order:

- Alicia is done talking with Roberto unless it is about work. Roberto is broken up about the whole thing. He is worried that she is changing and forging on ahead with her life without him.

- Alex tells his mom that she should not be so hard on Dafne. She needs their support. He tries but there is not much of a response from her. As she picks up an American football helmet he brought home, she wonders why he would like a savage and brutal sport like that. He answers that his tastes are "varied."

- Fatima tells Sandra that they need one more person to man the reception desk and ends up being responsible for hiring Magos. She is doing this to help out Elsa after hearing about the rental problem Elsa and Nacho are having:
Nacho and Elsa are still unable to find a guarantor for their business venture to open a cafeteria. Elsa does not want Alicia to know they are having problems because that would just put more pressure on her. Elsa is back at Icónika to work the cart. Elsa and Nacho become even more depressed when the place they want to rent is suddenly advertising for a renter. They are sure they have lost their chance.

- Valeriana, Luciana's mother tells her that she agrees with Augusto in wanting her to give up pursuinng Alex and to concentrate on Roberto instead.

- Luciana tells the truth to her mother, Valeriana that Roberto did not want her. At the hotel, he just fell asleep. She decided to get revenge by stripping him so that they would both wake up naked and he would think they had made love.

- Valeriana presents Augusto with the results of the DNA test: Luciana is his daughter. He never expected having to recognize a daughter (so similar to himself) from his relationship with Valeriana so he is asking her . . . We never find out because Beatriz interrupts them. He takes the test results and crumples them up and stuffs them into the desk drawer. Beatriz does not know.

- Augusto has a meeting where he announces Alex's naming to the candidacy for presidency of the Association of Ibero American Publicists. Then there are two other appointments that Alex is allowed to announce: Roberto will be his advisor on his campaign and Alicia (who honestly believes this will be her promotion) will be his assistant. Alicia is upset that Magos has just started work at Icónika and is being hired as a receptionist. Magos tells her it is not her fault if she has not been promoted.

- Alicia and Roberto do the "Mi Can" dog food proposal presentation. The owner wants all info in writing and will have to check with his wife whether or not they will go with it.

- Augusto tells Roberto that he wants him to do whatever he has to to keep Luciana far away from Alex. Alex needs to concentrate on work. Roberto does not look happy and is also worried because Augusto mentioned Gumaro. Augusto interested in his private life could be dangerous.

- Elsa keeps finding more money in her wallet in the morning than she had the night before.

- At a meeting, Alicia corrects Chuchette when she calls her Lichita and tells her her name is Alicia. Roberto smiles until Alex chimes in with: his assistant's name is Alicia.

- Alicia is disappointed that she has just been named someone's assistant again and not to a position of her own. She decides to use any means necessary to get ahead and decides to use Alex. It has to go beyond the friendship he has already shown her even if she has to betray her own heart. She will become a gold digger if necessary. She is already planning to accompany him to a reception. Chuchette gives her some advice on using her sexuality in a double entendre kind of way but considers it all a waste with Alicia. Magos helps her update her look and pulls a "hot" blue dress out of her bag at work for her to wear. Alicia gets all dolled up, is hardly able to walk because of her heels, but meets Alex there. They both end up going back to the office.

- Roberto is doing his best to follow Augusto's orders and takes Luciana out to eat at a restaurant. When Luciana is in the rest room, cleaning off some wine that was spilled on her, Roberto goes into her cell phone and finds her selfies with Augusto in the hospital. He copies them to his phone. The problem is, as he tells Gumaro, that he knows that Luciana did not leave Mexico but supposedly Augusto had his accident in New York. So where was the picture taken? Gumaro says maybe on Nueva York street? Ha ha! Roberto thinks it must have something to do with the change in Augusto's change of attitude towards Luciana which happened right after he came back from his trip.

- Alicia and Alex both end up at the office after leaving the reception. She climbs all over him to seduce him. She kisses him. He is not responding even when her zipper separates in the back of her dress. It turns out he is never going to respond because he is gay. Now the photo of him with the football player that she saw makes sense. He is sorry he did not tell her earlier. Alicia agrees to keep it a secret knowing what problems it would cause him with his family, friends and work.

- Venus does a home visit and is happy with what she sees with the new apartment. Roberto fills her in on how he had to steal to just survive as a child. She reminds him he has to still be honest and come clean at work.

-Leave it to Néstor to do research on Alex on the Internet. From what he has a read/seen, Alex is gay. He is telling this to the receptionists. Alex overhears and confronts him. Néstor says it was just a little gossip that Alicia told Magos who told him and it was about Luciana. Alex tells Luciana who is not surprised at all that Alicia would do something like that: start gossip about her. Alex cannot believe it. Magos tells Alicia the news she has: Alex is "full color gay: like the rainbow flag". Alex overhears and looks disturbed.

- Augusto runs into Alicia (he does not remember her name at all) and thanks her for talking Alex into accepting the API candidacy. He in turn compensated her by making her Alex's assistant (he says so in a very demeaning way). She makes the mistake of saying that is fine eventhough it will not help her out much in her career. He asks what career? In times like these, she should be happy to have a job at all without putting down the one she has. Again he thanks her and skulking Alex asks what they are talking about. Alicia excuses herself and Augusto tells Alex that she did her job in convincing him to accept the candidacy and wasn't shy asking about her compensation either. Alex is left wondering if he knows who the real Alicia is.

Previous: Episode 31
Next: Episode 33



So who will find the crumpled up DNA report in the drawer?
Is Alicia at the altar now with Alex in that wedding scene in the montage of scenes intro? I don't think they showed him before. It was always Alicia and then Roberto with Luciana in the pew.
Is Magos the one adding money to Elsa's wallet?

That is all for now!

Thanks so much, Jarifa. I only got to catch the last minutes of this episode. Hopefully, I can catch up this evening.

Alex has always been in the double wedding scene in the opening credits- Alicia marrying him, and Rob marrying Luci. Very interesting developments to come, obviously.

So now Alicia is looking like as big of a jerk and a user as Rob. Looks like they'll both have some atoning to do. I so wish Alicia could break out of the assistant box, though. The closest she got was when Rob gave her the promotion, but it was snatched away once Luci got leverage over Agusto and took the post for herself.

Glad to read Rob did not in fact do the deed with Luci.

I am so enjoying that they are making Alicia into a much more complicated character. Anyone would be frustrated with their relegation to being an assistant again. In any case, Alicia really deserves the little devil's horns we see in the show logo with her latest moves. Looks like there are more morally questionable decisions on her horizon. One thing I am so liking about this one is that they are always surprising me with something. I wonder if I will get bored when they start showing single episodes eventually?


Jarifa, another smart, savvy and sensational recap. I so admire your penchant for detail.

You had wondered if Roberto and Luciana had really had sex yesterday and I very confidently stated I was sure they had. I was wrong again! Luciana really is a slimy little thing, isn't she?

Because I'm doubting everything now, I am going to go out on a limb and say Luciana isn't Augusto's daughter. Although, they are so similar - no morals, scruples or genuine feelings. Sigh.

“He is worried that she is changing and forging on ahead with her life without him”. I had to smile at this. Now, what exactly did the man think Alicia would do?? Pine away in hurt and anger? If so, he doesn’t know her at all.

I also enjoyed “Venus does a home visit and is happy with what she sees with the new apartment". Jarifa, thank you! It’s so hard to tell as Venus is so emotionless so thank you for confirming what I thought I saw but wasn’t sure. As someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and whose emotional state is readily apparent to anyone who looks at me, I rather envy her calm, cool, collected manner.

It appears Alicia rushes to Alex's defense tonight. But, she really wouldn't go so far as to marry him, would she? They both deserve to be with those they love.

I love Alicia as she never gives up. She is turning mischievous, but not nasty. Anyone else would be broken and give up on any hope in regard to their career, but she keeps going.


Thank you Jarifa and there was a lot going on but you did yourself proud.

I wished Nestor would shut his big fat mouth, Magos too, nobody's business. I find TN's treatment of homosexuality silly but perhaps something good will come of it. I've watched Thai Lakorn's (southeast asia's version of a TN) for decades and a character hiding ones sexuality or gender identity or lack thereof is never a plot point because in society as a whole no one cares. Acceptance is baked in.

Venus is the best think that has happened to Roberto.

I hope this ends Alicia's foray into seduction for promotion. You don't have to join the rest of them to beat them. I hate it only helps reinforce another Alicia character assassination.

I think it is Magos slipping cash to her mother too. If she did it up front Elsa would want to know where she was getting the money and doubt would approve.


Thanks, Jarifa. I'm amazed at how you covered so much ground so smoothly. Lots of energy in your recap.

I hope Alex overheard Magos talking to Alicia well enough so he can tell that Alicia did not out him.

Augusto is a pig but at least he was straight with Alicia. Going in cahoots with him will not get her promoted. She's not in his class, she's a woman, and he could care less.

Great recap!!

Wow, i said yesterday I thought Alex might be gay but I was still surprised that he actually is. I haven't seen a gay character in a novela that wasn't an over the top stereotype, comedic relief. Great that the relationship he is mooning over is interracial, since I never see that either in TN's.

Poor Alex. It is true that Alicia is trying to get ahead and did follow Augusto's instructions, but I think she would have wanted him to become president of API anyway. I do wonder if she is really his friend or just using him. Alicia has become desperate to get ahead. I hope she doesn't lose herself in her quest.

I actually think Rob is putting money in Elsa's wallet. How I don't know but I was thinking guilt money. I can't see Magos giving away any money, especially since she hasn't gotten paid yet by the bag guy.

So Luci is Augusto's daughter. How sad for Dafne! Happy that Luci and Rob didn't sleep together. I wonder though if that fact will ever come out.

So after seeing the intros with what looks like Alex and Alicia getting married, I'm hoping that Kenny Williams, the football star, runs in with his uniform on and stops the wedding! I think that would be amazing if Alex then ran off with Kenny, saving Alicia from marrying a person she doesn't love, even if she is humiliated.

Awesome recap Jarifa thank you! (Also thanks Jane and Ezra for your recaps as well...didnt get a chance to comment on them).

Lots of revelations this episode. Alicia should know better than to listen to Chuchette but I guess if you are desperate to get ahead you will do anything. She did realize in the end that this is not like her (and I hope she remembers that).

Carvivlie: Ohh I did not think of Rob helping the family...I also assumed it was Magos but I guess that cannot be if her partner in crime is withholding money from her.

I really like Alex and Lichita's relationship. They both give each other confidence and Alex always stands up for her and call people out on their nastiness. I hope he and Alicia can actually talk out any doubts that Alex has about her.

I sooo dislike Nestor now more than ever. What does he even do besides feeding the gossip mill??


A Great job Jarifa on a fast moving episode. It was fast but fun.

Every time I see Iconika I am amazed at the color combinations in the offices and surrounding areas. I have never seen so much color in a workplace before.

Yes you guys are talking about the wedding scene in the intro. I have been wondering about that too. Is it a double wedding? The writers have great imaginations don't they?

Alicia is getting mischievous in seeking the job promotion that she wants so badly. I hope that she doesn't go to far and end up in a big heap of trouble.

Magos giving her mother money on the sly? I want to see Magos in a good light and that would really be a nice move on her part but is an act like that really Magos?
At this point, I'm not convinced.

Is it possible to have so much action in one company? Iconika is a blast.

must see tv
the gringo


Vivi, so glad we won't have to be worried about a baby with Roberto and Luciana as parents.

Diana, Roberto is coming off as so obnoxious to me: he is upset with Alicia because she won't have faith/ trust in him or in his half-baked explanations after what he did to her in the first place? He needs someone to hit him upside the head. I am happy she is moving on but please not with Alex. : (

Tofie, very interesting info about the total acceptance of sexual identity in the Asian novelas you have seen. If that were only true universally.

Niecie, I totally agree Augusto is a pig: to absolutely everyone who is not fulfilling an immediate need. I cannot wait to see his comeuppance.

Carvivlie, love your idea to stop the wedding.

CeCe, Néstor is totally disgusting at this point.


Gringo, Icónika is truly a treat for the eyes! I so agree that the writers do have good imaginations in this one. Makes it more fun.

Nester is totally disgusting at this point? I think that Nester was totally disgusting from day one. What an immature jerk.

the gringo


Agree, Nestor is deplorable, no redeeming qualities.

He and Chuchette deserve each other.

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