Friday, November 06, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #54 Fri 11/6/15 (Mex 77-78) Life Ain't So Sweet in the Dragon's Lair

Ciao, Peeps!  We pick up in the dungeon, I mean house of Dragone where Vitto scolds Fiorella for not being at his beck and call.  What need does she have to go out when he has such a beautiful garden for her to enjoy?  He motions toward the glass enclosed atrium with the nude statue.  The symbolism is too easy.  Anyway, Fiorella wants to know if he intends to imprison her.  Vitto protests that Fiorella doesn't respect him or give the least sign of appreciation for all he's done.  Fiorella shouts no, because he's buying her!  Vitto says it's because he's old and she will never feel anything for him.  Gianna comes into the living room and demands to know what's going on.  Vitto just wants an explanation.  Gianna speaks the heart of the whole Patio when she tells Vitto that Fiorella owes him nothing.  She accepted his proposal and is he forgetting that he sent a picture of himself when he was much younger?  "You lied from the start.  She gave up everything for you and you took advantage of our not having any options and my needing medical attention.  You say you're a good man, then show it!  She's doing her best and you have no right to treat her this way!  We're here now and you're responsible for us both!"  Gianna begins to feel faint.

At the end of yesterday Aitana slinked out of the darkness to join Eloisa in confronting Pedro about having been with Fiorella.  In true Petey form he hems and haws and stutters and is saved by Sergio who surges out of the bedroom freaking out about Julia.  Sergio goes into a full blown panic attack including screaming at that weird picture of the guy in a burgundy gown doing a panty hose commercial in the middle of a lake.  Gael appears and they get Sergio into his bed and calmed down.  Sergio asks Pedro to please find Julieta.  Pedro promises he will, he has already been in touch with his lawyer.  Eloisa actually congratulates Gael on his efforts with Sergio and catches Pedro as he leaves to tell him he shouldn't think this will allow him to get away with not telling her why he was with Fiorella.  She gives him the "I'm watching you" sign.

Meanwhile, at the cage, a crazed Anibal continue his ranting about Julieta's betrayal.  She tops that by recounting all the evidence of his infidelity.  She has NEVER been unfaithful:  it's HE who killed their love!  With much rage and fanfare he yells that he found letters from a Santino Orsini from Italy who was looking for her!

Pedro goes to the office and talks to the lawyer, Luciano.  With location data from Julieta's phone Pedro is able to look up the address in a list of her properties she had given Pedro and he is able to identify a warehouse.  Pedro takes off, Luciano will have the Police meet him there.

We're back with Gianna, Fiorella sits at the bedside and the dragon (Vitto) hangs around nearby.  Gianna feels better but is sad because she feels they are there in Vitto's house because of her and Fiorella is suffering.  Vitto says tomorrow they will go see the new Dr. and that will make her feel aaaaall better.  Nope, the only thing that will make her feel better is if Vitto will stop questioning Fiorella, have confidence in her and treat her better.  He must have patience and confidence!

Again, in the cage of the darkened warehouse, Julieta retorts that Santino was a love of her student days.  Anibal wants to know if it was so innocent, why was he looking for her. . .when something falls, Julieta runs one way, Anibal the other but the jig is up!  Several SWAT-garbed cops jump out from amid the boxes packing big guns and grab Anibal.  Pedro is there as well and spits out at Pedro that he will go to prison for what he did to Julieta and Sergio!  So there!

Strangely, Quina is asked to sign the discharge papers for Sonia who sits in her bed with a stormy face silently vowing vengeance on the Whole.  Angeles.  Family!

Next we see the end of Gianna's appointment with the shiny, new Dr. Izquierda.  Of course, the dragon is there.  Dr. Izquierda is changing up her entire medical treatment, new medicine and everything:  the treatment she was getting before was antiquated!  Gianna has no questions but when Fiorella asks about the wisdom of this change Vitto shuts her down and tells her to listen to, and don't question, the Expert.  Surprisingly, Fiorella zips it.

Dante meets with Irene, the former mistress of Benecio Garrido, coma guy.  They're in the middle of a plaza but Irene has nothing to hide!  She doesn't know what's in the notebook and doesn't care, it won't bring back her Benecio.  She also refuses payment:  it's enough for her to know that at last justice may be done.  She gently places her hand on Dante's chest. . .just in time for another crazed character, Freddie, to come around the corner in a cab.  She wants to cabby to drive fast toward the two and when he doesn't she grabs the wheel and stomps her foot over his on the accelerator pedal and they nearly cream Dante and Irene!  Dante pushes Irene out of the way!  They're OK, he gets the notebook and she agrees to call him if she thinks of anything else.

Brief scene of Aitana's parents congratulating her on her theft of confidential Angeles data that will help them relieve the Angeles of their entire fortune.  Aitana has found out Pedro is about to make an important stock transaction so they must have him hooked for them to reap the maximum benefit.

Well, our next scene has Pedro asking Eloisa to allow Fiorella to come back to the ranch:  he's never asked her for anything.  Won't she please do this?  Well, I think Pedro thought this would be without strings but it's not.  There is a major, hairy string:  Aitana.  He must propose to her before Fiorella can come back.  RPC on crocodile Granny tears about needing an Angeles heir more than ever since the loss of the baby.  Pedro says he'll do it!  Later we see Granny twisting his arm about going away with Aitana.  I think he agrees.

After leaving the Drs. the little girls want to linger in the park:  it's such a pretty day!  After much cajoling he relents and they skip away but they're only given a half hour!  The two run around enjoying actual fresh air and the absence of Vitto's ever-present and increasingly menacing baritone.  They talk about how they miss Italy and their Papa.  They are sure he had good intentions when he asked them to look for Vittorio but Fiorella never imagined that Vittorio would propose marriage.  Gianna never imagined Fiorella would marry anyone so old.  For the millionth time we hear Fiorella try to convince herself that she will love Vittorio with time.

Back with Pedro now who storms into his office at El Corporativo.  He calls Fiorella but the dragon answers the phone.  Pedro wants to speak to Fiorella but the dragon thinks, as The Man, he can speak for her.  Vitto thinks it's bad taste for him to be calling his fiance and Pedro thinks it's bad taste for Vitto to be answering her phone.

Sonia arrives home stony-faced and ignores the welcome of Eloisa, Sergio, Julieta, Fidel, Quina and Simoneta.  She goes off to her room.

Vitto has taken the girls to La Dolce Vita.  Diana is there with daggers in her eyes and a smile on her lips.  Diana asks loudly if Pedro found her.  Fiorella is surprised to hear this.  Vitto overhears and comes over and proclaims that neither Pedro nor anyone else has the right to come looking for HIS girl!  She wonders was it something important.  Is was important enough that Pedro called him and, as The Man, he resolved it!  Well, she's a Woman and she can resolve her own affairs!  Well, things are going to change when he marries her!  What?  Fiorella asks, like nobody can leave messages, no cell phones and no television?  Diana turns an almost mishap between Gigi and Domingo into a crack about Vitto's having to marry the whole family.  Fiorella reaches for her cell phone and Vitto makes a big deal out of grabbing it before her, giving her a glare that would look more deadly if it didn't look skeletal.

At El Rancho on the patio, Roxi teases Gael about his not being able to get in touch with Gianna.  Benito stands by and fumes.

Julieta sits with stony Sonia in the living room.  Nobody in the family is very good at consoling others.  Instead of comforting Sonia, Julia ends up crying over the loss of her child she had with a man she was in love with long ago.  They had to separate and she never saw him again.  From the flashbacks we know it's Santino Orsini, the Italian Stallion who is perpetually taking a shower.  Sonia ends up embracing a crying and grateful Julieta.  Anybody else confused?  Seems like she was crying over never seeing the man anymore:  what about the child?  Did I miss something?

Things are crazy at La Dolce Vita.  Fiorella and Fifi offer to help.  Vitto reluctantly agrees and the girls skip off once again, this time to the kitchen.

At El Corporativo, Gael goes into Pedro's office and enlists his help to find Gianna.  Off they go!  No wonder the family business is being ripped off!

Fabio goes to El Rancho to see Sonia.  It IS a pretty nervy move.  Sonia rejects his "sorry".  He's sorry for something he himself wanted to happen?  Osvaldo comes in and throws Fabio out.  I actually don't blame him. Osvaldo drags Sonia off to their bedroom and starts berating and threatening her again:  he's going to divorce her and leave her without a cent!  Oh yeah!  Just let him try it!  She whips out her phone and shows him the video of him and the so-called psychologist who missed her professional calling getting it on right in her office.  Pretty much shuts him up cause her Mom has copies and there are copies in "the cloud".  Osvaldo is pissed, of course, as he realizes she's got him by the short hairs!

Back at the restaurant, Fifi and Gigi are in aprons and flutter out to the dining room to. . .what, wait or buss tables?  Anywho, Fifi is really beautiful in her goddess braid.   Gianna is wearing Adela's unkempt "working class" braid.  Pedro grabs Fiorella and asks her if she found his note.  She did.  She won't be happy with Vitto.  She wants to be with him at the ranch.  Pedro wants to talk outside.  Gianna drops a plate which shatters all over the floor.  Vitto starts to get on her case.  Pedro comes out to defend her.  Gael joins the fray.  Pedro confronts Vitto about his taking Fiorella's cell phone and their working at the restaurant (as he thinks).  He wants the girls back at the ranch!

Gael has pulled Gianna aside but she is snotty with him.  Yes, she was spying on him and why didn't he ask her to his "exclusive event"?  Is it because she's not "special" enough?  If he thought she was such an insignificant thing, not good enough for him, why doesn't he tell her to her face!  Gael looks shocked.

Hot Prof finds Roxi in the classroom crying about her feelings of being lost and inadequate.  He essentially tells her that yes, she can seem like a flake, but he thinks she has potential to be a great Dr. if she would apply herself.  She feels so confused.  Sometimes she makes choices that bring her down.  He can tell she's very intelligent, she must think things through, she must make choices that are good for her, that benefit her.  Benni is standing in the doorway listening and seems to be taking her words personally in a negative way.  Seems a parallel scene to what we just saw between Gianna and Gael.

Dante sits down in the hallway at El Rancho and finds a handwritten note in the notebook Irene gave him.  It is written by Benecio and says that he, Benecio, is of sound mind and declares that while he was under the employment of Maximo Angeles he found out by mistake the about the swindling of Gabriel Angeles, Maximo's own brother, and now he fears for his life.  Dante wads up the paper and says, in too loud a whisper, "Federica was right."  Eloisa walks up just then and asks what was Federica right about.  Dante jumps up, startled!

Finally, in La Dolce Vita, Vitto and Pedro -- AGAIN -- argue and negotiate about where Fiorella will go, remaining in the dragon's lair or back to hell ranch, right there in front of her as if she were on an auction block.  They both shut her down when she tries to protest.  Fiorella finally has enough and tells them she won't go to either place.  She's returning to Italy!

Previous: Episode 53
Next: Episode 55


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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"Sergio goes into a full blown panic attack including screaming at that weird picture of the guy in a burgundy gown doing a panty hose commercial in the middle of a lake"

See, that right there Lila worth the price of admission. Thanks

Having a hissy fit in a packed restaurant is not fighting for love. The stomping, gesticulating and holding of breath should be reserved for grandma, Petey.

Grazie, Lila. That was a chop job on #77 & 78.

How much longer are they going to torture us with Vittorio's sick obsession with Fiorella? When the hell is his ultimate evil going to show? If I hear him call her "ragazza" one more time I will throw something breakable. She's not even a person to him.

What he wants isn't a feisty Italian woman but a Stepford Wife. She was 500% right to accuse him of buying her. He has no remorse about the deception of the outdated photo.

She would be happier to go back to Italy. That way she wouldn't have to see Pedro marry Cousin Itt. And we would see that beautiful Italian scenery.

Federica needs a padded room.

Loved how Sonia called Assvaldo out on his adultery. I have no pity for her except as regards his abuse.

And Helloisa can go pound sand. The loss of Sonia's baby was Sonia's tragedy, not hers.


Saturday morning chuckles and coffee with Lila. Nothing better!! Thanks so much.

So was anyone else waiting for one of these screw-ups in the restaurant to stop, look around and tell the patrons "Oh, new idea. Dinner theater." I mean, seriously, what were these people thinking? Oh wait, never mind, answered my own question.

Have to say, I about decided to stop watching when Vitto grabbed Fi's phone the second time and furthered his cave-man routine by shutting the phone down. She sat there and did nothing. For the love...I wanted a flipped table and a " enough." But I stuck with it and thankfully we saw some spark from her at the end. Now, we all know she won't go to Italy, but how about a nice small place of her own? I'm sure she'll cave to one of them though AGAIN.

And what is Pedro hoping to accomplish because honestly, it's rather perplexing to think he'll promise marriage to Cousin It while he wants Fifi under his radar at the ranch. WTH?? Someone have a 2x4 to smack this guy up the head? He can help them and Gia if need be and they don't have to be at the ranch, and if he is thinking he can have make Grammy happy and put Fifi in the "Quina role:GenX version"...yeah, where's the board?

Sorry, but for such a heart specialist, sorry looking office. And with one little checkup he can determine a whole new line of meds and treatment?? I would have thought maybe run a line of tests for himself maybe? Gees TN's are the worst when dealing with medical issues.

There was the perfect moment with Eloisa in that doorway where the evil of the Wicked Witch came to life. And now what does Dante do?

So pissed at the writers for turning Gia into a jealous freak. Give the guy a chance to say two words please? Hated that scene with a passion. As for Roxy...ok, here comes the redemption arc. But man, that professor is mighty fine.


One more thing: Vittorio shutting Fiorella down when she tried asking the doctor questions. She has been dealing with Gia's condition almost her whole life like a mother hen. By now she knows what questions to ask and how. If this program were meant to be taken more seriously I would wonder whether Vittorio wasn't really looking for this new doctor to off Gia by neglect to further isolate Fiorella. I didn't get that vibe from the doctor, but still the office set-up doesn't look promising.

I'm also razzing Pedro for even giving a damn about what Helloisa thinks after the humiliation she put him through in the deleted scene from the other night. He should go work for the competition and to hell with her and her controlling ways. If he marries Aitana and her parents bleed the Angeles dry it's 80% on Helloisa for pushing this.

Lila – Thank you for the snarky recap! We on the Patio of Lowered Expectations appreciate it. Moreso, I completely did not get what Gianna was saying to Vito in the opening Fi/Vi/Gi scenes and the CCs were turned off. Grazie mille!

”…that weird picture of the guy in a burgundy gown doing a panty hose commercial in the middle of a lake” LOL!!! And it almost fell on him.

Thank goodness someone (Gi) pointed out to Vi that he sent a deceitful photo of himself to Fi!

I interpreted Julieta was crying over giving up her baby, not losing the Italian Stallion.

Thank goodness for photo storage in “the cloud”!!! Nice to see modern technology actually being used in a telenovela. How long will it take Assvaldo to hack that account?

Why did these people think Gi waiting tables was a good idea for a girl who: 1) has a heart condition, 2) six months to live and is on new meds! and 3) is prone to fainting spells???

I loved Fi’s braid!!! She really looked pretty for a change. And naked without that stupid head scarf.

Two scenes with Benni eavesdropping. Is he stalking Gi? Eeew.

I have a new motion for The Patio peeps --- in addition to every time Pedro says "mistake", we also eat some chocolate every time he says "fight for our love." Because I don't know about y'all but I need chocolate when the idiot meter is off the chart.

Do we have a second to the motion?

Sneaky two shoes, thank you for the excellent recap which I just read!

Lila, you shimmered today.

There was a banquet of marvelous lines to choose from. "In true Petey form he hems and haws and stutters", "Surprisingly, Fiorella zips it" and "Well, I think Pedro thought this would be without strings but it's not. There is a major, hairy string: Aitana" were among my favorites. I smiled (while grimly agreeing with) "... giving her a glare that would look more deadly if it didn't look skeletal".

"The two run around enjoying actual fresh air and the absence of Vitto's ever-present and increasingly menacing baritone" was on target. daisy, ITA that Vitto's Neanderthal behavior is cringeworthy. Fi and Gi need to get out and get on. I don't think a home of her own is in Fi's near future but Vitto is smothering and Pedro is indecisive and not quite ready to stand up and tell Eloisa Fi is the one.

Sergio is a bit too frail and flighty. I like him but he was hyperventilating out of control about Julieta. Calm down man, get yourself together.

I still think Benito and Gi will be together in the end. I am bothered by the fact Gael wasn't upfront with Gi about the event. Benito isn't perfect but...

And the funniest moment of the night for me was the hot prof telling Roxi she could be an excellent doctor. He must be psychic as he certainly sees something I don't. Sigh.

doris, I send your motion! Chocolate it is!

Thanks again Lila!


Buongiorno e gracie, amica mia, Tofita! Girl, I've been wanting to say something about that picture but the right phrase never jumped out! Thanks to Sergio, I've gotten that off my chest!

Thou speakest Truth:

Having a hissy fit in a packed restaurant is not fighting for love. The stomping, gesticulating and holding of breath should be reserved for grandma, Petey.

Urban! Mille grazie! Urban, I've been harping about this in every recap and comment:

How much longer are they going to torture us with Vittorio's sick obsession with Fiorella?

Enough already! I feel you, Urban, and could just quote your whole comment! Who told them this was must see TV?

Federica DOES need a padded room. So, I though she was threatening suicide as a ploy and that she was worried about was him finding out something that did NOT support her theory of what happened to Daddy Dear. She really IS jealous of Dante and was going to kill him and Irene? She is a REAL NUT JOB!

Urban @ 9:37 I also hated and was surprised at Fifi's clamming up just because Vitto told her to. She IS essentially Gianna's mother and in real life that scene wouldn't have played out like that. I guess "they" don't think we understand what a tyrant Vitto is so they have to include Vitto's ignorant/macho overuling of Fiorella. I think we're all certain there will be further messing with Gigi's health as well!

Daisynjay! amica bella, mille grazie! (Uh oh, do I sound like Vitto?) Daisy, I'm all for the 2X4, on top of being a weenie, he's an idiot as well! "Quina role:GenX version" is definitely what he's going for!

Yah. They're messing up that aspect of Gigi's personality but I'm glad they left her spunk: her telling truth to power was so sweet! They kind of took the punch out of it with the fainting thing but, oh well, she said what we all have been saying!

Grazie, Doris you guys make us feel so good and we need it after watching these doo doo for brain folks!

ITA, Nice to see modern technology actually being used in a telenovela.

I would have screamed if he grabbed the phone and then Sonia went into "woe is me" mode because he had her evidence!

And what the hell IS Benni doing? He's stalking Gigi AND Roxi!

And yes, wasn't Fiorella absolutely lovely!

Hmmm. On the chocolate thing. When does this go off? I'm trying to (re)eliminate sugar from my diet. I could wait until the Muchacha sails into the sunset!

Oh yeah, Doris, I second or third your motion. Sugar elimination should wait until after the holidays anyway!

Diana! Carita mia! Mille grazie:

I don't think a home of her own is in Fi's near future but Vitto is smothering and Pedro is indecisive and not quite ready to stand up and tell Eloisa Fi is the one.

So Sergio has anxiety issues. Pobrecito! Wonder how he got those? -- NOT!

Osvaldo is abusive, has illusions of grandeur and a huge anger management problem;

Gael is nearly paralyzed with PTSD from the abuse he has suffered all his life first from his father and now from his brother and other family members; he has a drug problem as well.

Roxi is insecure and wounded from a loveless childhood and covers her insecurities with a veneer of snobbery and hostility.

Federica is outright crazy, whatever the fancy word one would use is. She's right about her Father but whacked out over Dante!

Pete is indecisive but he probably is the most mentally and emotionally healthy member of the family!

Helloisa is the Mother of The Fallen Angels! She worships at the altar of Cash Money and complicit in all of Maximo's dirty dealings and probably the hit on Gabriel and the botched hit on Benicio! What a crew!


Sonia isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but kudos to her for backing up her evidence of Assvaldo's cheating. I don't know how long they've been shackled to each other but at least she's learned something from it.

I swear we're getting mobs of abusive men lately in these stories. Between all the slime in YNCELH, Eladio, Humberto, and Erick in Poder, and some of the ones of the last year we all have no reason to trust men.

Enrique Rocha is a Basso profundo, like villains in opera. This voice type is very commonplace among Televisa actors who typically play toxic fathers.

Wow Lila: just everything you just said about this dysfunctional clan.

And doris, any excuse to keep a supply of those bite-size Kit-Kats in the house, I'm in!! I may be going through a bag a week the way that idiot thinks, but I'm still game.

I was thinking maybe we could take a swig of chianti with it every time Os does one of the deep breathe through the nose things, but we'd be drunk after every scene he's in. Need to stay lucid to figure these people out.


Yes, I agree, Sonia does get credit for exposing Assvaldo's hypocrisy. And I don't condone her abuse, either. She does need to learn to love and respect herself. She entered into the whole relationship with Assvaldo with her self-esteem on the ground and thought she could become somebody by hitching her wagon to the Angeles star.

Is Vitto bass, Urban? I'll remember that. I like to make references to his voice.

Daisy! I'm gonna be a chubby lush when this thing is over!!

When I did the weekend piece on toxic fathers I discovered that the majority of those roles were going to a short list of actors who had voices like this:

Enrique Rocha
Juan Ferarra
Cesar Evora
Eric del Castillo (bass-baritone)

Men with this kind of operatic singing voice play villains most of the time. Secondarily they also get to be kings and gods. Wonder if that goes to their heads. ;)

It probably does and maybe their larger than life stature has something to do with why they get to play next to nubile, young and beautiful actors -- thus May/December pairings like the one we're being tortured with now!

Good afternoon folks. I was reading your comments and I agree with all your opinions. I need to give Sonia a big applause for confronting Assvaldo in that wonderful way. For first time she is not lowing her head into that big hypocrite that was making Fabio a scandal for hugging his wife when he was kissing Alina in the boadroom of Acorp. (ok Univision edited this out)
But really she wants to remained married with that wolf, is her fear of poverty bigger than her dignity?

Another applause for Fiorella for shutting up in the restaurant these two jerks who treat her like an object, like somebody that can't decide by herself what is best for her life.
And I owe Gianna one for that scene in which he told Vittorio his truths on Thursday's episode but I am not liking how her relationship with Gael is being ruined. They were more sweet and they transmited more chemistry when they were friends.

And by the way that scene of Roxana with her teacher was very pretty and emotional. I feel bad for her when she cries.


Hi, Marla! Yes, I haven't been a fan of Sonia as y'all know but I agree and am glad that Sonia knocked Assvaldo off his high horse and that Gianna told Vitto the truth to his face! Fiorella did herself proud--at the end. I AM interested to see how these stories play out. I just hope Fiorella can escape the dragon's lair soon!

Lila, thank you so much for this recap! So many gems, but my favorite was definitely "Sergio goes into a full blown panic attack including screaming at that weird picture of the guy in a burgundy gown doing a panty hose commercial in the middle of a lake." I will never look at that painting the same way again.

"Fiorella finally has enough and tells them she won't go to either place. She's returning to Italy!" Good! I know they're just messing with us, but that's still a better idea than she's had in a long time. Muchacha Italiana returns to Italy Para No Casarse would be a much better story than what we're getting!

Hi Lila. I think that Sonia is a very complex character, well almost every character has a little bit of complexity and reasons to be the way they are. I feel that she has being the apple of discord between Pietro and Assvaldo but in the other hand she has been humilliated and rejected by her husband and some of his family. She made too much mistakes in her desperation of feeling desired and loved but she can save herself telling the truth and leaving Assvaldo but she surely is gonna stay with him for the inheritance money.

Ok since I see impossible that Sonia leaves Assvaldo I expect Alina to do it. In the scene that Univision cut out in which Assvaldo was kissing her she told him that she is tired of his manipulation. He invented that Gael had a crisis to make her come to the corporativo and when they were kising Pietro and Fabio came. And Assvaldo so shameless justified Alina's presence with the excuse that he needed to take therapy(oh yeah therapy of kisses with his brother's shrink) because he was devastated for losing his baby and he tried to manipulate her with the typical oh life is no longer worth to me. Oh what a monster.

And yeah also Fiorella needs to leave that controller right now. He is putting her sister's life in danger changing her doctor and medicines.

I have to give that actress playing Sonia mad props for how quickly she can go from fake-ass manipulator to truly grieving. And she never overplays it.

Lila, good saturday evening. Good funny recap.
Looks like that hairy heffa & her greedy mom
And pop are going to clean the angeles clans
Clock. Serves the ol goatetta right for being
A snob. When she finds out it might kill her.
but no, she needs to stick around so she can see how wrong she was about Fiorella and how wrong she was about that hairy heffa.
And she gives him the "I'm watching you sign".O go soak your teeth old lady!!!
So glad sonia got ass-waldo by his family jewels. I don't like her much but he was very
Abusive to her, which is partly why she make
Those bad choices. To bad his mom couldn't
Get his dad like that she might still be alive.

Hey, Diva! Mille, mille grazie, girl!

Muchacha Italiana returns to Italy Para No Casarse

Hey, I LIKE this!

How was the concert, Diva!

Marla. You mean Assvaldo used the death of his baby to justify indulging his lust for Alina? I agree, his affair with her is more about control and his sick desire to humiliate his brother than sex. Yeah, he is a monster!

Unfortunately, I do anticipate a terrible, life-threatening crisis with Gianna's health because of this radical change in her medical treatment.

Lila, it was tons of fun :D We had stormtroopers and lightsabers and Darth Vader and the kids were having a good time. The little ones and the big ones ;) And now I'm exhausted!

I don't think I trust that doctor. There's just no excuse for not explaining why his new shiny fabulous treatment is so much better than the old one, but I guess if he was going to do that, someone on the writing staff might actually have to be arsed to do some actual research.

Was that mean? Oh, well.

Hm...toss a black helmet on Vitto and he could totally pull off the Darth Vader voice. Oh, please, can we have him find a long-lost child somewhere and have to utter "I am your father"?!

Mille grazie, Nina! Can't argue with you one bit and I love this outburst:

O go soak your teeth old lady!!!

I can't remember the family name. It's something poetic that DOES NOT fit the family's characters and wicked goals, but yah, they intend to not only clean out the coffers but they want them humiliated as well!

So now they AND Sonia are after the Angeles!

Freddie is an Angeles but she's working to destroy the matriarch from within.

Assvaldo wants to kill or otherwise destroy Pedro.

If Fiorella ends up back at the Ranch and finally kicks the old goat to the curb, then Vitto may join the chase to bring down the Angeles!

Bring it on!

Oh, what FUN, Diva! Wish I coulda been there! Sounds like a blast!

All that Dr. did was just say the treatment she was on was old fashioned, out of mode or some such. I'm like, hey, this is the girl's heart and her LIFE, not her spring wardrobe! Sheesh!

Yes, dear, let's just update your pill collection for spring...last seasons capsules were so drab.

I kept waiting for him to spring it on them that the "treatment" is really surgery, or the point of all the drugs is to get her heart stronger first and THEN surgery. It all seems too good to be true.

Yeah Lila in some way Assvaldo used his babys death to make alina feel compassion for him. Well Fabio and Pietro didnt see them kissing because he locked the door but then when they knocked the door assvaldo opened it so calm. Pietro asked Alina if she came to see gael and she said that was she thought and when she begin saying that Assvaldo called her this monster told them what I wrote in the other comment. In other scene Pietro and Alina tried to convince him that it is not a good idea to be attended by the same shrink that attends his brother but this dude says but should not someone be attended by a person that gives you confidence, alina I have so much confidence on you.

And by the way there was another scene cut out in which assvaldo tries to ruin aitana and pietros relationship. Aitana was about to do a jealousy scene to pietro when ass comes and says to her that pietro is the typical psycopath, you never know what he thinks or what he feels. He says something about that apparently pietro did not tolerate sonia but then he approached the first opportunity to get involved with her or something like that. He throws very mad to pietro some folders that he asked ass to bring and pietro explodes and screams to him that it is the last time that he talks to him in that way. Then Aitana and Pietro forced Ass to leave the office but before leaving he asked her if she really is going to marry pietro. That was before his kissing with alina.

Lila and Nina the last name of Aitana and her parents is De La Riva Palma.

Thanks, Marla. I'm glad they cut those! Makes my stomach churn just thinking about it!

Thanks for Aitana's family name. I knew it was beautiful. There name should be De La Condenada Estafadora!

Thank you all the carat carat recapper so glad I found this page love all the novela but I don't speak Spanish so I watch them and then come here to read... So I know wat happening glad I can be part of this

Bienvenido, Diana!

We're a lot of fun here. We love to discuss these programs and your Spanish will pick up as you keep viewing. Of course, with this series you'll learn some Italian, too!

I think that Assvaldo's original motive for his involvement with Alina was to sabotage Gael's therapy. Gael really needed help for his drug problem and Assvaldo was trying to get Alina to breach confidentiality (as she did with Helloisa), but it turned into his own ego trip.

Buongiorno e Benvenuti al Patio (Italian); Buenos Dias y Bienvenido al Patio (Spanish) Diana Okello! Good Morning and Welcome to the Patio! Urban is so right! We welcome you and you will begin to pick up Spanish via your ear and this wonderful discussion space for Spanish language novelas! We're always so happy when people find us! We are all passionate about these stories and like most folk, we love a tale well told. Sometimes when we get invested in the characters and a certain outcome or flow of the story and it doesn't happen or the writing doesn't seem up to the character's persona or the actor's abilities, we get frustrated and do a little fussin' and cussin'. BUT, you will also find us commenting on and singing the praises of the story, the wardrobe, the music, every aspect of the novela and we have a lot of fun doing it. Ok. Getting long-winded!

Urban, that Assvaldo is such an ego-MANIAC, everything he does turns into an ego trip! His "relationship" with Alina is just another exercise in massaging that ego which is fed by humiliating and keeping his brother's ego in the basement and abusing women. Alina figured out that second part and yet fell for him. Assvaldo is sooo odious and his stalking Alina was clumsy and doofus and frankly, psychotic. I wouldn't EVER approve of their having a sexual relationship, but if he'd been more subtle and suave and maybe a little vulnerable in his approach to Alina, I would cut her some slack for falling for him but NONE of those qualities are a part of ASSvaldo! Alina needs to excuse herself from Gael's case immediately, refer Gael to a trusted, mature and professional therapist and get some therapy for herself!

Ciao, amici miei! (I'm finally trying out an Italian phrase! Thank you Lila for the motivation!)

Of late, I've had to catch up on MIVAC on the weekends and it is a trip! Twice now I've thought I'd have to give up on the show because these people just piss me off! I literally screamed "Ugh! Shut up!" out loud when Eloisa started in on her whiny, faux crying "Heirs for the family!" BS. She said that the family had suffered and the only way to bring happiness back was for Pedro to marry Aitana and I just couldn't take the level of WTF that she was on. At these levels, I can't get on board with P-diddy. He needs to tell her this is BS and he's out. Question: Pedro's already the President of the company; is his continued employment a part of the inheritance? Is that even possible? Is it really just at the whim of Eloisa that he works in that position?

The thing that keeps me from really feeling for Sonia is that she still hasn't told Pedro and Ass that she never really slept with Pedro. At this point, there's no reason not to except to guilt trip Pedro, torture Ass and punish/weaken the Angeles family in general by casing more discord.

If Gianna would more calmly approach the Gael/cocktail situation, I'd be on board. She needs to dial it down. The snooping, following and freaking out is exactly the kind of thing Vitto would do.

Vitto - enough. Not a huge fan of Enrique Rocha's delivery what with the mumbling and repetitionand what he has to deliver is already rotten, so I wish they would wrap this up.

Diana - enough. Especially when she said when you marry the girl, you marry the family. I wanted to say at least it doesn't include a nephew/son and fake almost twin sister-in-law.

I might be the only one, but the one time I didn't want to just kick Vitto in the shins was in the scene between the episodes. He's right! She doesn't love him, she probably never will and his age is a HUGE factor in this! I'm beyond tired of him, but that doesn't change facts. Fi really needs to sit down and have an honest conversation with this man and he needs to LET. HER. SPEAK. If they want to give it a go, fine. But do it completely so that you both realize you should put this whole situation to rest and work out a payment plan.

Roxi - boohoo. Yeah, we get it. Little girl lost has no one to turn to. It's because she's an acid-tongued bitch 75% of the time! I'd feel better about these redemption stories if these people ever really got what they dished out returned to them and then saw the light.


Hellashelle! Sorellina mia, buongiorno e grazie! Let it out, Hella! Girl, these people ARE a trip! Now, I think Pedro is NOT President of the company anymore. Even though this is a major anvil Granny has held over his head, she relieved him of this position and gave it to Assvaldo in a scene Uni edited!

The thing that keeps me from really feeling for Sonia is that she still hasn't told Pedro and Ass that she never really slept with Pedro.

Thank you for reminding us of that, Hella! Nobody likes Ass boy's abusing her but she is committing a terrible abuse by maintaining this lie! And she has the nerve to want to wreak havoc on the Angeles family? I despise her for this and for my general contempt for people who do dumb shit, illegal and immoral shit and when it hits the crapper and they're going down the hole the blame everybody else and become vengeful when others don't panic and bail them out. Hate that!

ITA re Gianna: she's getting hypersensitive, stupidly so and is looking like all the reasons to avoid a girl from a different socio-economic background. I think they are tweaking her and Benni for each other. That's ok. Unless she's a closet freak, the cute blond Doc will be a nice catch!

Re Vitto: He's right! She doesn't love him, she probably never will and his age is a HUGE factor in this!

This is just another wide open door for Fifi to leave this ridiculous relationship. She's had two other opportunities since being at Vitto's:

1. The truth telling dressing down that Gianna gave him after she came in late from smooching with Pedro.

2. Vitto asking her if she has EVER felt anything for him.

In both these instances she could actually have spoken and what did she do? Try to sush Gianna and in the second instance lied and said, yes, she did feel something back in Italy. She followed that up with an admission that his age was a factor and he began that stuff about being "young at heart."

ITA: Fi really needs to sit down and have an honest conversation with this man and he needs to LET. HER. SPEAK.

Hella, you're on fire, girl! I could just reprint your whole last paragraph! In fact, I think I will:

Roxi - boohoo. Yeah, we get it. Little girl lost has no one to turn to. It's because she's an acid-tongued bitch 75% of the time! I'd feel better about these redemption stories if these people ever really got what they dished out returned to them and then saw the light.

Yes. We are passionate about these stories! Mille grazie, amica mia!


Vittorio was right but was trying to guilt-trip Fiorella. He will never face the fact that she could NEVER love him the way he wants her to. He needs to take a special trip to Stepford with a briefcase full of cash and stay until the job is done.

You are dead right about Sonia. She is maintaining the lie that she boinked Pedro to stick it to him for his rejection and to Assvaldo for his abuse. Except that she didn't think about how much worse his abuse of her could get in addition to the fact that this will escalate until the entire family implodes.

Pedro should take advantage of his dismissal as company CEO to tell the whole lot of them to go to hell. He should then elope with Fiorella and the two of them go far away to establish something new. Or he should get himself a CEO position somewhere else. But since faaaaaaaaaaamily is everything in the TN Moral Universe he is sacrificing himself on that altar. How unified is a family going to be if it only has a moral code to hold it together in the absence of sincere love which cannot exist without genuine mutual respect?

WHAT?! Pedro's not the President?! Oh HELL no! Booboo needs to bounce like yesterday if he's been demoted by that Demon Witch for the likes of the human volcano that is Assvaldo!

Love your point about Gianna. At that restaurant, she was ready to jump on that classist trip immediately. I kept waiting for the bouncer dude to just repeat "No. It's because you don't have an invitation" over and over again. And her asking Gael "why didn't you invite me?" Um, because it's not his event. He doesn't have invitation privileges. He was a last minute invite himself. Yes, he could have asked Anil or Abel or whatever her name is if he could bring along his gf because it never hurts to ask at it is a charity event, but seriously this was not a two-timing move and she needs to get her facts straight before she pulls a Vitto.

I do remember that scene where Fi and Vitto almost had an honest convo. She did have feelings for him in Italy and they were building a good friendship. If he hadn't started talking over her, maybe they could've gotten to an honest discussion and plan about what their chances of what expectations they need to confront and what they're willing to do to give this a go.

To be honest, Mari on Sombra had a significant "See the Light" section and her parents were PISSED, I think her mom slapped her, if I remember correctly, and they both yelled at her. But I think that was kind of it in terms of her getting some of what she gave. Everyone else pretty much forgave her immediately and her parents forgave her very quickly after the initial blow up.

Hey maybe that's the purpose of Freddie's crazy quest for justice. Once she gets to the truth, maybe she'll kick everyone out and they'll have to begin from zero. Roxi will get horribly insulted by others for being poor, Eloisa will have to deal with scandal and loss of prestige, Aitana will be revealed as the fraud she is, Ass will...I don't know, he's horrible so I kind of don't want to see him redeemed, just gone. And if Fi is either a) revealed to be Julieta's daughter and therefore an heiress or b) rich as Vitto's wife/widow, they'll all have to kiss her glass slippers or help. Win win win...ish.

How unified is a family going to be if it only has a moral code to hold it together in the absence of sincere love which cannot exist without genuine mutual respect?

WORD, Urban!

We are righteously on fire this morning!

Yes, Urban, let Pedro scoop up Fiorella and Gianna and run away to Italy, give us a few hot love scenes and say, Fin. I'd be happy!

Gosh, Hella, you make a lot of good points, let me just address this for now:

She did have feelings for him in Italy and they were building a good friendship.

That is true but we all know that happened while she had an image of him as 34, not 74. His initial deception should have been picked up and driven home when Gianna broached it because it is MAJOR. And the two girls seem to have skated pretty lightly over their Dad's likely intentions in having Vittorio help them. They haven't questioned at all if he intended this "old friend" marry Fiorella. And how good a friend could he have been? They'd never heard of the old goat?

I wish she would go back to Italy but we know that's not going to happen!

Assvaldo will probably make another attempt on Pedro's life and perhaps Sonia's as well and thus earn an early trip to the land down under!

Ua - Lila already quoted you, so I'm just going to throw in a "here, here!" to that line about a family moral code and lack of affection.

Hey! If she does go back to Italy and Pedro leaves The Family, do we get to see any of those scenes from the opening credits? Does one of them get amnesia or something?


Ha ha! You know, those opening scenes are so cute. . .and misleading! Yah. Fiorella has noo money of her own to go to Italy, so she would have to get it from Pedro or Vitto. . .unless Diana slipped her some change from the La Dolce Vita till! Hey, that's a thought!

My apologies to my friends from Australia, commonly referred to as "the land down under." Assvaldo does not deserve to go to Australia. His early trip should be to hell!

True, Fi's still way cash strapped, especially since she's about to lose all financial support and has to make what she's got last. But Eloisa gave her a generous severance after softening, right?

Maybe Julieta will go to Italy to investigate the letters Anibal revealed and take Fi and Gi back with her. Though I figure they had Sergio overhear the whole thing so that he can be the one to reunite the mom-daughter.

Also, DaisyJ brought up something that's been bothering me too: How does Pedro think this is going to work? He's going to bring Fi back to the ranch and they'll both torture themselves because he's engaged to Aitana? I don't think Eloisa will realize she's made a mistake until she gets what she wants and Pedro becomes the new Assvaldo, so full of anger and resentment that he can't say a civil word to anyone. I kind of want to see that, just to see Eloisa realize that she can't mandate happiness.

I don't think that Mario ever intended or anticipated Vittorio's idea of marrying Fiorella. Even if she is adopted. He wasn't a young man when Fiorella was born/adopted, so why would he want her to marry someone old enough to have fathered her twice over?

BTW, did anyone mention that Santino Orsini's letters to Julieta were intercepted by Anibal and she got them back in a deleted scene? If not, I apologise. This will certainly raise the issue of Julieta's missing child.

Hellashelle, it would be hilarious if Fiorella turns out to be an heiress and the Angeles will have to kiss her glass slippers! Or she could decide to tell them all to go to Dante's Inferno and have a good life on a generous allowance from Signor Orsini.

I keep forgetting to bring this up so here is the opportunity to voice it: The opening credits show us beautiful shots of Italy and of Fiorella in what would be the perfect bridal gown for her. But none of those show her and Pedro together. Could they shock us at the end with her deciding she doesn't need to marry after all and go back to Italy to be the pampered daughter of Santino Orsini?

UA - I totally missed the Dante's inferno message! LOL! Excellent name choice on the part of the writing team (though still don't like the character portrayal).

Ha! We wish they would end with her having a personal realization that she can be fufilled without getting married. But I wouldn't put money on it. It's just to ooc for her. I could see it on Rox, Sonia, or Julieta (I think "long term partner" with Sergio would work for them), but Fi? Even if she decides to build a career, I still think she'd want the wedding.

If she gets a job, I still see her like the Giselle character from Enchanted: running a Princess shop where she sews dresses and gowns for children and ladies and sells Fairy Tale books/does readings/plays etc. Either that or a straight up bridal shop. Or some combination of the two. Anyone see something else for her because I'm having a hard time brainstorming alternatives.

UA - Sorry I forgot: Totally agree with you about Mario. He must've thought Vitto would treat Fi and Gi like the daughters he never had.

I think Fiorella wants to have children but she would never want them to not have a father. She has no male relatives that we know of to take on that role and definitely shouldn't short-change herself. If she wants to get married she should have the opportunity even if the lucky man isn't Pedro.

Pedro is probably channeling the Pedro from Como Agua Para Chocolate who married Tita's older sister to be near Tita. My problem with that is that "Pietro" is older than that and should therefore know better.

Great points, Hella @ 12:21! Julieta investigating the letters from Santino and taking Fifi and Gigi! That's great. Sergio hearing does have to be significant and, of course, he's got money, too! Gosh! That would get us away from Vittorio though I don't see him trying to follow Fifi to Italy if she goes!

ITA: Pedro wants to bring Fifi back into a different flavor of hell. As long as that hairy devil, Aitana, is around, that's exactly what it will be: hell. And now that the De La Riva Palmas feel they've got Pedro on the hook and just need to reel him in, Aitana could get more dangerous than a few bitchy comments!


Urban at 12:23, I in no way imply that Mario wanted Fifi to marry Vittorio, that's why I lament their not having thought deeply about their Dad's intentions. I feel like if they thought more deeply about it, especaially Fiorella, she would realize that was never his intention! But, alas, Mario didn't have a chance to talk to his girls about what would happen should he die. Also, when Fiorella talked about her Dad's counsel to her, it was that one's word is the most important thing in the world. I wish she could extend that to Vitto and see he is unworthy as he wasn't above deceiving her about his. . . .IDENTITY, for crying out loud!

Oh well. . catch up with y'all later!


Fiorella definitely needed to say that to Vittorio. No question. This makes me wonder how many Italian girls in her circumstances end up marrying geezers. In the 21st century. The very idea is obscene.

Fi could stand to look a little more closely at her own beliefs. No matter what her dad thought would happen, her issue is that she gave her word and one's word is one's bond. Fine. But her word and her true feelings are two different things in this case. Not that Vitto would care since he just wants her to be an obedient woman-slave. It funny, I don't think he'd be as insane if Diana were his fiancee. This whole thing with Fiorella has just become a matter of wills.

Diana is what he needs even though most of us think she is really after his dinero. She knows his business, cares about it, and although she is too young for him also it's not as egregious. Despite her hard look she is still young enough to be an ego trip for him.

"This makes me wonder how many Italian girls in her circumstances end up marrying geezers. In the 21st century."
Don't know about Italy, but it happens here in the U.S. in the FLDS and some other cultures in the world.

Thanks for the family name marla, its a lovely
Name. But she isn't. They're not nice people.

Vitto is right, he is to old for this young girl
And he knows it. And he knows she don't
Love him. Hes a pushy old man who just wants a piece of young eye candy, so he can
Say, "yeah I hit that". and she is just two nice for her own good. She needs to tell the truth before it gets really ridiculous. Before she feels the need to go to his boudoir. I wish she was more like baby sister there's a girl that tell it like it is, big sis can learn some things from her.

Hellashelle, "he must of thought Vittorio would treat fi & Gi like the daughters he never had". And then he decided to do what he want to do. Dirty ol man!!!

I like the scene where she speaks to Ben's mom, it helped to clarify her viewpoint on this. In Fi's mind, she was at her lowest: no money, no job, no family support, a sick sister, loads of debts. Their landlord came to her dad's funeral to cash in their IOUs! They apparently had no family friends, so there was no one to turn to. Not only did Vitto send money for debts, he offered them an entirely new life. A chance to start fresh in a place outside of a city. They'd never have to worry about money or health care again. She agreed to that chance.

Look at it from the outside: Now she's supposed to grow Vitto over for a younger guy, who's involved with someone else and whose family hates her? She took his money, never showed up at his place and instead went to work elsewhere. The entirety of her searching for him was calling the people with his name in a google search and asking Ben's family? It doesn't even really make sense. A Yelp search for Italian restaurants probably would've gotten her in contact with him within an hour. She bailed on him for a hottie, comes running to him when she gets kicked out, and while she's dolingout make out sessions in her underwear to Pedro, she won't even kiss Vitto with a closed mouth (unless she's imagining Pedro). She goes running off with Pedro in the middle of the night without even leaving a note as to where she is. As far as it looks, she's a gold digger.

Now, if she'd simply admit this is not what she signed up for and agree to pay him back, at least she wouldn't be seen as leading him on. If she wants to give it a go, then she needs to honestly try. Go on a real date, try to get to know Vitto, make the effort to ask about his life, his likes, the things they talking about online. Then when it's clear that friendship won't morph into a romance, at least she made an honest effort and can better put the guilt to rest.

Without that date it's already clear that they have different taste in things and he's already trying to either control her or do a Pygmalion job on her.

Not cool.

However, she is still mostly afraid to stand up to him.

UA - That's a good point. At this point, I guess even a friendship is pretty much out of the question.

Vittorio is so delusional about her that I'm not sure another man would be able to make him see the light on this. And that other man can't be Pedro. However, I somehow don't see Vittorio having a lot of friends.

Hellashelle, EXCELLENT points at 3:19! Your comment also serves as a recap of how we got to this point. We haven't really had one of those type of episodes -- and this is NO complaint -- but this comment is very helpful for folks maybe trying to catch up or who may be fuzzy on the beginning of our fractured fairy tale!

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