94: Plans of Rats and Men
pointed out to Úrsula that Danny-Boy was her only weakness. She
had no understanding of drug addiction. He had taken something that
was extremely addictive. She had to wait for him to shake off the
effect of the drugs. The doorbell rang during his lecture. As he
started another point, Isidro walked in behind Ari, who was dragging
his suitcase.
happening, family?” he said with a grin. “You're not going to
say 'Welcome?'”
stood and stared. This was both unexpected and unwelcome. Isidro
are you doing here? What do you want?”
nothing. To marry Maleny and live here as her husband.”
came down in time to hear this. She was clearly drunk and it wasn't
even lunch time.
I accept!” she said gleefully and kissed Isidro by mistake. “I
so accept!”
laid one on Ari and deliberately fell into his lap. Finally with a
little help she rolled into position next to him for him to return
the kiss. Úrsula stared, wordless for a change.
and Esperanza were leaving the Bustamante mansion. Leo followed.
I'm sorry. You came here to say that?”
that – ”
me,” she said. She ran out. He started after her, but Esperanza
stopped him gently.
“Clara is very affected by what's
happening,” she said. “We all are. Excuse us.”
let's go,” Maria Dolores said to him. They walked out.
will not permit this,” Mama Bear finally said. “You, you
worthless thing, are accepting this piece of garbage?”
will you insult me like this, Ma'am,” said Ari, getting up. “Nor
will it stop me becoming one of this clan. Because I know a lot of
things about you that you won't want me saying in public. So realize
that I've won.”
don't get to threaten the lady, imbecile,” shouted Arango.
no, no. You don't talk like that... to my fiancé,” said Maleny.
“You know perfectly well that my father was murdered. He didn't
commit suicide.”
who will believe this traitor? He can say what he wants.”
perfect,” Ari said. “I have to go. I've got things to do and
things to say to Maria Dolores about what you're up to.”
please,” said Arango. “She'll laugh in your face.”
But I have other things to say about the surprise on her wedding
began looking anxious.
don't know what you're talking about,” said Mama Bear.
please, people,” he said. “I'm talking about Hosefa. What she
knows about Claudio and Isela.”
all know the same things.”
out of here,” Arango ordered.
So I'll be the one to tell Alma that you have obligated her husband
to get Daniel and his cellmate out of jail.”
saw Leo making up the bed for her. He helped her sit down and told
her he would take care of her as she had taken care of him when he
was a child. She told him how much she loved him and that he was an
example to his father and older brother. It hurt her that she
wouldn't be alive when he came of age. She embraced him and began to
wheeled his suitcase upstairs, laughingly asking where his room was.
we only have rooms for guests,” Isidro said. His dry tone showed
his opinion on the matter.
walked down the left corridor. Ari followed him blowing a kiss to
Maleny. When they were out of earshot Úrsula shoved her into her
own room. Maleny tried sitting on the armrest of the sofa but fell
into it instead.
the hell else did you tell him about us stopping Maria Dolores'
I didn't tell him anything!”
does he know what he's talking about? I've only talked about this
with Daniel. You were the one who eavesdropped. You opened your big
mouth. But this is the last straw.” She turned away and walked
out. Maleny got up and saw that Arango was watching her.
you?” she said. “What are you going to demand now?”
She pulled up her sweater, revealing a bare midriff. “Would you
like this?” Her gesture was grotesque rather than seductive.
Maleny, please! You think it takes the least provocation for a man
to stay with you. It really takes a lot for one to stomach it.”
He walked out, shaking his head, and returned to the parlor.
when that inmate who helped Daniel is freed I'm throwing that
imbecile out like a dog.”
may not be enough, Ursula,” said Arango. “We need to do
something to teach that imbecile a lesson that he can't interfere
with us.” [escarmiento]
returned to the Morales home with Maria Dolores' family. They
started talking, then arguing. Clara was not pleased that they had
concealed knowing about Isela and Claudio. Esperanza and Maria
Dolores explained that it wasn't that simple. Alma needed to be calm
and this disclosure would hurt her too much. Max agreed, but was not
satisfied. Clara felt so dishonest in all this she felt she needed
to break up with Leo. She hated what Isela was doing to his family.
She didn't want to go on lying to him. She ran out of the room in
tears. Maria Dolores and Max exchanged looks.
had taken off his shoes and was relaxing on top of the bed when
Maleny came in.
Whoaaaaaa! What are you doing here, ey? I see you wasted no time
getting comfy,” she said. “Just what do you think you're doing?”
Just what you see here. But you know what? I'm going to marry you,
Maleny. I waited through all your attempts at marrying Max and you
know what? I'm marrying you for the sweet life I want and I'll look
for a fat chick on the side who will give me what I want otherwise.”
do things like that to bother people like us. Do you think I'm going
to marry an idiot like you now?” She grabbed at him to get him up,
but was too drunk to realize this was a big mistake. He pushed her
on her back and pinned her down.
will do it, Maleny!” He yelled in her face.
you forgotten that I don't have a cent? Neither does my family. We
are ruined.”
a pretense you can't keep up any longer, Maleny. I can't believe for
a second that a family with this level of luxury is in ruin.”
released her and got up. She recovered slowly and looked like a
light bulb had gone on.
stood on the balcony, smoking. She was in the way of Max and Maria
Dolores as they returned. This was deliberate.
you didn't invite me to your wedding, Maria Dolores?” she said.
Dolores told me that you knew about the relationship between Isela
and my father.”
No, Blondie. Yes. Under your own roof, in your mother's own bed –
Hosefa,” said Maria Dolores. “I told Max everything.”
good of you,” she replied. “But calm yourselves that now you
know what marriage is in reality. There are exceptions, though – ”
up!” said Max. “Shut up and listen well. There are charges
against you for the burglary of Orlando's repair shop.”
and Doris told my mother that you did it.” said Maria Dolores.
yeah? You're going to have fun proving that.”
carefully to what I'm going to say,” said Max. “If you open your
sewer mouth to say anything to my mother, you will regret it.”
least your father will have a mental picture of her cries when he's
in prison. And if Daniel does more, he'll be in prison or be found
dead with my Isela.”
stared for a moment. He knew he was looking into a pit of pure evil.
and Claudio knew their backstreet affair was no secret anymore. She
told him that Maria Dolores had threatened to tell Max everything if
they didn't end it. Claudio had remained silent because his
relationship with his wife had changed. Now his relationship with
his son had changed. He turned away as he thought about it. She
apologized and moved to comfort him.
what the hell are you talking about?”
you didn't tell him, Maria Dolores?” Hosefa said. “What did you
think you were doing? You're thinking of marrying him and keep all
these things this from you? Now, that can't be.”
the hell into your place, Hosefa,” Maria Dolores said. Hosefa
obeyed, but with a smirk.
that true?”
it's like I told you. When she saw Daniel threaten me she threatened
to tell you about your father helping him get out of prison. It
finally happened. After that Isela told me that what Hosefa is
saying was true.”
when were you thinking of telling me?”
couldn't until I knew if any of it was true. Besides, I couldn't
accuse your father without proof, Max.”
really had a hard time with this.
they will accuse you once he's out of the prison,” he said. He
started off. She tried stopping him.
you can't accuse your father without proof.”
he didn't have the guts to tell me I'm going to find out now.”
please,” she said, grabbing his arm. “ I'm going with you.
Think about your mother.”
will have to comply,” he said. “My mother will go in peace. But
I will be at war with my father.”
Dolores paused for a second, then followed him.
called Isela to interrogate her.
you explain how Max knew you're his father's lover? Why don't you
tell me?”
do you suppose that?” she asked. She had run into her room and
shut the door.
they just accused me of the burglary of Orlando's shop and of my
threat to tell Alma.”
admitted it to Maria Dolores, but I knew she wouldn't tell her.
Besides, why is that important? Orlando isn't here.”
then where is my revenge?”
you don't like how things are going, do you, Hosefa?” asked Isela
with a grin. “Because Max will keep quiet. We are all united in
Alma's best interests during the rest of her illness.”
really? So you're all looking to take care of the poor, dying
woman?” Hosefa couldn't have shown less feeling. “So when you
finally marry this man I'll put my sleeping mat [petate]
in and make his life a living hell. I'll make him suffer so he'll
want to be with Alma. Dead.”
came out of her apartment with the pistol wrapped in a table napkin.
Maria Dolores was standing in the courtyard and saw that she looked
anxious. She noticed the grip of the pistol.
are you doing with that pistol?”
wanted to keep it to protect me from Daniel,” she said.
that's madness!”
know. Shut up, please,” she whispered. “I don't want Fermin to
know. He'll start drinking again.”
appeared at their apartment door.
“Honoria, please help me with
Julian. I can't do it alone.”
be there in a second.”
I said I'd be right there!” she yelled back, carefully concealing
the pistol behind her back. She then pressed the wrapped pistol into
Maria Dolores' hands and ran inside. Maria Dolores looked at the
pistol for a moment.
found his father looking over some documents.
a moment I actually pitied you because I thought you were suffering
over what's happening with Mother,” he began.
why didn't you tell me the real reason you helped get Daniel out of
cowardice,” he said, looking away from him for a second.
cowardice,” Max repeated, sarcastically. “For cowardice.” He
grabbed Claudio by the lapels. “Do you think you're talking to an
idiot, Father?”
would have been stupid to confess this. Úrsula threatened to tell
about what was happening between Isela and me.”
pulled made a fist and pulled it back. He wanted to hit Claudio but
hit the wall instead.
sent Daniel after the woman I love,” he said. “The woman I'm
going to marry.”
son. I was keeping them from your mother. That was the only thing I
wanted to do. If Úrsula told what she knows... I tried to tell you
in the office but you didn't give me a chance.”
more excuses. Don't worry. Your reputation will be untouchable.
But to me the father and untouchable judge I knew since childhood is
done.” He started to leave, but stopped himself. “And you can
be sure I will do whatever it takes to put Daniel back in prison so
he pays for what he's done. You had better not get in my way when I
do that. I will sweep you and whoever else I have to out of my way.
Because that wretch will pay for what he's done to Maria Dolores.”
walked out. Claudio looked as pathetic as he should have felt.
Dolores looked out the window of her apartment, then tried to put the
gun under the sofa cushion. Esperanza came into the room before she
could and asked what she was doing.
answered the knock on her door. Max looked angry and she backed
away, afraid. He charged in and closed the door.
did you do this, Isela? Why did you betray my mother's affection and
didn't want to hurt her, Max.”
can you say that? What the hell was your purpose?” [proposito]
Why, why, why?”
can't tell you.”
have every right to know this.” He had grabbed her and was in her
face. “And you know why? So you can't deceive my mother anymore.
To get over my father's betrayal and so I can get married and be
happy. Now talk!”
no, Max. Forgive me! I have to talk about this with your father.
Him and me.” He released her but was not satisfied. “If you
want to be sure this will be over I have to talk to him. I can't
deceive him any longer. Let me talk to him. For now let's say that
I seduced him. I provoked him and he fell into my trap. I did it
because of something in the past that involved him.”
are you talking about?”
can't tell you anymore. But I am sure that your father isn't guilty
of all of it and if he made a mistake it was falling in love with
Dolores explained to Esperanza about Honoria trying to get rid of the
pistol. Esperanza didn't want it in the house. Esperanza wanted to
throw it away, but Maria Dolores thought that too dangerous. Instead
she put it in a drawer. She intended to return it to Honoria in the
arrived in the courtyard and Hosefa viciously swept leaves and
whatever else into her face. She then tried to insult her by
accusing her of taking her daughter's leavings. That while her
daughter was a beauty Doris was nothing. Doris had dealt with worse
pain from others. She told Hosefa off, saying that Isela had no
recognition of value. She had walked away from what was truly
valuable and Doris had claimed the prize. Hosefa never gave up in
such situations. She just said “You'll stumble too high and you'll
fall, too” before she went back to sweeping. She laughed again,
calling Doris an old crock. [carcacha]
dragged Maleny off the couch. Maleny stumbled toward the bed and
flopped on it.
up. You're going to take a bath and fix this stupid thing you've
done. You will show respect and dine with this family or I will
finally throw you out of the house.”
mean us, don't you? The alcohol – ”
Alcohol is making you worse. There is no solution for that. This
garbage has hijacked this house. If you want to repent this you will
do what you have to do and help.” She pulled her up by the arm,
dragged her toward the bathroom, and shoved her toward it. “Now
knew that Hosefa had been spitting venom again. She knew Doris well
enough andn got her to talk. Maria Dolores reminded Doris never to
swallow what Hosefa tried to force down her throat. Hosefa herself
had never had many boyfriends. They reminded her that she was not
usually so insecure. Doris agreed, but said she wasn't blind either.
She knew that most men preferred thin women to plump ones.
Esperanza then remembered that she never saw Orlando with any other
woman. Isela had been his only girlfriend before Doris. This was
not a good light bulb moment.
called Alma to ask how her meeting with the bridal gown designer
went. Alma told her it had gone well and apologized for not calling
her back. She had been very busy with the wedding planning. All the
while she was clutching her side as she sat on the bed, not talking
about her pain. She said the ceremony will be small and private,
within the next few days. Ivana then said she wouldn't take any more
of her time and ended the call as Gerry entered her office.
didn't say when, but I know they're getting married very soon,
What are you thinking about doing?”
don't know, but I'm uneasy.”
least there is that. I'm not feeling so good either, but that's
another thing. I've just had a blood test. It came out positive.”
Danny-Boy's shark, paid Maria Dolores a visit. It was to tell her
that his client was filing defamation charges against her. Not only
that but blackmail and extortion. He brought up the compromising
photos she allegedly had sent him from her cell phone. Just then Max
arrived and grabbed him by the lapels. He told him “Tell your
client to enjoy his freedom while he has it because he hasn't got
much time. Now get out of here!”
client has gone to the tribunals so the judge can prevent you
changing his child's name.”
will I allow my child to have the name of that family of beasts,”
Maria Dolores said back.
is the father and he will use everything available to exercise his
rights. We have everything to gain and you know that!” He pointed
at Max. Max grabbed him again. “Don't you dare threaten me!”
out, get out!” Max shoved him out the door and closed it. He then
embraced Maria Dolores.
is another test that can confirm it.”
you told me you were well, Gerry,” Ivana said. She looked very
I took care of myself. But one never knows. I won't just take this
test. I'll do everything possible so we can have our child, Ivana.”
She had begun crying.
right,” he said. He pulled away. “Now we know you will never
have my child.”
there is you, Gerry. Now the most important thing is that you are
well.” She hugged him as she would a brother.
told Isela at the office he had just spoken with Úrsula about the
freedom for Daniel's cellmate. They had to take care of things right
you can't do this. Max will never forgive you.”
not important. I will fulfill my promise to Ursula. If I can't
recover my relationship with my son at least Alma will have peace and
tranquility in her last days of life.”
have to take care of some things,” Isela began. Her cell rang and
she checked it. “Excuse me, please,” she said. She left his
office and closed the door behind her to talk to Adrian.
have to talk,” he said. “I have news about the articles.”
you get any information about the handwriting on the letter?”
but I'm almost sure it wasn't written by your sister. Besides, the
expert seems to think that Max's father has everything to do with
ended the call and returned to Claudio's office. Before she could
say anything he told her “It's done. That criminal is almost out.”
waited in the country club's office for the manager. In the meantime
she updated Arango on the phone, also telling him that they were to
pay this criminal something for his help for her precious Danny-Boy.
He was to give Victor instructions and let her know when the killer
was released. She ended the call just as the manager came in.
a pleasure to see you.”
sorry I can't say the same because I'm here to discuss something very
disagreeable,” she said to him. “Right?” She turned to
Maleny, who merely shrugged.
sat with Maria Dolores, Esperanza, and Doris in the kitchen.
he came here to intimidate us.”
did you father do to get Daniel released?” Esperanza asked.
there was a procedural error in the arrest.”
your father couldn't help?”
Doris. It's a failure of the justice system.”
please, what I don't want is for my baby anywhere near Daniel.
Please help me.”
can't happen, Maria Dolores,” said her mother. “When you and Max
get married and the judge knows what a hellish influence he would be
he won't allow it.”
have to prove that.”
why not get married right now?” said Doris. “Yes, yes, yes. If
you get married now the baby will have your name and it will be
that can't be until after the baby is born,” said Esperanza.
that will take a couple of months,” Max said. “My love, Doris is
right. Why don't we get married now? You'll live with me and it
will take away the invitation for Daniel to hurt you.”
complained about the breakfast offerings at the Santibañez table.
Isidro swallowed the insult and ignored his request. He simply
removed the plate as Danny-Boy entered. Danny-Boy told him to check
on whether the cars had been washed. He agreed and left the dining
are you doing here, imbecile?” he asked.
nothing. I'm going to marry your skinny sister and be a member of
the family.” Danny-Boy laughed.
going to marry Maleny? Really? You? Do you think I'll permit
fight didn't have a chance to really get started. Mama Bear and
Maleny arrived.
morning, Mother-in-Law,” Ari said. “I was just explaining to
him. Now I'm going to the club to resign. I don't need to teach
tennis classes anymore. I'll be back in a little while.”
a pity,” Mama Bear said with a grin. “Because they're not going
to let you back in. We've just come back from there where we told
them that you entered this house without authorization to seduce
touch me,” Maleny said, shoving Ari away from her.
the tortilla's been flipped,” Danny-Boy gloated at him.
isn't over,” Ari said.
course it isn't,” said Ursula. “Because your life will never be
the same after you have enjoyed for the first and only time the
privileges you came here for.” She cut off his next sentence. “You
will leave here immediately or be dragged out by your heels.”
going to pay. You're going to be sorry.”
laughed at him, throwing torn pieces of toast his way as he left.
so what's your plan now?” Maleny asked her mother. “This guy Ari
could explode everything to Claudio and Max and it's your fault.”
not important because Daniel is here,” said Mama Bear.
course,” Danny-Boy said. He peeled a banana and took a bite. He
was sitting on the chair as though he were a chimpanzee in a tree.
“But don't forget that my cellmate has to get out of prison.”
cellmate is getting out now.”
isn't over, Mother.”
Claudio had to help you. Even if his wife and sons aren't to know
what he did nothing will stop the scandal that will happen to the
Bustamante family.”
her cubs looked at Mama Bear as though they had no idea what she was
talking about.
showed her wedding photo to Max and Maria Dolores. They had asked
for proof that she and Fermin had been married in the church. It was
a strange request. They explained that they wanted them to be their
padrinos de boda. They were surprised because their marriage
had not been a good example. Max told them that it was their present
state of marriage that mattered. They were solving their problems.
The wedding would be the next day.
returned to Hosefa's apartment. She took a photo out of the box that
Hosefa kept on top of the armoire. She had hidden it under her
blouse just as Hosefa arrived. She told her she was looking for the
keys to Orlando's shop and the money. Hosefa claimed not to have
the keys and said she wasn't returning any of the money. Isela also
hadn't fooled her. She snatched back the photo.
and Clara argued about the truths and lies. Esperanza made it clear
she was tired of this and tired of Clara's disrespect.
told her maid she was expecting Esperanza and Clara to discuss the
plans for the small party.
and Maria Dolores told Honoria and Fermin that they were about to
have the pre-marital talk with the priest. They accepted the offer
to be the padrinos and called an end to misunderstandings.
and Clara arrived at the Bustamantes' home, but Ari barged into the
gate as it was opened by the maid. The maid asked if he was with
them, they said not, and Clara chased him up the stairs to the main
house. He waved her off and got to the door to pound on it. Both
mother and daughter told him to leave. He was going down the stairs
when Alma came out.
do you want?” she asked. “Why are you here in my house?”
Señora Alma, how lovely. Well, nothing. I'm here to do you a favor
and get Isela out of this house.”
up, Ari!” said Esperanza.
is your husband's lover.”
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