Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #85 Lunes 11/9/15

Chapter 85: Confession

Ivana read the note in Gerry's gift. “You want to have a baby with me? But you know I can't get pregnant.” She was in mild shock for a second.
“But I can donate sperm and we can find a surrogate.”
“But is that possible here?”
“Yes, of course it is. If you'd rather we could go to the United States or some other country. But you can do this.” She laughed.
“How foolish this is, Gerry! I can't believe this. I don't deserve a friend like you. My aunt said that you distanced yourself from me because you can't help me in the way I want. And look,” she smiled. “She was so mistaken.”
“I wouldn't do this just for you.”
“I can't let you, Gerry. It's unfair, especially for you.”
“I want to be a father... with you.”

Claudio and Alma prepared to receive the Morales family. He draped a long cloak over her to protect her from the cold.

Isela stood on the balcony and stared out over the courtyard.

Ari slept alone. That may well be his final fate.

The Morales women went to the Bustamantes' for Christmas day. They gave Alma a new rosary blessed by their priest and a statue of the Virgen de Guadalupe. Alma said she would pray before this statue every day.

Adrian was at the Cabrera household. He presented a gift to Jenny in appreciation for her help in setting up their office. Fermin came in with grocery bags. He had never done this before. Julian and Honoria moved over to help him.

“Gerry, you never told me you wanted to be a father.”
“Not all men know they want this the way women do. He said he hoped she would change her mind that some men have the same urge to be fathers as women do to be mothers. But there are some of us that it's in our blood to be fathers, as you want to be a mother.”
She poured more champagne for him. “You said you wanted to have a baby with me.”
“It's true. Despite that you have changed after everything Daniel has done to you, there's nobody I'd rather choose to be the mother of my child.”
“I would have chosen you, too.”
“Oh, no. I couldn't know you'd know this now.”
“It's that you know that I've still been hoping for Maria Dolores' baby.”
“Maria Dolores' baby?” He was floored. “Leave her alone. Forget about that baby; that's in the past.”
“No, no; that's not true. It's more important now than ever. It looks like Daniel will stay in prison.”
“And that's where he has to be.”
She seemed to protest, so he asked why.
“Is it so difficult to understand?”
“What? Do you specifically want Maria Dolores' baby? Yes?”

Fermin, Jenny, and the others went out to give Christmas meals to some homeless people. He urged them to go to AA for help as he had. Jenny told him she was proud of him.

The Morales women said their farewells and left the Bustamante mansion. Alma suggested to Claudio that they watch a favorite movie, as they started doing every Christmas night since their sons were born. Because who knew what would be next year? She hoped for their grandchild.

“It's not just that I want to be a mother, Gerry. It's that I have a special need for Maria Dolores' baby.”
“Most people would say that because it wouldn't have my blood. But it would have Daniel's. If my baby lived Maria Dolores' baby would be its half-sibling,” Ivana said.
“I'm sorry. I should have thought about the death of your baby.”
“No mother ever gets over the death of her baby, Gerry.”
“I'm sorry; you're right” he said. “But you are expecting my help for something that looks terrible to me. How do you expect to get her baby?”
“Ursula will figure out a way to take the baby away from Maria Dolores. It's Daniel's baby.” [rebatar]
“Yes, but Daniel is in prison!”
“But he has parental rights.”
“That doesn't matter. He's in prison. And the last time I looked you were doing everything possible to get him out of prison. You know perfectly well that he's in there serving his rightful time.”
“I'm not involved. My lawyers resigned the case.”
“Thank God!”
“Ursula is his mother and she will do anything to get her son freed. You don't know what she's capable of.”
“Oh, yes. I know what she's capable of. And more.”
“Imagine that baby in Ursula's hands. You know what she will do. She ruined her children's lives. She's a harpy! I won't let this happen. I will protect that baby.”
Gerry looked at her askance, then he looked thoughtful.

Morning came and Isela left the house with her suitcase. Orlando saw her and accused her of going back to the Bustamantes'. She said she was getting out of town forever. He said she couldn't have enough money. He asked whether she had spoken to Hosefa or to Mara Dolores. She said she hadn't. He asked her to stay but she said she couldn't because Hosefa would make her go back to the Bustamantes' and to Claudio.
Then Ari showed up. At the worst possible time.
“I can't believe this, I can't believe this. Hey, are you two finally eloping? Is that so?” He grinned. It was not with any good intent.
Orlando looked at him as though he were insane.

Esperanza and Maria Dolores were at the church. They told the sacristan they were there to talk about wedding plans. He told them that Padre Juan was hearing confessions but would be available later. They decided to wait.

“Ari, what we're talking about is none of your business,” he said.
“Oh, I understand perfectly, but I know two people who would be very interested,” he said. “One is Doris,” he said to Orlando, “and the other is your mother, Hosefa,” he said to Isela. “Why don't we start with her?”
“Shut your mouth or I will bust it for you again,” Orlando said. “Just watch out.”
Isela bolted but tripped and fell on the sidewalk a few feet away. Orlando helped her up. Ari kept walking taking one backward glance as he turned the corner.
“Orlando, please help me.”
“Should we go to your house?”
“No, not my house. I need to get away from her. Let's go, please.”
Poor Orlando fell for it. He dragged her suitcase and held her hand on the way.

Hosefa entered the confessional booth. It must have been a day for miracles because the world didn't come to an end. Padre Juan didn't have a heart attack, either.
“Padre, my name is Hosefa. I'm here to confess,” she said.
“Very good, Hosefa. Ave Maria Purissima – ”
“Before you start with all that I have a question. About the secret of the confessional. It's completely on the level?”
“Hosefa, the secret of the confessional is sacred.”
“Ah, that's good because what I'm going to tell you nobody else must know, Father.”
“Daughter, the most important thing is that you repent of your sins. I am listening.”
“I'm going to start by saying I don't regret a thing. I'm going to confess that I curse God and I will curse God all the days of m life because He took my daughter Marta. He took my daughter and left my husband's lover's daughter alive. For that I made her life difficult, poor little thing. Because she is just as responsible for the death of my daughter as Claudio is.”
“Bustamante? Hosefa --”
“The two of them.”
Padre Juan had to take a deep breath.

Claudio and Alma came own their stairs to go out. He told her he was taking her to their favorite restaurant. She told the maid that Max had doctor's orders to rest.

“I want to leave them with nothing. Him, no prestige, no family. Her? Take away the love of her life. That's what they will pay. Before the whole world they will lose it all. I will bring them down.”
“And you, Hosefa?” Padre Juan asked. “How do you expect to end up?”
“What difference does that make? What does that matter to you? The gossips will say whatever they want no matter what happens. But you said that the secret is sacred.”
“Daughter, there is still time to repent. If you think your plan is the Master Plan of God, you are mistaken.”
“You don't say. What does 'God's Master Plan' matter to me? God's plan means nothing to me. And because of that the secret of the confessional is between you and me. One more thing. You leave me to mess up other people's lives. Amen.” She left. The Padre knew that Hell had probably frozen over.

Maleny sat on the floor of the Santibañez study. She was already drunk as she asked Isidro about Mama Bear. He said she had gone out earlier without having breakfast.

Maria Dolores told Clara on the hone not to worry. As she ended the call she saw Hosefa leaving the church.
“You look like you just saw the devil,” Hosefa said. “I don't have the right to enter a church?”
Padre Juan approached them as Hosefa walked away. Maria Dolores excused herself for a moment to make a call. Esperanza went inside with the padre. Maria Dolores tried to call Isela.

Ari called Hosefa. He told her that Isela had escaped a little while ago.

Maleny scolded Mama Bear for spoiling their Christmas. “And you have the nerve to stand there looking all fresh and happy,” she finished.
“It's that Claudio promised me that we'd get Daniel out of prison and his delinquent friend with him and pronto.”

Maria Dolores went back into the church. Isela had not answered her call.
“Padre, it happens that Isela is not Hosefa's daughter. We don't know what to do. Should we tell her the truth or not? We don't know.”
“In these times is this the right thing? Do we wait?”
“Isela wants to leave and we think it's important for her to know before she goes.”
“Look, I'd love to talk with this girl,” said the priest.
“Padre, Hosefa never let her come to church on her own,” said Esperanza.
“Then you will have to help her because I can't reveal what I've heard in confession.” Sorry, Padre, but you just did.
“Hosefa confessed?” Esperanza couldn't believe it.
“Not properly. It seemed as though she wanted to torment me with things she's done to other people. But the secret still stands. I can't tell you what she said. But she plans to do worse to this girl than she already has.”
The wedding plans had to wait.

Doris and Chelito talked about food when Ari called.
“I have a Christmas present for you.”
“Hey, lose my number already and forget about me,” Doris replied. “Or I'll get Caller ID and never answer.”
“Hey, you should be the first to hear this juicy tidbit. Orlando just eloped with Isela.”

“I couldn't go back. My mother would force me to go through with the revenge.”
“She's not putting a pistol to your head.”
“No, but she can make threats. She'll tell Alma and she's sick.”
“Hosefa is capable of this anyway.”
“I don't think so. She hasn't done enough damage to Claudio yet.”
“You're in love with him, aren't you?”
“You know I've made a lot of mistakes. Especially with you. Was it wrong for me to try to do right by my sister? Claudio is mostly guilty but Alma tried to be the mother I never had. She doesn't deserve to suffer for it.”
“I'll be getting tickets for Doris' nana. I can take care of yours at the same time. Let's go.” They continued on.

Fermin set the table while Honoria prepared their meal. There was a knock. When Julian opened the door Hosefa charged in.
“Why did you tell? Why?”
“I don't know who told her,” Honoria said. “But you failed to, Hosefa.”
“It was you. It was you!”
Hosefa charged at Fermin. Honoria stepped into her path. Julian told her off. Fermin backed Hosefa up to the open door.
“If you want to know who told her, ask her,” he said.
Hosefa started losing it. She became incomprehensible, then left. Julian and his parents were relieved at her departure. They knew that this was far from over.

Chelito was trying to tell Doris she needed to trust Orlando. Doris tried to say that she was very jealous. Chelito said she was failing to trust an honest man. They talked about Orlando, Ari, and their fights. “Men don't understand how to settle differences except with their fists. And that ends up making everything worse.” She went on about Ari and his simian attitude.

Maria Dolores called Julian. They were late coming back from church and wedding plan discussion. Julian warned her that Hosefa had barged in thinking that they had ratted her out to Isela. Maria Dolores was on the brink of that title and was looking for her. Julian suggested that she call Orlando.

Hosefa tried Isela's cell for the nth time and got her voice mail. “Answer me!” she screamed into her phone. “Answer me you ingrate or I'll tell Alma everything.”

Alma and Claudio dined in their favorite restaurant. He remembered being there once with Isela. She had been like a little girl in an expensive restaurant for the first time. The waiter brought Alma's next glass of red and Claudio excused himself to go to the restroom. He left his cell phone on the table.

Hosefa tried calling Claudio but got his voicemail. She left the message that his main squeeze was running off with Orlando. She cursed both men as she ended the call. She was losing her meal ticket.

Claudio looked at himself in the restroom mirror as though he didn't recognize himself.

Leo had noticed things weren't right. He told Max their father was behaving strangely and that their mother was also different. He had never seen them dance together before. The phone rang before Max could answer.

Claudio had left his cell on the restaurant table. Alma hadn't answered it. He recognized Hosefa's number but told Alma it was a colleague looking for him to sign a document. He said he would call later.

Maria Dolores and Esperanza talked to Honoria. They could not believe that Isela would run to Orlando. Julian didn't quite believe it either. Orlando was, after all, happy with Doris. Maria Dolores revealed that Isela had told her she was in love with Claudio. Fermin didn't buy that. He wasn't willing to believe anything Isela was saying lately. In vino veritas.

Doris tried to get Chelito to stop doing household stuff since she was a guest. A knock on the door and there were Isela and Orlando. Before Orlando could explain his phone rang. Maria Dolores told him that Hosefa had confronted Honoria. He said that Isela was there with him at Doris' place. He asked her to come because someone had to tell Isela the truth before she left town. He would do it if she couldn't but MORE.
Doris didn't like this situation. Maria Dolores said she would be right there.
He ended the call and Doris asked what was up. She made a sarcastic comment.

Maria Dolores said Isela was with Orlando and Doris. She was going there. Honoria was relieved that this secret would finally be dragged into the light. Julian hoped Isela wouldn't take it the wrong way. He had been able to handle his own revelation about Fermin.

Orlando tried explaining to Doris that he was helping Isela escape Hosefa. She asked what she was supposed to think when Ari called her to tell her what he saw. He wanted Isela to get away because who knew what kind of crap would hit the fan? And how could he let Claudio get re-involved in this? Isela would only suffer more.

Clara was worried about Leo. Esperanza filled her in on what Maria Dolores was doing.

Jenny arrived at Honoria's. Julian said they were three vs one and were not going to allow Hosefa to ruin their Christmas.

Gerry served Ivana dessert pancakes in bed. In the afternoon.

A good meal was enjoyed by Julian and his family.

Dead silence at Doris' place and Maria Dolores finally arrived. She suggested to Isela that they go out but Chelito suggested that she, Doris, and Orlando leave to give them room to talk privately.
Maria Dolores told Isela she could not leave.
“But she'll make me – “
“She can't force you to do anything. She can't hurt you again. Hosefa is not your mother.”

Isela stared as this echoed in her mind.


Sorry, guys; I was so tired last night I didn't set the timer correctly and this would have ended up posting tomorrow morning. I should have checked it before turning in to get a few zzz's.

If all Ivana wants to do is protect MD's baby from Ursula she can easily accomplish that by having a serious conversation with Max so they can come up with a plan.

More later.

Great recap UA. Especially your recounting of the confessional. Thank you

"The wedding plans had to wait"

Why is is MD's responsibility to speak to Isela (before she leaves, I thought leaving was the intended outcome), Orlando could have done it or anyone could have. Two people she was most close, continually lied to, are the ones trying the hardest to give the girl a pass and they seem unconcerned it will hurt their partners. Orlando is a fool for Isela and now big drama over MD telling Isela your mama ain't your mama. Is it worse Josefa beat a child under everyone's nose that is not her's biologically? What does that change? Isela is still in love with Claudio, Claudio still wants Isela, Alma may die quickly and Max still believes Isela a sweet caring friend to his mother.


Orlando might be too vulnerable to Isela to be the right one to deliver this news. He's been trying to get her to run for ages and this could translate as a mixed signal. She still thinks she can get him back, but I'm not sure who else knows that.

I'm not sure whom Isela is more likely to believe, but this news might induce more guilt coming from MD who is also Isela's victim. This is in its way a larger betrayal than the one she pulled on Orlando because MD was her friend since childhood. However, it may not make much difference when we consider the likely outcome: She goes back to Hosefa's and forces a very nasty confrontation. Hosefa deserves all the vitriol likely to come from her for this but she hits back in spades. One of them could end up killing the other.

Of course Isela could get Orlando back and I'm with Doris, why should he care what she does? Isela went for it and it's hit a bump because Alma is sick and Claudio wants to maintain a farce of loving husband.

So Ivana has convinced herself she is the do-gooder here since her lawyers are no longer trying to spring Daniel but will not lift a finger to help MD, banking on Usurla gaining custody, and Gerry bought it. Made me dizzy.

Wonder when the fool Max will learn that his priorities and not in sync with MD's and when she doesn't answer the phone, STOP CALLING, he's being a pest.

Thanks, Urban!

Ivana is trying to convince Gerry and herself that her reasons for wanting MD's baby are noble. Since he wasn't buying the crazy explanation that the baby belongs to her simply because it's the half sibling of her dead baby. Now, it's all of a sudden about protecting the baby from Ursula. There are many more options before that, starting with aligning herself with MD and Max and helping them fight Ursual and Dan legally. She has enough dirt on them that even if somehow Dan got parental rights, and Ursula managed to take MD out (imprisoned, kidnapped, killed), Ivana could sure as hell make sure that baby stayed with Esperanza. No, this is all still about Ivana's selfish desire to have/take what MD has, and she knows it. Don't fall for it, Gerry!

The person who should be having this talk with Isela is Honoria, since she was the one who always knew and kept quiet about Isela's origins. But she refused, so the two people who care about Isela the most, MD (who does not know how Isela has betrayed her) and Orlando, have taken it upon themselves to tell her. I don't think this is about making Isela stay for MD and Orlando. It's about freeing Isela emotionally from Josefa. She is shackled emotionally to Isela, and that will follow her wherever she runs to. Both MD and Orly know that.

Typo: She is shackled emotionally to Josefa, and that will follow her wherever she runs to.

Ivana has the choice between raising a baby with her best friend's DNA, WITH her best friend, or stealing and raising the baby who is the product of rape by her slimy ex husband and his ex. The fact that she still sees the second choice as the best one, shows how crazy she is.

One cute scene I didn't see in the recap was Fermin teasing Jenny about Adrian having a crush on her. She and, by his surprised expression, Julian, didn't seem to realize before that Adrian has a thing for Jenny. I was wondering why he was even spending Christmas with them (we know he has parents who are friends with the Bustamantes), and I'm guessing it's because he knew Jenny would be there.

As uncomfortable as it made everyone, it was the best choice for Orlando to bring Isela to Doris' apartment so that she could see with her own eyes what was or wasn't happening between them.

Agree about Adrian and if Julian snoozes he should lose and looked like it was the first time that crossed his mind.

I think the best choice for Orlando was to leave her laying on the sidewalk. She's lied, accused him of rape and had him jailed.

Right, MD doesn't know the extend of Isela's work but she knows she's lied to her, especially drawing some equivalence between Iseals's non rape to MD's actual one. Pretty scummy for a pal to do.

Honoria would still be stuck in this neighborhood near Hosefa, who would continue to cause her trouble if she said anything. Orlando can take care of himself and when MD marries Max she's out of there.

This revelation is long overdue but I doubt it will accomplish much. Isela might always wonder whether Hosefa would have done the same if she were her own child. She is the counterpart of Maleny, although she has managed not to lose her grip on most reality. The difference is that Isela had a few good friends before this started while Maleny's are significantly more superficial. Note that we don't even meet them.

Loved the confessional scene. Does Hosefa's version qualify as blasphemy? I need to do more homework on that one.

UA, thanks for the Josefa-Priest and Gerry-Ivana dialogue. Fine recap.

Don't know if having the truth about her mother will change Isela, but she has a right to know. At the same time, I hate Isela whimpering and clinging to folks she has betrayed (Orlando and MD).

Ivana is whacked. Even if MD were the worst skank in the world that wouldn't justify stealing her baby.

I agree with Vivi - they want to tell Isela so that she's not haunted by guilt over leaving Josefa or sucked back into her horror story. I don't quite worry about Josefa hurting Isela, nit tonight anyway. I think she'll deny and play the "I could've abandoned you!" drum and I think she'll leap over Isela to go for MD's throat.

Those asking why Orlando and MD care? They loved her for a long time and been powerless to stop Josefa from hurting her. Now is their chance. And even if they don't love her or trust her the same way anymore, I think they still want justice for her and not constant punishment.

I'm really starting to wonder now if Alma really will die and Claudio and Isela will...not ride off into the sunset...slink off into the darkness? together. I would find that very unfair.

Ivana was hopeless last night. She's got an obsession and she can't let it go.

I love these storylines, but I do miss MD and Max. I kind of wish they'd gone back to his place and had a private Christmas moment. I thought Gerry and Ivana in bed with not pancakes was adorable. I loved Doris and Orlando's hissed fight because it was totally realistic and Doris demonstrated that she's true to her word -- she's a jealous person, but not unreasonably so. She said she'd work on it and she did an awesome job of that last night.

Sorry, UA, I didn't thank your for your awesome recap! Gracias, amiga! I don't know how you manage to get the play-by-lay dialogue, but it's super impressive.

That may well be his final fate. I almost laughed when we went from Isela's pensive staring at the courtyard and then the sky, then what looked like pensive Ari, only to discover his looked that focused because he was tracking a fly to clap to death.

Ari was hot-looking until he got that stupid haircut, which I remember on a colleague from 20 years ago.

There is no happily ever after for Claudio & Isela, whether Alma lives or not.

If Alma lives & learns the truth, Claudio will drop Isela like a hot potato AND blame Isela.

If Alma dies, Claudio will feel too guilt ridden to be with Isela. His erectile dysfunction might come true.

Either way, once the affair is either revealed to Alma or over because Alma is dead & Claudio is free...once the affair is over Claudio will not want Isela because he's attracted to her for the thrill.

The only way they will survive as a couple after Alma's death is if Claudio develops deeper feelings for Isela and decides he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it. But caring what others thinks of him is very important to Claudio.

Anon, that sums it up perfectly.

Unless Alma gave them her blessing. I don't know what twisted world we'd be in, but it's the only way I'd see it working. I wouldn't put anything past this show though. Last night I wondered what would happen if Josefa - or Isela! - died/committed suicide and her organs were given to Alma.

I'd say he has protective, but possessive feels for Isela as well, like an ego-prize. But that does go a little beyond lust. He cares what other people think when it comes to his integrity. He might not have a problem with dating Isela except he's married and a judge. The young enough to be his daughter part pales in comparison. If Alma dies though, that would pop to the forefront.

I think the really big deterrent, outside of Alma, would be Max and Leo. Even if Alma gave them her blessing and died peacefully, there's no way they'd be down with their father dating someone that soon after their mom died, and absolutely not someone young enough to be their sister.

Yeah, that scene was cute. I think Julian felt the first twinge of jealousy over Jenny last night. Finally! That's a happy ending that would make everyone involved happy (ok, except Adrian).

Seems like the Isela-Claudio thing goes beyond the usual lust. The only reason Claudio (and Isela) might not continue it after Alma dies is guilt over how he treated his wife. Staying together would be a constant reminder of their betrayal over someone they both care deeply about. Unless, as Hellashelle says, Alma giver her blessing and frees them of the guilt.

So did the Padre break confession? Or did the little info he gave just squeak by the confessional rules? Way to find a loophole, Padre.


Isela would never fit in Claudio's social circles. Not after Alma, who must have been more than an example for young women in that realm. While Isela could do a Pygmalion job on herself, shaking Hosefa off won't be easy unless she ends up dead.

The guilt would be an even bigger barrier.

Yeah, Hellashelle it is what Max and Leo would think when/if Alma passes and dad moves Isela in the house and bed. Bet those boys would have a few questions and wonder if MD would continue to keep what she knows from Max.

I also keep wondering why not at least a little petting between MD and Max. There's nothing but some affectionate kisses in public but that's it. She somehow resist any alone time with the guy and had the most honest conversation, post Max's hospital stay, with Claudio.

Really, all Padre said was they should help Isela (that's not breaking any confessional seal) and that Josefa plans to do even worse to Isela than she has already (iffy). But he did not reveal Josefa's revenge plans for Claudio, nor that Josefa includes Isela in her plans for revenge because she feels like Isela, not her daughter, should have died. She wants to destroy BOTH Claudio and Isela. I wish he HAD broken the seal to reveal this, because Isela should know that Josefa always knew/intended that pushing Isela into seducing Claudio, becoming his mistress, and separating her from the man she loves (Orly) and her friends, would destroy Isela, while she worked on destroying Claudio.

Claudio doesn't give a rats ass about what Max & Leo think if it's going to interfere with his reputation. I don't think Claudio would move Isela openly into the home/bed after Alma dies. The thrill will be gone.

If Claudio survives after being unmasked, he will not remake his life with Isela unless they leave town together, never to return. He will remarry somebody who is more "appropriate".

If Alma dies, that family could be tied up in a neat little bow if somehow Claudio and Esperanza got together (I know, LONG shot). One Bustamante man for every Morales woman.

Somebody's seen a few too many telenovelas! ^^^^^^

(Haha. Kidding. There's no such thing as too many telenovelas, Vivi).


No way would Esperanza end up with Claudio. We've seen too many versions of the story of the Reyes brothers to come to a conclusion like that.

LOL, Kelly!

Anyway, I don't think Espy would touch Claudio with a ten foot pole, after knowing he's been Isela's lover.

Thank you UA.
The only real reason that MD had to be the one to tell Isela about her mother is so that it will give Josefa a reason to go after our main character. All to keep the story interesting that way. Maybe Josefa will cause MD to lose her baby. Who knows.

I don't see why josefa, once confronted with the fact by Isela with the fact that she's not her daughter, can't just say she kept it secret to protect her from he knowledge of what her father did, and that she always felt like Isela was her flesh and blood, so she wanted her to grow up thinking she was. That will make Isela get over it real fast.

I'm still not convinced that Orlando is over Isela, and I also think they will be the end game, unfortunately. The huge red flag for me continues to be that Orlando has never declared his 'amar' for Doris, while she always does.

I too think that Claudio can't possibly end up with Isela after Alma dies. She's much too young, he will be the laughing stock of the lawfirm if she's more than just a temporary mistress.


Hmm, that is a good point. While Claudio's always seemed to me to be a man that puts his own opinions ahead of others, he's also always prided himself on being "right". The May-December thing with his secretary, especially if his wife just died would stink all around. Though I imagine he wouldn't be the first judge to have a "trophy wife," and even if it is his law firm, he's always been so moral and serious that it would just be too far of a stretch.

I refuse to believe Orlando and Isela end up together. I think his declaration of amor is one of our end-of-TN prizes, like in the last couple of weeks or something. I'll let Gerry and Ivana go as a couple and just settle for them being twin souls or something, but I'm holding onto Orlando and Doris.

I agree. He would be a prize fool to end up with Isela after what she's done to him.

I'm with you, hellashelle. I think Orly and Doris are end game too. Each episode we have seen them growing closer and working through any bumps in the road constructively.

I hope you guys are right about Orlando and Doris, but I gotta bad feeling.

Cathy, are you afraid that Orlando will be a sacrificial lamb?

No UA. I think that he will be sucked back in to Isela because when she learns about Josefa and what she's done to her all her life, that Josefa's plan all along was to hurt and manipulate Isela as much as Claudio and have Isela lose everything that she had, (Orlando mainly), she will be able to convince Orlando that what she had been doing was not her fault at all. Orlando would agree that she was brainwashed and she will do it so convincingly, that we all (us viewers) will feel real sorry for her, and Orlando will be back in.

Thank you UA, You did good for a tired recaper.
Ivanna sounds like a crazy person. Does she
Honestly think that maria delores will just
Hand her Baby over to them. She wants the
Baby cause he or she will have dannys blood. Really? Is she in love with that loser? Why?
And is gerry giving this serious thought. Are these people crazy? I think Maria Dolores need to explain some things to this woman she is marrying Max and they're going to raise this child together. She needs to go ahead and have a baby with gerry. Hosefa is
certifiable. this show is about to get really really messy. What else is new?
I hope orlando isn't crazy enough to fall back
In with isela. Isela is damaged and she needs help that orly can't give her. wouldn't it be a humdinger is Alma was her mother or aunt.
Yeeeeeah that's a stretch.

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