Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #103 Tuesday 12/8/15: Let’s Make a Deal III

  • Claudio tells his judge buddy to make sure Maria Dolores’s trial is pushed off into the far distant future—as long as legally possible. (Viewerville can only assume he’s still being manipulated by Grrrsula to protect his professional and social reputation. Clod really needs to just hang it up, just stop digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole.)
  • We learn from the Young Prisoner #3 that woman wait up to years before getting their day in court.
  • Maria Dolores gets out of the infirmary and tells her friends that La Abuela tried giving her medicine but she didn’t take it. She learns that La Abuela is in jail for cutting off the nose of her grandson. Yeppers. She’s BSC. MD beware!
  • MD tells her story to Corina and the other young woman. She promises Max will get them both out.
  • Orlando accompanies Isela to look for an apartment. He warns her to beware of Josefa still, especially now that she claims she’s actually her abuela and not her mother or some foster-mother. Meanwhile, Espy tells Doris that she’s demanding Ise pay her way and get a job. She knows how to sew and will help them in the business. Doris is skeptical. Ain’t no money to pay her with, Espy. Ise’s got to get an outside job that pays real cash money. (I think?) 
  • Clara blabs all that she knows about Isela and Clod to Leo. (She has yet to learn from the wise old saw that discretion is indeed the better part of valor.) He goes bonkers and breaks off his relationship with her. He then races off to Esperanza’s place and starts to beat up on Ise til Max arrives and pulls him off her, explaining that Ise is preggers. Leo has another bout of bonkers but is held off. Oh, and yes, Mama dearest does know.
  • As for Mama, she tells Clod that she’s opting for a divorce. Clod is no longer the upright father figure she wanted for her sons. He must have been in cahoots to cover up Daniel’s crime. No, he admits, he only went with what seemed to be the way things were adding up. (He fell for the cover up, woman!)
  • Ivana and Susana read about Maleny’s funeral service in the papers. They and the Bustamontes are there giving their fake sympathies-which she spits at. She tries foisting the blame on all of them rather than assuming it herself. Nobody is buying it, though, and Max tells her as much. As Ursula lies about Mal’s death being an accident, to the few who actually do show up, guilt-ridden Daniel shows up and accuses her of killing Mal. Urrrsula might as well have pressed the trigger herself for not admitting in time that it was actually himself that shot his father in the head that day long ago. “—Why couldn’t you have told her, Mama?” 
  • Ivana then goes off on DannyBoy for not telling Mal himself. Everyone is disgusted with all this family’s twisted angst and revelations. Alma and Max leave in disgust. Clod trails behind. 
  • Ari, who’s been listening to all this from around the corner, is just as drop-jaw impactado. H waits till the others have gone to leave his single rose of respect, if not respectability. “--Well, Mal, you were right on target: it was old DannyBoy who offed your dad and never you at all!”
  • Fermin realizes that there’s hope for Jenny and for Honoria. Julian actually became a sperm donor. Now Jenny can give Honoria a grandchild and all three of them can live happily ever after. That’s worth sobering up for, agrees Jenny!
  • Hosey, looking for another angle to get some quick cash and get even with Maria Delores, shows up at Urrrsula’s front doorstep with another plan to keep MarDi in jail for the rest of her life and for Urrrsula to end up with custody of her kid. Urrrsula is definitely down with that!! (One big bear hug for Hosey coming up!)


Gracias, Jardinera.

I love how the truth came out in the columbarium. This could not stay buried much longer. Claudio needs to do something fast about this although I think it's too late to rescue his relationship with his sons.

This new unholy alliance between Ursula and Hosefa will lead to more strife for poor MD, whom I hope is rewarded in the end with the baby being Max's.

Thank you Jardinera

"Urrrsula is definitely down with that!!"

I don't like seeing any man put his hands on a woman and Leo gets no pass from me but guess everyone missed our sweet innocent Isela spitting back at Leo she wished Josefa had killed him.

The look on Max's face when he realized again Claudio has a double standard and choose not to look at the facts that pointed to Dan but cleaned up a mess of Ursula's making anyway.

Thank you Ivana.

If MD doesn't want her fiancee to know Dan visited her in the prison and she got beat down by a guard she should at least tell her attorney.

Hmmm, MD admitted to Corina and Nayeli she felt sorry for Dan and why she didn't protect herself earlier in their relationship (guess pre rape). Is this true or was it what she told Max one time that she wanted to believe Dan's lies?


There was a time when she wanted to believe Danny-Boy's lies and that was before the rape.

Max is her attorney as well as her fiance.

Thanks so much, Jardinera.

Yes, the truth coming out during the interment of Maleny's ashes was very well done. No, Claudio actually had no idea Dan was the shooter, but the fact that he already covered up so much for Ursula makes him look guilty. These are the consequences of laying down with bitches/dogs. Those fleas are ALL over him now.

I don't excuse Leo going after Isela physically either--and he didn't hit her, but tried to yank her hair out, and punched Max. But I understood his emotions. He was reacting to the betrayal and disrespect of his mother, in her own house (!), the way we would have not been surprised Alma would have reacted, if she were healthy and could expend the emotional and physical energy. In many ways, he was channeling Alma in his reaction.

This isn't shocking because Leo and Alma are so connected, and they react to the world in the same way, for good or bad-- they react from the heart/emotion/their gut. This led Alma to make some poor decisions when she thought the Morales girls were causing harm to her son, and it leads Leo to react so harshly when he learns stuff like this. Clod is all cerebral. When Alma reacts/acts from the heart, he does so from the head. Max is a mix of his two parents. He is better able to blend his reactions from both the head and the heart.

Not saying Isela didn't deserve Leo's anger and frustration (just the physical part makes me uneasy) because he was right about her (along with Clara and Doris) all along as everyone else believed (still believes) her lies and covered for her. He began by recounting how Isela allowed him to apologize to her while hiding behind Alma's illness. Espy went so far as saying Isela listened to them all berating her for the affair and ended it when that is not the truth. Espy discounts Alma having any self respect and forbidding the girl sleeping with her husband to stay under her roof.

I hope Alma divorces Claudio the scumbag.

Just a word of praise about the choreography of that scene with Leo raging through the hood-- it was so well done! It didn't feel staged at all, but so much like a free for all, that I worried about the real safety of Fabiola (Isela) during that scene. All of the fights in the tn have had a very real, down and dirty, non-choreographed feel about them.

Thank you Jardinera.

I took Leo's going crazy as all his hurt and anger was finally boiling out of him when he was raging. He hadn't been able to really let it out when he found out about his mother's impending death, and this was his release.

Now Dan has admitted to killing his father, luckily in front of everyone, but I thought he had that realization when he was laying on the lawn and had a flashback as to what happened that night.

I don't like the idea of alcoholic Jenny getting pregnant by a dead man who is a carrier of a genetic disease. If she wants to honor Honoria and Fermin, get sober, marry Adrian and get pregnant with him. Then make Honoria and Fermin surrogate grandparents.

What did MD say at the end when she was at the fence talking to the girls, and said she was going to talk to abuela about it. What was it?


Cathyx- Yes, Dan had remembered killing his father finally. But he was not yet willing/able to say it out loud. That's what Ivana forced him to do in front of all those people.

This is the deal. MD gave Corina and Nayeli some of her money from Max to negotiate around the prison and help her buy all the things she needs-- bedding, soap, calling cards, etc. They reported back that no one wants to accept MD's money and sell her anything. The word in the prison is that La Abuela is the one who ordered this. That's why MD got ticked off and rushed off to speak to La Abuela. Yeah, this won't end well.

Remember, the warder told Abuela to leave MD alone because of her Bustamante connection, and Abuela didn't look like she was on board with that. Now it seems she's going out of her way to make things hard for MD.

Warden, not warder.

Thanks Vivi. This is where we're going to find out more about Marta and what went down that day she died.

Ursula is losing her grip on Dan. I think he's a wild card on how and what he will do from now on.

While this observation can be criticized and counter examples can be provided, it seems to me as this TN wraps up the women are the decision makers (good or bad) while the men to a large extent are clueless and reactive to what the women protagonists (and antagonists) decide to do. Max seems to be the moral center (with Espy running a distracted second). Soto's best role so far.
Most hysterical: Maleny, Daniel, Maria Delores, and now poor Leo.
Less than 20 episodes to go!

I don't understand the prison at all. Some people have nothing--not even food? Others have studio apartments. One crazy old lady runs the place and even regulates commerce? I understand that money talks, but the disparity is ridiculous. I wonder if it reflects reality. Also, Dan is either going to self-destruct or have a redemption arc. Either way, it will be interesting.

Leo's pain and rage were understandable. His thinking that he's allowed to put his hands on Isela was not. Kid bears watching.

Claudio should just go away and quit ruining absolutely everything.

Floodgate- Interesting theory. I see the men and women in this being both equally flawed/good/bad. But I think you are on to something about the strong female characters. Ursula is certainly the alpha bitch among the villains (Dan, Arango, Maleny, Jacinto), and the pseudo villains who wander into her orbit (Ivana, Clod). She’s a woman to be reckoned with. She doesn’t back down, flinch, or withdraw from the fight.

When this started, Clod was the great and powerful one in his household. Alma seemed like a submissive wife (and was)! But she gave her complete trust over to him because, despite his dour, bossy attitude, she trusted his judgment. She thought he was a morally upright person. Now she knows that isn’t true and has lost her respect and trust in him. Therefore, SHE has decided to take the reins of her family, and she expects Clod to follow whatever lead she sets. This is a complete role reversal than from when we first met this couple. Of course for Leo, Alma was always the head of his family, as far as he was concerned.

We never got to know Rodolfo, since he was killed the first episode. But from all we’ve heard, he was a good husband, father, and provider, and he and Espy seemed to work as a team. She was thrust into the sole head of family role, not of her choosing.

Josefa and Honoria were also thrust into the role of single parent/head of household for reasons not of their choosing. Hon filled Julian with all her hopes and dreams. Jo filled Isela with all her hate and loathing. Both women have very strong personalities.

Fermin started out weak, but is finishing strong, taking over the lead from Honoria with their family, trying to be a good partner.

Both Doris and Orlando are orphans, on their own, paying for their own homes, running their own businesses honestly. They are very alike, except where Orlando is shy/demure, Doris is loud/bold. But both are strong, resilient, reliable people.

Ivana was thrust into the role of head of Vera Duval, but as a businesswoman seems strong and respected (supported by Gerry). But in her personal life, which we mainly see, she’s a weak, insecure mess (belittled by Susana). The two Ivana’s are always at war. Good Ivana vs Bad Ivana. Strong Ivana vs Weak Ivana. It’s hard to know where she’ll eventually land.

Clara and Leo seem to have equally strong personalities and their relationship seems to be one of equals. The argument they had last night showed that, when they both gave as good as they got, with neither backing down. Not sure how the fact that they both have such similar (and mercurial) temperaments would play out in a marriage further down the road. They both still have a lot of growing up to do.


Terri- Here is a blog post, with pics, about Mexican prison conditions:

Vivi--This is a magnificent recapitulation of the character development in YoNo. You are so perceptive.

I agree with Floodgate that this is Soto's best role, followed closely by Un Refugio, although there he was a bit of a weakling when it came to Gala and Roselena, although I liked his character as Alejandro's sidekick in Sortilegio.

Jar--Excuse me, please, for not acknowledging and thanking you for this recap. I had a 4-hour break while a technician was here to set up my new computer. I guess it was PyP that took my attention before he came.


Thanks, Jardinera. Terrific recap. Loved this line: He [Ari] waits till the others have gone to leave his single rose of respect, if not respectability.

I cheered Leo grabbing Isela by the hair. Nobody screws over his mother. But even if Max hadn’t stopped him, I don’t believe Leo would’ve given Isela a beatdown -- Leo isn’t made like that. Hated Isela acting all helpless. Bitch.

I want to see Claudio wind up in jail.

Cathyx, I agree with you about Jenny getting pregnant.

Seems like they were right to keep things from Leo. Be as angry as you want, but he doesn't get to take it out violently on Isela, harpy that she is. And it's really not his place to determine how Alma handles the situation. He can hate on his father all he wants (and he should), but the marriage is Alma's to take care of. He gets no say. And his attitude and unwillingness to listen even a little bit to Clara says he's clearly not ready for a relationship. I hope Alma backs off on wanting to get those two kids together. They need to grow up first.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one disturbed by Jenny wanting to get pregnant with Julian's child. A alcoholic who just fell off the wagon is maybe not the best mother just yet. She needs to care of herself and Fermin needs to back off and not try to get her knocked up (via Julian).

Gabriel Soto is getting better with each show. Or maybe he has a really picky agent. Either way, good on him.


I don't see how anyone, outside of Fermin and Hon, would think Jenny getting pregnant with Julian's sperm is good emotionally for Jenny, Hon or Fermin. The child would certainly be loved, but maybe TOO much so by those three.

Jarfinera654, good to the point recap. That
Was the sadest funeral I've seen in a while.
All the fake tears from moma bear. No matter
What this cold blooded witch is constantly workin an angle.
Alma dropped those flowers exactly the way
I felt after watching this disgaceful scene of
A poor excuse of a mother's fake morning a
Child that was only good enough to use to cover up a murder that her much beloved brother gladly committed for his twisted ma.
And even more sickening is the so called up
Standing judge. I don't blame alma I'd divorce his ass too. She'll die a free woman.
Leo, I understand your rage. All the lies is so
Much worse than pullin the trigger.
Woe hosefa. Your days are numbered.

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