Monday, December 07, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #102 Lunes 12/7/15

Chapter 102: Crocodile Tears

Maleny sat in the chair at the desk. She did not look at her mother, her brother, or the two accomplices in the room.
I don't blame you. Now I take in my own hands the only thing I'm grateful you gave me. My life.”
She then raised the pistol to her temple and fired. She fell to the floor, overturning the chair.
Úrsula's jaw dropped and she cried out. Danny-Boy began to cry. Jacinto froze. His eyes bugged out. Arango closed his eyes in pain.
You didn't do this. It was Daniel!” Úrsula cried. “It was Daniel.”
Daniel ran out. Isidro entered the room and stopped dead.

Danny-Boy ran outside onto the lawn. He looked ready to vomit. He then thought back to the night in question. Úrsula and Hector were arguing. She was trying to get him to commit suicide so she could collect his life insurance.
Úrsula, the children!”
You're worth more to them dead than alive. Do it!” She placed the pistol on the desk. “Do it!” She turned her back on him and walked a few steps away. He raised the pistol. Maleny, who was probably eight years old, entered.
No!” she said. Úrsula looked up. “No!”
Hector paused and looked at his beloved child.
Do it!” Úrsula's voice echoed in Danny-Boy's mind.
Hector had gotten up and run over to Maleny. “Nothing's happened, everything's alright.” He hugged her back as she embraced him. Úrsula stepped in to interfere.
Maleny, go up to your room,” she said.
I love you, Daddy!” said Maleny.
Don't worry, my little princess,” Hector said. “Go up to your room and wait for me. I'll be up soon to tell you a story.”
Any one I want?”
Whatever you want,” he said, gently pinching her cheek.
Get out of here!” Úrsula ordered. She pulled Maleny away from Hector and pushed her out of the study, closing the door behind her. Daniel, who was ten or eleven, was just outside the room.
They're fighting,” she told him.
Because Dad is worthless,” Danny-Boy said, without emotion.
That's not true.”
Get lost,” he said. “Get out. If you don't you'll make Mother mad.”
Maleny ran upstairs to her room as Danny-Boy went to the study. The memory sickened the adult man. He had not thought of this for over twenty years.
This is desperate! Do it, do it!” Úrsula yelled. She was holding onto the mantlepiece and facing away from Hector. He was seated at the desk as Daniel entered. He was shaking as she continued to yell “Do it! Do it”
Daniel picked up the pistol in his left hand. The hand was barely large enough to get a good grip.
Shoot! Do it!”
Hector shook as he stared down at the desk. He began to cry. He raised his head and stared straight in front of him. He may not have known that his son was about to kill him.
Danny-Boy hesitated only for one second as his mother's demand echoed in his head. He fired three bullets.
Hector fell to the left of the chair, exactly as Maleny had. At the gunshot sound Úrsula turned and saw what had happened. She cried out, embraced her precious son, and covered his eyes. Arango entered the room and she pushed Danny-Boy toward him.
You didn't do anything,” she said, holding his head between her hands. She moved in close enough so that he could see only her face. “You didn't do anything. Do you understand? You didn't do anything!”
The adult Danny-Boy collapsed on the lawn. He cried as he remembered Maleny holding him at gunpoint only a few minutes before. Úrsula had said to her “Maleny, daughter, you killed your father.” Then he saw her shoot herself again. She had fallen exactly in the same spot. He curled up on the lawn and cried harder. Úrsula came out of the house, lurching toward him. She collapsed behind him and embraced him, trying hard to catch her breath.
Isidro came out of the house and paused on the steps. Jacinto stood in the parlor, too stunned to react. Arango remained on the study floor, bleeding from the gunshot wounds. He was unable to get up and about to pass out from blood loss. Maleny's lifeless body remained just behind the desk.

Max Bustamante is the son of Claudio,” the prison warden said.
And besides that he is Maria Dolores' lawyer and fiancé,” said the abusive guard. “Most probably he is the father of her baby. Thought so until I heard she was raped. The Granny is interested in her.”
No!” said the warden, getting up. “I'm not going to let that old woman cause me any more problems like she did before, With Claudio Bustamante years ago when she killed Marta Ramos.”
At the same time The Granny entered the infirmary. Maria Dolores was lying on the gurney. It was probably the only clean place in the whole building.
They told me what happened when that creep manhandled you. Tell me what they did.”
It was apparently just one blow.”
And they gave you nothing for the pain?”
No, nothing.”
It figures. No matter what happens, no matter what we need they do nothing. They don't care whether we live or die. Because of that, I have to obtain medicines.” She looked through the open door before reaching into her sweater. She pulled out a tissue. She unwrapped a capsule. “Take it. It will help you.”
Maria Dolores looked her in the eye, then looked at the capsule.
Take it before the nurse comes back.”
Maria Dolores remembered Nayeli's warning when she was taken out of the punishment cell. “Maria Dolores, listen! Don't take anything Granny gives you!”
No, I'm not going to take it. I won't take anything that I don't know what it is.”
What do you think, I'm going to poison you?”
No. It's just that I'm pregnant and I need a prescription, nothing else.”
Oh, then you can't take anything until you get out,” Granny said. “Then who knows what can happen to your baby.” She handed the pill to Maria Dolores. “Tell you what. You keep this. It might be a while before I get more.”
The nurse and the guard walked in.
What are you doing here?” the nurse demanded.
I just came to visit her, nothing more,” Granny said.
Not quite what we imagined. Now come on. The warden wants to see you.”
Ah, huh.” She turned to Maria Dolores. “Get well soon, honey,” she said as she left with the guard. The nurse closed the door behind them.

Max sat at his mother's bedside. They had been talking about Claudio.
No, Mother. Now least of all will I ask anything of Father.”
Alma nodded and handed him a folded sheet of paper, saying that the maid had found it. It was a speech for the wedding ceremony. Alma remembered her own wedding day. Claudio had been a nervous groom who had stumbled over his words, afraid of saying the wrong things. He had loved her then. She said she hoped that Max and Maria Dolores would always be in love. That had not happened for her and Claudio. She had known that since before Isela came into their lives. She cried.
There had been problems before that. She didn't want to talk about this. She was concerned about maintaining her dignity and protecting Leo. That was all she wanted until she died.

Clara was angry about having to keep the secret from Leo. This had cost their relationship. Isela came in to tell everyone that Claudio had not yet told Leo anything. Clara was particularly angry that Isela was staying with them when she was the scarlet woman in Claudio's life. Clara didn't see any reason to help her. Esperanza wanted Isela to stay until another place could be found for her. Orlando knocked before coming in. He explained he had come for Julian's wheelchair to bring it to the church so it could be given to someone who needed it. He would be able to sell Julian's specialized car. Esperanza told Clara Isela was pregnant so she wouldn't be putting her out on the street. Clara left the room rather than say more.

I haven't done anything to Maria Dolores. Yet,” Granny said to the warden.
Don't mess with her. Leave her alone,” said the warden.
And why are you protecting her?”
Because it appears that she is in a relationship with the son of Judge Bustamante. Seems he's also a lawyer. You remember this name or do I have to remind you of it?”
You don't say. Now I see.”
I'm serious. Be careful. If you harm even one hair, I won't protect you this time.”
You don't have to protect her from me. She'll get out of here. She'll be free. Just take your perverted appetites elsewhere. Because if anything happens to her I'll still be in prison. You, too. But not where you are now.” She walked out past the guard.
Damned old hag. Who the hell told you? Now I'm in a position I can't lose because of anything you do.”

At the Santibañez home, a maid came toward the parlor with a large glass of milk.
What is this? You won't put that garbage near my daughter. Go.”
The maid turned away. Úrsula went back up the steps to the study.
Madame, Jacinto took Arango to the hospital,” Isidro said. “What are we going to do? We have to call the authorities.”
Úrsula closed the double doors to the study. She moved like she was in a trance. She did not answer her butler. He watched her sit on the top step in front of the study doors. Like a Roman matron after the suicide of a family member. He walked away and left her to stare into space.

Claudio entered his wife's bedroom. Max was still there.
Isela is pregnant. She doesn't want my help.”
You're responsible, aren't you?” Max asked. “You're going to have to --”
Wait, Max,” Alma said, putting her hand on his shoulder. She looked at Claudio. “I agree that you must exercise your responsibilities. The baby did no wrong, but the two of you will be responsible for it from now on. What I was just telling Max is that Leo is to know nothing because that would just cause more problems we don't want.” Claudio's cell rang.
It will be as you say, but sooner or later someone will tell him.”
So it will be up to you to guard this secret until I'm no longer here.”
Claudio's cell rang again and he answered.
Claudio, it's necessary for you to come to my house immediately,” Úrsula said. Her tone was very subdued. “Maleny committed suicide.”
He ended the call without a word and turned around. He was two shades paler than usual.
What happened?” Alma asked.
Maleny committed suicide,” he said.
How?” Alma was upset.
I don't know. Úrsula told me –“
Ultimately I have many things to settle with Úrsula,” he said.
I won't keep my distance from her,” Alma said. “Independent of what Daniel has done I was always close to them. Max once was engaged to Maleny. We all have to go.”
She threatened me when she heard about Isela. Because of that I did things that helped Daniel to get out of prison.”
I don't know you, Claudio,” Alma said. “And now Maleny is dead. We all need to go.” She tried to get out of bed, but faltered. Max put his arm around her.
“It will only make you feel worse, Mother. Let me and Dad handle this. When the services have been arranged, we'll go. Let's go, Dad.”
He kissed Alma, then left with Claudio. Alma sat in bed and began to cry.

Isela needed a co-signer to get her own apartment.  Doris gave Orlando permission to do this.  Isela didn't want to be a bother to the Moraleses. Esperanza said that nothing worse could happen than having a daughter in prison. Isela told her the rest of her own story.
It wasn't enough to find out that Hosefa wasn't my mother. Marta was.”
Her stepfather, Hosefa's husband, raped her.”
Therefore, this man didn't have a lover as we all thought?”
Do you think this is true?”
Ay, knowing Hosefa as I do? Disgracefully, yes. Therefore, she is your grandmother. But you have to accept that. I know it will be very difficult, very hard for you but you have to leave the past behind you, Isela. Think of the present, and in the present is your baby.”
Yes, Esperanza. I know it didn't happen under the best of circumstances but I will have it.”
God does things for a reason. God demands that you make the family you always wanted.”
It's strange because I don't feel that yet. But I know that once I got here I knew I wouldn't be alone anymore.”
Neither of them knew at that moment how naïve they were.

Max and Claudio stood in the Santibañez study. They looked at the body in silence. Finally they left it in place and closed the door behind them. Claudio looked at Úrsula.
What happened?”
In the end she was obsessed with her father's death,” Úrsula said. “She never accepted that Hector didn't commit suicide, that she had killed him. She met with Medina --”
I told him to talk to her.”
I know. She wouldn't talk about anything else. And since the day you left --”
Úrsula, don't be mistaken," said Max. You are responsible for this. If I'm here it's because of Maria Dolores, Maleny, and my mother. Her death won't be good but will be easier. Maleny was very important to me at one point in my life. It truly hurts that she made this decision.”
What I want to say is that since the day you left her her father was the only person who ever loved her. The only man who ever loved her, but I never thought she would do this. Today she had a nervous breakdown. She threatened all of us with a pistol. She pointed it at my head and Daniel's, she wounded Arango and afterward... she shot herself.”
Where are the others?”
I don't know. Daniel? I don't know where he is. Arango is in the hospital. But nothing's been touched. Nobody touched or moved anything.”
How long ago did this happen? Why haven't the police been here?”
Because, because I need to ask you a favor. I need it to look like it was a terrible accident. I don't want people to know that my daughter was so unstable.”
“As I told Max, we're also here for other reasons that you will never understand. That after everything you've made me do you think you make me fake something and break the law? Which I won't ever do. It was bad enough about Hector. I had a lot of doubts about that. If I couldn't come to the determination you want, I won't lie about what happened with your daughter.” He and Max started out.
Claudio,” she said, trying to call him back.
Úrsula, if you're looking to threaten me, forget it. Alma knows everything. Max, too.” They started down the outside stairs.
And did you tell Max you freed the man who tried to kill him?”
Is that true, Father?”
I had to prevent anyone from trying to hurt your mother.”
And what else? The only person who didn't get hurt was you.”
This isn't nothing, Max. If your father doesn't help me, people will easily forget Maleny's suicide. But I will raise such a scandal that Claudio Bustamante isn't the right and honorable judge everyone thinks he is.”

Honoria was lying in the dark on Julian's bed. She was unable to sleep. Fermin knocked twice before entering.
Have you been drinking again, Fermin?”
No. On the contrary, I went to an AA meeting. It's Jenny who's been drinking.” He entered the room, kissed Honoria briefly, and left.

Claudio got home and entered Alma's room.
Max told me that Úrsula asked for your help.”
This matter will be handled as she asked. Maleny committed suicide. I will call some friends to help handle this discreetly.”
It's incredible that Úrsula could matter right now.”
Úrsula will have to pay for this. She's going to pay in the most hurtful way possible.”
Don't talk like that, Claudio. It would be better if you helped Max with Maria Dolores.”
Max has her case. I don't think he will ask for my help.”
I know. But I'm asking you. If you are capable of helping someone like Úrsula, I am asking you to help your son's future wife. I'm not saying you should interfere with the process because I know Maria Dolores is innocent. But you need to do this quickly because I want to see her free and married to Max before I die. Promise me that.”
I give you my word.”

The next morning Úrsula lay on Maleny's bed. She was clutching clothes Maleny had worn the day of her death. She cried. She didn't notice the sunlight was hitting her. That she didn't burst into flames was a miracle. Must have meant she was waiting for an even greater hell. Isidro entered her room.
Arango is still in the hospital. He'll be there a bit longer so he can't be present for the services, but he will make the arrangements.”
And Daniel?”
He's not in his room. It looks like he didn't come home to sleep.”
He left her alone with her tears.

Maria Dolores entered the exercise yard and saw Nayeli at a table.
They let you out of the punishment cell.”
I've been out here alone all day.”
They kept me in the infirmary all day. I don't know anything that happened.”
They let us out early, but tell me. Did anything happen with Granny?”
Maria Dolores nodded and took out the pill.
Did you take anything else?”
“No. There was nothing else to take. How did I do?”
You did well. This is an abortion pill.”
What? But why?”
Naylei looked behind her to make sure no one could hear her.
She intended that, for good or bad. That woman is crazy. She asks every pregnant woman whether the pregnancy was planned or whether it was because of rape. She thinks every woman like you has to have an abortion.”
I don't get it. She told me she had a daughter and her daughter had a son. Her grandson.”
Yes. But she didn't tell you what hell it was with her daughter.” She looked around again. “Do you know why she's here? What she was convicted of?” Maria Dolores shook her head. “Because she cut off her grandson's nose.”

Orlando arrived at the Morales apartment. Isela came out of the bedroom, dressed to go to work. The dress was more modest than usual because it was one of Maria Dolores'. She was planning to buy new clothes. She didn't want anything she had left at the Bustamantes home. She told Doris that if she ever went back there it would only be to help Alma. She was going to look for work. Esperanza had asked her to stay and help her because she could sew. Doris said nothing because she didn't want to have to regret her words later.

Fermin began cleaning the kitchen. Honoria had not done so since Julian's death. He found Julian's wallet, which had been returned by the funeral director. He took out a photo of Maria Dolores which had been inscribed “To my friend, Julian” on the back. Then he found a business card. He called the Adrian and told him he found a business card for a sperm bank. He asked what he knew about that.

Max and his parents arrived at Maleny's services when Claudio's cell rang. He suggested they go in ahead of him as he answered.
I called as soon as I got your message. It's been a long time. How are things?”
Bad. My wife is very ill.”
I hope it's nothing serious.”
It's as bad as it can be. I called because I have a problem that is affecting this.”
How can I help?”
You know I'm not accustomed to asking anything like this, but I need a favor. There is someone who is incarcerated and waiting for judgment. Her name is Maria Dolores Morales.”
And what do you need? Do you want us to hurry on the process?”
On the contrary. I want it delayed as much as possible.”


I couldn't wait. This is the first time I've ever read a recap before watching the episode. I don't read the end of books first either.

Only a few things to say now:

She cried. She didn't notice the sunlight was hitting her. That she didn't burst into flames was a miracle. Must have meant she was waiting for an even greater hell.
So well written.

Who killed Hector is now answered, Isela's parentage still in question, and Granny's background and the crime she committed OMG answered.

From left field --- WTH -- Claudio wants to delay MD's freedom? ??? Is he in with Ivana/Ursula to take MD's baby ????

Why can't this novela follow typical novela rules?????Just kidding.......

Great job, Urban! Got to get to bed, but before I do, I have one thing to say. WTF, Claudio?!!

As we figured, Dan killed his father and blocked out the memory. He is one sick, damaged puppy.

Clarification: It was Adrian Fermin called. Ursula said it was Maleny who became obsessed with her father's suicide and spoke with Medina. Isela needs a co-signer to get an apartment. Espy can't do it because she's having trouble with her house deeds. Doris basically rolled her eyes and said you've got to be kidding me, when Espy looked at her. So Doris gave Orly permission to co-sign on an apartment for Isela.

I guess that nose really reminded Abuela of her rapist...yikes!

My guess about Claudio is that he thinks that MD is safer in the prison at the moment. He probably hopes to take Ursula down first and Danny-Boy along with her. Remember that he doesn't know that Danny-Boy got into the prison and she will probably be too scared to tell anyone.

As for Ursula and her Great White Shark, they must have done quite a number on Danny-Boy for him to virtually forget this all these years. Except that flashback proves that he was already as soulless as Mama Bear.

It has occurred to me that Max dodged a bigger bullet than we realized at first. Had he married Maleny Mama Bear would have brainwashed her into becoming a Black Widow like herself. She was willing to kill Ivana for her fortune. She would have taken out a major insurance policy on Max, demanded that Maleny get knocked up by Max, then killed him for the payout. Or made Maleny do it.

I wonder if they can see Deadly Women in Mexico.


LOL, She looks exactly like the Wicked Witch of the West, just fatter

I'm really not liking how the Pain Family (minus Clarita) always seem to need Doris to be involved with Isela's mess.

What is Claudio up to by delaying Maria Dolores' trial?

Leo's going to try to open up a can of whup ass on Isela tomorrow.

Granny killed Martha, but why? Granny killing Martha is why Claudio was investigating the jail warden in the first place.

Urban, let's only hope your theory about MD / Claudio is true.

A Claudio take down of Ursula would be awesome to watch, almost as good as Max taking her down.At least I will cross my fingers that it is true...

If Granny is loca, that's adequate explanation. There doesn't seem to be an ad seg in this prison for inmates like that.

Remember that the Morales women still don't know how Isela has betrayed MD, but I agree that it is clueless of them to involve Doris in anything about her in view of the issues about Orlando, whom Isela probably still thinks she can get back.

Ursula programmed Dannyboy against his father from the start. When Maleny ran out of the room and told Daanyboy that their parents were fighting, he told Maleny that was because their father was useless. Ursula programmed that boy against his father to the point where Danny thought she was telling Danny to shoot Hector instead of telling Hector to off himself.

If Ivana doesn't wake up and disassociate herself from the Santibanez gang after hearing of Maleny's suicide, there's little hope for her.

I really do wonder what Claudio has in store, when he says he's going to hit Ursula where it hurts. We know that means Daniel ... Other than keeping Maria Dolores in jail away fro the Sssssantibanez', how will that hurt Daniel?

About Isela, does anyone remember the flashback Claudio had of the sentencing of Marta, where she was behind the bars at her hearing. To me, in that scene Marta looks like a older teenager or very young 20s.

Does that jive with the flashback scene of Isela and Marta playing, as far as their respective ages go? Seems unmatched to me.

There was no flashback to my knowledge of Marta and Isela playing together. Marta was always significantly older than Isela. The only flashbacks of little girls playing together were of Maria Dolores and Isela,

Victoria- The two girls playing in flashback were MD and Isela. Not Marta and Isela. The only flashback Isela has had of Marta is Marta in her casket.

Thanks again Vivi. My wires are crossed. Amor Real (again) and YNCELH too much at one time.

Off Topic:

I can't believe I'm just now reading that Blanca Soto and Fernando Coluga broke up.


Victoria, I think Hosefa's story included that Marta was underage at the time of her pregnancy. If this is the case, the 20-something young woman who got sentenced gave birth to Isela at the age of 13 or 14. The age of consent in Mexico is 15 in most states.

UA you always do the show justice.

"I don't know you, Claudio"

So now Max knows how far his father will sink to save his reputation. How long before Claudio realizes the man he set free went after his son to finish the job, but would that make any difference.

I don't know what to think, does Claudio really mean it and plans on settling a score with Usurla and keeping MD in jail a set up or fulfilling his promise to his dying wife. Unknown to anyone outside the prison MD is in more peril inside.

Guess MD isn't going to tell Max about Dan's visit

My head nearly explodes every time Espy shushes Clara, protecting Isela. All the lies and help Isela gave the Santibáñez and here she's wearing MD's dress and Espy mothering her. Isela can really work poor pitiful waif. Oh, I think Isela believes she can have Orlando back and has no shame.

Jenny may have Julian's baby yet

Every time I see the child Maleny in the flashbacks, breaks my heart. The little girl had no chance. Claudio was right, he destroyed that little girls life doing her mothers bidding.

Dan is crying for what? The inconvenient truth he so easily murdered his father without remorse or his child sister took her last breath after being killed, along with Hector, 20 years ago.


If there is any logic to Danny-Boy's behavior I'd say that what we saw in this episode is the cumulative result of him discovering that Mama Bear lied about them being bankrupt and at this final revelation, that he killed his father.

We don't know whether he had been drugged up for a while immediately after the murder or some form of brainwashing. Ursula is a master at that, but maybe Medina was involved in this. He knew more about it than we heard him tell anyone, so he had to have been involved somehow.

There is no statute of limitations on murder in the US, so I can't imagine that Mexico would let it go either. If there is any evidence, like a written statement from Medina, someone needs to turn that in ASAP. That could take out Mama Bear and her puppet cub. However, with 20 hours left that would take them out too soon and almost too easily. Both of them need to die for anyone to be safe.

Claudio will be utterly finished in Alma's eyes before that poor woman dies. Although he was not present for the murder and doesn't know that Danny-Boy actually did the crime he did contribute to Maleny's madness over the years, if unwittingly. He will feel like a prize fool when he learns the truth.

Just don't know about Claudio. He has continued to say he did this to protect Alma but that's a lie. He did it to protect and please himself.
His reputation is the most important thing, not his wife or children but it does speak volumes about Isela, he was willing to risk all to sleep with her.

When will we find out about Marta? Did grandma kill her, was Marta pregnant again but by a rapist? There was a spate of deaths at the prison, who was responsible, granny for all of them or the warden when she was a guard?

I cannot stand Espy.

It would not surprise me if the Granny was responsible for other deaths in that prison. She is BSC. Why didn't she persuade her daughter to give that child up for adoption? Why didn't she go after her daughter's rapist and kill him? We could applaud that.

Of course Claudio was covering his own arse. If Alma had divorced him he would be disgraced. She should file for divorce right now to keep him from inheriting anything she owns. I'm sure Max knows somebody willing to take the case.

Wait, What???? Claudio wants MD in jail longer, I hope you're right UA, that he thinks she's more safe there than where Dan has access to her. He may be playing 11 dimensional chess right now.

Great recap UA, there was so much intrigue in this episode.

I was stunned that Ursula could be crying over Maleny's death, but then I realized that she's probably actually crying over what this will mean for Dan.


Claudio is well aware what happens in prison even if he doesn't yet know what happened to MD. No way he can believe she is more safe there. He knows if MD leaves and marries Max and moves in together Usurla will go nuclear on his ass. I believe Claudio hates MD. When she first approached him he immediately called Ursula to help Dan. Now Alma makes a request to help MD and he immediately helps Ursula & Dan.

Claudio knows that his name means something in that prison. Max has visited MD and the other prisoners aren't bothering her at the moment. Max has made sure she has money to take care of her needs there.

Ursula's tears are for show. If there is any other meaning behind them it will be the loss of her whipping girl. From this day forward she will have no one else to blame if Danny-Boy screws up and he has screwed up many times already.

What a hypocrite -- Ursula crying over Maleny and her death; she drive her to pull the trigger, but now she is mournful. Yeah get a new life Ursula, you're going down SOON

***drove not drive

Danny is a victim of Ursula. I don't believe he's been walking around for 20 years thinking "Hey I killed my dad." I believe he DIDN'T KNOW he killed his dad for the past 20 years. As mentioned above, we don't know if Ursula had Medina drug/brainwash Dan right after the murder.

This doesn't excuse Dan from all the other bad things he's done, but I don't believe he knew he killed his dad. He didn't even know Maleny had "killed" his dad...he grew up "believing" Hector killed himself.

The majority of the evil on this show stems from Ursula's greed. She destroyed her entire family because of greed.

I believe Claudio will redeem himself, even as it may be too late. It is interesting that Claudio wants revenge on Ursula not because Dan raped Maria Dolores or they blackmailed him over the affair, but because Ursula is threatening to tell the public how corrupt he is.

Public perception is much more important than his family is, and why not?

Alma is disgusted with him and is getting ready to die. She will die disgusted with him.

He never had Leo's respect & affection to begin with.

Max is extremely disgusted & disappointed with him and is only being cordial to him because of Alma

Once Alma dies, there's no incentive for Max or Leo to have anything to do with Claudio

So his family is gone, why not protect the one thing he has left? His reputation.

I don't know that Claudio realizes that.

Both his sons loved him until the whole mess started with his objections to the Morales girls. Max's respect for him has been eroding since he began finding out about Isela and that Claudio knew something was not right in the Santianez household. This episode was the last nail in the coffin for Max. Leo has yet to hear the worst.

I agree that neither of them will want anything to do with him after Alma dies. I think Claudio knows at least that much.

One thing, though, is that no matter what he does vis a vis MD's status in prison, he has no power to protect her from Danny-Boy and Mama Bear until both of them are either in prison or dead. I personally think that Ursula would off herself rather than go to prison. That would satisfy me.

But I'm so loving how Max is somewhat standing by his father and showing 'respect' (don't know right word here) for his father in light of his mother's illness. He is thinking of others before himself, which you gotta love in a guy/ person.
Maybe the closest thing I can say is that: Max is One Stand up Guy.
I admire the writers who are shaping Max's character with such wisdom.

Victoria- Max is the best galan I have seen in a LONG time. My favorite moments of his though are when the writers allow him to be vulnerable and show his deeper feelings-- he's had those moments with MD, Alma, Leo, and even Maleny. Yes, stand up guy is very accurate. He's a mensch:

Vivi that's a perfect word / description. I sent the link to my German/French daughter in law, so we could discuss.
As you said the writers are giving this character such depth. GS is doing his best performance here, IMHO.

Thanks, Urban. Great recap.

Now that Danny-Boy has remembered killing his father and seen Maleny destroyed, I'm wondering if he'll continue to stick with Ursula. Mama-Bear wouldn't be able to stand it if he rejects her. I'm blaming her for the patricide. She raised Dan to have contempt for his "weak" father and to be "strong" (i.e., ruthless) like her.

I know prison Abuela is loca, but why would Marta have been in her crosshairs? Maybe Abuela killed other women in prison too?

Maybe Claudio wants to delay MD's case for the good (though I don't have a clue in what way), not the bad.

So irritating to see Espy taking in Isela. But Espy is sticking to her principles of helping others and maybe hoping someone in prison will look out for MD in the same way she's looking out for Isela on the outside.

Esperanza is like Melanie in Gone With the Wind. She is completely guileless. We're all being Scarlett for criticizing her for this. But that's only natural.

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No one, except the bad guys, knows how Isela sold MD out. We are seeing this from our point of view (and knowledge). Isela needs a moment like Claudio just had, when Ursula called out all his underhanded deeds in front of Max. No one has outed Isela yet, and she certainly doesn't seem to have any intention of doing it herself.

Espy is reacting as a mother. She watched Isela grow up. She knows how hard Isela had it at home. Espy's home and family have always been a sort of a refuge for poor little girl Isela. Espy still sees her as that little girl. A girl who made mistakes, yes. But still a girl who needs her protection and nurturing because she's not going to get that at home. I mean, ALMA of all people, is still looking out for her, and she now knows how Isela stabbed her in the back by sleeping with her husband and planning to destroy her life, all while living under her roof and her protection. So of course, Espy, who has known her her whole life, and doesn't yet know how Isela has aided MD's enemies, would take her in with open arms.

True, but I would think far less of Esperanza if after this comes to light she is still willing to forgive Isela. I'm surprised MD's hair hasn't turned white by now.

I think the frustration with Maria Dolores & Espy keeping secrets & helping Isela is the toll it's taking on Clara & Doris. Both girls are being asked to keep secrets & assist Isela while they run the risk of losing their relationships with Leo & Orlando because of it. Esperanza doesn't really have anything personally to lose (and neither does Maria Dolores b/c she knows Max is always going to be there).

Clara and Doris do. I halfway expected Esperanza to ask Doris to let Isela stay with Doris. It would be one thing if they were expected to sacrifice & keep quiet for somebody they liked & respected but they don't like or respect Isela.

Why is Orlando co-signing for Isela? I would think his credit is shot with all of the shop troubles. How come Isela isn't staying with Esperanza?

I think because of Clara's objections. As young as she is she is a good judge of character.

Alma has said that she blames Claudio for the affair, not Isela. If it weren't Isela, it would be another woman. That's not to say that Alma should welcome Isela with open arms, but her anger is toward Claudio, and that's where it should be.

I know I was wrong about Abuela, but I can't help but think that Claudio has a plan for taking out the Santibanez, and he needs MD out of the way while he works it.
And Niecie asked a good question, what was Abuela's reason for killing Marta? Could she have just taken the fall for the Warden in exchange for favors since she was not getting out anyway?

Is it possible that:

Marta told Abuela that she had been raped;

gave birth to Isela while in jail; and

with her attitude toward rape victims, Abuela killed Marta; and thus

Isela was dumped on Josefa???

Espy defending and lying for Isela is bad enough but she doesn't leave it there. It's when Clara speaks up and Espy shuts her down or gives a what am I gonna do with you eyeroll that pisses me off.

There was a scene with Isela as a little girl looking at the coffin of her sister, so I think she was 8ish when Marta died. It may be that Abuela didn't mean to kill Marta, but if Marta was pregnant from a rape at the time she went to prison (the stepfather came back? Or someone else?), then Abuela would have tried to "help" her with those abortion pills. Maybe that's what killed her rather than an outright murder.

Claudio better thave a danged good excuse for keeping MD in prison or he'll have dug himself a hole that he won't be able to get out of with Max. He may have been able to excuse the rest of his godawful behavior, but this would be much too much to forgive. Even a mensch has limits.


Marta was grown and working at a bank when she was arrested for stealing. She had already had Isela by then.


Well, we've already got one major mystery solved (Hector's murder). Now, we'll do a deep dive into the Marta mystery.

UA, REALLY GOOD RECAP. A very sad episode. I did not like maleny, but she should not have died like this, or at all. But the family
She had, maybe it couldn't have ended any
Other way.
"arango closes eyes in pain". it wasn't the gun shop that was causing him pain, it was the fact that she committed suicide based on a lie that he helped perpetrate. he could have prevented this but for some reason his love for that witch kept him from tellin the truth.
And she is still lying. Why don't you just go ahead and lay down and die. These people
Are so miserable. And she doesn't want people to know that her daughter commit suicide. she still worried about what she's going to look like.
Ursula has been poisoning her children from
And the other disfunctional family: The most
Honorable bustamantas. You don't stay in a
Marriage that long and not notice a change in the One you love. Alma seems to be a wise woman. More Than her hubby. she probably figured out he was cheating on her when he played that "erectile dysfunction card". I hate that shes dying. She Needs a miracle. Why
Does he eant her case delayed? Must see tv.

Thanks again Urban.:-(

Urban, what a spectacular recap. We really have been blessed with a truly stellar group of recappers here in YNCELH-land.... at the risk of sounding biased and partisan (though I am), this is a truly terrific telenovela- a credit to the genre, really... and though- through the fault of distance and location- I haven't been able to follow it with you all as I might have liked to (having seen it in its inception), I can't tell you how grateful I am to be able to share and re-live this vicariously with such a fantastic group of people as are you all.


I wonder if it would have been better if Clara had told Leo at the beginning, or waited as she did, or maybe she should have kept quiet altogether now that we saw Leo's reaction and the end result.

Hey Stevey, good to see you are still commenting and contributing to keep us updated with Las Proximas.

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