Friday, January 01, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita..#70 Augustus begins his deception with Alicia, Luciana finally reacts to her dad's death... Elsewhere Roberto is willing to hand Augustus on a platter to some cop in exchange to find Mateo

The Vidals are exiting a building. Roberto calls for Mateo and it turns out to be Mateo’s friend Tomas who they had adopted.
Roberto explains to them that Mateo is gone… The Vidals don’t know anything.  Marta explains she understood she was wrong to keep obsessed with Mateo when Tomas and others were available.  Tomas doesn’t know anything either other than one day they took him out to the Direction office.  He found it strange Mateo would have left without saying goodbye.  Roberto wishes Tomas well. Ms Venus does as well.  Mr Vidal wishes to Roberto that he will find Mateo soon. Roberto thanks him.
Lichita at office… Fatima explains that she started from the bottom at the office… Brisa is nagging about men earning more than women.  Nestor says ‘we men earn more because we spend more! Ubiquense! ‘  The women rant at him. 
Lichita rants at Augustus… he seems to find it amusing rather than irritating.  But he justifies about the men earning more than women… says women eventually marry and get supported by a man…  He assures her she will eventually follow that pattern. Alicia is not buying what he is selling.  Alicia says ‘you won’t tell me now that it is the first time a female employee complaints.’  Augustus says not even Sandra has …
Roberto is preaching to the choir, arguing with Ms Venus about where Mateo could be…  Venus says if you want to find out who adopted your son, we will try to find out. 
Valeria talks to Bea… Valeria seems to be the only one genuinely upset about Rafael’s passing.  Bea says what about Luciana… Valeria is indeed worried that Luciana did not shed a single tear yet for her dad’s passing.  Bea assures her they will together care for Luciana… Said Luciana is heading to the office as any other day…
At a meeting at the office, Alicia and Sandra are arguing about the female salaries to Augustus… seems Alicia got all the women to meet with Augustus to present their case. Even Fatima speaks for Alicia’s argument.  Shushette makes a comment that could be interpreted a different way given her reputation (los hombres me doblan… = men make me bend over).  Augustus says he will see what he can do… the women celebrate…  (I would say that promise to ‘see what he can do’ is as good as words in the wind…)
Valeria and Bea talk to Luciana… Luciana argues she is just not as dramatic/expressive as them.  Luciana leaves, Bea tells Valeria that Luciana looks like Augustus, very insensitive to emotional things.

Venus is visiting the orphanage, talks to the Director.  The Director tells her her references are clean except in the case of Mateo’s case. Venus defends herself that she can get legal reps involved. She would like to know how come they resolved Mateo’s adoption in a matter of just a few days.
Alex is visiting Daphne at school. HE is apologizing. HE wants to be closer to his family.  Daphne says that will be hard since to their parents he is as good as dead. They have a nice hug.
Venus tells Roberto that the file looks legal but the part of the file that states who adopted Mateo is not there… and that is very odd… normally that information is part of the file. 
Roberto is thinking in all gears…  HE asks if a single person could adopt Mateo. Venus says yes. He says there is only one person that could have managed to get that process accelerated … Sheyla, my kid’s mother.
Luciana again is mocking Alicia’s wardrobe style…  Luciana starts listing requests, like asking where her office is and where her husband is…  Fatima takes her away. Braulio and Alicia comment that it is weird that she behaves like nothing happened.
Venus says maybe if Sheyla adopted Mateo, he is well cared for. Roberto is not so sure.  HE says it was Sheyla’s fault that caused him to spend 5 yrs in jail… she is not as responsible… Venus says what if she changed?  Roberto assures her no way.
At people’s café… of course Magos is getting in trouble with the managers… She is fired on the spot.  She gets mad and takes off her hat and even kicks the customer who rattled her on the foot.
Venus tells Roberto that she has found a new job, also finding homes for orphan children.  Roberto thanks her for all she did for him and Mateo. She is hoping it won’t be long before he and Mateo are together.  They have a nice goodbye hug. 
At the house, Nacho, Ximena and Elsa. Nacho is mocking all the talky talky Magos had promised to them.  Alicia and Elsa say if she had worked and done legal fair competition, she would not have been fired.  Alicia is still optimistic about the campaign she and Braulio are working on.  Ximena compliments Alicia on always getting things better.
Roberto insists to Luciana in their bedroom about her reaction or lack thereof about Rafa.  Luciana claims she is ‘internally crying’ her dad.   She has too much work to do.  She is planning to take on new campaigns.  Roberto says she and her mom should be together supporting each other.  Luciana claims she and her mom are too different. Valeria is in the clouds and she is realist. So no worries. 
Braulio is filming the commercial for the cafecito with Fatima, the journalist friend of Alicia’s and Alicia.  Then the Gutierrez family are reviewing the promo video… They love their work… Alicia hopes people like their campaign.  And loads it to the internet.
Valeria tells Luciana she has no clue what happened with the money from the sale of the Buenos Aires house.  Luciana could care less, puts that task on Valeria.   You solve it, I have to go to Iconika. 
The maid comes in and tells them that he is bringing a few things that were Rafael’s property. It turns out to be several portraits that Rafael painted of Luciana, from when she was baby to current. She  finally cries for her dad’s passing. (she is screeching as she cries, so I can’t decipher what she is saying).
Roberto and Gumaro… Roberto tells him what happened with Venus. Roberto says he has to take another approach. He will go with the police.
Augustus and Sandra are watching the reports on the Oki Oki campaign… Sandra is very excited. Augustus is more quiet… Sandra leaves and Augustus finally celebrates alone the success of the campaign. 
Drako comes in with the report from the investigator about Alicia’s daily activities.  Augustus tells Drako that the best way to catch her is to hunt her… he will surround her, trapping her and when she is finally caught, she will have no choice but to give in, and he will enjoy it even more.
Bea asks the maid to store the paintings in the warehouse/basement…  maid tells Bea that the other maid is a bit questionable so won’t tell her. Bea thanks her for the info.
Valeria is now worried about Luciana, who is crying endlessly alone in her room. 
Augustus tells Drako he knows very well how to keep Sandra in control (a caress here, a empty promise there… etc). 
Sandra congratulates Alicia on the success of the Oki Oki campaign… Sandra is excited that they have finally expanded into the latin American markets. 
Shushette is with Roberto, congratulates him on his campaign as candidate at the API.  Roberto keeps her at bay.
Augustus tells Alicia that Oki Oki owners now want to expand their contract to build a campaign for the USA. Alicia is surprised Sandra did not tell her anything about it.  Augustus says don’t worry. But I need to know if you would be willing to move to USA to our location there to run that location beginning with the Oki Oki campaign.  But he asks her not to tell anyone.    Alicia asks if this is why he sent Roberto to USA for a few days when she was his assistant.  Augustus compliments on her smarts.  Alicia asks why would we not publish that expansion to the press.  Augustus says he will answer all her questions, of course, if she accepts his proposal.
SHushette still with Roberto. He stands up and says he is still nervous, there are still things about this business area he is not quite familiar with.  Shushette says don’t worry, Augustus will mentor you once you become president…
Augustus insists to Alicia that she should not comment this plan with anyone else.  Alicia says she would only be able to talk to anyone else about her trip as work for the Oki Oki campaign. Augustus says yeah, because the new location info is not to be disclosed.  He claims this is her opportunity to reivindicate (loudly) herself, and needs her to commit to dedicate herself completely to this project. Do you take it or leave it????  In comes Elias surprised to see Augustus in her office.  Augustus says that is the advantage of being the owner, you always have ways to surprise everyone else. He leaves before Elias can ask any more questions.
At cafecito, Alicia, Elsa and Nacho are talking that the customers are back and Nacho adds that there are even new customers… Alicia says the important thing is that slowly we will win the war on People’s café. 
Roberto is arguing with some other guy… not sure who this guy is… seems this guy is a cop… either that or an ex-con that he is trying to do something for him…
Alicia tells her parents about her trip to USA. Ximena does not want her to go.  Magos rants at her , its not like Alicia is leaving for good.
After Roberto gives the guy his story,  the guy does not seem to believe it.  But Roberto insists.  The guy says if Sheyla is the mother, she has the rights to the kid.  These two are pretty familiar with each other so I guess it is my second theory, that Roberto and this cop met during his stint in jail.  Roberto offers to hand him over Augustus to the guy in exchange for this guy to help him get Mateo.  The guy does not believe Augustus is dirty.  He has a great reputation.  The guy writes down a phone number for a psychiatrist for Roberto, since he thinks Roberto is nuts. Roberto tears the paper in little pieces. 
We watch a segment of Corazon enamorado where Maria Bonita and the guy are about to marry, but another woman dressed as a bride shoots the guy.
Roberto arrives at the Cafecito to ask for a coffee to go, he is surprised to find Alicia there.
At the dinner table, Daphne is talking to her mom… Daphne is crying.  Valeria comments that Luciana is finally able to cry her father.
Roberto tells Nacho and Elsa that Gumaro is not his brother and is not disabled.  He is teary-eyed, tells them he is feeling ashamed to tell them this, but he wants them to know the truth rather than keep on lying. He apologizes to Alicia for all the lies, he never meant to hurt her.
Augustus talks to Luciana in her bed… He tells her she needs to get a grip… tears are for weak people and you are not like this… Don’t let yourself be guided by your emotions…. You are a T&M … Luciana tells him her dad’s death is really hurting… Augustus tells her she should seek the support of her husband and then move on… do it for your dad’s memory.
Braulio tells Brisa that they should be talking about…  (door knock)  It is another guy who looks just like Braulio, turns out it is her ex.  Braulio is ready to hit him with a wooden spoon, but Brisa just keeps hugging the guy.
Alicia tells Roberto she was surprised he came out open with her parents, never thought he would be brave enough to do it.  HE tells her he is very sorry for not having been truthful to them from the get go, he is going through a tough moment and needs the warmth of a family like hers… he also asks her if despite all that has happened, if she is ready to believe and trust him again.  (she tells us that she was not sure if she was ready to trust Roberto again).

Previews: Augustus congratulates Alicia on her achievements, and tells others in a conference about Alicia going to represent the company at USA.  Alicia at airport ticket counter, then walks somewhere that looks like a reception of a smaller office and is asking if there is anyone else there (no one in sight). 


Thanks, Marta, the recap was excellent as it always is!

It was super creepy watching Augusto talk about hunting Alicia like an animal. Then on the other hand he is singing her praises with his "OkiOki JinSei home run: that is how it is done." Funny that what he said doesn't rhyme in Spanish but sure does in English.

Interesting hearing Beatriz telling Valeria that Luciana is so cold she is just like Augusto.

I was happy to see the Vidas were able to adopt a son.

So sad hearing Ximena talk about how alone she will be if Alicia goes to the USA.

Can't wait to see Sandra's reaction to Alicia going to the USA office.

I wonder who will show up to greet her . . .

Thank you for the recap.

I'm not liking Alicia's makeover. She looks good and all, but why is she all of a sudden wearing totally inappropriate dresses? Her boobs almost fell completely out as she leaned over Augusto's desk while arguing about the salaries. No likey.

total recall Marta thank you very much

"(los hombres me doblan… = men make me bend over)"

Anon 2:42. Me neither! I find it difficult even calling her Alicia now. New and improved but they got the packaging all wrong.

Most funny was Nestor, the only man present during the wage equality rally.

I think it good for Alicia to get away, if she can stay away from Augusto, but feel for Ximena.

Why consider trusting Roberto again? I don't get it, noting more has been disclosed to Alicia, to her family yes, but Alicia nothing. Roberto just wants to rest in Alicia's shade and using her family to get it.

Happy Tomas has a home.

Hmmm, Valeria is flat broke without the proceeds from the home sale and at Augusto's mercy.

Augusto seemed a little perplexed over Luciana's final breakdown. I kept thinking he would tell her to dry up, he wasn't your daddy, I am.


Marta, fabulous recap. I particularly enjoyed "(I would say that promise to ‘see what he can do’ is as good as words in the wind…)" and "Nacho is mocking all the talky talky Magos had promised to them". Great fun as always.

While I was also happy to see Tomas adopted, the adopters were a bit disquieting. Should we be happy that Tomas was adopted by the Vidals? On the one hand, he will have a loving home but on the other, is it a stable home? Marta’s emotional state was fragile and unpredictable. Do we even know that she has been receiving counseling? Tomas looked very serious – not delighted. I echo his concern.

Nestor says ‘we men earn more because we spend more! Shut. Up. Nestor. Sigh…

Augusto's presence makes me shiver. I'm trying to think of a good analogy. He's bigger and more dangerous than a spider (to a fly) but his sheer size and evil purposefulness puts my teeth on edge.

Roberto's trying to set his many wrongs right, but he needs to go to the "real" police to track Mateo. Was a bit disappointed Venus could not help him more, but I gather the trail is cold due to missing information but I would think she would have connections and be able to find out something.

Alex - too little too late.

I don't even feel as though I am watching the same Lichita character. A new hairstyle and more form fitting clothes would have been welcome changes that would have enhanced her confidence. The too tight, too revealing outfits were too much of a change. But aside from her outward appearance, the stern, joyless countenance we are seeing bears no resemblance to the sweet, loving character we cared so much about.

I hope the writers bring back the real Alicia, the heart of this show that we and Roberto fell in love with.


Marta- Wondefully detailed, as always. Thanks, amiga. And happy 2016!

I've not yet watched, but not pleased to learn that not even Venus could find any trace of Mateo. Poor Mateo! Augusto is for sure behind this, so I worry what kind of conditions he has Mateo living in.

Glad to hear that Alex is finally making an effort to be there for Dafne. About time! But he's no Rafeal. There was just something really sweet and tender about Dafne and Rafael's relationship.

I'm so missing Alicia's collegiate look. She just looks like Shushette now.


Denise- I miss that look too. Sure, it wasn't a look that screamed "respect me!", but neither is this Spanx wear.

Frankly, I prefer Alicia's new look and attitude. She has still been just as loving and helpful at home to the people that matter and did not fire Brisa when she could have. She spearheaded the appeal to Augusto for raises for female staff. I find her clothes to be telenovela office wear: always too skimpy and tight no matter what novela it is and therefore acceptable. (Anybody remember Alicia's "costumes" she wore to the office in LFMB? Now those were over the top!) I suspect her character will undergo more changes as she learns to balance a career and a life apart from it.

My only hope is that she is careful knowing what she does about Augusto and does not get carried away with the idea of heading up the USA office. She is in danger playing in his league and is so out of her league being sent to be "isolated" (unbeknownst to her) in the USA.

As for Roberto, she should run as far and fast as she can, but I know that won't happen. I would so love to see her not coupled up with anyone at the end or with some yet unknown male character. Guess I can hope!

Thanks Marta! Excellent!!

I'm thinking Sheyla saw that Rob married a rich girl and that she can now use Mateo to milk money from Rob. Of course, wouldn't put pass that Augie found her and is working with her.

The guy Rob was talking too seemed extremely untrustworthy and just odd. Not like a real cop or competent PI. I think Rob is wasting his time with this one.

Actually felt bad for Luci. Will it make her a better person? Think not.

Agree that Alicia's outfits are too much. I feel like the "real" Alicia would be too embarrassed to be that revealing.

Super worried that Augie is going to attack Alicia at the empty Iconika USA office. No one there to save her and he is a huge man. The writers wouldn't let our heroine be raped would they? This is still a comedy, right?

Augusto reminds me of the "big bad wolf".

A Great recap to start the new year out with. Marta, if you ask me, it has the new years touch.

Thanks for the previews---Alicia is being hunted and doesn't even know it. How will she be able to fight off that big creep? How far will Augusto be willing to go? Anyway, Alicia going to the U.S. not Sandra will probably bring about the start of WW3.

Jarifa---I like your 12:11 Alicia comment and agree with you.

I think that Roberto needs someone better than that guy to help him find Mateo.

My guess is that Alicia will get raises for the women. If anyone can do it, it's Alicia.

Can't wait for Monday.
must see tv
the gringo


Gringo, well put "that guy". Another "questionable" association? Sure seemed that way.

Marta, thanks for giving us great details and analysis.

Diana, agree about Augusto=shivers. In the beginning, he was arrogant yet amusing. As more of his evil schemes are revealed, the amusing part is done. He's a cold and calculating demon who stops at nothing to get what he wants. He manipulates everyone, feels no sympathy for anyone, and uses a business/social facade to cover his selfish machinations.

Part of Augusto's toolbox is making women feel special by their association with him. Jarifa, he is the big bad wolf and Alicia is way out of her league with him, despite her snazzy red cape/red dress. I like her new ombre hair style, but the clothes are a little overdone.

I agree that I don't like how revealing Alicia's clingy dresses are...
she could wear a little clingy but not so much cleavage... but as far as Roberto, I have to agree that ALicia should RUN RUN away.
As far as the questionable cop... sometimes you do make friends in law enforcement and you and them become closer than anyone else would recommend... remember La hija del Mariachi ?? Those two ended up almost like father and son in the end...
As far as Luciana... yes, her overreaction now is a bit hard to swallow...
Yes Augustus has crossed the line from intriguing/interesting to 1000% FREAKY AND EVIL.


It's not the reason but it appears so to me that Alicia's cleavage display was in response to Augusto's challenge after they made their deal. She needed to act and project an image of confidence and success. Her wardrobe is a reflection of what she thinks he intended. It worked. While he does admire her business acumen and dedication to family she looks just like Chuchette. She is now Sandra, Beatriz and Chuchette, the perfect mate in Augusto's estimation.

Roberto brings nothing to the table for Alicia. Yes, his deceit, ill treatment and occasional low risk professional support encouraged her to defend herself and lead to Alicia of today. He married her nemesis and told Luciana he has a son while berating Alicia for moving on and sneaks behind her back sugaring up her parents and niece. He makes a confession Gumaro is not his brother and is not disabled but this has nothing to do with why he lies or who he is. He pretends Mateo is why he has done all this but that too is only his current excuse. He lies because it has always served him and very unfortunate a trusting Alicia crossed his path. Sure he's reluctant to leave her alone because she and her family are an asset to be exploited again and again.


I like your insights, tofie.

I'm watching the episode now, and I actually like this dress Alicia is wearing better that the last few. This one is a proper length and has sleeves. The only thing daring about it is the cleavage. I can live with that. But the other sleeveless, short, clingy, AND cleavage baring dresses she's been wearing to work since the new makeover, have been too much. I also thought having that look on the weekend the other episode, when everyone else was dressed down, was too much. I love the ombre hair on her.

Thanks, Marta. Terrific recap.

I'm going to have to make my peace with Roberto. I think he's the only one shrewd enough to take on Augusto the murderer money launderer. Alicia is smart, but innocent. She still has not picked up on Augusto's attraction to her.

So sad when Raphael's paintings arrived chronicling Luciana from a baby to now. Poor Luciana. Never thought I'd feel for her.

I'm guessing Roberto's P.I. is a good guy. I can see why Roberto would go to someone he knew, rather than the police. Augusto might have a deep reach, maybe even on the police force. Plus, since Roberto is an ex-con, maybe the police wouldn't take him seriously.

Great comment Niecie at 11:01---I think you are right on about Roberto's PI. He didn't look like a good guy at first but after reading your comment, he just might be.

It is hard to feel sorry for Luciana due to her nasty past performance but even not so nice people have feelings. That was a very touching scene last Friday and I agree
that it was hard not to feel sorry for her after that scene with her childhood paintings. Ingrid plays her parts so well in whatever novela she is cast in. Actually, if you look closely at the intro, it does look like Luciana will be reformed and may become friends with Alicia. That would be good if it does happen so let's hope.

must see tv
the gringo


I thought the whole point was that Rob was going strictly legal and said he was going to the cops. I thought this guy was a detective but he acted so weird, maybe not.

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