Monday, February 01, 2016

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #110 2-1-16 Skankia 0 - Gianna 100!

Ciao miei cari amici!  Let's get to it!  Andiamo!

Julieta's conversation with Sergio is a total fake out!  Fiorella didn't react when she told him the adoptive father's name was Bianchi because neither she nor Pedro heard what Julieta said!  Fiorella concluded that Sergio and Julieta made up.   They didn't.  Julieta felt she owed telling him this latest news but after today she doesn't want to see him ever again!  Maybe she'll forgive him one day, but for now, she's outta there!  Pedro and Fiorella look after her, confused, and Sergio confirms that he's been dumped.

Alina's consultation with Eloisa about Pilar's insistence that Dante killed Gabriel.  Eloisa rejects it out of hand and blames it on Pilar's brain damage from being imprisoned and force fed psychotropic drugs for twenty two years.  There is NO WAY Dante killed Gabriel and tells a disappointed Alina she must not tell anyone, especially Federica!  Well, too late, she knows. . .she knows that Gabriel was killed, not that Dante killed him.  Eloisa warns Alina not to tell Freddie because she is not only vengeful, but she's mad!  Alina promises to be discreet and leaves looking a little befuddled.

The fancy schmancy dinner turns out to be a total triumph for our Gianna!  Katia tries to make Gianna look like an ignorant peasant but she ends up earning Papi Chulo's admiration, respect and affection and several hot kisses from Gael.  Katia tries condescension as Gianna eats "cold soup" as Katia calls it.  Gianna corrects her, it's Vichyssoise!  Gianna understands some French, it being so similar to Italian but, Oooo la la goes Gael, Italian is the language of love!  They kiss!  Gael gushes to Augustin that he is hypnotized by Gianna, she is so sexy.  Augustin says he met many Italians and found them all to be great lovers of life.  Oh yes, adds Gianna, we are beautiful and charming people!  This declaration gets affirmed with another kiss!  Katia is so dumbfounded she can't muster any bitchiness and then Gigi takes the cake by getting up spontaneously and singing with the band!  SCORE!!!

Katia makes a few more attempts to mock her but Gianna deflects this with humor and doesn't even let on that she realizes Katia is trying to be a bitch.  Augustin notes Gianna's quick wit and beams that she is funny and intelligent.  That calls for her to kiss Gael again!  Finally, Katia asks Gianna if she can give her some advice.

"Is it free or is it gong to cost me?" asks Gianna.

"All of my advice is free of charge!" Katia answers.

"Oh, but your acts are very expensive.  You decided to treat me to this dinner and I know it wasn't cheap.  I thank you very much but I prefer my lovely boyfriend's advice to yours."  Kiss again!  All Katia can manage is a tense smile with her lips while her eyes remain flat and shocked at the same time. 

At breakfast the next morning everyone in the servant's kitchen notices Gianna's lovlienss and the change of her style:  she's sporting shorts.  She announces to a smiling Roxi that the dinner with "Tarantula No. 2" was a success, "she tried to take me down, but she couldn't!"  Roxi asks who is "Tarantula No. 1."  Gianna tells her what's important is that now they get along.  Hardy har har har!  Roxi gets it!  Remember Simoneta's bet?  Well, Simona thinks Roxi lost because what she did was NOT a good deed even though it helped Gianna.  It was self-serving because she got several new items of clothes out of it.  Upshot?  Roxi must serve the family in the Big House wearing a uniform!  Fidel and even Quina agrees.  In an act of solidarity, Ginna announces that she will don a uniform and serve, too!  The girls exchange grins.  Awwww!

Vitto visits Diana in prison.  At first she is so morose about her suicide attempt she doesn't even want to look at Betito:  she feels she doesn't deserve to be his mother.  Vitto gives her a pep talk about not giving up, persevering for Betito's sake.  He tells her he has hired a lawyer and she will soon released.  [Hmmm, not sure why he didn't tell her this before she tried to take her own life.]

Dante's slow ride to hell.  Who is that that wondered if the poison was fast or slow-acting?  Yah.  Slow.  Freddie reclines on the bed and taunts Dante with questions about their love affair while he huffs and puffs still sitting at their little intimate table for two.  Seems the food is untouched.  Anywho, he gets up, grabs his head and stumbles, she helps him to the bed where he flops down on his back.

Fifi and Pedro sit in bed.  He frets about ACorp after losing the Japanese investments.  She cheers and encourages him and then becomes sad thinking about Gianna.  Now he tries to cheer her and reassure her that they will get through it together and they WILL find a donor.  Hugs and snuggles!

Morning dawns at El Rancho.  A brief breakfast scene serves to reafirrm what we already knew about Sergio.  He's a whine-o and we're glad his momma shuts him down: there are more important things to talk about.  She reports that the Japanese DID say "sayonara" and ACorp stock is tanking!  Pedro and Osvaldo cut breakfast short to high tail it to the office!

Dante staggers from Freddie's room, still groaning in pain.  Says he feels like he was run over by a car.  Fifi says bye bye to Petey as he leaves for the office.  She offers words of encouragement and smooches.  They don't notice the unkempt and afflicted Dante amble by them. 

Later, Fifi keeps her date with the laptop.  The email from Nicoleta contains a message from Dr. Palmiere, the Obstatrician who allegedly delivered Fiorella.  Nicoleta talked to him personally and reports what he said.  'He remembers your birth perfectly.  All your doubts are baseless.  You are the daughter of Mario and Silvana Bianchi.'  "Mario and Silvana Bianchi!  They are my parents!" Fiorella shouts!

Swedes to the rescue?  Pedro and Osvaldo meet at Acorp.  Their stock is dropping like a rock.  Osvaldo remembers back when they were courting the Italians there was a Swedish dude interested in ACorp.  He will contact them.  Pedro and Os bond over their determination to get ACorp out of the toilet!  A bit later Pedro and Os are in the board room with three or four non nondescript suits.  The suits have a recovery plan that Pedro and Osvaldo think is brilliant!  They'll sell vegetables, including chopped garlic, an important ingredient in Mexican cuisine!  [Mike Biaggio looks like he wants to crack up laughing.]  Now, if any of you got something more out of this fail safe stroke of genius recovery plan, please weigh in!  Pedro and Os are pleased with themselves but think they need a plan B.  Os doesn't want his child born into poverty.  Pedro suggests love is enough.  Os is like, uh, no.  Some things never change, Pedro quips!  More bromantic bonding!

Eloisa debriefs Dante on Alina's revelation that Pilar said he killed Gabriel.  Eloisa absolutely knows Dante killed Gabriel!  He croaks (not like that, not yet) in obvious pain that it was an accident.  Eloisa reminds him the bottom line is Gabriel died and Alina must not repeat Pilar's story to anyone!  She knows that if Dante falls, she falls with him.  "Maybe it's time to pay for my sins.  Why didn't you tell me Maximo had Pilar locked up?"  Dante says cause Max threatened he would kill him.  Eloisa wants to know why did he keep quiet after Max died?  He didn't want to compromise her.  That is lame no matter what the language.  Eloisa says she was already compromised!  She then cautions him that they have to be careful, be on alert and advises him to keep a close watch over Pilar.  All this time Dante has been grimacing and grunting and clutching his side.  Eloisa finally notices and asks him about it but doesn't express any particular concern, just tells him to keep her updated.  He leaves her room.

Gael and Papi Chulo talk.  They agree last night was a blast but Augustin notices Gael seems down.  Gael tells him about Gianna's need for a transplant.  Augustin offers his unconditional support.  Skankia listens in the background.

Fiorella tells Gianna she knows she's not adopted.  They're full-blooded sisters!  Mutual declarations of love ensue.  Fifi floats the idea of signing up to be a heart donor but Gigi's not having it!   More tearful luv and hugs.  Roxi comes in to return the dresses she was going to keep to Gianna's closet.  Gigi asks her to stay because she helps distract her from drama.   Roxi asks, "What am I, a clown?"  Giggles!

Later Gianna and Roxi are a couple of cute little vixens in sugar-short black maid uniforms with white aprons.  Fifi, Simoneta and Quina look on from the door way.  One of them drops a whole tea service on the floor as they attempt to serve Sergio and Sonia.  Benni and Gael enter just then to grin and ogle at the two honeys.  Gianna sashays over to Gael who asks her, breathlessly, to please not sling her cute tush like that in front of her sister and his uncle.   Gael and Benni offer to clean up.  The girls are saved from baring their fannies.  Uh oh, Skankia enters the room, unannounced and I didn't hear a knock either.  They leave us hanging.

Julieta and Santino talk back at the hotel where they are staying.  She updates him on having told Sergio the adoptive father's name AND having dumped him.  Santino is barely listening because he's in the throes of a flashback:  He remembers hearing the Priest say "Fiorella Bianchi" at the wedding that wasn't.  He tells Julieta.  "That's right!" goes Julieta then SHE flashes back to the fake out will reading when the lawyer said "Fiorella Bianchi gets 50% of the Angeles estate."   They have a simultaneous OMG and rush off to go to talk to Fifi like NOW!

Freddie is with Pilar in whose room?  Weird scene.  Freddie tells Pilar Dante is coming.  Pilar freaks out.  Freddie calls Domingo to come and take her away.  He does.  [Obviously an artifact of editing.] Anywho, Dante lumbers into the room, leaning and grunting.  Freddie tells him she knows what he did to her father.  He tries to play dumb.  She doesn't let him.  He claims it was an order, he had no choice.  "You were always so obedient," Freddie observes.

"I guess you want to kill me now." gasps Dante.

"You've been dead for twelve hours."  Freddie answers, flatly.

Dante hits the floor like a bag of bricks.

"I poisoned the wine we drank.  I hated to do it because I loved you but you deserve it because you're trash!"  Freddie sounds very matter of fact with an edge.

Dante's cough sounds like that heavy rasping known as "the death rattle."  The End?


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Lila – Thank you for the recap!!!

It was great to see Gi triumph over Skankia at the dinner, but the musical number? …. really? Gi gets up on stage and sings? with no known background in singing? no stage fright to make her heart race and faint and immediately need surgery? QTH??? My telenovela beanie hat flew off my head when that happened.

So, Eloisa knew about Dante killing Gabriel! That must be why she has housed and tolerated Fedeloca all these years. Guilt.

Cute scene with Rox & Gi playing servant/maid but when that tea/coffee stayed on the floor and nobody was doing anything except flirting, all I could think was --- '‘that carpet stain will never come out if y’all don’t do something soon!’'

Oh good grief, so now we get some doctor in Italy claiming to have attended Fi's birth to the Bianchi family?
Puh-leeze ..... gimmeabreak.

Santino’s hair looked really bad, last night, like he needs a haircut or a wig wash.

And another home run by Lila!! Great recap this morning.

"Sergio confirms that he's been dumped." And he better stay dumped. That is all.

Honestly the slow on the uptake with these people is down-right scary. So we finally have the lightbulbs on for Santino ( I give him a break he's not been around as much) and Julietta on the Bianchi name. But Fi is on the wrong track. Whatever, just get it over with. Though I'll bet, if anyone agrees, this will be the big final happy happy reveal before the requisite wedding. By then, we won't even care.

Dante even dies ugly. Freddie sure is cold. Nary a flinch as he huffed his final moments. But dang, now I want it to come out that Eloisa knew it all along, so someone better come in there and let him at least confess or something in his dying breathe. Otherwise, sayonara to you too Dante. I hope.

I can't even on all those let's do veggies and garlic scenes. The editors left that in? Has to be a chicka in lurv with the Os actor. THough for me, there is something downright creepy about his smiling and laughing.

The dinner was awesome and lord Gia was just a-glow. So was our favorite boyfriend and papa. Happy place scene. Love the play between Rox and Gia now and the uniform scene was cute (they had those just happen to be laying around?). Anyhoo...Skankia needs to come crawling in with apologies. Or maybe she's going home!!!???



Lila, another lovely recap, shimmering with your magical touch that brings vibrancy and excitement.

"Alina promises to be discreet and leaves looking a little befuddled", "Katia is so dumbfounded she can't muster any bitchiness" and "bromantic bonding" were among my favorites.

I loved seeing Gia "a-glow" (thanks daisy!). Her exuberance and happiness were contagious and a joy to watch. No wonder Gael was so transfixed and that his father looked on smiling very approvingly. Who can resist her? Loved her putting Katia in her place but so regally without a hint of malice.

I was surprised Eloisa knew about Dante but nothing about this crafty, sly survivor should. Right?

Sergio IS a loser. I'm a bit ashamed that I had moments where I actually thought otherwise.

Alina misbehaved with Os and stepped over her professional ethics in terms of Gael, yet she is still one of the characters with the most integrity. How sad is that?

While I'm enjoying Pedro and Os's resurrected brotherhood, I would like to see Os direct some of his newfound "love" toward Gael, the brother he treated so horribly.

doris, your "Santino’s hair looked really bad, last night, like he needs a haircut or a wig wash" had me laughing!

Wonderful Lila. Thank you!


Thanks so much, Lila! Love how you detailed Gi's triumph over Skank at dinner. That was fabulous.

Rox must have picked up those sexy maid outfits at a costume shop. They certainly had immediate effect on Gael and Benito.

Thank you writers for giving us a reason to hate Elo all over again. She knew all along Dante killed Gabe. She lies to Alina without batting an eye (compromising Pilar's recovery). And she tells Dante to keep and eye on poor traumatized Pilar, to make sure she doesn't spills the truth to anyone else. Guess she doesn't feel all that bad about the decades of Pilar's life (and sanity) that were stolen from her by Max to keep his dirty secrets hidden.

Buongiorno a tutti!

Grazie tantissimo, Doris! Uh, yah, the singing bit was just coo coo. I advised chin straps for beanies several episodes ago. Better have some strong velcro on the straps til the end of this thing!

So. What is the deal with Eloisa. Is she like her son and they make her whatever she needs to be to move the story along OR drag it out? Jeezopete!

Now this is chin strap-beanie worthy AND disappointing:

Oh good grief, so now we get some doctor in Italy claiming to have attended Fi's birth to the Bianchi family?
Puh-leeze ..... gimmeabreak.

Gimmeabreak indeed! It'd better be that somebody paid that Dr. to lie unless it was Fiorella that contacted him because she had the letter from Vittorio. . .oh, they're screwing this storyline up BIG TIME!

Santino's hair WAS jacked up!


Mille grazie, Daisy! Yah, what DUHmmies they've been about Fiorella's name. Now, Julieta is going to the ranch all happy to talk to Fiorella and Fifi's going to blow her out of the water. All so this will be the big final happy happy reveal before the requisite wedding. Yah. Anticlimatic.

The "Save ACorp" plan was the dummest business plan I ever heard of. I'm sure that was product placement for some processed veggies and stuff but it sure was lame. Why the hell weren't they selling the blessed veggies before now?

And why did Skankia come to the ranch? How did you guys read her facial expression as she listened in that Gigi needs a new heart?

Grazie, grazie tantissimo Diana! I also loved how Gigi handled Katia, not a hint of malice and no unladylike words (love that old fashioned concept).

Diana, do you think that the fact that Gianna handled her without humiliating and denigrating her touched Katia and she's there now to apologize as Daisy suggested? Surely they wouldn't have yet another "beat up on the sick girl" scene written in.

Maybe they will let Katia have a figurative change of heart before she facilitates Gianna having a literal one. With HER heart!

(Boy, these novelas can make you feel like a real sick puppy!)

While I'm enjoying Pedro and Os's resurrected brotherhood, I would like to see Os direct some of his newfound "love" toward Gael, the brother he treated so horribly.

AMEN, Sister! You have a VERY valid point! What's up with that. he kept up and multiplied the emotional abuse from Assvaldo Sr. up until just a few days ago! This should NOT go unaddressed! Thanks for the reminder, Diana!

Grazie, Lila.

Wait a minute; would this mean that Helloisa also knew about Pilar being locked up and drugged for 22 years? If that's the case she would deserve the same for the rest of her life. 22 years of Pilar's life were stolen and nothing could compensate for that.

Dante is/was one cold customer. To boink the daughter of a man he killed (even if it was an accident) seems almost beyond the ability of most Mob members. However, she is bent on punishing a whole bunch of relatives who knew nothing about this. What a waste of living cells.

Santino does need a haircut.

I guess all Rox and Gianna needed to become friends was a common enemy. Good show, Gia, although getting up to sing was a little over the top.

Grazie tantissimo, Vivita!

Rox must have picked up those sexy maid outfits at a costume shop. They certainly had immediate effect on Gael and Benito.

Uh, yah. Gael killed me talking 'bout, "Don't whip it on me in front of everybody baby, take it easy!" That whole scene was very sexy!

Vivi, I could just reprint your whole last paragraph! Thank you writers for giving us a reason to hate Elo all over again.

Why go through all that "come to Jesus" conversion stuff and it turns out she's up to her rheumy eyeballs in evil! When she asked Dante why he didn't tell her about Pilar being locked up, there was NO reproach in her question, no outrage, no anger, more like she was annoyed that she wasn't in on this atrocity! She and Sergio are just twisted!

And when will the bit about Gabriel's birth come out? Or was that just a screw up?

Grazie tantissimo, Urbanita! Well, supposedly she didn't know about Pilar being in the manicomio. It still looks like she deserves a BIG anvil because she knew Dante killed Gabriel as well as the swindle! Yet, she gets rehabbed by accepting Fifi and Gigi and lauded as the wise matriarch that has strengthened the family and made the Empire prosperous while Freddie is turned into a nut case for wanting to avenge her father's being defrauded and murdered!

This is just getting too weird. Helloisa (and I need to go back to calling her that) is so cool about Freddie's desire to wreck ACorp and leave them all penniless. Again, if "Gabriel's birth" is a real plot point, she must know something she hasn't revealed yet.

Maybe when Maximo said in that flashback that Gabriel robbed him first, it had to do with him somehow assuming the role of an Angeles when he knew he wasn't one. Maybe Gabriel was switched for a real, stillborn brother of Max's.

Oh, Jeez. Lemme do some work. This speculation is getting over the top!

I think Helloisa (who would be hell on a cane whether good or evil) is underestimating Federica's evil here or trying to look as though she does. If she's holding a trump card of any kind she will need to play it ASAP.

"How did you guys read her facial expression as she listened in that Gigi needs a new heart?"
Must confess that I did not look at her because I cannot stand her due to those evil Aitana-like eyes and that awful wig-hair. Gah...

Urban - true! Helloisa needs to play her trump card soon. Doesn't she know we're in Ultimas Semanas?!?

Isn't it odd that they are announcing ultimos capitulos for this tn, and ultimas semanas for Lichita, and yet we have seen no ads for any upcoming tns?

Vivi - yes, that is very strange and I noticed it, too. (makes it easier to watch QyQ on T'mundo)

Also baffling that PyP is having combined episodes and it is supposed to be a very good telenovela.

Yeah, I don't know about the "very good telenova" part on PyP. I'm watching but it isn't with baited breathe each night. Talk about beanie's imploding some days. Now Hotel...oh my lord, how fine!

But I digress. Is there ANY remote possibility, do you think, that Freddie is Eloisa's child? But she couldn't admit it if the child was out of wedlock, especially back in the day? If Freddie is the eldest of the generational characters, maybe that works. I mean, I can't wrap my head around why she feels she 1.) needs to keep her around when she has openly threatened people or 2.) She never seems to stay mad at many times have we've seen those two all buddy buddy days after something awful happens. Freddie LEFT THE WOMAN ON THE STREET, and she still lets her hang around like it never happened. She threw Rox out for far less. Something is just fishy there besides guilt over knowing Dante did daddy-o in.

Whatever is going on, Hurray to Vivi for voicing what a lot of us felt last night. The old witch is right back up on the Dart Board of evil minions for me. She's out for her own skin and for the firtune, pure and simple. Doesn't matter who is really in the way or not. I think she'd step over Petey if it meant him or saving the "family" and fortune. Taking orders for her anvil--any suggestions on size?

Had a lunchtime thought on Skankia--what if knowing Gia is on death's possible door, she starts smoozing up to everyone with the idea she will cause Gia some health issue when least expected and her demise, thus getting Gael for herself. Anyone think she might be that much of a psycho?


Daisy, way back there was speculation on whether Elo could be Freddie's mom and I might have been a part of that (and it's kind of sad that I can't really remember) but you're right. Freddie has gotten away with everything and now comes MURDER and she's never paid for any of it. It's almost like a Quina/Roxi vibe.

Maybe Elo had Freddie by Gabriel who is not a real Angeles and that's part of the secret!

Apparently Pilar knows about "Gabriel's birth" and Elo sounds like she's prepared to have Pilar further bullied or worse to keep these damned secrets. Sheesh!

Re Skankia trying to bring on Gigi's death. I would say there is one sick, sadistic devil on the writing team. Here this girl comes in late to the story, Os has finally left Gigi alone, Aitana is missing in action and could appear at any time and now this new girl, Skankia is going to come torture poor Gigi? Sick, I tell you! Just sick!

Gabe died when Federica was in her late teens. Sergio was already a grown man, married with a young son (Pedro). In order for Eloisa to have given birth to Freddie, she would have had to cheat on Max when Sergio and Osvaldo Sr. were children/teens, AND somehow know for sure that the child was Gabe’s and not Max’s, yet not have Max suspect. I really don’t think we’re going down that path.

Birth order of Angeles (Max and Gabe) kids and grandkids:
Osvaldo Sr.
Federica* (child of Gabe)
Osvaldo Jr.
Gael* (not really an Angeles)
Roxy* (illegitimate child of Max)

Not only should we be seeing Osvaldo making amends to Gael, we should also be seeing Sergio trying to make amends to his wife, AND trying to bond with his little SISTER Roxy. He’s had like no reaction since learning that Rox is his sister, and not just some distant cousin.


Wow Lila great job, I love your ability to describe the best and worst scenes. Thanks
This is a great example. " She announces to a smiling Roxi that the dinner with "Tarantula No. 2" was a success, "she tried to take me down, but she couldn't!" Roxi asks who is "Tarantula No. 1." Gianna tells her what's important is that now they get along. Hardy har har har! Roxi gets it! "

ok I can't even w/Eloisa anymore, I'm not sure she knows how to tell the truth
and Fed is cold as ice -yah super slow poison for sure

I liked Urban's description of Elo as hell on a cane

Too much booze to anesthetize the pain of discovery, I guess. Not to mention that if there's one thing Sergio is expert in it's avoiding his own issues.

I think Helloisa subscribes to the adage of "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

Grazie tantissimo, Sneaky Two Shoes! We've got a lot to think about in these last chapters, haven't we? Eloisa IS 'hell on a cane!'

Vivi! Thank you for always re-orienting us to the real possibilities behind some of our crack-pipe theories are and for the birth order list. Vivi, any theories on Dante's threat to Pilar if she revealed the secret of "Gabriel's birth?"

Not only should we be seeing Osvaldo making amends to Gael, we should also be seeing Sergio trying to make amends to his wife, AND trying to bond with his little SISTER Roxy. He’s had like no reaction since learning that Rox is his sister, and not just some distant cousin.

ABsolutely true!


I'm stumped on the Gabe birth thing. Like you guys, I thought it meant Gabe wasn't really an Angeles, but we've gotten no new info. I hope they give us a clue soon.

Always love the recaps and your commentary, Lila. My favorite quote on this one was "this is lame, no matter what the language."

Gianna was certainly lovely last night, but she has been lovely since the very beginning. She does not need heavy eye makeup or fancy clothes to be beguiling. But I enjoyed the dinner scene along with everybody else. Although, like Doris, the getting up to sing was improbable. Plus, she's no singer. Maybe she and Sonia can do unfortunate duets.

Fast forwarded through all the business scenes, but enjoyed Vittorio visiting Diana in jail. The little tyke seemed quite smitten with Vittorio. Maybe the old devil lets the baby play with his glasses.

Is Eloisa too old to be the heart donor? Does she have one? Still mulling the transplant question.

Thanks Lila. Another crackerjack recap to keep us going.

This is good recappin Lila thank you mam.
That Dr. That nickie talked to is he old, and is
He talkin about gigi he delievered? Cause
This was over 20+ years ago. Maybe he did
Deliever a baby, that baby being gigi. I smell
A DNA Coming. They need to cause we in
Viewerville need a DNA. They gonna draaaag
This part aren't they?..... Ok.
Elo was right freddy is nutso. Now shes just
Like uncle max.....a killer. Elo better be very
Careful this woman has no quams about just takin anybody she feels has done her wrong.

I hope os and pietro stay friends the rest of
The show buuuuut maybe.......not!?!?! We'll
Skankia was listening. What is she going to
Do with the heart transplant imfo? O gianna,
Watch out girl.

You know who I would like to see papi chulo with? Now yal don't spit nails......ailana! Dr. Shes learned not to be stupid, I hope. Well thats what Im thinkin. Anyhoo, gotta go talk
Ciao yall!!!!♡♥♡♥♡

" . . . unfortunate duets." JudyB -you cracked me up. 😄

Mille grazie, JudyB! Judy, thank you for bringing up a highlight that rivaled Gianna: Betito! He was just so impossibly cute! I wanted to reach through the screen and hug him and tweak those chubbie cheeks! Earning Betito's trust is probably the best thing the old coot has done in his life!

Judy, I was defending Eloisa's ignorance about the evil and cheering her conversion and then this happens. Think I'll just watch with chin strap firmly in place!

razie tanto, Nina!

That Dr. That nickie talked to is he old, and is
He talkin about gigi he delievered? Cause
This was over 20+ years ago. Maybe he did
Deliever a baby, that baby being gigi.

Good point, Nina! That's gotta be the case! Sometimes a couple have not been able to conceive, they adopt a baby and them WHAMMO, they get pregnant! I'm hoping the Dr. was confused and the baby he's referring to IS Gianna!

Nice call on the DNA test, too! They've got Santino and Julieta right there with Fifi. What could it hurt?

Won't spit nails but that silly Alina needs to take a course on ethics, go to church or something. What Papi Chulo DOES need to do is send Skankia back to Portugal!

Elo is droppin the ball again. She knows stuff that went on back in the day. And still wont come clean. That she asked dante. Why not she comin clean too.I'll tell ya why, hell on a stick was enjoyin the mega bucks. Shes a bigger hypocrite than her house full of grand crooks. Ok gotta go. Enjoy!!!!♡♥♡♥♡

Why, oh why, was Gael wearing my Grandma Sally's scarf? That was the strangest look for him. Maybe Roxi should start dressing him, too.

Looks like the sponsor of this novela was Herdez. I remember there have been another business scenes in which they are promoting the vegetables of this company but maybe they have been cut out. Usually in novelas, actors are forced to promote in some of their scenes certain products which is a little bit tiresome because for that we have enough with the commercials.

I agree that Gianna is such an adorable girl and I want her to have a happy life but sometimes it is weird how the writers have managed her heart condition. They have been telling us since the beginning of the novela that she is so ill and that she is going to die soon and she is still alive, not that I want her to die, but sometimes she seems to be more strong and healthy that anybody in this novela. Would not a girl with her condition get tired when singing?

I am loving Osvaldo's change although it is weird and he still has that weakness for money.
Well at least now his priority is his baby's future and it is normal for a good father to want to give his child a good life. Just hope that his poor baby doesn't end up being another spoiled kid because Osvaldo probably would give him everything without limits.


Marla, I've had cardiomyopathy (not bad enough to need a transplant) for years. And yes, someone whose heart function was low enough to put her on the transplant list would be out of breath singing. She also would be too exhausted to manage medical school. Gianna's problem seems to be intermittent, like the check engine light in my car.

Fiorella is five years older than Gianna. Unless that doctor is getting senile or someone was paid off or misguidedly thinking that this lie was the right thing to do the writers are really dropping the ball here.

We never heard Mario's entire letter to Fiorella. If that doesn't have the answer we will all have to wait for the test. [Getting out pom poms] OK, everyone, let's hear it: DNA! DNA! DNA!


I was so wishing that Fiorella would have shut your big fat yap when papa Santino and Mama juls was trying to tell her something but she kept talking, the girl has a problem controlling her mouth.
I know the writers are draggin it out but OOO
PLEASE!!!!! Do a freakin DNA. WHERE is vitto
With that letter. Now if we didn't care, that
Letter would be poppin up everywhere.
Do yall get advances in yalls area like us on the East coast? I wont say what I saw, cause
I don't want to be a spoil sport. Anyways we
Will see it tomorrow, tomorrow, we'll see it
Tomorrow its just a daay aaaaawaaaaaay!!!!!
Im just feeling a little singy.

Thank you Lila,
Thank you sneaky 2 shoes. You guy are just
Muuchy mucchy wonderful. thanks for the
Time you put in to give us a treat every evening. Lovely, just lovely.

Sorry its late, but Thanks a lot Lila.

I don't understand why the writers need to drag Fiorella birth secret for so long. Katia is definitely planning something bad for Gianna,but is was fun watching her lose to Gianna on all counts.


Sorry its late, but Thanks a lot Lila.

I don't understand why the writers need to drag Fiorella birth secret for so long. Katia is definitely planning something bad for Gianna,but is was fun watching her lose to Gianna on all counts.


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