Friday, February 12, 2016

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #119 2-12-16 Anvilus Interruptus or an Anti-Climatic Anvil

Ciao, Peeps!  Let's jump right in!  If it reads choppy, that's because it WAS choppy.  It's another vegematic episode and more's the pity because we saw the resolution of some storylines we probably would've enjoyed more if we'd seen them play out.   PLUS, my DVR blew raspberries at me...didn't record a darned thing!   Well, it is what it is so... Andiamo!  

Fiorella has walked in on Sergio and Santino having a "who yo daddy" conversation. She seems not to have heard.  She asks for Julieta.  She is just there to return her cell phone. Sergio and Santino heave a big sigh of relief and blame each other for the close call.

Next we jump to the employee's kitchen where Domingo tells Simoneta about catching Freddie messing around in Pilar's bureau drawer. Simoneta knows this is highly suspicious because Freddie doesn't pick up or straighten up behind herself, much less anyone else. They hear a door slam and Simona jumps up and sprints out the door, rounds the corner and comes back to report to Domingo that Freddie was spying on them!  Domingo panics! "Dios mio, that psychopath is going to kill me!"  Simoneta says they have to be attentive and more alert now and she volunteers to be his guardian angel!

In Papi Chulo's apartment Gael tells him he doesn't want to take his name.  Augustin thinks that Gael is angry that he didn't fight to stay with him when he was a wee chamaco.  No, quite frankly, Gael needs the Angeles money to give Gianna the kind of care she needs.  Money?  Augustin is incredulous.  Gael answers, "It's a struggle between my head and my heart but I will do whatever I have to to help her!"  Papi Chulo looks hurt but understanding.

Freddie has run back to her room and pronounces that Domingo must die or he will ruin all her plans!  She remembers that she has TWO bottles of poison! Muwahahahah!

Eloisa meets with the family attorney, Robles.  The will is ready!  Eloisa wants it read tomorrow before somebody tries to bump her off!  Robles thinks she's being dramatic.  Oh no!  Dante was killed and there was an attempt on Pedro and Fiorella not long ago.  Eloisa tells him she suspects Federica.  "Excuse me but the will favors Federica a lot."  Eloisa knows and thinks that if Federica gets what she wants, maybe she'll calm down.  Robles thinks Eloisa needs to get Freddie out of the house right away!  Eloisa just wants to get the will read.

Fiorella is back at the ranch and goes straight to Gianna's room all a-flutter with what she just heard.  That's right, she heard the whole thing!  She tells Gianna she just heard Sergio and Santino arguing about each thinking they were her father.  No puede ser!  "If Sergio is my father, that means Pedro is my brother!"

Domingo and Simoneta go to Pilar's room to take her lunch!  AAAGH! Freddie is there with her!  Domingo and Simoneta are shaking in their boots and beat an awkward and hasty retreat.  Freddie feeds Pilar, which is sickening in itself, but the main thing she does is make sure Pilar gets her finger prints all over the dropper bottle of poison she's brought along.  Freddie is wearing gloves.

Back to Fiorella and Gianna.  Fiorella gasps and pities poor Pedro who doesn't know about this latest horrifying revelation.  If he knew he certainly would have told her! They both agree he must be told right away since she's, well, she's late and possibly pregnant! Gianna has been in bed all this time and suddenly feels sick and faint. Fiorella calms and comforts Gianna and tells her she will sleep in the room with her tonight.  Fiorella rushes off to get her dinner and to talk to Pedro.

Shift to Sergio telling Pedro he thinks Fiorella overheard his argument with Santino. Pedro is pissed!  Ah great!  Fiorella just told him she might be pregnant.  He cuts off Sergio's self-serving sigh that he wished he could turn back time. . ."Stuff it Pops, what's done is done!"  Not Pedro's exact words but close.  Pedro's cell phone rings: It's Dr. Elizalde, the DNA (or pregnancy?) test results are not back yet.

Pedro gets ready for the will reading in the bedroom when Fiorella bursts in.  She must talk to him.  He tries to put her off but she insists.  No, it's not about being pregnant.  She is not pregnant.  It was a false alarm.  He wants to call Elizalde but Fiorella stops him and cuts to the chase and tells him about hearing the baby daddy argument.  You can almost hear the hissssss of depressurization as Pedro slumps in relief.  She quickly learns he knew and gasps that she can't believe he knew something so important and didn't tell her!! "That's why you wanted me to get the DNA test!  Then, it's true.  We could be siblings."  Pedro sighs and nods "yes."

Micro sliver of a scene of Fidel, Simoneta and Domingo in the kitchen asking if the will reading is about to begin.  Fidel confirms it is.

As Fiorella and Pedro are about to leave their bedroom Sergio walks in.  No, I didn't hear a knock.  Fiorella walks over to him, looks at him and wallops him good right in the face! WHOMP!!  "How dare you do that to Sra. Julieta?!"  Pedro looks at Sergio.  "Yah, she heard."  Now THAT was funny!

Pedro and Fiorella head for the living room where Freddie makes a crack about them waiting for Pedro and his servant. . .I mean wife, to come downstairs.  Of course she times it so they hear it.  They shoot her a quick dagger and sit down.  

All the family is there:  Eloisa, Pedro, Fiorella, Freddie, Sonia, Osvaldo, Roxi and Gael. Robles starts.  Freddie will get half the Angeles properties and a certain portion of stock of ACorp.  An argument ensues between Freddie, Os and Eloisa.  Of course, she doesn't think it's sufficient and wants to be compensated for the years of deception and being kept from her birthright by Maximo's fraud.  Freddie's lawyer enters and says that the reading of the will must be stopped and cannot proceed while Freddie has an active legal case against the Angeles estate!  Freddie thumbs her nose and nana nana boo boos everybody and trades cries of "ambitious" and "greedy" with "her family."

What's this!  Fidel walks into the room with two Police Detectives!  They've got a warrant and have come to arrest Federica Angeles on charges of murder and attempted murder! Bedlam and mayhem ensues as Federica tries to run, then attack various family members and then thrashes wildly after the Police finally subdue her and drag her kicking and screaming out of the house.

Eloisa actually asks why Freddie was taken away.  Someone repeats for suspicion of having murdered Dante.  Gael is like.  Uh, shouldn't we help her or something?  Eloisa replies that well, if she did do it, she has to be punished for her actions. Someone else asks if it could be true that Freddie killed Dante. Eloisa says she has no doubt but can't understand how it was discovered.

Quick scene of Julieta and Santino back at their hotel and nearly giddy over Fiorella's forgiveness and accepting of them as parents.  Now, if the DNA comes back showing that Santino is the baby daddy, it will be a dream come true, the family each always wanted! Santino lays a big ol' kiss on Julieta and she does NOT resist.

Back to the living room where the not shocked and definitely not sorry family hears the story of how Freddie was found out.  Now then, I was going to go back and clarify parts of this.  It was a chopped up, edited mess and I would not have minded seeing how this played out.  Without a recording, here is what I remember.  Fidel invites Domingo and Simoneta into the living room to tell their tale:

Domingo and Simoneta got very worried about Freddie spying on them and, fearing for Domingo's life, they decide to go to Fidel for help.  Domingo thinks back and remembers hearing Freddie tell Pilar that she had "taken care of him" and then, the next morning, Dante got sick.  Fidel instructed the security staff to track Freddie's every move and he pressed all the security cameras into service.  This retelling is interspersed with black and white flashbacks.  Anyway, one morning Freddie was in the employee kitchen and insisted Simoneta go and get her some fresh oranges for juicing.  Simoneta reluctantly left the kitchen.  We see black and white security camera footage of Freddie emptying the entire bottle of poison into Domingo's favorite mug, enough poison to kill a horse!  Still in black and white we see Domingo sitting down to have some hot chocolate with Pilar.  Simoneta describes how she rushed into the room and knocked the mug out of "her Domingo's" hands but in the technicolor present she charges the giant Fidel and relives the life-saving jolt, spilling his beverage all over his suit!  How did she know?  She's got a sixth sense and a bond of love between her and Domingo!  Chopped though it was, it was a great scene.  I'm going to look at it again on hulu!  Anywho, Fidel also reports that Alina told him that Pilar told her in therapy that Freddie confessed to her (Pilar) that she had killed Dante!  Everybody in the family is absolutely gobsmacked!  Except Eloisa: "I told you we were living all this time with a shameless, crazy woman with no scruples!"

Gianna is having a crisis while all this is going on!  She whispers to her ailing heart to "hang on!"  She is sweating, and breathless!  She drops her cell phone, pulls off the heart monitor leads, gets up but then collapses on the extra bed.  She's also having flashbacks; of her talk with Roxi when she said, "I think the best thing is for me to stop fighting."  She flashes back to a scene with Gael asking her to be strong and stay optimistic.  In the present she struggles to her feet and then falls back on her own bed again.  "Papa.  If my time has come, I will stop fighting and you'll be waiting for me in heaven with mama.  I love you.  I'm ready to die."  Just then Fiorella comes in, rushes to her, picks her up and begs her to relax and breathe. Gianna keeps gasping, "I will die, I will die."

We are whisked back to the living room where Gael tells all about his real father, Augustin. Eloisa is shocked about the fact of it and that Pedro and Osvaldo knew and that Max knew but she says that about Max with an air of fatigued resignation. Gael's final plea is for Eloisa to divide the inheritance between the "real Angeles heirs."  Eloisa rises tearfully and goes to Gael.

E:  "I'm sorry that Maximo kept you away from your father(Eloisa looks at Roxi.)  Perhaps if Maximo hadn’t intervened, your mother would be alive.  (Eloisa turns back to Gael).  For me, you will always be my youngest grandchild and I’ve loved you as such since you were knee-high to a grasshopper, despite how block headed you’ve been and despite the addictions you’ve had to overcome.

G:  I love you so much Abuela!

E:  And you have turned out to be very intelligent and studious and although it hurts me a lot, I have no objection to you taking the last name of your real father.  (Osvaldo is looking on and we can tell he is touched.  His nostrils are not flared.)

G  Thank you so much.

E:  But you know what?  Above all else, you are an Angeles! You were raised as such and you will get your rightful share just like the others.  She and Gael embrace and Eloisa cries.  "Since you were little, you were always so cute!  The testament will not change!"  Everybody smiles mistily. Pedro announces it is great!

We are treated to a scene of Federica in jail.  It hasn't sunken in that her ass is grass.  Her lawyer tries to give her a reality check.  The charges against her are solid AND they have video tape evidence.  She declares it must be a fake!  "Your situation is serious and you will spend many years in prison."  She demands that he go now and STOP the reading of the will.  Yeah.  She crazy as hell.

The reading of the will continues with a montage of Eloisa calling each family member's name but we don't get to hear what they got except for one exception which is coming up.  Anyway, from everyone's expressions and hugs of Eloisa and tears, they are right pleased.  Sergio is joyous that he wasn't disinherited.  She says it's because he has changed.  Eloisa wishes Osvaldo and Sonia much happiness with their new family. Sonia gets her jewels. Eloisa says,

"I hope you are all pleased.  I know how much Max hurt you all and I hope that splitting up the estate was a good decision, it was the best I could come up with to compensate you. Even though it was difficult at first, maybe living together was a good decision because thanks to that directive, we have become what we are now. A family.  [This sounds like a thinly veiled attempt to give Maximo some credit for bringing the family together.  Peeps, PLEASE rip the writers, and Max, a new one for this!].  

"Roxana and Gael, no matter what, you are my dear grandchildren."  Roxi says Eloisa is her dear grandmother and a great woman and because of her she has learned discipline. Eloisa charges Sergio with taking care of Pilar's rehabilitation.  She further declares that the ranch belongs to everyone.  After she is gone they are to divide it equally among them and she hopes that they each will build a home on the property and all live there like a big family.  Roxi suggests and Robles takes a group photo.  Everyone is there except Fiorella.  Then Roxi takes the phone and holds it up for a group selfie!  Say "Wisky!"

Finally, the faithful family Physician, Dr. Elizalde tends to Gianna.  Fiorella and Pedro are with her as he tells them Gianna must be admitted to the hospital in the morning.  It's a precaution and a leg up on preparation for her to be in the hospital when the heart arrives.  One has not been procured yet but she is high priority on the list.  After he leaves Fiorella runs out to the hallway to ask him what if they don't get a heart.  He tells her to keep the faith, baby.  Well, not the baby part but it just goes there, doesn't it?  

Pedro sits at Gianna's bedside as she cries that she is so afraid.  He asks her forgiveness for being away for the past few days.  He tells her she is strong, this is just one more struggle that she will face bravely.  

G:  I can't anymore.  I can't keep fighting. 

P:  You have a wonderful life ahead; a loving sister, and Gael.  

G:  I've already had so much, I'm ready to go.  

P:  Don't talk like that.  I will do everything in my power to save you and I promise I won't leave you.

G:  What if you and Fiorella turn out to be siblings?

P:  Even so, I will never leave you.

G:  Thank you.  I need you both.  I am so afraid.

Pedro's words are brave and, I'm sure, his embrace is firm and warm but his eyes reflect fear.


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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LILA, I was never more glad to see your scrumptious recap, because I missed the first half. Words fail. I can think of no way to thank you for your months of dedication and labor on behalf of your Patio friends. Although I didn't see it, thanks to you I could almost feel the slap heard around the world.

Okay, we have some men that are going to be losers in the great "finale match-up game". First there's Fidel. No corresponding lady in sight. Also true for Papi Chulo. They also dropped the ball with that hunky anatomy instructor. (And speaking of dropped balls, the whole Katia storyline was just sooo pointless.)

Is there a date for the gran finale?

Thank you again Lila, for the recap...I can't wait to hang out on the patio this weekend and trade theories about heart donors.

J in Oregon


Hi, Im glad I found you guys. This recap is excellent.... It's exactly how it was broadcast. I couldn't follow all the story lines being so mixed up. And your recap was right on. I had seen part of this episode on YouTube and noticed how the cut it down on the broadcast today. I'm glad Pilar is really able to talk just fine sometimes. But I've never heard of tests for DNA and pregnancy tests taking over a day!!! I love this novela and am sorry it's ending soon. Thanks for writing out the recap. Actually, I'm 71 but act like I'm young. Bye.

Buongiorno a tutti!

Ah, J in Oregon! I felt your pain at the preemption, having suffered through the same! You are so welcome, J, and mille grazie for your kind words!

J, I wavered between WHOMP! and THWACK! for the slap but WHOMP! sounded more startling and painful! Hee Hee!

So agree with you about the useless Katia. What a waste of electricity.

Grand finale should be Monday, February 22!

That's what I hear. I can't wait to hang with you, too, J! This is our next to the last weekend together! WAH!

Burongiorno, mille grazie e benvenuto al Patio! elizabeth gabber! Good morning, thanks a million and welcome to the Patio! We love when new folk find us or our friends come out of lurkdom! I hope others will follow your lead!

Elizabeth, we are novela junkies here with varying levels of Spanish comprehension and this is the place to be if you watch novelas on Univision and Telemundo and don't quite get what all the wild overacting is all about. Well, it's not always overacting but that's the first thing I thought when I caught Jaime Camil's beautiful face on La Fea ten years ago.

Anywho, welcome and yes, I'm sure I'm not the only one glad that Pilar talked but to me they gave the discovery and fall of Freddie short shrift: it just wasn't as satisfying as it should have been!

Anyway, I don't think we've seen the last of Freddie! What do y'all think? Somehow she and possibly Aitana will wreak havoc on Pedro and Fiorella's church wedding day. I have a sixth sense, like Simoneta!

I'm glad you're here, Elizabeth! Please hang with us til the end and if you're 71 but act young, it's because you ARE young and you're in good company! Mille grazie for your appreciation!

Hey Lila! I have yet to see this episode, but so looking forward to it. Despite the cuts, sounds like lots of good developments. Be back later after I've seen it.

Welcome, Elizabeth G!

Outstanding as always Lila!! You and Sneaky are our beacons in this storm!

So......can I just say my poor TV came within an inch of it's life being destroyed last night.

First...why the hell is Gia still in that house and without 24 hour nursing care? At the least, she should have had an alarm or something on installed near the bed she could press quick if in trouble. That whole play out where she literally could have been dying was the single most ridiculous scene yet, and there have been plenty. And nice as that doctor is...he tells her she goes TOMORROW. No, hello, the ambulance should have been rolling up at that minute. I was literally screaming at my TV at the stupidity. Not that I expect her to was just another nail in this TN coffin on AWFUL writing. I need Carlos to talk me off the ledge on this one.

Second, Elo's love fest and claiming all the crap we saw at the start of this TN and subsequent was good because they are all lovey now. Ah, no. I guess with her money will make all hurt go away, so it's whatever. Those scenes of her allowing the sniping and demeaning behavior/abuse of Gael are seared in my brain...and she sits and talks how cute he always was. Bull hockey!! I know that whole will reading was supposed to be a "love fest" and wrap up, but it left me cold. And let's not forget, if she had done what she should have and had Freddie arrested after kidnapping, drugging her and abandoning her on the streets, she wouldn't have been free to kill.

ok, I'll stop ranting now.

My love for Simonetta hit new heights last night and that retelling of the drink scene was the best laugh I think I 've had in this romp for a long time.

I will also say thanks to Fi for the Sergio slap. I'm sure the patio felt that was also from all of us who have been outraged at what he pulled on Julietta. I don't think writers really have given that plot point the real due it deserved for how disgusting that was. It was just a way to get to this oh, so fun (NOT) sibling plot point.

Is the Julietta/Santino kiss finally our clue Sergio is odd man out...please make it so!!

Ok, folks...who's the heart donor? I was all in on Os, but now, heaven help me, could it be my Sweet Eyes Papa? (Still think he's too old).

And WELCOME Elizabeth!! Pull up a chair on the patio and hope to see you on future shows too.


Mille grazie, Vivi! See you when you get back!

Hey, y'all, I've added some dialogue in the will-reading scene and may do more, so check back if you've already read it. It was a very touching and well done scene!

Ah, grazie, mille grazie, Daisynjay! Daisy, you make some excellent points that I didn't even think of:

...why the hell is Gia still in that house and without 24 hour nursing care?

YES! No wonder the poor baby wants to die! She's been hanging on by a thread for weeks. She's not supposed to experience strong emotions and there's been a MURDER and an attempt on her sister's life, she finds out her beloved sister is NOT and she's nearly dropping dead every day!

And nice as that doctor is...he tells her she goes TOMORROW.

You are so right, Daisy. Pilar and Gianna have been beat up, dragged, tortured, locked up! I almost want Gianna to die to get out of her misery!

I'm sorry that I'm not one for talking folk off the ledge, Daisy! On this plot point, I'd like to jump with you!

Uh, on your second point I'm embarrased to have just announced that I went back and expanded the dialogue between Eloisa and Gael during the well reading. Insert embarrased grin here! Even though the scene played well, when you put it in context, Daisy, you've got a point:

Those scenes of her allowing the sniping and demeaning behavior/abuse of Gael are seared in my brain...and she sits and talks how cute he always was. Bull hockey!!

Thanks, Daisy! We're in the last episodes and as they say on Fox: Let it Rip!

YES, LOVED the Simoneta/Domingo show and her calling him "my Domingo!" They sooo should have NOT cut that plot development!

YES, LOVED the Sergio slap!

Hmmmm. Heart donor. If they don't let her die, I think it could still be Ozzie. That would be cruel for Sonia and the baby, but so was the needless slaughter of Joaquina. So I go with the former Ass.

Grazie, Daisy! Don't EVER hold back!

The writers have done a poor job of developing Eloisa, or they have very short memories about how horribly she managed this family.

Lila: thank you very much for the recap!

Fio needs happiness & very soon because everywhere she turns around, the villains keep plotting against her!

Vivi: you're spot on about Eloisa & the short memories!

Looking forward to seeing the climax in how the Good Guys stand up to the Villains!

"On this plot point, I'd like to jump with you!'

LOL - never to be one to take someone to their doom, maybe we just need to order ourselves a good, LARGE glass of our favorite margarita (pomegranate for me!) ...and keep them coming. I'll flip for the chips and quac too.

Vivi, great point on the long term memory loss of our writers. Seems to be a trait on every TN which outlives its sensible time span. Let's hope the experiment with the shorter TN's like El Hotel is such a success, they start doing a better job not going for these overlong, need-to-chop TN's.



Grazie, Steve!

ITA, Vivi, about Eloisa's non-development and so hope what you say comes true, Daisy: . . .they start doing a better job not going for these overlong, need-to-chop TN's.

OK. Just finished watching. Thanks so much, Lila! Best parts of the episode were Domingo and Simona, Fed getting busted, and the slap.

Why are both Pilar and Gi left alone for such long periods of time? Makes no sense. Glad that Fed isn't around to terrorize poor Pilar anymore.

In addition to the retcon the writers did on Eloisa and the supposedly loving Angeles family, I really feel like they've fallen down on the job with the Pilar story. This was a story that they could have mined for some really interesting and moving character development for Pedro, Sergio and Eloisa. But they did nada with it. A shame.

All the angst on Pedro's part, and yet I think Fi handled learning that they could be siblings better than all of them. She's ticked off and disgusted at what Sergio did to Juli, and she's worried of course about the icky possibilities, but there was none of the drama and angst we got with Pedro. She'll just anxiously wait for those DNA results.

My dvr failed me. I can't believe I missed all off this. Thank heavens for a lively recap!

Grazie tanto, Lila.

This was an unnecessarily vegamatic chopping of short episodes 166-169. If the finale is on the 22nd they better not edit anything from this point on.

Among the missing scenes are ones with :

-- Rox at her new volunteer job with children. She disses the uniform, then is assigned to give meds to a little girl who then vomits all over Rox's expensive top. Benito is secretly shooting a video of this with his cell.
-- Benito shows the video to Rox later, saying he wants to put it on the internet. She is not down with this and tries to take the cell away. He doesn't let her and then... oops, the whole world is watching.
-- Benito's parents and Vittorio. He updates them on Diana; he's optimistic about her case turning out appropriately. Adele and Rey have a silly argument on whom little Beto prefers.
-- Scene with Vittorio visiting Diana in prison. Beige uniform + no makeup = Blondes should never wear beige.
-- Scene with Vittorio and Alvaro with money talk. La Dolce Vita should be open shortly.

Comments in a few.

Thanks UA for giving us what we missed. I would have liked to seen Rox with the kids, but for the rest, meh. If they had to chop anything, I don't have a problem with it being a lot of Vittorio. That character outlived it's usefulness a long time ago and the Diane plot line is so much "who cares". They could have stopped both characters and had the letter still to Fi on her father show up somehow. Being the status of the actor, I think we were stuck with a character they had no idea what to do with after Fi and Petey married.


Ay, dio! I have a lot to say here:

The charges against Federica didn't even get close to the list of her crimes. Helloisa should have added the kidnapping charge. I suspect nobody else knows the other stuff.

Totally agree that the treatment of Pilar's situation was given short shrift. But now we can add a new felony to the rap sheets of Televisa writers. In addition to medical fantasy there now is psychiatric fantasy. The PyP writers are even more guilty of that one.

Neither Pilar nor Gianna should be left alone and yes, Gianna should have been in the hospital last week.

Sergio doesn't seem terribly concerned about how his disclosure about boinking Julieta impacts not just her but Pedro and Fiorella. I wish Fiorella had slapped him harder.

Along with some of the characters, I don't see the point in giving Federica anything in the will short of an allowance that will cume during her prison sentence. There should also be a clause about what happens to that if she dies in prison.

Details I neglected above: Vittorio and Diana talked about the Anibal situation and how he will be getting his dinero back. The conversation with Alvaro also included him meeting Fiorella and Gianna and how he will think of both of them as his nieces.

Grazie, tantissimo, Vivi! ITA about the best parts of the episode!

Why are both Pilar and Gi left alone for such long periods of time?

I really feel like they've fallen down on the job with the Pilar story. This was a story that they could have mined for some really interesting and moving character development for Pedro, Sergio and Eloisa. But they did nada with it. A shame.

Because they are whipping girls, blow-up dollies used for sadistic release of the perverted writing staff.

Too bad they don't care that WE care about those characters!

ITA about Fiorella's reaction to the "we could be sibs" storyline! What're you going to do? She wasn't pregnant, that's good. You can't take back boinking, once given. Just find out the truth! Go Fifi! Well said, Vivi!

Mille grazie, Urbanita! on your first comment with the fill ins! Thank you so much! This is a hoot:

-- Scene with Vittorio visiting Diana in prison. Beige uniform + no makeup = Blondes should never wear beige

Maybe after this is over I'll go watch the eps on YT. I don't EVER want to go through this again! I've watched a 200 episode novela and was riveted from beginning to end because the characters were skillfully developed, the story beyond entertaining, engaging, intelligent, the music lush, the actors beautiful and the setting sumptious! Really, it doesn't even have to be THAT over the top but a longer story only drives people crazy if it's crapola! Keep the longer stories off the tube if you can't handle it Telerisa!

Ok, rant over. Let me move on to other comments!

Urban at 11:05 a.m.

Sergio doesn't seem terribly concerned about how his disclosure about boinking Julieta impacts not just her but Pedro and Fiorella. I wish Fiorella had slapped him harder.

A knee to the nuts would have set me just right!

Amen on Federica. Urban, do you think she'll show up again?

I hope Vittorio and Alvaro came to the Ranch and that they didn't drag Gianna out there.

Gianna better be in the hospital at the top of the next episode.

I wasn't expecting Federica to be arrested yet, but with that bone-headed move in her will Helloisa probably funded her bail release and she'll make a last stand.

As for Sergio, Pilar should kick him in the bazanzas for failing her as a husband and failing Pedro as a father.

You said it, sorellina! I wanted Freddie to go, too, but I wasn't expecting her to be arrested either! It was so unsatisfying! When you chop a story up like they did it interrupts the emotional flow that a skillful story teller immerses his/her audience in. Yah, we fussed at Freddie but that was part of the emotional flow. As bad as she was, she didn't reach her bitchy climax and thus her arrest fell flat. At least with me. I'm glad she's out of the house, don't get me wrong, it just. . .oh well. I totally expect her to show up again and, you're right, her slice of the Angeles pie will help finance her release.

. . .Uuuunless she's being held without bail?

Love it Lila. Again thanks, along with Sneaky, for keeping this family together.

I started crying with Gianna. She has reason. That silly Fifi most times doesn't.

Freddie is taken down and not one person in the room had a clue. The estate should purchase a Cadillac each for Simoneta, Fidel, Domingo and Pilar.

Actually I'd like to see Santino take Sergio out back and open a can of whoopass on him. Know it's impossible but he can try to beat the rapist out of him.

Muchísimos gracias, Lila. You always make me smile. I can't believe how faithful you've been reporting for us here. So, only 6 episodes left, you think? Will you heave a sigh of relief when this is over? I will miss it, it's been fun hanging in the patio with you all. My future novela plan is ( I think) to start watching Hotel on Hulu until I catch up then following along here on Caray. I'm only good for one novela at a time.
Two thoughts from today's show: one, I think Fiorella lied about NOT being pregnant just to keep the two-headed baby prospect from Pedro. And two, how about the newly discovered uncle for the heart transplant? He's the only blood relative we have.
Thanks again to Lila and Sneaky!
Ann C

"Actually I'd like to see Santino take Sergio out back and open a can of whoopass on him. "

Everything YES about this, tofie. And I would very much like to assist. I can't even stand to watch the character now. Last night when he was all over Mommy because with his piece of the pie he can continue to be the worthless excuse for a father and well...he doesn't do anything else.

Eloisa was too busy taking care of her own conscience with those hand outs and should have taken a much harder look at what each person should have had. Some need a good kick in the pants (looking at you Sergio) and she should have made millionaires out of that staff that has put up with her elitist crap and the overlord that was Dante for years. That goes for Dom...wasn't for him, Freaky Freddie would still be sitting in that room.

I don't think we've seen the last of Freddie. Who else is left to wreak havoc during the final week? Hairball come back? Nah, Freddie is a better nutjob to want her vengeance because half of everything isn't enough. She wants it all and now she will want to take them all down. THEN I think she'll be in jail or the psyche ward.

I was still hoping we would find out Gabe was NOT the brother to Max after all.


I don't think Fiorella lied. She's got too much on her plate not to be stressed out in ways she doesn't recognize. I also think Alvaro is too old; he is probably the same age as Santino (whom I'm guessing is 5-10 years younger than Sergio). Gianna is so young that the donor should be someone much closer to her age.

I doubt that Santino would beat the crap out of Sergio since he doesn't want to look bad in front of Julieta. But Helloisa should slap the crap out of him. She has the Mother card.

Tofita! Grazie, tanto, sorellina! Didn't Gigi just break your heart! My girl is tired and I can't blame her. That whole gaggle of dunderheads doesn't know she needs to be in the hospital NOW and that includes Elizalde!

Re nobody in the Ranch of the Angeles knowing Freddie was a minion of Satan:

The estate should purchase a Cadillac each for Simoneta, Fidel, Domingo and Pilar.

And a casita on the property if they still want to work for the lost Angels!

Actually I'd like to see Santino take Sergio out back and open a can of whoopass on him.

Girl, yeah! They edited the first beat down out! That would be so sweet!


Ciao e mille grazie, Ann C! According to what I hear, Ann, we have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and next Monday, so only five episodes! I will be relieved because I've got different projects around the house that I've kind of put on the back burner but I'm going to miss y'all so much! This is a LOT of fun and I'd be lying if I didn't say I enjoy all the appreciation and the luuuve you guys show. No. That we all share!

Ann, I'm afraid Hotel looks dark but I hear it's darned good. I keep hearing about A Que No me Dejas, that it's supposed to be good. It was done by the folk who did Quiero Amarte which I watched and was excited about and loved so much I did a similar gig in the afternoon to what I'm doing here. So, I might watch out for that one.

I think Fiorella lied about NOT being pregnant just to keep the two-headed baby prospect from Pedro.

Good call. That crossed my mind as well!

And two, how about the newly discovered uncle for the heart transplant?

Now you're making ME smile, Ann! Poor dude, come on the show, help solve a mystery, loan Vitto some money and now we want to bump him off for his heart! Haahhahahah! That's funny!

But I agree! Hope he's not too old!

Daisy, thou speakest truth:

she should have made millionaires out of that staff that has put up with her elitist crap and the overlord that was Dante for years.

Okay, another vote for the return of Freaky Freddie!

ITA. They had better not drop that secret about Gabriel's birth but won't surprise me if they do. These jokers writing this just got tired, that's all!

HA! This is hilarious how we all want somebody to give Sergio a good waxing! Too funny!

Daisynjay: I too am still hoping that we get more backstory on Gabriel. Finding out that A) he was not an Angeles and B) that he was a lousy bum would be the ultimate punishment for Feddy. We still have two clues: the remainder of Dante's video message, which we never saw, and also Dante's cryptic comment several weeks ago about "the secret of Gabriel's birth". Which, I hoped would have been divulged on Dante's video message.

Also to Daisynjay: "Eloisa was too busy taking care of her own conscience with those hand outs". It was like she was buying the love and gratitude of all those she had snubbed since the show started.

J in Oregon

LILA our comments crossed. Those writers better not "forget" the secret of Gabriel's birth. They can pull off a red herring once in awhile, but sometimes it's just sloppy writing. They should know...the Patio NEVER forgets a loose thread!

J in O

You said it, J!

Sneaky Two Shoes, I just posted a comment on your excellent recap. Thank you!

Lila, another wonderful recap.

"Simoneta knows this is highly suspicious because Freddie doesn't pick up or straighten up behind herself, much less anyone else", "hissssss of depressurization" and "Bedlam and mayhem ensues" were among my favorites.

You obviously hold these characters near and dear and your enthusiasm is clearly reflected in your fine writing.

I felt myself tearing up at the reading of the will and was happy to see Eloisa embracing her entire family, including Roxi and Gael in particular. I was shocked that she said he could take his father's name. If Eloisa can soften her stance, I believe anything is possible.

Sergio has been so inappropriate and completely selfish. Why isn't he upstairs comforting his wife instead of pouting about Julieta and Santino? Very frustrating.

I posted earlier under Sneaky's recap in being disappointed this latest crisis didn't bring Pedro and Fiorella together. However painful the outcome, they should have faced Fi's paternity together and dealt with whatever the outcome was. I credit Fi as although she was clearly hurt, she didn't fly into a snit (proof positive she is NOT Sergio's daughter) or tell Pedro she hated him. If only they had determined to see this through together (a la Colunga and Gonzales in Pasion)!

Poor Gianna. Please someone - have the courtesy to die so she can get her heart! She's suffered far too long.

Gracias amiga - this was fantastic.


Diana! Amica mia! Mille grazie! Ah, Diana. Ever since I was a little kid reading books voraciously (which I ought to get back to. Reading books, not being a little kid) anyway, I always merge right in with the characters, the setting, the story. I know I'm not alone in that. It's a wonderful escape. We all do it. We get attached to characters and it pees us off when the "writers" disrespect them or miss opportunities for some fiiine story telling! Oh well. It IS their story. I reckon they can do as they please.

Come stand in line like on the movie "Airplane" and let's just beat old Serge right up! Naw, she is NOT Sergio's daughter. I hope to high heaven they clear that up Monday and get that out of the way!

And Gianna! That's something else I wish they'd clear up Monday so we can have some good times with Gigi before this ride is over.

Tu eres muy amable/Sei molto gentile/You are very kind!

Ann C & Lila. I highly recommend Hotel. Love it, but beware it's not a TN more like masterpiece theater. Great acting, period sets & costumes and a great mystery. I cannot find anything wrong and that's saying a lot.

Wow, Tofie! That's quite a recommendation. I surely will consider it! Thanks!

Thank you Lila for your great recap and thank you Urban for helping me with the edited scenes.
Still I will add to your list some more.

Another missed scenes:

*Fiorella coming from the Santino hotel crosses with Pietro in the house. He notices that she is sad and now Fiorella makes up a lame excuse of having hurt his foot. Pietro offers to take her to the doctor but she refuses.
*Helloisa calling Licensiado Robles for the will reading
* Breakfast scene in which Helloisa informs everyone of the will reading
* Freddie calling her attorney
* A scene of Gianna with Simona watching the video of Roxana and both laughing so much. Laughing provokes Gianna to feel a hard chest pain. Simona worries so much that she wants to tell Fiorella but Gianna doesn't want to worry her. Simona then wants to call the doctor but Gianna doesn't want to hear the same story of all her life all over again.
* Scene of Gianna and Benito talking about Roxana's video. Oh my poor Gianna feels bad but is faking that everything is ok.
*Scene of Sonia and Osvaldo. They are a bit anxious with the will but Sonia tells Os that if the company goes to the ruin, at least their child will have them. She leaves to bring Os a tea. Gael comes and Os asks him what he decided to do with his last name. Gael says that he will keep the Angeles name and Os so excitedly hugs him and in more manipulation mode tells him it's the best you can do for yourself and for our mom. Gael kind of feels bad.
*Scene of Os and Pietro. Os making a little rabieta after Gael told the truth about their mom. Pietro tries to calm him saying that Gael did the correct thing, that the family will try to keep the secret safe, and that is better for Gael to have won a daddy instead of having an inheritance.


Continuation of missed scenes:

* A scene of Julieta and Santino dropping in the bed and kissing passionately, this after Julieta tried to reject him with lame excuses
* Somes scenes of Pilar and Sergio. At first he was talking to her about the slap that Fiorella gave him and his thought of her being his possible daughter. Pilar consoles him and he ends up kissing her. Looks like they are kind of having a reconciliation and they have a sweet talk after the kiss.
*A little family talk about Federica after she is arrested
* Lic. Robles wanted to pospone the will but Eloisa refuses and Gael interrupts him but before telling the whole truth he gives a little chat of not deserving to be there. Os tries to shut him up in vain. By the way, Gael was shaking so nervous in the couch before that.
* Sergio making an imprudent comment about Sara and talking about his brother Osvaldo Sr. having a very violent attitude with her but always faking that they were the perfect couple. Gael defending his mom.


*Scene of Domingo telling Simona that they should go far. He wants to protect her from Federica. They have a little arguing when Fidel comes.
*Domingo crosses with Federica in a hallway and stares at her with fear. Federica asks if he already ate his breakfast and tells him that he needs to be healthy to take care of Pilar. Domingo runs from her so fast and Freddie wonders that by now he should be experiencing some of the symptoms.
* A scene where both Sonia and Roxana are emotional with Gael's revelation. Rox tells him that is good that he wants to change his last name and Eloisa is shocked.
* Freddie's attempt to kill Domingo with a poisoned mug of hot chocolate but oh well at least that was well explained in the flashbacks. I would just clear that when he was about to drink it, Pilar distracted Simona and him asking them if they were novios and telling them that they were a cute couple. Simona asked Pilar to take a picture of them but she didn't know how to use the cellphone (dah she was like 20 years or more locked in a mental clinic) So Simona took a selfie of the three together.

Thanks Marla!!

So Santino and Julietta got way more romantic than the one kiss. Praise be. But Sergio and Pilar getting sweet...hell to the no. But I swear these writers are thinking he's nothing more than the alcoholic wayward son with a good heart. Poppycock.

Honestly, Gael's MOTHERE would probably be ecstatic if he took his real father's name. If her rat bastard of a husband brought her that much pain and sent her to an early grave, why would she think embracing HIS last name was a good thing. Wow, these people. OK, I feel bad for Sonia, but manipulate Asshat still has to play the know it all big brother card. So I'm again hoping he's our heart donor. Do something positive with his pathetic person.


Hey, Marla! Grazie tantissimo! You ought to volunteer for a recap team sometime, girl! Thank you for the cut scenes. I think this is a new record: 4 episodes in one!

Some of those scenes sound like fun. Oh, well. I've done all the fussin' about editing I need to do. If not for the security camera footage, Freddie would've gotten away with murder so dumb were the police and even more dumb the Angeles for not even suspecting Freddie and thinking Pilar could be responsible! Big dummies! Well. Eloisa knew but she seemed timid in sharing her solid reasons for suspecting the Freak!

Would be kind of nice to see the family rub her face in some of the shit she smeared all over their lives!

Well I don't blame Osvaldo for wanting to protect his mom's memory and trying to protect Gael from being maybe thrown to the streets especially with Federica always trying to destroy the family. What is sick is the way in which he kind of forced him to keep this quiet, putting him in the awful situation of having to decide between Gianna and Papi Chulo and then using his own mother. Oh dam he is gonna be furious when Gael changes his Angeles name.

Thank you Lila for your enthusiastic recap. I love your writing and will miss it when this is over.

I have a theory about the writers of this thing: I think there are multiple writing teams who are randomly chosen to do a few week's worth of episodes - BUT they're not allowed to see what the other writers have come up with. They all are given a basic outline and are turned loose in the sandbox. Plausible, no?

My other speculation, since this is a 'comedy' and all... before they manage to get Gianna to the hospital, somebody at the Rancho will suffer an accident (Oz gets kicked in the head by a horse perhaps) and the good doctor will perform the heart transplant RIGHT THERE at the Rancho. Roxi and Gael will assist and all the family and servants can line up like a bucket brigade to pass the instruments. After which, Gianna gets right up and sings. By the way, why on earth isn't Gianna on supplemental oxygen?


Emilia, your in-house heart transplant scene is fabulous! Thank you for planting that picture in my mind.
And thank you, Tofie, for the Hotel recommendation. I know the little come-ons they show for it on Hulu are richly cinematic - beautiful and disturbing. I think I'll give it a try.
Ann C

Emilia Grazie tantissimo! You know you are much kinder to the writers than I have been, imagining them as children or even adults but making up things as they go along! What you say DOES sound absolutely plausible!

OMG on your house call heart transplant! You know what, Emilia, it would fit in with the other medical and psychological inaccuracies my friends have pointed out. . .like Gianna not being on oxygen! I think it was Daisy this morning that objected to the ridiculous inaccuracies of Gianna's non-treatment for this supposedly terminal heart condition she has.

Please stay with us until the end, Emilia!

I've been trying to get back into the blog since last night. Hopefully it likes me today (Goigke.). Thank you for the kind welcome. I'm curious where all of you are getting the missing scenes from the episodes. Did someone in Mexico tape it when it first came out? I'm watching it on two channels here in Sakibas, CA. I gat Univusion's East Coast feed within my Latini Paquete for Comcast Cabke. The 3 hours later I get the West Coast feed. I've watched it closely recently, at the beginning I loved the cast but not the story. But I missed the people so watch it regularly. We had an ad for a new novela at 7:00 pm Feb. 23 so I agree it ends the 22nd. I think in Mexico they made alternate endings and showed it all on a Dunday . Anyway, I tried to find it on You a tube but they just have bits of it. I saw Garl objecting to receiving his inheritance because he said he wasn't an Angrles. That sentence was not broadcast here so I was startled about that. I agree that it is a good guess they used different writers so it doesn't run smoothly. I haven't seen any passionate scenes of Jiliets snd Sabtini!! I watch it closely and understand Spanish well now from 24 years of watching novelas. This casual way of treating Guanna who needs a heart transplant.....but isn't in the hospital and has no oxygen!!!!! And Fiorella and especially Pedro's cowardly distance from her without any explanation have frustrated me. Maybe they're sticking with the black and white version from around 1970 that is in You Tube.... Just parts of it. Angelica Maria sings the title song in that version and she sounds beautiful. The whole story had been so illogical, but I love this novela and Pefto snd Fiorelka brighten my days. Friday I saw the Radt Coast feed so didn't get upset when it was delayed later because if Pope's visit. I still don't understand the Gabriel storyline . And Eloisa admitted to knowing about Dsnte killing her husband , Right? Anyway something drastic has to happen soon about a heart transplant. I hope the ending is happy. I started watching in 1990 because the stories had happy endings, but not so much these days. I want to see Simplemente Maria to see Jose Ron again but I don't know when Univision will get it. It's on the internet now so I'm tempted to watch it before Televisa blocks it!! Hasta luego, amigos nuevos. Gracias por aceptarme aquí con Uds.!!!! Elizabeth

II was unable to edit it.

Sadly, we can't edit our comments here. I wish we could because sometimes I've copied, edited, and deleted the original one and I don't like catching errors too much later.

Some of us have seen the original episodes. In the last few years Univision has been cutting down some of these and it's frustrating. I hope that stops now that Televisa is no longer going to make them as long as this one (originally 176 episodes, with 10 that are half an hour and the last one is 2 hours).

This one -- by definition -- demands a happy ending. I want to see Julieta marry Santino as well. He's hot, he's a duke, and he's rich! After suffering being married to Anibal she deserves this.

Buongiorno Elizabeth, Urban e tutti!

Elizabeth, I imagine people are getting the edited scenes from You Tube. As you probably noted if you read the first post of "Patio Rules" we don't like or allow spoilers so I personally avoid You Tube. I like the element of surprise. Some of our friends do watch the entire episode online, however, and will provide edited scenes. I agree with Urban that I hope Televisa NEVER runs a long novela again simply to hack and chop it like they've done this one. Even though some are not as fond of the story and some of the characters and are pleased not to see some scenes, for me it feels disjointed and frustrating to watch. Oh, well. What can you do?

So. We've got one more full week and a day and if they're up to 169 out of 176, maybe what we get from here on out won't be vegematic, just magic!

A girl can hope!

Lila, thank you for your explanation. I read your policy about spoilers and I definitely agree. I hadn't understood why Univision suddenly was programming incoherent storylines! I'm a night owl, which is fine now that I'm retired. But I do have responsibilities with my autistic granddaughter.
I'm very glad to have found other people who enjoy the novelas.
Buenas noches de mi parte, o buenos días!
Elizabeth Gabber

I also thanked Urban Anthtopologist and mentioned Sortilegio being edited up here Since I saw it on Televisa out of Tijuana when I lived in S.D.
That response must have disappeared into the ethernet. I hope we get a 2 hour ending. Feb 18 is Awards Show.

Elizabeth, I certainly understand the challenges you speak of. My youngest, a son, has autism. He is a nearly 29 and quite independent yet dependent in many ways. Watching novelas,tuning my Spanish comprehension, writing skills and meeting wonderful people suits a (mainly) homebody like me. I am so glad you found us!

Welcome Elizabeth G. and bless you Lila, for soldiering on and recapping these vegematic episodes as you so rightfully call them!

As Fiorella and Pedro are about to leave their bedroom Sergio walks in. No, I didn't hear a knock. Fiorella walks over to him, looks at him and wallops him good right in the face! WHOMP!! "How dare you do that to Sra. Julieta?!" Pedro looks at Sergio. "Yah, she heard." Now THAT was funny!

Glad you covered that scene. I found I just didn't have the patience to watch the endless delays and shenanigans Friday night, but like everyone else on the patio, LOVED THE PUNCH. AND YES, SHOULD HAVE BEEN EVEN HARDER.

If anybody qualifies for a "waste of oxygen" title, it's Sergio.

My other favorite line was about Osvaldo:

"We can tell he is touched. His nostrils are not flared."

Too funny. You always bring wit, humor, sensitivity and heart to your recaps Lila. And they are a treat even when the episode is botched, hacked and unendurable. And Sneaky Two Shoes, thanks again for coming alongside. I somehow never get to recaps late in the day, but appreciate your time and effort anyway.

Happy Valentine's Day everybody.

Aye, JudyB, you're making me get misty cause I know this is almost over. Even if we had got an unprecedented 176 un-cut episodes, I know I could've borne it with you and my other friends cheering me along. Anywho, I won't long forget "Muchacha" and never forget all of you. . . .oh heck, this isn't goodbye!

Yes, JudyB, we enjoyed Sergio taking one upside the head and would've loved seeing Freddie chastised more for her nastiness all these weeks. I guess it's not too late!

Mille, mille grazie, amica mia!

Another great installment, Lila. I run out of superlatives to describe your wonderful efforts.

Emilia, I love your rancho-based heart transplant scenario. I could just imagine them saying "Boil some water and get some clean bandages." That would make as much sense as any of the other things they have done to poor Giana.

I like the idea of Os being the heart donor.

What if Fi IS Sergio's, but Pedro ISN'T? Pilar, in a rare moment of lucidity, could confirm this.

This is just getting really strange, and I wish they would develop plot lines better, and use more believable science and relationship scenarios.


Thank you Lila for your kind words. And thank you all. Eliz

The Univision Vegamatic Editor has vexed me for some time. A few years ago during QBA they only cut about one episode total (out of about 180) but there was a key piece of information in what they cut.

This series could have done very well with 130 episodes with tighter writing, but the hack editing that's been happening here isn't achieving that.

Yes, if they wanted to make it shorter, they could have cut out a lot of these silly plot extenders rather than cutting and snipping seemingly randomly. Mind you, I'm sure these writing teams are under a lot of pressure. Turn it out. Turn it out fast. Now. Not later. And then no doubt the editors are under pressure too. I have heard the filming schedules are grueling. Not much worker protection in Mexico, so put up and shut up if you want to keep your job.

Grazie tantissimo, David!

What if Fi IS Sergio's, but Pedro ISN'T? Pilar, in a rare moment of lucidity, could confirm this.

Bite your tongue, sir! Please tn gods, don't let Sergio be ANYBODY'S daddy! Let Pilar confess he's not Pedro's and let her be Santino's. The only thing Sergio does well is get stoned!

This is just getting really strange, and I wish they would develop plot lines better, and use more believable science and relationship scenarios.

Amen! Since they haven't, it is at times inadvertently funny--and maddening!


It seems like the Televisa writers were under pressure to extend the tn, for whatever scheduling reasons, and the Univision editors have been told to shorten the tn, for whatever scheduling reasons. The combination of these two things is not good. It just results in hash made of filler-- as opposed to hash made of high quality stuff.

Welcome Elizabeth G. to the Caray, Caray Patio. Well I have to confess that I saw Muchacha Italiana in the internet when the novela passed on Mexico so when I see it in Univision I know very well when they have cut certain scenes that I have waited so long to see in the tv. So I don't have more remedy than to resign me in watching them in the internet. Fortunately the episodes are still online, you just have to write in google the name of the novela and the number of the episode you are looking up and a long list of websites will appear in which you can see it. In youtube, they generally block up certain videos when a novela is broadcasting.

Im really lovin granny Eloisa now. Shes actually enjoying her grand daughter inlaws.
Loved watchin her and sonia read down the
Wench freddy.
Now we have to deal with this mess the drunk has created. I don"t believe for one
Minute that fiorella is his daughter. He just
Wants to stick it to santino, cause juls is in
Hot blooded love with santino, and not his
Drunk but. He better go back and beg pilar's
I would love to see alina and papi chulo make a go of it. Maybe when all of this " my
Son taking my name" business is over. Just
Like every other shocker thats come to light,
And everybody don't seem all that shocked to me About some of this stuff, maybe this want be To shocking either. I mean Elo know what Kind of children and husband she had, jerks And morons like her and their daddy maximo. But Shes changed. I hope it last.

These folks make things so complicated for
Themselves. Get some hair take it to lab, test
It. BAM!!!! We find out who the baby fi daddy
Is. They're draggin this out aren't yall?


Hey, Nina! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! <3 ;D

Lila - Thank you for the recap! I didn't even have time to watch this episode, this weekend, and appreciate your work in keeping us afloat.

sneaky2shoes - a shout-out and big Thank-You to you for Thursday episode recap!!!


You are so welcome, Doris! Life's a blur, always glad to see you, hon!

I'm doing something wrong when I try to answer here. Just know I appreciate the comments and welcoming words. I'm writing on my iPhone, but sometimes my comments don't show up. Maybe I need to pull out my laptop. Gracias a todos aquí. Don't forget awards show preempt a Feb 18 episode. And only one hour is slated for the novela's last showing Feb 22. Elizabeth

Thanks, Elizabeth! I'm so sorry Blogger is being a booger with you! Thank you for the reminder of preemption on the 18th and I didn't realize the finale was only one hour. We're sure to have more smooshing right up until the end!

There should be no vegematic from this point on if my math is correct.


Muchacha will come on from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST, on Wednesday, February 17!!

That's this Wednesday, Patio Peeps! This is Eastern Standard Time. Please check your local listings for Mountain and Pacific.

This change according to the listings is due to coverage of the Pope!

Were the last episodes half hour, Urban? If so, they shouldn't have to smoosh!

Wasn't able to check in yesterday, so catching up on this welcome day off work. And I see Emilia's hysterical idea for a bedroom heart transplant. OMG...can I tell you the images going in my head and I can so see the writers doing it in this show. Dom can be the one handing the instruments while Simonetta lovingly mops HIS brow ( not the doctor's).

So if we lose the hour now on the 18th (Thanks Elizabeth), we have some wrapping to do. Resolving all the couples, has to be at least one final tear-jerker/scary moment (TN requirement Article 3, subset b), Gia's transplant (which I don't think is the scary moment--we know it's coming), whatever with Diana and Vitto (PLEASE dice and slice for once), Freddie's ultimate comeuppance and of course a big wedding. I can honestly do without the big wedding taking up tons of time, unless they surprise us and it's actually a well-healed Gia and Gael in a fast forward. Then I'd be all in...but it won't be. ALWAYS has to be the main couple. This one feels too much been there, done that, but it would be the full circle from Fi's dreams at the beginning. Yawn.


Daisy, maybe you can help us keep track of the dropped threads, or balls, whichever image we prefer! I just hope if they take up time with a big wedding it's not a wedding interrupted by Freddie or Aitana-caused mayhem! I'm tired of those heffas!

Hi my dear friends. I just want to remember you all that the novela ending was almost 2 hours so I calculated that they should be passing from Monday to Wednesday the remaining 6 episodes of 20 minutes combining 2 everyday. In Friday they can pass the first hour of the ending and in Monday the second one.

We should have everything left intact from this point on because any editing would likely delete a resolution or two. The big wedding better be in Italy! Maybe it will end with Pedro, Fiorella, Gael, and Gianna living there in a ducal palace.

Sounds good to me, Urban!

If muchacha is from 8:00 to 9:00, what happened to lichita? Was there a switcharoo? So we have one more week of this wacky family? Im gonna miss them.
This means I suppose that they're going to be finding a heart for Gianna soon or they're going to let her die. They might do one of those time lapse things. She needs a happy ending, her and gael's dad(Augustin).
After being run out of town by evil maximo, &
All these years without his son, and now he
Still can't claim him because of the money
inheretance. I know this happens, its looks
Like all is lost, but then a happy ending. Thank goodness for that. Besides in the credits at the end shes(gi) there in the room with the bride and the other girls. So Its good apparently she got a heart. I was just thinking about it and all, happy endings on around.

Yes Urban there is not too much material left to let them do more cutting unless that they pass more commercials than novela. Like I said, we only have 6 half episodes which equals to 3 whole episodes and then the 2 hour final which they can divide in 2 days. After they solve the horrible possible brothers misunderstanding, they only have Gianna's heart transplant and the who will be the donor issue to resolve. Considering how sadistics are these writers, they will have us suffering and suffering more with Gianna.

The Unresolved:

-- Gianna's heart transplant
-- Aitana is still running around loose
-- Gabriel's birth needs to be explained
-- Domingo (the "happy little flea") needs to propose to Simona
-- Julieta and Santino need to decide where they go from here
-- Diana needs to get out of jail
-- Vittorio needs to get his fortune back

Who sired Fiorella needs to be announced tonight.

Hey, thanks, Urban! Nice loose ends list. This will help us keep 'em honest!

Ok Urban, yeah there are another issues to be solved. What I meant is that Gianna's heart problem is going to be a main issue in these remaining episodes and well these writers loved to make people suffer so much. They delay weeks solving things that could have been solved in less time. In this case, all the telenovela Gianna has been with this serious sickness and probably til the end she will have her new heart.

So, we'll definitely need a time lapse if Gia's new heart is to be installed and working properly by the end. If the lapse is long enough we could have Sonia's (and possibly Fiorella's) babies crawling around at the finale. And I predict (hope for) Pilar's rehab by then - and of course she'll be the one to tell us the truth about Gabriel's birth.
Ann C

Lila thanks for making sense of an epi that when I watched made me wonder if it was going in fast-forward
You did great even w/o yr dvr

So many good lines like this one "Domingo and Simoneta go to Pilar's room to take her lunch! AAAGH! Freddie is there with her! Domingo and Simoneta are shaking in their boots and beat an awkward and hasty retreat."

I loved the slap so much, it was so deserved.
But the handing out the $ scene brought on a heavy eye roll, not least b/c it was equating $ w/love which is I guess normal for that fam.

hey is it me or is Gael's beard changing length during the epis?

Also if Fed had the extra poison all along why didn't the cops find it when they searched the house?
Oh wait I forgot, this show isn't supposed to make sense :P

Quit making sense, Sneaky! :)

Hey, Sneak! Mille grazie amica mia! Girl, I need to go back and rewind that slap. Sergio was so asking for that. What a block head!

Gael's beard? Don't know! I'm always looking at his eyes. If it's real, I guess it would be thickening and growing!

Here's a phrazse that's going to come in handy from here until the end. Thanks for supplying it, Sneaky!

Oh wait I forgot, this show isn't supposed to make sense :P


My gosh! The "leading lady" from the next novela looks like she's about 12!

O girl I saw her. "The leading lady" from the next novella looks like she's 12!" Lila she looks like shes in middle school. Maybe they"ll do a time progession thing. Wow, she
Looks like that girl that was in "My heart belongs to you", (I can't rememeber how to
Spell it right now, so I did the english), please pardon me yall.
Can't wait to read the recap for tonites epi tomorrow.
Loved the slap fi gave sergio, jerk had it coming.

Nina that girl is the same actress that played the role of Fanny in Mi Corazon es tuyo. She is Paulina Goto.

Fortunately they didnt edit todays episode of Muchacha Italiana but they obviously combined episodes 170 and 171 because each one were from 20 minutes.

Nothing happened today and we're running out of time! I taped the show and it was only 39 minutes without commercials. Is there time left for a heart transplant snd happy endings for the couples?? And the doctor never gave Fiorrlka the results of her pregnancy test.

No one has written about the final. Since the telenovela has ended I will now state that I was able to find most of the final on the internet this past weekend. Not in You Tube, Univision is only showing advances there but has blocked the chapters. I enjoyed the final today, it had a few scenes I didn't see on the Internet,such as inside a chapel a outside the tall white statue in Maratea. The lovely bathtub scene was longer on the Internet. But other parts were missing. Still we saw the important wedding and celebrations. I have loved this novela.
I don't think I've spoiled it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. I hope some one else reports in. Thank you to those who answered me here, especially Lila and Marla you were quite correct!
Besos y abrazos de Elizabeth de California

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