Saturday, March 05, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #29, 3/4/16 Friday: Proof of Murder

What a way to start an episode! We are, I mean they are, exhausted from having some ‘I’m so sad, here, let’s have sex to make you feel better” sex. They declare that they now belong to each other. Who doesn’t do that the first time you do it with a person, right?

While they pledge themselves to each other and probably doing it again, we see Sofia looking at her now flat belly, Filipe kissing a comatose Mercedes, and a fully clothed Eugenia lowering herself into a tub.

Julio wants Isabel to run off with him. But Isabel wants to stay and change bad mojo in the hotel. But Julio throws cold reality on her face. He’s a waiter and she’s the owner’s daughter. That will never work if they stay there. He finally convinces her and tells her that he’s going to buy 2 train tickets and will meet her there at 6:30pm.

Isabel wakes up Matilde to tell her the latest. She tells her that she’s leaving with him, gets her bag out to pack. Like a good friend, Matilde helps her pack.

Belen is asking Teresa to rehire Andres. Belen tries to convince Teresa that Andres is the father of her expectant child, but Teresa laughs that down. She tells Belen that she’s not going to have the baby of anyone, and she isn’t about to tell her who Teresa will rehire. Belen tells her that the price of the baby has now changed as she rips up the check she gave her before. She wants Teresa to give Andres his job back or she gets no baby.

The general is knocking on Eugenia’s door, but needs to get Natalia to let him in. He sees the un-slept in bed, proceeds to the bathroom and sees a blood filled tub. It looks like she slit her wrists and killed herself. She left a letter, dear father, I regret my actions, I can’t forgive myself for what I did to my sister. I wanted her dead and I tried to kill her. I’m guilty for her now being in a coma, and I’ve become a monster. I can never forgive myself and God will judge me and condemn me. I’m sorry father, your daughter, Eugenia. Poor General, he may lose both daughters now. This hotel should be called Hotel California.

Sofia wanders into the kitchen, looking zombie like, hair down, pale, and out of it. She asks Angela where Violeta is. Sofia thinks that Violeta is still pregnant. Angela tells her that Violeta lost her baby and the doctor sent her home. Sofia loses it, just as Natalia runs to alert Angela about Eugenia.

Julio removes the pictures of his sister and him from the locket and hands the locket to Andres. Sweet Andres won’t take it, he knows it has sentimental value to Julio. He tells Andres that he’s leaving with Isabel, but Andres gets mad. He can’t ask someone to give up everything like that, her support system. Julio tells him that she has no support system. And if Andres were to ever leave, he would see that himself. Julio will write to him when he’s settled to tell him what it’s like.

Doc tells The General what he already knows just as Filipe walks in. The General breaks down and walks out. Later he tells Teresa that he needs a hearse and an ambulance, he’s leaving the hotel. Filipe has the unfortunate timing of walking in just then and asks the General not to take Mercedes. The General unleashes on him and leaves. Teresa then unleashes on him saying he’s destroyed 3 lives already, is he happy now? I am feeling sorry for the poor bloke. Lesson learned, I hope.

Sofia wants to talk to the doctor so they go to her room where she promptly opens her dress and shows him her belly. He always knew, didn’t he? she asks. He sighs and she breaks down. She thinks she’s going crazy. Uh, yeah. Dr Freud named it ghost pregnancy. Sofia wants to be a mother so badly, but now Violeta lost her baby. Doc Vic reminds her of Belen’s baby with Diego.
 After Angela gives Jacinto orders about the hearse and ambulance, Belen catches up with her to give her the good news. She got Andres’ job back. Angela wants to know how much it cost her to get that done. Belen is put out by her attitude.

Andres goes into the linen room telling himself he has to find evidence. He looks under the table and sees gravel on the floor. He calls Ayala to tell him what he found, just as Diego comes by. Then Teresa shows up and demands them both in her office ahora. She tells Diego that Andres will be back working at the hotel, he needs to pay his debt to them, after all.
Ayala lets out a loud “Eureka!!!” He works out all the evidence out loud and now is convinced it was a crime, not an accident, and orders Dogaberto to call Berreda, the judge, immediately.

Alfredo is checking in on Sofia. She’s looking more clear-eyed and with it. She tells Alfredo, as plainly and clear headed as she can, that Cristina didn’t die by accident. She died over a letter. A letter that would free them from Diego Montego. If they don’t rid themselves of him, their child will have no future. (I wonder if she’s also referring to raising his baby and the secret of that he would have hanging over their heads too).

Filipe lets himself into Mercedes room and encounters the General. The General pulls out a gun, he tells Filipe that he has nothing to lose by killing him. Filipe pleads that he pull the trigger, he also has nothing to live for. Natalia smartly runs and gets the doctor and he arrives as the General pulls the hammer of the gun back. Doc talks him down, and the doctor takes Filipe away.

 Ayala shows up with an order from the judge to investigate Cristina’s death, much to Teresa’s disappointment. They proceed to the back yard to look around. Dogaberto takes a moment to sit down, casually reaches behind him and finds a mallet in the hay. Eureka! he shouts. Andres comes running as Ayala asks who it belongs to. Andres said it’s Don Romulo’s, he used it as a paperweight. Pisapapeles. Ayala tells Andres to find Julio and tell him his sister was murdered. They talk with Teresa and Diego and Teresa orders Diego to give them access to Don Romulo’s room, and anywhere else they want to go.

The ambulance is loaded up and ready to go. Filipe jumps on it. He’s going where Mercedes is going. As the ambulance moves down the road, he tells Mercedes that he’s there for her and is never going to leave her. Just then she wakes up, sees Filipe and starts screaming for him to go away. She calls him a monster. He’s utterly confused and so am I. Filipe runs away.

Teresa is asking for a favor from Elisa, she wants her to talk with her friend the governor about something we are not privy to.

Isabel sneaks into Diego’s office to leave him a letter. She’s leaving and she hopes he forgives her. She’s being suffocated by the hotel and needs to get away and she’s sorry for not loving him like she should. Diego cries, no, wails, over reading it. He crumples it up, but then on second thought, decides to save it.
Meanwhile, Isabel meets Julio at the train station. Just as they are ready to board the train, Andres catches up with them and tells them that it wasn’t an accident, Cristina was murdered.


Wow! First we had the spiderwomen and now we have the hammer of little Thor. No doubt this hotel is in the marvel universe.

For me, it would have been a lot more fun if the laundry room had exploded, killing Cristina and leaving Sofía and Teresa wounded. But, the story is completely different than what they lead us to believe. Cris was killed outside then dragged ALL THE WAY in? What was she doing outside after turning the gas on and the power off? Did I miss that episode?

She was outside waiting for Teresa, but got hit over the head by Belen, who took the letter and left her there. Then Teresa sees her, searches for the letter, it's not there, and drags her into the linen room.


Did Belén do that on purpose because she knew about the letter or was that a coincidence?
Who did the gas thing then? I thought it was Cristina...

BTW, thanks for the recap and for clearing some things out for me...

"This hotel should be called Hotel California."

HeeHee cathyx. I have thought of that myself a couple times. Fantastic recap!!

I JUST KNEW those two lovebirds would never make the train. The closer we got to the ending I knew this would be our cliffhanger. But nicely done clichéd movie moment--very tongue in cheek: her throwing up the gates to leave, getting there just in time, the steam blowing at the station and then, ah, you're here with the cute hellos. But not to be, nah, not in this TN. Cue the interruption. Was that a smidge of am "oh crap" look there on Isa's face?

So poor Snidely Whiplash loves Isa after all...but my only thought was "seriously, cries ugly too". Bet he was planning to use THAT letter for blackmail too. But why would Isa care to leave him a note and not her mother unless she finally saw the light where her mother is concerned?

Sherlock and Watson are so adorable as they solve their crimes. His pure glee after Andres' phone call was wonderful and the two striding off after finding the mallet--that was a moment to savor. Very Laurel and Hardy. Great direction and acting to add that touch of humor in the darkest moments. I'm betting the director is a fan of old 1930's - 40's films.

WHY do I feel increasingly that Sophia's story is going to end tragically? The actress is doing brilliantly, as she has done playing this type in the past, in showing the increasing pathos of the character, her almost acquiescence to the tragedy that is her life. And thanks cathyx for filling in what she told Alfie--that the letter is a way to free them from Diego. Why then would Sophia be privy and not the other two kids--was the secret about both her and Teresa or does she know the truth about her siblings? I do think Teresa would throw her under the bus if she had to, and I hope Alfie steps in before his wife is destroyed.

And yes, I admit it, dang, I felt sad for Felippe. Stupid fool realized too late what he had and how stupid he was. But we all now know that Eugenia did either push or let go purposefully of Mercy. Little B****. Asw for Feli, I would so like to see him find the errors of his ways...not go down the deep pit of pity and drink. I think the character would be great as someone reformed who could give it to Teresa later at some point ( he may know some good stuff--he may have been drunk, but not deaf.)

Seriously---Isa's entire wardrobe was WHITE!! Good lord.


Cristina did do the gas thing and turned off the electricity. I think she did that so that her meeting with Teresa would be outside instead. Didn't Belen overhear about the meeting between them? She knew that the letter was something worth getting a hold of, even if she didn't know what was in it. She read it after she got hold of it.

Thanks for the recap, cathyx!

I was under the impression that the conversation between Elisa and Teresa had to do with Teresa trying to get the governor (Elisa's friend) to help her out, and to stop Ayala from investigating - since the judge (Teresa's friend) wasn't able to. He did approve the search warrant after all.

I felt like Diego crying was more about him losing another connection to the hotel rather than Isabel herself... I can't see that creep actually knowing how to love anyone. I don't get why Isabel feels like she needs to be nice to him or tell him goodbye. He tried to kill Cristina, he is a baaaaaaaad person!!

I'm not entirely convinced Belen killed Cristina. It just seems too easy, and she didn't really have a motive (did she know about the letter??). Especially since Sofia was in Don Romulo's office right before going downstairs, and she definitely had a motive to stop Cristina, plus with her losing her mind, she could have done it but not remembered it. But then I'm also confused about how Belen got the letter if she wasn't the killer, so who knows!

I don't think that Belen tried to kill her, just knock her out perhaps. But she doesn't seem so upset that she died, even being her roommate and friend.

cathyx--Loved the recap. Thanks for putting your heart into it. We all wanted Eugenia to die but I was shocked she did herself in. The General's Pieta moment was heart wrenching. But, still, she was a Bi***.

Oh, and cathyx--I was aware that Garrido's look while being beaten was at Jacinto. I was referring how different Andres looked after being punched and beaten at the cantina. Ok, Garrido was being hit in the back and rear. Somehow, I don't think he's dead, but if he is, we MUST change the name to Hotel California--especially now that even Julio and Isa can't leave.

Isn't it possible Isabela was being nice to Diego because she's afraid of him coming after her and Julio? 'Cause he will certainly have learned she ran off with Julio. She's not that afraid of her mother, but does want to stick it to her some way for treating her like a piece of meat in the market.

Thank you for identifying the pisapapeles. I thought it was an ordinary mallet that maybe came from the kitchen. Pisapapeles--another lovely compound word. We must add it to our collection of them. (I remember we ran through quite a lot of them on some novela, long, long ago.)

So, how far is that train station from the hotel? I guess that in order for Isabel to get there just in time for the ending, she had to walk all the way. I remember Matilde being brought in by Jacinto...

Great recap cathyx much appreciated.

"they now belong to each other. Who doesn’t do that the first time you do it with a person, right?"

J, I must have missed it but I didn't see Belen do anything to Cristina much less knock her on the head with a mallet.

I also think Diego wants the social position a marriage to Isabel gives and loves no one but himself.

The conversation was to get the governor to have Ayala back off and Teresa's judge couldn't

I don't feel sorry for Felipe at all. He did destroy 3 lives.

Again Julio asks Isabel to give up everything to be with him and do what? Poor Isabel.

What in heck was Isabel thinking giving that letter to Diego and now she'll head back because Julio will stay and that worm knows she was about to flee.


Tofie--and with whom...

He can't find out about Isabel and Julio. If he does, Julio will get fired. Teresa will make sure.

Thank you so much, Cathyx! Another exciting episode.

I was not expecting Eugenia to actually off herself. Poor General. Well, at least Mercedes is awake, but will she be all there mentally?

Glad that Sofia now knows she is not pregnant. I still worry for her mental health. Although she did seem more in control when she told Alfedo that they need that letter and need to get rid of Diego. I think she's more concerned about the real bio-dad of her future kid being around, causing trouble, and reminding her of just who the real father is.

During one of the times when Matilde laid out the realities of what would happen if Isa chose Julio, she said that Diego would KILL Julio if he found out. Male pride and all that. Perhaps her letter was simply just to throw Diego off the scent, so that he wouldn't think she was leaving with a man-- just leaving for her personal reasons.

Of course we knew they couldn't leave though. I enjoyed their bedroom scene very much.

If we didn't see something happen, we can't assume it happened. We did not see Belen hit Cris. We know she has the letter, but that doesn't mean she's the one who clocked her in the head with a paperweight mallet.

Belen tearing up the check and demanding Andres' job back was a surprise. She didn't seem to care that much during his goodbye party. Why does she care now? Could it have to do with something the letter said? Like, "Andres is my son and heir?"

Thanks so much CathyX. Straightforward, to the point, clear and direct.

Belen is such a paradox. Surprised that she went to the trouble of getting Andres' job back. Was she moved by seeing the dreadful wounds inflicted by those barroom brawls? Or does just she just like wielding power and sticking it to Teresa and Diego? Interesting character, no doubt about that.

I was so off about the Felipe/Two Sisters story. Thought they were all in there as comic relief. Not hardly! Oh my, comas and suicides. In the "entrada" they show him in a monk's cowl. Maybe he takes to the monastery after all this.

Well, we can all breathe a sigh of relief that our timid lovers have now taken the definitive step. Can pregnancy be far behind? Maybe this is the answer to Sofia's quandary.

Thanks so much Cathy, enjoyed the recap and will enjoy the episode once I see it. The acting in this is first-rate. Although I'm getting a bit tired of Diego's perpetually lowered head and beady-eyed look.

Vivi, you could be on to something. Maybe Belen read in the letter about Andres' paternity.

If Belen didn't kill Cristina, I don't know who would have. Not Diego, Teresa, Garrido, and who else would want to harm her?

There are at least three pages in that letter. I bet it says a lot about a lot of things.

Thanks Cathyx for the great recap.

I wondered about why Belen was suddenly so interested in Andres. Does make sense if he is mentioned in the letter as an heir.

I have a feeling Diego will lie about getting the letter. Which would cause Isabel to have a false sense of security.

I don't think Felipe is entirely to blame for what happened. Eugenia told her father how she felt about how he (her father) treated her as opposed to how he treated Mercy. Her father did tell her off that one time, the truth but still being kind of cruel. I'm wondering if he was always trying to get Eugenia to be more like Mercy, making her feel like she didn't quite measure up. I think the general is more to blame for what happened.


Oh, Vivi--I love your theory about Andres. Some have postulated almost from the very beginning that Andres was Romulo's son. That certainly would explain Belen's change of attitude AND tearing up the check. She made it seem like it was all about the baby, though.

I guess she's figured out Teresa doesn't know all the contents of the letter. I wonder if she would suspect Diego.

Did she know Diego and Cristina were getting it on? Rumors did fly around. If so, she would want to know how much of the contents Diego is aware of.

P.S. There are five recaps up for Un Camino. So far it's enchanting and actually staying on the rails. Good cast, good characterizations. I'll quit it if it gets stupid, though.

Great point on the letter contents. My 10:00 pm tired brain didn't put Belen's excitement towards Andres and he possible being Rom's son. And heck, I'm sitting at the patio table that thinks Andres is Rom's. I need to drink coffee before watching now...much to much happening.

Belen is always about the money and trying to get that brass ring above her position. Tearing up the check could be her way to think she would have the rightful heir as her hubby and could pass off her baby ( which she now is very much trying to pass off as Andres') as the heir apparent. Of course, she's counting on Andres being as money hungry as she is and being willing to do anything to make her happy. (please dude, you HAVE to have come wise to her by now.)

Anyone else wonder if we are seeing how Teresa got her mitts into Rom? History maybe is repeating itself? Maybe that is what freaks Teresa out...she knows this game.

"I think the general is more to blame for what happened." THIS Nanette. He conversely spoiled and possibly played off those girls against each other. When he sat there all smug with Teresa with one daughter already possibly injured for life and was willing to just marry off the other to Felippe I about dropped my jaw. He may have masked that as "honor" being done, but Teresa was more dead on with hey, one daughter or the other, all the same. I think the General had more his own interest at heart on getting rid of a daughter to worry about than thinking of WHO she married and would she be happy.



The general admitted his shortcomings as a father to Teresa, saying he raised soldiers not daughters, ill equipped after his wife passed. I don't think Felipe is the first boy threatened with a shotgun wedding and have no problem with him stepping in. My father was a pacifist and why he fled Indochina in the 50's but if a boy had played with me like Felipe did both girls I imagine the boy would see a filet knife and a boot to the butt.

High Points:

The duel is interrupted.
Isa sees her mother in a different light.
Jacinto says he will follow Violeta anywhere.
Violeta’s small, quick smile.
Felipe does not run when the general has him at gunpoint.
General’s speech to Felipe.
Matilde disses Diego.
Angela tells Andres what Belen did.
Doc lectures Felipe.
Isa confronts Teresa.
Lupe leaves Angela a gift.
Felipe is shocked at Eugenia’s confession.
Violeta tells Andres it was Belen who gave her the fatal tea.
Felipe plans on turning Eugenia in.
Andres protects Julio.
Angela threatens Teresa.
Lupe comforts Angela.
Doc tries to tell Sofia that she’s not really pregnant.
Julio tells Isa Andres got fired.
Felipe confesses his regrets and love to Mercy.
Angela tells Teresa she won’t betray Sofia to Elisa.
Natalia’s goodbye gift to Andres, and hug.
Isa protests Teresa’s treatment of Sofia.
Alfie is outraged at what happened to Sofia.
Mercy is moving.
Doc/Isa moment.
Teresa triumphant over Diego.
Sofia overhears Teresa and Diego.
Jacinto is at the cantina to apologize to Violeta.
Violeta goes to help Andres.
Lupe is protective of Angela.
Teresa frantically looking for the letter.
Belen has the letter (highpoint if she only uses it to mode the villains).
Isa comforts Julio.
Ayala notices the blood on Sofia’s dress.
Felipe comforts Isa.
Ayala asks Andres to turn detective.
Teresa/Diego arguing.
Ayala lets Alfie know Cris’ death wasn’t an accident.
Cris’ beautiful memorial service.
Andres prefers to comfort Julio rather to listening to what Belen has to say.
Angela stays until the end of the service.
Felipe stops Eugie from killing Mercy.
Doc watches over Sofia.
Isa, Andres, Mati arrange Cris’ funeral so she won’t be buried in an unmarked grave.
Isa gives the locket back to Julio.
Teresa has a melt-down when she can’t find the letter.
Matilde gives Isa the key to her room for Isa/Julio goodbyes.
Isa and Julio make love.
Isa and Julio declare their love.
Felipe with Mercy.
Matilde helps Isa.
Belen gives Teresa an ultimatum. Rehire Andres or no baby.
Andres won’t accept Julio’s locket as payment.
Andres finds gravel in the laundry room.
Andres gets his job back.
Sofia tells Alfie some of the truth.
Felipe stands up to the general as the general holds a gun to Felipe’s head.
Doc stops the general from shooting Felipe.
Ayala gets a court order to search the grounds.
Dogberry finds the weapon.
Felipe hitches a ride with Mercy.
Mercy wakes up.
Teresa has to grovel to Elisa.
Diego’s big cry baby scene.
Julio and Isa about to leave.

Low Points:

Felipe tries to shoot the general as he leaves.
Mercy has fallen (?).
Eugenia tells everyone Mercy tried to commit suicide.
Ayala is upset when Teresa tells him Cris is alive.
Andres doesn’t believe his mother (actually a part of him does—he doth protest too much).
Felipe/Eugenia getting it on in the hot tub.
Eugenia tells Felipe she didn’t help Mercy.
Diego gets the directorship back.
Alfie is not happy.
Sofia gets slapped.
Sofia knows about the letter.
Andres believes Belen.
Sofia has hysterical paralysis of her left hand to go with her hysterical pregnancy.
Doc lecturing Alfie.
Teresa gives permission for Diego to do what he must to Andres to get the info.
Sofia tells Isa she knows nothing about the letter.
Felipe is too drunk to remember to go to Ayala about Eugenia.
Felipe is forced into an engagement with Eugenia.
Andres is fired.
Elisa attempts to bribe Angela.
Teresa pays Belen more money for her baby and for causing Violeta to lose hers.
Andres’ farewell party.
Teresa forcing Sofia to show her mother-in-law her “pregnant” belly.
Teresa strips Sofia.
Isa’s/Julio’s I’ve-lost-count-how-many parting.
Sofia doesn’t want to leave her home.
Eugenia is freaked out Mercy is moving.
Sofia is in a panic.
Doc tries to convince Alfie to stay, but he’s not buying it.
Andres can’t get a job except fighting at the cantina.
Felipe starts hitting Andres.
Jacinto sees Violeta helping Andres.
Angela weeps for her son.
Diego and Garrido are searching for Cris.
Julio fears something has happened to Cris.
Teresa’s got a gun.
Teresa doesn’t get blowed up.
We hear a scream.
Teresa dragging Cris’ body.
Teresa forces Sofia to help.
Isa tells Julio Cris is dead.
The judge friend of Teresa’s forces Ayala to rule Cris’ death an accident.
Smug Teresa.
Jacinto is jealous of Violeta’s caring for Andres.
Eugenia tries to smother Mercy with a pillow.
Eugie threatens suicide and Felipe doesn’t care.
Sofia now has a flat belly.
Eugenia kills herself.
Sofia finds out Violeta lost her baby.
Mercy sees Felipe and starts screaming.
Felipe runs away as the general threatens him with a gun.
Andres has to tell the lovebirds Cris was murdered.


Thanks, Nanette! I feel your High-Low lists are even more needed on this show where some many things happen each week. Two deaths in one week. Wow!

I'm not quite understanding Diego's beating/killing of Garrido. Did someone see actual evidence of death as opposed to "just" a beating?

Either way, Garrido seemed to realize something very bad was going to happen to him. If he's too intimidated by Diego's position to fight back, why doesn't he take off. It's not like he's on some great ranch where el patron's word is law for miles in any direction. What's Diego going to do? Turn Garrido in for crimes he attempted while in his service? Diego's hardly the Godfather, we've seen no sign of other muscle working for Diego. Jacinto wasn't along to control Garrido, Jacinto was there to learn the lesson that you don't mess with Diego.

Was there any indication Diego had a gun? Even so, isn't it just as likely Garrido was packing, too?

Could the "servant" mentality run so deep that it is supposed to be plausible that Garrido just couldn't even think of fighting back or even defying the boss by running?

And if Diego did kill Garrido, wouldn't the sudden disappearance of "that guy who was always seen with him" draw unwanted attention?

So, does it make sense in the story somehow, or is this just "one of those things" I need to accept.

On an unrelated point, as lovely as Angela's leading the vigil over Cristina was, Angela' no priest

Chris in Fla

Oops... cut myself off there. Angela's not a priest. How secular was Mexico during the Porfiriate? Wouldn't there likely be either a town priest or even a house priest?

Would the poor really get no priestly services at all? And even if Teresa wouldn't pay a single centavo, would a quick funeral blessing be so expensive that someone of Angela's rank couldn't cover it out of petty cash?

Ah well, I doubt any priest's reading would have been half as dignified as Daniela's.

I didn't think we were assuming Garrido was killed, were we? The two deaths I was speaking about were Cris and Eugenia. I'm sure Garrido is still living, with a bruised back and bruised ego. I don't think he's a very sharp guy, doesn't seem to have much education or other skills, and I'm sure Diego pays him better than any other person with his prospects could expect at the time. Say if he became a laborer somewhere else, he would get paid way less, and would likely still have a patron he treated him like a virtual slave. This is a pretty good job, if you have no moral compass.

Great work, Cathyx, and thanks to Nanette for the lists.

I'm wondering whether anyone who gets mixed up with Diego will get out alive at the end of this story (except for Isabel, who has to survive).

I also hope that Mercedes doesn't end up losing her mind. That is too great a punishment for her or her father. Since they're leaving the hotel I will miss them.

It will be interesting to see what Belen does with the information in the letter, which I don't think we'll know for a while.

Isabel needs to finish medical school, but I can't figure out how she can do that without money her family doesn't seem to have. I doubt that there were work/study programs in those days. Maybe the good doctor has dinero she can borrow in exchange for entering practice with him for x years?

I don-t know about how funeral services were held in 1908, but still in the 70s in Mexico, people did the vigil in their houses. It was common, before funeral homes, that when someone died, we cleaned the front room, opened the door and started making all arrangements so everybody who was passing by knew we had a wake. There was no mortician, we did as much as we could, but the body in the coffin and some onions in a pot with water below on the floor and that was it. People who were not catholic didnt have the big cross and sometimes not even the four big candles around it. They served coffee with ''piquete'' a sting of alcohol and from the very house was taken directly to the ''panteón''. People did the vigil praying taking turns, some even hired people to cry the loudest during the wake and after that let a lit candle to show the dead person the way to heaven and pray during the following nine days.
Funeral customs in small towns in Mexico are probably still done in the same fashion.

Thank you.
Chris in Fla

Thank you, Cathyx. This episode left us with multiple crazy wheels in motion.

Speaking of wheels in motion, I'm happy with the way the love scene was handled. They started at the end of one episode and were done at the start of the next. This is a welcome change from the way they're usually done. Normally, Televisa will do an entire, uninterrupted love scene, and then when Univision gets their hands on it they cut big chunks out of it without remixing the music or doing any transitions, so that it's really jarring and unpleasant (not to mention extremely obvious). If they're going to insist on protecting our virgin eyes, this way is far less obnoxious.

Julie, this is because this series is jointly produced by Televisa and Univision. That may be a wave of the future because the rebroadcast contract Univision has with Televisa is up for renewal at the end of the year.

I really hate the prudish pruning of the other series by Univision. You'd think America would have grown up by now about this stuff, but there are still some Victorian minds out there.

You're wecome Vivi and Urban.

Nanette--Thank you for your latest list, even though you forced me to read all those Lows. I really wanted to forget about them.

It really makes me angry with the bleeping & blurring . We have lots of Puritans in this country but I doubt they are watching novelas & if they are offended, don't watch. Some people can read lips anyway, so we know what is said.
I am beginning to have some feeling for Felipe. Hope he is worth it.


I don't know what I was expecting Mercedes to do when she saw Felipe, but it certainly wasn't that!

Anita: You're welcome. I was surprised at how quickly the low points added up this week! But, for some reason, I'm not feeling "depressed" like I have when other novelas have pounded us with way more bad than good. Maybe because this one is moving so fast.

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