Tuesday, March 01, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #25, 2/29/16 Monday: Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown!

This little gem was brought to you by our friend and Patio regular, Pablo Villalobos! Many thanks indeed! :)

Duelus interruptus 
The duel between General Ballesteros and Felipe Alarcón has lasted for the whole weekend. They started counting on Friday and they are still counting and walking back to back. Suddenly, the duel is interrupted by a loud scream that was probably heard all the way to Puebla. At this rate, they are never going to kill each other! General's seventh sense, told him that the scream was Mercedes and throwing his pistol, ran like a fox on hunting season. 

One less secret
Meanwhile, not far from there, by the irony gates from Hell, I mean, the hotel, Isabel Alarcón is witness to the last thing she wanted to believe. Her mother was actually a snake. Doña Teresa had stopped Cristina Olmedo right on her tracks, and was asking her to give the famous letter back. Suddenly, something clicked inside her head and everything made sense. It felt like a puzzle being put together. When Cristina heard the scream, she asked, what, another dead maid?

Little did she know that not far from them, on the other side of the building, close to the main steps, a couple of women fought on a ledge like if they were in the middle of the street. Maybe they had been bitten by a radioactive spider and were waiting for the superpowers to kick in, but suddenly, one of them loses ground and grips the other hand for support. Too bad they both had hyperhidrosis and left their DermiDry by the nightstand and now it was too late to go get it. We only heard a blunt noise. Luckily, the hotel has only two floors, so no bloodspill on the crime scene or anything the maids had to clean up afterwards.

Dr. Lázaro, who is as smart as he is old, I mean, he is a very experienced physician, never leaves his room without his medical bag, and since there was no blood on the ground, could kneel to do the check up. Quick, Matilde, bring me the bottle with the opium tincture drops, this way, if she doesn't recover, at least she will be too zonked to feel anything.

Doña Teresa, disliking scandals as she does, must have been really mortified, since the whole crew and customers came out to see Humpty Dumpty. Ángela, tried to keep everybody inside, but the hunger for gossip was stronger and just got ran over. Nothing to see here! Please clear the area, the doctor is working!

Teresa, unable to take it against Cristina, who had left taking advantage of the commotion, took Felipe instead, and while Mercedes was following the light, Felipe was followed by a sour sermon. 

One less secret II
Jacinto, who wants people to believe he is tough and not feminine like his father who is a cook, makes his angry face and confesses to Violeta, on their way to the saloon, that he will follow her to the end of the world if necessary. She sheds a silent tear and says, Jacinto, you're such a brute (but I love you)...

Not worth the shot
Diego and Andrés take a makeshift stretcher and run to lift Mercedes, who is not bleeding yet, from the ground. As soon as Diego leaves the room, Julio tries to kiss Isabel, but seeing that Ángela is coming, they pretend they were trying to blow something from their eyes. If Mercedes is bleeding internally, or if she stays in a coma, or if she broke her skull, or her pelvis, maybe she will never have children! 
Sibling rivalry at its best is shown when Eugenia claims her sister was so heartbroken by Felipe, that she tried to commit suicide. Yeah, like she ran into my knife nine times!
After Teresa let Felipe go, he went to check on the love of his life but his father-in-law-to-be was there, angrier than ever, and since his daughter's future was dark and not too promising,  he took his gun and pointed it at Felipe's forehead. His whole life passed in front of him but he never heard or felt the shot. It turned out he was not worth it. General Evaristo Ballesteros cursed him wishing him the kind of ending like one of a Clive Barker's story, keeping him alive to relive over and over the horrific end in an endless loop. This way, allowing him to live, Felipe could marry and hopefully, he would have two daughters so he could feel the same way the General was feeling right now. Killing you would be too easy and you need to suffer, for the rest of your life, or the time Mercedes stays in coma, whatever comes first, said the General.
After everybody leaves, Eugenia, crying like she was taught with the Stanislavsky method, pretends she is sorry, but her words get carried away by the wind. Mercedes cannot hear anymore.

Mermaid's song
Meanwhile at the cantina, Violeta sings ''La Llorona'' (Really, who in their right mind goes to a cantina to hear that? Suicidal people?) and some other sad songs from her dark repertoire to the ''delight'' of people who are for sure too drunk to know what is going on around them...

Doña Teresa is offering her customers an apology, when her world crumbles around her not being able to find either Diego or Alfredo, to keep her tantrum. But she won't have time for that, since Detective Ayala is there already asking too many questions and he needs to be stopped. NOBODY needs to know EVERYTHING that happens in this hotel detective, thats why we call it EL HOTEL DE LOS SECRETOS, capisce? This attempted suicide is something private and you have no business here! By the way, have you found Cristina yet? You know she's been alive all this time under your own nose, right?
Ayala, who is a very hard bone to chew, needs now more than ever, to know if this was really a suicide attempt or a murder attempt.
Alfredo was talking to Ayala, but Diego was looking for Isabel and found Matilde who, very cocky, told him that if he was not finding her, it was not because Isabel was hiding from him, but because he doesn't know how women think and he needs to perfect his skills. In other words, if you knew Isabel like you think you do, you should know where she is, period.
Walking the long halls, Elisa and Victoria discuss the idea of leaving this hotel where people are falling dead like flies, but before that, she needs to make sure she takes her son with her. And before that too, she needs to talk to Ángela, since she was the only person who witnessed Sofía's fall from the stairs. Well... all that will have to wait, because Pierre Paulete is here and who knows more about fashion than Ms. Elisa? She will upgrade her wardrobe soon, and the latest models from Paris are only in the fashionista's briefcase.

Call me maybe
Isabel was in such a hurry, that the only thing she could grab to put over her shoulders was the crochet towel that was covering the radio. Outside, she reunited with Julio and between frustrated kissing tries, he told her he wanted to leave the premises, effective immediately, along with Cristina and herself, if she wanted to leave all this to follow him. I would, said Isabel, but right now I am in the middle of finding out the letter to read it and find out why is it so important and endangers so much the hotel, which is my inheritance in the future. So thanks, but maybe next time. His lips approach hers as if he was trying to convince her, but she turns slowly offering only her cheek to receive the caress.

El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo
It's dinnertime in the kitchen and all the service tries to guess what really happened to Mercedes. I just heard about this novelty they call gravity, you know, says Belén, and since Mercedes is so fat, probably her own weight pulled her down, like them apples. If she is that fat, why didn't she bounce? Ángela, sad and worried at the same time, stopped all that gossiping and mocking while she followed Belén and Andrés, who were arguing about money they don't have. Ángela's patience has a limit, and Belén has gone too far this time, so she makes sure Andrés knows about the ''ruda'' she put in Violeta's tea. Andrés heart is confused. First Belén, then Violeta. Seems like Ángela is using the wrong way to approach him and make him understand the truth. He feels overwhelmed and angry ad runs from her with the evidence, but in that state, he could just throw it away, destroying the chance to make Belén pay for what she has done.  

The last thing Felipe expected when asking for the recovery of his Mercedes, was Dr. Lázaro telling him that he was a disgrace to men. After what he has done, all men are right now feeling ashamed of him being one of them. Also, the last thing Felipe expected was to see Eugenia purring like a cat on a hot tin roof all ready for a love dose in the thermal waters that are not only stinky, but HOT!! Of course that he didn't expect that, but he was more than ready and before Eugenia finished talking, he was already naked.

Taking a walk with Benjamín, Teresa tries to snoop whatever is going on downstairs, in the kitchen, but he is very smart and doesn't tell. And right there is where Isabel wanted to meet her, to ask her once and for all, about the famous letter and its contents, being so important to Cristina and everybody who knows about its existence. Cristina was blackmailing me, Teresa retorts, I am your mother, I am innocent, can you believe me? All I want from you, mother, is honesty. Honesty, dear, is such a lonely word, and mostly what you never heard from me! So stop cornering me like you're going to shoot me. 

Broken record
After Andrés has left. Ángela stays in her room quietly weeping, but Lupe, who happened to pass by, hears her and goes to his room looking for something that could restore her peace and happiness. She thinks she hears something outside, but by the time she is out, the only thing left is something on the floor that looks like a napkin in the shape of an origami swan.

Eugenia must be very numb by the pain of losing her sister, that she makes passionate love to her brother-in-law-to-be just to forget her pain and drown herself in her tears. But the little death she felt herself after the ''nasty'' is making her talk more than she should and confesses to Felipe that she was there when he sister fell and didn't do anything to help her.

Teresa is very upset yet again with Diego, and tells him ONE MORE TIME, that she doesn't allow mistakes, tardiness and lies and that he should be fixing what he did and finishing what he started. For that, Ms. Alarcón, says Diego, I will need two things: Get Isabel and the Hotel management back. Whaaaaat? You want that when? I am just Teresa, Not Mother Teresa and for that, I don't perform miracles, I can give you the management back right now, but Isabel, that's going to be a little more difficult. Especially now that she is in that honesty thing and all that...

One less secret III
Thinking that soon he will be gone from this hellhole forever, Julio says goodbye to Andrés, who is still thinking about the women in his life. He feels sad losing a friend, but if that's better for them, so be it. Yeah, tell me about it. By the way, did I mentioned that my sister Cristina is alive? No way! Yes way! And she is leaving too, you know that was my plan since the beginning. I came looking for her and now that I found her, we are going back to mother. Roll credits.
Staying here won't do any good. Cristina has changed, man, she is completely different, we need to leave as soon as possible...

¿Qué me ves?
The joy Alfredo had keeping the Hotel books was little, and Sofía is witness of the transference. She is so upset that she calls ''renacuajo'' (tadpole) the boy who is helping Diego. Then Sofía runs to tell Alfredo, then she runs to inquire her mother, who almost drives her crazy with her argument of Diego making her do it because of the secret he knows and all that. They both get into a very sour argument, that ends when Sofía calls her mother víbora and gets a slap in return. You don't disrespect your mother like this, even if she is actually a snake!! By the way, did I tell you that Cristina is alive? She wasn't dead, she was just having a party! (No estaba muerta, andaba de parranda!).

For some reason, we now see Eugenia pretending to be very offended seeing her dad taking the most precious care of his favorite daughter, according to her, of course. Even when he claims to love them both equally, Eugenia feels guilty of killing her own mother, since she died giving birth to her. 

Meanwhile, at the train station, Julio reunites with his sister and both get the tickets to board the train.

Andrés walks into the cantina and Violeta is STILL SINGING! But he has something very important to ask her so she leaves the stage to see him. I want you to tell me who gave you the tea that made you lose your baby! Asks Andrés, but Violeta is sobbing uncontrollably and we can barely hear when she whispers: Be-lén...

One less secret! Diego faces Julio and that encounter could be lethal!
Let the games begin: Whoever finds the letter will win the hotel!


Hello Patio Pals! I hope you enjoy this excellent recap as much as I did. And fear not, avid Julie fans. Julie returns next Monday :)

Thanks ever so much, Pablo! I haven't seen the episode yet but you recounted the events so vividly, I could picture it all happening as I read your recap. Well done!


Hurrah Pablo! We needed a bit of humor with a rather dark episode, so this was a perfect balance to the doing of last night. Thoroughly enjoyed this! Thanks for filling in and hope to see your literary skills again!

Felipe, Felipe...just doesn't learn does he. I'm a firm believer that he was dropped on his head as a child because he is not the brightest bulb in the room. I mean, her sister is on death's door, and Eugenia is looking for nooky? Think he finally got a bit of a wake up while getting his token extra bath for the day. But I still ask...the point of Eugenia still wreaking havoc is what? Is she going to get preggers? Do we care?

It was sad to see Andres get his wake up call too, but glad it happened. Question now is what does he do since he's in debt to Diego. Honestly, that poor guy should buy his own ticket out of town and get away from that hotel. Pronto. Belen is making me want to take that ironing board and...well you get my drift.

So we have to watch Isa being trapped back into marrying Diego? What a mother. Isa should wake up and realize her "inheritance" isn't all it's cracked up to be.



Great job, Pablo. This was a dark episode and there are too many people who need to see the light.

If Mercedes survives this "accident" (which wasn't one) I hope she plants her foot firmly in Eugenia's arse and sends her down the stairs. That brat is a nasty piece of work. All her remorse was fake and for the general's benefit. When he gets that light-bulb moment he will be a very sad man and I hope he doesn't end up ending it all.

I love how he handled Felipe. Those words will echo in his head until he drowns them out with too much booze.

Andres has to face a lot of ugly truths about his jolie-laide, Belen. Angela has overprotected this young man because of guilt of her own and she needs to help him now. She needs to be a haven rather than a source of criticism, but I'm not sure she knows how. Maybe she's been around Teresa too long.

Teresa is going to force De Eggo on Isabel again and that will get uglier than ever.

Pablo Villalobos, what an awesome gift, thank you.

"No way! Yes way!"

At first I thought Angela shouldn't have played the rue hand yet, not thinking Andres would run and ask Violeta.

I'm really struggling for a reason for Julio and Isabel to be together. Summer's over so back to school and the crush forgotten.

That letter better have some real juicy stuff in it, the tease is making me crazy.

A fool and his money. Andres loses a wad betting on Julio who throws a fight, now leaving with no mention of pay back and dumped money down a bottomless ho who promptly breaks up with him.

She's horrible but I still like the character Belen. The things that come outta that girls mouth.

Surely the independent minded Isabel wouldn't consider marrying Diego now to secure an inheritance? Or maybe her independence, funded by that inheritance, was an illusion?


Thanks, I had a lotta fun too... like in the old PEAM times.

Tks so much Pablo, mucho fun recap

I sure hope this isn't like some mysteries I've read, gripping until the end, "I read that whole thing for that"?

Received TV y Novelas, there is an article about El Hotel. The hotel is a psychiatric hospital (appropriate) from the revolutionary era in San Miguel de Allede, Guanajuato. The producer, Roberto Gomez Fernandez is the son of "Chespirito"

I thought you knew and that was why you were calling it "el gran manicomio". I also read that for some reason, this magnificent building called ''La Castañeda'' was never considered part of our national heritage and was demolished. Luckily, someone transfered the whole front side, brick by brick to his property, and now there is all we have left. I would like to know if all those gardens and stuff are real, or digitalized, since maybe the only thing real is the facade.

Pablo- I haven't seen the episode yet, so I don't want to read the recap. But I wanted to say thank you for jumping in and filling in for Julie. Hope you enjoyed the recapping experience.

Julie- Get well soon!

You're all welcome. I did enjoy it, thanks for considering me as an emergency substitute.

Thank you Pablo, well done. And thank you for filling in, it's greatly appreciated.

So who knows about the letter and who knows what's in it? I was surprised that Sofia knew of the letter and I wonder how much Teresa knows of what's in the letter. The opening line of the letter had to do with Romulo rueing the day he hired Diego, so I wonder if Teresa knows about that and why Romulo thought that. I'm betting that Diego didn't mention that when he bribed Teresa about the contents. So what had Diego done to make Romulo wish he never met Diego?

Yay, I'm so glad that Andres knows what he's about to marry. And I'm hoping he's not about to marry her anymore. What a sweet gesture by Lupe. He can't write a note to her, but he can still put forth his sympathy in simple way that touches Angela.

Now the truth is out and Filipe knows what Eugenia did. The ball is in his court now. Can he muster even a little bit of honor and be sickened by her?


Pablo, I didn't know. Someone said Sofia was going to end up in the manicomio & I just thought most everyone in El hotel was already nuts.

Just read about La Castañeda, a horrible place as most of those places were in those days.

Well, Romulo didn't want Teresa's mitts on that letter, so I'm guessing whatever he discovered about Diego, Teresa is part of his disgust. That leads me to believe she is the one who brought Diego into the hotel, and with a plan?

Diego has something over her head, and it's huge. Rom either revealed his suspicion Teresa was offing him, that she is a con artist and not what she seems, or that some or all of those "kids" of hers are not his children or are not her children. I still think Andres and Isa are twins, but can't quite figure out the dynamics of why Angela would allow Andres downstairs and Isa upstairs.

This show is making my brain go crazy. Whoever write this deserves a raise...glory be this keeps you guessing.


Thanks Pablo! Very entertaining recap!

I'm a little confused why a simple letter would ruin the Alarcons... if Cristina wants to use it against them, can't they just say it's a forgery and there's no way to prove that Don Romulo wrote it since he's dead?

I also believe Andres is Romulo's son, though I don't get why Angela would not want him to know that. I mean, wouldn't that get him some sort of inheritance, especially if he was the first born?

Well...I think this scavenger hunt for the letter can be toyed for the next 60 episodes, LOL!

It would only get him an inheritance if he were acknowledged by Don Romulo (if what I recall from CS 93 is true). Since he is dead there is no such information unless it's in the letter which, as you just pointed out, could be claimed to be a forgery. It would be difficult to disprove such a thing in 1908.

Teresa could also have switched babies and Isabel isn't hers, could have committed some hitherto unsolved crime long since then.... it could be almost anything.

I think the Doc is the key. What good is the letter unless it gets to the right hands?

Yep, UA, beat me to it. Andres could only inherit if he was legitimate or recognized by a will. I'm not sure just a letter would even do it back then. If Teresa threatened Angela and her child, I can see Angela wanting to keep that secret, especially if Angela suspects it could mean harm to Andres. She is especially fond of Isa, they showed in earlier episodes, and Isa's comment when she hugged Andres once that he felt like a brother and they grew up together has always been my big red flag. So if Isa is NOT Teresa's child, but Diego is secretly her illegimate child and the only way to inherit is to marry Isa...well....yeah, I wouldn't want to try a family tree right now.

We know Teresa was willing to throw Felippe to the curb without batting an eye, and when Diego was sitting in jail, she didn't mind the prospect of doing the same. Only one she's ever shown any care about for two moments was Sophia after the doctor suspected the emotional pregnancy. Maybe something in Teresa's past hits close to home with someone having mental health issues.


I guess I should add that it wasn't probably expected in the past that Felippe wouldn't be inheriting the hotel--boy usually gets everything. But he turned out to be a "disappoinment", so voila, Isa gets the mausoleum....er hotel.


BRAVO PABLO--Thank you so much for this very entertaining recap. The episode was not all that dark, some secrets are coming to light and some of our beloved characters are seeing the light (Andres and Isabel). I wish you had more time to contribute your skills. You are a natural!

Hmmm, so Sofia knew about the letter.

Who Knows About The Letter
1. Romulo -- he wrote the letter, addressed to someone we don't know, gave it to Cris, now he's dead
2. Cristina -- Romulo gave it to her, she shared the letter with Diego, confronted Teresa, disappeared, reappeared, retrieved The Letter, is about to leave the hotel
3. Pascual -- by inference, because Cristina and Pascual became very close, he participated in blackmailing Diego (about knowing what happened to Cristina), before he was shot
4. Diego -- Cris read him the contents of the letter while revolcando en la cama with him
5. Teresa -- fearing exposure, Diego probably went to Teresa, threatened her and blackmailed her, she caved, ordered Cristina's elimination
6. Sofia -- she knows there is a secret that puts the hotel at risk, does she know specifically about the letter, so, what does she know and when did she know it, and did she tell any of this to Alfredo, knows Cristina is involved
7. Julio -- learned about the letter's existence from Cristina's story in the carpinteria
8. Isabel -- learned about the letter and partial contents from Julio, confirmed by Cristina, who claimed she never read the letter, didn't believe it involved her mother until she overheard the conversation between Cris and Teresa
9. Matilde -- by inference, she's Isa's confidant, she also overheard mention of the letter the night of the serenata when Isa and Julio were "breaking up"

Who doesn't know about the letter but would certainly take advantage of it
1. Belen
2. Elisa (and by default, Victoria)
3. Genaro
4. Dr. Lazaro Vicario (but maybe in a nice way)
5. El General Ballesteros (would want to close down the Hotel, then buy it himself)
6. Romulo's friend/attorney to whom the letter was addressed
7. Detective Ayala (it certainly would clear up a lot of his problems)

UA--Obvio, Teresa knows all about switching babies. But if she wanted a son, why not take Andres and leave Isabel to Angela. There's more to this than meets the eye.

Pablo: thanks for pitching in and doing the recap (by-the-way Scorpion is my fav show).

I'm surprised Isa stayed on the sidelines when they found Mercedes. It was Matilde who was helping out.

I'm a little confused. Did Teresa tell Diego he couldn't "have" Isa? Did Belen break up with Andres during their argument?

Daisynjay: Diego as Teresa's son is a very interesting idea.


Right at the beginning of the episode during the duelus interrumptus, I got a big kick out of Felipe taking advantage of the commotion by starting to take a shot at El General. Alfredo steps in just in time to deflect it. He called Felipe an idiot. Felipe didn't think so, though.

Nanette--I think Teresa told Diego he could have his post back right away, but Isa would take longer and it was up to him to woo her, although she would aid him.

I don't think Belen actually said she wouldn't marry Andres. She was certainly letting him know he wasn't good enough for her. She doesn't have many other options right now and although there's no formal engagement, she calls the two of them novios and has Angela's reluctant approval to marry.

Thanks, Anita.

Well, this is more like a family tumbleweed...

Mother Teresa is knee deep (I was going to say waist but in her case is nonexistent) in Diego's hands and to keep the Hotel she would grab a red hot nail (se agarraría a un clavo ardiente), so going back to selling him Isabel is not such a biggie as long as they know how to force, ejem, channel her on the right path. They almost got it the first time, they can do it again.

So, this is the Hotel of the secrets, right? And everybody has at least one

Isabel secretly loves Julio
Julio openly lover her back but there's secrets in his past that involves women older than him
Teresa has a soft spot for Diego, like it or not, openly disregards Felipe and I am sure has secrets that are very dark and that will come back to bite her butt
Angela has kept everything about Andrés' father secret
Lupe the same, with Jacinto's mother
Benjamín's secrets are in his hometown, he doesn't bring them to the workplace
Felipe secretly craves his mother attention and understanding but thats a vice circle hard to break. He keeps drinking so she keeps belittle him, endlessly
Sofía is keeping secret her true/false pregnancy
Dr Lazaro came here with God knows what intentions: BIG secret
Matilde is secretly in love with Isabel, but she doesn't know it yet, hahaha!

Now let's see which secrets affect third parties and which doesn't

By the time I'm ready with the next Toxic Mothers competition Teresa will have a few more sins to add to her rap sheet. They don't have to be things she could go to prison for, either, but having no conscience about handing one's daughter over to a perv like De Eggo definitely puts her in the running for the deepest level of hell.

I guess Teresa will tell Isabel marry Diego or he will disclose the contents of the letter and they all crash. It's up to Isabel to keep herself, mother, brother and sister out of the poor house and perhaps save face if Romulo's reputation sullied. I applaud sacrifice for a noble cause but there is nothing noble about that family and get why she might marry him if she had no other prospects but she has a brain. Guess I've lived too sheltered a life for I've never known anyone that didn't rebel when confronted with half this tripe.

I have never seen Teresa show an ounce of "compassion" or caring about Isa. If anything she seems frustrated by her because she is different: smarter, more independent and not willing to be a behind the scenes wife like a Sophia. And she was apparently the apple of her daddy's eye.

Teresa may throw Felippe under the bus to his face, but I realized again, she did beg Alfredo to help her n'er-do'well son not get killed in his duel, and she reached out to Sophia as she slept...we've seen those moments, though they are few. We've gotten Nada with Isabel. Something is off there.

As for her letting Isa out of the engagement first time, I think Teresa was more concerned not to have the daughter of the owner connected to a possible criminal. Now, it's game on again, and Isa is back to being a tool. There just seems no love lost from Teresa to Isabel.

Maybe even Rom didn't know the full extent of everything Teresa did, but got a piece of the pie with her bringing in Diego and realized she was up to no good? I still can see her slowly offing the poor guy as his suspicions grew. She may be darker than we ever imagined in what she is capable of or has done.


If Romulo is Andres' father, which we don't know for sure but strongly suspect, I imagine the reason Angela says nothing is because of her shame in having sex with a married man, and Andres would find out. Teresa also wouldn't want the knowledge of her husband getting it on with the help and fathering a child with her too.


Meanwhile at the cantina, Violeta sings ''La Llorona'' (Really, who in their right mind goes to a cantina to hear that? Suicidal people?) and some other sad songs from her dark repertoire to the ''delight'' of people who are for sure too drunk to know what is going on around them...

Ah Pablo, you brought up a point that has always mystified me. Uncle beats up brutal mom in order to get the little songstress back? Not getting it. Judy Garland she's not... there doesn't appear to be a music lover in the whole dang cantina anyway. Just a lot of drunk guys groping whatever female they can lay their hands on.

So why the urgency? I know, plot device, plot device. Just saw the first part and am shocked that Eugenia was so willing to get it on agter causing Mercedes' near-death. What a lovely family. No wonder Felipe is hawt for the girls... just what a waste-of-oxygen fella like him deserves.

As for the rest, contents of letter, etc. I imagine it will be long and drawn out, but thanks for the lively recap and the lingo info. Remember you well from the previous not-funny-comedy show with Colunga and your recaps were the best part of that. Gracias for stepping in....
And feel better soon Julie!

If I were Isabel, I would tell Teresa that I wouldn't even consider doing what Teresa asked re: Diego until I knew what was in the letter.

Did Jacinto kind of declare himself to Violeta? Did I understand that right? Sometimes, Pablo, I can't tell if you're relating something that actually happened or you're joking :)

Thanks, I joke, but mostly around what really happened.

Jacinto didnt say literally that he loved her, but implied it, saying that no matter where she was,, being the hotel, the cantina or any other place, he would be always there for her. Then he "enjoyed" her singing sitting in the bar. When Andres got there one hour later, I thought they were going to fight over her, LOL!

Violeta sang with no feeling. She didn't have an off note but there was no expression in any of her performance. Like wind her up, let her sing, and then she's off. She has shut down emotionally.

As to Eugenia, she's a sociopath.

Daisy, you've nailed Teresa. She is an older version of Nina of PyP. We've gotten clues that she "married up." She doesn't get Isabel because she's not in the mold, thinks for herself, and was Romulo's golden child. Teresa can't manage her as she does her other children. The only functional difference between her and Nina Montenegro is that Teresa doesn't effectively pretend to love Isabel.

Tofie, it's easier to rebel today than 108 years ago. I'm sure that very few women attended college in those days, let alone medical school.

Mr tofie's great grandmother graduated Vasser at the turn of the century and from what he's told me she was far from a shrinking violet.

I'm so glad that Andres talked to Violetta. I think he will never excuse or forgive Belen for that.

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