Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Lichita 3/2

Hi guys! This will be my last blog for Lichita, and It's unfortunate that my recorder had such terrible reception for it (I left out the bits that were too garbled to understand, so please fill in the stuff I missed)! Still, it's been a pleasure, thanks for being a great audience!

Alicia tries to get Gumaro to give her the real dirt on Beto. He mostly just tells her she needs to be easier on him, the two of them came from tragic origins and Sheila really knocked Beto off the straight and narrow.

Magos is still trying to earn her daughter's trust and respect.

The API is doing an investigation on Beto's finances (or is it Augusto)... Later, in private, Augusto stays cool, telling Beto that it's all under control.

Brisa has worked out that things don't add up with Alicia's dalliance with Augusto. Alicia brings her into confidence, revealing that she's really going undercover to help Beto and his son.

Whoah! Augusto totally sells Beto out to the API geezers, telling them that Beto abused his trust from the start, manipulated him to get the presidency, and (presumably) embezzle money! Augusto advises them to bide their time and gather the proof.

Meanwhile, at a meeting, Beto breaks down and admits he stole that first campaign idea from then-lichita. He tells them he can't really explain why but he had "desperate motives." He also admits that he was in jail! I missed the rest of what he said. But then everyone starts apologizes for the shitty things they've done (except Elias, who confesses to being really pretty). It seems good, but Beto runs out and she chases him. She still wants to know why he did it, but he really just wants to be romantic (at least until the secretary runs up to gush about Alicia's romantic date coming up with Augusto, when he gets all pissy).

Gumaro and Luci discuss their baby, who Gumaro is hilariously calling their "frijolito."

Remember waaaay back when, when Magos smashed the windows of the car in that parking deck? Anyway, at her daughter's birthday, the car's owner (who saw her from behind in security footage) recognizes her sweatshirt and confronts her! It looks like she'll actually try to pay the guy back, which makes her parents proud of her for the first time.

Braulio tells Brisa he wants to marry her! whaaa?

Then things get pretty intense. After their date Augusto pressures Alicia REALLY hard for sex, getting inches from her face and yelling about how he never has to wait for anything. She doesn't flinch and yells right back at him!



Thanks Ez! I'm looking forward to watching this one later. You were a good sport to stick it out to the end!!

Ezra, thank you so much for this fine recap.

It's been an absolute pleasure reading your short but always sweet summaries. I hope you continue to recap.

I'm so enjoying Luci (never thought I'd say that) and her "Gumi". Hope we get to see their little "frijolito." Love seeing Gumi flapping around in Augusto's jacket. Doesn't the man deserve one of his own?

Augusto was getting downright aggressive and I give Alicia credit for holding him off. She won't be able to do that much longer I fear so am worried for her.

Ximena looked pleased as Magos tries to make amends. She is well on the way to redemption.

Brau isn't the only brains of his duo - Brisa is pretty shrewd herself. I am liking them more and more...

Thanks Ezra!


Thanks, Ezra! It was such a pleasure to be reading your recaps again. I am still woefully behind on watching this show.

That last scene you described scares me. Yikes!

Wow. Magos got off way easy for her vandalism of that car. Not sure how that taught her a lesson, but ok.

Thank you, Ezra! It was a wonderful recap!

So it was Alicia's threat of going for parental rights to Ximena that finally got Magos thinking and wanting to change her wayward ways. I guess this will be Magos' rehabilitation as a character which means that the only anvil that we hear being forged off in the distance is for Augusto. I liked how Alicia stood up to him.

Thank you Ezra for being part of this series. I hope that you will still be hanging around the patio.

Yes OMG! Agusto was really in Alicia's face and yelling full blast. Alicia stood her ground against the giant and gave it right back to him. Good for her but when I see scenes like that two thoughts always come to mind. One--were their ears ringing after the director yelled cut and two--was Scope mouthwash used before the scene was shot? Bad breath anyone?

As I said yesterday---if some API money is missing, a time limit needs to be established as Roberto hasn't been there long.

Thanks for your answer to my question yesterday Vivi.

Now I have another question for anyone---Last night Margos and Alicia had a heart to heart talk. There were tears and a big hug. What happened there? I'm thinking that it had something to do with Magos' starting down the recovery road but???

must see tv
the gringo


Gumaro and Draco should start their own security/bodyguard business. Wouldn't that be a trip?

Jarifa, that would be hilarious!

Draco would be the brawn...but I'm not so sure who would be the brains. Draco is hard to figure out - not quite sure what is going on in that head of his. Gumaro's burglary skills would need some sprucing up. He doesn't exactly blend into the woodwork but and isn't exactly suave, inobtrusive or quiet!

Of course, that would make for great fun.


Thanks Ezra for all of your hard work!!

I liked when Rob and Gumi were on the phones with each other trying not to look like they were talking to each other. Gumi told Rob that he told Alicia the whole truth. Rob was mad and worried since Alicia is dating Augie.

The apology scene started out with Alicia admitting to the group that she stole Braulio's idea for the tp campaign and was sorry. Rob overheard as he walked in and admitted to stealing Alicia's idea. Sandra popped up to admit that Alicia had said it was her idea and no one believed her. Nestor popped in with apologizing for being a gossip etc. Chuchette and Sandra both said things I didn't quite understand. Looks like everyone is now feeling like a team.

Another Nacho/Elsa enabling Magos moment. Instead of being angry that she beat up a car, they are proud because, now that she is caught, will pay for it. Bloody hell.

Wow Augie turned ugly super quick. I was afraid the scene was moving into rape territory. Alicia didn't seem the least scared and fired back strong. But face it, he is three times her size. He can take what he wants, and he usually does. If this wasn't a comedy I would fear tonight's episode.

Thanks, Ezra. Great job.

Ahhh, Gumaro and Luciana and there frijolito. I too hope we get a glimpse of them after the baby comes.

Augusto yelling right in Alicia's face made me so MAD. I wish she were big enough to throttle him.

Finally, Magos finds redemption. Sherlyn was pretty good last night cause I actually felt bad for Magos.

The conversation between Alicia and Magos was about how Magos is agreeing to let Alicia have legal custody of Ximena because she thought Ximena would never see her as a mother. Alicia, now on her perdoname rounds, said she was sorry that she even mentioned that, and that Magos is Ximena's only mother, and she should take the reigns!

Ximena invited Alicia to a party, instead of Magos because she said Magos gets bored of those things. When Alicia said she couldn't go, Ximena told her friend she couldn't come to the party. After the talk with Alicia, Magos confronted Ximena and told her that she was her mother, and that she would decide about going to parties or not. In the end, Magos went with Ximena.

Thanks anonymous---Boy, Magos is really coming around. Looks like things will be different from now on.

Roberto finally confessed that he stole Lichita's idea. Seems that everyone is coming clean--all accept Agusto that is.

the gringo

Thank you Ezra. Great recap.

I enjoyed the "Confessions at Iconika". Great scene. Glad that Alicia came clean about stealing Braulio's movie idea for her toilet paper campaign. Also, glad that Roberto admitted to having taken Alicia's idea for the supermarket campaign. And finally, also loved it when Nestor admitted to having stolen Alicia's egg sandwich that one time. :)

Magos is on road to redemption. Great scene with her and Alicia. And later, great scene at the party, where she took responsibility for smashing the supermarket manager's car and agreeing to pay for the damages.

Glad that Gumaro told it all to Alicia about Roberto.

This is wrapping up nicely, can't wait to see what happens tonight.

Did you notice that Gumaro told Roberto that he told Alicia "everything", except that Luciana's baby is Gumaro's, not Roberto's? I'm sure that is going to be an issue.

Thank you so much Ezra!

Wow, of all the nasty folks in this thing the only person to really get an anvil is Augusto. Not fair.

Far as Magos goes I'll believe she is reformed when I see it and I thought she was a little too insistent Alicia take Ximena and it took Alicia too much effort to convince her she should be the mom. She continues to slide on by.

Poor pitiful Roberto, NOT. Shelia nor Augusto created the thief. He was one before he met them.

Augusto's head is big as a lion


Anon 5:27

"Did you notice that Gumaro told Roberto that he told Alicia "everything", except that Luciana's baby is Gumaro's, not Roberto's? I'm sure that is going to be an issue."

Good point. I agree, that it could be an issue later on. Thankfully, there isn't that much time left, so even if there is a misunderstanding, it should be resolved pretty fast, I hope.


"Wow, of all the nasty folks in this thing the only person to really get an anvil is Augusto. Not fair."

I agree.

Thank you so much Ezra. It has been a lot of fun for us your readers.
Jarifa 03:12 said: Gumaro and Draco should start their own security/bodyguard business. Wouldn't that be a trip?

Yup a trip allright. Only one.... to their taylor, it seems. Since Draco, as measured standing nose to nose with Augoprick must be 17 :-)feet tall because he is Aug's height. And Gummi Bear is not much taller than Loosey Legs as measured by having him lay by her to compare. AND they both wear the same suits...Yikes, I will never make 'Borrowed from Kenny' comments about Augo_____'s mismatched Paisley & Petunias socks again. Little frijolito is going to be raised without a Pop because a Navy Hart Schaffner Marks just swallowed a Gummy Bear whole! Oh please somebody help him! Thanks for the laugh Jarifa, I couldn't resist.

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