Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #6. Tuesday March 15, 2016. Esperanza Rejects Ricardo Again, PatoLuca Are Officially Novios And Pedro Goes Blind!

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a discussion page until a valiant volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
The scene of Pato and Luca dining on the roof of a building in construction... Qué the hell was that? I watched it again tonight and I am rendered speechless. The only words going through my head in a maddening loop are: "What the fudge did I just watch?" And what does that SK plastered on Luca's Halloween costume stand for? Stupid Klutz? With the exception of this unfortunate-in-every-imaginable-sense scene, I found that this episode was pretty enjoyable. Esperanza and Ricardo have great chemistry. Kristel and Erasmo are lovely, in spite of the annoying banda song that starts blaring everytime they are together. Kristel and Pedro hanging out and talking made me hope we can see a real friendship blossom between them (telenovelas could use more platonic relationships). 

Esperanza's enthusiasm in her classroom scene was sweet and inspirational. With every new episode, I find myself liking this heroine and the actress playing her more and more, despite some occasional overacting for which I am putting the blame squarely on Osorio's shoulders. 

You may think I've drunk the Osorio Kool-Aid but I actually found the scenes of the Three Stooges funny! I even chuckled when Nacho was wailing in the bus and calling out to his Begoñaaaaaaa! Last but not least, how do you feel about the medical veracity of Pedro's diabetes development? As someone whose entire maternal side of the family tree has diabetes, I call BS!

A quote from the capítulo

- Esperanza: "¿Qué parte de 'no te amo' no entiendes?"
- Ricardo: "El 'no' pegado a un 'te amo'." *

* How can a borderline stalkerish line sound so swoon-worthy coming from the luscious lips of our Sexy Ricky?
- Esperanza: "What part of 'I do not love you' do you not understand?"
- Ricardo: "The 'do not'  attached to an 'I love you'."

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hello loyal Patio Pals, insightful regulars, feisty contributors, shy lurkers, Cris de la Fuente aficionados, Osorio detractors and/or casual SdA watchers! Since we do not have a regular Tuesday or Thursday recapper, I'll be posting a discussion page for those days. Any suggestions welcome. Any brave recapping volunteers also welcome. Good night. :)

Thanks for posting a discussion page, Nandicta.

I, too, wondered about the "SK" . "Super Klutz" could do it for me. We had a couple of interruptions due to election results and I wondered if I lost something. Anyway, I liked the lunch scene complete with the cellist.

My favorite scene, though, was where Esperanza finally closed the door on Ricardo's nose. So funny since he just would not go already as she had asked him countless times. We still have not heard his story why he did not contact her for twenty years . . . Still waiting. I do not know why "Where the h*** have you been?" would not have been her FIRST question when she saw him since she had been mooning over him for twenty years.

Loved when Begoña denied knowing Nacho. It cracked me up when the police addressed the "3 stooges" as "jóvenes".

Now let me get this straight: so Tracy is suddenly interested in her family now that Ricardo needs to move them to Mexico for his work. Give me a break.

Guess Esperanza is going to find out Pedro is a diabetic very soon. Goofy kid should have told her.

This is turning out to be an enjoyable bit of fluff.

That is all for now.

Cheers, Jarifa. I too laughed out loud at the "jóvenes" bit. So far, these 3 stooges have been funnier than I expected. I initially thought they would be pure filler and cringe-worthy lame "comedy" acts but so far I've been proven wrong.

Esperanza closing the door on Ricardo's nose was also my favorite scene. There was a later scene between them that made me chuckle as well. When she bumps into him at Instituto Palacios and asks whether he's a spy or a detective or something and he replies: "Precisamente no, no. Y te prometo que esta vez no te estaba esperando ni te andaba persiguiendo. Mi nariz y yo tienen claro que no me quieres ver más." ("No, not exactly. And I promise you that this time, I was not waiting for you or following you around. My nose and I understand very well that you no longer wish to see me.") :D

In my humble opinion, if only Osorio would lay off the schmaltz, take it easy on the condescending PSA talk and tone down the PatoLuca pairing about 30 notches, this show would be an excellent comedy.


Hi Nandicta, I thought I wouldn"t see anything about tonight's episode until tomorrow but this is good. that shouting match between espy and the head bit*h.....eh mistress was sounding kind of violent. I thought they were going to come to blows but it ended pretty quickly. And who did she run into? officer feel good or officer look good whichever it fits.
That was a very silly chase scene, them on the bicycle, and the speed bump, she could have caught them. But not in
Silly mode.

Ok, thats all I got for now. Have at it yall.

Hola, Nina! You're right, that chase scene was silly and logic-defying but I figured Osorio was doing one his customary "homages", this time to Benny Hill.
As for our Sexy Ricky, how about "Officer Look AND Feel Good"? He looks good and he makes me feel good about watching this circus!
I gotta turn in. Night night. :)


Ok, where do I start?

Fast forward during the 3 stooges thing. Are those 3 guys really important for this story? What is the connection? Begonia working for Erasmo? Really? I don't find them a bit amusing, they are pretty annoying...

Esperanza is having trouble paying for Pato's tuition now that Soriana ended her scholarship. If Pera has two kids in that same school why not go after both threatening to expel Pedro too under the smallest excuse, let's say, because he is drinking a lot of water? By the way, if Pera is already juggling with two jobs and the spinning, why not start making cakes? After all, they come out like they are from a bakery!! There's a lot of money right there!

Pato asked the principal, why are you doing this, do you know my mother is a teacher here? Well, my dear, precisely because I KNOW WHO YOUR MOTHER IS is why I am doing THIS TO YOU!!

So Richerd went to Quantico and trains on the beach and still couldn't keep up with Esperancita? God, she could run the marathon too!

By the way, she says she is almost 40 and Pedro is 18. When or how long did Esperanza studied to be a teacher. When she was forced to marry Arturo carmona, who was also a teacher, I heard that Richerd was a teacher too, did they studied by mail?

What is wrong with men in this novela? Richerd completely forgets Pera for almost 20 years and one of the stooges prefers the company of the other two and then cries because his wife is tired of that and don't want to see him anymore. How can you prefer your friends over your wife,, and how can you as a wife be so intransigent and not allow your husband to be a stooge with the other two misfits that look like they don't have anybody else in their lives? Ni padre, ni madre, ni perrito que les ladre...

I have been always complaining about all the remakes Televisa makes and now I am complaining about this turd that claims is original, and for that I am out.

I am kidding!! If you need someone for tuesdays and don't mind the way I recap, just let me know, I could use a little more fun in my evenings.

Thanks Nandicta. Oh boy, this show is so silly and full of laughable moments. I'm enjoying it a lot.

WTH?! Luca throws himself off a rooftop and nearly gives Pato a heart attack?! Was that supposed to be romantic?!

The superhero costume. *rolls eyes* I loved your suggestion that "SK" means "Super Klutz". :)

I loved Kristel and Erasmo's bike ride through the city. I'm liking these two together.

Now that Pedro is blind, maybe he can lose that ridiculous man bun. It doesn't look good on him.

Pedro a DJ.. just no. Don't do that to us Osorio!

Thanks for putting this up, Nandicta.

I was thinking the costume was Super Kursi. Also, hero costume, orchestra, dinner, construction site, AND throwing yourself off the roof? That is too many themes and gimmicks for one date. I liked Kristel's and Erasmo's bike ride better, being chased by Principal Fishwife and all.

Also, since when do an architect and a school principal make so much money that they can look down on everyone from their down-feathered, gold-plated nest? Either they inherited, or one or both of them is on the take.

I liked Espe shutting the door in Ric's face the best, too. Hey, Ric, we still have not heard why you disappeared for 20 years. That’s way more interesting than knowing that you asked your very very Norteamericana for sure wife for a divorce.

Discussion page, where? You gave us a recap Nandicta and thank you for it.

Uh. The only reason I can think a mid 20's manboy has for pulling the roof stunt to woo a teenage schoolgirl is he's overcompensating for something. No wait, could this Luca cat be Osorio's alter ego in this show? Every fantasy the boy ever had delivered by shotgun blast once he corners a live one?

Perpetuating the irresistible macho male myth is Tricky Ricky, knowing if his presence not enough to knock em dead he may need to provide a promise to ditch the other women if not an outright "my bad" at some point. Problem for me, I never took seriously a man that purposefully wears a jacket too small to accentuate he wants to pump me like he pumps iron on Venice Beach.


Could be.

In Osorios PEAM his boy's name was Kiko
Here is Kiko too

Maybe Luca is SuperKiko?

Also, the only excuse I find for this is to have the boy wear tights... what else?

Nandicta, thank you for this smart, sweet recap.

I so enjoy your style of writing. So many excellent lines but "How can a borderline stalkerish line sound so swoon-worthy coming from the luscious lips of our Sexy Ricky?" was my favorite.

I only saw a few quick scenes but Esperanza came very close to hurting Ricardo's nose (and pride)...like you, Jarifa, Julia et al, thought that was great.

I'm still not totally believing that Ricardo "abandoned" Esperanza for 20 years and now has suddenly reappeared, refusing to take her rejection with any degree of seriousness. While glad he has moved to get a divorce, (his single minded pursuit of Esperanza hopefully won't be so offputting) good luck with getting Tracy to cooperate. For whatever reason, she is digging her heels in and does not seem inclined to cooperate. At all.

I also like Kristel and Pedro's friendship. It appears that Pedro's failure to tell his mother about his health issues has rather grave consequences.

Mauricio, Pedro's "ridiculous man bun". Yes!!! Perfect description! That is so annoying - get rid of it - please.


Pablo, It would be wonderful to have you join our recapping team.. If you are interested just contact Jane at caray@mappamundi.com.

So,, what if...

Richerd got Espe pregnant before leaving and SHE HAD to marry Pedro when she realized that Rick was not giving life signals and the baby couldn't not be born out of wedlock? After all, teachers, as most women, are honorable too and must stay that way, according to Osorios guide, right?

Thanks. I will contact her to see when can I start.

Looks like Osorio us trying to "stuff" any human experience possible into this one: now a blind character? Will there be fires and earthquakes, boils and locusts?

Mauricio, Diana, yes, the man bun has to go. It is a bad look on anyone I have seen.

Julia, love the "super kursi" as well as ". . . very very Norteamericana for sure wife."

Thank you Pablo, Mauricio, Julia, Tofie, Diana and Jarifa for serving a hearty side plate of loud chuckles with my lunch (I am talking to you from the future)! Watching this show in your company is a lot more fun than rolling my eyes and qué-the-helling all by myself.

Judging from the astute remarks and valid questions put forth in the comment section, it looks like you've been trying to make sense of the nonsensical. This thinking and reasoning business does not fly with Osorio, so knock it off! :D

It looks like we managed to lure Pablo into the recapping fold! If his vivid and witty recaps of PEAM are anything to go by, then we are in for a treat! Many thanks for volunteering to take the Tuesday recap spot! If you could start next Tuesday (Episode 11), that would be grand!

Have a great day, everyone! Catch you all later! :)

Thanks, I feel honored.


Thanks, Nandicta, your "discussion page " is more than enough to get us started.
So let me get this straight :Pablo is 18 and Pato is 17? Did Espe hook up with Ernie while tending to a 3 month old and barely being a widow? Not cool, they really messed up everyone's age.
Kristel and Erasmo are my favorite pairing so far, Patoluca give me nausea. Jumping from buildings? QTH!
I rather enjoy the stooges, too, surprisingly.

Pablo, welcome to the team! Looking forward to your recaps.

Nandicta, I can do this Friday - at the very least some bullet points - if you're busy.

-- Pablo: Welcome to the recapping team! Please kindly check your emails.

-- Adriana: I definitely agree that they messed up the Guerrero kids' ages. I can to a certain extent give Esperanza a pass on her involvement with Ernesto so quickly after her husband's death because mourning and being a widow in one's early twenties can make one do stupid things. However, what I can't wrap my head around is the fact that a barely 17-year-old girl is being wined and dined by a guy in his early to mid-twenties and nobody bats an eyelid!

I was planning on writing the SdA Friday recap today, so I got that one covered. Besides, I have to recap EHDLS next Friday and since there is no way to watch the episodes in advance, I need to keep that day clear. Cheers for offering though!

The cost of the custom made superhero jumpsuit Luca wears under his clothes and sleeps in would pay for Patty's high school tuition. The staff, cellist, airbag and catering had to set him back about 10k. How does he top this? Pay kidnappers to tie her to railroad tracks so he can save the damsel?

-- Tofie: Luca is saving that stunt for his and Pato's wedding day! :D

Yeah, I wouldn't be too surprised to find out that Luca uses that superhero jumpsuit as PJs. He seems like that kind of a guy.

I was thinking about Pato's tuition problem, and really the problem can be solved by just meeting with Ernesto, and having him pay the tuition. He's Pato's dad after all and he should be paying child support anyway. So problem solved.


Being real here Ernesto is paying for Luca anyway. The boy works (I mean has picnic lunches, hardhat optional) at his company, lives at home and booked the convention center for a private comic con for the superhero and schoolgirl.

You know, they might be starting a trend with TNs pairing teeny boppers with grown men. on that other TN that comes on at 7 o'clock they paired a high schooler with a doctor. pato and (fernanda (the girl on the other tn) are graduating from high school soon, maybe that's why they're pairing them, because they're almost adults, just saying. Kinda creepy
And even tho luca isn't bio connected to pato, some might say " shes still your sister". O well to each his or her own. Im
Liking this tn.

Now did espy marry somebody named pedro when she was pregnant with ric's kid and name him after stepdad "pedro"? And when is she going tell ric he has a son? ( an older son). Maybe when said son tells mom he's a diabetic. All kinds of secrets gotta come out. In the mean time they keep us laughing, hahaha!!!!

Well-into-adulthood, or at least mid-20s, career men dating teen girls still in prepa is a very common occurence in telenovelas. WHY, I don't know. I remember a few people complaining about the age difference between the main pair in Niña de Mi Corazón, but that was actually one of the less egregious...Paulina Goto looked really young, and the actor was younger than the usual adults playing teens, but her character was actually in university and an adult (though barely), and Erick Elías was playing a guy who had only recently finished school.

I don't really get how adult men with jobs and such can meet a goofy teen in school uniform and think "novia material!" but I'm not a telenovela dude.

Agree it's weird on the 7 oclock show too to watch a Dr. speak through the gate at the girls high school and get her to skip class, lie to her parents to see him and he got her drunk first time they went to lunch. Guess it's a lot easier to impress a schoolgirl when you still live with mom and dad but you have a car.

-- Nina: Pedro is named after his late father, Pedro Carmona Sr., Esperanza's husband, who passed away befor blond cubby, and his "ridiculous man bun" as Mauricio calls it, were born. This is the official version we were presented with. Pablo was just speculating earlier that perhaps Esperanza discovered she was pregnant after Ricky crossed the border and decided to married Pedro Sr. (to maybe give her baby an apellido, a last name?). I don't know how you mix the genetic material of two gorgeous brown-haired brown-eyed people and get an equally gorgeous blond cubby with piercing blue eyes. It doesn't stick, but then again over on PyP both sets of parents in the rival families are drop-dead gorgeous morenos with brown, honey and hazel eyes but the children came out with all shades of blue and green eyes! The TN casting folks seem to have skipped science class when genetics was on.

-- Julia and Tofie: I believe this is the first time I've seen this in a TN. A girl in a school uniform dating a "grown-up" man really creeps me out. It's rose-coloring relationships that could really traumatize starry-eyed naive teenage girls if they intent to emulate them in real life. More importantly, a grow-ass man lurking around a highschool, trying to fish himself an underage novia would be in a heap of legal trouble. That's the easiest way to land in jail and/or on the sex offenders' list.

Here in the US that would be the case, but would that be the case everywhere? I don't know.

Brown-haired, brown-eyed parents can have light-haired, blue-eyed children if they both have those genes. It's fairly common. Hair color especially can vary. Lots of people have lighter hair when they are younger that later turns dark. I have a Chinese friend who thinks that is a really weird thing about white people. I know one woman who was blonde until she was pregnant with her third child, and then her hair turned more of a medium brown.

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