Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sueno de Amor #35 20160426 Both Esperanza and Shakira Are Annoying

Full Disclosure:  I don't know who the hell these people are and what is going on. 

So some chick named Esperanza is totally freaked over some guy named Ricardo.  Ricardo is out on a stakeout.  I'm not sure who called whom, but Ricardo and Esperanza talk while he's on the way to the stakeout.  Esperanza whines to her daughter Patricia that Ricardo is in danger, yet she has not problem with texting him and thereby distracting him.  Let me know when the stakeout is over.  I'm very worried. 

Meanwhile, across town, Ernesto and his wife seem to be having a little tiff.  She is surrounded by a lot of boxes and wants to separate the crystal wine goblets.  Ernesto tosses all the glasses to the floor.

Oh, my!  Ricardo has a wife named Tracy and Tracy isn't happy about the new nanny!  She threatens to kill someone.  Hopefully it's gonna be Esperanza because the whining is really grating on a girl's nerve's. 

Anyway, Ricardo drives up to some corner and waits.  Some guy blond guy named Tristian Ivanovic practically arrives like five seconds later in a Porshe.  A black SUV filled with a team of ninjas arrives on the same corner.  Over the radio, Ricardo orders his team not to shoot to kill.  Ok, so the team of ninjas jump out of the SUV.  Side note, the SUV was like a clown car it because about 50 or so ninjas hopped out of it.  Ok, so Tristain gets out.  OMGosh, he had like the biggest tattoo of a bird on his neck.  Well, then the ninja captain hands him a long tube.  Once the exchange happens Richard and the cops scream halt!  Well, one of the ninjas shoot and bullets start flying.  Tristain takes off running down the street and Ricardo chases him.  I'm not sure who shot Ricardo, but he shoots Tristain. 

Unfortunately, we have to return to Esperanza's bedroom, where Patricia has bailed on her.  Pedro her son knocks on the door and comes in.  She bitches about him working late.  She tells Pedro that she worried about Ricardo.  Pedro reminds her that Ricardo is some sort of federal agent and that danger is his middle name. 

So, next we see Margarita Manzares arguing with her daughter, Silvana.  I think the daughter is getting a divorce or something because she wants her mother to kick someone out.  Margarita tells the daughter that she is the one that has to go.  Margarita gives her one week to pack.  She must be a big b*tch.  Anyways, the daughter is upset because her daughter is dating some poor construction worker.  Margarita thinks that the poor boy is nice.  Anyway the daughter tells Margarita that she is her only child.  Margarita does not move the deadline.  She's got a week.  She appeals to her mother that she's broke.  All of her money is going towards her debts.  Margarita tells her that her very presence is toxic.  Damn.  It's official.  Silvana is a big b*tch. 

At police headquarters, Ricardo is walking down the hall wearing a wife beater.  I caught a glimpse of his tattoos and apparently he was once a US Marine which is confusing for me.  He's a Mexican Federal agent right?  None of my business.  I am just a guest here.  Anyway, he gets a call from that shrew Esperanza.  He lights into him as soon as he says hello.  He was on some sort of mission and she knew he was buy saving the world, but she tells him that he's inconsiderate and hangs up on him. Nagging Esperanza has totally bummed Ricardo out.  He is further bummed when his partner announces that Tristain has been sedated because of the bullet wounds. 

Some young chicks are in a bedroom on twin beds.  They are also discussing the construction worker.  One of them says that he smells like dirt.  She doesn't understand how the other one can date him. 

OK, so Pedro has not abandoned his insufferable mother too, but someone is banging on the door.  Patricia comes out of her room.  Esperanza says that its Ricardo and she now she doesn't want to talk to him.  What?  She wanted to talk and text during a dangerous stakeout?  But now she's got nothing to say.  Anyways, Patricia opens the door and lets him in while Esperanza hides in the hall and eavesdrops.  How old is she?  I mean really?  Ok, so Patricia sees the sling.  He tells her that he was shot but it was just a graze. 

Ok, so some guy sporting a "mustache rides are free" mustache along with some bear claw boots is totally writing Esperanza some love poems. 

So back Silvana is pissed at her husband because her mother kicked her out.  I think she fires him? Does he work for her?  He says that he's already found a job far away from her.  Damn.  She has got to be the b*tch of the show.  Her mom and now her husband.  Anyways, she thinks that everyone is against her.  I'd say!

Anyways, Ricardo and Patricia are in the kitchen discussing how Ricardo got grazed.  Patricia decides to come out of hiding and scream at him.  She takes one look at him and melts.  She's all worried about his health now.  Patricia excuses herself.  They start smoochin' and she tells him that she doesn't know what she would do if she would have lost him again.  Pedro interrupts. 

Ricardo leaves his mistress and goes home to his wife.  The nanny has the hots for Ricardo.  She tells Ricardo that his wife is aggressive.  She asks if she can cook for him, remove his clothing and or give him a little massage.  Tramp.  Anyway, he offers to drive her home, but she' says that she'll take an Uber.  Tracy, Ricardo's wife doesn't seem to notice the new sling.  She's pissed about the new nanny.  One because there's a nanny and two because the nanny does not hide her attraction for Ricardo.

The next morning, there's some sort of board meeting where the woman with the boxes is giving her stock to her son.  She's proud of him and he is proud of her. 

In other room, the stock gift is pissing off Ernesto, her husband.  He is in another room being advised by Tracy who speaks a little English.  Does he speak English?  Then why does she speak to him in English.  Again, I'm a visitor here.  I'm not here to judge.  Anyway, Ernesto is upset because his wife gave 43% of his stock to his kids.  Tracy advises him to make his kids think of him as a hero.  If the kids think of him as a hero.  Then they will adore him.  Credits. 

So, just in case you're deaf, the theme song sucks because Shakira can't sing. 


Hey Patio Pals! I hope you like your surprise: SdA gets the Cynderella treatment!

Thanks ever so much, Cynderella, for this comprehensive and hilarious recap! I was imagining your face as you tried to watch and recap this episode. You must've been qué-the-helling to high heavens! :D

¡Gracias otra vez!

Thanks, for the recap, Cynderella.

Too bad Esperanza had not realized voiced the legit concerns about Ricardo so much earlier not when he was in the middle of an operation. That was just illogical and made Esperanza look goofy.

Good for Margarita standing firm on kicking Silvana out.

Good for Mario finally making plans to get divorced.

Good for Agatá making another appearance. We need more of them. She needs to cause more mischief. Maybe she can be truly menacing presence like LaSombra.

Good for Viviana splitting things 50/50 with tantrum throwing Ernesto and signing over her stock. He is getting his freedom after all.

Let's see what Tracy's plan will be. Sure it will be a gem.


Sorry. Thanks first.

Esperanza was kidnapped and I am sure she didn't know if she was going to come out alive from that one and she is now blaming Ricardo for not assuring her he is going to survive his missions?

I really hated the way they wrote Esperanza's character on this episode. What do they want us to feel for her? We already know she is stupid. Anyway, so, maybe this is how they get rid of her ''annoying'' presence and replace her like they did with Pedro Fernández/David Zepeda?

The story is bad, the novela is poorly done, there was no casting professionals and they only took Osorios Photo Album and choose the same people he likes, so this is something they shouldn't be blaming on Monroe, The only thing she is guilty is for signing the contract.

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WOW thank You Cynderella.
FYI Shakira is a booty shaker, she sings too.

kirbo Woof ! Woof wags tail

Cynderella, what a wonderful surprise. Laughed from beginning to end.

"Some young chicks are in a bedroom on twin beds. They are also discussing the construction worker. One of them says that he smells like dirt" and "Ricardo leaves his mistress and goes home to his wife" were among many favorites.

In all seriousness, I want to tell you that I really appreciate your humor. You have brightened up so many of my days. Thank you.

“Side note, the SUV was like a clown car it because about 50 or so ninjas hopped out of it “ made me smile. I have nothing personally against smart cars, but that’s the image I always have – a hundred clowns leaping out of something the size of a match box.

Jarifa, I was cheering that Mario stood up to Sil. Finally! And her mother tossing her out was icing on the cake. No sympathy from me. At all.

Pablo, I think the children here are all so appealing. They should be front and center and I think if they were, the story would greatly improve. The Ricardo character is poorly written but I like the actor as well as Betty/Esperanza. Unfortunately, her character's actions have nosedived too so the major storyline is seriously flawed.

thanks again Cynderella.


I so agree with you, Diana and Pablo: it is not the acting: it is the script. I really wonder if they have this thing planned out beyond Ricardo and Esperanza ending up together.

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