Monday, April 18, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #29. Monday April 18, 2016. I Cannot Teach Her. The Girl Has No Patience.

At a glance

-- Ricardo starts Esperanza's super agent training. 

-- Kracy and Ernesto seal their alliance against Reecherd with a series of bizarre mating rituals.
-- Juabbly Juan is definitely going ahead with that ridonculous haunting storyline. ¡Que la Virgen de la Paz se apiade de nosotros! May la Virgencita de la Paz take pity on us!

A closer look

Tonight’s tumble into the Sueñolandia dump begins with a repeat of PatoLuca's reconciliation. I’m in a magnanimous mood tonight, so I’ll spare you the rehash of Friday’s gibes. 

At the house of self-deluded warriors, Esperanza is still adamant to learn how to be a super agent: “It’s not gonna be easy but if an agent can be a teacher then a teacher can be an agent!” Yes... In Bizarro World! I'm starting to think they detected Esperanza’s tumor in the wrong place. Ricardo acquiesces to her wish: “It’s not the same thing using a handgun as using a chalkboard (pizarrón), but OK, I’ll teach you”. Teach her, sexy Yoda! They spend 5 minutes saying good night. Rest well. Night night. Don’t let the bedbugs bite. Sweet dreams. Sueña bonito. OK, hang up. Esperanza, I love you. Uh-huh, rest well, Ricardo. 

Outside Esperanza’s place, Murrillo, Ernesto’s private eye, calls his boss. Nothing to report. 

Back in LA, PatoLuca are drowning the park bench in schmaltz. They exchange a fresh round of Te amo’s, then Pato asks her beau: “If you had to pick one thing that you like the most about me, what would it be?”. He answers without hesitation: “Your sugar tits! Your beautiful eyes! Because I see the universe in them! Because they make me plunge profoundly into... Harrumpfff... Zzzz... Zzzz...” He’s thinking about your meaty protuberances, luv! He might be praising the eyes but he’s totally drooling over something else. More sickly sweetness from the syrupy pair. I love you superhéroe. I love you superhéroa. My virtual diabetes bracelet is beeping dangerously. Must fastforward. 

At the Margarita shelter for down-on-their-luck relatives, the Kuri couple dream about their respective crushes and imagine them as their therapists. Silvana complains to Dr. Ric that her husband is weak and gets bossed around easily (dejarse mangonear). She starts drooling over Dr. Ric’s muscly arms and throws herself at him. Mario complains to Dr. Felicia that his wife does not value his many qualities: his work ethic, his noble character, his imposing charisma, his inexistent muscles... He is so irresistible that Dr. Felicia ravages him right there and then. In the heat of their sex dreams, Silvana and Mario wind up groping and kissing each other. They wake up and scream in horror: “¡Qué pesadilla! What a nightmare!” 

The next morning, Ricardo takes Esperanza to the shooting range at his agency’s headquarters. He introduces her to Iker, his new Triana. 

At Casa De la Colina, Ernesto and Viviana are having breakfast. He assures her that no matter how many operations she subjects herself to, even if she changes her entire face, he will never ever ever be attracted to her again. We are never ever ever getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me. But we are never ever ever ever getting back together. The harsh comment wounds Viviana profoundly. Even shallow over-botoxed silicone dolls have feelings. 

At the Interpol shooting range, Ricardo teaches Esperanza how to stand and how to push the trigger (gatillo) gently until the gun shoots (disparar). He lets her know that, after the brief shooting practice, he will be teaching her martial arts. From here on out, he will call her Agente Guerrero. So this is the extent of the training needed to be a secret Interpol agent? It figures. 

Murrillo calls Ernesto to let him know that he has just learnt that Ricardo is a secret agent. This is some excellent and prompt investigative work, considering that, just a few hours earlier, Murrillo had nothing to report. Maybe Murrillo should be put in charge of locating and neutralizing La Sombra. Ernesto instructs Murrillo to find out what Ricardo is doing in Mexico and why he is teaching at Instituto Palacios. Ernesto then phones Kracy. She is losing her sanity with so much screaming from her kids and needs him to come over ASAP. Maybe she can’t bring herself to kill the kids on her own. He tells Kracy to “take it eacy”; he’s flying to LA in a few hours. 

Still at the Interpol HQ in Mexico City, it’s time for the first, and perhaps only, judo lesson needed to become a secret agent. Esperanza and Ricardo are falling all over each other. Literally. He teaches her a judo lock (llave de judo) called Kosoto Gake, where the attacker firmly grabs their opponent by the lapel, and draws them forward, forcing them to pin the weight of their body on their forward leg. After that, the attacker tilts their opponent’s upper body and, by extension, their forward leg to the side; then, in a reaping movement, the attacker kicks the defender’s destabilized forward leg and sends their body crashing to the tatami mat. However, Ricardo does not take the time to explain this to Esperanza. He is too busy seducing and fondling his favorite maestra. She enjoys the attention and flirts back. La Sombra, who? In case you’re wondering, the invented names of judo locks that Esperanza and Ricardo told each other, as a joke, were: Te cotorreo (I’m kidding you) and Me desquito (I’m getting even), respectively. 

In a scene that was intended to be sexy and turned out to be plain creepy, Pedro does push-ups and professes his love to his imaginary girlfriend, Kristel. 

Ricardo drops Esperanza off at the De La Colina mansion so she can check on Adrián. Ricardo doesn’t like Esperanza seeing Ernesto. He offers to accompany her but she declines: She can defend herself now! Bah! 

At Instituto Palacios, Félix learns that Ágata the Ghost used to be one of Silvana’s pupils. You see, before becoming Principal Crazy-Eyes, Silvana used to be Maestra Crazy-Eyes. She scolded the child so badly that Ágata ran out of the classroom and had a fatal slip (resbalarse) in the hallway, which was being cleaned with soap at that moment. The janitor (conserje) who was cleaning the hall that day was found dead shortly after Ágata’s tragic accident. Félix is creeped out by the story and more so when he hears the little girl’s voice giggling. “Who goes there?”, he asks. “This isn’t real”, he reassures himself, “This isn’t real!”. Margarita comes from behind and startles him: “¡Bigotitos! Little Mustache!”, she coos. He jumps up and screams at the top of his lungs, just like Tom from Tom & Jerry does when his tail catches on fire. He lands in a nearly bush. Poor Bigotitos is utterly traumatized. 

Viviana receives Esperanza coldly and lets her know that the only reason she tolerates her presence in the house is because Adrián needs her. “Ernesto should be here to support his son instead of traveling to LA”, complains Viviana. Esperanza informs her that Ernesto is footing the bill for Kracy’s divorce attorney to help her gain custody of hers and Ricardo’s kids. 

Warning: Break out the eye bleach for here comes the freaky mating of Kracy and Ernesto! FYI, Julián Gil got a black eye from filming this love scene. True story. 

Esperanza and Adrián are exercising in the mansion’s private gym. Adrián wants advice on how he can earn Estrella’s forgiveness. “By showing her that you are becoming a new and improved person!”, says Peppy Espy. Viviana witnesses this scene from afar and is moved by the friendly complicity between her son and his maestra. However, she snaps out of it very fast and reminds herself that she does not like Esperanza. 

Kracy and Ernesto are having a glass of post-coitus bubbly. Ernesto informs her that he now knows that Ricardo is a secret agent. 

Selena and Rodrigo call Ricardo. They are not alone in the room. Kracy had the decency to hire a babysitter to watch over them while she goes out for her booty call. The kids have a plan to return with their dad. If they behave badly, their mom won’t want them anymore. Instead of dissuading them, Ricardo just smiles to himself. He fails to see how similar he is to Kracy in this aspect: using one's children to score points against one's ex-spouse is not cool! 

PatoLuca are out for a walk, quite probably within the confines of the university campus. Luca thinks the sky resembles the cupola (bóveda) of the Sistine Chapel. This recapper thinks Luca is a drooling moron. Only a substantial amount of LSD can convert a morning sky into the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Luca fantasizes about a romantic vacation in a deserted white sand beach, with a turquoise blue sea and Pato in a bikini. “Or without a bikini”, adds the sick-of-staying-chaste Saint Luca. Maybe he’s trying to send us all a message with his blue shirt, his blue jeans, his insistence in admiring the blue sky and his fantasy of a turquoise blue sea... Stalker Anastasia is a few feet to the couple's left, lurking behind a column. How can they miss her? Her fluorescently blond locks are blinding the birds. More schmaltzy talk: I love you, you fascinate me, you charm me, you unsettle me (alborotar). Time to whip out the smartphone. Selfie or it didn’t happen. Get the clouds, babes. Smooch. Anastasia doesn’t have the time to properly fume; she has to run away from campus security. Maybe the birds complained

Back in Mexico City, Margarita took Félix home and gave him some pills to help him relax after his nerve-racking encounter with Ágata the Ghost. He loosens up so much that he falls asleep in Margarita’s arms on the living room sofa. Silvana is scandalized by their embrace. 

Back in LA, Ernesto has just discovered the name of Tricky Ricky’s boss. Kracy wonders what he plans to do with the information. Destroy Ricardo! 

At Casa Guerrero, Esperanza and Ricardo are having dinner. As it turns out, he did ask his kids to stop misbehaving. I apologize for hastily judging him earlier; however, he did use his children against their mom in other instances. Ricardo worries that his kids will lose the entire school year if they continue skipping classes. He is also concerned about their safety now that they are away from him. At least, they don’t run the risk of becoming tethered goats in his confrontations with La Sombra. Just saying. Silver linings. 

Back in LA, it’s Rodrigo’s turn to have the Hansel and Gretel nightmare. Juanito Osorio forked out big pesos for the decor, costumes and makeup of this scene. He is going to use it ad infinitum. 

Kracy doesn’t want Ernesto to destroy Reecherd. Ernesto puts her mind at rest: He won’t kill or hurt Tricky Ricky. He just wants to ruin his career. If Ricardo is out of a job, he will need Kracy’s help and affection. Besides, a penniless Ric will be an unattractive romantic prospect for Esperanza. Ernesto promises Kracy that she will want for nothing. “I help you and you help me! What’s Ricardo doing at Instituto Palacios?”, says Ernesto as he slithers on top of Kracy. Freaky mating, round 2. When they’re done, Kracy spills the beans about La Sombra. 

In Margarita’s living room, Silvana is all sermons and how dare-you's to the hugging pair. Salma is filming the scene on her cellphone while Félix is still blissfully knocked out by the pills. Margarita feels that being an older lady should not prevent her from seeking her happiness: “Félixcito is the love of my life, so Félixcítame!” (¡Felicítame! means: Congratulate me!) 

Adrián calls Luca and tells him about his Salmagate sex scandal. Luca offers to come back to help but Adrián says there is no need. He promises his older brother that he will stop drinking. 

At Casa Guerrero, the dinner date continues. It’s now time for dessert. Esperanza pleads with Ricardo to give her the other clue to open the silly vault he gave her. It’s the time they agreed to meet each other, after their 20-year separation. She enters the code but the vault doesn’t open. She needs one third and final clue, reveals Tricky Ricky. She tries to cajole the code out of him with tickles but he stays mum: “Sometimes we think that life tells us no but what it’s actually telling us is to wait”. Whatever, dude. What’s in the stupid vault? 

The next day, PatoLuca are having one of their protracted goodbyes. She hopes she can come back next weekend. If she can’t, Super Luca promises he will: “After all, you’re not the only duck who can fly for love”. No comment. There’s a knock on the door. “Is it your roomie?”. Luca doesn’t think so; he had Vicente moved to another dorm. Dayum, Super Luca has leverage! He opens the door. It’s La Nacha. She throws herself at him and, once again, he is incapable of freeing himself from the unwanted hug. Pato lunges at her rival. They shove each other and Luca looks positively terrified. Pato tells Anastasia that she’s like something out of a horror movie. Anastasia yells: “Shut up, webfoot (palmípeda)!” (because Pato is a duck, get it?). “How is it that a ‘refined’ woman like you begs (mendigar) the love of a man who rejected her many times? You are a resourceful woman, make the most of yourself (¡Sácate partido!)! Buy a cat, pursue a degree, do something productive with your life! Stop debasing (denigrar) yourself and other women by being a stereotype! Grow, find yourself a love and let us enjoy ours!” The greatest thing about Pato's diatribe is Luca’s expressions. The faces he pulled were priceless! 

Ricardo and Esperanza drop the Gallos’ home. Kiko is out of the hospital. Esperanza tries to intercede in Adrián’s favor but Estrella is trying to move on. Kiko cheekily teases his maestra: He can tell that her galán is bringing much joy/alegría to her life. Esperanza insists that she and Ricardo are just friends. Kiko wonders whether their friendship might evolve into something else. Esperanza thinks that her relationship status with Ricardo ticks the “it’s complicated” box. 

Back in LA, the Alegría kids are acting like insufferable brats again. A furious Parker visits Kracy and shows her the police report that accuses her of neglecting and abandoning her kids. If the judge sees it, Kracy would lose custody of her children. “Is that what you want?”, asks the divorce attorney. Kracy says yes with a sigh of relief then shakes her head no: “I don’t know what I want!” 

At the De la Colina mansion, Ernesto flips through a book filled with sketches of La Sombra. He gleefully narrows his eyes and nods. 

At Instituto Palacios, the high school and junior high girls are in the same classroom, acting all chummy with each other. Today, Aranza is sporting an Afro wig and a disco personality. Esperanza is back from her sick leave and it’s PSA time. That’s why the entire cast of young actresses who play Palacios pupils are conveniently gathered in the same place. Take care of your health, girls! Go to your gyno! Get regular health checks to avoid getting a “feminine problem”! And as the rulebook of female gatherings dictates, they start skewering the men in their lives. Juanito Osorio must think that when more than 3 women get together, they diss men then pillow fight and/or talk fashion and/or do their nails and/or binge-eat. Basically, Juabbly Juan belongs to the school of thought that perceives feminism as constant male-bashing. 

Anastasia is whinging about Luca to his mother who is at the hospital, ready for her operation. Viviana is crying. Luca’s rejection of Anastasia is the least of her worries. She feels uneasy; she would’ve loved for her family to be here with her. “Are you sure you want to have this operation?”, asks Anastasia. “Yes, I am. I want to be young and desirable again. I’ll come out of the operating room (quirófano) looking like a schoolgirl (colegiala)”. Or looking like a corpse with brand-new bazooms. 

Back at Instituto Palacios, Esperanza is teaching her class. Something bangs against the door. It’s Félix’s hoverboard sans Félix. Cue creepy music. A hoverboard can’t move without someone riding it. The students suspect it might be Ágata the Ghost. 

At the university campus in LA, Vicente ruins Luca’s blueprints on purpose. Didn’t Luca have him moved to another dorm? Vicente warns Luca that he always gets what he wants and the same thing will happen with Patricia. “Patricia is MY girlfriend! You can’t have her! I haven’t even slept with her yet!”. Vicente bets Luca that he’ll steal Pato from him. Luca shakes his little fist in the air and warns Vicente to stay away from his girl. 

Principal Crazy-Eyes is in her office. She shows Félix the internet meme that was created about his embrace with Margarita. A woman carrying a metal detector barges into the office. Her name is Isolda Hoffman and she is an expert in paranormal phenomena. Oh goody! Another filler character joins this circus! Félix hired her to investigate the case of Ágata, the ghost of the pupil that Silvana mistreated. Silvana scoffs at the idea. The ghost hunter’s magnetometer detects something: There was a “presence” in Silvana’s office earlier in the day. Esperanza walks in with Félix’s hoverboard: “Your skateboard (patineta) entered my classroom on its own!”. Félix feels vindicated and turns to Silvana: “You see? Ágata really exists!”. 

Joy sneaks back into the house it deserted for many days: The Alegría kids return home and surprise their dad. Slo-mo hugs and kisses. Happy happy joy joy! Happy happy joy joy! 

A quote from the capítulo  

“¿Quieres que te aplauda por tu cirugía número quince o qué? ¿Que te eche una porra?”* 

*Ernesto does not give unmerited compliments or undeserved words of encouragement. Never ever ever: “Do you want me to give you a round of applause for your operation number 15? Should I cheer you on?”. #Pffff #KeepDreamingHoney. 

Your viewing vocabulario  
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)  

pizarrón = a blackboard. 
mangonear = to boss around. 
gatillo = the trigger of a gun. 
disparar = to shoot a firearm. 
llave de judo = a judo lock. 
resbalarse = to slip and fall down. 
conserje= a janitor. 
bóveda = a cupola, a dome. 
alborotar = to unsettle, to agitate.
palmípedo(a) = webfooted. 
mendigar = to beg for. 
sacarse partido = to make the most of one’s abilities. 
denigrar = to debase, to denigrate. 
quirófano = an operating room. 
colegiala = a schoolgirl. 
patineta = a skateboard.  

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hello Patio Pals! Hope you had a great weekend! Sorry I didn't reply to the comments left by Diana, Julia and TomBoy on Friday's episode; things were a bit manic for me this weekend. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave such kind and interesting comments. I really appreciate it. I shall reply to them in this thread tomorrow.

I must hit the hay now. Enjoy the recap and discussion! Night night :)

Nandicta, this was absolutely wonderful.

Your vocabulary is so enjoyable, thank you very much.

“Kracy and Ernesto seal their alliance in a series of mating rituals”, “Margarita shelter for down-on-their-luck relatives”, and “I'm starting to think they detected Esperanza’s tumor in the wrong place” were among many favorites.

I loved your musing about Osorio’s seemingly apparent lack of understanding as to how women feel. “And as the rulebook of female gatherings dictates, they start skewering the men in their lives” was great.

I got a kick out of Maragarita relishing the opportunity to snuggle with Felix. I was a bit surprised at her “Félixcito is the love of my life, so Félixcítame!” Let’s just say our taste differs, but I applaud her tenacity…

Vivi continues to be self absorbed and self destructive. She seems on the verge of “getting it” and then she veers off into her own little self centered isolated world. Given his two parents, it’s amazing Adrian has survived thus far.

Pato and Luca are not in the least bit interesting at this point and while I’m trying to enjoy Esperanza and Ricardo, I’m feeling tepid at best. Kracy and Ernesto? Indelibly burned into my brain I’m afraid. I love Erasmo but Kristel leaves me cold...Just not much here in the romantic department to get me too interested but I'm enjoying this, mostly because of the kids.

Thank you again Nandicta!


Thank you, Nandicta. The recap is great. Thanks for the info on the black eye. That makes it even funnier.

Thank goodness for Agatha the ghost and the paranormal investigator.

Diana, I enjoyed the Félix -Margarita scenes, also. Margarita is welcome comic relief.

Great recap, thanks!

When Adrián said that he was not going to drink anymore, I thought: ''in a strainer, because you'll spill it all!''

I much prefer your telling Nandicta and admit to distraction during the show as I found titillating a treatise of Romania's surrender to the Central Powers in 1918.

“Your sugar tits!

"Her fluorescently blond locks are blinding the birds"

I will not look at Ricky when he is on screen

I will not look at Luca when he is on screen

I didn't look at the screen much last night


Thank you, Nandicta! As always, you make us enjoy thé show and want to come back for more.
I'm liking the main couple less Evry day.It's not normal to want to see Kiko more then Ricardo.
I actually find most of the stories interesting, except the main ones (EspeRic & Patoluca), which is a first for me in my 20 years of tn watching.

A++ recap; your humor slays me. I haven't seen the episode and it sounds like I'll need to find my hazmat suit before pressing play on anything with Kracy and Ernasty getting it on.

So we had multiple episodes of long Patoluca goodbyes only to have her immediately go visit so we could have more long drawn-out goodbyes? What hell is this? He's the worst. Are we really supposed to believe that those two dolts Luca and Vicente are students at Harvard University in Massachusetts, or is it more like the Jarvar Remedial Life Skills Institute of Elei?

Do we know who Luca's real father is? Are he and Vicente secretly brothers?

I like that twist.

Viviana, Viviana and Gonzalo Santillana, it even rhymes!!

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