Thursday, April 21, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of April 18, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.

The current novelas include the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

 noon  - Secretos
 1 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 8 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
 9 PM  - La Esclava Blanca  [new]
10 PM -  El Señor de los Cielos #4
More information about the new novela, La Esclava Blanca, along with full episodes from this first week, can be found on the Telemundo website.  The Latin Times offers a brief synopsis and information about the cast (in English) here.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find the discussions they're looking for. 

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Eva – Jueves

No time for a real recap.

Eva wants to be friends with Pablote.

She goes on the road with Evencio in the trailer, but they said she’d be back in one day, so no long hauls for now.

Camila throws herself at Luis’s head (the former Bobby) but he tells her he’s not ready, still has something with Adriana.

Armando has the skeezy lawyer present Marlene with a pre-nup in which she doesn’t get anything.

Marlene gets Gusano and the Harpy to join with her in putting everything that was done, murders, framing Eva, etc., and saying they were too afraid of Armando to resist doing it.

Armando spends the night with one of the girls from the Antro, calling her Eva.

Pablo brings Betty her dinner in bed and for once she behaves.

We see more scenes of the ladies cleaning up Carmen’s house.

Victoria sees a drug deal with Rebeca and the evil guard. Not sure how she’ll be able to use this.

Cinthia surprises me. She’d planned to unplug Soraya but finds she’s breathing on her own. She’s about to pinch her nose shut when Pablo and Luis come in. Soraya wakes up. She’s calling out to Pancho that a truck is trying to hit them, trying to kill them.


Many thanks, novelera, for the short but helpful recap. I think you've hit just about all the important points.

I loved your description of Camila "throwing herself at Luis' head." That's really literally true. Camila continues to bother me (as I'm sure the writers intended). Even though the honorable Luis tells her that he doesn't want to lead her on or hurt her, that he's going through a difficult time and is still involved with Adriana, Camila is undeterred. As he leaves, she says (to herself, or at least very softly), "I can still hope" (or something like that).

And to make matters worse, when Luis then goes to see Adriana, she's quite cold to him, pushing him quite explicitly toward Camila (she's feeling hurt, having seen him acting romantically with Camila and not knowing that this was all Camila's doing).

I held my breath when La Perra Cinthia came to see Soraya and started to shut off the air to her nose. I thought it was unlikely but possible that she'd succeed. Fortunately Pablo and Luis arrived just in time. Cinthia was very nervous, but she managed to say that she was very concerned about Soraya. I'm not sure whether Luis bought what she was saying, but Pablo had a skeptical look on his face. I hope he'll express his skepticism to Luis. That, plus Soraya's calling out "Look out for the truck" and "They're trying to kill us," may help Luis understand what has happened. And it should certainly push Pablo to look more carefully into the "accident."

Wow, three of the four star graduates of Perra School (Marlene, Cinthia, Betty, and Camila, though I'm not sure Camila has graduated) were certainly putting their lessons into practice in this episode. Only Betty was surprisingly docile. I strongly doubt her docility will last.


If anyone watched last night....can you tell me if both Sara as well as Thomas's wife died. It appeared that the wife's throat was cut and that Sara was beat to death.

Eva. I agree with Juanita, novelera. You hit all the high points! I thought it was very nice that Luis's (Bobby's) lawyer was willing to loan him money for the household expenses, and that he congratulated him on being a worthy son of Pancho Mogollón. I wonder if Virginia's convict informant's warning her to be careful is a foreshadowing of something terrible happening to her. Very cute scene when Adriana is helping Fabi pack. I think it is so cool that Eva is on the road again! Her old-timer customer was just beaming as Eva took on his cargo.


Nett, my impression is that Thomas's wife died and Sara was badly beaten, but it wasn't clear to me that she died. It's true that she lay on the ground and didn't move, but I don't think we know conclusively that she died. However, I don't feel all that confident about any of the details of this novela. I'm still trying to figure out who's who and what's what (my usual state at the start of most novelas).


Three weeks into season four and...I don't know. I still like and respect that the show's upped the stakes in a background way, but in so doing it's becoming more and more bleak and dreary--which is saying something considering its subject matter. And the cast of characters is becoming even more unlikable, which makes things worse; it's introduced at least four new characters so far this season, it's juggling about as many if not more stories, and the deliberate pacing for once isn't helping. And that's all not even really counting Luzma's fate, which I'm hoping I'm wrong about...


It was great that Soraya woke up and spoke the truth. But we’re bound to see some terrible grief. I hope the newly-minted Mogollón, Luis, will begin to realize the awful truth. Too bad they didn’t see Cinthia with her fingers closing Soraya’s nostrils. But I guess there’s too much novela left for the Monteverdes to go to jail (and not pass GO).

I see Marlene’s plan will likely succeed in getting Armando to tear up the pre-nup, but I was very surprised she admitted to Gusano and the Harpy (good name for a alt-rock band) that they’d killed Sofía and Carmen. It’s true that Javier lured Eva to Mon-Sol that fateful night but outright admitting murder to these two seems odd for the careful Marlene.

It’s definitely creepy the relationship between La Alacrana and Andy the Asqueroso. He casually talked about her being able to dominate Armando with sex. I have a brother. Can’t even imagine him saying something like that to me. Of course, she’s beyond frustrated that, out of bed, he really doesn’t give a rat’s patootie about her. She was NOT happy hearing he’d called a teibolera Eva.

I sort of hate what they’ve done with Camila. What she muttered was in response to what Luis told her: no quiero que te ilusiones (don’t get your hopes up). She said they were already up there. So she’s not giving up. Luis looked sort of happy Adriana was jealous, but then he turned darker and said that he couldn’t accept her with AA’s bun in the oven. Camila overheard this, of course.

Eva. I love Gusano and the Harpy as an alt-rock band name, novelera! Very revealing smirky smile on Camila's face when she heard Luis reject Adriana because of her pregnancy with AA's child. Wonder how all this will turn out? I think it's progressively less likely that either Adriana or Betty will miscarry--but will Luis (Bobby) ever be able to accept the baby?

Nett, let's put it this way "she looks" dead but quien sabe? Very sad scenes for me.


If no one else is going to do a recap, I'll try to put up something brief tonight.


Pablo, Luis, and Cinthia are in Soraya's room at the hospital. Soraya screams "They want to kill us." Luis summons the doctor. Luis is pleased that Soraya seems to be coming out of her coma. The doctor doesn't want to raise his hopes. The process is slow and unpredictable, he tells Luis. Cinthia, very upset with Soraya's apparent recovery, leaves when everyone else is focused on Soraya.

Some of Andy's gangster associates come to see him, pistol in hand, to tell him that he was supposed to transport the "merchandise" to Mexico two weeks ago, and he hasn't done so. Andy explains that ever since Eva was released, the police have been all over the place. One of the gangsters puts a gun to Andy's head and tells him he has six days to do the job or else....

Cinthia returns home hysterical. "We're ruined," she tells Robert. "The choricera woke up and screamed that people were trying to kill her." Robert tries to calm her down. "We've done nothing, no one knows anything about it."
He tells her they should go see Marlene and Andy; they're to blame because they didn't do a complete job.

Pablo asks the doctor whether what Soraya is saying about the accident is just a nightmare or could she be remembering the actual event. The doctor replies that it's not common for someone coming out of a coma to remember the accident. We'll have to wait and see.

Martin visits Virginia in prison. Virginia tells him about the drug dealing that she witnessed in the prison. Her horrible cell-mate Rebeca and a guard were involved.

Evencio and Eva are driving in the trailera. Evencio tells her that Pablo loves her. She responds that she loves him, he's her superhero. Then why aren't you together? he asks. Her response: Betty. Pablo may be her superhero, but he doesn't have the [she gestures] to make Betty leave the house.

Cinthia and Robert burst into Marlene's office and tell her that Soraya has awakened and remembers that it wasn't an accident. "You have to do something NOW!" Robert demands. Andy pulls a knife out. Marlene tries to calm everyone down. Robert thinks that's a good idea, but Andy says he has another idea, and he orders the Monteverdes out of the office. They leave, but Marlene is not pleased with Andy's very assertive behavior. He tells her they have to resume the shipments to Mexico now. When she says she has to check with Armando, Andy tells her that he doesn't care what Armando thinks. Andy tells Marlene that from now on he and she are equal socios. If she doesn't agree, he'll quit being her brazo ejecutor (the guy who does the dirty work?) and will leave her without partners, contacts, everything. She'll be alone, and alone, she's not worth anything (sola no vales nada).

Pablo and Martin speak with the director of the prison about the drug dealing that Virginia has seen. Another drug deal is planned for tonight, and hey want the director to set up hidden cameras so they'll have evidence. Pablo also asks that Virginia be released because of the information she has provided.


Bobby tells Robert and Cinthia that he has changed his name to Luis Mogollon. Cinthia is very upset. Robert says the name is not important, what is important is that you [Bobby/Luis] will have money, and he calls for champagne to celebrate!

Armando has left photos of Eva and their daughters lying on the floor in the lviing room. Noemi and Celeste decide to leave them there rather than clean them up. When Marlene comes home, she's furious to see the photos. She sees them as a sign of Armando's scorn for her. She demands that Celeste and Noemi take the photos away and burn them. She then goes upstairs very upset. "This is my house!" she growls. She then calls Elsa and asks her to meet her there the next morning; she has had a change of plans, and she needs Elsa's help.

Betty expresses dislike of the chorizos Martin has prepared. He tells her that he's not her servant, and that if she doesn't like what they're eating, she can find other food in the refrigerator and eat it in her room so as not to bother anyone else. [Bravo, Martin!]

At the prison, the prison guard Gloria gets caught in the act of selling drugs to a prisoner. The prison director then comes to Rebeca's cell and takes her away as well. He loudly proclaims that Virginia will be sent to solitary. When she protests, he tells her softly that that was for the benefit of others' ears, so they won't think she was a snitch. He also tells her that she'll soon be released from prison.

A very drunk Armando comes to the house where Eva and the others. are living. He's looking for Eva, who is off in her trailera. He scares Fabi, and as he tries to calm her, he trips and falls. Luis, who has brought the photos Noemi and Celeste were supposed to burn, helps Armando up.

Martin comes into Betty's room and apologizes for his behavior. Even so, I'll let him keep the "bravo," because he's pretty frank with Betty about Pablo not loving her and about her behaving very poorly. She cries and tells him he's right. But in walks Pablo, and suddenly she's wailing again and talking about how alone she is, sob sob sob. He tries to calm her down. As soon as he has his arm around her, the tears magically end.

Eva returns from her first day in the trailera. She now has money for food and other necessities. Adri tells her the bad news (Armando, very drunk, came to see her) and the good news (Soraya has awakened). Eva is ecstatic.

The scene shifts to Soraya's hospital room. Luis is with her. Someone comes in to do some cleaning and asks Luis to leave for just a few minutes. As soon as Luis leaves, the elevator opens, and--no, it isn't Marlene, it's Eva, Adri, Fabi, Bertha, Federica, and Camila who have come to see Soraya. But though Eva et al. have taken the elevator, who should come through a different door but Marlene. She's not at all pleased to see that Eva and company have gotten to Soraya's room ahead of her. Luis also is there. Soraya opens her eyes and looks, around scared and confused. Luis is standing next to her. She grabs him and says, "Who are these people, Pancho? I don't know them." End of episode.


thanks so much novelera for covering Thursday, that was very nice of you.

and thanks so much Juanita for Friday's!

Soraya comes alive, Luis freaks, Pablo says call the doctor which brings a blank look to his face, ha!, (was this a miscue) until Pablo points to the call button, and Cinthia beats feet back to Robert who says... what he always says, shut up.

if I follow Robert's logic, since their socios were in charge of killing Pancho and Soraya, if anything goes wrong, it's their fault, not ours.

and then when Andy pulled a knife on Robert at the office, he spent the rest of the discussion hovering behind Cinthia.

loving how the maids are doing high fives messing with Marlene.

ah yes, the bad guy was jazzing Andy for being the delivery boy, he should ask for a raise so he can buy a new bike.

it has always seemed strange to me how in prison novelas they haul away the bad guys like they are taking them to jail, I will believe Virginia is out of there when she is out of there.

wow, Fabi is turning out some great artwork, I want some.

poor Armando, or not, he should have a talk with Marlene's ex.

so I guess tonight was 61, the mid novela doldrums, complicated by Telemundo being sued for plagiarism, by the folks who made "Lola la trailera".


How high is the Body Count in "Eva" ?


Great comments, deb! Given Robert's reasoning about Marlene and Andy being the only ones responsible for Pancho's death, I'm not at all surprised that his business is in deep doodoo.

Yes, I too have been impressed with Fabi's artwork. And a little surprised. She has at times seemed rather spastic when she moves, so I hadn't expected her to have such impressive control over her hand movements. Though she really seems to be progressing mentally and perhaps physically since she's back with Eva.

I remember only parts of the story about Marlene's ex. Where is he now?

Wow, I had no idea that Telemundo was being sued for plagiarism! How interesting! After I read your comment, I googled "Lola La Trailera" and found a good description in the Spanish version of Wikipedia. It certainly looks as if there are similarities, but I'm not sure that they're enough to support a suit for plagiarism. Many novels, stories, plays, films, etc. have elements in common, at times even major elements, without being considered guilty of plagiarism. But I know only what I read about "Lola" in Wikipedia.

Eva. An excellent and very complete recap, juanita, and great comments by deb. I hope that "merchandise" delivery within 6 days deadline ends up doing Andy in! Loved the scene of Eva and Evencio in the truck, happy, back on the road. Soraya's at least temporary amnesia may provide a few more nailbiting opportunities for Cintia and/or Marlene to finish her off, but I'm betting on her survival. The death of one wonderful character per telenovela is plenty!


Juanita- Marlene's ex was in prison where Pablo went to see him.



Thanks very much, deb, for the info about Marlene's ex. I'd like to think that this occurred in an episode I missed while I was away. And who knows, that may even be the case. :-)


Juanita- they had a real estate business where they started laundering drug money, somehow he took the fall for everything (and he was very bitter about it) and she walked away free.



Muchas gracias, SpanProf, for your very kind words about the recap. I too am hoping that Soraya lives and eventually regains her memory (though not being able to recall the "accident" might be a blessing). And I agree that "the death of one wonderful character per telenovela is plenty." However, I know that that unwritten rule is sometimes ignored. I remember the novela En Nombre del Amor, where the very kind protagonist was murdered by the evil co-protagonist (her sister), who also killed her niece's first boyfriend, a very sympathetic character as well. I almost bailed out of that novela.


Thanks, deb, for the added info. I have a hazy memory of Federica telling some of this to Eva when they were cellmates, but I don't recall Pablo going to see him, so perhaps this was really among the episodes I missed.


Thanks so much for the well-written recap, Juanita.

Marlene had a mini-meltdown after seeing that Armando was looking at pictures of Eva and his children. She yelled at the mirror about why she couldn't make Armando forget Eva, why she couldn't seem to finish her off no matter what she did.

Andy wants half the money Marlene is pulling in. Looks like being strong armed by the narcos reversed some of his loyalty to his sibling. And he's right. She orders all the evil work but never gets her own hands dirty. Unless she was planning to do so by finishing off Soraya last night. Marlene, Marlene...don't you remember those hospital corridor cameras featured in Eva's re-trial?

Juanita, I also saw En Nombre del Amor. That was a terrific performance by Leticia Calderón. If I remember correctly she got the villana award on the TV y Novelas premios show. I enjoyed the novela, but it was hard to see Ruffo get killed off so early. Arturo Peniche was very good as well.

It will be interesting to see how long they go on with Soraya thinking Luis is her husband Pancho. They have mentioned a couple of times that he looks a lot like his father. I'm not looking forward to her realizing what she's lost.

Fingers and toes crossed that Virginia gets released. There was something sort of unsettling about how relatively easily the other two comadres del bote got out. I was afraid she'd be stabbed by Rebeca. They, of course, went with the cliché that the prison guard is either lesbian or bisexual, as she tried to put a move on the new prisoner. So, where are they going to take the two evil-doers. I can't believe they'd just leave them both in the same prison to keep up their evil deeds.


Many thanks, novelera, for your kind words about the recap. "Meltdown" was the word I was grasping for last night to describe Marlene when she went upstairs, but I couldn't come up with it or anything close. I decided to go with "growl," knowing full well that that wasn't at all the word I wanted.

I think El Nombre del Amor was one of the first full-length novelas I watched (until then, I had bought inexpensive abridged versions). I was devastated when Macarena died--I spent several days waiting for it to be shown that she wasn't really dead. I think I stayed with the novela after that primarily to watch Arturo Peniche.

Perhaps as long as Soraya has lost her memory, the Evil Ones may not risk trying to kill her. They may see her as not credible and thus not a threat. ¿Quién sabe?

I'm still wondering what will happen with Betty's and Adri's pregnancies. At first I was strongly hoping that Adri would miscarry, but since she, Fabi, and Eva all seem now to be accepting the baby, I suspect she'll carry it to term. As for Betty....the less I say about her the better.


I also wonder if both pregnancies will go the distance, but Betty is showing quite a bit. Don't miscarriages usually happy a bit earlier on? And they have made a big deal about all of Eva's family, especially Fabi, wanting Adri's baby.


Novelera, I think it may be the case that miscarriages often happen a bit earlier, but Betty has shown herself prone to bouts of extreme rage, and it's possible that that could result in harm to the baby even at a later stage. As for Adri, I agree that her family (and especially Fabi) seem welcoming and excited about the baby. Given that, I suspect that Luis will come round (especially given the moving talk Pancho gave him earlier) and the baby will be born and be healthy. But I'm still uneasy about her having to raise a child conceived under such ugly circumstances and whose despicable father she detests (with good reason). It will be interesting to see how the novela deals with this.

Eva. Good observations about Adriana's pregnancy, juanita. Several episodes ago Eva gave Adriana a long talk about the important thing being a baby, caring well for the baby and not being concerned about who its father happened to be. She didn't seem to be at all worried about criminal traits being passed along genetically. A sort of PSA, I guess. So anyway, she doesn't see the baby as the spawn of Satan. And yes, Luis will come around--perhaps after an unpleasant experience with Camila--who should be in a community college working on her ged and gaining some job skills, anyway!

Eva. My guess on Betty is that the baby will survive the pregnancy, but Betty possibly not, leaving Pablo and Eva to raise the baby (along with Martin, Evencio, Diego, Tia Berta, Federica, et al), which would not be a bad thing at all.

Eva. I'm thinking that Betty might do something monumentally reckless and stupid, which will result in her death but not the baby's and will leave the viewer thinking that her death is really no one's fault but her own.


SpanProf, I like your ideas about Betty and her pregnancy. It would be nice for Pablo to have a blood sibling for Diego, and Eva seems really into babies but is quite possibly too old to have one with Pablo. Betty has pretty consistently shown that she will be a problem in the lives of Pablo and Eva, so it makes sense for the writers to, um, remove her.

I wonder about there being TWO new babies to raise at just about the same time. But I guess with the combined "families" of Pablo and Eva, if it takes a village, they've got one!


OK, I'll join in the speculation about the pregnancies. First off, though, Muchas gracias a novelera y Juanita for Thursday & Friday's great recaps. In Adri's case, I would prefer she not keep the kid, considering the Satan's spawn issue. In Betty's case, I'm with SpanProf, that the baby will live, but the bruja no. I feel awfully callous admitting this, however. But toxemia is nothing to mess with and as far as I can see, the only thing she's doing to help her high-risk pregnancy is eating a lot. With her psychiatric instability, she ought to be in some kind of therapeutic stress reduction program. She could go into a life-threatening crisis any minute now in which either or both mother & child might not survive. In severe cases, they might opt for early delivery, sometimes too early for the baby to survive. We recently had a telenovela toxemia case in what was it?, Los Miz? I'm losing my marbles here; the girl's name was Adriana? and she was engaged to (an unbeknownst to her) gay guy; they put her on bedrest for 6 months). Maybe they'll do the same with Betty. I do think that she will cause as much damage to Pablo & Eva as she can before this comes to an end.

Eva. Love your comment on "It takes a village," Juanita!

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