Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #70. Monday June 20, 2016. When The Villano Is A More Reliable Galán Than The Galán

Ernesto is insanely hot: Sweet as pie with his gal but a bad motha when need be. He deserves a happy ending. Yes, I have issues.

At a glance 

-- Osorio is still regurgitating the same tired plots. Esperanza suffers. Ricardo plays vigilante (when Baxter is the real unsung hero). Ernesto melts hearts. Pato b*tches. Luca cowers. Kristel snivels. Pedro withdraws. Estrella self-sacrifices. Erasmo self-flagellates. Cristina is self-important. Silvana is pathetic. Mario is spineless. Margarita is clueless. Kracy is crazy. Kiko is the producer's son, so he gets plenty of airtime no matter what.

A closer look 

At Casa Guerrero, Pedro informs his sister that the X-rated photos starring her fiancé and his ex have gone viral. Pato throws another tantrum about Luca not calling her immediately after being notified of Anastasia’s latest stunt. It’s not like the guy has to earn a living or anything. New York or no, business trip or no, Pato expects Luca to phone her at the top of every hour to let her know what he’s doing and to marvel at her beauty, to maintain good communication. Here’s a thought, Pato: Why don’t you attach a Luca-cam to the guy’s head and follow his every movement? 
Pedro asks his neurotic sister to take her hysteria down a few notches. As the gringo saying goes: “Don’t kill the messenger!” Pato apologizes and tells her brother that she bumped into snivelly Kristel who was sniveling about their breakup. Kristel was so desperate that she begged to... Pedro interrupts Pato before she could finish. He’s fine without Princess Confundida. It hurts to be with her but it hurts much more to be without her. Now I’m the one who is confundida: Which is it, Pedro? You’re fine or you’re not fine after your breakup? 

At Instituto Palacios, Ricardo asks somebody over the phone to locate Kracy ASAP before she commits another kraciness. Selena and Rodrigo are running around in the garden. After Ricardo hangs up, he hugs his kids and tells them that they need to buy some flowers on the way home. Esperanza sees the Alegría trio from afar and feels a tinge of sadness as she recalls the happy moments she shared with them. 

Back at Casa Guerrero, Pato tries to call her mother and gets voicemail. Pato feels sad because she and her brother seem consumed with their personal problems with Luca, Anastasia, Kristel and Erasmo when all this is futile compared to what their mother is going through. What would happen in 6 months when their mom is not around to take their calls or offer them advice or give them a hug? Pato starts freaking out as she imagines what life would be like without their mother. Pedro puts his sister’s mind at ease: Esperanza is not going to die, according to his magic 8-ball

At Casa Manzanares, Margarita informs the family that Silvana is out on probation (libertad condicional). Silvana apologizes to her daughters for her mistreatment and for making their life hell. What she suffered in jail made her rethink her ways. The kids forgive her because they feel that her ordeal in prison was enough punishment. Silvana also apologizes to Mario for belittling and humiliating him all the time. She even confesses that she still loves him. Silvana thought-bubbles that her family members are fools for falling for her redemption act. 

At Nueva Luz, Ricardo and his kids give Irene a bouquet of flowers as a thank you for her help. Ricardo hugs her and calls her “amiga”. The countdown to Irene’s demise has begun. 

It’s night time at Casa Gurrero. Esperanza apologizes to Ernesto because today was not a good day and she has experienced a great deal of pain. Ernesto is sweet as pie and asks her how he can help alleviate her pain. Does she want him to call the doctor? Esperanza has taken her prescribed pain-killers already; calling her doctor won’t do much else. When will she undergo her operation? wonders Ernesto. Maybe Monday, answers Esperanza. Ernesto is still eager to help in any way he can: “What can I do for you, my love?” He realizes his faux-pas and apologizes immediately for calling Esperanza my love. Esperanza ignores this and tells him that she worries about her children’s future. Ernesto vows to always take care of Pato and Pedro. He promises to create a trust fund (fideicomiso) in their name the very next day, guaranteeing their university education and financial security. Pato and Pedro will never need anything as long as he lives. Esperanza thanks Ernesto. He replies that she has nothing to thank him for. He takes her hand in his, kisses it tenderly and tells her that he would do anything for her, their daughter and Pedro. Esperanza seems unfazed by Ernesto’s generosity and seductive feline eyes. Dayum, girl, how can you resist when such a sexy bad boy becomes all putty in your hands? 

At Casa Alegría, Ricardo puts his kids to bed. They thank him for saving them. Duh! He’s their dad. No need to hand out brownie points for doing something every dad is supposed to do. 

Luca calls Pato from New York. She talks to him in her usual bi*tchy sarcastic tone. She is well aware that she belittles her man with her passive-aggressive tone and talks to him like a cockatoo/old bag (cacatúa), yet she continues doing it. She sneers “Good night, New York!” and hangs up. Luca’s face says it all: He’s getting no nookie to offset all the aggravation, hissy fits and teenage drama he has to endure every day. 

At Casa Gallo, Estrella whispers “I love you” to her sleeping brothers and gets ready to sneak out of the house to embark on her new career as teenage prostitute. She puts her goodbye letter on the table then says out loud, for the viewers’ benefit: “Everything I do, I do for you”. Whatever. Estrella could’ve told the cops or enlisted a gown-up’s help, but no. She preferred to snivel and act like Joan of Arc, if Joan of Arc chose to resist the English by joining a human trafficking network. 

At Casa Manzanares, Félix is layering cold cuts for his midnight sandwich when he gets startled by Silvana. They both yell for a good ten seconds. This is comedy, in case you are wondering. 

On the bus to Tamaulipas, Sansón lets Estrella know that the creep who bought her will be delighted with her face, body and virginity. He’s a millionaire who will spoil her rotten. Sansón also warns her that her brothers are kept under surveillance by his thugs until she fulfills her part of the deal. 

Back at Casa Manzanares, Margarita apologizes to Félix for omitting to mention that Silvana was released from jail and will be living at home with them. Silvana is a changed woman according to her mother. Meanwhile, Silvana is eavesdropping and swearing revenge on her entire family, for the umpteenth time. 

It’s morning at Casa Gallo and Erasmo discovers that his sister is missing. Her letter says that she left home to find a new life and a new job in order to help out with the family’s debts. She asks her brothers not to look for her because she has decided to come back only when she is good and ready. 

At Casa Alegría, Selena has a nightmare that her mom is hitting her. Ricardo wakes her up and consoles her. 

In Kracy’s hideout, a certain Dionisio, an ex-colleague of hers is visiting. She asks him to bring her a poisonous frog. He hesitates. She offers him money and vajayjay payments. He accepts. 

At Casa Alegría, Ricardo takes his kids’ breakfast orders then starts a tickle fight. 

At Casa Guerrero, Esperanza prepares a super smoothie (súper licuado) rich in iron. Pato wonders whether the iron-rich smoothie will be too heavy on her mom’s stomach. This lame joke is accompanied by that trademark Osorio sound effect that signals the moment when viewers must force an irritated half-smile. Pato tells Esperanza what happened when Luca called her at night, except that she recount things differently from what we witnessed. She lays the blame squarely on Luca’s shoulders because he expects her to be understanding and supportive. The nerve of this man believing that his lady ought to stand by him and treat him kindly! What a Neanderthal! Pato resents Luca’s attitude and his inability to control the viper, the Anaconda. The doorbell rings, Pedro opens. It’s snivelly Kristel on his doorstep, with a fresh dose of snivelling. Ugh! 

At Casa Gallo, The Osorio Kid is trying to cry and it sounds like painful constipation. Fast-forwarding. 

At some cafeteria, Pedro is with snivelly Kristel, who is sniveling and groveling some more. She can’t eat. She can’t sleep. I can’t watch. Fast-forwarding. 

Erasmo and Kiko are teleported to Casa Guerrero to seek help. Esperanza suggests that the Gallo brothers go to Ricardo, the runaway girls whisperer.

Pedro tells Kristel that he needs time and distance. Snivelly Kristel asks how much time and distance. She says she is dying (without him). She gets up and leaves just as I’m about to fast-forward again. 

At Casa Alegría, the Gallo brothers finally put two and two together and figure out that Estrella’s disappearance has something to do with Sansón, the loan shark dandy. Ricardo solemnly announces: “I’ll get in touch with all my contacts (voy a mover todos mis contactos)” to locate Estrella. And by “all my contacts”, we all know he means Baxter. 

In Tamaulipas, Sansón installs Estrella in a hotel room. He gives her clothes that her “owner” (amo) provided and tells her that hair and makeup products are in the bathroom. He also informs her that her room has no telephone or television and that her meals will be delivered to her. There will be someone guarding her door at all times. Sansón warns Estrella that if she tries to be a smart-aleck, her brothers will be killed. 

Back at Casa Alegría, Baxter’s provides video footage confirming that Estrella was picked up near her house by Sansón. Baxter is working on tracking (rastrear) the itinerary of the car where she left. He also informs Ricardo that Sansón has been linked to human trafficking (trata de blancas). Basically, Baxter is doing all the work but he gets zero screen-time because Ricardo is the one who gets to relay the information to the Gallos, while looking serious and flexing his biceps. 

In Tamaulipas, Estrella cries and prays for a miracle. What a moron. 

Back at Casa Alegría, Ricardo makes another announcement: Cameras show Estrella taking a bus. Baxter located the footage and he also managed to find out that the bus was heading to Tamaulipas. Why isn’t Baxter our main galán

At Casa Guerrero, Pato fills Esperanza in on the latest developments in Estrella’s disappearance. Ricardo and Erasmo decide to take a plane to Tamaulipas. The Alegría kids and Kiko stay with Andrés, the nanny. 

In Tamaulipas, Sansón OKs Estrella’s animal print hooker dress with one of his trademark Ooh-la-la’s. He informs her that after her first night, she will have to keep entertaining her “owner” until he gets sick of her and casts her aside (desechar). After that, she will be sold to clients who pay less but, in any case, she won’t leave the network. 

At Casa Manzanares, Viviana visits her boyfriend only to find out that his ex-wife is now living with him. Awkward! 

At Nueva Luz, Cristina tells Irene about the Palacios job and Ricardo’s visit to her house. She harps on about how much she dislikes Ricardo because he is a patán/lout, bla bla bla, we’ve heard it all before. Phone rings. It’s Abril. She barely says hello before the line cuts off. Cristina is impactada

At Tamaulipas, Estrella’s “owner” has arrived and he is as sleazy and slimy as you might have imagined. However, the actor’s voice is dubbed over and the end result is simply hilarious! I can’t take any of these angsty scenes seriously because the dude’s voice sounds like he’s selling detergent during the commercial breaks. The next scenes show Erasmo feeling guilty, Ricardo trying to make him feel better and Estrella attempting to waste time until the cavalry arrives. Osorio needs to stretch this Estrella drama into tomorrow's episode.

In Kracy’s hideout, Ernesto is visiting and gets to meet Kracy’s murder weapon: A Golden Poison Frog or Poison Dart Frog (Phyllobates Terribilis), the world’s most poisonous animal. Kracy informs Ernesto that if Ricardo were to touch Poison Froggy, he would die in less than 10 minutes. Ernesto seems to like the sound of that. Whatever happened to a good old-fashioned whacking? 

A quote from the capítulo   

“Sabes que no dejaría desamparados a mi hija y a su hermano.”

*Ernesto promises to take care of Esperanza’s kids: “You know that I wouldn’t leave my daughter and her brother unprotected.” Melt my heart why don't you!
Your viewing vocabulario   
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated) 

bajo libertad condicional = (to be out) on probation. 
fideicomiso = a trust fund. 
cacatúa = a cockatoo bird. Also a derogatory term designating an old woman as old bag or old cow. I don’t know what Pato meant exactly. She said she didn’t want to keep repeating her sarcastic comments like a cacatúa
licuado = a smoothie. 
mover contactos = to pull a few strings, to get in touch with one’s contacts (to get something done). 
amo(a) = a master (mistress), an owner. 
rastrear = to track, to trail, to locate. 
trata de blancas = Lit. “White (women) slavery”, meaning human trafficking. I personally prefer to use the term “trata de personas”, instead of “trata de blancas”, because human trafficking is not restricted to gender, age, race or ethnicity. 
desechar = to cast aside, to discard. 
desamparado(a) = defenseless, unprotected. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hello Patio Pals! Hope you had a fun weekend. Excuse the excessive swooning over Ernesto but I can't stand the designated galán (or any of the sub-galanes) and nearly everything about this show grates on my nerves. I still have a soft spot for Esperanza despite her dumbing down.

Enjoy the recap and discussion! Catch you later! :)

Though I just cannot watch this show I do glance occasionally cause I miss Nandicta.

"She preferred to snivel and act like Joan of Arc, if Joan of Arc chose to resist the English by joining a human trafficking network"

Funny, every peek I take has me swooning over Ernesto. You are not alone Nandicta. Dude got galan written all over him.

Cristian's big headed ego is as swollen as his biceps and every scene he's in used to pump, flex and pose.

Thanks for a fabulous recap. Two times I had to laugh very loud though, with the vajayjay payments and the runaway girls whisperer.

Regarding the ''cacatúa'', old women were also referred as ''vieja cotorra'' or old parrot, maybe because they were always saying something and never shut off.

I know I don't have to waste time wondering about the time difference between NYC and sueñolandia (1 hour), but Pato said good night and she was eating Megamarket cereal, part of an essential breakfast. It's only one more product placement, but, shouldn't it been PLACED in the morning? Like instead of grabbing the coffee bag while Esperanza was drinking her iron smoothie?

Kracy and Dionisio saw each other for the last time 4 years ago and yet he is not a bit surprised how good her spanish is? I am sure she spoke spanish with him in Ivory Coast, otherwise he would have tried speaking to her in english, right? No compliments?

When Erasmo and Ricardo got together with those one size fits all t-shirts I thought they were competing to see who had the most sculpted upper body and biceps.

I am mouth watering to see what thursday have in store for me!
Osorio is putting all the meat in the grill (echando toda la carne al asador) and there's still a lot to fill up so I wonder what will he come up with next...

Nandicta, your entire excellent summary had me grinning ear to ear (unlike the episode!)

"When The Villano Is A More Reliable Galán Than The Galán" was simply great.

"Here’s a thought, Pato: Why don’t you attach a Luca-cam to the guy’s head and follow his every movement?" was on point. Pato's incessant whining and pouting makes me want to change the channel. And of course as Luca is the recipient of her complaining, I don't want to look at him either! :)

"She can’t eat. She can’t sleep. I can’t watch". Ack. Neither can I! Kristel was barely tolerable before. She is simply cringe worthy now. Be relieved you are free of the boy with the bun...stop mewling. Please!

"The countdown to Irene’s demise has begun". I think they missed the mark here. Instead of bringing in Marjorie (who continues to be absent from the names in the credits), they should have made Irene the recipient of Ricardo's attention. Irene and Esperanza. Now that would be a contest.

And now, let's talk about enthralling Ernesto, shall we? "Esperanza seems unfazed by Ernesto’s generosity and seductive feline eyes. Dayum, girl, how can you resist when such a sexy bad boy becomes all putty in your hands?" Exactly! Of all the stupid mistakes Espe has made, ignoring this fine specimen is one of the most outrageous!

I thought Ernesto was regarding Tracy as the looney tune we know she is. It seemed to be that he realizes she is out of her mind. I keep hoping he will do something to thwart her. A girl can hope.

I could not believe that it was actually Kiko who mentioned Sanson (to which Erasmo hit his own head in a moment of "why didn't I think of that" clarity). Erasmo, I would be salivating, especially with those incredible eyelashes, but you are too dense. Beautiful to look at but just not with it enough.

Nandicta, this was splendid. Thank you!


Well, at least nobody is thinking or mentioning Adrián anymore, right?

Ernesto is following ''in war and love all is allowed'' He loves intensely, hates intensely and acts accordingly.

Pedro is living in the flesh the merism I thought was from Sor Juana Inés but turns out belongs to Antonio Machado and says: Ni contigo ni sin tí tienen mis males remedio, contigo porque me matas y sin tí porque me muero (With or without you I am doomed, with you because you will kill me, without you because I will die).

Maybe in Osorios' eyes, Irene is ''poca cosa'' for Ricardo, who according to his body type deserves a better ''trophy'', meaning a woman with a great body (wearing clothes one size smaller). If beauty is inside, Irene could be a better candidate, but I think he doesn't deserve a woman like Irene because for me, he is the 'poca cosa'' and is just the exact match for a shiny mirror that is Marjorie, I mean, Cristina. Esperanza should step in and say, HEY, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!! The wrapping is not that important, look at me!

Thanks, Nandicta! Your recap was very entertaining! I missed this last night. Hope to see it later today but maybe I won't bother knowing I will not enjoy it as much as your recap. I'm out of here. . . for now. :)

Good recap Nandicta. The only person thats going to get "frog touched" is krasy tracy. Or erny, if he's not careful. Pato
Is abit annoying. Like her mother.

Two crazy females in the same show. And they're psycho crazy (tracy & viviana)Thelma and Louise on steroids, highly
Potent steroids.

Are they ever going to show baxter? the guy that's doing all the work while ricardo gets all the credit? Or maybe they have and I missed it.
Ok, thats all for now, everything else is dry drivel. And O, almost forgot, that large guy that bought estrella, poor girl, he'd kill her, just the weight alone.....ugh...yuck!

Diana, yikes! ITA that Erasmo is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. What a waste!

Yikes #2: Kristel: : Begging is never attractive.

Thank you, Nandicta, you always make me laugh with your spot on observations.
Ten times yes to turning Ernesto into the true galan that he's struggling (and succiding) to be. Who would have thought, Wen this began, that I would choose Julian Gil over Cris delaFuente, my ex telenovio. Sorry, but this has to be the worst he's ever been in a tn.The writing does him no favours, but Bety Monroe is treated worse and we still manage to care (barely, but still).
Pato, Kristel and Kracy are unwatchable.
I wonder what will Ernie do to eliminate Kracy? She's becoming a huuuge liability.

Adriana Noel, ITA. I have never, ever been a Julian Gil fan but I am totally hooked.

My biggest disappointment will be if he does not end up with Esperanza.


I'm not watching this show but I always enjoy the pictures and titles so THANKS!

Hellow Amigowz! Thanks for stopping by! Good to see you again Tofie and Adriana and Nina! You were missed! Diana and Jarifa, always a pleasure! Diana, you pummeled both Kristel and Erasmo with snarkilicious accuracy! Thanks for the laughs! Jarifa, agree with every yikes and suggest we add Erasmo to the Tabasco Exile List (Snivelly Kristel has been top of the list since week one).

Pablo, many thanks for clarifying my doubts about "cacatúa". I agree with Diana that Irene would've been a way better potential love interest than Cristina the firewoman of education and sinking TNs. But as you pointed out, Osorio doesn't feel the actress playing Irene is worthy of Cris de la Fuente's many hours of push-ups. I can't wait for Thursday, you are going to have a field day, all for our delight as readers.

Adriana, welcome back! Just like you, I can't stand to look at Cris de la Fuente. Awful, just awful! He's just phoning it in and he's infusing his already super-flawed character with too much arrogance and posing. Ugh! Very unattractive! Ernesto on the other hand... Uffffff! Llama los bomberos!


Cheers for taking the time to stop by, Carvivlie! See you on the Yago patio! :)

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