Thursday, June 16, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 17 (June 13, 2016) 2nd Half

Who holds the key to Fernanda’s freedom? Will it be Ignacio, Camila, Carlos, Don Fernando, Amelia, Pedro, Felipe or…wait for it, Javier? Yes, Javier will no doubt come back into the picture. He was only supposed to be gone a short time. Pedro is living in his house, for heaven’s sakes. It would be hard to believe Javier didn’t leave a way to contact him while he’s been away. Pedro can’t be so stupid or blind not to let him know what happened to Fer. Indeed, Pedro had the hopes that Fernanda would turn her eyes on Javier, a wholesome, successful and acceptable mate, even though Javier himself saw it was a hopeless situation.


This is from the 1st Half - I just moved it over here.

Steve I love it!


Diana, there are so many "I got a man" (I used man as an example for all) people out there that it doesn't matter what they do, "they always come home to me".

I see Marissa in this same boat. It's not so much that she forgave him for the affair (that happens) it's the low-down, dirty, pulled a gun on my child, hell bent on destroying a little girl, evil person that she knows she is living with that is the disturbing part. Oh well, on to what happens next.

This tn moves fast and has more ups/downs/twists and turns than the rides at an amusement park. My emotions are all over the place with this peace of fiction.

Of course, as you type and get interrupted while typing you don't realize that others have gone ahead of you.

BUT Delilah LMAO!!! "On another note, isn't it weird that Fer had to go to prison to get the best hair yet of this whole TN? Her hair is laid like a goddess! Izzy needs to go to the Prison Salon stat!"

I'm over here dying!

I'm laughing with Delilah at the last comments on our 1st Half page (and Kendra's carry-over) about IzzyFrizzy needing to go to the Prison Salon.

Delilah--That was a powerful condemnation of Pedro you left us on the 1st Half.

Here it is, almost complete, "Pedro is a selfish, obsessive control freak and I don't see his relationship with Fer as healthy. It can't be because it's built on lies and manipulation. Pedro has been a world class temper tantrum thrower every time he feels himself losing his grip on Fer. I never liked Amelia and I don't like the way she treated Pedro whose only crime was to fall in love with her and provide a home for her and her daughter. However, she didn't love him and she never did. That's not her fault, and I can understand her being a bit bitter at her life slipping by in marriage that was loveless. We can't make ourselves feel something we don't. I think Pedro tried to guilt her into staying by bringing up Fer and how they needed to do it for her." Emphasis mine.

We remember she didn't want Fer after she was born and suffered months (and possibly years) of untreated post-partum depression.

Dy volunteered to recap tonight, but we haven't heard a word all day. If nothing pops up tonight, I'll do a rough outline tomorrow and post it.

I'm here! Just been busy but I will be able to recap. :)

Yay, dy. Take your time. Apparently there is NO Camino tomorrow night. Another Copa America match.

Delilah--Since you are "off" tomorrow, would you be willing to do a recap on Monday, June 20?

Hey Camino peeps. I just saw the last few minutes of this tonight, and even I noticed that Fernanda's hair was on fleek (as the kids say) and better than ever in prison! How did that happen?

Yes Anita, no problem recapping Monday ;-).

Ha ha Vivi, I have been laughing at this for a few days now! Her hair looks great. Isabella needs to go to Hair Salon Prison next!

EPISODE #78 (Thursday, June 18): Another Awkward and Depressing Day on the Camino

I Will combine some scenes for convenience.

The episode begins with Don Fernando continuing to visit Fernanda in jail. He remembers nada about her but everyone has told him great things and he believes them. Fernanda is happy to hear his words and have his visit. Blanca is there too and urges her to use that good heart of her to forgive her mother. Which prompts Don Fer to ask Fer who her mother is. Awkward! Fer handles it well though - she describes Amelia's elegant appearance and beautiful eyes, and how she wishs she could be happy. Don Fer says that it sounds like she's describing his daughter Amelia. Awkward! He gives her a few words of general advice and they hug it out.

Leaving the prison after their visit in the last episode, Felipe and Pedro discuss Fer, the case, and how they can help her. Bitchy bangs has waited for them outside the prison gate. She asks Pedro what he thinks Fernanda wants from her. Pedro doesn't know.

Back in Houston, it turns out Carlos has been calling and calling Fer's cell, Don Fer's phone and the phones of others, and no one is answering their phone. This naturally worries him and Iggy. The doctor comes out and tells them that Marissa has slipped into a coma. Later, Carlos watches him mother on the ventilator and cries wordlessly. (Although we do get a lot of crying Carlos scenes, I really felt Horacio Panchero nailed this one. I was moved. Poor Carlos has a lot of things to worry about and anyone would get overwhelmed.)

Meanwhile, Pedro and Bitchy Bangs have found a cafe and as they awkwardly begin to talk, both flash back to the bad times and a good time or two. They discuss how the times in the marriage were mostly bad. She then asks sincerely for his forgiveness. She acknowledges that Pedro was a really good guy during their marriage. The conversation turns to how Felipe is a young and inexperienced lawyer, and Fer needs some real help here. Pedro points out she also needs her mother. Amelia says that through her struggle she has learned that life is beautiful but also sometimes sad. She again asks Pedro's forgiveness and expresses her gratitude that Pedro is always there for Fer and Bitchy Bangs. (Yup, I put her back to Bitchy Bangs after this - it's still all about her.)

Back in the prison, Fer's prison friend Maribel mentions that she had a good husband, but he doesn't really visit anymore. The guard comes up to fetch Fernanda and makes a snarky remark about all her visitors. The newest visitor? Camila. Just wow. The nerve of this one. You can tell Fer is thinking that as well. Camila offers up her lame excuse for her false testimony and Fer "reads her for filth" as my Twitter feed said. Fer basically tells her she sees the real Camila now. Camila actually wonders if they'll be friends. Just wow. Fer is astonished and it's basically a no. As in, you destroyed my life, I'm in here for ten years, it's not just and you'll be living with the guilt. Camila tries again, but Fer leaves in disgust. As she should!

Back in Houston, Luis and Carlos are meeting with the doctor. It's unclear how long the coma will last. Obviously someone needs to run the bank. Luis is excited about all this and says that he will go back to Mexico since he has power of attorney. Carlos is not happy about this at all and they get into it. The doctor awkwardly leaves his own office to let them hash it out. Carlos doesn't believe Luis, but Luis could care less what Carlos believes. Verbal sparring and threats follow, and Luis makes it clear he is going back to Mexico soon to run the bank.

At the jail, Fer vents to Maribel about Camila and her visit and her lies. Maribel encourages her to reach out to Carlos. I have never understood why they all get a free phone to call whomever they want whenever they want in these telenovela prisons, but there it is and Fer calls Carlos' cell phone number. Like me, Carlos doesn't recognize the phone number and ignores the call. Oh dear. Then the jail bully lady - called the Malquerida - begins bullying Fer. Maribel tells her to bug off but she doesn't. Fer doesn't care, she needs Carlos! So Fer calls his home. Clarita answers and I guess she tells Fer to call the place where Carlos is staying and gives her the number. Malquerida comes back to bully Fer some more. Fer is getting desperate now and shakes her off to make an international phone call on this phone which goes right through without a hitch. Except...

Isabella is lurking around Carlos' bedroom (I don't know why she was in there or how she got in there) and smelling his aftershave and declaring her never-ending obsession with him will never end. When Fer's call comes through, Isabella answers and it's basically the fly going right into the spider's web. Isabella tells Fer that Carlos is asleep and that the two of them are now together and not to bother him again. Poor Fer is devastated. So, of course, the Malquerida resumes bullying Fer. But Fer is no crybaby! She basically goes all Linda Blair Born Innocent 1974 (it's a TV movie reference; Fer with the hair down physically resembles this actress in a 1974 TV movie about a teen in prison) on the Malquerida! It's a big fight!

Back in Houston, Iggy confirms to Carlos that until the will is changed, Luis does have the power. Awkward. However, Iggy will go back to Mexico too and keep it all under control. Carlos asks Iggy to check up on Fernanda. They comment on Luis being an awful person. Luis hears this and comments back on Carlos being a miserable person. The taunts continue, Carlos gets mad, and Iggy holds him back. Luis makes a big production out of visiting his esposa Marissa. Iggy advises Carlos that to win in the end, Carlos will have to be strong and not affected by Luis' taunts.

The prison guards break up the big fight and it appears that they are going to punish Fer and let the Malquerida go back to running the prison. They bring Fer to the warden, who advises her to find something productive to do and avoid the Malquerida. If she keeps getting into fights, she'll go to solitary. Maribel later advises her that solitary is awful and undesirable and people die there.

Rosaura and Pedro are at his home discussing his talk with Bitchy Bangs and their worry for Fernanda. Rosaura advises Pedro to stay strong, but he doesn't know what to do. It seems hopeless and all he can do is talk to God. Being a nun, Rosaura advises that this is not a bad plan. Pedro tells Rosaura that he has decided to come clean that he is not Fer's real father, in an effort to free her from her conviction. He will renounce Fer. This kills him inside as she will always be his hija in his heart. Pedro shows up at Mariana's house, and after she badgers him for why he is there, he spills the truth - he is there to reveal who the real father is.

Avances - None. Soccer tomorrow.

dy. thank you for this. I admire your insight and story telling talents.

Jeez. They are really mixing things up for Fer, aren't they? In jail, and unable to reach her novio, she is attacked by the prison alpha bitch? To tell you the truth, I would prefer to be in solitary confinement rather than deal with the bullying in the general prison population.

I did not understand why or how hairball was in Carlos' room. But she used this to great advantage for herself, didn't she? I cannot wait for her to be totally, publicly, and decisively rejected by Carlos.

Ah, our dear Luis. Such a study in self absorption and opportunism. I have no special knowledge of psychiatry, but I'll bet a specialist in that field could write several textbooks on his personality.

Camila. She does have a conscious, but lacks the will to make amends. Thank God Fer threw her out. "Can we still be friends?" Uh, actually, no.

They are going all out to rehabilitate Amelia, aren't they?

I wonder if Amelia's new demeanor is allowing Pedro to finally admit that he is not Fer's sperm donor? This is a really huge transition from a tightly held, dirty little secret that he holds in his heart, to "what is best for Fernanda?"

Poor Don Fer. Suffering with that awful disease, but willing to comfort and support anyway that he can.

Thanks again, dy. This was great.


You're welcome David! Much better episode last night than Tuesday's, which depressed me. Sometimes Fer's optimism can be over the top but I like that she is a plucky girl and fought back against the Malquerida. I also like that she's not forgiving Amelia and Camila. At least not yet.

I agree that the show is making a major effort to rehabilitate Amelia's image. They might need to work harder for me to believe she's a good person, but I do see that's what they want us to think. You are correct - this is a big change we got in Pedro tonight in terms of his focus. While Pedro can work my nerves at times, it's easier for the show to convince me he's a good guy at heart. Amelia was just awful from the start, and she will have an uphill battle in terms of my thinking she's a reformed person. It's hard for a narcissist to truly change.

I saw on Twitter the other day that the show is ending at 131 episodes in Mexico on July 17. So at episode 78, we are just over halfway through. It's been a wild ride so far. Very few boring episodes, that's for sure.

Oops I meant Wednesday's episode was the boring one. Is there a way to edit posts for typos or mistakes once posted?

nailed it dy, thanks

"The nerve of this one"

What's so hard with telling someone you know you hurt them, will do everything in your power to make it right and forgiveness is up to them without a time limit?

Who uses a land line anymore? Private message Carlos on fb

It was Marissa's wish she stay married to the man she loved so Carlos better learn to budget, clean house and cook for himself. Wait, if he could help get Fernanda out of prison she could do that for him.

So now he wants to help his daughter but dumbass Pedro tells Mariana the whole plan. Mariana is not a plant.


dy77, "Another Awkward and Depressing Day on the Camino" and "She basically goes all Linda Blair Born Innocent 1974" were among my favorites.

This was a great recap. Thank you!

“(Although we do get a lot of crying Carlos scenes, I really felt Horacio Panchero nailed this one. I was moved. Poor Carlos has a lot of things to worry about and anyone would get overwhelmed.)” I totally agree. I think some roles (villains in particular) naturally allow the actors to showcase their acting abilities. Carlos plays a quiet, thoughtful and loving son and novio. There is not much opportunity to express a wide range of emotions. However, when he has the chance, he has brought all the right emotional tone and intensity.

I was relieved Pedro and Amelia finally talked. Well, spoke a bit at least. dy77, while I understand what you noted that Amelia always seems to be bringing focus back to herself, when she thanked Pedro for taking care of herself as well as Fernanda, I thought she was simply trying to acknowledge that he did care for and looked after her unselfishly all those years.

"Pedro tells Rosaura that he has decided to come clean that he is not Fer's real father, in an effort to free her from her conviction. He will renounce Fer". Were the writers expecting us to rejoice at this?? This admission should have been his immediate action when the police came to take Fernanda away. A sad realization far too late.

Of course, there's never a good time to lapse into a coma but "Back in Houston, Iggy confirms to Carlos that until the will is changed, Luis does have the power Awkward" could not have been more ill timed.

Izy intercepting Fer's call was to be expected, wasn't it?

But as Anita brought up, where the heck is Jav? Talk about another instance of bad timing to be absent!!! We need all the "good guys" present and accounted for in order to save Fernanda and Marissa.

Thank you again! I truly enjoyed every word of your recap.


tofie "It was Marissa's wish she stay married to the man she loved so Carlos better learn to budget, clean house and cook for himself. Wait, if he could help get Fernanda out of prison she could do that for him". Excellent!


dy-- Thank you. It was even a much more exciting episode in your hands. There were predictable plot lines--the phone calls, HissyFit in Carlos' hotel room, the prison yard fight, etc., but you brought a freshness to the episode that delights.

One thing I thought I heard, but anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong. While Luis and Carlos were in Dr. Espinoza's office talking about Marissa's coma, deciding who would stay and who would go, Luis was pushing hard that he needed to go back to Mexico to head the bank. Carlos didn't think he could do that. Luis told him Marissa just signed the authorization last night. Of course Carlos doesn't believe that. Neither did I since she was in intensive care after the operation, had a crisis and Carlos was with her. I think Luis said that just to irritate Carlos. Iggy is correct in the end. If the will hadn't been changed and Luis has power of attorney, the end result is the same.

Diana--Agree. Horacio Pancheri's interpretation of this role is for me, just perfect.

My heart went out to Don Fer. He's so sincere in expressing his frustration with his disease. My father suffered from dementia for the last years of his life. It came on slowly, but, with a few exceptions, I see Don Fernando through his eyes. While he was not self-aware of his problem, one of the more serious effects as it progressed is long term memory loss. When my father began to forget where he had worked for 40 years, the places he'd lived, the names of his siblings, it was heartbreaking. Finally, I decided it was too stressful to try to make him remember those things and let him live totally in the present. We were able to keep him at home, in familiar surroundings. His caretakers were new to him every day, but he was a gentle person and never objected to their care. Astonishingly, one of the things he did remember was how to play chess.

Camila is a lost cause. How could she on earth think that they could still be friends. Fer is in prison drab, movements, meals restricted, and Camila enjoys the fruits of her father's money to continue going to school, breathe fresh air, not have to share bathroom facilities and eat home cooked meals. But, I feel sorry for her. More than a lost cause, she's a lost soul. A father is a towering figure in any child's life. Her father's influence over her is too powerful. She needs to get some Sisterly counseling from Rosaura and Sor Sonrisa.

dy--I agree with you about Amelia. Life was hard on her, she says. Yep, it's still all about Amelia. Maybe I could believe in her rehabilitation a bit more if she were dressed differently and changed that 6-year-old's hair style. Maybe she's the one who should make an appointment with the Prison Salon. (Am I being too petty?)

Thank you again, dy. I was hanging on every word as I read the recap. And no, there's no way to make corrections to a comment after it's posted unless you delete and start over.

Anita, thank you for sharing your touching memories of your father.

I cannot imagine how heartbreaking and difficult dementia is. While the person affected must feel as though they lost part of themselves, watching those we love live through this must be heart wrenching. I am happy that you were able to keep your father with you. He surely knew that he was loved and cared for.

And Camila? "I feel sorry for her. More than a lost cause, she's a lost soul". Yes. Although Fernanda looked very, very sad and troubled, I saw no hatred. Only a questioning "why??". If Fernanda can't hate her, I certainly can't.


Dy thank you what a fun and witty recap! I devoured this with my morning coffee! She went all Linda Blair.. had me laughing out loud. You're so right, she did sort of resemble LB in that scene. I thought it was funny that the guards also told Fer that they knew she was going to be trouble because she fought the Malquerida and "lived to tell about it" Oh brother...I think this means this girl is supposed to be some junk yard bad ass that no one have been able to take on. We're going to get a big showdown again between these two. So Fer can end up in solitary.

I really hated Bitchy bangs at the beginning of this novela, and she still has a way to go with me, but I'm warming to her. I owe a huge thanks to Pedro for this. I'm not absolving her of anything, because she was and still is a bitch, BUT I admire her spunk and the fact that will face those she has wronged. She has repeatedly sought out Fer and Pedro to apologize to their faces for what she has done. She isn't giving up on repairing what she did and I give her props for stiffening her spine and fighting to repair things. I believe she is sincerely sorry for treating Pedro and Fer so badly.

Anita, yesterday when I gave that scathing spanking to Pedro, I may have been a bit rough on him, because yes, he loved and took care of Fer when Amelia wouldn't. I do believe she was suffering from untreated ppd and left untreated it can be horrible. It's not an excuse for what she did but I can sort of understand how as a young girl she was ill prepared to care for a baby and add to that she was thrown out of her family. Harsh! I can't imagine how that must have felt. Pedro did his best, but as I was trying to explain yesterday, we can't love someone we don't and Amelia didn't love Pedro. He knew that and he has to accept some of the blame for his insistence that they stick it out for Fer. Staying together is never good for anyone especially a child. The years turned over and it only added to Amelia's misery at being stuck with a man she didn't love. She was like a flower on the vine dying...lack of passion and love. Despite Pedro's best efforts he couldn't make her love him.

As for Pedro's tears today that he is suddenly now going to do what is best for his daughter, it really is about time and I am going to give him props too for finally realizing he has to do the right thing. He admitted he was being selfish by trying to keep Fer's paternity a secret. I think Pedro has craved love from Amelia...she was his ultimate dream and he never got it. Her child however did love him, Fer loves Pedro with all of her heart and soul and poor Pedro, he soaks it up..he's scared to lose it.

Corny but you know that saying, if you love something set it free...blah blah blah ..and it will come back to you. I think Pedro will see the rewards of finally setting Amelia and Fer free.

Anita, I wanted to add that your story about your father deeply touched me. I cant imagine experiencing that. It appears the heart however is stronger than the mind. Take comfort in knowing somewhere deep down, he knew he was with those who loved him. You say he was gentle...I can sense that is where you get it from, dear Anita. ((H))

Delilah, "The years turned over and it only added to Amelia's misery at being stuck with a man she didn't love. She was like a flower on the vine dying...lack of passion and love. Despite Pedro's best efforts he couldn't make her love him". Insightful and very well stated.



Did I just see Fernanda being pregnant ?


Dy - great recap. I loved all of the "Awkward" moments you added. It had me cracking up because it was so true.

tofie - your entire comment had me laughing. Landlines and private messaging of FB.

Anita - thanks for sharing. You had me smiling about your dad " Astonishingly, one of the things he did remember was how to play chess." He still showed that no one was going to beat him in chess, huh? How wonderful!

They are really working to rehabilitate Amelia (not sold). I will admit the 100ft high 200ft deep wall I built up for that bitch has been knock down by 5ft but it's still wide. I'll see you first before I let you get anywhere near me.

Camila, OMG! I happened to be eating when she asked Fer when this was all over could they be friends. I threw my fork at my plate and went "is this bitch serious?" Like I said before, she is redeemable and a victim of abusive and manipulative parents, but like Fer said - "what's wrong with you? you could have spoken up and now I'm in here for 10 years AND you still won't speak up?" BITCH BYE!

I stand by my hashtag #SHUTUPPEDRO.
Not because he is finally (FINALLY) about to let go of his obsessive need to not tell the truth, but why in the hell would you tell that Witch that just lied on your daughter. Shut up!

Poor Fer. She knows not to trust what that hairball says. Carlos has kissed, shown up at a spa, and publicly chosen Fer over Icky at every turn. However, she was in his room and answered the phone? I might not believe they are engaged, but that would hurt the strongest less naïve person. She should have left a voicemail on his cell phone before she called the hotel. (I don't answer unknown numbers - you must leave a message)

Kendra: The Hairball is Eric Montenegro 2.0!

Luis is the evil version of Yago.

First time to post here....thanks to those that are recapping this of my favorites......regarding Fernanda's hair styles, I too ..lhave noticed the home and school, she wore it in a pony tail...and the hair was sort of frizzy...while working with Don Fer she had chonguitos and now in prison her hair is straighter and really nice looking...just an observation...Elsa

Steve, yes she is!

If Luis was portrayed by Ivan, then I would like his evilness a lot more.

Welcome Elsa!

Kendra, I'm laughing at the 'tude coming through your post. We could be twins, because I felt the same way about Cami. I was thinking to myself that I would have had to be held back from attacking her if I'd been Fer. This chica has lots of nerve to show up to see Fer in prison. I know she's got a manipulative father and she's craving his love and acceptance, but she's old enough to know bette. If she can't and doesn't speak up after witnessing that hell hole that she helped put Fer in, then this girl has no soul and doesn't deserve any sympathy or pity.

I've been thinking about Amelia's slow transformation, life has been hard on her for sure the past 19 years and now she realizes what she had and most importantly that her daughter is a true blessing, a child to be treasured for sure and she wants to make it right. What if...a big if, but what if Luis has the same epiphany after learning the truth? He was very young when he got Amelia pregnant and while he was a jerk for kicking her to the curb, we were privy to his thoughts and regrets for doing so. It seems at some point he had hopes of having a child with Marissa and it was never to be. So he went through life just focusing on money and women. Could it be now that he's older, it's a child that he's been missing and this daughter he has with Amelia is what will change him? is it possible?

If any here watched PyP, you know some hard villains can soften and change (Eladio) I'm hoping for a twist with Luis. Fer is so lovable I just can't imagine that when Luis knows the truth and lets his heart open up to Fer that he won't be affected by her.

Oh and Welcome Elsa!

welcome to the party Elsa

Delilah I was serving up some serious attitude and I'm glad it came through clearly. Lol. The nerve of some people. She has continued to prove how delusional she really is - ugh!

Delilah, Diana, Kendra, thanks for your comforting words about my father. He was an educated, congenial, gregarious person and all I could think of was: why him?

Interesting that Pedro's change of heart comes around Father's Day!

Delilah--Another thought on the Pedro/Amelia marriage. You said, "...Amelia didn't love Pedro. He knew that and he has to accept some of the blame for his insistence that they stick it out for Fer. Staying together is never good for anyone especially a child. The years turned over and it only added to Amelia's misery at being stuck with a man she didn't love. She was like a flower on the vine dying...lack of passion and love. Despite Pedro's best efforts he couldn't make her love him."

I so agree with all of your statement. However, Amelia finding herself in that situation, did not give her the right or the license to treat Pedro and Fer in the manner she did. She lashed out and hurt them for 19 years or so. She slapped and humiliated Fer in public over and over. Yes, suffer in silence until you figure out a way to get out of a situation that is making you that miserable. I know all about it.

Delilah--I'll give Amelia the benefit of the doubt as to untreated ppd and being very young and ill prepared to care for a baby, but it's not like she couldn't have gotten in contact with Blanca in some way, or asked Rosaura, or gone to the clinic for help.

Lupe seemed a fairly normal woman and best friend. She worked her way up in a white-collar job, starting, as I recall her saying, at the bottom. What was Amelia's problem? Was Amelia so stubborn as to not accept advice or help from her over the years? Did she want to start out at the top? (Oh, yes, I guess she did.)

I think Fer said it best when she was first getting to know Carlos. Her mother seemed only happy when there was a lot of drama in her life.

Maybe, Izzy the Frizzy will developed some illness that causes her hair to become thin, break off ends..if only..

Lady dy you hit it girl. Loved your recap. The episode kinda sucked, because of the baaaaaad people. That hairball in
Carlos' room. Sniffin his clothes like a mangy cat. Poor fer. That nasty hairball may have the upper hand now, but she will be declawed and defrocked, in public. I will be front and center to see that.

Camila camila camila, what can I say about camila? Backstabbing, cowardly, weaselly (with two Ls), is byfar the worst bff in the history of bffs. And Im being nice here. There are so many words. I'll save them for later. Fer wont hate her, just really dislike her.

Granpa fernando, bless his heart! He's stuck with two mo-rons ( as reba says it) for daughters. Of course they had help gettin there, but made bad choices and got stupid on their own.

Pedro maybe shouldn't have told the troll what he is going to do. Shes gonna find a way to change the dna test. Im just guessing, not being a spoiler. This scenario usually comes into play on soaps. I'll be kinda maybe surprised iffin it don't happen.

Luis-I don't like him. THE END!!! Hopefully his is close. "and Louie makes it clear he is going back to Mexico soon to run the bank". He'll probably run it into the ground.

Marrisa- it just keeps gettin worst.

I don't see this as pedro renouncing fernanda. He is simply revealing the truth about her paternity. Hes makin it sound worst than it is. She's his daughter. He has got to know this girl knows he is the only father she has. She understands about dna. Pedro is such a drama gueen. Hes lettin fear rule. Besides Im not sure the leech would even care. Then again, Who knows? And the drama continues.

Dy, you ran a touchdown with this one. Thanks a bunch.

After those years of Catholic education, I wonder what part of "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" Camila doesn't understand. I am also surprised that the nuns haven't tried to counsel her upon the error of her ways.

Of course, Hernan, Mariana and Luis lead lives the seem to be centered around breaking each and every on of the Ten Commandments. This will be their undoing, I suppose. They may not have consciences, but deeds play out and can come back to haunt you after a while.

Nina, hadn't really thought about it, but changing DNA test results sounds like a likely plot angle.

Anita, sorry your dad suffered through that awful disease.


Welcome Elsa! Thanks for the nice words all. It was an awkward episode! I had written that word in my notes and ran with it.

Anon, I'm laughing at Izzy the Frizzy - I may have to crib that. She definitely needs a bottle of the prison hair conditioner.

I'm going to stick up for Luis the louse - well actually for Rene Strickler, I think he does this type of bad guy well. I'm still scarred from when Ivan Sanchez was the crazy villain on La Tempestad always wearing salmon-colored pants. I liked him much more in Lo Imperdonable and I think Ivan does the conflicted bad/good guy well and may well be the better actor (definitely better abs). But there's no conflict with Luis, he is just a straight up sneering bad guy which Rene is definitely playing to the hilt. I do have to admit I get a kick out of loving to hate the straight-out bad guys on these shows-kind of a "what will they get up to next" thing.

David, thank you for your kind words. Truthfully, it was harder on the family than it was for him. It was such a great loss not to have the father you knew and loved around for all those extra years.

Nina--You are so right about Pedro--he's the drama queen now.

Elsa--Nice to see you here; nice to have another set of eyes watching and coming forth to comment. Although Fer's hair looks more natural in prison, I still hate hair extensions on any of our telenovela women. Unfortunately it looks like a style that's NOT going out of style. The directors seem to have a limited idea of how to represent the ne plus ultra of femininity. Well, that and artificially enhanced bosoms, barely crotch-covering dresses and mile-high heels.

Heads Up! I'll be posting the Headliner for Week 18 later this afternoon.

Happy belated father's day to our gentleman on here. I hope it was a good one for you all.

Anita, just checking in to let you know I'm still on for the recap tonight. ;-) I'm looking forward to this week's events. One thing about this tn it moves at a steady pace.

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