Thursday, June 23, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 18 (June 20, 2016) 2d Half

While we waited out the Copa America games, two poets-in-residence offered these for our diversion. Watch out for those Bread Crumbs, folks!

Luis is still nursing a grudge.
From this he never will budge.
He argues in court
'Cause he's of that sort
But won't win 'less he pays off the judge.
Louy is such a jerk
Who other people he loves to hurt
Surely when his time comes
He will be eating Crumbs
For others he poisons their bread
Maybe he'll be the one to eat it and be dead. 


I left a few messages on Week 18, 1st half. I hope Camino keeps us moving along the rest of the week.

I just read from part one...Oh WOW! Recapping/copyright thieves! that is something that I just didn't know was happening.

Anita - even if July 4th is not showing, I will need to catch up from the last week (watching not reading) because I go on travel Monday and I probably will not be able to watch at all. I already have plans for Monday and Tuesday evening so when I miss an episode (whatever day) I don't watch the next one until I've had the chance to see the missed show. So my catching up will be those 5 episodes (plus my family reunion all weekend)and maybe the 4th.

I will keep up with reading, but I won't watch until I get back.

Kendra--Let's see if Aleta is free to take the 5th of July.

Kendra--Or maybe switch with Delilah who is scheduled for Friday the 8th. I'll post another recapping schedule for the next two weeks on Monday.

Episode #79 (?) Thursday, June 23, 2016: SOME GOOD CALLS, SOME BAD CALLS

Some scenes combined for convenience. What a rollercoaster of an episode.

Part 1:

- Fer is meeting with the prison warden regarding her idea to form a band. She thinks it will be good for the prisoners and give them something to do. The Warden is on board. They brainstorm about where to get the instruments. GOOD CALL WARDEN.

- Bitchy Bangs Amelia and Meanie Mariana are going at it about what happened to Blanca (Amelia doesn't know). Hernan walks in and tries to calm them down and they both tell him to hush and resume quarreling.

- Fer tells Maribel that the warden liked her idea and the band is happening. Maribel is excited. She wonders how her big hands will play an instrument but Fer reassures her they are strong and will do fine. Maribel steals a ball from a passing prisoner and gives it to Fer, who returns it to the prisoner. Then Fer and Maribel dance a jig. This is as much fun as Fer has had in a long time, at least since the helicopter crash and resulting night in the desert. Maribel admits she enjoys stealing things and can't control her urges in that regard. Overhearing all this between Maribel and Fer, The Malquerida (or Demetria as the captions call her) laughs and plots how she'll make Fer stop dancing and start crying.

- Amelia asks Carmela where Blanca has gone. She is very worried. Blanca was the only person who didn't judge Bitchy Bangs. Meanwhile, Blanca has got a sparse room somewhere, and she unpacks while crying and vowing to protect Amelia and Fer.

- Carlos and Frizzy Isy are in the hospital, where Carlos is filling her in on his plans to go to Mexico for day to check on things. He fills her in on the bank situation she already knows about from plotting with Luis the Louse. He asks her if she can stay with his mom in the hospital, being that she's such a good friend and all. Heh. Frizzy has no choice but to agree. Of course, the next time we see her, she's on the phone to Louse to warn him of Carlos' coming trip.

- Back in the prison, the warden gathers the inmates and announces the new music program, where Fer will give lessons and the best musicians will be selected to be in the prison band. People are excited except for Malq. She gives the warden a little sass and the warden sasses her right back and calls her out. Fer looks like she wishes that hadn't happened. BAD CALL WARDEN.

- Sure enough, the Malq later picks a fight with Fer in the prison yard, and brandishes a knife. Fer draws on her inner Linda Blair again and gives her a good fight, but unfortunately ends up with the knife in hand when the guards break this up. Of course the Malq says that Fer attacked her, and it's off to solitary for Fer. The Malq's goons sucker punch Maribel for good measure.

- Carlos bids Marissa farewell (she's in a coma). He professes that he's going crazy - he loves his mom and Fer a lot, and worrying about them is killing him. He has a flashback to the night he and Fer made love in the desert and explains to his mom that he never thought he'd be this much in love, so he has to go back to Fer, but he will be back to his mom very soon.

- Meanwhile, the guards are putting Fer in solitary (which is a cell resembling an animal cage that is narrow and exposed to the elements). They taunt Fer by saying the band will not happen now. She cries. Later she reminds herself she's strong. (I like that about Fer.)

- We see a plane in the sky. I guess that's Carlos' flight.

Part II, Episode 79, June 23, 2016:

- Carlos arrives at Pedro's house (which is starting to come along). Carlos asks where Fer is. Pedro refuses to answer him! They get into it!

- Fer in solitary has a flashback to when she played violin in the tree for Carlos. This makes her cry.

- Pedro says he hates Carlos because he is the son of Louse! (Stepson actually.) Carlos replies that he loves Fer with all his heart and he won't let Pedro come between them or interfere. Well this tips the scales for Pedro, because he actually wins the WORST of the night in a telenovela filled with contenders! He lies to Carlos and tells him that Fer went with Javier to Spain. Carlos insists that this must be a lie, but Pedro insists that his lie is the truth. UGH. BAD CALL PEDRO. REALLY BAD CALL.

- For some reason that I did not understand (I think I was still processing what Pedro did), Iggy tells Carlos that he does think Fer is with Javier in Spain. BAD CALL IGGY. Although not with a bad intention.

- Poor Fer in solitary thinks back to that sweet first kiss with Carlos. Now she's crying! Thankfully the warden has decided to release her, and the guards let her out and take her to the warden. The warden says she believes Fer, but warns her to be very careful around the Malq. GOOD CALL WARDEN.

- Amelia closes a business deal in the construction office. She realizes it's made her late to get home to Don Fernando. As she hustles to close the office, Louse appears. She's not having any of his sweet talk. He reviews their history and tells her he's realized he's in love with her. Amelia notes that she always wanted to hear that from Louse, but now she doesn't care. He asks her if she's in love with Pedro. She says while it's not a grand love, she has realized that she does love Pedro. Ugh after this episode, you can have him Bitchy Bangs.

- Maribel is so happy to see Fer is out of solitary. She gives her something she stole. Fer thanks her but refuses to accept it. The goons who sucker punched Maribel kiss up to Fer and want to join the band. Everybody is excited the music will be happening. Except Malq. She is not pleased at all.

- Blanca visits Pedro. I believe she asked him for a job, which he will give her. But it's obvious she wishes she were with Amelia and Don Fernando, and Pedro asks her why she isn't. Blanca plays it off as, "well you know how difficult Bitchy Bangs is" which Pedro agrees with. She makes him promise he will protect Amelia and Fernanda which he agrees to. Because he did such a great job of protecting Fernanda this episode, NOT.

Part III, Episode 79, June 23, 2016:

- Pedro, the nuns and Clarita visit Fer in prison. Fer tells them that she has decided she doesn't want Carlos to know she's there. (For ten years????) BAD CALL FER. She thinks he needs to focus on Marissa. Nice reason, but still, BAD CALL. Pedro can barely contain his excitement about this and he agrees but makes a show of checking to make sure this is what Fer really wants. UGH. They all agree to support her with this. BAD CALL NUNS AND CLARITA.

- Iggy and Carlos meet to discuss the banking crisis. It's not going well. Everyone is going to lose their jobs and the bank to the Louse, whose paperwork is in order and who has taken over. Frizzy calls Carlos to let him know that his mother's health regressed some more. He will return to Houston tomorrow.

- At the bank, Amelia goes to drop off paperwork to Lupe, but the new employee tells her Lupe doesn't work there anymore. Amelia asks for Ordonez, but he's been fired too. Louse happily gloats to Amelia that the old guard is all gone and that he is the new president of the bank.

- Fer makes Maribel her assistant for the music lessons. She remembers when her school friends and Sonrisa sang that song in the hospital. A sadness washes over her as she recalls when Camila was actually a half-decent friend when not trying to seduce Carlos behind her back. Maribel asks her what's wrong and she mentions Camila. Maribel agrees with me and calls Camila a maldita. GOOD CALL MARIBEL.

- Oh yeah, Carlos has a kid he wants to adopt. Poor Paco has been in the group home, and quite rightly believed Carlos had forgotten him. Carlos assures him that wasn't the case. The group home lady tries to break things up, but Ordonez holds her off and happily announces that the adoption has gone through, Carlos is now officially Paco's father, and Paco is free to go to Houston with Carlos tomorrow. That cheers Carlos and Paco up. The show ends with a smile on Carlos' face. It's nice to see after the rest of the episode.

Avances: Iggy and Amelia (I didn't catch what they are discussing but I'm assuming it's the bank). Don Fernando is having a health crisis and it looks like some medical personnel are going to take him to a clinic or Alzheimer's home against his will. Camila gets yelled at by her parents and takes some pills; we see her passed out and Hernan calling for help.


Anita - if someone is willing and able then sure...but if they can't I will be trying to catch up anyway.

Dy, great captured everything that I was irritated and finally delighted with.

Pedro gets the jackass of the year award. He doesn't listen and is just as obsessed with Fer as Icky is with Carlos.

So made a comment about them not breaking up again (it starts to get stupid) but separated somehow by a kidnapping, held prisoner, something. So I guess her being in prison and purposely keeping it from him - not to mention the lie that Pedro and Amelia concocted to add to a misunderstanding. Boy oh boy they refuse to let them be together.

I agree Dy... the fact that a little happiness came at the end made it nice to see Carlos finally smile through all of that heartache and struggle.

Boy i didn't finish the thought. I guess those things are going to add to a prolonged reunion, but at least they didn't break up even though that would make a bunch of people happy. Not the patio, of course (well maybe a few of us lol)

dy77, congratulations on a simply stellar recap.

"A sadness washes over her as she recalls when Camila was actually a half-decent friend when not trying to seduce Carlos behind her back" was my favorite of many. Your “bad call” theme and examples shone brightly.

I would just like to take a moment and say these recaps are beyond helpful, they are imperative. I could not fathom most of the conversation last night. Everyone's kind, generous and caring summaries make it possible for someone with very limited Spanish comprehension, such as myself, to enjoy these along with everyone else. So thank you, dear recappers for all that you do. I hope anyone reading without commenting would take a minute to let your recappers know what an outstanding job they are doing. Sometimes a simple "thank you" means the world.

Back to business. "He lies to Carlos and tells him that Fer went with Javier to Spain". Treacherous deceit cloaked in self righteousness imperiousness. Pedro, Pedro. While much of what he did early on only skirted the edge of questionable, there is no doubt Pedro has intentionally and maliciously lied to the one person he claims to love above all others. You have much to atone for Pedro. The worst part is that his tunnel vision of keeping Fernanda safe has imploded and he is hurting her more than anyone else.

"She says while it's not a grand love, she has realized that she does love Pedro". Yes, she remembers his past kindnesses with affection and longing. I do not see Amelia having the heart or desire to indulge in any great passion after Luis.

"Then Fer and Maribel dance a jig". Now I love Fernanda and don’t mean to sound unduly harsh, but there is finally a slight flaw in her otherwise perfect countenance. In this instance, “dance” was a generous term. She was so stiff and awkward, this is not an artistic talent she can add to her arsenal. :)

The usually smart and savvy Ignacio "fell down" on his asserting Fer might be abroad with Jav. It's so frustrating that he doesn't know where Fer is! He and Amelia need to have a conversation. And quickly. Like you and Kendra, I was happy Carlos had a few minutes of happiness at the end. Ignacio made that possible.

Luis makes me want to vomit.

And on that note, I will end by saying thank you. I have hope that all will be well in the end. It's just the journey that has made me weary and weepy.


dy, great treatment of this very busy episode.

Like you, I am just aghast at Pedro. I mean, who does stuff like that. He hates Carlos because he has an evil step-father? That line of logic has so many holes in it that you could fill it with water and water the lawn.

Likewise, Fer's idea to keep her incarceration from Carlos is idiotic. Okay, maybe if she was guilty she would want to keep it quiet, but since she is unjustly convicted, I would think that she should be trying to muster all the help she can get, and most importantly, her novio.

Poor Blanca. At loose ends, and frightened of what Mariana might do to the people she loves if she spills the beans. This threat of violence to those you love is exactly how narcotraficantes operate.

Well, at least things turned out ok for Paco. I think that his presence in the family will have a chilling impact on Isy's desires for Carlos; why would this sociopath want to saddle herself with a homeless boy? Of course, I guess she could plot to send him off to boarding school in Switzerland or South Korea.

Thanks again, dy. You did this with style and grace.



Thanks all!

Goodness David, I hope Paco doesn't end up with the Frizz for a stepmom! That poor kid has been through enough.

Diana, I thought the same of Fer's dancing. There is a YouTube video of the presentation of this telenovela that shows Paulina Goto twirling around with Horacio and singing the theme song. He kind of does the dancing for them. It's pretty funny. (Warning, if you go to any YouTube video of this telenovela, you will see spoilers since Mexico is a month ahead and people have posted a ton of videos.)

Kendra, I've been totally sucked onto the Carlos/Fer train. I think the fact that Carlos is a total hunk, even with all of his crying, does it for me. Or maybe it was the above-mentioned twirling video. I just like them together, but wow, we have a ton of hurdles to hurdle before they can get back together.

dy77, I would love to watch the video but as you noted there are spoilers, I will refrain from peeking now.

I'm disappointed in Fer's decision that Carlos should not know about her situation but I'm cutting her slack, only because she is persevering and determined to stay as positive (as possible). I know I would have cracked under the pressure long ago.

There is much to be said for youth and resilience. And hope. I always say that sometimes, hope is all we have.


another good one dy. Dinner party and didn't get to watch but oh my this is fly.

"(I like that about Fer.)"

Now how can you grind into the dirt sunny side up Fernanda? Prison squalor and a fiddle, hey, lets start a band.

Carlos is a nice guy, way too weepy for me, reactive not pro active and all he wants is to marry and have Fernanda pop out a dozen kids and adopt a football team. Fernanda is a quick study, powers through with tears in her eyes, has real hopes and dreams, ain't scared of nothing, an example for all and will come out of the big house wiser. If she's this at 19 and Carlos not near her equal now, give it a few years. I'd like to think he is Sony to her Cher but Sony encouraged Cher and made things happen. I'm not sure Carlos has thought much about what Fernanda wants, unless it's him.

Pedro is more a villain than Luis, Mariana and Isabela because his is a betrayal that surpasses even Camilia's. How does this horrible man even look Fernanda in the eye?


"I'd like to think he is Sony to her Cher but Sony encouraged Cher and made things happen. I'm not sure Carlos has thought much about what Fernanda wants, unless it's him".

Now, I know I like Carlos a great deal but darn girl, you always make me think. Fernanda does shine and is fearless, as you noted.


Dy great recap! This one really was infuriating starting with that buffoon Pedro. I loathe him..and if he were to get killed off right now I wouldn't miss him in the least. I know he was abused, but he's annoying me to no end. His yelling, temper tantrum throwing and thinking he knows best what Fer needs has run it's course. Fer's father shouldn't be the obstacle and yet imo he is. He's a control freak who is hurting his daughter and I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon.

I think it should be clarified that Amelia told Luis her punishment was that Pedro didn't love her with that grand love anymore, but she has realized that yes, she is in love with him. Ugh! I'm starting to dig bitchy bangs, the new improved version. I don't wish Pedro on her or any woman.

Cute jig with Maribel and Fer. I'm glad that nothing can destroy Fer's positive outlook.

I hope she's not in there too long, I really miss Don Fer and Fer together. It was always the highlight of an ep for me. I had hoped this would have been a continuing love story between a grandfather and his young granddaughter and we would see this relationship bloom and grow.

I think Paco is going to torment Ickybella. I can't wait!

It's a bit too far fetched that with all the people who know Fer no one has told Carlos. No colleagues or patients have bothered to contact him?

You would think news would travel via the papers or a phone call/text msg.

"Sonny to her Cher" Very thought provoking. I do think Carlos has a selfless love for Fer and would move heaven and earth for her. He's been a huge victim through out this tn, Felipe, Cami, Icky, Luis and now Pedro who is the longest and worst obstacle. As far as I recall he has been encouraging of her music dreams, but they were squashed by Luis rigging that audition. Carlos never knew about that audition because he and Fer were broken up. Wasn't he investigating Icky's faux pregnancy?

I wonder if it will come out that Luis was the one responsible for that as well. That creton has so much to make up to his daughter, once he finds out. I still think that Luis will soften upon learning who Fer really is. She's too good and kind not to have an impact on him.


The BEST CALL of all was your recap. Splendid. I loved the theme. Pedro deserves a dunce cap and a walk of shame. For someone so forthright he can lie with a straight face--and he didn't want his daughter lying to him? Bet he justifies it by saying it was for Fer's protection. Ugh is right.

I do remember Fer saying early in her imprisonment that she didn't want Carlos to know she was there because she didn't want him burdened or distracted from caring for his mother. I think she said that when she expected to get out soon. But now? Has she counted all the people who know she's in prison?

Lousie would be the first to cream it all over Carlos that he's the one that did it--as he told Amelia (still thinking it was Pedro's daughter).
Felipe--he'll go along if he still has designs on Fer
Clarita and the nuns--would they go so far as to lie to Carlos?
Amelia, Mariana, Hernan, Camila - not sure what Amelia thinks of the relationship with Carlos, but why would she go along. As for the rest of them, they'd probably be delighted to tell Carlos his prometida is in Spain with another guy.
Diego and Lucero - they might unintentionally reveal the prison sentence.
Blanca - I got the impression she was moving somewhere far so Mariana and Hernan wouldn't find her, so she won't have any contact with Carlos--BUT, she is Felipe's godmother
Frizzy - she'll do whatever Lousie says
Jose - He might let it slip if he's ever alone with Carlos just having a chat
That's just about the whole cast except for Carlos and Javier, no?

Did anyone notice the big gaping holes in the walls of the solitary confinement? Anyone could have walked through, but would still just end up in the prison yard. Still, I had to laugh. Maybe this is just daytime solitary because Maribel painted solitary as being horrible with creepy crawly things, dank, dark, etc.

I was also puzzled by how Iggy found out that Fer had gone away with Javier. He says in the conversation that Amelia told him. How did she get that story. If Pedro had told her to spread it around, I don't know that she would have.

Thank you again, dy.

David--You consistently come up with little gems. I need to gather them up and publish them in a special edition of Camino.

Yesterday's was: "That line of logic has so many holes in it that you could fill it with water and water the lawn."

And we noticed that Pedro NEVER answered the question. It just kept coming out, "Just because."

tofie--You, too, are in the parade of gem makers with, "Now how can you grind into the dirt sunny side up Fernanda?"


Delilah--I never thought of what Carlos is going to do with Paco in Houston. Frizzy the babysitter? Can't see that lasting.

Diana--Ever the dispenser of exacting insight. "Treacherous deceit cloaked in self righteousness imperiousness. Pedro, Pedro. While much of what he did early on only skirted the edge of questionable, there is no doubt Pedro has intentionally and maliciously lied to the one person he claims to love above all others. You have much to atone for Pedro. The worst part is that his tunnel vision of keeping Fernanda safe has imploded and he is hurting her more than anyone else." How is he ever going to explain it all to Fernanda without REALLY losing her admiration for him. She'll always love him as a father, but can she forgive him?

While she got used to the treatment Amelia subjected her to, she could always count on Pedro. She may forgive him, but will she ever trust him again.

EPI #81 (Fri, Jun 24) - Pt. 1
Reclusorio – La Hacienda
Mariana delivers the news to Don Fer. She’s sending him to a home for old people whose families don’t want them around anymore. She doesn’t say it quite like that, but he gets it. While it’s true, Don Fer says, he doesn’t remember anything, not even who she is, he has been told this is his house. Mariana says it’s hers, too. Anyway, she makes the nursing home sound very inviting, his own room, people waiting on him, nurses and tranquility. She’s sending him to a nursing home? Don Fer says it’s the same as an asylum for locos. Mariana says it’s a matter of semantics. He can call it whatever he likes, but he’s going. What is he, demands Don Fer, a package they can just pick up and send at will? Pretty much so. He says he’d rather just leave the house under his own steam than stay sequestered in this house. Hermy gets in the act saying they’re doing this for his own good. Camila tries her hand saying he’ll like it there. There will be plenty of other viejitos there. He bristles at being called an old man. That, he insists, he is not.

He says he’d rather be dead than be sent to an asylum. He calls them all abusers. Camila is quite affected by Mariana’s treatment of him. As he speaks out, Mariana ushers in two attendants in white who carry him off.

Reclusorio for Real
Fer plays her violin for an entranced director in her office. She’s nearly carried away by the music. [I love the fact that Fer is accompanied by a whole string section in the tiny office.] Sra. La Directora says Fer is so talented she’ll help her get the instruments and set up the project. In fact, it might even have the effect of reducing her sentence—although she warns it shouldn’t be the reason she’s doing it. Our plucky, altruistic Fer replies that no, she’s really doing this for all the women in the prison. The two decide there won’t be any auditions. Anyone who is interested can register.

Reclusorio – Inside Camila’s Head
After what Cam witnessed, she goes to her room. She can’t get the actions of her step-mother out of her head. She clearly sees how she was snookered by Mariana into being instrumental in Fer’s prison sentence. Fer’s words come back to haunt her—ten years! She also remembers trying to accuse Mariana of manipulating her, but retorting to Camila that she did her a favor clearing Fer out of her way and Cam replying that she never helped her with anything. Cam’s hysterical and so distraught she’s close to a mental breakdown. She wants the voices to disappear. She sees a little bottle of pills conveniently left on an otherwise uncluttered dresser. Without giving it any more thought, she heads for the bottle and empties it into her mouth, with an orange juice chaser.

Reclusorio – La Constructora
Well, not exactly. Amelia is imprisoned at work all day long and has no idea what’s been going on at home. She arrives home in her garish yellow top, which actually contrasts quite nicely with her jet black hair and slacks. She asks Mariana the whereabouts of her father since he wasn’t in his room. Mariana is thumbing through a glossy magazine, Muebles. Oh, she looks up, throwing down the mag in disgust at being disturbed, he’s out. No, not with Fer or Blanca. Amelia is in no mood for her games. Mariana huffs and stands up. Ok, she sent him to a nursing home. She gives the orders in this house and he isn’t coming back. (We see Don Fer is not adjusting well to his new surroundings.)

EPI #81 (Fri, Jun 24) - Pt. 2
Amelia says she can’t do whatever she wants with their father. Mariana says, yes, she can. She has his last will and testament leaving everything to her. Amelia reminds her he said he was leaving everything to Amelia’s daughter. She also reminds Mariana he’s not dead yet. She’s going to go get him and bring him back and take care of all his needs until the day he dies. Mariana says sorry, not gonna happen. She’s in charge, not Amelia. She’s not going to tell her where he is. Poor Amelia, she opines, no husband, no father, no daughter, thanks to her, and she just threw out the only person who could be called her mother. She wants Amelia to leave her alone, or she’ll be next out the door. Amelia says she’s going to call a lawyer. That’s fine by Mariana. He can fight with hers. He’s Luis Montero—she’s sure Amelia knows him. [Amelia is no match for this red-headed spitfire of a hellcat.]

OMG! Does Hernán actually have some tender feelings buried deep down for his daughter? He finds Camila passed out at the foot of her bed. He gathers her up in his arms to cradle her and calls Carmela for help. He sees the bottle and begins repeating over and over, why did she do it.

Reclusorio – Lousie’s New Digs
Well, he’s imprisoned by his own malevolence, but these new digs of his are nicely furnished. It must have cost him a fortune. [I take that back, it cost the bank a bundle.] He asks her to sit down. Mariana tells him she got rid of Blanca and her father. Lousie says she’s worse than he could have imagined. Mariana takes that as a compliment. She has realized she can’t be assured of getting ahold of the fortune while Don Fer’s other last will is floating around. She tells Lousie he needs to find a way to get it back from Iggy. Mariana is furious at Lousie for firing Iggy. That means he’s lost control over him now. How are they going to pressure him to get the will back?

Lousie tells her not to worry. As far as anyone is concerned, the will leaving Mariana everything is still in play. He says whatever happens, happens, IF it happens. Meanwhile he suggests she sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labors, the way he’s doing. Mariana does not look convinced.

Amelia meets with Ordoñez. He tells her he has the last will naming Fernanda as Don Fer’s sole heir. He didn’t tell her before because he didn’t know if she was allied with Mariana and Luis. Now that he knows what those two have done, there’s no reason to hold back. Amelia says that information makes her nervous. She wants to be able to continue protecting the life of her daughter and that’s so only so long as he keeps the will. Amelia tells a surprised Iggy that Mariana sent Don Fer to an asylum and would like his help to find him. He should be at home instead of alone to die of sadness. He probably doesn’t even know why he’s there.

Camila is rushed to the clinic. She took tranquilizers. They’re going to pump her stomach. Dr. Arteaga comes out to let a very worried Hermy know his daughter tried to kill herself. She’s alive, but she won’t be the same when she comes out of this. She’s severely depressed and tormented about something. She’s awake and Herm can go see her. Herm wants to know if she said anything. The doc says no. Herm’s face lights up. Doc notices and says it looks like he’s pleased she had nothing to say. No, he’s just relieved she’ll be ok. Doc says she’s not ok. She may even try again.

EPI #81 (Fri, Jun 24) - Pt. 3
Carlos has returned to Houston at the doctor’s urging to get an update on Marissa. FrizzyIzzy joins him, late and behaving every inch the devoted significant other and Marissa’s future daughter-in-law. The new doc is very hopeful. Marissa seems to be reacting to stimuli, but even if she comes out of the coma it may be a long road back or it might not be a complete recovery. Carlos tells Izzy he’s decided to stay in Houston as long as it takes. Frizzy will stay, too, since she’s Marissa’s friend. He tells her no. He wants to take a course and study about this disease. She looks momentarily conflicted. She doesn’t like being told no. She thinks. She tells Carlos she wouldn’t have a problem living in Houston. He is grateful for her offer, but Carlos doesn’t want her here. His problems in Mexico and here are tormenting him and he doesn’t want her pressuring him. Paco shows up and joins them in the hospital hallway. Izzy has a hard time concealing her true feelings as she makes nice with Paco.

Back at the Real Reclusorio, Sra. La Directora meets with Fer and Maribel in her office. Maribel picks up something from the director’s desk and pockets it while Fer and La Directora are enthusiastically hammering out the details for this music project. No exams or auditions. No one is excluded. It’ll be like a big happy family. It’ll be like offering them skills they can use when released, blah, blah, blah.

Next day, Frizzy tries again with Carlos. She joins him, most likely in the hospital cafeteria. She’s decided that the way to a man’s heart is not a fake pregnancy, but through a homeless street child he’s become a father to. She wants to visit with Paco. She knows how important Paco is to Carlos, and Carlos is important to her. She’s also decided to stay by Marissa’s side as long as necessary. Carlos thanks her.

Then for an extra good measure, she pours on the love-talk. He asks her to stop. This love-talk is making him uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to hurt her. She says nothing he says will hurt her. She’ll understand. He doesn’t want her to be having any illusions about him. He simply is not in love with her. He loves Fernanda. Whatever it was he felt for Izzy ended the minute he met Fernanda. Izzy doesn’t think Fer loves him with the same intensity she does. If so, why isn’t she at his side? It’s true she’s not here. It’s true he doesn’t know where she is, but he can’t forget her. He tells Izzy she shouldn’t wait for a love that can’t be returned. Regardless, Izzy says she’ll stay by him forever. She loves him (querer, not amar). She doesn’t care how long it takes until he realizes the only woman for him is Izzy herself.

Registration for the music classes has drawn quite a queue. It seems everyone is in line except La Malquerida. When the heavy-set girl, who is one of La Malquerida’s gal-pals, cuts into the front of the line, it looks as though the whole project is going to crash. OMG! Now it’s clear why La Malquerida is played by a tiny slip of a thing anyone could have pushed over with two fingers. She has a beautiful voice and she can really sing. She demonstrates and everyone claps. Everyone wants her in the chorus and be the principal singer. Anyway, everything is resolved. La Malquerida and Fer seem to have made peace—or at least a truce. La Malquerida gets to sing in the band, orchestra, whatever it is.

Visiting day at the Reclusorio. All of Fernanda’s Peeps are there, even Amelia, who, nevertheless, sits a little off by herself behind most of the visitors who are facing Fer and Pedro. They’re quietly sharing a meal. Amelia sends a few shy smiles Pedro’s way. Does he notice? The music is nice and peacefully uplifting.

Meanwhile, back in Houston, new father and new son, identically dressed in long-sleeved blue shirts and dark slacks look at apartments. Later on, Carlos and Paco apparently found an apartment they both like. The two are settling into their routines, with Paco slipping a bit on neatness.

EPI #81 (Fri, Jun 24) - Pt. 4
Music classes begin. Maribel is still making it obvious to us she is a compulsive thief. Music classes continue. Maribel is learning to play the cello. Fer gives a little speech about music bringing them all together. She goes to get her violin. She stops to think how she’s not heard a word from Carlos in two long months. Not a minute goes by that she’s not thinking of him.

Carlos and Paco are visiting Marissa. Paco has brought a book to read to her, The Count of Montecristo. He tells her it’s about an innocent man who was imprisoned unjustly—just like Paco was, but he got free, as Paco did, too. Some day, he tells a comatose Marissa, she will open her eyes and be free.

Fer finally opens her violin case. There’s no violin. She mentally suspects La Mal, but it seems everyone else does, too, out loud. Who else could it have been. There’s been bad blood between them for ever. Sra. Directora says they will search every cell and whoever took the violin will be punished in solitary confinement for an indefinite period. Maribel’s eyes get as wide as saucers. La Mal is asserting her innocence. She asks them to check her cell out first. The guards grab her. Fer has a lightbulb moment. She tells the guards she’s pretty sure she left it in her cell and forgot. She grabs Maribel and heads for the cellblock. Sure enough, Maribel had it under her mattress. Maribel starts to cry. She doesn’t know why she took it, especially when Fer is such a good friend. She doesn’t know why she takes things. She asks Fer’s forgiveness. Fer doesn’t exactly forgive her, but she does tell her she has a compulsion. It’s a disease. Maribel says that’s what her lawyer said, but the judge didn’t believe him. Fer knows a doctor who can help her. She shouldn’t be in prison.

Amelia and Iggy are having a drink together. She’s a bit down. She’s looked everywhere (ciel, mar y tierra) for Blanca and has had no luck getting any leads on her father. Mariana has him well hidden. Iggy suggests she approach Mariana again. Amelia tells him things are only getting worse. She’s ready just to leave the house. Iggy tells her she shouldn’t. It’s her house and her daughter’s patrimony.

As we are listening to Amelia and Iggy, the scene changes to a bleak walled-in outdoor area, devoid of anything pleasant to see or smell: no trees, bushes, flowers, benches or fountains. Only a lot of sun. In it, here and there walk a few elderly men, some pushed around in wheelchairs. Of course, this is the asylum Don Fer is in. And, therefore, it is a foregone conclusion that the two men who came to volunteer to landscape, will find Don Fer. They are Pedro and José. Pedro spies Don Fer first. He can’t believe his eyes. He goes up to talk to him. Don Fer doesn’t recognize him or remember him. He doesn’t ever remember a daughter named Amelia or even that he has a daughter.

One of the attendants walks over to Don Fer and puts his arm around his shoulders. He thanks Pedro for volunteering his time and then sends Don Fer on to get some sun. Pedro asks the guy if all the residents are like Don Fer. The attendant says no, Don Fer is actually in better shape than most. He is still articulate. Pedro and José are stunned.

Sra. Directora introduces the new musical group. They sing and play very professionally. La Malquerida is quite good. Even the guards seem to enjoy it—passively while attentive to their duties, of course.

Anita, great job. You really nail down the details that help me understand what is going on.

Whoo! Mariana is a study in psychopathology. I wonder if this is how Adolf Hitler started out? And she is cunning! She sees through dip stick Luis's plan's flaws. I hope she is correct and that the both of them go down in flames because of his lack of insight.

I enjoyed your theme of 'who is imprisoned, and why.' Very Walden Pondish. Henry David Thoreau considered himself free despite having nothing, while he considered others living responsible, productive lives to be prisoners of their commitments.

Okay, forgive me for this, but as I watched Fer forming her music group who had no training, I thought of Robert Preston playing Professor Harold Hill in "The Music Man." I wonder if, when she is inevitably released from prison, she will march out of the gates while her band plays "76 Trombones."

Frizzy Isy is a study in OCD. Jeez, just give it a rest!!

Amelia continues on her road to full redemption, but she doesn't know where to turn for help - wait, Ordonez is standing in the wings for her. Watch out Luis, I just welded another 5# ingot to your anvil.

The thought that Mariana could send Don Fer to such a dreary place is just awful.

Will Hernan have a "come to Jesus" moment? I really feel bad for Camila. Hated by her step-mother, and manipulated by her dad, she wanders through life as a disposable item, except for her best friend Fer, whom she betrayed. She probably wishes she had two bottles of pills.

Thanks again, Anita. Very well crafted.


Anita, thoughtful, concise and a joy to read. You paint a beautifully crafted picture with exquisite details.

"She’s decided that the way to a man’s heart is not a fake pregnancy, but through a homeless street child he’s become a father to" and "Well, he’s imprisoned by his own malevolence, but these new digs of his are nicely furnished" were among many favorites.

You vividly summarized the scene that has stayed with me since last night, the vision seared in my brain: "Visiting day at the Reclusorio. All of Fernanda’s Peeps are there, even Amelia, who, nevertheless, sits a little off by herself behind most of the visitors who are facing Fer and Pedro. They’re quietly sharing a meal. Amelia sends a few shy smiles Pedro’s way..." Fernanda sitting next to Pedro, separated from Amelia by another layer of friends, sittingmby herself in the last "row". Her smile seemed genuinely sweet yet it was tinged with sadness. The scene hurt my heart. I want gentle Fer to try and love her mother again. Is it possible to love someone when you haven't forgiven them? I believe it is. There are few things as special as the mother daughter bond. I truly believe Amelia will work hard to prove she has changed and to be the mother she should have been all along. Fer has much to forgive but it can be done in small steps. I really want her to take that first step.

"Mariana says it’s a matter of semantics. He can call it whatever he likes, but he’s going". Sheer, unmitigated gall. "Poor Amelia, she opines, no husband, no father, no daughter, thanks to her, and she just threw out the only person who could be called her mother". Pure unadulterated evil.

"Herm wants to know if she said anything. The doc says no. Herm’s face lights up. Doc notices and says it looks like he’s pleased she had nothing to say. No, he’s just relieved she’ll be ok. Doc says she’s not ok. She may even try again". Well, he’s imprisoned by his own malevolence, but these new digs of his are nicely furnished. While his primary worry is that Cam will spill the proverbial beans, at least he was genuinely concerned. I'm unsure if he is salvageable, but she does have Fer and others who will welcome her back in the fold once she tells the truth (which I believe she will do).

Fer handled Maribel with the wisdom of someone twice her age. She knows she needs help and is already planning to have Dr. Jav help her. Provided he ever returns from the hinterlands or where ever he has been languishing the past few weeks.

I love Carlos and Paco. It was touching Paco told Marissa she will wake up.

I am so glad Igancio is hovering in the background helping out behind the scenes.

David, no need for me to mention Luis as your statement "Watch out Luis, I just welded another 5# ingot to your anvil" was perfect.

Tolkien said all who wander are not lost. I am chafing at the bit for Amelia and Blanca to be reunited along with Carlos and Fer and Fer and Amelia. We need Marissa to awaken, Dr. Jav return and for Don Fer's wandering to bring him through the front door of his home.

Anita, thank you for this marvelous summary (and embedded vocabulary). It is so appreciated.


Or, not all who wander are lost.

My memory is not serving me well here so I apologize for whatever I noted that is incorrect.


Diana--I'm ok with All who wander are not lost, but happy you corrected it--with original attribution.

I'm not ok with all the plagiarism of Caray I'm finding out there. Thanks to Kat (5ft Latina) alerting me to the extent, I have now been named by Jane as an official Administrator for CarayCaray. My biggest problem is with telenovelas I haven't watched. I'm completely at sea unless the copycat actually listed the original episodes.

So far I've had taken down or blocked fb access to episodes of Sombra, Camino, Pasion y Poder, Lo Indomable, and Abismo de Pasion. I'm trying to break the cycle by starting at the most recent ones.

I had a nice conversation by e-mail with one of the extensive copiers who said since we have watched these many months ago, she thought we wouldn't mind them being copied for the community where she lives. That's not how copyright and intellectual property infringement protection works.

I told her we spend many hours generating these translations and we don't mind sharing with other readers--as long as it's on our own Blog! We will never give permission for our material to be copied, even with attribution, as she asked.

I suggested she either give the current URL link to the episode or to frame a Google (or other engine) search that would take them to Caray.

I urge all of our readers to go to 5ft. Latina's web site she calls El Cohete Blog and read the essay she wrote about copiers, titled, Copying Recaps/Updates for Use on Facebook. (You can Google it!)

Anita I enjoyed your recap. Mariana is a psychopathic nut job. She does horrible things to her family and don't even
Blink. When shes gotten her family out of the way, she'll get rid of her annoying hubby and his kid. I think there might be hope for cami. If she lives. I hope so, she might be a better bff, to somebody. If not fernanda.

Amelia, where is all that mean nasty energy she had when she was being Wicked to Fernanda and Pedro? she needs to pull that back up so she can deal with her mean sister. This amelia is wimpy. Maybe if she gets mad enough. O rats who knows.

Now we may have to sit through watchin izy frizzy endear herself to carlos through paco, who might see her as the desperate "carlos wife" wannabe that she Is.This is a senario thats usaully used in soaps/tns. The lovers are seperated and the third parties have a chance to change their minds.

Fer's doctor for her kleptomanic friend is pedro's dream hubby for fer. And since the door has been opened javier (doctor tightpants) to come back, Im sure someone will make sure that fer then learns that the hairy one is with carlos and child. And while jav is giving klepto therapy to bel he'll get closer to fer. Of course I could be totally wrong. Cuz the writers could make it really interesting and surprise us all and just do something completely out of left field.

Hopefully pedro will tell amelia where her father. Hopefully.

You set it up good Anita. Thanks again.


Anita, I knew things were going on but had no idea that plagiarism was so rampant. I did read Kat's article on her blog...

I'm not on Facebook and am not tech savvy so did not realize things had gotten as bad as they have.

Thank you for everything you are doing to keep the credit for the recaps where it belongs - the Caray community. You've been taxed with a huge responsibility.

I'm sad that so many vibrant voices on this blog are silent (now but hopefully not forever). Kat, Sarah, Sylvia and others are truly missed.


I just googled the Tolkien quote and it appears the correct phraseology is "Not all those who wander are lost.”

Hopefully, I finally have it right.


Thank you Anita! I agree, some of these prisons are far worse than others. Especially Don Fer's. I really felt for him while watching on Friday.

The Malquerida's voice was indeed lovely!

I do go on Facebook to keep up with friends and family, and I'm on some different groups for other things and people I'm fans of. I run a private group for my friends and I who watch General Hospital, so that if we chat about it, it doesn't annoy all our other friends. It would never even occur to us to just repost verbatim a plot summary there - that violates all internet etiquette and it's just common sense that it would be plagiarism. It's also so much easier to copy/paste a link to the original material that you want to share with the group. Sorry you are having to deal with that, Anita.

Good morning everyone.

Nina: I see Marianna going to the crazy house!

Thanks, Anita! That went above and beyond.

Just wanted to check in and confirm that I'll be doing Tuesday's episode if there's no game. I don't have as much time as everybody else puts into it (I'm a volunteer ESL teacher on Tuesday nights), but I'll do what I can.

Re the plagiarism: I suppose people can make money on popular blogs through the advertisements that pop up on the viewers' browsers, so it's really unfair for someone to be taking that away from the blog owner/originator/maintainer. Other than that, I don't much care. It's not a great creative endeavor for me, it's more like Spanish homework in translating.

When I was in high school, the girl next to me copied all of my answers on a World History test. I was so self-righteous that I deliberately wrote down the wrong answers, then changed them back at the last minute, right after she turned her test in. About a week later, her mother's car was hit by a train. That made me think about the relative importance of things.

Aleta--Wow that's some story to have to carry around all this time. I had a similar situation in one of my H.S. Spanish classes, but she wasn't copying off of me. What galled me is that she still managed to get a good grade and graduated several ranks above me. She has since passed away, but....I hope she had a good life in between.

I'll be putting up the Recapping Schedule for the next two weeks on a new page later today. Maybe someone will step in for you on Tuesday--Dy maybe--because you are on my schedule to recap on Friday as well. (Delilah and Kendra can't and neither will I.) I'll ask at the beginning of my comment.

As to the plagiarism project--It's massive, but if we can get the most recent episodes they post taken down and they cease and desist in the future, I'll leave it at that. What's past is past.

My most recent problem is a website that is not associated with Facebook and there's only a "Contact Us" button, but I'm not getting any response. I finally posted a comment under the episode #1 of Camino (mine, btw) that this material was copied from CarayCaray and invited the readers to read the REAL updates on CarayCaray without the knowledge they were reading something that had been stolen. So far, my comment is "awaiting moderation."

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