Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 115 usa/118,119 mex (8.25.16) Dos mujeres y un canijo

Express novela Sueño express, where everything is express except coffee. Next express wedding is in a week!

A quien le importa? (what happens to the subplots, right?)

To put you in context, I will list all the scenes that Univisión decided you shouldn't see just to finish this express novela sooner to start wit the next trainwreck.

From original version episode 112

Salma is offered Guatemala or Guatepeor, therapy or bootcamp. Obvi, she chooses therapy. Then she calls Paulo and he recommends her to turn nice and play victim to get her way. Then she starts her plan with Mario, who believes her. 
Later she asks for forgiveness to the whole Kuri-Conde family drinking green tea.

Kracy runs freely on the streets.

Anya picks up Pedro's roses before going out.

Esperanza and Pato talk about obscure forces "controlling them"?.

At Palacios, Ricardo argue with Pedro because he fells betrayed.

At the clinic, extended scene where Anya explains to Pedro and mapa about the cat.

From original version episode 113
Univisión don't give a damn about 0sorio's spawn singing career
or Carmelita Salinas grandson

Salma and Paulo keep plotting. Secretly, all he wants is to make her take drugs.
After offering Esperanza help with the house chores, there's a musical number with Kiko's song "Rompecabezas" (puzzle) while they clean.
Pato is wearing something on her head that makes her look like Morelos.

While Esperanza and Viviana visit the little nursery school in construction, Rebeca, trampy girlfriend of Jerónimo gets there and all men start cat calling her because she looks, how can I put it nicely, trampy? in her skimpy white dress and when Jerónimo, who is in fact shorter has his eyes at her breast level, she says, I want you to look me in the eyes!!
Then Erasmo plans a double date including Anastasia.

CVV and Ricardo say that their wedding day will be the first day of the rest of their lives. 

Kracy steals from her first "client" and then, wherever she is staying, vandalizes a CVV picture drawing mustaches and all that on it while talking to herself.

Pedro and Anya will take advantage of her first free time in years, to go to the pool. The date is split in several little bits showing her in a swimsuit, then he in his, putting sunblock lotion and all that, here, I side with Univisión because all this is not interesting to me or relevant to the story. 

Later, Erasmo and Anastasia are dressed to attend the wedding and they kiss.

In Ricardo's truck, Rodrigo talks about having to use the restroom. The boy apologises for being in need of a toilet.

Margarita urges Félix to hurry because they have the rings and is getting late.

Esperanza eats 31 weevils before getting Kracy's call.

Kracy's face is recognized by the taxi driver who tries to make a phone call, but she finds out and threatens him with her gun.

At the reception, Margarita kisses little Rodrigo upon arriving. Then the limousine arrives.

From original version episode 114
This could be the most expensive intent of career launch when your son wants to be a singer, specially when all his dance/sing scenes end up on the editing room's floor, Haha!

You didn't miss much with this dance off scene between the "fantastic four" now with Virgilio and team Paulo, now with Salma and Astrid, who don't speak to each other but how about dance together?
Salma seems very happy with Paulo and Kiko is very upset.
And even more when Paulo wins. Maybe he bribed the judges, he doesn't need the prices and/or the money.

Pedro and Anya are still in the pool. God, they will get "old people's fingers". When they finally leave, talk about the 85 pesos they "invest" in spending all this time together.
She is upset with Cupid, who played a trick on her.

There's a scene with Patolucas in a cafeteria.

Kracy starts her investigations for the next victim...

From original version episode 115

Still upset, the FF (fantastic four, not the fast forwarders) plan on doing even more rehearsing to win next time. They will ask for a second chance.
Unbeknown to them, Salma is trying drugs with Paulo.
Since Adrián is chaperoning her, and she looks weird, she blames it on the onion from the "quesadillas" she ate wit Paulo.

Pedro is introduced to Ruperto.

Margarita reads to the kids before going to sleep, the tale of Sebastian the frog. The book's cover says JUNGLA VIDA which doesn't make any sense in any language. But what does.

In Anastasia's house, she is on top making love to Erasmo and he grabs her butt.

Thankfully, we also missed the Bio4 commercial that Patolucas made. After we are married, I will make sure you drink one of this every day, they have millions of probiotics.

The Gallos have barbacoa again and Erasmo confesses Jerónimo he doesn't love Anastasia.

From original version episode 116

Kracy post coitus confession to Ciro Peraloca about her plans.

Viviana goes to see Mario who has not left the office and god knows how long. She was hoping they could go to the theater and even bought 2 tickets. Unless the play is The Fountainhead, I don't think he is going.

Later at home, Paulo visits with roses for Viviana to ask permission to date Salma.

In her new apartment, Patolucas think about having a round table? A square table? Then the wedding planner arrives (isn't this the same girl from the judge's office? Talk about recycle. She will be in charge of the wedding of the Millennium, sasquatch!

Anya and Pedro can not agree on who saved who. Esperanza or Ricardo.

From original version episode 117

Since Viviana can not use the tickets, she gave them to Salma and Paulo, who "will go" with pleasure.
He finally breaks and confesses Salma that her mother is having an affair with a brazilian guy and doesn't even follow him on facelook, so he feels alone.
After they both try it, he calls Salma #LadyMariguana and plan to lie about the theater play they didn't see.

Kracy moves in with Ciro. Since he is a little obnoxious, she thinks that for now, he is more useful alive than dead. Here, Kracy tells Ciro she will go to the park. 

This scene was modified, When Ricardo breaks the 4th wall and asks the audience who will he end up with, they subtitled it. ¿Con quién se quedará? and the screen is split in three showing their faces. Cristina, him in the middle and Esperanza.

From original version episode 117
"sueño es..."

Kracy is in bed with Ciro talking about the symbiotic relationship they have, like the shark and the leech. He only wants two things: Money and sex. He wants to pimp her and after he gets all the money he needs, he will start helping her get her revenge. Good, because Ricardo is the person I hate the most in the universe.

Erasmo goes to see Mario.

Anya has one eye in the cat and the other in the hook (un ojo al gato y otro al garabato-cats used to steal meat that was hanging from hooks). She asks Pedro if he had sex with Kristel. NOO!

When Salma and Paulo arrive home, Adrián sees them and gets upset seeing Paulo there.
Then Salma tells Viviana that she enjoyed the play very much but will never reveal the ending, because that was the best! It is sunday and Mario is still working. 

Next day. Monday. Viviana wakes up alone.

Mario asks Begoña and Arleth for a very hard coffee. The secretaries think that he is living to work and not working to live. Later Mario spills all the coffee on the blueprint he spent all night making and has a tantrum. Begoña offers assistance drying the paper and fixing it for him. While doing that, Kris calls from "Barcelona" and he tells her that is ok to come back is she wants. She doesn't, doing that will be like failing. Then Mario tells her that Silvana is the cleaning lady in the palacios. She is all shocked. Then he tells her about his insecurities and the reason he is working so hard.

And speaking of... Silvana mocks Esperanza asking her if she is really cured, what a pity, because cancer returns, is in the genes, you know? Cocky Esperanza, like a kid, replies, at least I am still a teacher, while you.. you are... you are the cleaning lady!

Pato asks Pedro if he slept with Anya. Technically no, because she spent the whole night boxing, so no. I am still a virgin. Then Pato asks Pedro to middle for her with mapa. Maybe he can convince her. 

Ricardo is told by Andrés that Rodrigo saw Kracy while Margarita is present. But Andrés spoke to Baxter already and they are all looking for her. Margarita makes a remark that very good they are not, since Kracy is escaping every time successfully.

The Not so Fantastic three, previously the fantastic four speculate if Salma is doing drugs, you know, Adrián is now an expert, since he spent almost three episodes in rehab.
Paulo invites Salma to an "after", a party that takes place after all the clubs are closed.
Adrian steals the info from her phone so he can follow her and make sure he is right.

Paulo keeps torturing himself with " my mom ignores me" thing.

CVV and Espe sigh for Ricardo. Split screen time.

Anastasia shows CVV the letters she made for the president of the pupil's society. Is just an excuse so she can start crying so CVV would ask why and she said that Erasmo doesn't love her.

Esperanza substituted Ricardo's class and Pamela and the rest of the kids dance and sing the same song they did for Halloween "tumbas por delante, tumbas por detrás" (also the same song Kracy sang during the trip to the cage while taking off the clown makeup).

Episode 115 (actually a blend of 118 and 119)
This is thursday episode (after this recap, I will list the scenes not included here)

Pato is still taking to Ricardo trying to convince him that her mapa is the last Coke in the desert. She has her own problems but who cares, other people's problems are better!
He says that he loves Esperanza, but just when Pato's eyes start shining, he adds, but I also love Cristina Vélez valderrama, because she is the firewoman of the education and your mapa is a plain "teacher".
Ricardo thinks he is at a dead end and doesn't know what to do.

pato uses all her love experience to give him the best advise: CHOOSE ONE OF THE TWO!
Who do you love more? 
I love both equally! But I think I need to talk to CVV right away.

Esperanza and Viviana think they will need days of 48 hours to talk about everything they want to talk, but for now, a cup of tea will suffice. Esperanza s three main problems, Ernesto's health, her decision to not marry him and Pato's wedding. Viviana had only one but it has been solved by itself: Therapy has turned Salma into a "stepford wife". She is the perfect daughter! 
Esperanza, who can not see anyone happy, rains on Viv's parade saying that that's very suspicious and probably not even true. I am sure Salma is faking.
See if you can top this. I married a ghost.
i know is TMI but there's been ages since I last slept with Mario. What is good about him bringing more money if we cannot spend it together, right?

PDA time: Many men suffer the same condition. They just can not handle a woman who is all she can be and work and raise kids and all that. Said Esperanza.

Mario is not my husband anymore, he is a has-been, all wrapped in his macho pride and fake dignity. He knows money is not an issue.

Pedro is visiting Anya in the Hospital and she is in a hurry to go check the patient in room
202 and give an enema for patient in room 104.I hope she gets the rooms right and don't give the wrong medication to the wrong patient. Juaréver! She gets even more excited when Pedro tells her that he is preparing a big surprise for friday night, so, poor patients!

On the street after work, outside the nursery, Anastasia spends a lot of time talking to Baby Lunetito while being stalked from behind a tree. Silvan is making her plans and checking them twice.

After giving up on Ricardo who never told her who of the two women dying for him was worth of his precious love and even more precious body, and for that with no gossip to runtelmapa, Pato goes to see Luca, where is congratulated by the secretaries, who already know everything about the upcoming wedding. Of course they do, Higinia, the wedding planner is with Luca in his office, waiting for her. Higinia is so professional and brings so much results, that only 5% of her weddings end up in divorce. She has the bst reception Hall for saturday and she even knows a priest who can marry them in this short notice. I wonder if is the same Archbishop Jesús García knew back in PEAM.

But Pato surprises them all when stated: I am not getting married without my mapa's blessing. 

Now we go to the Private hospital to see how Ricardo is doing. We see him talking with CVV, who tells him that he will be discharged tomorrow! Talk about express recovery after almost loosing a lung!
After that, she continues, I am going to pamper you and grant you the most little desire you have. 

Second surprise: Let's stop seeing each other. 
Whaaaat? she screams- 
-For a while. I ment for a while because I need time to clear my mind. I don't want to hurt you.
-More? More than you're hurting me right now? Tell me the truth!
-You can't handle the truth! 
-You love Esperanza, you even forgave her.  You are truly a "patán". I was not wrong back then. I don't know how did I fall for you, here, take back your ring!!

Ricardo gets in so much restlessness that he could burst his stitches once more, so Anya comes to wrestle him and try to calm him down.
-My life is crumbling down on me! Ricardo yells just when the doctor arrives and orders Anya to give him 20mg of "Acceptitall" -Nooo! Don't sedate me! Noooo! (snores)

Like they were seeing the hospital scene, Viviana asks esperanza what would she do if Ricardo was single, if CVV didn't exists in his life? 

Patolucas talk about the possibility that Anstasias kidney might not be compatible and then about the waiting 3 or 4 years so she can finish her career and then getting married.
Like mother like daughter, flipflopping Pato says that "You know my mapa is very important to me and I just couldn't get married without her blessing.
-And what about our my dying father? He can not die without seeing us married, is his illusion, he needs to see his grandchildren! Are you going to postpone the wedding indefinitely just because your mother is so hard headed and stubborn?

Erasmo takes Kiko to see Ernesto, and thank him for the miracle he preformed lending them the money for the surgery. I think Erasmo could do another miracle for Ernesto donating him one of his kidneys, but apparently that idea has never crossed his mind. Look! Kiko walks again (with a cane he can).
They get all huggy and Erasmo promises to pay with over time until he no longer owes nothing.
-You don't own me anything anymore, Erasmo, watching Kiko walk to me and hug me is more than enough. Go in peace, your debt is no longer.

Looks like Luca grew a pair of Pokemon balls, because is the angriest I have ever seen him (besides when he found out the fake sombra stunt) and goes to "talk" to Esperanza.
-Congratulations! You succeeded making Pato cancel the wedding, are you happy now?

Talking about the same but in a cafeteria near by, Pato asks Pedro some advise. Pedro doesn't get in trouble and tells Pato he understands her, but he also understands his mother. Pato is old enough to take her own decisions but mapa only wants the best for her. 
-What if she doesn't attend the wedding, or if she does but has an angry face all the time?
-Well, she will have to jobs, get angry and get calm. wait, my phone is ringing... 
Who is it? Anya, she is very excited about friday. 

I don't what time is it in Spain, but Kristel is making a lot of phone calls, because just in the middle of the conversation, another call tries to enter (ignore). whispering: Is Kristel, this is the third time she calls me. Yes, like the two women had their watches synchronized to call their loved one. 

Luca and Esperanza keep arguing and yelling to each other in a very horrible way.
They come back and forth with "You are ruining Pato's life", "I am doing what is best for my kids", "The only thing worth is that the kids are happy", "one day you will have your own kids", "I didn't spent 9 hours delivering them via "C section" for this" and so on... you know, all that mothers recite from the manual "How to be a mother and not die trying".

Another mistake Ricardo makes is call women's names in his delirium while Anya is present. 

In the next scene, Esperanza is receiving CVV and I was wondering where did Luca go? He left without a closing line for their argument? Juaréver! CVV came to keep fighting for Ricardo, who Kracy should have tried to kill with a knife, because, really, he is not worth the shot.

Ricardo woke up and told Anya that CVV is a very strict woman who has no shades of grey, For her is white or black, and if she hates you she will never in many lives talk to you again.
-But you're fighting for Esperanza, right? I need to know because I will see her later on and I could let it slip like by accident. 
-No, how many times do I need to repeat myself! I love both equally! 50/50!
-God. Your case is worse than an 8 hours surgery. But don't be afraid, the only risk is to end up alone. 
-Maybe that's the best option. The only pain I have is that I am damaging my kids with all this CVV and Abril thing, they were very used to have a little sister already. They dreamed (when they were not having nightmares of la sombra or their mother) of having a real happy family. 

In the house, Manny is with the kids, who are anxious for their father return. CVV arrives to pick up Abril and she tells them that Ricardo is getting discharged tomorrow monday.
Let's plan a welcome party then, mom,can I stay and help? No April, we have a lot to do.

The best way to forget about our personal problems is talking about other people, so Pedro tells his mapa and Pato that Kristel has called him 5 TIMES!!! And he doesn't want to answer. They all seem to calm and I was expecting to hear from the Luca altercate about he wedding, or more discussion about the wedding, but no, its Pedro's time now and Esperanza says that he is doing the right thing ignoring her. Whaaat? What about honesty? What about talking face to face with the truth? Oh wait, right, this Pedro, Esperanza's kid.

In her house, CVV has remorse and starts crying thinking of Ricardo's happiness. this is the time to fight, to gain his heart back.

In Ernesto's penthouse, with Adrián as witness, Ernesto demands to know why in earth Luca had to go fight Esperanza about the wedding? Go back immediately and apologize!

Indecisive Ricardo thinks that if he chooses CVV he will break Esperanza's heart, but if he chooses Esperanza, then he will break CVV's heart, oh my god! This was inspired by Shakespeare! What about not choosing anyone?

Next thing we know, Luca is apologising to Esperanza (express) while Pato and Pedro watch. Now he uses love as a tool to make her heart soft and she finally agrees to the wedding. if you want- says the young man- I can sign you a contract and I fail to make Pato happy, you can charge me many millions (was it love or money what he had to use as a pretext?) juaréver, he says that he will wait the whole eternity if necessary to marry her. 
Luca, you had me at express, all mothers want the best and blah blah blah, go on, marry, be happy, and make sure everything is ready before saturday!
Life is strange, when Pato and Pedro were kids, they didn't want to leave my side, and now, I am the one who doesn't want to let them go.
Here, have my blessing and stick it up go get everything ready!
And make my daughter Patricia the most happy woman in the whole universe!
Pedro, the joker in the family, said, if I am not the best man I will cancel your wedding! They all laugh. End scene.

Not all is honey over oats. At the same time, Ernesto finds out that Anastasia's kidney is not compatible (sad sax)

CVV calls Margarita to have a heat to heart. I need you so much! And they hug.
Margarita knows what CVV wants to hear so she delivers.
-Ricardo loves Esperanza.
-Whaaaa, whaaa!
-But he also loves you!

Suddenly, Anya had teletransported to Pedro's house and Pato invites her to the millennial wedding. She said she followed her heart, just like her father told her always to do, so she is here, to also tell Esperanza what she heard about Ricardo's feelings for her.
-I just don't like people to suffer. yeah right. Is that how they call gossip now?
-So,are you saying that Ricardo loves both of us with the same intensity?
-Yes, he doesn't know who to choose (like when you have a red dress and a black one)
-Well, I think that Ricardo will choose CVV over me.
-See mapa? NOt all is lost, go help him make up his mind!! Work your magic!

Looks like the kidney news didn't set well for Ernesto who is lying on the floor when Luca arrives and screams scared thinking that he is dead.
Luca calls an ambulance and calls Pato, who is very intrigued with this Ricardo story. 
Dad, don't die, not now that the wedding has been approved!

CVV insists to Margarita that a man who loves doesn't doubt. 
-Bomba! You can not control the heart!
-Esperanza got rid of him thinking she was dying and she didn't! Now we both love him!
-But Ricardo is not like Oscar, who abused you and tried to kill you!
-Well, if Esperanza wanna wait until he decides, I am not!
-Love is unexpected, irrational...
Yeah, may be, but I love him 100% and I wont take just 50%! We are women, not a car or a shirt! Maybe Esperanza has her doubts, but she has nothing to lose. 

Now Esperanza has teletransported to see Ernesto in his deathbed. He has lost his will to live. No more kidneys, no more programs where the donor's kidney is given to a third person so you can get yours as soon as someone donates it, no dialysis, nothing, Ernesto has no hope. Literally. 

Let's fight until our lives. Is easy for Esperanza to say because now she is on the other side of the coin and she thinks is cancer free. I approved Luca's wedding as soon as he started talking about love. Don't you wanna see your grandkids? Another donor will show up, you will see... I lost my stomach but love my two kidneys, sorry!
They are so happy and I am sure they will like that you take her and then him to the altar. After all, you are the father of both.

But Ernesto doesn't think of kidneys or weddings, he just hears blah, blah, blah...
He asks, what about Ricardo? How is he doing?
-He cannot choose between me and CVV... He thinks he loves both of us...

Cut to Kracy dressed as a nurse killing Ricardo in his sleep with a scalpel.

And with all the cutting and pasting this could have been the perfect opportunity to end the episode right here, without us knowing if Ricardo was going to survive or if this was a dream or a nightmare, but no. They missed it, big time!

After this scene,they kept going with uninteresting things like CVV telling Abril that Ricardo was not going to be around them anymore, blah,, blah, blah...

Ernesto asking Esperanza that now that she knows that Ricardo loves her, what is she going to do?
-He only loves me with half of his heart, what can I do?
-Well, I am tired, could you please leave?
-Why, are you upset? You don't want me with you? Are you applying the Esperanzinha to me? (something she did and now is being done to her)

Don't miss the next episode, where god knows what we'll see with all this cutting and pasting!

Here are the scenes we missed from episode 118 original version

Anastasia cries yet again with CVV because of her unrequited love and the advise is "make him love you". Anastasia tells CVV her whole story.

Paulo makes fun of "the cleaning lady" Silvana and tells her that he is dating Salma but he is ashamed of her

Later, Silvana talks to Napoleón about the baby so she hurries to plan how to get him. She shows Napo some pictures of the baby.

Later CVV snaps and cries slowly sliding to the floor crouching while holding the cell phone.

Margatirta and Félix wonder why CVV is not answering the phone. And then go see Ricardo in his room thinking that she could be there.

CVV has a transit incident with another vehicle and gets all worked up.

Mario is very intense,according to Begoña and Arleth. He wants to see Luca, but he is with Pato, who else? Higinia?

The Gallos discuss how their life will be living with Anastasia. Yes, but I don't love her. Yes, like Salma and me, interrupts Kiko. And the chicken? I didn't have more money but anyway this is very good as is!
Lemonade is still a best seller so with a little help, Erasmo can go back to the University.
Suddenly, somebody is serenading outside and Kiko runs (well, walks with difficulty) to get a bucket with water.
Turned out it was Anastasia, who with a very bad voice, dared to sing to Erasmo to "make him love her" Ah, and she was dressed as a charro with a beige outfit.
Even if you don't love me, as long as you take me as I am, I will wait patiently (really? Who writes this stuff?)

Anya found CVV's ring and kept it, justin case. She is more than communicative, thinks Margarita, and that's saying too much.

Luca leaves without seeing Mario (sad sax)

Kracy and Ciro will be using roofies now. She as biologist knows more than him about this drug. This way, she could steal better from her clients.Ciro will pick them out and she will drug them. 
Later, Kracy looks stunning in a black wig with firetruck red lips stealing from a client.

Ernesto is happy knowing that Adrián is happy with Estrella. They hug and cry. Here they still don't know that Anastidney is not good for him, so Adrián offers his too. NO, youre too young.But I don't want you to die dad! Don't give up, go back to work if you need something to do!

From episode 119 Mexican original version

CVV tells Margarita that she will not be Ricardo and Esperanza's muppet.

Pedro tells Pato ad ma thet Kristel has called three times already and he is ignoring her.

The Gallos make Anastasia feel at home sharing their chickenless food and offer her tips to conquer Erasmo. Here she gets the text message saying that her liver, I mean, her kidney is rotten, or not compatible, same difference. Crying like a river, she calls Ernesto to tell him the bad news.

Luca adAdrián a tere with him, so they get very concerned. Never worry, I will be fine.

Abril asks her mom why are your little eyes so wet? (porqué se te mojan lo ojitos?). After denying her true feeling to the girl, here is where she cries and falls to the floor, my bad.

In viviana's house, she prepared a huge meal for Mario, who promised to be here before the pizza, or within 30 minutes, anyway, Salma doesn't want to know how all those aphrodisiacs (fruits of the sea) work and goes to her room. Just in case, Viviana also made strong coffee. Maybe for herself in case she needs to be awake all night, hahaha! 

Kracy designs CVV as her next victim. Uh-oh- She and Ciro seem not to agree on the percentage, she wants 50-50 and he wants 70% for himself. Ciro, hear my advise, never argue with a crazy woman. OK. Here the both think of killing the other as soon as  the can-

Well, Viviana has been stood up. She wakes up from a doze while we see Mario sleeping deeply on his desk. Adrián is still up and asks the obvious, Mom, are you crying? No, I am washing my eyes from inside... Mario is not answering the phone... work is his priority.
Mom, unlike you, I had a wonderful time with Dad, I don't want him to die... Did you know that Anastasia's kidney is not compatible, who else could give him an organ?

A good joke left in the floor. Margarita tells CVV that even 50% of Ricardo's love is a possibility, or better then nothing I guess, and then she adds, there's still HOPE, oops! I think I used the wrong word. Anyway, I don't want t see Ricardo never again!

When alone, CVV deletes all pictures from her phone. Then Abril gets with her and asks her one more time why is she sad.  

When Mario gets home he gets the couch.

And speaking of phones, while Pedro is in the bathroom, Anya checks his phone and finds out Kristel has been calling all day (or all night depending on Spain's time zone). She "jokingly" asks Pero once again why is he not telling her he is "busy" (with her).

Thanks for your attention, see you in the comments section!


Well, it was a Titanic job but someone had to do it. Enjoy and have a better picture of this already messy mess with the deleted scenes.

Thanks, Pablo, for the "titanic job". It had too many funny turns of phrases to list them all and it sure was all encompassing. Now we know what has been cut in the past just in case it is referenced in the future.

Just as I thought: Salma us up to no good.

Ernesto had an abrupt and creepy change of mood when he heard about Ricardo's predicament (loving Esperanza AND Cristina) from Esperanza. Suddenly he was all sullen and didn't want Esperanza to stay with him anymore. He wanted to "rest". Very suspicious of something but who knows what.

Ricardo the Schmuck actually admitted that his kids were going to be hurt now because of his indecision. Too bad he didn't think about that before.

I was glad that Pato did not try to force one of her kidneys on Ernesto after she found out that Anastasia was not a compatible donor.,



I also wanted to include the deleted scenes, because those explain why the sudden jumps in the plot or the sudden appearances/disappearances of people in certain places. Most noticeable in this episode where Espe is visited by Luca in one scene and then by CVV in the next without resolving the previous in a satisfactory way. Juaréver! Right?

So the most powerful man in Sueñolandia with money to burn needs a kidney, has been offered several of them and is still dying? Bah!

Pablo, I'm rather speechless.

Thank you for providing this incredibly detailed summary.

You never fail to make me laugh. Favorites were "I will list all the scenes that Univisión decided you shouldn't see just to finish this express novela sooner to start with the next trainwreck" and "Univisión don't give a damn about 0sorio's spawn singing career". Excellent!

"Erasmo confesses Jerónimo he doesn't love Anastasia". I feel very badly about that. What a dope.

"pato uses all her love experience to give him the best advise: CHOOSE ONE OF THE TWO!". Yes, Mensa must surely be calling shortly.

"At the same time, Ernesto finds out that Anastasia's kidney is not compatible (sad sax)". Was this the last hope?

So it seems Ernesto is dying. But, we thought the same thing about Esperanza mere minutes ago, correct?

Kristel is rearing her whiny head. I have to be honest here though. I find her far less annoying than Anya (who I cannot warm up to). I don't think she is reappearing out of the blue for nothing but history here has proven I know nothing.

I don't know what to say about Ricardo. I still don't like him and think both women are too good for him.

I have to say though that I was wrong about Cris. I saw the (first) failed wedding episode last night. She was fearless in tackling Tracy who was armed, certifiable and dangerous. She is a good woman. While I still prefer Espe, I can understand if Ric chooses her.

Jarifa, Ernesto is not going to do something stooped like getting rid of Cris so Ric will choose Espe is he? Your powers of observation are spot on and I'm concerned now. Bad enough they aren't giving him the second chance he deserves, but I hope the writers don't have him trying to murder someone else. If he must die, I hope he does so with the love and support of his family. The tarnish is almost gone let's not add to it before the end.

So much to take in here. Pablo, this was excellent. Thank you.


Thanks to you all for commenting.

I don't know, but I think Ricardo should get away from both women and stop the damage right now bwfore is too late.

CVV said that a man who truly loves has no doubts and I will add that a woman who values herself should not allow to be chosen. Under any circumstance.

If people can not control their heart or their feelings, I am sure they can control something. Right now is a good moment for Ricardo to go away and leave these women alone like they were before meeting him. Later it could be desastrous.

Diana: Ernesto might whack CVV!


Pablo, I could not agree more with everything you said in your comment above.

Some say love has no pride. I agree that there should be no doubt in Ricardo's mind and he should know one way or another and that it is rather demeaning to be "chosen" when the choice should be clear cut.

Ric should go away and leave everyone in peace to heal.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Well, remember I commented before that Osorio extended an invitation for fans of the novela in Mexico to attend Pato's wedding?

I am sure that when they showed his face talking to the audience and saying (mocking voice) I am confused, which one will I end up with? and they wrote on the screen ¿Con quien se quedará? before the three way split screen showing their faces, he was doing it so people could vote and that way he could please at least that segment of the audience who was rooting for either one of the two women.

Chespirito said once that he didn't know the key to success, but he knew the key to failure, and that was trying to please everybody. This mess tried to please everybody, from 3 month old babies to women past their 80s. It had children's songs and gruesome killings, and everything in between, so what was it, Frankendream of love?

Here it is, it was a campaign on twitter. Too bad they didn't have a third option, staying out of the picture and leaving those two thirsty women alone... LOL!

I just saw online that it is being reported in a number of publications that Marjorie and Julian are expecting a child.

I know the rule about not gossiping about the actors private lives but as this seems creditable and not malicious, I didn't think there was any harm in noting this. I will only say that if it is true, I wish them both much happiness.

They are on the cover of People en Español.


Congratulations to Marjorie & Julian on the pregnancy news!


Hello amigowz! Thank you Jarifa for your extensive recap from yesterday. I haven't had a chance to watch the episodes but the excellent recaps are keeping me up to date. Pablo, many thanks for undertaking the Herculean task of listing all the scenes that ended up on Looneyvision's cutting room floor. Your recap was descriptiv and hilarious as always but that title! Man, that title had me rolling on the floor! Thanks for the laughs!

Just a little heads up, the recap for the Friday double-bill won't be up until tomorrow mid-afternoon EDT.

And what is this I hear? CVV stole my man too? I saw the cover of People and Marjorie and Julián look so gorgeous and radiant together. I wish them all the happiness in the world! At least something good and heart-warming came out of this porquería of Sueño d Horror and Nonsense!

Good night all! :)

Pablo, wonderfully funny recap. these people are so fickled and pickled. Until Ricky tells me "we're done" the ring stays on. She wouldn't even give him a chance to here the rest of his decision, all she heard was I'm breaking up with you and after that some lights went out in the rain came off. I thought "stupid woman give him a chance to finish" she just forgot everything margarita said, "be there for him, be patient, love him,take care of him. but noooo,she blows it and goes and tell her daughter ricky won't be around.why can't she wait until she gets the whole story instead of jumping off a cliff with her emotions leading the way. I guess her abusive hubby messed up as far as trust goes. that was so funny how you wrote that. The doctor arrives and orders her to give him 20 milligrams of Acceptitall. nooo! don't sedate me, (snores). I laughed out loud with that one. I think we're about to see the funny in the show now, except for the insane craziness of krazy and silvana. now ernesto is mad at espy, with good reason. I saw a a bit of the old erny there for just a little moment. her and haorbrained ideas not wanting anyone she loves to suffer now look at all the people that's suffering and the children not pato,Luca and Pedro.the little guys have been through so much because of that gosh awful badass decisions of the adults. this mess is almost over if they haven't changed from all the ranting by now it ain't happening.

OK thanks pablo.


That don't sedate me, noo (snores) it was meant to be like, in one frame he is fighting Anya and in the next he is already asleep. I have seen it a lot in comedies but didn't know how to translate it in writing.

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