Monday, November 14, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 14, 2016
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana**
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso**
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**
**All three evening novelas will apparently be pre-empted this Tuesday by a World Cup elimination match.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
I am back tracking a lot because the end is very near! DIOS!!
The girls are at the dealer’s house looking for gunmen but get shooting lessons!! Vanessa got up into Ms. Hilda’s ass, with the ...‘Let’s all just pray to mercy”... spiel!!
The same ‘old-ass –tired’ pious line, the same line Hilda has been running down for months now, Valentina, had to put Hilda ‘in check’ ,in regard to Hilda’s daughter is still alive and..’ my poor child got murdered due to your war!’
#72: So the girls are learning to handle their Roscoe’s/Johnsons .Meanwhile the ‘MEXICAN standoff’ to beat all ‘MEXICAN stand offs’. Is about to ensue at the cemetery.
Granny is in a nice coffin but Yessica, didn’t like the color, too bad! Anibal has his hands all over Daniela, Yessica, is under cop cover in a police officer’s uniform.
She is in position, but, still near the interment, close enough to see her dearly departed laid out in holy ground?!? She is on that phone to the captain.
Catha and Imelda come rolling up for action is a mini cab?! Then they jump-bad from the get- go and bum- rushed Daniela!! Dios/ Lord, they set –it- off, and ‘all- hell- breaks –loose’. They‘ve got- heart- but- no -smarts.
Yessica sets the captain on them, but he is always worried about the public/witnesses? Hasn’t he murdered enough?
The Mexican standoff with all kinds of people walking by, acting like they don’t see an arsenal of guns, but maybe it’s just an everyday thing!! Especially when there are cops involved?
Everybody and they momma, gets in on it, if the shooting starts everybody going to die!
Hernan Darion finally get some cojones and steps in, but Marcial is really the leverage here in their escape.
Albierto also has had enough pussyfooting around with Hilda, Especially, given the tremendous danger they are in .The appearance of the cellphone pushed him over the edge with Hilda. That Apple trim edge just helped to ‘set- him- off’.Albierto, laid down the law!!
Why does that girl have a smart android phone?’ why because you let her get away with whatever- the- heck’ she is doing!!’... .’ As when, you enabled/cosigned the BS’ of your oldest daughter!! ‘..
Ouch! I know that hurt, Ms. Hilda been catching it! Left and right! The hunt is on, so what do Hernan & Cata do?? They and Nessa, they stroll over to the barrio?!?!
#73: Well, the barrio and Titi, see the return of the fugitives [lovers] from both the Nacro mafia and the cops, but so what?! Of course, they go to the most obvious place for a fugitive?? His momma’s house!
I got to re-review the skanks on the run, Titi and Martina. We [gleefully] see Ms. Hilda bring down the’ WRATH OF KHAN ‘. I thoroughly. Enjoyed watching Hilda, get into Ms. Martina’s world.
I was very proud to see Hilda, finally recognize the enormity of the pedophile /chicken hawk culture they are surrounded by.
How that funky ass–nasty, ratchet –b*tch Martina, with her smirking and cynical ass, didn’t get a beat down is a miracle!! Cause, poor grieving Adriana’s momma, Vanessa was just’ two seconds –off-that- skank’s diseased- behind.
Hilda should have killed the demon –in- training and buried her under the patio, but the stench from her scroungy- ass would have killed them. I am ready for diabla to ‘f’ Martina up, that’s one death, I hope, she personally, ‘takes- her-time ‘with!
The two poor idiots with the safe, Yessiaca return from the dead, the secretary that hauled ass out of the office, probably Anibal’s lover??!
The WAKE ,were everybody is kissing and making out?!?
MARTINA AND TITI the relationship from hustled town, I don’t see it working out but the promise of getting back into the game has Martina all for it!!
Marcial hitting bottom, Lucia’s getting close to Daniel, he is an idiot, I am sorry, and that man is lost!
THE FUNERAL is coming and I am waiting to resolutions?
According to Telemundo's web site, all three evening novelas will be pre-empted tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 15) by fútbol.
We return to the scene in Manuel’s office with Manuel, Stella, and Leonidas Eagle Summers, who declares himself a psychologist with a specialty in canines! [Throughout this whole scene I was wondering how, how Manuel managed to keep from screaming aloud with frustration?] Stella gets behind Manuel’s desk, points to him, and tells the dog doc that he’s her boyfriend, the one she spoke to him about. She tells Manuel that the doc is going to help them resolve their relationship problems.
Manuel begs him to convince Stella that there isn’t any “us”. The relationship she’s talking about doesn’t exist. Leonidas smiles and says that his behavior is typical of a man running from commitment! He says he can fix this. Manuel insists that he has no love relationship with this woman. He asks him to cómprese un desarmador y apriétele los tornillos que se le están cayendo. [Buy himself a screwdriver to tighten up those loose screws (in her head) that are about to fall out.]
The doctor is as oblivious as Stella. He asks Manuel to lend him una sacapuntas (pencil sharpener) so he can take notes because por lo general trato con perros y no hablan mucho. Looks like Manuel throws him a pen. Leonidas asks who is the vecina. The chipmunk rattles on at warp speed with an explanation of how Chivis came to be part of this. Manuel says that Chivis has nothing to do with any of this. The doctor says what he’s doing will help with Javito. Manuel: “Who is Javito?” When he finds out, he buries his face in his hands. And finally: ¡Ya estuvo! He forcefully puts the doctor and Stella out.
Majo and Chivis are at the bridal shop. She wonders if the dress she likes is too revealing for Andrés’ parents. Chivis tells her she looks beautiful. She muses that it seems like only yesterday she was changing Majo’s diapers and now here they are. Majo does decide on a dress, but they find out it costs $8,000. Majo shows her good side. She says she may be badly behaved and off balance at times, but not this bad. Chivis is sorry she can’t buy her the dress. Majo says that they could rent one, and the important thing is having chosen it together.
Lucha and Andrés pick up where we left them on Friday, after she says Majo is hooked on Vicente. Andrés is annoyed. He insists that Majo told him she loved him. Lucha reminds him of all the lies Majo told him before. While she’s raving on about this, Mauro approaches from behind. He’s not very friendly. Andrés leaves. Mauro tells her doesn’t like being a celópeta (psychotically jealous, I think), but he’s not comfortable about this. He says you can see for a mile off that Lucha is enganchada con Andrés. He breaks up with her.
Stella tells Manuel she brought the shrink because she’s in a depression and she wants his help. He tells her the worst thing would be for him to help her; what she needs is to forget him. She keeps up wheedling him, saying it’s his fault she’s the way she is. When he weakens a bit, she grabs him and latches on.
AJD comes home and overhears the three girls and Chivis talking about the wedding dress problem. MJ seems to be suggesting one be made by una modista (dressmaker or seamstress). When Lupita says she knows someone like that in the neighborhood, Trini annoys Viewerville once again, aghast at the thought of how ordinary the dress would be. AJD listens to the conversation, grinning at Trini’s behavior. He calls some high falutin’ designer he knows.
Trini is horrified at the thought of renting a wedding dress. [So she wants her hardworking daughter to fork over for an expensive dress, she, who’s never worked a day in her life?] When AJD walks in and tells Majo the news about this designer giving her one of his dresses from last year, Trini gushes how they have missed having him here to fix everything! Chivis looks miserable. Majo, of course, is just thrilled to pieces and embraces her father.
We see Poncho being introduced at his new “church”. [So they call it un culto themselves. This sent me to my online dictionary. It appears culto can be defined as worship as in libertad de culto. It’s also used in the sense it’s used in English as a pejorative. But I guess they just mean their place of worship.]
[For God’s sake, when will they ever take that arm brace off Poncho? People in telenovelas get shot, stabbed, and/or fall off cliffs and are perfectly fine two episodes later. Why do they persist in his wearing it? It’s driving me nuts!]
Manuel has come to Jorge’s room. He says he senses some sadness in his son. Jorge doesn’t want to talk. But Manuel tells him he’s known him for 18 years; spill it! Jorge says the viejo makes him nervous. When he first met AJ, he was seco (curt, short with him). But then today at the bakery he was very friendly. He asked him a lot of questions, as if he, Jorge, were planning to marry Angie. Manuel tells him that the guy is weird. He goes on to say he doesn’t like the guy and won’t stand for his messing with his children.
AJ is helping Lupita with her math homework when Chivis asks to speak with him.
Jorge tells Manuel it isn’t exactly like the Montagues and the Capulets. He thinks that, if he keeps running into the guy, he’ll need to do something to make him like him. Manuel is very firm. He tells him he shouldn’t do a thing. Jorge is with a sweet and intelligent girl. El bandido will have to get used to Jorge! He tells his son he’s not to change even a hair in his ear. Jorge starts teasing. He says that Manuel will have to get used to having AJ como consuegro. Manuel tells him to tell him everything that happens with AJ; no one messes with his children.
Stella arrives home over the moon about the events in Manuel’s office. She says that at first Manuel was a bit sangrón (unpleasant), but later agreed to help and was very protective. Dom tells her he thinks this is a fantasy.
Poncho comes home with the same sappy expression, calling Dom and Stella hermanos while the choir sings. He has brought Génesis home with him. They are having a meal around the coffee table. Stella is surprised she’s only having salad. Génesis says that she’ll be visiting to offer Poncho religious instruction. Stella is not pleased.
AJ comes into Chivis’ bedroom and is closing her closet doors. [Chivis, throw something at him!] He says he’s just trying to make up for lost time with his children. He promises to live his life and let her live hers. Chivis tells him this model dad act isn’t adding up for her. She asks when he ever helped Lupita with her homework before? He says that he knows she’s changed, and he’s changed too. The time away caused him to appreciate his family.
Poncho insists that Stella and Dom pray before eating. Génesis prays with deep, deep breaths after each phrase, eventually popping a button on her blouse! Stella offers to take her upstairs to fix it, mispronouncing her name, just as she has with Chivis’ over and over!
Stella rants about Poncho bringing guests without letting them know. Dom tells her she sounds jealous!
A droopy looking Andrés is texting Lucha. He apologizes for upsetting Mauro. Lucha texts him that she and Mauro broke up. We see a half smile on his face.
Poncho has brought Génesis home. She is a very pretty girl. She talks about el supremo some and tells him that lujuria es pecado (lust is a sin). But she does end up kissing him. But she won’t go any farther, and tells him her father cannot know. She begins to pray while Poncho tries not to stare at her chest.
Stella is pacing the floor because Poncho is late. She mentions the possibility that Génesis could have a brutish husband like Jennifer. Dom loses it. “You put him in the friend zone, and now you won’t let him be happy with someone else!”
Jorge and Angie are in his room watching some kind of music video. Angie is worried when she hears her father spoke with him. She says her dad is a bit like Majo! One day he’s fine and the next day very vulnerable.
Manuel answers the door and finds AJD standing there with a bottle of wine. He walks right in. Manuel tells him he doesn’t have much time. Dinnertime with his children is sacred. AJD invites himself to sit down and asks Manuel for un sacacorchos (corkscrew). Playing Mr. Nice Guy, he thanks Manuel for how generous he’s been with his family, especially his wife. Manuel tells him that Señora Chivis arrived with lots of problems and someone needed to help her.
AJ also thanks Manuel’s sons for being so nice to his daughters, despite their being so different. Manuel says that this is how Gallardos behave. He says that AJ’s daughters are good people, like his children. AJ says that now they have their father back to care for them, as God intended. He looks carefully at Manuel and says that his mother-in-law told him that Manuel is not very religious. He pointedly asks him if he’s an atheist. Manuel asks him if this is a job interview or an intelligence test!
Then AJ changes tack again and says that he wasn’t a believer when he was young and even believed in the tontería of equality of the classes. [Yikes!] Manuel has one sip of the wine and says that now they’re getting to know each other. But it’s time for dinner with his children. He never sat down.
AJ rises and says that he’s not leaving until the two of them come to an agreement. “You already helped my family too much, but now the man of the house is back. This also goes for my wife, who has me, her husband. So I want you to stay far away from her, is that clear?”
(probably 9 shows left)
Adriana is lowered into her grave, the bad guys get in their cars and leave, Cata sings, and Yesica has the Capitan take her to Anibal's office.
the professor from Adriana's school presents Vanessa with an honorary diploma for Adriana, is not happy with Cata's implants, but wants the girls to return to school so they can graduate.
Daniela wants to know how long Yesica will pretend to be dead, she doesn't like getting blamed for everything.
Capitan goes in alone to talk to Anibal, they suspect him, Anibal wants to kill them now, not here the Capitan says, better at home, so Anibal sneaks home, the Capitan will follow with Yesica and Daniela.
everyone meets at Vanessa's after the funeral to vow their revenge, Daniel and Lucia also arrive, but pregnant Lucia doesn't agree, and leaves.
Titi tells Marcial he is going back in business, and that he will get Chuky to ascertain that Daniela is his daughter.
Daniel runs after Lucia, the others in the house now have doubts, and Alberio springs on Hernan that he thinks Diabla is still alive.
Capitan and the ladies arrive at home, Yesica wants to go in alone, and to talk with Anibal.
Daniela and Lucia talk (they've been having some really deep conversations) but they agree Daniel won't change his mind, she goes home and will wait for him there.
as the revenge discussion wobbles, Cata pulls her gun (and Vale hers) and fires a round, everyone cowers, proving her point, Daniel, hearing the shot runs back with his gun drawn.
Yesica questions Anibal about his missing guards, then calls him a pervert for trying to sleep with her daughter, Anibal acts insulted, then she pulls out their pre-nup, and they both pull guns.
Hilda stresses over her little girl having a gun Alberio is back to his overbearing ways, they all agree they are not prepared, and move back to "leaving things in God's Hands" but Cata says NO, now is the time. (wow, if these guys could have seen how they were so totally surrounded by the bad guys at the funeral and so totally dead)
as Titi waits at the hospital Martina shows up, her mother is arriving soon and... she wants some more Titi, they head back to the house.
shots ring out at Yesica's, the Capitan and Daniela rush in, Yesica is wounded and Anibal has escaped, run out the back with a wound to the chest, the Capitan rushes Yesica to his car and ?? the hospital?
Terrific recap, novelera! Many, many thanks! I love your asides, and I greatly appreciate your including some Spanish that went right by me. And I burst out laughing at "The chipmunk rattles on at warp speed." Perfect!
So what were Majo and Chivis doing in such a posh bridal salon?
It says something about this novela when Dom is the voice of reason. He certainly played that role last night, telling Stella that her account of her discussion with Manuel sounded like a fantasy, and later that she sounds jealous [right again!], and then berating her for putting Poncho in the friend zone and yet not letting him be with someone else.
In the scene between Manuel and Jorge, Manuel tells him he's known his son for 18 years, but I again found it hard to see Jorge as 18. To me, he looks and acts more like he's about 14.
I can see how AJD succeeded for so long as a con man. He's really good at thinking on his feet, as in his telling Chivis that like her, he has changed, and his time away made him appreciate his family. Even though she's determined to get him out of the house and out of her life, he knows how to get to her.
Of course, he also knows how to be a bully, as we saw when he comes into Manuel's house uninvited and, after a few moments of playing Mr. Nice Guy, he starts interrogating Manuel and then threatening him to stay away from Chivis. It will be interesting to see how el tiburón deals with him.
Silvana. Excellent recap as usual, novelera. I too loved your "The chipmunk rattles on at warp speed" to describe Stella. Yes, she does talk just like a chipmunk! Nicely observed as well about Poncho's arm brace. I was a little surprised that Mauro behaved in such a sensible and civilized way in breaking up with Lucha. And yep, there was more evidence in this episode that AJD is conning his family too. I have to say that it's evidence of how slowly this tn is progressing that I'm not even disappointed that it's preempted tonight--which was not the case with any other tn I've followed.
novelera – Thank you for the recap and the snark! Spot on!
”"The chipmunk rattles on at warp speed"” just says it all. LOL
It is a sad day on The Patio of Lowered Expectations when Dom is the voice of reason, though better Dom than no one.
Andres definitely had a hint of a smile when Lucha texted that she and Mauro broke up.
Eso rata de dos patas de AJD definitely knows how to play his children and use them as pawns with Chivis. Dirtbag!
$8K for a wedding dress? I nearly choked.
Thanks, novelera! I saw the last 10 minutes of this episode and Poncho's scene with Genesis. I laughed when Stella called her Hermana Pechugona (Sister Breasty). Ha!
“El Chema” will begin Tuesday, December 6 at 10pm/9c.
Cata's family and friends split apart, those with guns ready for action and those that aren't, Cata leaves.
Titi talks to the Doc at the hospital about Marcial, will he be able to walk?, and as he leaves with Martina, he sees the Capitan wheeling in a woman with her face covered and Daniela trailing behind crying, he surmises it's Yesica.
Celia (Anibal's Secretary ??) gathers him up behind his house and takes him to hers, he's bleeding badly.
Hernan, Vale, and Cata, swing by Hernan's house to get clean clothes before going to see Pipe's mom, but it's being remodeled ?? so stop by to see Jaime the store owner, who timidly explains he is the owner after lending Hernan's mom money for his lawyer, 5% of the worth of house, as he oogles Cata's implants and gets Hernan's fist in his face, Hernan pulls his gun as he calls the police, but Cata gets him out of there.
Capitan talks to the Doc (hospital director) and advises him to leave town as soon as he fixes up Yesica, because he is on her hit list.
Titi sees Chuky at the hospital, clues him in on Marcial and asks him to find Gato and his pilot.
the Doc sees Rafa, a patient with aids ?? or something worse, takes a blood sample, then gets blood for Yesica and injects it with the blood sample.
the leave-it-to-God side of Cata's gang then wonder if they will avenge Adriana's death, and they wobble back the other way.
the Doc gives Yesica her blood transfusion, she's all nice this time, but he tells her he knows she wants him dead, and sent a recording to 3 friends in different places.
as the Doc leaves Yesica, she swears he's dead, talks about the 7 ?? lives of a cat, she's almost died 5 times now, so 2 left.
the Doc returns and removes the bullet.
Daniel arrives home (Lucia's place ??) to find her note, she has left to keep their child safe.
Capitan again warns the Doc to leave with his family.
Hilda and Alberio are going back to the finca, when a taxi pulls up, it's Titi, Martina crunches down and hides, Titi gets out and tells them about Marcial, he blames it on boredom, and then throws in the possibly seeing Yesica at the hospital, Alberio wants to dig up her grave, not tonight Jota says but tomorrow.
Capitan brings Calvo to Yesica, she wants the Doc dead, find Anibal, and take out Cata's family.
Titi and Martina make it back to her house, get dropped off around the corner but all looks clear, talk a bit about when her mom will arrive then go in for some loving, oops, Gato is there.
AJ tells Manuel to stay away from his family since they won’t need his help anymore. He’s planning on taking his family back to their old life, and that doesn’t include Manuel.
Upstairs, Jorge can’t believe that Angie doesn’t trust her dad. She says she does, but there have been so many changes lately. She plans to give him a second chance, especially since he has already changed. He would have never let her date someone like Jorge before. Jorge gets a little upset, thinking that Angie thinks he’s beneath her. She corrects them though and assures him that even if she returns to her old home and old school, she will still love him and they will still be together.
Majo shows Trini some of the wedding dresses on her phone. She is so happy her dad is there to spoil them. Apparently he also remodeled some parts of the house and Chivis is not happy when she comes downstairs and notices it. She was worried about AJ not being home yet and Trini jokes that she doesn’t have to be jealous since the women in this neighborhood are not his type. Chivis tells her to stop talking nonsense.
AJ continues being annoying and a jerk to Manuel, and keeps calling him Manolito. Manuel points out that it sounds like he treats his family like his private property. Manuel is also getting upset that AJ has the nerve to tell him what to do in his own house. AJ protests that he is not aggressive. Manuel replies “Your sarcasm is aggression disguised as good manners!” AJ claims good manners are important to him and he apologizes if he offended Manuel.
Majo and Trini gush over the new paintings on the wall. Chivis knows that AJ did it and she is not pleased that he didn’t even ask her. Trini thinks he was just trying to make up for what he did. Majo jumps in to defend AJ even more. He has been really nice to them and Lupita is so happy to have him back.
Manuel finally manages to get AJ to leave, but before he gets through the door, he makes a joke about Manuel’s kids being named after singers and sees Angie and Jorge coming down the stairs. Angie is a surprised to see him there and gets him out the door quickly.
AJ sets the table and makes dinner for the family. Chivis makes it clear that he can’t just change things in the house and he needs to ask her beforehand. He whines that it would have ruined the surprise. Chivis looks like she’s ready to explode with anger.
Vicente tries to study but Alejandra does not have studying on her mind. She notes how comfortable the mattress is. She wants him to take her to the same place as the other night. Vicente finally relents and they start kissing just as Pedrito opens the door. He kicks them out of the room so he can go to sleep.
AJ tells Chivis he went to Manuel’s to thank him for helping the family. Chivis knows that he’s not exactly sincere and tells him there’s no need to mark his territory by putting other people down. AJ somehow thinks he should be praised for not saying anything about Angie dating Jorge. He then calls the barrio a vecindad (poor neighborhood/inner-city slum) instead of a vecindario (neighborhood), claiming he wants to help the people. Chivis keeps defending the people and the neighborhood. No roban, ni traicionan por ambición, como tú (They don’t steal, or betray because of greed, like you!) She reminds him that his estadía (stay) in the house is also temporary so he should be more worried about helping himself. AJ smirks as Chivis leaves the room. Ya la tengo (I already have her), he says to himself.
Stella waits for Poncho to get home in the dark downstairs. She is obviously jealous of him spending time with Genesis. Poncho doesn’t want to argue with her and goes upstairs. Dom waltzes in and points out how Stella is acting the same way with Poncho as she does with Manuel. Stella is too stubborn to see it. Dom thanks the Virgencita. Cada oveja con su pareja (literally: each sheep with its partner - birds of a feather flock together).
Majo watches from the balcony as Alejandra and Vicente head to the van. Ale asks him about going to her parents’ timeshare in Naples and tells him not to worry. She’s not looking for commitment. Just him being her amiguito con ventajas (friend with benefits) is enough. They kiss and Vicente notices Majo looking at them before he gets in the van. Majo goes inside angry, as if she doesn’t remember that she’s marrying another guy in a few days. Vicente suddenly makes up excuses about having to get up early so there’s no time to make a stop (to make out? have sex?) before he takes Ale home.
The Villaseñors sit down together for dinner that AJ made for them. The girls reminisce about Chivis not being able to cook before. Trini notes that now they’re only missing their servants in order to be a happy family like before. Lupita brings up Sara and how close she and Trini are, which Trini disagrees with. AJ leads them in prayer before they eat. Chivis is uncomfortable the entire time.
Lucha sends a link to Andrés about a failed marriage, as a joke. Vicente comes home and Lucha notes how intense Alejandra is with him. Vicente says they’re just having fun and she made it clear that she didn’t want anything serious. Lucha knows that he keeps thinking about Majo. He also couldn’t stop thinking that Lucha would win over Andrés and that way the four of them would be happy. Lucha tells him that Mauro broke up with her. Vicente changes the saying “Mientras haya vida, hay esperanza” (as long as there’s life, there’s hope) to “Mientras no haya bodorrio, todavia hay esperanza” (as long as there’s no wedding, there’s still hope). Andrés replies to Lucha that he thought the link was funny and sends her one too. The article he found has the title “Joven mujer impide un matrimonio y la boda no se efectúa” (Young woman prevents a marriage and the wedding does not take place). [Desperate cry for help, anyone?]
Jorge talks to Manuel about AJ and why he was there to talk to him. Manuel doesn’t trust AJ at all. Jorge wonders if maybe they were wrong about him and he’s an ok guy. Manuel admits that he is a good father, but AJ is still insoportable (unbearable/insufferable). Jorge wonders what attracted Chivis to him since he and AJ are so different. Manuel plays dumb but Jorge knows what’s going on. And what is Manuel going to do now that Chivis’ husband is back? Manuel finally admits to Jorge that he loves Chivis but things are complicated now.
Trini sneaks downstairs for a midnight snack. She gets a piece of cake out of the fridge and starts to hear noises. She grabs a knife and looks around, lowering her voice and pretending to be a man who knows martial arts. She sees no one but when she goes back into the kitchen, her piece of cake is gone.
Jorge says it’s obvious that Chivis loves Manuel too. Manuel says he’s going to fight for her. Jorge is happy and starts talking about how it will be a little odd when Manuel and Chivis are together since he and Angie are also together so Chivis will be his madrastra (stepmother) and suegra (mother-in-law) and his stepsisters will be his cuñadas (sisters-in-law).
After Jorge leaves, Manuel knocks on the wall and Chivis knocks back. Lupita comes in the room and goes on and on about how happy she is that AJ is there. She doesn’t want her parents to get divorced or AJ to live in a different house. Chivis reminds her that divorced people don’t live together and assures her that she won’t kick AJ out right away since he doesn’t have money or anywhere else to go. After Lupita leaves, Manuel and Chivis start knocking on the wall again but of course now it’s Trini’s turn to interrupt.
Trini reminds Chivis that she’s still married to AJ and that the girls learned a lot from him too. Chivis doesn’t like feeling pressured by the family. She needs time to think alone. She doesn’t want to be lied to or betrayed a second time. Trini thinks should leave things in God’s hands since they are finally heading in the right direction. Trini heads out to the bathroom, talking loud so Manuel hears that she will be back soon and he and Chivis need to stop their little game of Morse Code.
Dom asks Poncho if he is actually interested in the cult stuff or if it’s just because he wanted to meet women. Poncho claims it started out being about finding balance in his life but he also really wants to be with Genesis too. Plus everything is working out so that he will be able to move on from Stella. Stella is eavesdropping at the door and barges in, annoyed that Poncho is acting just like Manuel – dropping her as soon as a new woman comes into his life. Poncho seems pleased that Stella is jealous of Genesis.
The next morning, Angie sets a croissant on the table while getting ready to go to school. Lupita comes downstairs and can’t find the piece of cake that was in the fridge. Angie goes to look for it but says that Trini or AJ must have eaten it. Lupita notices that the croissant is now missing from the table.
J - Thank you for the recap! I was cooking and only lent one ear and eye to this episode, so you’ve filled in some holes for me. I really appreciate you explaining the difference between vencindad and vecindario.
AJD is just too much, and his pissing match against Manuel was just awful. I reeeally want to see this guy get what he deserves.
AJ is quite the chef. How and when did he hone these cooking skillz? Or maybe he always was their cook?
J – ITA that link Andres send Lucha might have been a subconscious cry for help, and the final scene from The Graduate was running thru my head.
Who could have taken the cake and croissant? Not a ghost, since they’ve lived in that house too long for one to finally show up.
SpanProf - It would be a LOT of fun, but I cannot envision Lucha being the type to do it. Stella, yes. Lucha, no. 😉
p.s. - Is it a Telemundo thing for the writers to make a nod to famous old movies, in their comedy 'novelas? They did in another one, either RdC or QeQ.
Thanks so much, J, for another terrific recap.
Well, AJD might have SAID he didn’t make a fuss about Angie and Jorge. But when he saw them coming downstairs from having been spending time together his face was a thundercloud until he managed to get himself under control and muster a weak smile.
So, is this a cultural thing? Do 40+ year old women behave like guilty children about knocking on walls? I really, really wish Chivis would tell Trini to shove her advice once in a while.
The Trini and the Ghost scene was very, very weird. My recollection was that she was speaking to someone she knew named Teodoro. And he was answering her back! And there was an allusion to his having murdered his wife. I listened to it a couple of times, because at first I thought this Teodoro ghost had done away with Trini’s husband at her behest. That would be pretty dark for a comedy. Am I nuts, or did anyone else hear the same thing.
I can’t stand the way Alejandra keeps distracting Vicente from studying. Majo aside, he seems to be enjoying university studies and definitely wanted to get a good grade on the test tomorrow. Of course, this is a telenovela; and, after he dropped her off, he came back to have a heart to heart with his sister and to prepare some carne asada en la parrilla. So it doesn’t look like he studied any more. J, you were so right in your comment: what right does Majo have to be huffy about Vicente and Ale.
The scene with AJD and Manuel was almost unbearable. How, how did Manuel keep from punching him in the face? I remember the jackass saying that he had come to tell Manuel to put some distance between he and Chivis because Chivis was too timid to do so. Manuel just kept standing his ground and said that they were neighbors and worked together and thus could not stop seeing each other.
Thanks VERY much, J, for yet another wonderful recap. I was out last night and came home to find that I hadn't recorded the episode. This morning, I watched on Telemundo's site, but to my dismay today it had no captions, and I found myself at a loss all too often. Thanks to your recap, however, I now understand all the things I missed.
AJD really drove me nuts in this episode. He's such a skillful manipulator. I love Manuel's retort, “Your sarcasm is aggression disguised as good manners!” (I confess I didn't realize he'd said this until I read your recap.) Even when AJD "apologized" to Manuel, he did so with a smug, self-satisfied smirk. I wonder whether AJD will finally be undone in part because he underestimates Manuel.
And yes, I think you're right in seeing Andrés' response to Lucha as a "desperate cry for help."
I remain somewhat mystified by the disappearing food. My assumption is that the culprit is AJD, but frankly the last thing he needs is more calorie-rich food.
I have book club tonight, so unless there's a volunteer, the most I probably would have time for, and get any sleep at all, would be bullet points.
Novelera, often I'd be happy to volunteer, but it happens that I'm going to have to go to bed very early tonight in order to get up very early tomorrow, and that plus the fact that I didn't have any captions for last night's episode (and I have no idea whether I'll have the same problem tonight), make it infeasible for me tonight. Lo siento.
Re the disappearing food... I think there's someone living in the cupboard under the stairs. Maybe Rafael?
Or it could be rats? Raccoons? Still not as bad as Rafael.
Did AJ secretly get them a dog to show how much he "cares", but can't be bothered to feed it? Surprise pets are the worst gift idea.
THANKS FOR RECAP..THE time change is killing me!
The red house Martina lives in! Is it just a premonition!
Yessica is in the hospital dispensing edicts. Daniela knows it risky, but mad-bloody mom is bat sh#t crazy
Dario and girls are waiting to talk to pipe momma, and now she is using caution!! Her life is hanging by a string!!
Gatos’s traitor was a Diabla mole, right??! ‘Narco-reunion- all- the –way- Slinging- product- rules- the- day’!!
Titi is back in the game!! Is this a forerunner to another nacro show?? And with Daniela?? He got his own commercial!!
Titi and Gordo roll out and Martina heads home, what’s up with mom the Spanish escort high end hooker??
Yessica is conducting business on the phone [gotta make that run!! And make a re-up of funds!!]
The doctor is hauling ass! I feel for his poor wife, but didn’t girlfriend get her ass in gear! This family made a Columbian split!
The kids are hustling a ride from ‘chacarrito’ it is holds up, but to front as the’ Good Humor’ ice-cream truck!!
The exhumation is still on re-internment! The kids didn’t realize this it, the hospital arrival, and Daniela behavior was the clincher!!
The failed execution force Jessica out the building, why isn't Titi and Gato there at the hospital, yessica doesn’t have lots of guards?!!
Those two are too busy drinking black label and whoring. He gets a starter kit of cash and an automatic piece!!
He had a flask back/ flashback to Martina’s mom?
[I got a weird feeling about this ??!!]
Martina and momma are back together, but the news has a bad reaction! Now I know something is very wrong and ya’ll know darn well, what it is!! And her mother looked like she wanted to vomit!!
Oh!! and the captains wife, poor women she didn’t know her husband was a criminal and diabla’s b*t*h!!
I really appreciate the recaps by Deb and Halima. Catharine Siachoque appeared tonight on Don Francisco's show and said that this series would have a Part III. Hope we don't have to wait too long for Part III -- I suspect Part II will end with many cliffhangers.
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