Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia 9/25/17 Capítulo 23: Julieta Fails Mamá Suegra's "Key Test"

Robert is still talking with his parents and Imelda. Eugenio will take care of Robert and Julieta keeping the apartment. There was no deposit made yet. Imelda is grateful her prayers were answered. Blanca cannot say enough good things about Julieta and she thought that she didn't like them. Robert tells Daniela and Marisol they are not going to New York. Blanca tells Daniela and Marisol they really have to treat Julieta well since she is the reason they are staying. Later , Robert has something else really important to tell them, too.

Julieta does not want Ana to think she is ungrateful. She also doesn't believe the Córcegas could be so bad. A visibly angry Ana tells her she will be the one having to deal with the consequences. Julieta has changed her mind for the good of everyone concerned. Julieta does not have to explain herself. This whole situation has taught Ana never to help anyone with anything. Ana tells Robert she just found out that they were not moving and how Julieta will be losing a great professional opportunity. Robert thanks her for her help in assisting Julieta. Roberto says he will be dedicating himself to finding out more about his past. Ana is interested in that. He just doesn't like things that are unfinished. When all is said and done she will be glad to get to know them.She tells them to take care and leaves. Julieta and Robert wonder what is up with her.

Audifaz and Polita are trying to think of who to contact to try to find Aristóteles. Polita has tried calling a thousand times but he has his cellphone turned off. He has only one good friend who does not know where Aristóteles is. They decide not to contact the police since he has not been gone long enough to qualify as "missing." They have to look for him.

Ana leaves a nervous wreck thinking about Gabriel threatening her with telling the family that she almost was in a mental hospital. She tells herself everything is going to be just fine. Why is her driver returning the envelope with the money? The driver tells her that Julián was only going to do business if he talked to her. She tells the driver to take her to Julián. He tries to talk her out of it. She asks him if he would like to lose his job.

Amalia is upset because of her menopause diagnosis. She let life pass her by. She feels big, fat and all alone. Belén tells her she cannot think of herself as a young woman because time goes by. Belén hates to say it but it is for her own good: the problem is that their father overprotected her as a child. Amalia has never grown up. Amalia cries on Belén's shoulder.

Daniela is being interviewed for a job but her bad attitude gets in the way.

Robert and Julieta are discussing their engagement announcement for the family. Robert is suggesting wine, pizza and the announcement. Robert and Julieta overhear Audifaz and Polita telling Blanca and Imelda about Aristóteles having run away and go out into the hall. He left a letter but Audifaz won't let Julieta see it. Imelda feels guilty for giving him money. Robert tries to calm them down by saying this kind of thing is common with adolescents. Robert asks if they were having a problem with Aristóteles. Audifaz gets flustered and avoids answering. Polita tries to get him to answer but tells her  ("Amapola") not to be saying more than she should. They need to look for him.

Marisol brings Xavi some food and leaves it outside his door. He is busy. He waits until she is gone to retrieve it and enjoy it.

Audifaz and Polita are on the street looking for Aristóteles. Polita tells Audifaz that if he is going to mistreat his son maybe it is better they do not find him. He left because he feels that they do not love him and that Audifaz does not accept him. They must be doing something wrong. Audfaz thinks they don't demand enough of Aristóteles and that Polita spoils him.

Imelda is worried about her grandson. What kind of parents are Audifaz and Polita? What will happen if Aristóteles never come back. Blanca says they can pray together but right now Blanca is going to bring Julieta some food as a thank you and give her a set of keys in case she ever needs to get into their house. Imelda leaves her grandson a message on his phone.

Aristóteles is seated on a park bench somewhere thinking of the cruel things his father said to him.

Ana goes to see Julián. She has no plans to be tormented by him. She just wants to give him the money and be done with him. He wants her to come in. He half smiles. She makes it clear it is not her kind of place. She does not have time. He asks her to just come in for a moment and that will be it. He moves some clothes so she has a place to sit. He is hung up on how she knew that he wasn't Juan Pablo and what her mother-in law and sister-in-law would think about that. That gets Ana to enter Julian's meager dwelling. He is all smiles as she tries to hand him the envelope with the money. He wants to know what she thinks of him. She only wants him to disappear. He makes her nervous popping up all over. She cannot stand him. Julián has a very interesting question for her. Has she ever thought how it feels to be the owner of somebody; to know that somebody belongs to you? She asks what he is talking about. She really intrigues him. He doesn't understand why she just doesn't call call the police and damn him to hell. She throws the envelope on the bed and leaves.

Daniela is at a café where Gabriel is hanging out, too. He comes over to talk to her "in peace." She does not want to fight. She cannot find a job. She is sorry she overheard his argument from the other day. She doesn't discriminate or anything like that. About the kiss he gave her, it must have been another one of his jokes because now she knows he doesn't like women. Gabriel is confused. She continues saying they can be friends. She always wanted a gay friend anyway. Gabriel tells her he isn't gay. It was just his dad he was talking to which was the same day that he got fired.

Blanca is at Julieta's putting the food she brought over in the refrigerator. She thinks that Julieta needs some help organizing and also cleaning her refrigerator. Blanca has a great idea. Why don't they have a joint family breakfast and supper everyday since they live right across from each other and are the only apartments on that floor? Julieta tries to explain that that won't work with their schedules, etc. Blanca won't take "no" for an answer. Julieta has to be reminded to call her "mamá suegra". That happens to be a tradition of the Córcega family. Blanca has Julieta repeat "mamá suegra" for her to help her remember. It sounds so pretty! Blanca sees Julieta as a daughter (not daughter-in-law). She is going to help her organize her home so much better so her son will be happy with her. Julieta excuses herself to the bathroom to catch a breath and ask herself why she ever canceled her trip.

Ana gives Tulio the update on Robert and Julieta staying. Tulio asks if she explained what it would be like being around his family to Julieta. Ana tried but she wouldn't have any of what she was saying. Tulio laughs saying they have no idea what they are in for. He wants Ana to invite Juan Pablo over to their home. Now more than ever he wants to talk to him.

Robert sees and runs after Aristóteles in the park. He calls him Platón (Plato) by mistake. Aristóteles corrects him. They finally get to talking.

Blanca wants a set of Julieta's keys to her apartment since she gave her a set and they are all family. Julieta first says she doesn't have another set of keys. Blanca explains that all apartments come with three sets. Julieta hems and haws. She doesn't know where the extra set is. Blanca asks her if it is that she doesn't know where they are or that she doesn't want to give them to her. Julieta doesn't know so maybe it is better if Blanca keeps her own keys and Julieta keeps her own keys. Blanca will not take her keys back. Blanca wants to know why she wouldn't give her the keys. Does Julieta think she would be nosing around her apartment? Julieta wants to have a talk to clarify a few things but Blanca thinks it is better she just tells her when she finds that extra set of keys and returns to her own apartment. Ana's words replay in Julieta's head.

Imelda is so worried about Aristóteles. Blanca tells her they have to have faith he will return. They will have to pray.The subject of Tulio comes up. If Tulio would have had a child, he never would have withdrawn from them. Imelda tells Blanca what happened with Tulio. Imelda kmows that Tulio never forgave her for saying what she did about Ana and telling him to dump her when they found out Ana could not have any children. He told her she was a bad woman. He loved Ana and wasn't going to leave her. Blanca comforts her and says we never should get involved in other's lives. We always have to be respectful of others as they do things in their own way. (!!!!!!!)

Aristóteles opens up with Robert as they have some ice cream. His father does not love him. He does not want to deal with somebody like him with his problems. His father is not proud of him. He wants him to be like Robert and nothing less. Then his teacher says he might have ADD. Robert asks if he had any tests to show that he has it. No. Robert doesn't think he is abnormal. People make diagnoses without being doctors or having the training. Robert asks Aristóteles if he cannot concentrate or doesn't want to concentrate. He doesn't know. Robert explains that sometimes things are hard for us because there is something that is bothering us. Robert thinks he is smart. All Aristóteles can think of is his father telling him he has to be better than he is. He has to be the smartest and the best. Robert wants Aritsóteles to see him Robert not as just some adult cousin but as his friend. He can count on him. He will take care of explaining things to his dad. What about Aristóteles coming home? He can call upon him at any time and he knows how to keep secrets.

Julieta talks to Diana over a cup of coffee about maybe having made a mistake by not going on her trip. Disna thinks she needs to put some limits in her brothers and mother. Julieta does not believe her mother loves her. Diana tells her not to torment herself. Julieta feels so alone at times but she does have Robert. Diana wants a normal marriage. She worries what will happen to Hugo if she leaves him. Julieta tells her the only way to help herself and Hugo is by being strong.  Diana feels like she married her husband and her mother-in-law. That is exactly how Julieta is feeling.

Gabriel and Daniela continue talking. He suggests she create her own line of designs. She counters with it is not so easy to do with no money behind you which is something he wouldn't understand. He tells her she isn't always right and she's a toughie who always is ready to fight to settle things. She needs to calm down. He has two pieces of advice: either study design at the university level or if she is really a creative genius, just do it and show everyone what she can produce. She is aggravated with him still. She says she was thinking how marvelous it would have been if he really were gay because then she'd have one less problem to deal with. By the way, she unblocked his number on her phone. She pats him on the face and leaves. He wants to go after her but doesn't. He is smiling.

Aristóteles and Robert are walking around. Robert suggests he call his dad or text him. He is not ready to do that yet. He still believes his father does not care.

Audifaz is crying with Polita talking to Imelda and Blanca. They did go to the police. Audifaz is still angry. Imelda says something is going on with Aristóteles. What is it?

Bruno talks with his roommate about having to move next semester to the city. The roommate says that will be great to continue the plan against Linda. How is it going any way. Bruno assures him it is going slowly but he is managing to confuse her. Bruno then texts Linda asking her what she is doing tomorrow night. She decides she has to play hard to get but chickens out. She texts him back that she is free and asks what about him. She waits and waits but he never texts back. He happily leaves her hanging.

Aristóteles is chatting with one of Robert's patients at the clinic and sees David. It looks like he has a lot to think about.

Julieta is on the phone inviting Blanca and the whole family over that evening. It is a surprise and she thinks (and hopes) they are going to like it. Blanca is suddenly at her door and in her apartment. She didn't have to call her on the phone. They are interrupted by Audifaz screaming his son's name in the hall.

Robert has returned with Aristóteles. Audifaz goes off on him. Robert tells him that is exactly why Aritsóteles ran away. Audifaz won't shut up and tells Robert to butt out. He lunges at Aristóteles who cowers and cries behind Robert. Polita pulls Audifaz back. One of Robert's bags is knocked on the floor.





Brilliant Jarifa.

Intriguing and written with poise, interest and your always inspired eye for detail.

"That gets Ana to enter Julian's meager dwelling" made me smile and was my favorite of many.

"Why don't they have a joint family breakfast and supper everyday since they live right across from each other and are the only apartments on that floor?" Yes, of course! Why not exchange keys? I had hoped Blanca would take a breath as well as a step back. I suspect news of the engagement will make her want to smother her more (if humanly possible).

Julian has plans for Ana. None of them good. She was boorish to Julieta. The red flags are up, I hope Julieta pays attention.

Audi is turning into a monster. I was glad Robert is there to run interference. I loved him calling Ari "Plato". Geez. The man even looks good in orange.

I enjoyed Dan and Gabe and Marisol is always a delight.

So happy I had time to read and savor this (waiting for a long meeting to start).

Thank you for framing this fine tale so splendidly Jarifa.


Jarifa: Julieta failed the big test eh ?

Jarifa, thank you for that excellent recap. I was not home last night, so I especially appreciate the recap.

Diana, I wonder if you are in the middle of that long meeting. I have to wake the girls up to get ready for school in about five minutes . Yawn. I need coffee.

later, gators.

Thanks for stopping by and your kind comments this a.m. I am about to put on a pot of coffee myself.

Diana, the whole Julián/Ana thing was so strange and unsavory. It was like he was putting the moves on her but she was too hysterical with fear to notice. The writers did a great job again with making this more than simple extortion whatever the outcome. As we see more interaction with Ana and Tulio, I want to know what he knows/suspects in reference to Juan Pablo's disappearance. Now he wants Juan Pablo to come over. This just gets more intriguing.

My favorite part of last night was the problem with the instant intimacy that would be extended by Julieta by surrendering her house key to Blanca. Wow! I could identify with Julieta's discomfort. Blanca could be in her . . . refrigerator without her even knowing! Then, who needs a phone call when you live right across the hall! Blanca needs to help out more in the bakery or go shopping ir back to exercise class or something.

So, Hugo is trying to annoy Linda on purpose for what she did to his roommate. It is a "revenge" scenario. Does anybody remember the roommate's name?


Jarifa, Bruno's roomate's name is Cornelio, but I refer to him as Corny.

In regards to Julian and Ana, it did seem like he was putting the moves on her, but could he be plotting to get some compromising pictures so he can continue to blackmail her? I don't understand how Ana allowed herself to get involved with Julian. She was smart enough to get away with "losing" Juan Pablo for many years and then she schemed to get Julieta riled up about gong to New York and now she is being really stupid and allowing herself to be blackmailed by a two-bit scumbag.

I luuurved the Dani and Gabe scene. Maybe he'll help her open up her own business?

This is great Jarifa!!!

Oh how I felt for Julieta! Where is Eugenio to get Blanca under control?! Juli is going to have to talk to Rob and then he has to be the one to tell Blanca to back off. Otherwise I see a horrible panic attack in Juli's future. They so need to move to another building.

So Gabi and Dani are out of work? I have a feeling Gabi's money supply is now turned off too because I think he hesitated before deciding to pay Dani's bill.

Ana is being really stupid with Julian. He has nothing but keeps fishing and knows she is hiding something big because she keeps paying him off.

Linda deserves everything she gets from Bruno. The problem is Bruno deserves it back too.

I couldn't believe Audi last night. What is wrong with him? His own ego is getting in the way. He didn't want anyone to see what Ari wrote about them. And then he goes off on the boy. So glad Rob is there but he can only do so much against a father.

Thanks, Rgv, now I remember why Cornelio's name was so appropriate. : )

As for Ana, I think now she feels very guilty over her disposal of Juan Pablo and is almost setting herself up for punishment. Julián basically knew nothing about her "secret" until she talked too much and started acting weird rather than ignoring him. As a con man, Julián was well equipped to seize on that and play her. With the reappearance of Juan Pablo, his remembrance of bits of his childhood, and his decision to stay hoping to remember more, Ana feels like the dogs are nipping at her heels. She could try to forget about Juan Pablo until now when he is in her face everyday. So, daily she has to acknowledge what a vile human being she is.

As for Julián, you could be very right about him getting compromising photos.

Thanks, Carvivlie! I liked Audifaz in the beginning but now he is turning out to be a real jerk. It is all about him.. I am hoping that Robert having a M.D. after his name might give him some leverage in this class conscious group but it hasn't worked so far. : (

Thanks, Jarifa.

Blanca is giving me a headache. Poor Julieta needs to draw the line NOW.

Goodness, Julian's place was a pigsty, not because it's small but because he's a slob. I too thought he was trying to put the moves on Ana. Hombre, it takes more than a hot bod. Clean up the place.

Daniela's behavior might've not been the best for a job interview, but that interviewer was rude and I don't blame Daniela for her attitude.

Kudos to Polita for standing up to Audifaz.

Excellent recap, Jarifa! I'm back! Loved the gran final of El bienamado and am joining Mi marido tiene familia late, but between the recaps I managed to read and the fact that some episodes--like Aristóteles' running away and the whole delightfully funny Mamá Suegra interaction between Julieta and Blanca I think I can catch up. I did see the proposal on Friday. I too loved Robert's Platón error and Blanca's hilariously hypocritical advice to Imelda to not be a metiche. I bet Blanca would nose around in Julieta's and Robert's apartment if she had a key.


And was it Bruno who was Regina's son in La candidata?

SpanProf, yes, Bruno was Regina's son in La Candidata...and Belen in this TN was Noemi in LC, too!

RVG Chick: I knew that I noticed some people from "La Candidata" in this TN.


Whoa! Did not recognize Noemí!

SpanProf, great to see you on the blog! It is fun seeing the LC actors in such different roles.

I caught up on El Bienamado in time so I could watch the gran final as it aired. Wow! Odorico turned out to be really nasty behind the laughs. I kept wondering how the novela would've played out if Odorico didn't turn into such a grotesque character. I loved his end being the "first" in his cemetery. Anyway, Jesús Ochoa did a fantastic job. I always like his work. I loved the ending, too. I was sorry to see Santina go before her time. That whole wired confessional thing was something else. Well, I could go on forever but I won't. Mi marido has been pretty light so far as it goescin telenovela world, nothing like LC. A nice change!

Jarifa: Since you have now watched all of El bienamado, 1 question. I had to leave for aerobics in episode 92, after Ambrosio had confessed that he wasn't Luz Marina's father, but before he gave the details. I expected it would be picked up in a subsequent episode, but all we got was that her real father was named Antonio and was now dead. Any information on how it was that Ambrosio claimed to be Luz Marina's father? Thanks!


Sorry, but I do not remember anything else. I was hoping there would have been more of an explanation.

Hey guys! So I happened to stumble on this forum a couple of days ago and I've been reading all the recaps and comments. Which by the way I love. My applauds to the contributors. Anyway it made me so happy to see this. I had no idea a community like this existed. I don't watch a lot of TN in fact this one is the first one I'm seeing completely and I love it.

I have loved reading the recaps and comments so far and it seems like you all know each other. I hope you don't mind me joining you all. I hope to continue reading and maybe even contributing to the conversation. Hopefully I can be here reading your comments for the rest of this TN.

Thanks for this recap! I do think Audifaz is being a little unfair and I understand what Aristóteles is going through. When people keep comparing you to people and expecting more and more from you like his father....he just ends up feeling like he's not enough and that's really sad. But I hope that the relationship with Robert will help with that. Based on what Robert said I guess we'll see some bonding and I look forward to it.

Gabriel and Dani! They're my favorites. I enjoy all their interactions. These two crazy kids like each other and they keep denying it. They don't see that they compliment each other so well. Thanks for adding the bit about Dani saying she unblocked his number. I didn't understand that when I watched. Well I kind of don't understand it now. What does she mean by she unblock it? like she unblocked it because she thought he was gay? or she unblocked so he can keep calling? haha Can someone explain that? Did I miss something?

I love the Julietta and Blanca relationship so much. Julietta is trying to be patient and nice while Blanca is just clueless of how invasive she's being. I can already tell their relationship will unfold into a strong one and i can't wait for it.

-- Jackie

Welcome Jackie!!!

I came across this blog like 3 years ago but some of the patio have been here much longer.

I think Dani blocked his number while they were constantly fighting and him asking her for money to fix his car. I think she has unblocked it now as they try to "make peace".

Hi, Jackie. Welcome to the patio, and please comment. The more the merrier.

Welcome to the patio, Jackie. So glad to have you come in and join in the conversations. I happened to find this blog a few months ago, and I luuuve it! Many good, intelligent people here...and their insight and snark is exceptional.

Please do continue to comment...bienvenida!!

Niecie, I got the impression the more disgusted Ana got and the more she tried to get away, the more Julian seemed to want her in his not so humble and filthy abode. He is intrigued but I think it's all money motivated. He is not going to go away quietly.

Jackie, so glad you found Caray. Some of us (Susanlynn and myself) have been here close to 10 years (or longer) and a few were here before that. Many friends have come and gone over the years. Rgv Chick is a relative newcomer who not only fit in immediately, but started recapping right away!!

Glad you are joining us. Welcome to the patio. Grab a chair, a beanie (which you will need when things get inexplicable) and a cold beverage.

Diana (drinking coffee as I listen to speeches, droning on, and on...)

Jackie, welcome! This is such a fun blog. We are a friendly group. The more comments the better. It has been interesting to see how long everyone has been on the patio. It has been five years for me on the patio and a couple years recapping.

Diana, it sounds like you have had a long day.

OMG Diana I had no idea the blog has been around for over 10 years!

Diana...hope that long meeting is over. Maybe you can sneak into the patio now and then. Just don't let it happen like in school where the teacher calls on you and you haven't been paying attention.

Yes, I fell down the rabbit hole before Jane even created CAray CAray and was recapping ALborada on her own at Pratie PLace. It was a nice distraction for me because my mother had just died. I needed an escape from reality....and discovered telenovelas and telenovios! You are right. many folks have come and gone . I miss those who do not stop by anymore..CArlos, Novelamaven, ELna June, Sylvia, etc. I think that Judyb still lurks sometimes. Oh well...life moves onward and so do people

Jarifa, yes, I am hoping this doesn't go to 8 as expected. Yawn. I am hoping to get home to watch this and Ramon...

Carvivlie, yes, Susanlynn can probably give a more accurate estimate of when Jane (Blog mom) started this.


I miss everyone you mentioned Susanlynn. I think of them often, adding Karen to the long list and of course Madeline.

Still here at the meeting. Ack.

This is a wonderful, warm community. I am really blessed to have found it. And all of you.


Jane used to call herself Melinama. After recapping Alborada (still my fav) at her PRatie PLace site, she started caraycaray and others stepped forward to help recap.

Thank you, Carvivlie for the welcome. And thanks for the explanation! That does make a lot more sense.

Susanlynn, Rgv Chick(yes I can tell there are so many great people!), Diana and Jarifa (and the rest in case I missed anyone) thank you so much for welcoming me. I can already tell it will be so fun to discuss the episodes with you. I also had no idea this blog has been around for so long. I find that amazing!


I think that Julie said 11 years, but my mother died ten years ago, so I am confused.

So, Susanlynn, your first telenovela you followed with Jane was Alborada. The first one I followed at Caray, Caray was Por Ella soy Eva and I have been moaning ever since that we need more comedies and dramedies. : )

I miss the time before Telemundo became all narconovelas all the time, when there was a Telemundo blog on Caray Caray. I particularly miss Novelera. I have liked the Uni Más and Univisión novelas I have seen so far, and the recaps are incredible! I think I've been doing Caray Caray for the last 2 or 3 years--Since Bajo el mismo cielo anyway.

Diana, I miss Madeline too.

Carvivle..yes, Madeline with her snappy recaps and tunes that always brightened the day. She was such a positive spirit .

Yes, Madeline was truly one of a kind. It never mattered how late or how early I was reading and commenting, she was always up. She also got me to think about recapping. Her "earworms" were so well paired with whatever point she wanted to make about the novela.

SpanProf, you have had more experience than I with Telemundo. The only thing I have watched/recapped was the ill-fated La fan of earlier this year. It still aggravates me how poorly they treated the audience. The only narconovela I have seen is La Reina del sur which I am watching on Netflix. I like it but would not like a steady diet of that genre.

Thanks Jarifa for the excellent recap. I'm still trying to catch up the characters after having watched L.C. I think I saw that sometime soon, Silvia Narvarro will be starring in Caer in tentacion. I think it is at 10:00 p.m? It is going to see how the interaction between Imelda, Tulio and Ana plays out. I think Imelda said she was sorry that Imelda wanted Tulio to leave Ana because she could not have children. Ana is the "bad" person but maybe she was suffering a nervous breakdown.

As for Audifaz - I suppose this will give Robert a chance to shine as a doctor.

Great to see everyone here from L.C

Good to see you on the patio, Lynette!

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