Thursday, January 18, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): José José El Principe, Sangre de mi Tierra, Señora Acero 4, y más: Week of Jan 15, 2018 TELEMUNDO WEEKEND EDITION (continuación)

Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla
• 12-2PM—Las Reglas del Juego
• 8-9PM—José, José: El Príncipe de la Canción
• 9-10PM—Sangre de mi Tierra
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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LXV: Can law enforcement authorities stop the Psychopath from killing more people ?


Wow! Thanks very much, Spanish Student and Halimacandy, for your great recaps.

Spanish Student, I too found it very strange that nothing more was made of Roberto's being socked by the guy he had attacked earlier. I mean, Sara was right there, but.... All she can think of is romance with Roberto. I was amused to see that, at the end of the episode, Sara makes it very clear that she's buying the apartment for Roberto. She tells him she doesn't even like the water, or the sand. "I bought the apartment for you, and you know it," and she moves in for a kiss. Nothing like being subtle. :-)

I also agree with your comments about "a dose of Leo once a week." I hope you're right about Leo's tech abilities ultimately helping Cris and finally making him appreciate Leo (and accept him for who he is? Not so sure).

Halimacandy, I found your psychological diagnosis of Aurora very convincing. I agree with a lot of what you said, though I confess that I'm not on Team Natalia. I don't think she's evil the way psycho Roberto is evil, but a mother who can put the blame for the wine-mixing on Luis ("it was your idea"), especially when he was trying to convince her not to do it, doesn't have me on her team.

I also don't agree with some of what you've said about Juanjo. He certainly has his faults--lots of them--but I don't think his motivation for his actions is money. I think it's the wish to do what is right, coupled with concern for his family's business and reputation. And I'm pretty sure that he DID tell Serena--he came back after finding out about the scheme and told her right away. Also, the relationship between Natalia and Juanjo has not been good for many years. She's always blaming him, denigrting him. I don't blame him for not feeling much love for her.

I keep wondering how long it will take before Aurora comes to her senses about Roberto. She knows that Roberto told her not to tell Cris what she knows about the wine, and then Roberto tells him. AND gets a huge increase in salary, while Aurora gets the axe. And she stupidly told Roberto also about her plan for wine in 6-packs. She wants Juanjo to join her in moving ahead with this plan, so Roberto is almost certain to sabotage this as well.

I've never posted here before but as I am watching this novela I thought I'd add to the comments made about Thursday's episode. I found it very confusing that Roberto did not return to the cemetery to dig up the money and tablet. If he had done that and if the money was there, he would not have been so desperate for Sara to buy the house on the playa. Also we would know if Wilbur was telling the truth about the hiding place.


Juanita, you're right about Juanjo and Nat. She's got a lil of Meche's emotional abuse under the surface that she'll have to address. Denigrating Juanjo (didn't she ask if he learned how to sabotage property from his prison mates...therefore calling her nothing but helpful Sommelier a common thug acting against his own family), giving the occasional cold shoulder and condescending/harsh words/looks towards Anita, while coddling Luis and forcing her dad and husband to choose sides in the midst of it all. She's no Roberto thankfully (as evident by the tears she's shed several times lately due to family alienation...revealing that she does care and desires better). But we'll have to watch her find that balance between formidable businesswoman and worthy matriarch. I think in the end she'll find it. Otherwise the corruption of the matriarch will destroy the family. Since the novela is about both families we'll probably see the same from Cris...although being a controlling, hardheaded male patriarch who's in cahoots with Rob means his road to redemption may be more challenging.

I also agree that Rob will probably sabotage Aurora's business dealings with Juanjo...but this should open her eyes and help her realize he's ROTTEN TO THE CORE and NOT WORTH HER TIME...and finally move this story to it's ideal closure. I'm secretly hoping that more time at home will allow her to either discover the hidden cameras or wise up to his relationship with Sara.

Spanish Student

hmm, this page is early, I was posting on the earlier one.


Sara the stalker! ha!

a little detail I picked up on tonight, earlier when Natalia was ranting on Juanjo she said something about since he arrived from Spain, tonight, when Paco and Nat were fighting, (aside from marrying Nat was the worse decision he ever made, these people are vicious with their digs) he said he might return to Spain with Juanjo and get high with his mother.



deb, I too loved the scene with Sara the stalker. She comes to see him in his office, and she makes it quite clear that she's not the fool he's assumed she is. When he finally reminds her that he's a married man, and that "I promised you nothing," she tells him that she's been talking to his real estate agent, who happens to be an old friend, and she learned some interesting things. Does his wife know about the debt he was so nervous about, and does she even know that he was selling the apartment? "Don't toy with me, Roberto," she says/warns.


Thank you, Halimacandy, Spanish Student, Juanita and deb for your recaps and insight.

They seem to be hacking this novela to death. So confusing. What a shame.

Anon at 2:37: I was wondering if Rob was going to visit the cemetery, too. Did they edit something out?

Sara is going Fatal Attraction on Rob. Will he have to kill her?

I might have missed if anyone commented on Rob in the hospital chapel confessing: I never meant to harm anyone...I'm not evil...I'm not a murderer. Too little, too late.

Cris and Natalia: you always hurt the ones you love.

Yes, what about Leo? One minute he's looking at princess paper dolls and weeping on his bed and the next he's happy about making varsity? I thought he didn't like playing soccer anymore?

They give Natalia a breakdown so Juanjo can step in and save the day? Anita is clearly upset. Poor Luis, but I don't think Juanjo will push him out.

Will the partnership between the Juanjo, Aurora and Serena finally bring the families back together? I'm all for the old guard stepping aside to let the young ones take over.




dondi- I think Leo said, being on the varsity team gave him the pick of any college he wanted to go to.

I too find it an interesting twist that Roberto is not a killer, it really affected him when Emilio died, and it caught him by surprise when Wilmer also died.

Love it that Cris started calling him Robertcito, (not sure on the spelling) and once again he berates Roberto for doing things behind his back, Rob had told him Dolores quit, and where Rob wanted to get back at Paloma, Cris cut him off, and in the end thought it would be a good idea to hire Dolores back, even though it was the off season.



Once again, Telemundo seems not all that familiar with the American educational system. Getting chosen for a place on a random high school varsity soccer team almost never entitles every player on the team to have his pick of any college he wants. ¡Para nada! A few outstanding players may have an advantage, but even then, by no means at every college. (And Leo has apparently just made the team. He hasn't yet shown himself to be a star player, even in high school.)

So did Roberto find the tablet in Dolores's nightstand drawer? It was hard to tell what he found, but whatever it is, he's got to find a way to get away before the police and Dolores enter. He hears a policeman (I assume) right outside the door express dismay that Dolores can't find the keys, and the cop goes to get a set from the manager. That can't take much time, and I think Dolores is probably still outside, so Roberto can't just flee through the front door. OTOH, it's still January, and we've presumably got weeks to go before the novela ends, so it's likely that Roberto will once again get away. Sigh.


hmm, I was thinking it was the cleaning lady who can't find her keys, (because Roberto has them) not sure who the guy was, manager?, but I think he went to the office to get the master key.



Awesome music , story line gels together,

my husband says Luceria the love of his life, will be his salvation...
when after 25 years apart??..the women he is dealing with now are GoldDiggers.. Anel is too much and ... she will give him the support he needs...he has found a composer at last!!!



Praying Roberto; burn in Hell.....

like granny said:
If you lie ,you will cheat
if you cheat, you'll steal
if you steal ,you'll rob and..
if you rob you'll kill.........truer words have never been spoken.....

Where is the plata ?...the money in the graveyard.... which site????

Sara, the thirsty bit*h... yes ! oh-lord! yes!!!I am thrilled beyond belief!!

Yes!! Go get him Sara!!.. I am beyond happy to see her turn into Tiger woman....

OMG..BOB, going to-have-to-BREAKOFF-some-of....that sweet ,Robert.. oh yes!!

I am loving it... LOL!! ...I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW FAR , SHE WILL GO !!


I THOUGHT ROB. had another pigeon , but the SCRIPT FLIPPED!!!....

LEAVE DOLORES ALONG..!!maybe with the cops looking for wilmer, Dolores may have a failsafe...

?/ the deal with Salvador, was that a set up to roll them over and have Cris ,charge them with appropriation.

I am having trouble figuring out what is going on with NO ENGLISH CAPTION!!



Interesting episode, jumpy but eventful.

The look on Rob's face when he realized Sara was loco for him was priceless. Sara said he 'changed her life' (lol), and she was dressed to impress...and demand...and threaten. Showing up at his job was so Fatal Attraction. You go girl...keep on him so his lies will be revealed. And she's been hurt in the past by other men too, so 'not this time'. She's crazy enough to go toe to toe with an emotional con man. Time will reveal if he's capable of murder (with intent). Or she, for that matter.

Dolores stood up for herself...good step for her. Paloma just walked right on in like it was her place but I ain't mad at ya.

Serena stepped up her game too. If Anita can be a shareholder, Serena can certainly participate in the new business venture.

Cris finally laid down the law to Rob...'cause you been messing up and/or making decisions without me lately'. He'll have to stand by those threats.

Roberto searches for the money and laptop in Delores' (hotel room?). Will he get caught? Where did Wilbur hide it?

Most disturbing was Natalie who has fallen into a serious bout of depression. Didn't see it coming. Family rejection hurts her more than the pleasure of winning. The writers like toying with emotional and spiritual darkness. I want her to pull herself out rapidamente. But Juanjo has been made idk 'Acting President' for now...much to Luis and Anita's objections. Juanjo's also working wiith Aurora and Serena on the new company and I think he wants the Montiel's to supply the wine, thereby making it a joint venture. Anita clearly is gonna be a thorn in their side...and Luis' is noticing it too. I want Nat to snap out of it and put Anita in her place.

Leo needs to do some deeper soul-searching. How do you define yourself? If he can't come out at home it's gonna be hell in college, especially if he's playing ball.

I think the 3 'bad guys' to watch are definitely Roberto, Sara, and Anita.

Spanish Student



Many thanks, dondi356, deb, Halimacandy, and Spanish Student, for all your great recaps and comments.

dondi356, it sure looks as if it will be the younger generation that reacts positively to the Spanish New Wine proposal, whereas the older generation (Crisanto and Feliciano) rejects it (I'm not counting Roberto as part of either generation--his response it simply to squash Aurora, it says nothing about what he really thinks of her proposal. I wouldn't have been all that surprised had he turned around and pitched it to Crisanto.)

deb, you may be right about it being the cleaning woman, not Dolores, about to go into Dolores's room. But I imagine that whoever the woman is, the man is likely to be a cop. Why would anyone but a cop be with either woman when she's trying to get into the room? It's only after she can't find the keys that the guy goes to see the manager.

Spanish Student and Halimacandy, I loved your remarks about Sara!

I've said almost from the start that I don't like Anita, and nothing I've seen since then has given me any reason to change my mind. Far from it! (I still think she looks more like a life-size mannequin than a human being.)

One thing I found amusing is that Paco and Juaquín agree that Luis shouldn't be president of the company because he can't handle stress. OK, but Juanjo can???


Juanita, Yes Anita was no good from the start. She's lucky she was in the company of modern men because Cris snd Rob would have both put her in her place. After all the criticism Nat simply used her to win and would have quickly told her to callate. You do not have a voice here. They're clearly starting a new chapter where she'll bump heads with quite a few and we'll see why she and Roberto were friends.

Spanish Student


I'm confused. I only caught a half of a few episodes this week and that plus all the horrible cutting is making things hard to follow. I thought Aurora told her mother what Roberto was really like. Not just "he isn't who you think", but actual details. No? Because the next scene I saw was her back with Roberto. It just doesn't make sense.

But i'm loving the new Sara! She may be the death (literally) of Roberto. I'm all for letting her crazy out. And she might be good for Roberto, who, while an manipulative abusive jerk, is also kinda dumb. Why would he go get a body out of the lake and then bury it in the largest grave-sized hole ever? Idiot.

But I'm willing to give Anita a little leeway here. She seemed totally insecure in the beginning. But now that Natalie has given her some trust (even if it is to commit fraud), she's going to back Natalie 100%. She's loyal to a fault and maybe a little incompetent, but not evil. We have Sara for that!



Well, Friday's episode ended with the notation "Ultimas semanas." That probably means what, another four weeks, más o menos?


hmm, would we call that a shallow grave?



Well, now that they've said we're in últimas semanas, things are beginning to come together a bit. For one thing, Leo looks at an LGBTQNAPA website, then goes to a meeting but chickens out and says he's looking for a piano. But then he meets a woman at a bar, and after she shows her ID to the bartender and assures him "yes, that's really me," Leo senses that she may originally have been a male. He asks her "When did you know?" (or something like that). She tells him a very brief history, which in some important ways parallels Leo's experience.

Aurora goes to see her father and tells him he should pay her what is owed to her. That's the law. Crisanto replies that her carelessness is to blame for Dimas' almost dying, and the company is covering all Dimas' expenses, so there's no money for her, nor should there be, since she was at fault. Smart, strong, sensible Aurora must have gone on vacation, and in her place is dumb, submissive, foolish Aurora, who seems to accept her father's version of events.

Crisanto spots a copy of the Small New Wines proposal in Sandoval's (?) briefcase. Crisanto "accidentally" spills wine on Sandoval, and when he goes to the restroom to deal with the spill on his clothes, Crisanto opens Sandoval's briefcase and takes a photo of the first page of the proposal. He thus learns that Aurora is going ahead with her plan for Small New Wines in partnership with Juanjo and Serena and under the auspices of the Monteil company. Uh oh.

A body has been discovered by a couple who were hiking near the lake (we saw them earlier in the episode as Roberto was driving away from where he buried Wilmer). The police get a DNA sample from Dolores, and yes, it's her brother. Roberto takes apart Wilmer's cell phone and burns it. But what happened to the tablet? The police have few leads, but Ernesto does show Susan the one thing found (on the corpse? in the nightstand?): a matchbook from Bar Ziguaraya. ???

At Crisanto's insistence, Roberto has brought Dolores to the police station to help with the investigation into the disappearance/death of her brother. A very nervous Roberto accidentally drops a bottle of ansiolíticos, a tranquilizer used as an anti-anxiety medication. Susan picks up the bottle off the floor and asks Roberto why he's taking them. "None of your business," he replies.


OK, YOU HAVE POISONPEN LETTTERS.. its Victoria who married to the trafiiker's , her brother wrote the letters?? maybe not!!

Willie is waking out of his coma.....INEZ ;s SUICIDE ATTEMPT,.... SANTIAGO TRYING TO FIGURE THINGS OUT,while his sister Alicia /oneeye tries to kill him, the man has more lives than a cat!!
Mara's boyfriend Auturo,took the baby and bounced and Mara's mom,Ms.Elise is still all presenta but obstuse to Alicia's plotzing .. the woman turns up out of the blue, but still doesn't realize Alicia is nuts..
Santa recues Santiago...Humberto ... has problems ... Killer boss calls him from jail??!!

Santa;s son will not accept her as his mother.....he thinks his aunt is his mom... its driving SAnata craycray

Alicia is at Humberto looking for what==I wish they dropped that music from the OMEN 2...
Inez comes out of hospital and 'drops -a-dime'.. on every body..she snitches and ditches....

pancho the cop doesn't have a cluse until Inez hooks him up with evidence to sink everybody...the Canos' all of them
but she is not leaving without Santiago......of course...they need more men!!!



The two virgin brothers are getting laid and played... Jose by Anel and his younger brother by the barrio tramp

The barrio tramp has a pimp that it promising her ... that the brother of jose jose is loaded and they can make a big score..if they play him right

the music execs are abt the dollar not the art... he has one producer pushing his sound...

pepe/jose calls home and Lucera .. is trying to avoid speaking to him...

Anel finds out that she is in competition with Ms. Kiki.. for Jose's affection????
Ms.Kiki who has three kids, two of whom are fed-uo, teenagers!!????

Lucero's mom visits her and they smooth things over!!



thanks so much Juanita!

some little details I picked up,

when Leo almost ran over that girl, she broke her heel, he offered her a ride, she took him shopping for shoes, then stopped for a drink (he's in high school right?) her drivers license was definitely male, picture too, but somewhere in their talk I got that she/he was at that LBGT meeting.

Aurora was planning on using her severence pay to finance the small wine venture, Cris' main dig was the money to be spent on Dimas' recovery.

and later on Cris tells Rob he was too impulsive, they need Aurora, and for Rob to hire her back.

the rain uncovered Wilmers arm but I would think Rob fixed all that, but I guess not good enough, and the couple jogging along didn't even have a dog to tip them off.

Aurora hasn't told Rob she is working with Juanjo, and for some reason Cris didn't tell him, and Sere tells Aurora to hurry up and tell him because if he hears it from someone else... so the story ends with Anita calling Rob, they have to meet, she has something important to tell him.

and was it last night Aurora left Emilio with Sara? that really flipped Rob out.



hmm, últimas semanas, this used to mean 2 to 4 weeks, and I remember that February is a sweeps month, important for the ratings (which determines how much a network can charge the advertisers), so there may be some changes coming, but I can't say as I mind the pace, a lot of fillers, as odd as things happen in this story, might not have worked so well, I'm already overrun on that face Aurora makes with the pouty lips and puffed out face.

this writer, Valentina Párraga, did "Eva la trailera" the story of a woman surviving in a man's world, so there may be hope for Aurora.

will we need a crane to get Natalia out of bed?


Still wondering about the tablet. Roberto destroyed the memory cards that he found in the drawer but the tablet was not there. Delores mentioned to the police that Wilbur sometimes let her kids play with the tablet. I wonder if one of the kids has it.

Bella: Fernanda Castillo has a new Teleserye coming up on Telemundo.


Thanks, Juanita and deb. February sweeps explain the reason for the extreme editing.

Bella, yes we see chips but no tablet. Hoping Wilmer was smart enough to leave it somewhere else. The editing keeps us unsure of a lot of details.

Luis pleads with his mother to get out of bed, he needs her support against Paco & Juanjo. She says it's time for him to fly on his own. And about time!

I laughed when Cris said to soccer stars Leo and Rafa, Ready ladies? He doesn't know how true-at least in Leo's case!

Leo went to a meeting of the Trans Community. There was a poster on the wall. Alexis was the woman running the meeting and welcoming him to join. Funny, at the bar she gets carded, but Leo doesn't. He orders water to drink.

Paco dreaming of his "date" with Paloma...water sprinklers and selfies. Later they come back from the interview and run off the road while looking at photos. Didn't Paloma mention staying overnight earlier? Bad combo: male middle age life crisis and girl looking for a father figure.

Why does Sandoval worry so much about what Cris thinks?

At least Aurora finally says out loud to Sere that she is afraid of how Rob reacts.

dondi 356


Dondi, thanks so much, I forgot about Paco running off the road and into the woods, wonder how this will end up, interesting scene earlier where Mike offered to go in his place because of problems with Nat and I could see panic in his eyes at the thought of missing out, and yes there was something about them spending the night but I think they were headed home instead.

also good scene with Rob telling Cris about Wilmers murder, and how they will never catch the guy, but Cris assures him they will, they always do, gulp.

it's kind of fascinating watching Roberto's fingers twitching, no one seems to notice.

I was watching for the tablet or whatever Rob took from Dolores' motel room, but they never showed, I think what we saw was that Rob still had Wilmer's backpack and he pulled out all of the cell phones Wilmer was using so he couldn't track him, and removed the 'sim' cards ("a smart card inside a mobile phone, carrying an identification number unique to the owner, storing personal data", etc.) and that is what he burned so no one could link back to him.


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