Friday, October 12, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/12/18 Capítulo 22 A Daughter's Loyalty

Sebas is with Axel reviewing his homework about his parents. His composition is a few sentences long describing his family as he wishes it were and ending with him stating that his parents always have time for him. Axel tells him that what he wrote is not true. Sebas knows that. He wishes that his family was more like Dave's. Dave has a mom and dad that are together and they make Dave feel important. Axel assures him that his parents love him a lot. If his mom didn't love him, he would never be able to live like he does. His grandma loves him, too as well as Axel himself. Sebas loves him back.

Daniela has a surprise for Gabriel. She blindfolds him and presents him with a romantic dinner consisting of a salad. He is happy.

Robert puts Dave to bed. Dave is evidently feeling insecure. He asks if Robert and Julieta love him even though he doesn't resemble them. Robert says of course they love him and yes, he resembles them in terms of his goodness. He is responsible like Julieta and worried about others like Robert. Yes, he is just as important to them as Blanquita because "hearts"(love) make(s) a family. Dave says he loves him. Robert loves him, too.

At the bakery, his sons are still with Canuto. Eugenio sees a big difference between what happened with his mother and what Canuto did to them. Tulio agrees and says he never could have done that to his child if he had had one. Audifaz agrees that he couldn't do it to his children either. Eugenio cannot believe he could allow fifty years to go by. Canutois visibly upset. He was not expecting them to forgive him. He just wanted to see them again. Now he just wants the storm to die down. He will think of them until the day he dies. He leaves.

Julieta comes home and tells Robert that the work get-together turned out to be a fiasco. He tells her to sit down and relax. They agree that they are lucky to have each other. They chat about Hugo and his work crisis and their parents getting used to a new reality. Julieta offers Robert her assistance in raising funds for his foundation. Robert says it all sounds nice but they need a fund raiser that will bring in "big" money. Julieta says anything will help and suggests that Robert try to get people to auto-pledge a certain amount of money. Julieta tells him that they are a team. She then informs him that a drunk Susana threatened to fire her. Robert tells her there are going to be even more complications because Dr. Vicente Legorreta is a burn expert and he is coming to town. It just happens that he is Susana's ex.

Pancho geta a call from a drunken Susana who is still at the restaurant. She cannot call her dad so she is calling him. The restaurant won't give her her car keys. Pancho will come to get her. At the same time, Temo is mooning over Ari's Facebook page when Pancho tells him he has to go out and help a drunken Susana. He tells Temo to watch the twins. Temo has a video chat with an old friend. Temo doesn't know who he really is but he is really interested in guys and there is one guy in particular that he is really interested in. Temo is worried that his father will be disappointed in him. His friend tells him that coming out is never easy. Temo needs to do it in his own time.

Pancho finds Susana, wakes her up and takes her out of the restaurant. She needs to sit down. If he only knew what she just found out. She cannot talk to anybody. She finally tells him about her father. What should she do? He gives her his shoulder to cry on as much as she wants and she does until she is snoring. Pancho finally gets Susana home. Crisanta is there to meet them. Sebas and Axel are next to arrive. Sebas makes a point of telling Pancho he doesn't like his son Julio or Pancho either. Pancho leaves Crisanta with a recipe for a hangover cure.

Gabriel toasts the chef on her salad. He now realizes how important it is for them to have their own separate lives and a shared life as well. His mission is to be able to buy a house of their own with an extra bedroom if they ever have a child, a huge garden. etc. They end up kissing.

Eugenio and Blanca discuss the Canuto situation. Eugenio was surprised that he didn't recognize his own father but he did feel that he knew him from before. Blanca says the heart never lies (call of the blood part deux?). He concludes that he always must have known deep down Canuto was his father. Maybe that is why he felt so connected to him. Blanca tells him to forgive Canuto and take advantage of this opportunity that has presented itself to move ahead. She puts him to bed and coos over him. She then joins him and tells him she is with him all the way.

Julieta and Robert are in bed and getting cozy when the doorbell rings. It is Canuto who wants to talk with Robert. Catalina answers the door and scolds him for coming by so late. Robert calls him "grandpa". When Catalina hears that, she wonders if she missed something. Julieta takes her into her room and tells her who Canuto really is. Catalina says that her crystals never saw that coming. It is the "end times". More in-laws equals more nightmares. Catalina thinks it is just terrible that Imelda "killed Canuto off"|Julieta reminds her mother that she basically did the same thing when she forbid their father from seeing them. Catalina does not see it that way. Catalina realizes that Julieta has more in-laws. Julieta answers "unfortunately, yes" Still thinking, it hits Catalina that Susana is Canuto's daughter!!!!!!

Audifaz walks in on Ari going over his accounts. Ari tells Audi that even with his catalog pay he does not have enough money for his tuition. Audifaz sounds embarrassed when he says that Ari should have to worry about paying for his own tuition and it is not fair that he should be supporting the household as well. Audifaz should be spending his money on himself. Ari doesn't like to hear his father talk like that. He still has high hopes for Audifaz's book. Polita listens to it all. Ari thinks of him paying his own way and helping out at home as just returning a bit of what his parents have already provided for him. Audifaz wishes he were a better father. Ari lets him know that he is proud of Audifaz just as he is. Ari asks only one thing in return: that his parents never be ashamed of him and accept him as he is. Polita assures Ari that they love him just as he is. Audifaz has something to tell him. His father is alive.

Canuto talks with Robert. Robert assures him that he will help Canuto on his mission to join his two families. To make things even more complicated, Canuto has a surprise for Robert: he is still in love with Imelda. Robert is shocked. Canuto still loves Crisanta, too. That is why Canuto came for Robert's advice. Robert tells him his task is going to be to explore his feeling for Imelda and to decide if his feelings are just a combination of the past and seeing her again or if the are real. Canuto seems to be quite sure about his feelings for Imelda. He never did stop loving her. He also realizes that he has been married to Crisanta who has been a marvelous wife and his companion all of these years. Canuto knows everyone is going to hate him. Robert has to nod in agreement.

Julieta is in Dave's room talking to him as he sleeps. She suddenly has a nightmarish thought: what if through Blanca's religious influence Dave ends up being a priest rather than a doctor??? Robert tells Julieta the latest news. Canuto is in love with two women. Julieta would hate to be Crisanta. Robert agrees and that is why it is best that nobody else finds out. Julieta admits that she already told her mother.

The next morning, Tulio talks with Imelda. He has been up all night thinking about it. Tulio has his doubts about the whole Canuto thing. How did Imelda manage to have him "dead" all these years? Imelda confesses that she falsified his death certificate. Tulio sees major complications and informs her that if Canuto is alive in the eyes of the law, he owns the bakery and the building. He owns everything.

At Susana's it is breakfast tim and Canuto wonders where Susana is because she is usually the first one to come down in the morning. Crisanta says she needs to sleep. Crisanta gets Sebas off to school. Crisanta wonders what is going on with Susana. There has to be something wrong some where. Canuto remains silent.

At work, Julieta plans to take over a meeting Susanawas going to run herself. The problem is that the "Mónster" isn't there and is incomunicado. Julieta wonders with Casandra what kind of hangover Susana is going to have. Julieta plans to take advantage of the situation and get her proposal approved.

Gabriel has decided to take a vocation inventory test to be able to see what kind of job he is interested in.

Robert calls Eugenio to put in a good word for Canuto and then gets a call from Dr. Vicente saying he is ready to come to Mexico. Robert expresses his gratitude.

Polita and Pancho are having a good time in tha bakery. Eugenio and Blanca scold her for being so loud. They ask her if she thinks she can really do the job. Polita says she is trying as hard as she can. A kind-hearted Pancho knows what it is to start a new job so he will be happy to help Polita along. Pancho is off to the market to buy some ingredients for a hangover cure. No, it is not for Temo.

Crisanta is with Susana alone at home. She gives Susana a glass of orange juice. Susana starts to remember last night. She remembers Pancho. Crisanta says he brought her home. She wants to call and apologize to him. Then Susana remembers last night and what a show she put on at the get-together. She a vice-president! Crisanta tells her she works all the time and doesn't know how to drink. It is as if Susana wanted to drink to forget something. What happened? Crisanta tells her she can trust her. She is her mother. They are friends, right?

Daniela and Robert meet in a park and eat the breakfast she brought. He loves it. Daniela is worried about her dad. Robert has something to tell her. They all have to stay unified because they have even more family; there are more Córcega's.

Susana cannot hold it in anymore. She cannot be part of a betrayal or lie to her mother. She does not deserve it. Crisanta needs to know everything. She tries to prepare Crisanta by saying that she loves her and that is why she is telling her. She is sure Crisanta will be able to deal with it. Crisanta can always count on her since they are mother and daughter. Finally, she informs her mother that before he had a family with them, her father has another family.


Wow! What an ending!. I cannot wait to see how Crisanta deals with Canuto. He had his chance to tell her but chose not to taking the coward's way out as usual. Taking that into consideration, it seems that Susana did him a favor, too.

More mañana


Thank You Jarifa. Susanna is fabulous. She looks to be the only one on the show whose hair is not done by someone on crack and / or for free. :-)

Just caught the tail end of this one.

Good morning everybody. Had to laugh at this one...Daniela fixes [Gabriel] a romantic dinner consisting of a salad". Really!? Most men I know would want a big hunk of meat and potatoes as well. Salad... that's girl food. Sorry, a little sexism going on there. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Looks like we have more fireworks in store now that Crisanta knows the score. Next episode should be super dramatic.

I always enjoy the family love themes that run through these stories. As well as the need to forgive and move on and treasure Life's moments, regardless of the past. But it's a struggle for most of us. Still, the message is valid.

Thanks so much for another informative, lively recap Jarifa. You've probably explained it before, but what is the origin of your blog name? I remember Jarocha saying hers was a sobriquet for someone who comes from Veracruz. Inquiring minds....

Kirby, Susana González looks great but I am really enjoying her acting ability especially along side of a character like Pancho.

JudyB, I thought the same thing about the salad. Also, it looked rather small even for me. As for my blog name, you are the first one to ask about it. It comes from one of the main characters of a 16th century short Spanish novel called “El abencerraje y la hermosa Jarifa” (Abencerraje and the Beautiful Jarifa) It is a story of Christians, Muslims, war, mutual respect, fair play, marriage, love and loyalty and it has a happy ending!! Jarifa is my favorite character from Spanish/Spanish American lit.

Jarifa, splendid.

I always read your recap before the title. What you've captioned is always perfect. As it was today.

"Canuto knows everyone is going to hate him". Dude, that's an understatement. He wants it all. There's having your cake and eating it, but if you want Sister Wives, this is the wrong show.

For me, this was a very happy episode. The sweet playfulness of Gabe and Dani, remninding us as to why we rooted for thsm as a couple.

Blanca's obvious love for her husband "She then joins him and tells him she is with him all the way.

Gabi “presents him with a romantic dinner consisting of a salad”. Yes, not seeing anything else on the beautifully set table, I thought the same thing. Sparse but sweet.

"Salad... that's girl food. Sorry, a little sexism going on there. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa". Oh Judy, that was marvelous.

“Robert says of course they love him and yes, he resembles them in terms of his goodness”. One of the many reasons I heart Robert.

"Catalina realizes that Julieta has more in-laws. Julieta answers "unfortunately, yes." Cat is a character - her crystals didn't see this comung? LOL.

Interesting twist that Canuto might be the legal owner of everything.

Kirby, so good to see you. As you know Susana is my favorite - her acting is exceptional, and she is very lovely. I could watch her all day. I think her hair style is a bit severe but on her it is beautiful.

I'm always humbled by the knowledge and accomplishments of the patio. Judy, so glad you asked Jarfa about her name. Jarifa, I am intrigued by the story - I always thought your name was beautiful and now I know why.

Time to pay the piper Canuto.

Jarifa, thank you, thank you.


Diana, that was a good point that you brought out about Canuto’s possible ownership of everything. Knowing the already contentious relationship between Crisanta and Imelda the involvement of money could make it even worse after Crisanta being told the truth about her dear hubby. I would think that these writers would never have Tulio mention the ownership issue unless it is going to come back and bite one if not all of them. The writers have been good about not allowing loose ends. I wonder about the legal status of both of the marriages under law and if Imelda’s falsification of a death record would have any bearing on that. Canuto sure asked for trouble and it looks like he is going to get it. I felt sorry for Crisanta. At least Susana had the decency to let her mother in on the “secret” that everyone else already knew. I have always liked Susana but now I like her even more.

Thanks, Jarifa. Terrific job. I feel like the show hit its stride last night.

Robert says of course they love him and yes, he resembles them in terms of his goodness. He is responsible like Julieta and worried about others like Robert. Diana, ITA Robert is the perfect galan.

Pancho has his appeal too. Very caring telling Susana to cry as much as she wanted. He does seem to be underfoot everybody all the time though. I was on pins and needs when Polita tripped over him and almost dropped the cake.

Susana sure doesn’t take after her indecisive dad.

Thanks Jarifa for telling us the story of your blog name. I love the back story. For sure, I would never choose the names of Rubi or Teresa. Fascinating characters but bad to the bone. You chose a lovely name for evidently a lovely character....and a happy ending. All good.

Darn Canoodle! Still carries torch for Imelda,,! Don’t feel sorry for him. He had three daughter!The family he left behind had his male heirs.....


Thank you for your recap, Jarifa! Wow, it didn’t occur to me that Canuto could own the bakery, building, etc. Is it Imelda’s property? His just makes everything more interesting. Imagine Canuto kicking the bucket and somehow Susana inheriting . . . nope . . . technically she is illegitimate. Right?

“. . . but if you want Sister Wives, this is the wrong show.“. LOL. Good one!!!

We are back home, trying to get over jet lag, and I’ll be back to watching on Monday. 😎

Jarifa, thanks for a marvelous recap. This was a fun episode.

Dani is my kind of girl. Her romantic dinner is a salad and two bottles of wine :-)

So the restaurant wouldn't give Susana the keys to her car. They were right not to, but they also could have stopped bringing her more mezcal when everybody else had left.
And why did Pancho seem so surprised at the way she hung on to him, it's obvious something is developing between them.

Canuto... Call me an old skeptic, but I don't see him still in love with Imelda. Please, the man had a family with her, cheated on her, and then went off and remarried, or at least started another family, AND had no connection with Imelda or the boys for over half a century. But he's still in love with her? Nope, sorry, but a bridge too far with this one.

But if the writers say so...



Dear patio friends,

The love of my life died suddenly and unexpectedly of a massive heart attack last Saturday morning. I am lost.

Susanlynn, what absolutely terrible news! Please accept my condolences and know you are in my prayers.

Susanlynn, my heartfelt condolences. I know this is a tragic loss for you and your family, but I know you and your family will all help and support each other.
You can count on many, many prayers from all your friends here.


Susanlynn, what an awful thing to happen! I'm sending you (((Hugs))) and adding you to my prayers list. ❤️❤️❤️

Oh Susanlynn...I can't imagine. What a heartbreak. I always loved your Hub stories. They were a reminder to me that truly happy marriages DO exist, that young love really can last forever, and that there are wonderful caring men who still treat their wives "Like they are dating" as you once said. Yours was a one in a million story and dear to all our hearts. Loving support from family and friends is important, but nothing takes away that ache and that void.

I am hoping that Hub meets up with Carlos in Heaven so they can both chat about what a great gal you are...and maybe talk a little football as well.

I am grieving with you, dear one, and wish I could take away your pain but I cannot. In time, I hope that in time, you can not just grieve but also cherish the many countless happy memories you had with your loving, irreplaceable husband.

He was a treasure. And so are you.

Susanlynn, my deepest sympathy. Keeping you in prayer. I know from the life you shared here that your husband was a true treasure. May it help to know how much others are feeling for you and your family.

SusanLynn, I am deeply saddened by the news of your loss. As JudyB stated, your hub stories were testimony to the existence of true, forever-lasting love. My heart is with you and your loved ones during this difficult and sad time. Your husband may not be with you in person, but his love will always be with you and he will always walk beside you in spirit. May God be with you and your family and may He ease your pain; He will grant you and your family the serenity and peace that you need to get through this. Stay strong and know that you are remembered in our thoughts and prayers.

SusanLynn. How awful. We are all praying for you. I know there is nothing which can be said to ease the pain, but you know we are all praying for you and your children.

You are strong and smart, though that may seem insignificant right now, and many people love you. Though he is gone, you have your family and friends. They are your refuge.


Oh my dear susanlynn.

Yours was a story of deep, committed and joyous love. Your devotion was evident in every word, in every heartfelt emotion. You were happy.

Although your pain now seems unimaginable and unbearable, God is with you and is by your side. May His love and strength guide and comfort you, your daughters and granddaughters.

You make this world a better place by your love, your kindness and your empathy. You are suffering a terrible loss. As all of our friends above have noted, you are much loved and cared about. You are not alone.

Sending prayers and much love to all of you.


Jarifa, yesterday I was so shocked with Susanlynn's news tha I forgot to thank you for your exceptional recap. Thank you for all your time and effort; it is greatly appreciated.


Thank you to all the recappers and the responders. I can't seem to figure out how to respond from my iPhone. But I am so grateful to all of you. MaryKat

Alright that worked! Tulio?one of the sons, cannot be mad at his mother for lying about dad's death. After all, he lied about Robert's kidnapping to protect his wife for years, doing much, much nore harm.

I hadn't read all the replies when i posted. Susanlynn, my heart goes out to you. I know this is a very difficult time for you. I know he will live on in your heart forever.

Susanlynn, I just received the news. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I know how much he meant to you. My thoughts are with you and your family.

MaryKay, welcome.

Wnoopsie! I was on my phone, Mary KAT! 🙂

MaryKat - good point about Tulio's lie about Robert's kidnapping!

Someone just posted an anonymous comment on Telemundo regarding Susanlynn's loss.

My dear Susanlynn--Of all the people I have known as commenters on Caray, your stories of your family touched me the most. And this loss was least expected. I envisioned a happy future for you both forever and ever.

JudyB, Diana and the rest expressed my sentiments better than I ever could. We all stand in solidarity with you. We know that your family will help you through this. Hub will never leave you, of that we can be sure. My condolences go out to you and wish I could give you more than a few words and virtual hugs.

Susanlynn, I was just starting to read all the comments when I stumbled upon yours and could not believe my eyes. I am so sorry about the sudden loss of your husband. My love and sympathy to you. I don't even know what to say or what I can do to help you. I've been innundated with death lately. First, our dear friend who was only 34 and several others. Now your hubby too and I'm so sorry. Please accept my love and sympathy.


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