Friday, February 01, 2019

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 99, Thursday, January 31, 2019; Pancho to the Rescue with No Help from Mássimo Musi

We open with Eugenio sharing with Grecia about his first love, Yolotl. He met her at their bakery. She came in and ordered one bun, but he gifted her another.

But he doesn’t know what happened to her, she left town one day and never came back. He didn’t know where she went and she never contacted him again. But he did meet his true love in life, Blanca. Now that one was the real thing and his true love forever. The day he met Blanca, he never had eyes for anyone else. He asks Grecia if there is anything she would like to share and she says, “No, you are the patient here and what happens here stays confidential. I have enjoyed listening to your stories.”

Neto and his children are on a dark street somewhere in Mexico. He doesn’t know if he has enough money to go to Oaxaca.  Neto apologizes for being in the situation they are in. He had planned some surprises for all of them before the ICE officers appeared. He reiterates how sorry he is and the boys tell him that whatever happens, it’s more important that they are all together. Neto asks if they would like some water or refreshments. Yolo just rolls her eyes sneers and says, “they use Pesos here, Dad.” After getting them drinks, he buys bus tickets to Oaxaca and has 55 pesos to his name after that. Yolo is uncooperative, rolls her eyes again and says, “Really Dad? Oaxaca?” Neto finds news on his phone about Mássimo’s nephew Gabriel passing away and that he went to the funeral in Oaxaca. This confirms to Neto that they need to go there to seek help from Mássimo to find some kind of work. On the bus, Yolo won’t even sit next to her father. So he goes to sit next to his son and prays about their new life. He tells his son that his mother was from Oaxaca and so was his father. But he never knew his father and that is how he ended up with her name as Rey Bautista. In the other seats, Yolo leans over to her little brother and says, “We have to do everything we can to get back to the USA. We just can’t stay in Mexico.”

In the hallway of the Córsega building, Imelda and Audifáz are discussing about taking custody of Arqui. Seems that Audi is not really in favor of doing this, but Imelda is pushing him to do this. Imelda thinks she is in charge of punishing Polita and making her suffer with these “consequences” of her decisions. [What, for being a good mother?] They embark on seeing Crisanta coming out the door from Pancho’s place and Imelda says, “It looks like things just can’t get worse.” Crisanta tells Imelda to watch her words because her daughter Susana is one of the owners of this building and it looks like Canuto’s wish to have a united family is coming to be true. Imelda says, “This building is bursting full of people and problems already. All we need is more family coming in! [From your mouth to God’s ear, Imelda!]

At the Lopez dinner table, (looks like Axel has joined them for dinner) things are getting a little bit complicated when Sebas finds out there is only one bathroom for everyone. Pancho says they are all going to have to get up earlier so that each can have time in the bathroom. Susana says they are going to have to learn to create the dynamics for each other to be comfortable. Julio disagrees, he thinks it’s more complications as they are cramped so tightly. But Pancho says it is really more adventures! After Axel leaves, the rumbles are about to start between Sebas and Julio!

Getting used to things incurs Sebas scalding himself in the shower and Susana trying to use the microwave that is tricky and needs a slap in the backside in order to use. Lupe has to show Sebas how to use the television.  Pancho and Susana have to get used to each other wanting to be covered or uncovered when sleeping. Then there is the skirmish between Julio and Sebas at night as Julio thinks he needs a line of demarcation from Sebas.

Daniela is reading a book about being a good mother. Linda sees her and tells her that she will be helping her as well as the entire family. Linda says she admires Dani and says she is an exceptional woman and a good example to everyone.

Eugenio is in pain in his wheelchair and Blanca asks about his therapy. He gets serious and tells Blanca how much he loves her.

Grecia (assuming she is staying at Susana’s home) pours herself a glass of milk, but then is startled by the door opening. She drops the glass on the floor, and the glass breaks into pieces. She has a flashback of something long ago that happened to her as someone broke into her home while she was in bed. She begins to clean up the mess.

Guido looks for his grandfather and finds him dozing off on a couch. He picks up a picture of Gabe and Dani and gets an evil look on his face.

Neto and his family finally land in Oaxaca. They need some food and he pretty much spends his last pesos trying to feed his children, they get one taco each. Yolo refuses to eat. They are eating at the same place where Pancho sells his wares and vegetables. Pancho overhears Neto asking someone if they know who Mássimo Musi is. So Pancho goes over to tell Neto that he knows Mássimo. He shares with Pancho that they were just deported from the USA. Pancho realizes that the family is in a really bad situation, so he generously buys them some platters of food because he knows they are all still hungry. Yolo finally decides to eat and grudging and finally says, “thank you.”

He walks with them through town and Pancho asks why they are looking for Mássimo. Neto tells him it’s because he was the one who owned the restaurant in Miami where he worked. So Pancho says he can take them all in “La Burra”. The kids think he means a real mule, and Yolo, looking like she is having Excedrin headache # 57, is even more embarrassed to see this van and to ride in it. Yolo keeps saying, “This is just temporary. This is just temporary.”  Pancho asks if they know where they are going to live.

Susana packs the children’s lunches and Julio wants to know what to call her, stepmother, dad’s girlfriend, or just Susana. She thinks a moment and says, “For now, just call me Susana.” Then she sits down and talks about how they all need to learn to adapt to one another. But Julio says he feels like he’s been invaded. They all scurry off to get to school and she hears Julio calling her “madrastra” (stepmother) in the background.

At Blanca’s home, Linda, Blanca, and Frida sit around the table talking about what a hard time Daniela is having. Blanca says that she heard Dani crying all during the night. Then Frida asks if she can share something. She wants to tell Blanca something that happened at school. Frida says she doesn’t want them to worry and Blanca and Linda tell her she can tell them anything. Frida says that Grecia told explained a few things to her that were happening. Then she admits that she got her first period. Linda and Blanca give her some good advice about becoming a woman and being proud of it. Frida asks why it is that she is the first girl of her class to have this happen to her. Linda says that it’s so she can get experience and help her friends. Both Blanca and Linda go to hug Frida.

Mássimo tells Guido he has learned a lot from Gabriel, but Guido isn’t thrilled to hear that. Instead he deceptively says, “Because Gabriel was such a good teacher!” Then he asks now that Gabriel is no longer with us, can you make me in charge of your business? Mássimo doesn’t think he is ready. Guido just says he wants to take the pressure off of him, after all he has two girlfriends. Guido tries to tell him he needs to slow down and enjoy his achievements. “Trust me,” says Guido. “I’ll think about it,” says Mássimo.

Dani is going stir crazy with nothing to do. Blanca gives her a few chores and she remembers being a the beach with Gabriel. Her phone rings and it’s the hospital. The doctor tells Dani that the babies are fine and she can now come and visit the babies outside the incubator. Dani is very excited and invites Blanca to go to the hospital with her.

Crisanta and Imelda throw insults at each other again in front of their stores. Ignacio and Imelda go into this act that Crisanta is physically assaulting them.

Pancho brings Neto and his family to Mássimo’s place. Neto says he came to ask for help after what happened at the restaurant. Guido isn’t going to help but then Mássimo appears. Pancho takes the kids outside. Inside, Neto explains the whole thing to Mássimo, how he accepted a false green card from Martín and how he hired undocumented workers. Mássimo asks, “What do you hope to gain from us?” Neto explains that he lost everything, they came with the clothes on the backs only and would just like some work to get back on his feet. Guido says, “I don’t think you understand. You committed criminal acts.” Mássimo then says, “It was from your actions that my restaurant is now closed. I’m sorry for your situation, but I can’t help you.” Guido tells Neto that if he had obeyed the law, everything would be a lot different. “You lost everything and it’s all your fault.”

Dani gets to hold her babies outside the incubator and is thrilled to be with them. She promises them the best life she can give them.


Cynthia thank you for the great recap and so prompt.

Yolo seems to be a young Emelda with her narrow and constant complaining. She has one goal: to get out of Mexico and return to the USA,preferably with her brothers (and without Neto! I think she favors her absent mother who abandoned them.) And she is almost as rude as Emelda. Pancho was the thougtful ‘good Samaratin’ in getting the family food and trying to hook the family up with Nonno to get help. Massimo and Guido say ‘ No, it’s your fault that we had to close the Miami restaurant down, so no help from us.’ Neto situation at this point is desperate. An aside: Looking at the eyes of Neto and Pancho, Pancho looks younger since Neto’s show the stress of the trip, not the least the bus ride from Mexico City to their present destination. Poor Neto.

The living arrangement is not working out with the families of Susana and Pancho. Great to see Daniela and Blanca happy with the triplets.

Another spectacular recap Cynthia. Title? Perfect and your screen shots were wonderful.

“This building is bursting full of people and problems already. All we need is more family coming in! [From your mouth to God’s ear, Imelda!]” had me smiling away. “the rumbles are about to start between Sebas and Julio!” was another favorite.

“Guido looks for his grandfather and finds him dozing off on a couch. He picks up a picture of Gabe and Dani and gets an evil look on his face”. That was cringeworthy. Did he actually caress Dani’s face with his thumb?? I hope to heaven I imagined that. Speechless.

Massimo is many things but I didn't think cruelty was one of them. He lost a restaurant, Neto lost everything.

I loved every moment of the Neto/Pancho scenes. Pancho is a blessing - pure and simple. Knowing that he will assuredly look out for Neto and his family gives us one less problem to ponder.

I realized with a start that both actors worked together on Caer en Tentación. Arath is an amazing actor - his turn here could not be more different than the monster he played there.

Anon, I agree that the living situation with Susana, Pancho and their brood is cramped at best. For these two families, trying to get used to each other in such tight quarters is challenging. I felt for Susana trying to keep the peace. A challenge for a woman on the verge of being a bride integrating two families together. Still, I admire Pancho's resolve to live simply. The malfunctioning appliances were a nice touch. Temo seems to have infinite patience and is a nice guy. Little Lupita shines.

What the heck happened to Grecia in the past? Something terrible...

Gabe Soto has brought a breath of fresh (and even hopeful) air, even though their situation could have been dire if not for Pancho.

“Linda says that it’s so she can get experience and help her friends”. I’m actually starting to enjoy Linda a bit. Wonders never cease.

Bring on the babies!!

Cynthia, this was great. Thank you.


Thank you, Cynthia, for the outstanding read this morning. The screen caps and commentary were the best.

Anon, great point about Yolo being like Imelda. Sorry to say but I have not been able to stand Yolo from the get go and that has only been three episodes. I have a feeling I will be saying that a lot.

Diana, Massimo’s cold reaction to Neto was something I didn’t expect at all. Wasn’t Massimo’s other employee Martín responsible for getting Neto a “green” card and hiring him knowing he was illegal?

The “living together at Pancho’s” experiment is well intentioned but since neither Pancho or Susi have much control over their kids, it looks like it is doomed to failure. It should provide some good laughs though.

As for Frida, it looks like she has been orphaned. They should have spent some $$$ and hired actress who played her mother Marisol for some video-chats from Xavi Galan’s endless world tour. This plot point might have worked 25 years ago but not today with so much technology.

My favorite part was Eugenio talking about Yolotl and meeting Blanca.

I hope we get the whole story on Grecia’s past soon.


Thank you for your recap, Cynthia.

My telenovela beanie hat moment was seeing Yolo lean against that wet car, while Neto and kids were on the rainy sidewalk and trying to figure out where they go from there.

Massimo's statement to Neto that he broke the law/committed a criminal act really caught me off guard.

Pancho's place might only have one bath, but that ginormous shower had me drooling. Ours is 30"x30", smaller than a standard phone booth. Really.

It was sort of fun to see everyone trying to adapt to the new living arrangements. The microwave had me smiling, as well as the TV remote control.

doris, what would Massimo say to Guido about having murdered Gabriel (The ultimate crime) if he was so cut and dried/law and order with Beto. That scene had me wondering since we saw a new side of Massimo.

Oh my, a young Imelda in the form of obnoxious Yolo. Mind you, teen-age girls and boys are hard on one's patience. Makes you understand those ancient tribes who considered children "adult" at 13 and ready to move out of the "house" (hut, tent) and form their own families and earn their own way.

A lot of us grew up with only one bathroom and now I'm wondering how we did it. But with that crew packed into Pancho's apartment, hooo boy!

Lots of snow here. Really lovely. We'll see how it is driving when I head out to the grocery later. Wishing you all a great day, regardless of the weather!

And thanks for the lively recap and screencaps Cynthia. You never disappoint. Together, you and Jarifa are a terrific team.

Good point, Jarifa. He would probably throw Guido in jail, himself.

Thank you, Cynthia.

I am glad to see Gabe Soto , and I hope that he will breathe some positivity into these dark, dim storylines. Perhaps Neto and Pancho will be a new dynamic duo .

I see that it is 2 degrees here on my deck thermometer. Only going up to 21, but tomorrow 37...and it will continue to rise as next week progresses to almost 60 before it drops again later next week. Well, off into this cold day to deal with stuff.

Judyb...yes, on the farm , we had one bathroom with 6 people in our house....and one outhouse.

Ah those outhouse memories! My Tennessee grandparents had an outhouse (and of course chamber pots) and there were always huge spiders in it. Added to the pleasure of using the facilities. They also only had a one bedroom home. So the boys slept in one bed in the dining room, and the girls slept on the couches in the living room. And the youngest of the seven slept in a trundle bed under grandmother and grandfather's bed.

And now folks feel deprived if they don't have granite countertops. Or quartz ones!

Cynthia: Good Job on the recap. Is anybody going to stop Guido from commiting more murders ?

I'm getting nervous for Daniela & the triplets.

Judy: The new haircut looks good on Susana Gonzalez.

JudyB/doris, I had grandparents with an out house, too, and chickens and ducks in the yard. 🐥🦆

We will be up to double digits today! It is a balmy 8 outside. The temps were rising all night. I cannot wait to break out and do some errands!

"And now folks feel deprived if they don't have granite countertops. Or quartz ones!" I know, right? First world problems, and all that. Personally, I prefer Formica type plastic laminate because it is more forgiving when a glass or plate is dropped in it.

Growing up, we were a family of six with one bathroom until I was in high school and my parents finally had a house with 1 1/2 baths. Talk about living in luxury!

Outhouses . . . Ugh . . . I remember back in the late 1970s when some Ohio state rest areas along the interstate had outhouse type toilets. Non-flush. No fun when we were driving up there in August heat to visit in-laws in PA. 😜


I know at least one of those state rest areas with outhouses are still around Doris. Pretty much a blot on our fair state. But when you need one, still appreciated!

Ot....yes, judyb, i stopped watching House Hunters because everybody wants everything . I got tired of the whining, "oh, the bathroom only has one sink" " I wanted stainless steel appliances" " no granite countertops??? " Well, just back from errands and getting gas...I get nervous if the gas tank gauge is approaching half tank. Only 20. Looking forward to tomorrow's balmy 37. Okay..soup and then back out into the cold for more errands and to get my grand girls off the bus.stay safe out there.

Sorry but I wish Grecia’swould ho away..Same for the water poisoning...Yolo is a NoNo. Put her to work grinding the agave plants...Let the sweet burro rest. And bring back Catalina and her Galan...yes, Linda is growing on me... And Imelda should have croaked last season: Why can't she , Audi and Tulio get some horrible sickness.....

Thanks everyone! I think I was a lot like Yolo when I was a teenager. I was so embarrassed by my Mexican parents. They were born in the USA, but everything about them reflected Mexican heritage. I was always upset and didn’t like “the barrio” areas of town. Our house was not in “the barrio” and I did everything I could to reject any notion of Mexican culture. Oh and mariachis? Calgon, take me away! We didn’t have anyone in our families who came “illegally” but I know my grandmother came to the USA as a child, before Arizona was a state. She was born in Mexico in 1901. My grandfather had a green card and they married in 1920. She had 13 children and all my uncles served in the military in World War ll, Korean War, and Vietnam. Anyway, she finally got her green card in the 1950s sometime (she didn’t know she needed one, I guess my “abuelo” thought that his having a green card as head of the family was good enough). One day a lawyer they knew found out about it and he helped her get her green card. She thought she might be denied. She was told, “you have had all your sons serving in the military, there is no reason to deny someone who has raised good American citizens.” I never got to know her because she died when I was 4 years old.

Now, I feel badly about having rejected Mexican culture. I don’t know why I acted like such a snob, but I sure was a lot like Yolo. I would have been mortified if I had to go live in Mexico because I hated the country. Now I really wish I could visit, but I know that many places there are dangerous. I would love to go on a cruise though and do all the turista stuff. When I see all the scenes in this TN with all the foods, it makes me very hungry. Going to visit Mexico would be worth it for the food alone!

I grew up in a small house. When I was very young, our house had two bedrooms and one bathroom for 5 of us. Finally when I was around 13, my father added on to our house and my parents got a new bedroom with their own bathroom. Back then, having more than one bathroom was a luxury. My uncle and aunt bought a house in the foothills that had 3 bathrooms and I was extremely surprised that any house had so many bathrooms! Today of course, I would find it hard to downsize from 3.5 baths my house to only one bath if I lived with more people. (I’m an empty nester.)

Anyway, yesterday’s episode with Mássimo telling Neto that it was his own fault and that he was a criminal, really made me angry. Yes, he was there illegally, yes he hired other undocumented workers, but Martín knew about it too. You don’t just kick a man when he is already down! When you have someone before you who has lost everything, you treat them with compassion and love, not deny them help! Especially with the fact he has three children with him and have nothing but the clothes on their backs. Pancho is the hero here because he will go out of his way to help people he has never met before. He is full of love and compassion. Maybe that is why Susana fell in love with him, because Pancho exudes warmth and love. It appears from the previews that Pancho is going to help them get a roof over their heads. Now he’s THE MAN!


Cynthja..yes, I agree, Pancho is the real definition of a man...kind, generous, loving,positive .

Ot... We built our house in the 70s, and we felt lucky to be able to have a full bathroom and a powder room. However, when our girls were preteens and our house was always filled with girls, I felt Hub needed a little privacy,so we added a bedroom and bathroom for us. It was a good decision.

Cynthia, thanks for being so candid about your reaction to all things Mexican in your adolescence. I think most of us can think back to attitudes we had during teenage or young adult years and just CRINGE. And once I had children and THEY became teenagers I often cringed again, remembering how I must have driven my parents crazy, or worse yet, disappointed them profoundly.

My mom's favorite saying was what her old Forks of Elkhorn, Kentucky grandmother used to say:

You pays fer yer rearin' when you have chill'un of yer own.

And boy do we! Only fair I guess. Alas, the most vocal critic of all my children will probably never have kids of his own. Oh well.

Judyb...or as The saying by goes, "What goes around, comes around."

Indeed, Susanlynn. Helps to have a sense of humor when it does.

Thank you, Cynthia, for a great recap with great screen shots.

And my thanks to today's commenters. I agree with everything said and second it!

Just two points, everybody moving into Pancho's apartment is so silly as to be absurd when Susana has a great house with a pool and lots of room. TN beanie time, definitely.

Yolo makes me laugh. Been there, seen that, didn't laugh at the time. Yolo makes me laugh now.



Andy, you are right. It would have made a lot more sense for Pancho and his children to move into Susana's house because I am sure it has a lot more room. But in our TNs, these logistics never make sense. If I were Susana with a nice house and a pool, you wouldn't see me moving into Pancho's apartment and being cramped for space.

Cynthia: I hope Daniela & the triplets get a happy ending & keeping my fingers crossed that bloodthirsty Guido doesn't kill them.


Thanks, Cynthia. Great recap.

Loved Pancho making the newcomers feel welcome. Seems pretty certain that Neto is Eugenio's. If Robert was jealous of Pancho, wonder how he'll feel about Neto

It is silly but I'm enjoying the blended family cramped together.

ITA Massimo's coldness to Neto's plight was a surprise.

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