Friday, February 08, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 2/8/19 Capítulo 104 Yearning for Home, the Past, and Peace

Crisanta asks about the deportation. Yolo explains that her father had a false green card and hired other illegals in the restaurant.  Andi corrects her and says that the word is "undocumented. "  Yolo continues saying because of her father's mistake they were all deported. She and her brothers are citizens of the USA but are minors so they had to come with her father and ended up in this place. She looks around in disgust.  Crisanta can understand her being angry but Oaxaca is a beautiful place. Santi tells his sister "Yolo" that Crisanta is right. Grecia thinks of Eugenio remembering his first love Yolotl and asks Santi what he called his sister. He called her Yolo. He explains it comes from her real name Yolotl.  Grecia says that is not a common name. Grecia tries to put on her counseling hat with Neto's  kids saying that they went through an intense experience and that she understands how they are feeling. Yolo doesn't think she understands how SHE feels.  Yolo explains how they lost all of their stuff, their home,  their friends, their whole life.  Crisanta asks if their mother came with them, too. Santi is about to answer but Andi cuts him off saying that they do not know where their mother is. She left them a long time ago. Yolo makes it clear again that she hates being there.  Grecia tells her you can always start over again.

Polita has her boxes of juice ready to sell at her dance class. She sees it as the key to changing the way they live. She has a fantasy of herself as the elegant rich lady of the house with Imelda and Audifaz waiting on her and Ari.

The whole family is in the living room. Blanca  is in tears and is angry that nobody told her about Eugenio's diagnosis.  They are a family that should be together through good times, bad times and worse.  Eugenio says it was his decision. He wanted to put it off as long as possible but his memory is deteriorating much quicker than he thought it would.  Imelda said none of them wanted to see Blanca suffering like she is now.  Blanca says she should have knows from the very start to support him. The doorbell rings and Linda goes to answer it. She sees who it is and goes out in the hall. She asks the person what they are doing at her house.

Neto tells Ramón all of the bottles of mezcal are the same and they are all watered down. He needs to talk to Mr. Mussi to see if the defect is only in these bottles or in more. Ramón is impressed with Neto and thanks him. That could have caused him problems with his clientele.  Ramón Tells Neto to go work in the kitchen next. Ernesto asks if he can make a treat in the restaurant oven for his kids when his shift is over. Ramón says sure after his work is done. They shake hands. Neto thanks Ramón.

Axel is at the door. Linda wants to know why he is there. She takes him down the hall to talk. It is important that she know something. She tells him she doesn't want to see him. He hurt her a lot. She closes the door on him.

Clarisa needs to talk to someone and feels like she can trust Guido like a brother. She has a serious personal problem. Guido says she can trust him like a brother. She tells him she has chlamydia.

Still in the living room, Eugenio wants Blanca to tell him how she feels no matter what that is. Blanca doesn't want him to forget her or that she loves him.  Eugenio says he will never allow himself to forget that they love each other. Blanca hugs him.

Guido says he is not on to judge or anything but does she know how she got it. She says Axel. He asks her if she is bring treated. She is going to see the doctor tomorrow and hopes the medicine works. She is also in the middle of a moral dilemma. There is another girl who could be infected.  The problem is that she knows the girl. She doesn't know how to tell her but won't tell Guido who  the other girl is.

Blanca is still  not happy that nobody told her anything about Eugenio but they will face his condition together as  a family.

Pancho asks Susana to rethink moving to her house.  Pancho doesn't want them to be separated. Susana thinks it is better to just take this more slowly for the sake of their kids.  Everyone can live at their own  place and it will be calmer.  They can all still spend time together.  After the wedding, they can live together. Pancho still does not agree. Susana tells him that the decision has been made. He doesn't agree. She tells him again that she has already made the decision. He finally says okay.

Julio and Sebas get into an argument over a quilt. Next, it escalates to a pillow fight.

Ari tells Temo that he cannot afford his school tuition and  will probably  be dropped. His mother cannot pay it even with her working at the store. She has to pay for childcare for Arqui. Nothing is going on right now with his modeling for Cklass and his mother's juice business hasn't started.  Temo wants to talk to his dad so he can lend Ari some money. Temo, also, has his own money. Ari says no. It is his problem to solve.

It is supper time at Crisanta's and Yolo is moaning about the food.  She doesn't like the chicken but maybe she would eat some  salmon with asparagus or some low fat yogurt. In her own style, Crisanta tells her this is not a restaurant. Yolo doesn't understand Crisanta's slang.  Grecia tells her that one must be grateful in this life and Crisanta prepared a delicious chicken for her.  Yolo will only eat organic chicken with  no hormones. Crisanta laughs and tells her she has too many hormones herself.  Santi says his sister is picky when it comes to food. Crisanta asks only food?  Grecia asks Andi what he is reading. Santi calls Andi a "nerd". Andi says he is not a nerd but would call himself an educated person.  He has a book "Don Quijote" where Cervantes' character Quijote faces all sort of challenges and never gives up just like his father. Neto comes in with a birthday cake that he baked for Andi and Santi. The twins think this is just great. Neto thanks Crisanta and Grecia for looking after his kids. There is nothing to thank them for event though they couldn't satisfy his daughter's culinary tastes . They all look at her.  Yolo says she will be fine with an apple, gabs one and leaves to go to bed.  Grecia asks her if she wants a pair of pajamas. Yolo doesn't like used clothing.  Neto tells Yolo to be nice. She ignores him.  He apologizes for her behavior saying she is at a difficult age and her attitude is not the best.   Grecia says that they noticed. Crisanta insists on getting candles for the birthday cake.  He tells the twins he got his job back at the bar. He also is looking for a way to get their stuff sent to them from Miami and to get back into their place at the  Córcega building.  Looking surprised, Grecia asks what relationship he has with the Córcega's.  He says  he just met them and that is where he was living. Andi says they don't want them there and want Yolo even less. Grecia remembers Eugenio talking about Yolotl. Neto says he needs to make peace with them because the rent isn't very expensive and he has to to save all he can for the kids' tuition.  Furthermore, Neto feels like the place is very familiar; like they belong there.

Blanca declares it is bed time as she and Eugenio are left alone on the living room.  She says they have had their share of  emotions. Eugenio would like to stop time. Eugenio is upset because it seems that  time is playing a bad trick on him. Not only has it made him  old but now it will rob him of all he has left: his memories.  Blanca tells him that since he is the love of her life, she is going to remember all of his memories for him.

Sebas and Julio are still arguing about the quilt. When Julio tells Sebas to get out, Sebas  punches Julio in the face. The fight is on!  Julio returns the favor and gives Sebas a bloody nose.  Pancho and Susana separate the boys. Susana decides she and Sebas are leaving the apartment right now. Pancho is not happy.

At Crisanta's, everyone is singing "Las mañanitas" to Andi and Santi.  The boys make a wish before blowing out the candles. Andi wants his old life back. Santi wants to see his mother.

Pancho and Susana clean up the room.  Pancho wants them to stay here so they can talk about the fight in the morning.  Susana isn't waiting around for this to happen again. Although they do not want to admit it, the healthiest thing to do now is to live separately. Susana tells the two boys to think about what they did and  finally gets Sebas and Julio to apologize to each other.

Neto thinks about Andi wanting his life back. Since his own phone is dead, he  finds a  phone in the kitchen and makes a call. The number is not available.  He leaves a message for Mayrín. (?) He is trying to find her  because he  needs to get his stuff from his house. Can she please call him? Grecia comes in the kitchen and scares him. He is worried he made a call from the house phone. Grecia tells him not to worry.  She gets him to join her in having some of the cake he made. She also mentions that  the kids told them about the  deportation. Neto tries to be strong in front of his children but he describes deportation as being sent into exile. It is as if the floor drops out from under you. Everything he worked for all those years was gone in an instant.  He isn't just talking about material things like the house and the car,  he is also talking  about memories, photos, documents, things form his mother. It tore out a piece of who he was, who he is.  He lived in the USA for so long that now he is learning how to adapt to Mexico. He feels like he is lost but doesn't want his children to get lost too.

Blanca opens up her Hermoso chewed journal and writes that from now on her journal entries  will be dedicated to Eugenio.  She will dedicate a part of each day to writing their memories form the day they met until he won't recognize them anymore.

Neto explains to Grecia that he was working as a bouncer at the restaurant because he was doing all he could to support his family. She asks what his life was like in Miami.  He worked many many years to become a restaurant manager, to become "someone" in that country, to fulfill the "American Dream". but the most difficult part was so that his children would be proud of him and admire him.  Then he fell off that pedestal in an instant. Now he feels like a failure. Grecia tells him not to think like that. She reminds  him that he is striving to support his children  by getting his job back at the bar  and he is putting up a fight just like at the market where they first met. They both laugh as they remember. Neto feels like life brought him back to Oaxaca for a reason.  His mother and he were both born here. Grecia agrees that  life is sending him a message. He is here to start over, to find his origin, his roots.  Mexico is still in his blood and in his heart no matter how long he was abroad.  He thanks Grecia for her kind words.  He never thought he would have told all of this to a stranger.  Grecia tells him that besides being a "fish winner", she is also a neruo-psychologist"  and even though they have gotten to know each other through some unfortunate events, they are more alike than he would think.  He asks really? Yes, she also just recently arrived in Oaxaca to start fresh.  Although they seem to have nothing in common, they are very similar.  They both have a new goal to get up and restart their lives. They almost kiss when Susana comes into the house yelling at Sebas and talking about punishing him.  Neto and Grecia jump up. Susana explains that they are back from Pancho's because things just got to be too much. So, they are now going to live here. Grecia sees Sebas' face and asks him if he remembers when they talked about violence.  Neto tells Susana that there is even more of a reason now that he and his family will be leaving tomorrow and then  thanks her for everything. He thanks Grecia, too. She smiles as he walks away.

Blanca is still writing and crying about Eugenio.

Blanca, Linda , Dani, Dave and Frida decide to paint Dani's room so it will be all decorated when the triplets come home.  They decide to film parts of it for Blanca's video tips for new mothers.  Blanca also talks to Dave about not telling his parents about Eugenio's Alzheimer's so they do not get upset and worried. She promises to tell them as soon as they get home.

Eugenio starts screaming "No" and they run to his room to see what is wrong. He is hysterical with fear and states that he does not want to have this his illness. He does not want it.

Ari is at home for breakfast with Polita who is preparing some eggs with Doña María mole sauce.  She asks what is wrong with him. Did he and Temo have a fight? No. He wants to talk to her about jealousy . He thinks that jealousy damages  things in a relationship but he doesn't know how to avoid it. Polita says that a couple has to build trust by talking. Ari says the secret is that a  couple should not keep secrets from each other. She agrees.

The whole painting crew is in Eugenio's room. Dave says they are all there to help him remember. Whatever happens, they will all be together. Frida agrees whatever happens, they will never be separated.  Linda is going to go make her father a cup of tea. Eugenio thanks them for being there with him. Blanca says there is no need because they are his family.  Eugenio expresses his exasperation in  that sooner or later they are going to suffer because of his illness.

Neto calls Massimo Mussi about the diluted Mezcal di Amore. He is confident in what he told him because he has been acquainted with his product for some time.  He is sure that it is watered down  He has spent years studying mezcal and the agave plant. There is no doubt.

Eugenio tells his family that he feels feels powerless. Blanca tries to give him some hope.  They will battle the sorrow as they always have. She reminds him that they have been together for almost 40 years.

At the distillery, Nonno sniffs and tastes the mezcal. Guido comes in. Nonno asks him how is it that the mezcal being sold is watered down. Guido sys he has no idea. Nonno reminds him that the quality of each and every batch is HIS  responsibility. Guido says that he himself supervised every step. Guido wants to know who told him it was watered down.  Nonno tells him it was Ernesto Rey the restaurant manager from Miami who was deported. He is working at bar and called him to tell him about the diluted mezcal.  Guido thinks Ernesto is lying and it is all a ploy to get to know Nonno. Nonno disagrees because Ernesto has nothing to gain. Guido thinks it must be a be a blackmail scheme then. Nonno doesn't have to worry. Guido assures him that he will find out the truth.

Neto goes back to the Córcega apartment building.  He sees Juan Pablo's initials on the tree.He knocks on the door and shortly  Imelda comes out with Audifaz.  They look like they are going somewhere. Imelda asks iNeto f he didn't hear her when she said she didn't want to see him again at her building.   Neto says he is ready to make her a proposal.  If she lets him return to the one bedroom attic apartment, he will be able to pay her rent.  Imelda is not interested after what happened with his daughter. She does not want them living there.  He promises to talk very seriously with his daughter Yolotl.  Imelda and Audifaz suddenly both look shocked.  Imelda asks him what  was his daughter's name again. He says it is Yolotl. He named her after his mother.  Both Imelda and Audi are clearly upset.


Some thoughts:

I got a good laugh out of Polita's fantasy of her and Ari being the rich people with Imelda and Audi being their servants.

Ari should think back on his own jealousy of Diego if he wants to understand the situation with Temo. It didn't happen all that long ago when he was controlled by the green eyed monster.

The argument and resulting fight between Sebas and Julio was done very well.

They could have given us a Neto-Grecia kiss, couldn't have they???? LOL

“Yearning for Home, the Past and Peace”. Outstanding and bears repeating. Jarifa, this was the quintessential recap.

“Crisanta laughs and tells her she has too many hormones herself”. Love it.

So much bitter interspersed among the sweet last night. Poli’s fantasy as the lady of the manor being waited on by Imelda and Audi was a bright, shooting star. The actress looked beautiful. Blanca’s emotional agony was almost unbearable. And while she chastises her family for not telling her about Eugenio, she “…talks to Dave about not telling his parents about Eugenio's Alzheimer's so they do not get upset and worried”. And there you have it.

Everyone rallying around Eugenio would hurt the staunchest heart. So many excellent comments have been made about what Eugenio is going through, Judy and andy in particular late yesterday. How devastating for the person and those they love.

I am afraid for Neto now that Guido knows he found out about the watering down of the mescal. And even more so for “his future wife” Linda if he finds out it is her that Axel infected.

What is in the water in this TN? Daniel Arenas and Gabe Soto have never been more appealing. I’ve never seen Gabe smile as much. Charming and utterly mesmerizing. He and Grecia seem perfect together.

So where is Mrs. Neto? Aside from Yoyo’s nastiness, what would cause her to walk out on such a family??

“Ari should think back on his own jealousy of Diego if he wants to understand the situation with Temo”. I’d forgotten that Jarifa, what a timely reminder. Ari just doesn’t seem “into it”. I wish I could remember what patio member said Ari doesn’t seem into anyone…

So is Susana’s return to her casa going to mean Neto and family will be nomadic once again?? They can’t find a room at any inn for more than a few hours.

Enjoying the fast pace here. So Grecia already has a suspicion on Neto’s origins and now, Imelda and Audi have a clue. Will she realize he is her grandson? Can’t wait to find out.

Fantastic episode eclipsed by an even better recap. I’m in heaven.

Thank you Jarifa!


Thanks, Jarifa. Beautiful job. I loved Polita's fantasy too.

I'm relieved Susana took the reins and moved out of Pancho's for now. But honestly blood siblings who actually love each other can fight just like Sebas and Julio did. I like that Julio, who's smaller, doesn't back down.

Neto is a man of mystery. So hard working, loving and hot, yet his wife abandons the family. I'm wondering if he was forced to flee Oaxaca way back when and if Imelda could have had a hand in it.

Grecia and Neto are moving faster than I thought they would. Yay, bring on the romance.

Crisanta's crack that Yoli had too many hormones already was a hoot.

I always love Blanca and Eugenio's quiet scenes together. All in all, last night was a fine episode.

Thank you Jarifa, and great editorial comments! I won't be able to watch this until later today and look forward to my telenovela hour.

"Neto feels like the place is very familiar; like they belong there.". So do we have a new telenovela thing --- la llamada del edificio? ... la llamada del hogar?

Pancho's first two wives left him, IIRC, one through illness the other just leaving him (and the marriage) and dying in a car accident? (I might have all that mixed up...) By now he probably has some real abandonment issues. And staying in Chez Córsega is a plot propeller. Maybe Pancho knows he is in a telenovela and the the plot devices. 🤔

Seriously, I don't blame Susana for moving out. The space is too small, they're on top of each other, and the kids are not getting along. Stuff like that can kill a relationship.

Well darn, I want Neto & kids to stay at Crisanta's so she could straighten out Yolo and her attitude. Cris is the perfect foil.

Jarifa and Diana, great comments. I could handle Ari's jealousy okay because it seemed the typical type. But Temo is so vulnerable it hurts to see it. I was glad he put his foot down with Pancho about moving, but his desperation about losing Ari if he doesn't stay close by him is scary. If I were Ari I would find Temo stifling. Temo too needs to seek advice on jealousy.

Beanie moment. Gabe sister confided in Guido about having chlamidya. Really? Please. She would have talked to her sister.

Doris, watching this episode will be worth the wait.

Looking forward to watching this later (and for a while, I could not say that).

Lovely title, rather poetic actually. And I especially liked this, Jarifa:

Grecia tries to put on her counseling hat with Neto's kids saying that they went through an intense experience and that she understands how they are feeling. Yolo doesn't think she understands how SHE feels.

Yeah, sometimes "putting on your counseling hat" doesn't go over. But I'll be interested to see how this evolves.

And like Doris, I was struck by Neto's feeling that the place is very "familiar" they belong there. "Familiar" = like Family. As well as familiar.

Call of the blood for sure!

And agree with Diana, having a smiling, hawt fella like Neto around is good for all of us! (Okay Andy, for you there's Grecia).

And while we're all thinking how could Yolotl abandon this hunky guy, sometimes women feel ground down by the demands of a family and escape into new romances where "they are the stars of their own drama". It's not right, but it happens.

We're back to low, low, temps here but the sun is shining and that gets us gloomy Ohioans all excited! Have a great day everyone.

What happens if you get caught with an "Undocumented" drivers License of Car registration?

Niecie: So Linda got poisoned by the Psychopath Guido ?

Thank you, jarifa. Glad we have Neto and Grecia's budding romance to alleviate some of the depressing storylines.

OT...judyb...Cold but very sunny here. Sold hub's pride and joy candy apple red (his favorite color ) Tahoe today ...half an hour of ugly crying at the neighborhood notary . Then , as soon as I got home, I got a call from a friend asking me to go with her tomorrow to see our friend IN hospice in the hospital. Too much sadness.Exhausted.

Another excellent recap, Jarifa! Like Diana the commentator, I too was struck that Blanca is asking Dave to conceal the knowledge of Eugenio's Alzheimers from Robert and Julieta, just as her family concealed it from her for a while. I hope it makes her more understanding of their motivations. Given Yolo's name and grandmother, in addition to Eugenio's mental problems with Alzheimers, I had been halfway expecting him to mistake her for the "original" Yolotl.

Jarifa, thank you for this great recap. This episode was the best in quite a while and you did it justice.

JudyB, thank you for gifting me Grecia, but I think she has other ideas    :-)

And slow down ladies, it's still too soon for the first Grecia & Neto kiss as there was no mescal on the table. (Time to initial romantic entanglement is inversely proportional to quantity of alcohol consumed :)

Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger.

Some especially great comments here today. I agree that Clarisa confiding to Guido that she may have chlamydia was unlikely. And I would like to see more Crisanta/Yolo dueling, if anybody can straighten out that girl it would be Crisanta. But it looks like Yolo has other issues not yet touched on. Her look when Neto brought in the birthday cake for the twins was interesting. Something upset her, I don't know what.

It's chilly here today, but no snow so no complaints.


If grandma Yolotl's personality was anything like this Yolo's, it's just as well she and Eugenio broke up.

Guido, Axle, Yolo, Audifaz, Imelda need to go away with Tulo,

Susanlynn...oh my, what a double whammy of grief. Not surprised that candy apple red was Hub's favorite color, somehow that sounds just right. But how hard it must have been to sell that car. I only hope that Hub's spirit will carry over and that whoever buys it will become a wonderful, giving, caring person like he was.

Visiting friends in hospice care is one of the most difficult things we will ever do in life. And we will do it many times over. Even considering it "paying it forward" it is tough.

But back to the story... Am enjoying all thos INCANDESCENT smiles lighting up my TV screen between Neto and Grecia. I'm fine with waiting for kisses etc; those smiles are more than enough to put a equally broad smile on my face. Plus the lovely sunshine outside. Got in two walks outside for my mental health. We tend to be sun starved and depressive here.

Anita...I like tattoos ,but I am too chicken to get one myself. My friend Dan has a beautiful tattoo of a tiger on his forearm done by a fine artist .

Whoops..My comment on tattoos to Anita was supposed to be on the Amar recap. Sorry.

Here is an updated list of PSA's. The last time we looked at these was the end of October. Please let me know what we need to add.

1. alcoholism and AA
2 internet predators
3. depression
4. adoption and all that entails
5. divorce, child custody and all that entails
6. marriage, death and inheritance rights
7. arthritis
8. diabretes
9. ageing and all that entails
10. mid-life crisis
11. swimming safety and CPR
12 low self-steeem and extreme dieting
13. discrimination against gays
14. discrimination against women
15. discrimination against the physically scarred
16. kissing cousins and societal taboo?laws?
17 erectile dysfunction
18. infertility and treatment
19. youth suicide prevention
20. dog bites and rabies (not done very well)
21. scentless natural gas
22. deportation of the undocumented from the USA
20. firework safety
21 Alzheimer's disease
22. Pyramid schemes/multi-level marketing
23. Bullying
24. Child abuse
25. importance of good parenting
26 unprotected sex
27. STD's
28. crime victims and the aftermath

Advertising for: CKLass, Bimbo and Doña María mole sauce

Thank you Jarifa. Again, your title was perfect and totally encompasses the heart of the story.

My favorite part was with Neto's children at the kitchen table talking with Crisanta and Grecia. When Crisanta is like this, as the understanding grandmother type, is very heart warming. I look at Crisanta's personality in these cases and see what a good mom and grandmother she is. Then when Neto came back with the birthday cake...this is the sign of a father really going way beyond the call of duty in his situation. If it were me, I'd be tired out and tell everyone to just leave me alone in a hot bath. But Neto is doing backflips for his family to make sure they are feeling loved and secure even though they have been deported.

There is a word in Spanish for how I would describe Yolo: "Sangrona". It's got more emotion behind it than just being a nuisance or annoying.

I laughed when one of the boys said "illegal" and was corrected by his brother with the politically correct word of "undocumented". Well six or 1/2 dozen or the other, it's all the same thing and the results are the same. The word "undocumented" probably makes some people feel better.

The last part of the show where Imelda and Audi nearly fell over when Neto told them his mother's name was Yolotl...Is Imelda going to turn away her own grandson and great grandchildren?


Thank you, Jarifa, for the splendid recap. Sometimes I get the jest of what going on even though I don't understand the dialog but not this episode! I really appreciate the recaps and the postings. 25 PSA's, Wow!

You know I really wanted Tulio to be the father of Neto and Grandfather of his children. I haven;t given up that hope! I think Yolotl took him there when he was a little boy. When he looked to Juan Pablo's initials on the tree it brought back a fuzzy memory.

I think Massimo will offer him a job in the Mezcal distillery. He told Massimo he had studied about the plants and his experience with mescal. Neto will be his expert.


Good morning everyone.

Enjoyed every single comment. What a wise group.

Jarifa, I tried to think, but I can't find one issue you didn't cover in your list. All inclusive for sure!

Susanlynn, I'm sorry for your continuing heartaches. I can only hope the passage of time eases your pain.


I finally had time to watch this episode last night, and have to agree that it was a good episode and well done. The Blanca and Blanca/Eugenio scenes were wonderfully done and so heartbreaking that I cannot watch much more of them.

Linda and Axel is such a typical telenovela trope. Important info to be relayed,the other person won't talk to them, and it never occurs to Axel to just yell out the information. Telenovelas...argh! Clarissa telling Guido did not seem normal to me, u less they've always had a close relationship, which I doubt. Beanie hat time?

Crisanta telling Yolo that she is not running a restaurant . . . brings back memories --- I heard that all the time from my mother while growing up. LOL. One of my younger sibs was a finicky eater.

What a busy weekend! Somehow it is nice for it to be a Monday and back on schedule.

Thanks, everyone, for visiting the patio and your insightful comments. They are appreciated and always give me a new way to look at aspects of the novela.

Diana, thank you for your complimentary comments. What is in the water indeed? Daniel Arenas and Gabriel Soto both have been very attractive in this one. Two galanes for the price of one? I am loving the fast pace, too. Just keep the plot moving!

Niecie, ITA it was time for Susana to just move out with Sebas.. I am a firm believer in preventing problems if at all possible. Pancho needed a beanie if he thought that situation with the boys was going to get better anytime soon given the logistics. He should have been happy they had a choice to avoid the situation.

doris, loved “la llamada del edificio” “la llamada del hogar” as a new telenovela “thing”.

Everyone, Clarisa confiding in Guido was not believable at all. Geez, it isn’t as if she were dying.

JudyB, I cringed when I heard Grecia say she knew how Yolo felt. Eventhough I cannot stand Yolo, nobody knows how she feels except for Yolo.

doris, JudyB, there is something comforting about Blanca and the family. I can understand Neto being attracted to it and wanting his children living in such a place beyond the “llamada del hogar”.

Susanlynn, the budding romance should be heartfelt but also fun.

SpanProf, yes, Diana’s comment about Blanca asking Dave to do exactly what was done to her was right on the money. It would have been interesting if Eugenio would have mistaken her for his Yolotl.

AndyBanda, you have me laughing this a.m. about there being no mezcal in the table. Our weekend weather was just fine until a dusting of snow yesterday afternoon turned into a couple of inches. More of the white stuff tonight into tomorrow.

Cynthia, yes! ”sangrona” hits it on the head. Crisanta is one of my favortie characters. I also agree that outside of the comedy loop, she is down to earth, wise, kind and believable. Also, the way she dresses, her build, her hair and her handbag remind me of my aunties when I was growing up.

MaryKat, we are at least 25 PSA’s already. Who knows how many when this wraps up. I hope Massimo gives Neto a hand and a job. You are right, he could be Massimo’s expert.

doris, the restaurant comment was a blast from the past for me, too. My mother made ONE meal. Either you are it or you didn’t “punto final”. Period.


Nice to see the patio is crackling along, nice and toasty this Winter morning. We had lovely snow yesterday. But today is rainy and of course the roads are slick and dangerous.

Carmen Salinas as Crisanta is more than holding her own in this one. I've always enjoyed her acting. Still hard for me to watch Silvia Pinal with her horribly swollen lips but God love her, she's evidently at least 87. To still be putting in long hours filming telenovelas is a tribute to her gumption. In the past, several male actors have passed away during the filming of a story, so I guess that is the ethos...keep acting as long as you're offered parts, and go to the más allá doing what you love to do.

OT...well, here we go back to winter. We got about an inch of snow last night causing slippery roads. The local schools had a Two hour delay. However, tonight they are predicting 3to 5 inches of snow plus freezing rain and sleet starting at 7pm tonight and going until 7pm tomorrow.#ihatewinter

JudyB, I am so grateful that there is an outlet for great actors like Silvia Pinal to still be able to practice their craft no matter what their age in Mexican productions. The US entertainment industry would do well to follow the example of Mexico and its LatinAmerican counterparts in including older actors in productions rather than just discarding them. They keep forgetting that many baby boomers do have money to spend and will be officially labeled as elderly soon if not already; but that is a whole other conversation about demographics. We will have to agree to disagree on her appearance since I think she looks great for 87. Btw, following the gran final of MMTMF on Sunday 2/24 on Las Estrellas network in Mexico, there is a bio series premiering about Silvia Pinal in which. Itatí Cantoral will play her. I hope to catch that somewhere some place. I do not know if it will air here.

La Pinal is amazing to still be working at her age. Loretta Lynn is is the same age (87) and has a concert performance scheduled later this year. That is amazing. I wonder how her voice has held up?

Actress Betty White, here in the U.S., is now 97 and still going strong. Old age has been very kind to her, and I always enjoy her in movies and TV shows.


doris, and just think of Tony Bennett at 92.

Doris...I love Betty White. She always reminded me of my mother. " The Golden Girls" is still one of the funniest shows I have ever seen.

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