Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 2/20/19 Capítulo 112 Hermoso at Death's Door--OR--Guido Plays "Equalizer"

Linda starts to react saying that none of this was necessary. She had been to the doctor already and wasn't infected. The family starts to pile on. Blanca says "Thank God" but that does not take away from the fact that she COULD have been infected. Eugenio reminds her that this shows that Linda wasn't taking care of herself. Imelda adds that the case could be that Linda was having sex with several different people. Linda  loses it and screams that it wasn't like that.  Furthermore, her private life is her private life.  Why does Imelda want to control everything? Imelda never should have looked at her phone in the first place. She invaded her privacy. Imelda guesses it was with her cousin, right?

Fernando decides that maybe the dog had enough of the bone. Some dogs have allergies to them. Frida takes it away. Hermoso just lies there. Frida looks at the end he chewed.

Ari doesn't like the idea of a tattoo. Temo apologizes saying he just got carried away because of his dad's wedding. Ari doesn't think it is a bad idea. He is just thinking of is family's reaction to when he got his ear pierced. Ari asks why Temo wanted them to get tattoos.  Temo says Ari has changed his life and he wants to be with him forever.  He wants to remember every single day of their story including what they are now and what they are going to be. Temo asks if he is being corny. Ari says no but then admits yes,  he is being very corny. They tease. Temo offers to give it to him as an anniversary gift.  Ari accepts.

Santi and Andi don't understand why she would want to look for their mother. She never bothered looking for them not even o their birthdays or Xmas. Yolo rolls her eyes and said their  mother left because of "adult circumstances" that they don't understand. She assures them that their mother loves them which they will see themselves when they find her. Yolo loves the twins love her, too. The twins  tell her that she should love their dad, too, since he works hard for them every single day because he loves them.

Grecia is passed out on the couch. Ernie covers her with a blanket.  In her sleep, she is crying and asking for help. She is having a nightmare of a man grabbing her from the back and her hands being covered in blood. Guido hears what she says. She grabs his hand. He removes his hand and leaves her to sleep it off.

Dani is all set to move out of the home she shared with Gabriel. She  goes to each room and lights a candle and thanks it for its role in her life.  She relives moments with Gabriel. She thanks Gabriel for all he did to support her allowing her to become and accomplish what she has.  She will be strong and push on ahead.

Fernando plays with Dave. They play with his top. Frida is more interested in looking up makeup tips. Dave cannot get into the makeup thing and keeps playing with the top and Fernando.  The bone sits on the table. Hermoso is under the coffee table in the living room and whimpering.

Guido comes in as Dani is leaving her old home. Guido admires the babies. Dani explains that she just came by to say goodbye to the house. Guido says he will be doing the same soon because he has found a new house for himself and Nonno. She asks how his friendship with Linda is going.  Guido says he is marvelous but truth be told he is really quite an introvert and hasn't had a lot of experience with women.  Dani tells him what she told Linda. They should start out being friends. They have a lot to gain from each other. Guido smiles and agrees.

Linda tells Imelda in no uncertain terms that she is an adult and has a right to her own private life and also to make her own mistakes.  When Imelda won't let the topic go, Linda tells her that Imelda acts like she has never been wrong, but she has made mistakes, too. Does Imelda remembering keeping that secret from the whole family?  Blanca tries to calm her down by saying they were only talking to her  for her own good. An exasperated Linda tells them they all need to maintain a certain distance and that her personal life is not any of their business. As Imelda harps on about Linda getting on the right path, Linda says that is exactly what she is doing  She is working hard all by herself to show everyone that she she can make it on her own and can help others.  Blanca agrees. That does no sit well with Linda who informs them  that they do not really see her or value anything that she does.

Neto runs into a "beauty masked" Crisanta  and asks her what she knows about Grecia since he is still thinking about what she said in her sleep.  Crisanta says they have known Grecia ever since they lived in Baja California. She and Susana were the best of friends. No, she never got married or anything. Crisanta always hoped she would find a good guy. Crisanta says he is single, right? Neto doesn't want to talk about that topic since has children. Crisanta invites him to come and sit.

On his honeymoon, Pancho is  brushing his teeth thinking about three big kids there and three more kids there and not remembering what it is like to be in a quiet place.  He hears Susana say she likes silence a lot and that gets him to rinse his mouth quickly and go into the bedroom. She continues to tell  him on their bed  that she likes silence because silence lets us. . . Pancho finishes the sentence saying it allows him to hear her breathing, to catch her fragrance, to let her hear him when she says she loves him. . . etc. As they get more romantic, the lights go off and they get a call from hotel management that the electricity is out. They curl up together and fall asleep like two babies complee with a lullaby playing in the background.

Before he leaves, Fernando tells Dave that even though he is working a lot, he is going to make a point of visiting Dave  even more.  Dave is happy.  Fernando tells him he is just a phone call away.  They love each other.

Hermoso is still whimpering under the coffee table.

Polita is overwhelmed by the number of the Nutri Gray nutritional juice boxes pile d in her apartment. She feels better when she sees Arqui because she is doing it all  for him. They are going to move on ahead. The doorbell rings and it is Eduardo her lawyer.  It really hurts him to give her this news. He hands her some documents. Imelda and company are taking her to court to win custody of little Arqui.  Polita will do whatever she has to to keep him.

Back at the apartment building, Dani thanks Linda for coming for her and wishes she had been there when the family ganged up on her.  The Rey twins are in the hall They say hello and ask if there is anything that Linda and Dani could hire them to do. They want to make some money to help out their dad.  Dani suggests they help with her moving. The boys are excited.

Dani goes into Blanca's looking for Hermoso. She finds him whimpering under the coffee table and hardly moving. She wraps him in a blanket and is going to take him to the vet. Dani asks Blanca what happened to him. Did he get out?  Eugenio is betting he ate something that made him ill. Blanca asks if anyone gave the dog chocolate. Frida says they didn't give him anything except a rawhide chew bone and Dave's dad told them to take it away since dogs can be allergic to them. Dani doesn't remember any of them bringing a rawhide chew bone for Hermoso. Blanca sends the kids looking for the rawhide chew bone. Dani leaves for the vet.

Neto is home and is happy that his twins are being good and well in school. He wants them to know that they do not have to make money by helping Dani with her moving.  They want to help him out. Neto says they are very young to be helping with moving. The twins explain they are just going to be carrying boxes. Nothing dangerous. Neto asks if Yolo can help, too.  Surprisingly she says yes since he has done so much for them. It is time for them to help him out.  They all ask if they have his permission to take the job. Neto says yes and reminds them to behave themselves.

Linda catches up with Dani at the vet. The vet tells them that she is pumping Hermoso's stomach. The dog was poisoned. Dani and Linda do not know how that could have happened.  As for Hermoso's condition, they will all have to wait and see.

Susana and Pancho are sleeping outside on a white bed on the beach as the sun rises They wake up and Pancho asks where they are. Susana says they are dreaming. They don't want to wake up. Susana repeats her name "Susana Córcega de López". Pancho says it sounds so pretty. She is his woman and he is all hers, etc. She the  brings up that they don't know where they are going to live yet. Pancho gets her back in dream mode. It is time for romance!  They finally come up for air, both ecstatic and quickly decide to go for more romance.

It's morning and Dani is still at the vet.  Linda comes to be with her. The kids come next.  Linda leaves for work. The vet comes out to tell them all that Hermoso is in critical condition the raw hide chew bone must have been poisoned.  Frida tells Dani that they found the bone in a box in the kitchen. Dave is afraid Hermoso will die. The kids are upset.

The Rey kids have shown up at Dani's to help everybody  move out. Nonno and Clarisa are happy for the help. Nonno asks  them to help pack up Guido's room. Guido isn't there right now. The twins and Yolo get to work.

At the local tattoo parlor, Temo and Ari decide that their matching tattoos will be on their forearms. They have decided on the design but who will go first? They each point to the other.  Seeing this reluctance, the tattoo artist asks if they are sure they want this done. Temo and Ari answer "yes!" in unison. It is clear that the tattoo experience is a bit more painful than either boy had anticipated but they end up happy. Ari says now all they have to do is tell their families.

Linda tells María (the girl burned with the iron) that she is worried about her. Maybe it would be a good idea to make an appointment with her father. Guido comes in  with a bag full of toys for the kids. Linda introduces Guido to María. Linda mentions she wants to meet María's father. María does not want him to come. After thinking back on being burned. María tells Linda that her father is not good; he is the one who burned her.

The next day Neto goes to see Grecia. Grecia  apologizes to Neto for having one too many glasses of mezcal the night before. She makes sure they didn't . . . Neto assures her there was none of that.  He tells her that she said how she "didn't want to kill him" and that "she needed help."  He asks her why.

The Rey kids are busy packing up Guido's room and talk abut his  strange books and belongings that look like he has lots of money.  They all get busy and pack up the stuff.  When Yolo removes a painting from the wall, a key falls on the floor.  As the twins are goofing around with Guido's bow ties, they knock a "book" off a dresser and a metal box falls out of it.  Yolo is upset because now the Mussi's are going to say they broke it and be angry with them.  Andi says that technically it is a strong box.  It can't be opened without a key.  Yolo shows them the key she found.  Santi opens the box. They drop it and white powder falls all over the floor. It looks like flour. Andi tells Santi not to touch it because they do not know what it is.  Yolo decides they should just leave it and pretend that nothing happened.  Santi says it smells like almonds.

Frida is all apologetic about the rawhide chew bone.  She didn't know it was poisoned.  Dani has faith that Hermoso will fight. He is a real strong dog.

Linda tells María that they are going to have to tell the police.  She says no.  Her father will just get more angry and hurt her some more.  Guido thinks back upon himself as a child as he was in his own bed and his parents argued in whispers.  Tavo appears on the scene and tells Linda that they have to talk.  She asks Guido to look after María for just a minute. Guido tells María that a parent should never hurt a child. Guido tells her not to worry because her father will not be hurting her anymore.

Neto tells Grecia that he never would judge her. He just wants to help and understand her if he can.
Grecia tells him that he heard something that he shouldn't have. It was a nightmare and she doesn't want to talk about it. Neto says that everybody needs a friend some time. She reminds him she is a psychologist. He says even psychologists need someone to listen to them once in a while. She smiles. He reminds her about their dinner that is still pending. She also tells him that certain secrets hurt too much to be told. She leaves.

Tavo informs Linda and Guido that they will need Dr. Sierra  to confirm that María's burns were inflicted by her father and if that is the cases charges will be brought against him. Linda is worried about María's safety. Tavo  says things have to move at their own pace to make sure all of the steps that the law prescribes are followed. Guido decides to find María's father so he knows she will be protected.

Yolo takes photos of the white powder and strong box. The twins think they should just tell Dani. Maybe they could test the powder in a lab. Nonno and Clarisa come in. Clarisa sees that they ruined one of Guido's books.  Yolo says while they were working, it fell. They could not help it.

Audifaz wants Tulio to stop  the custody proceedings in court. He doesn't want anymore problems with his family or separate Polita from Arqui.  Tulio does not give in and says this is being done to prevent future problems. Polita will raise Arqui to be a weakling  Audi thinks that God might have a plan for Ari that they are not aware of yet. Tulio informs him that ones's biology is not wrong. Tulio says a real man takes care of his family no matter what he has to do. They will take charge of Arqui and he will be happy.

In the mean time,  both Ari and Temo are already happy with their matching tattoos.

Back at the honeymoon, Pancho appears poolside with  a huge rubber ducky for himself and Susana to float around on. Susana is on a beach chair sunning herself and reading. She asks Pancho if he doesn't think it is just too much. He thinks she needs to imagine him and her enjoying paradise in the rubber ducky.  It is just too strange for her.  She tries to arrange his bright yellow shorts and matching top to make him look better. He also has on his red tennis shoes. He has drawn attention to himself. Susana  looks like she could die of embarrassment. Pancho thinks that they came here  to enjoy it all and not to worry what anyone else thinks.  He announces to everyone that she has a real handsome guy for a husband.  He repeats that he wants her to enjoy it all and not worry about what anyone thinks.  Susana agrees they are going to enjoy paradise and kisses him.

The vet has good news. Hermoso has finally come to. He will be okay to go home in a couple of hours.

Blanca tells Eugenio hat they have a big responsibility that has turned out to be their grand children. Eugenio remarks that they used to complain about an empty nest and now nearly all of their children are back home.  Blanca hopes that Dani, the kids and Hermoso are home soon.  She just couldn't deal with one more tragedy under their roof. Eugenio says that he could turn into being like a little child himself at any moment. She reminds him of their wedding vows "in sickness and in health". She also loves him and will always be there for him.

Guido and Linda go to see María's father. He thinks they are trying to sell him something. No, they are  there to see him about María.  They tell him that the  police are on their way. He calls María a liar and says she will pay for what she said. He tells them to get out.  Guido says he must to pick on people who aren't his size because he isn't much  of a man.  The father grabs Guido by the collar. Guido continues that he has to use violence because he is a coward. Guido shows no fear  and gets punched in the stomach. Guido tells him he is going to pay for all of his crimes and gets punched again.  There are sirens in the background. Linda jumps on the father's back but he throws her off. The police arrive and María's father is arrested. Guido is left suffering on the floor.

Eugenio wants to know if Blanca is still angry with him about Yolotl. She says it is not that she is angry. She is just uncertain. She wonders if he has dared to tell her all about his past. She has her doubts. Eugenio says it was just because this involved other people like his mother and brothers. Blanca asks if he should not have involved his wife? By the way, she invited Neto to dinner. Since there is the possibility that Neto is his son, they need to get to know him.


Wow! What a surprise! Guido actually acted in a very noble way right after trying to kill Hermoso. That was a shock.

I enjoyed Linda telling off Imelda as well as her parents for their meddling behavior and having no boundaries. Now she needs to grow up and move out so they do not have the chance to do it again.

Ari and Temo getting their tattoos had me smiling but Susana and Pancho in their "dream under the covers had me laughing the most.

Más mañana.


No show on Thursday.

I'm fearing they might combine episodes on Friday.

MMTMF ends this Sunday in MX, with Silvia Pinal: Frente a ti bioserie replacing it.

Jarifa, you’re title caught my eye... being the animal lover I am. If Hermoso becomes dead-oso, I’m making a voodoo doll for Guid-odioso and sticking needles in places that will hurt him the most!

Many thanks to you and Cynthia. The good thing about relying on just your recaps is that I can skip over anything that has “Imelda” or “Audifaz” in it :-)

Alex, you and I are on the same wavelength about Friday’s episode but I hope not. I wish they did the two hour gran final episodes here.

Rgv, “dead-oso” is perfect. I like your voodoo doll idea.

Thanks Jarifa. My shows did not record last night. Evil gremlins (little Guidos?) in the DVR box I guess. Just as well. Lots of crises in this one. But I thoroughly enjoyed the previous episode with all the dancing after the wedding. That was a real treat.

Now the motivation question. Did Guido act nobly only in order to impress Linda? Or does he have a better side, in addition to his homicidal one. Do sociopaths have a bit of empathy once in a while? Or was this just a calculated move to acquire an eventual wife and family? I'm opting for the latter.

Have a great day everybody. No matter what the weather brings. Seems like every day something crazy happens weather-wise. Fasten your seatbelts.

Jarifa: Guido still adding to a growing Body Count.

Wonderful Jarifa. Every word, every line.

You had many touching lines but my favorite was "Dave is happy. Fernando tells him he is just a phone call away. They love each other".

I was convinced Hermoso was going to die. I imagined Gabi would appear and take him to paradise where the two would always be together. That gave me a little comfort but the "real" ending was a huge relief. I loved the children rallying around Dani. As Blanca said thank heavens there was not another sad disaster.

“Linda is worried about María's safety. Tavo says things have to move at their own pace to make sure all of the steps that the law prescribes are followed”. Rationally, that is true. Emotionally? Arrest the monster and lock him away forever.

“Guido decides to find María's father so he knows she will be protected”. Well, there is still a remnant of humanity in Guido. That said, do we know what Guido’s parents were saying in the flashback? Did they physically harm him? Mentally abuse him or both? Judy, your thoughtful "Do sociopaths have a bit of empathy once in a while?" makes me feel the answer might be yes.

“Tulio does not give in”. Shut. Up. Tulio. You are truly your mother’s son. Did he learn nothing from the raw pain he caused by keeping Ana’s abduction of Robert secret? Now, he is the moving force behind separating Polita from her son. Horrible.

Pancho is starting to annoy me just a bit. The bright yellow shorts and tank and red sneakers? Pancho wants to stand out and Susana wants to blend in. andy, in real life, your giving their marriage two months tops (a few days ago) was spot on.

I couldn't imagine how Guido would get caught. Credit the writers for having the far from beloved Yolo being involved to ferret out his secrets. I hope they speak up. Hopefully it sparked some concern from Clarisa as she and Nono walked in.

Looking forward to anther father and child reunion - Eugenio and Neto.

Rgv Chick, so good to see your post. Also enjoyed “dead-oso” - so clever!

Treacherous ride in - ice, ice baby. I'm getting too old for this...

Jarifa, thank you for the excellent recap chock full of details!


I forgot to mention the title was superb :)


Thank you for your recap, Jarifa!

" Tulio says a real man takes care of his family no matter what he has to do. " And this is one way of undercutting Audi, who has done a sad job of taking care of his family from the beginning since he is chronically unemployed, he and his wife and kids always being fed by his own mother, etc., they would be homeless if Blanca & Eugenio made them pay rent.

Caramba! I can't wait (or maybe I can) to see Pancho's beachwear. The writers and wardrobe department are definitely making a statement about this character. What other personality traits did he keep from Susana? I'll be surprised if it lasts two months, too. But you never know . . .

"Do sociopaths have a bit of empathy once in a while?" JudyB - The answer is NO, according to Martha Stout's book The Sociopath Next Door, but most are convincing actors and can fake it well enough to fool people. This book is a very good read.

" If Hermoso becomes dead-oso, I’m making a voodoo doll for Guid-odioso" . . . "
RgvChick - I love your ---oso's!!!

Temo getting Ari to have a tattoo makes he think Temo is marking his territory. Branding him. Whatever. Ew.

Thanks, everyone, who was stopped on by and will stop on by the patio. This is a very busy day on my end. I hope to be a able to go back and edit my typos later and make more comments. Have a good one!

Thank you, Jarifa.

So glad that Hermoso is okay. Gee, these writers enjoy making us squirm.

I have always been amazed at the pairing of the elegant and understated Susana and flamboyant manchild Pancho. I like sweet guys with positive attitudes, but Pancho is a bit eccentric and out there .

Well, my driveway was plowed out this morning for the fourth time this winter. We only had 2 1\2_inches of snow yesterday , but it was followed by sleet and freezing rain. I don't know if I could have gotten my little front wheel drive car up my slightly inclined driveway to get over to my daughter's to get my grandgirls off the bus and make dinner. Anyway, I am so done with snow and ice.

Diana, driving in ice is the worst. Glad you made it in to work safe and sound . Going up to 50 here today, so lots of melting . 60 predicted for Sunday ....then maybe another wintry mix event the middle of next week. Uff

Thank you Jarifa---another great and creative title! The rest of it was great too.

I am so glad that Hermoso is going to be okay. I hope this inspires Daniela to start investigating.

It was good to see Linda going off on Imelda as Imelda just sits there thinking she is the Queen of Righteousness. She is more like the Queen of hypocrisy and righteous in her own eyes. With her being behind taking Arqui away from Polita is the height of her hypocrisy, since she sent a way a young pregnant woman who was carrying her grandchild. I guess she didn’t think that Yolotl was “good enough” for her son.

I cringed when Ari and Temo went through with the tattooing. I guess in Mexico you don’t have to be 18 to get a tattoo. But Doris, you are right, I felt like this was Temo’s way of “branding” Ari because he is so possessive.

I agree about sociopaths not having any kind of feeling. It’s all an act. Many of them are “oh so charming” and get people’s attention because they are fun and entertaining. At first you don’t suspect how evil they really are because of that act.


The scene with Dani saying goodbye to her house was very touching and had me getting teary. Thanking the house was like the Marie Kondo philosophy.

Crisanta's beauty mask was funny.

Grecia and Neto are so cute together.

Pancho's pool wear wasn't as garish as I feared, but it was the same color as his Big Bird suit a few days ago. A must be his favorite color?
Looks like Susana now has three kids. 😉

Jarifa, thank you for this excellent recap. A lot going on with this one, and I must have dozed off at some point because you filled me in on a few things I didn't remember at all.

Diana, I believe it was JudyB who "wouldn't give the marriage two months" if this weren't just a story. I did express my doubts about them as a couple. I think we all see them as a mismatched odd couple. Love was never blinder than this.

Pancho, Pancho, Pancho! Oy, caray! Ay, vey! Sacre amarillo! Zoot allure!

So Guido connects with Maria, probably misremembering his own childhood and thinking that he, too, was abused.

A lot of good, fun comments here today, and ITA that "If Hermoso becomes dead-oso, I’m making a voodoo doll for Guid-odioso..." was great.

Happily, Hermoso survives. And the kids found the mysterious powder that smells like almonds. Kinda reminds me of old mysteries that I used to read at one time. It was occasionally discussed in them (Nero Wolfe maybe?) whether the victim should have detected the fragrance of almonds and not drunk the drink offered. Yet this was almost always discussed when they had a murder victim and were trying to figure out whodunit.

Anyway, signs are beginning to point to Guido. Can't be too soon.


Thanks, Jarifa. Haven't watched it yet, but looking forward to Linda telling off Imelda.

"Pancho, Pancho, Pancho! Oy, caray! Ay, vey! Sacre amarillo! Zoot allure!" Love it Andy. Your comments also including "Love was never blinder than this" have me smiling away.

Sincere apologies to mi amiga Judy for not crediting her for the two month remark.

As doris just noted "Looks like Susana now has three kids" - Amen.

I'm still conflicted about sociopaths ability/inability to feel as Guido seemed totally inflamed about Gina's father's abuse. I didn't see Linda being there as any motivation, at least for what I saw. So, I don't know. If the character was acting, he sure fooled me. I find it hard to wrap my head around pure evil. I know it exists but...


Yay! A new episode tonight.

As for Guido, IMHO, I think he had a moment of goodness trying to save María and take the physical abuse so her father would be arrested. I think the fact that It was a situation with Linda didn’t really matter to him when he connected María back to his own pain as a child. It was not a disinterested action. It just happened to be something good: feeling like he was protecting another child.

Got to go. Another busy day!

I'm not sure if Guido's abuse by his parents is real or imagined. His grandfather would've helped him if he'd known. I see no sympathy from Guido over what Dani is going through. Maybe his parents knew they had a bad seed and tried intervention.

Susana has proven her love by putting up with Pancho's goofy duds. Now I want to see her do something to challenge him. Like wearing hair curlers to a restaurant or a way too short skirt.

Niecie, just the mention of "bad sed" makes me smile. I love that old movie and watch it whenever it turns up. .

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