Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 129, Tuesday, March 19, 2019; Neto to the Rescue and Daniela decides she wants a “good friend.”

We open with Neto talking to his children and offering Grecia to come over to talk with them. But Yolo shouts out that she wants nothing to do with Grecia and even less now!

Blanca is giving Polita English lessons. She is learning how to read and pronounce words. She can pronounce run and does a happy dance. But she didn’t know what “dream” was. Then she gets a phone call from Pancho about Ari being in the hospital.

Grecia lets Hugo know about the man who is stalking her.

Polita arrives at the hospital and Axel tells her that Ari has some fractures. Polita is wanting to know how this accident occurred and Linda says that none of them really know. They just saw a white van come barreling down as though they were trying to run over Ari. But everyone is mystified, including Pancho why anyone would have the motive to do that. Temo remembers that the drivers were dressed like clowns.

The children are sitting in the hallway at the Córsega apartments and here comes Guido. He says he is coming to visit Daniela and the triplets. They tell him she went to the store. He also asks if Ernesto Rey is home and they say he is not So Guido says he is going to leave a message with Neto’s daughter. He knocks at the door and Yolo answers. “Why haven’t you been answering my texts?” Yolo says, “Because the school took away my mobile phone.” Guido says, “Well can we talk privately?” Yolo motions that she cannot talk in front of her brothers, but will meet him upstairs.

Upstairs, he tells Yolo that he was the one who found her mother all because he wants to see her happy. She tells him she doesn’t know how to thank him and tells him he is an angel in her life and the best thing that happened to her since she came to Oaxaca. They are interrupted by Blanca knocking on the door wanting to know what is going on. Blanca calls out for whoever is in there to open the door. Blanca gets tired of trying to get someone to open the door, so she leaves to go down and get the key. Guido begins kissing Yolo again.

In the bakery, Daniela is with Carlos. As he gets his hot chocolate, he spills it all over himself accidently. After wiping himself off he finally sits down and he gets down to business and tells her how much he likes her and feels the time he spends with her is magical. Clearly she wasn’t expecting this. She explains that her priorities are her children and her family right now and she just can’t return his affection. But she does tell him that she would like to be or really good friends. He smiles and says he doesn’t feel so alone now in Oaxaca.

At the restaurant where Neto works and where Susana had planned to have her work meeting party for Cklass, she tells Catalina that Pancho will not be able to make it since he is at the hospital with Temo and Ari, so they are alone in this project. Grecia shows up and tells Susana she is not alone and will support her. Susana wants to know what she is doing there and Grecia explains so that Neto can protect her in case Felix shows up.

The Korean investors show up. Susana tells them their table is ready, but they can first watch the show that Neto is giving. Then Imelda shows up and says she needs to speak with Susana, but Susana tells her this is not a good time to talk.

Then the Korean investors and Susana and company sit down. But the Korean men have brought their own “entertainment” in the form of young, pretty women.

Mássimo arrives at the restaurant to dine with Imelda. Pretty soon he brings in some musicians and he starts to sing a love song to Imelda. About this time, Crisanta arrives and is seeing what Mássimo is doing with Imelda.

Grecia sits at the bar, listening to Neto tell her about what went on with Ariana. But then her phone buzzes, and it’s a message from Felix asking her to meet him in 15 minutes and to not bring anyone or tell anyone. Neto is upset, he takes Grecia’s phone and tells her that this thing is going end now.

At the hospital, Axel arrives with news of Ari’s condition and diagnosis. At first, he speaks in “physicianese” and everyone starts looking at each other. Finally, Pancho says, “Could you please speak plain Spanish to us who are not doctors?” So Axel says, “Well this is quite serious. You have torn your Achilles tendon. Right now you will not be able to walk because your Achilles tendon connects your foot with your leg.” Ari is just crushed because he know now he will not be dancing for a while. Axel says that surgery can help correct it along with physical therapy. Ari cries and says he just can’t not dance anymore. Temo asks for his father to pick up the bill for the hospital, to which Pancho of course agrees.

Susana is getting exasperated with these Korean men and tells them they are using these young women to objectify them. She is not pleased and says that this is a class of cultures and their “machismo”. She asks the young ladies to leave but the Korean men tell them to sit down. Susana finally tells them, “I really don’t want to do business with you because you DON’T respect women!” She also tells them since their idea of entertainment is not the same as hers, she is now leaving. Catalina gets up to go with her and says to Susana, “See you in the office tomorrow morning.” Susana then says, “Yes, and we will then discuss what new strategy to use.”

Mássimo finishes singing to Imelda and tells her he wants to win her back. Crisanta comes by and the two hurl insults at each other. Crisanta has a few choice words for Mássimo as well.

Susana sees Crisanta and they talk a little about what happened. But then Crisanta says, “What would you think if I would buy this bar?” Crisanta wants to turn this place into something really nice. Susana doesn’t think it’s such a good idea, but Crisanta still wants Susana’s support and blessing. Susana wants to think about it, but tells Crisanta she can always count on her.

At the hospital, Pancho tries to comfort Polita. She is feeling bad that he is going to cover this hospital bill and she is already in debt to him. He tells her he will forgive the debt because they are friend and friends always support one another. At this moment, Eduardo comes running in. [Did anyone tell Audifáz about Ari being hospitalized? Shouldn’t have Polita called him, bad father or not?]

Yolo and Guido come running out finally. She tells him that her mother seems a stranger to her and has no idea how to get close to her. Then Guido wants a kiss, so they duck into her doorway, but at that exact moment, Frida opens the door across the hall and sees them kissing! She pleads with Frida to keep this secret since they are such “good friends.” Frida agrees to keep her secret forever. Daniela walks in and sees them in their “good friends” secret handshake and wants to know what is going on. She takes Frida inside.

Grecia walks outside by herself. Then Felix appears out from the shadows. He grabs her face and tries to force a kiss on her. Then Neto grabs him in a chokehold from behind. The police come driving up with their sirens and arrest him for violating his court order. Neto is her hero!

The next morning, Yolo tells her father she is ready to forgive her mother and start a new relationship with her. She thought about it all night long and couldn’t sleep.

Meanwhile, at the Córsega apartment, Imelda tells Frida she does not want Frida getting close to Yolo. But Frida tells her that Yolo is her great-granddaughter too. Then Eugenio starts asking about Yolo, not the young girl, but the Yolo he knew many years ago. In front of Blanca, he refers to Yolotl as the “love of his life.”

Luigi comes to tell Guido at breakfast about what happened to Ari and Guido is very happy about Ari’s pain and suffering. He wants to bring pain and suffering to the entire Córsega family.

Eugenio keeps talking about Yolotl. Blanca speaks up and says, “I’m your wife. Do you know me?” He looks at her and says, “I don’t know you. Yolotl is the love of my life.” Brokenhearted, Blanca gets up and walks away. Linda tries to talk to him and tells him he has been married to Blanca for a long time. Eugenio says, “How can I be married to Blanca? I don’t even know her.”

Ari gets wheeled off to surgery. Temo tells him he will stay there and wait for him to come out and gives him a kiss on the forehead. Pancho winks at Ari. Pancho, Temo, and Polita huddle together as Ari is wheeled down the hall.


Cynthia, thank you for this excellent recap. Also excellent screenshots!

You're right, someone should have told Audifaz, but they were busy; hopefully they will let him know soon.

But are they really going to trust Axel, Pancho's gofer at Cklass, as an orthopedist? So he's a bumbling business assistant by day, and a physician by night? Uush!

And once more someone with money has to pick up the hospital bill for the poor people. Can't they just go bankrupt like we do here?    :-)

More seriously, I do wonder about this. It seems to come up in almost every TN, and not just Osorio TNs. I wonder if they are trying to highlight a real problem, or if it just is a real everyday problem.

I thought maybe Dr Carlos (pediatrician by day, bumbling suitor by night) might have been working on Gabriel's mysterious illness and death. Now it looks like he is just working on Dani. I can't really blame him. And a single woman with triplets could use a pediatrician boyfriend. Just sayin'     :-)

Eugenio's story is now really sad. Poor Blanca, she must be heart-broken. So must the whole family.

More later.


Thank you for your recap, Cynthia.

"[Did anyone tell Audifáz about Ari being hospitalized? Shouldn’t have Polita called him, bad father or not?]"
Notifying Audifaz did not even occur to me, either.

How does Axel even still have doctor privileges at the hospital, when he is no longer practicing? This Axel character and his storylines have been the most nonsensical aspect of this telenovela. 🙄

And Massimo is still chasing 🤡Imelda🤡, after that scene last week where Polita went ballistic in Audi, Tulio, and Imelda? Good grief, they deserve each other then. Crisanta has dodged a bullet.

Cynthia: How many episodes left ?

Fantastic title.

Cynthia, this was an exceptional recap. Screen shots - superb.

You describe the events so clearly and convey every intended emotion perfectly. That was evident with "Then Felix appears out from the shadows" and "Crisanta has a few choice words for Mássimo as well" among others.

As bad as Ari's situation was, Eugenio's not knowing Blanca was far worse. How frightening to be lucid one moment and not the next. Unimaginable for the family. What an insidious disease.

"She tells him she doesn’t know how to thank him and tells him he is an angel in her life and the best thing that happened to her since she came to Oaxaca". Yolo will rue the day she uttered those words. And I hope Freida isn't in further danger by witnessing the kiss.

“Mássimo… starts to sing a love song to Imelda”. Learning Imelda is a heartless tyrant by trying to separate her grandson from his mother taught him nothing. He deserves Imelda. Good luck buster. As you so rightly noted doris, "Crisanta has dodged a bullet". Amen.

Thank you for explaining what Ari’s condition was. I must admit I also wondered “[Did anyone tell Audifáz about Ari being hospitalized? Shouldn’t have Polita called him, bad father or not?]". If calling Audi wasn't uppermost in Polita's mind, Audi has no one to blame but himself. I am sure he will find out eventually (grumble, grumble).

"But are they really going to trust Axel, Pancho's gofer at Cklass, as an orthopedist?" andy, I'm shaking my head as well. It's going to take divine intervention for the surgery to be successful.

So Susana's party bombed. Could we possibly have expected anything else? As Susana herself said “I really don’t want to do business with you because you DON’T respect women!”. Let's hope she banishes the loathsome investors for good.

So, Dr. Carlos is relegated to the "friend zone", Yolo has decided to forgive her mother and we sit and wonder if Felix is really gone for good. Much more drama needing to be resolved.

Thank you for the fantastic work Cynthia. Hope all is going well with your new position.


Cynthia, thank you for the most excellent recap. Your screen cap choice was perfect.

As for Audi being notified, I really didn’t even think of it. They don’t need him to pay the bill and who would want him there possibly throwing one of his tantrums right now? They don’t need more drama at the cost of giving him his undue “due” as Ari’s biological father. I vote for letting him know when the surgery is over. He probably will find out vía the Córcega grapevine anyway.

Andy, ITA about Eugenio’s “episode” with Blanca. What made it more chilling is that Eugenio didn’t even look like himself something I have seen with dementia victims in real life.

doris, I love your “clowns”. It made me think of that old Stealers Wheel song: “Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, Stuck in the middle with you.” Guess that stuck person is old Massimo; stuck with that bozo Imelda which makes him a bozo, too! I so enjoyed his song as Imelda just wallowed in all of the attention. They do truly deserve each other.

Diana, I couldn’t believe those “loathsome investors” when their party girls appeared so they could have someone to “dance” with. Yikes! That was a twist I never expected. I like Dr. Carlos so I hope he can bide his time in the friend zone long enough for Dani to be ready. Is there even enough time left in this novela for that ???

O/T: Yesterday, I went to go see “Everybody Knows”/“Todos lo saben” starring Penélope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem. It was a very enjoyable thriller that takes place in Spain. Just a recommendation because these days you never know where movies may pop up.


Jarifa, I smiled at the mere thought of Audi paying the bill. That would never happen because he couldn't even pay for a hospital breakfast. Thank heavens for Pancho.

Loved the song reference. Wow, does that bring back memories.

Let me also say that Javier Bardem is to die for. Thank you for the recommendation.

And yes, your astute comment about Eugenio was spot on. When he is "in the moment", he is himself. When not, he is cloudy and confused. My heart aches for anyone having someone they love having to go through this. I wonder how they will portray his situation when this ends.


Thank you, Cynthia.

Happy first day of spring, all..🌺🌻🌼🌹🌸

Sunny here but only 30.

Oh no...more troubles. ...the hospital, creepy Guido, violent Felix, poor, confused Eugenio.

My sweet mother in law became confused in her last few years. It was very sad. Poor Eugenio. Poor Blanca . It must be dreadful when someone you loved and who loved you suddenly no longer knows who you are.

Well, happy first cannot spring. I am off to lunch with two dear friends to toast our friend who just passed away of lung cancer.


Diana, yes! Javier Bardem is a cutie.

Susanlynn, thanks for reminding us it is officially spring. That is good news! It is 40 and rainy this a.m. but that is okay: it isn’t snow!

Thank you everyone for your comments. Sorry I've been AWOL lately, but I had a very busy week with 7 houseguests and lots going on at work.

I too, found it strange that Axel could just don that white coat and "poof"! He's a doctor again.

I think we probably have seen the last of Felix unless he escapes from jail.

I don't have medical training, but why wouldn't an achilles tendon finally heal so a person could walk, dance, or anything else normally? I'm thinking this is over dramatization.

My mother has dementia caused by Alzheimer's. Sometimes she does forget that she had a husband for 62 years. My father died 3 years ago and sometimes she does not remember him or remember his name. She still does remember an old boyfriend from when she was in junior high.

I sure hope that Guido gets caught and exposed soon and Yolo does an "eeewwwwwww!"

“. . . and Yolo does an ‘eeewwwwww’”. That would be sweet, Cynthia!

"But are they really going to trust Axel, Pancho's gofer at Cklass, as an orthopedist?" andy, I'm shaking my head as well. It's going to take divine intervention for the surgery to be successful. "
I'm still shaking my head over this, too. Seriously? He is no longer practicing medicine but there is is, ready to operate? Telenovela beanie hat time. About as screwball storyline as that William Levy character in Cuidado con el Angel, becoming an eye surgeon to cure whatsherface's blindness. Maybe they can call him up and send him over to Sin Tu Mirada.

Jarifa - thank you for reminding me of that Stealer's Wheel song. I always liked it. 1970s flashback! Yay! Makes me feel young again. LOL

While watching Poli's English lesson with Blanca, I started to wonder if she has some sort of learning disability??? Or dyslexia? She really is not "stupid" or "slow", but perhaps simply learning style challenged and this is what has held her back all her life, on top of the poor self esteem she suffers from her mother's abuse and being married to worthless Audifaz? Because, really, anyone who is living off their in-laws' meal leftovers has to know something is wrong.

I wish Blanca could find a support group for families of Alzheimer's/Dementia patients. It might help her understand that the Eugenio she loves and married is dying, in his own way, and to not take last night's episode personally. Easier said than done, but it can help to learn to detach. The grieving is bad enough, as it is.

I think I am falling a little in love with Dr. Carlos. What a great guy! Do we have a table set up for him on The Patio? I'm in! Too bad he got friend-zoned, but I totally understand where Dani is emotionally, right now. She needs time. Let's hope he hangs in there until she is ready to move forward. #chooseCarlos!

Yay! that Grecia and her cleavage were saved by Neto and the police. Hopefully that is the last we've seen of Felix. And that storyline. Stalking is a problem, though, and add it to our PSA list. Hopefully Mexican law enforcement is strong against this has teeth.

Cynthia - I'm with you on the Achilles heel injury. He might not be able to dance well enough (doesn't it ruin some athletes' careers?) but she should be able to walk again, and dance.

as a med student and soccer coach, i saw Ari's injury as complete dramatization and over exaggerated. He should be fine in a couple weeks with physical therapy and back to normal activity in couple months. Not the end of the world. definitely not a career ender.

Wow...another uber-dramatic episode! The Alzheimer's scene was very sad indeed. I can't imagine poor Blanca sitting through that without a deeply broken heart. When my mother was in memory care, there was a gentleman, only in his 60's, suffering Alzheimer's. He had adquired a "new fiancée on the floor. His actual wife who visited him every day was very kind about their "engagement". She was a wonderful, wise woman. But still, it must have hurt.

Susanlynn, glad that you reminded us that it is the first day of Spring. And sorry that you are toasting the loss of yet another person dear to you...but happy you have a close friend to join in that toast. made me laugh with "Grecia and her cleavage". Yes, those girls seem to be an integral part of every Grecia scene.

Thanks Cynthia. Extra kudos for this powerhouse recap while juggling a job and houseguests. This sounds unkind, but after watching Polita's English lesson, I don't have great hopes of her picking up the language. It's always an uphill climb as an adult, and honestly, as her role is written, Polita seems a bit dim. Don't throw tomatoes, I'm sure the actress herself is quite bright. But the character she plays...not so much. I mean, look who she married!

doris., "Yay! that Grecia and her cleavage were saved by Neto and the police." Oh, yes, indeed.


I'm beginning to feel sorry for poor Yolo, who is growing on me. She's only around 15 or 16 and she's involved with Guido but without a clue as to what kind of person he is. I even feel a little for Guido, because he is definitely looney tunes. It's going to be quite a shock for her when he is found out. More than just "eeewwwwwww!"

I applaud Susana for doing the right thing with the Korean investors. Not that they were doing anything so awful, really, but their behavior was totally disrespectful of her. There's a time and place for everything.

Poor Eugenio, poor Blanca! No happy ending for this particular story.


Cynthia, your screenshot drew me in...I just had to read what was going on now. Thank you and Jarifa for your tenacity in sharing your talent.

So Neto to the Rescue...what a galan! Hope Grecia doesn't have to go through too much more to earn her happiness.

Yolo and Guido??? Ewww...girl, open those adolescent eyes!

So sad to read that Eugenio is losing more of his memory...and how devastating for Blanca that he didn't recognize her and then to hear him say that Yolotl was "the love of his life"...heartwrenching!

Hmmm...the old spill-the-coffee/chocolate-on-the-shirt trick didn't work too well for Dr.Carlos. Glad Dani is taking her time.

Thanks for the great recap! I keep trying to post but it never seems to work. I'm making this short to see if it posts.

Hooray, my comment posted! Maybe it just doesn't work from my phone? Anyway, yes, agree with everyone about Axel suddenly turning into a doctor again, that was pretty funny! I wonder who will be the one to unmask Guido? I thought it would be Dani but now I'm thinking Yolo or maybe even Frieda. Sure hope we are done with Felix. I've so enjoyed this telenovela but this last week has been especially exciting -- can't wait to see what happens next! By the way, I missed the whole first season. Does anyone know how I could watch it? Thanks to everyone for recaps and comments, really enjoy reading them all and sorry I haven't figured out how to comment regularly myself. Maybe now I've finally got it.

I think if Luigi starts to feel personally threatened by the wacko Guido, he might be the unmasker. However, I also thought he'd keep Guido from trying to attack the Córcega/López children, which was not the case.

"Hmmm...the old spill-the-coffee/chocolate-on-the-shirt trick didn't work too well for Dr.Carlos. " I'm just relieved his voice did not go up a few octaves after that coco spilled down the front of his trousers. eeek!

Welcome, Lynne!

I don't know how you could watch the first season, but probably someone else will. It was well recapped and commented on, so if you do watch and have a problem understanding something, look for the old recaps.

I agree with you, I hope we are done with Felix.


Andy -- Thanks for the welcome and the tip about the first season recaps/comments. I'm sure I will need them!

SpanProf -- I also thought that Luigi would rein in Guido but no! He seemed perfectly fine with trying to mow down that whole passel of kids! Luigi doesn't even have a deluded vendetta against the kids like Guido does, so that was pretty surprising to me.

Maybe the police will get DNA off the clown masks?

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