Monday, April 01, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1):Sin Tu Mirada y Mas - Week of April 1, 2019

Welcome to page 1 for the week! Some of the current daytime telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 2-3PM – Tenías Que Ser Tú: Ep. 54-56
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 10-12
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly Reminders:
1) Put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)
2) No Spoilers! Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. 

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Sinning 2 Sightless

W...T...F...Cute Mute is now frippin blind in this one? I liked her better in Ramoon frantically pawing her ipad. Jeeeez.

She is sure a lot more likeable disabled in some way than at full power like in AaM.


Kirbyyy!! Yes, CuteMute is now blind and back to being likeable. Now she needs one more TN where she will be deaf..or a combination of something :-)

Ep 10: Part 1 - Lino Tames the Filly

Damiana goes to talk to Doc Mask. He wants to know where she got the earrings that she gave Marina. Damiana replies that she bought them with her savings, but that doesn’t fly. Doc knows she would never be able to save enough money to buy such fine earrings. Damiana then tells him that they were given to her for a job she did. Doc suspects that he is trying to keep Marina from leaving with him and threatens that she’d better not do anything to turn Marina against him.

Lino mentions to Yola that Beto went off to the city to buy an engagement ring for his girlfriend. So she runs off to tell Marina. Marina cries and knows she must forget Beto, but how can she forget his voice and all the nice things he told her…blah, blah, blah.

Angustias and Pru talk. They suspect that Beto is not being upfront about his feelings for Marina.

Lino takes Vanesa for another riding lesson out in the woods. She’s being her snobbish self so Lino stares at her. She wants to know why he’s looking at her in such a way. After Lino puts on a horse and dance show for her (literally), they end up getting off their horses. Lino closes in for a kiss and Vanesa responds fiercely until she comes to her senses and pushes him away. Lino slowly closes in again very slowly (remember the “pull the reins in and release” technique? That’s what he was doing!). He’s about to kiss her, but Vanesa slaps him and storms off. She tries to get on her horse, but Lino tries to stop her because she can’t do that by herself yet. Vanesa falls back and hurts her ankle. She finally lets Lino takes a look at it… it isn’t broken. Lino again gets closer to Vanesa. This time she cries and he hugs her as she rests her head on his shoulder. After Lino kisses her lightly on the cheek, he carries her to his horse. He must have some really strong muscles because he manages to put her on the horse. He then gets on and Vanesa holds on to him tightly as they ride off (too early in the day to ride off into the sunset, hehehe).

At the ranch, Beto has returned. Susana squeals with delight when she sees the engagement ring. Later, Don Louse asks about the earrings, but Beto couldn’t find them; he looked everywhere. Don Louse then goes to question Pru who admits that she has not seen the earrings since the night that the baby was born. Don Louse is not a happy camper since she has been lying to him and making a fool of him for more than twenty years. He vows to find the person who stole the earrings.

Damiana prays that she find a way to keep Marina away from Doc Mask. A little later, Tori arrives; he wants to know if his princess will be wearing the shiny earrings all the time. As Damiana assures Tori that Marina will be wearing the earrings and that she especially wants Pru to see them, Marina arrives and overhears. She is very curious as to why Damiana wants Pru to see the earrings. When Marina tells Damiana about her encounter with Pru, Damiana wonders if Pru saw the earrings, but Marina isn’t sure.

Ep 10: Part 2 - Lino Tames the Filly

Beto goes out riding alone (looking for Vanesa? Who knows…wasted time!) He goes back to the ranch and asks Zacarias if he has seen his novia. Zac tells him she went riding with Lino, but he hasn’t seen them get back. Margarito approaches and sees that Zac has Vanesa’s horse. Zac tells them that the horse came back with no rider. Just then Lino and Vanesa ride up together. Vanesa cries that she got hurt during the ride; so Beto helps her down. Lino is about to help her too, but Margarito emphasizes that Beto will now take care of Vanesa. Beto takes Vanesa up to her room where everyone worries about her. Beto takes a look at her ankle and tells them that it isn’t broken, but Vanesa will need to stay off of it because the tendons were injured. Don Louse growls that Lino is a goner, but Vanesa defends Lino and tells him that it was her fault. She asks Don Louse not to run Lino off.

Vanesa texts her friends that her party has been canceled because she had an accident. Afterwards she complains about everything to her mommy. When she refers to Lino by his name, Susana wonders since when Vanesa calls Lino by his name (vs. peon, rancherito?).

In is office, Don Louse reproaches Lino for the fight with Beto and now the accident. Lino is lucky that everyone seems to defend him. Van spoke up for him and said it was her fault. Don Louse warns Lino that it one more thing happens, the devil will appear to him. Lino got it.

In town, a young man tells Marina that by doing well on the tests she took, she will most likely get her elementary and high school certificates.

In her bedroom, Vanesa tells Beto she feels better. After he tells her to rest, he adds that Lino came to ask for her…he was very worried. Beto noticed that Lino was not himself; he was very humble…unlike what he has been like lately.

In the kitchen, Hortencia comments to Angustias that it’s too bad about Vanesa’s accident. She will have to celebrate her birthday in her bedroom. When Hortencia suggests that Beto should surprise Vanesa with a serenade, Angstias reminds her that Beto can’t sing; so Hortencia suggests that Lino help Beto with the serenade. Angustias will share the idea with Beto.

Marina talks to Doc Mask. She wants to do things alone. He asks if her mother is behind this. No, she wants to do things on her own. When she asks him if he will permit it (don’t ask, girl, just do it!) and assures him that she will ask for his help if she needs it, Doc Mask agrees to let her try things on her own. After Marina leaves, Ramona, the eavesdropper, thinks Marina is showing Doc Mask that she dossn’t need him.

Tori catches up to Marina in town and tells her that Yola wants to see her. Marina is afraid to go to the ranch; so Tori assures her that he will go with her.

On way to ranch, Marina loses an earring. After Tori finds it, Marina decides to take them off and puts them away so they will be safe. Once at the ranch, Marina is waiting for Yola when there is a knock at the door…it’s Beto!! Beto is happy to see her beautiful eyes once more, but Marina speaks to him formally and tells him he shouldn’t be talking to her like that. When Beto wonders why she has reverted to addressing him formally, Marina points out that he is engaged. Beto admits that he is, but he still misses spending time with her, though he doesn’t want her to shed tears for him. Yola approaches and sees Beto, so he tells her that he came to talk to Lino. Yola goes to call Lino who quickly comes out. After Marina excuses herself, Beto asks Lino if he will help him with a serenade for Vanesa’s birthday…as Marina listens from behind the curtain.

Thank you for your recap, Rgv Chick, and the snark.

"but how can she forget his voice and all the nice things he told her…blah, blah, blah.". I know, right??? One dance and the girl has gone to pieces over Beto. Gah.

Lino's horse dance number looked like some kind of cowboy mating dance, like some birds do. ��. I was LOL. Lino jumping up onto that horse from the back ( like in old time cowboy movies) was rather impressive.

Good thing Lino got all Van's lipstick off his face!

Vanessa as a beginner rider has no business with a crop. Beanie hat time.

Still wondering why Damiana has Marina wearing those earrings and hoping Prudencia sees them. Or worse yet, the Louse!

Don Louse and Doc Mask were both quite detestable today. .


I only see bits of this TN from time to time, but I see that they are already ruining it. Vanesa was just perfect; a hot, slutty, spoiled, somewhat nasty and condescending, but quite tasty, gold digger. But unfortunately she and Lino have done the lip lock thing way too early and now she may start becoming a nicer person. Where's the fun in that?

doris, the crop was not for the horse.




Yes Andy, I was really liking Vanessa while I imagined the thing that would really help her was a good spanking. Now she simply needs a podiatrist.

Wow, this episode was smokin' hot. Lino is definitely bringing it for me. And loved your observation:

Lino slowly closes in again very slowly (remember the “pull the reins in and release” technique? That’s what he was doing!).

Yep, very nice sequence. If I were a smoker, I would definitely have lit one up after that scene. And good mix, one minute he's wild and passionate, next, he's tender and protective. Case closed. Vanessa is a goner. She's going to live in passionate poverty for the rest of her life with smoldering Lino. Wheee....

This telenovela deserves a front page presentation Rgv Chick. There are lots of us enjoying it.


Thank you, Rgv Chick.
Vanessa and Lino are my favorite couple. "Lino Tames the Filly" - a wonderful title. First, Vanessa did not hide, like the last time, when watching and listening Lino sing, instead, sharing a long look. Second, the horse riding lessons in the woods. Having horse show, sparks, tender moments, kiss. Those lessons always lead to something. Third, the serenade by Lino on behalf of Beto. This will only make Vanessa's crush stronger. She won't be thinking of Beto during that proposal, she will be dreaming of Lino.


Thanks JudyB and Lucio!

JudyB, ITA Vanessa is a goner, but, ok, if Vanesa is a goner then what happens to the antagonist who is supposed to make life miserable for Marina and try to take away Beto?? Maybe Susana will force Vanesa to continue after Beto?? So many questions!!

Lucio, glad to "see" you back! It seems that lately the main couples have been outshown by the co-stars. Both Vanesa and Lino have quite strong personalities, but together they do make that screen sizzle! And watching them right now is much more fascinating that watching Beto cave in to his family's and Susana's wishes or Marina boohooing and telling everyone how she can't forget Beto's voice and kiss.

Judy B, I agree that MIRADA has enough fans to get its own page.

Vanessa and Lino are just starting...buckle up,guys, this is going to be really good !


Thanks so much, Rvg Chick. Loved Lino Tames the Filly!

I also believe Baldo has a thing for Damiana and will likely comfort her when Marina ends up with Beto. Yes, the actor playing Beto has a thankless role. He's not really that into his fiancée. And his moments with Marina have been so gentle that it's hard to imagine hot sizzling whoopee with those two!

Don Louse is a nut case. When Pru finally fesses up about the earrings, he immediately wants to prosecute someone - more than 20 years later. I hope, hope, hope that someone uses that riding crop on his face before this is over.

The fussing over Van for a twisted ankle was OVER THE TOP. I guess we can see that at least when she's hurt Susana does love her daughter. I was thinking she saw her as a playing card to get into the richer than she is crowd.

So, are they doing the Cyrano de Bergerac schtick where Lino sings and Van is supposed to think it's Beto? If not that, what good is a birthday serenade from the wrong guy (actually in this case the likely right guy).

I'm gonna Read everything but I just want to say, hey kirby, how are you? glad to read you again. Ok now I'm gonna Read the recap. Hey yall.


Ep 11: Part 1 – Everyone is Messed Up

Lino agrees to give Vanesa the serenade for Beto since Beto can’t sing worth beans. Marina is still listening and is a marina of tears again as Lino walks Beto out.

Brian, Marina’s friend who was helping her submit all her paperwork, is summoned by Doc Mask who tells him that the only one who will help Marina is him (Doc). When Brian tries to argue, Doc Mask reminds him that he is treating his mother for free…surely Brian wouldn’t want Doc to start charging his mother. Brian worries about what he will tell Marina; so Doc tells him to make up whatever as long as he stops helping Marina.

At the ranch, Lino returns and wonders if Marina overheard. She admits that she did and adds that it no longer matters. When she tells him that she is leaving, Lino offers to walk her home.

Beto is in his room pacing and chiding himself for being so stupid.

Marina arrives home in tears. When Damiana notices that she isn’t wearing the earrings; Marina explains that she took them off and put them away. Crying, Marina confides that she saw Beto again and he sounded so regretful and sad; he even apologized for ruining the place where she and Tori played in the woods. Marina sobs as she tells Damiana that she doesn’t want to have any memories of Beto or his voice.

Vanesa is in bed thinking about Lino’s kiss. Meanwhile, Lino is practicing his song. When he thinks of Vanesa kissing him and then her slap, he gets frustrated and stops singing.

Next Day—

Tori is at the store reproaching the owner about the candy when Angustias arrives. Tori sees her and tells her that she owes him a bag of candy. He found the grave of a baby at the cemetery…the baby was buried with its mother since the mother died the same day. Damiana was not able to save the mother. Angustias wants Tori to take her to the grave, but Baldo told Tori not go near there anymore. When Angustias asks him to at least give her directions, Tori insists on his candies.

Damiana wonders if Beto’s feelings for Marina are sincere. As she prays for a sign, Marina overhears her and wonders what it is that she worries about. Marina asks Damiana not to worry about her; she will be her normal self soon.


Ep 11: Part 2 – Everyone is Messed Up

At the ranch, Margarito gives Don Louse a list of people that were at the ranch on the night that Pru had the baby. They talk about Zacarias and Erasmo, but neither one went close to the bedroom. Angustias was the only one who was in the bedroom. Don Louse then remembers that Zack left for the USA the night that the baby was born; then he mentions the midwife. Margarito vouches for Damiana; she is incapable of taking anything that is not hers. When Margarito reminds him that Damiana was preoccupied with saving the baby and Pru, Don Louse agrees that she would not have had time to think about stealing. Don Louse then asks Margarito to send Zack to his office.

Angustias gets back to the ranch and tells Pru about the grave Tori found…it has to be where Pru’s baby is buried. Pru wants Angustias to go back and make sure that the dates are correct. Angustias doesn’t want to leave Pru alone since they need to prepare for Vanesa’s birthday.

Don Louse is reporting the earrings missing. He is told that it happened too long ago and nothing can be done. Zac then arrives to see Don Louse. When Don Louse starts to question him, Zack denies having stolen anything. After he brings up that Tori has been stealing avocados and leaves, Don Louse has a flashback: Tori, who appeared very lucid and normal, walked in the woods with Don Louse. They were going to the waterfall to look for ducks. Don Louse challenged Tori to a race to the waterfall. (Who knows wht this means??? Did Tori have an accident because of Don Louse?)

Lino is at his home still very frustrated and slamming doors. Yola tells him that he shouldn’t have agreed to give Vanesa the serenade for Beto if he was going to be that upset about it. She then asks of Lino noticed how Beto was looking at Marina. Lino reminds Yola that Beto has a girlfriend…those people marry within the same class.

Hortencia asks Beto about the serenade. Beto regrets having asked Lino to give the serenade. Hortencia comments that Beto seems to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.

Marina goes to Brian for help, but he tells her to go ask Doc instead. Brian replies that Doc is the one who has always helped her and he is more intelligent.

Don Louse chides Pru about the earrings. She should have told him about them a long time ago. He bangs his whip and shouts as he asks what else she could be hiding from him. Angustias comes in to defend Pru. She tells him that it was she who didn’t keep a close eye on the earrings. Pru hadn’t said anything because she was afraid he would send her off to jail. Don Louse thinks Pru is pitiful; he warns the ladies that if either one of them lies to him again, the devil will appear to them.

Marina has no option but to go to Doc Mask for help. While there, she cries; so he wonders how he can help her smile again. When Doc starts in on her again about what love is and about forgetting Beto, Marina argues that what she feels is love, then finally leaves because she is too upset. She goes off to the cemetery and encounters Baldo. When she tells him how she thought that the serenade was going to be for her, Baldo thinks Marina is jealous.



Ep 11: Part 3 – Everyone Is Messed Up

Beto talks to Eric on the phone. Eric wonders why Beto is rushing to get married; so Beto tells him that he needs to get married and stop thinking about “foolishness.” Eric wonders if the “foolishness” has a name. When he guesses that it’s Marina whom Beto keeps thinking about, he advises Beto that if he feels like that about Marina, he shouldn’t be getting married to Vanesa.

In the office, Margarito is explaining to Don Louse about Tori and how he collects the avocados that are thrown on the ground to give to the poor people. Don Louse agrees to allow Tori to continue collecting the avocados, but advises Margarito that he’d better tell him of any decisions he makes.

Late at night, Vanesa is in bed dreaming about Lino’s song and making love to Lino. She wakes up to hear Lino singing and goes to the window. She smiles until she sees Beto appear and come to her. She thanks him and they kiss, but as they hug, Vanesa looks sadly at Lino. After Beto leaves, Vanesa goes back inside…not very enthused and quite bothered..

Lino gets back to his house and tells his father that he needs a blessing—he wants to leave the ranch. Margarito insists on knowing why he wants to leave all of a sudden; so Lino tells him that he can’t be close to what he wants and not have it. Margarito wonders what Lino is talking about; but Lino only tells him that he doesn’t want to work land that is not his. He wants to go to the city and make a life for himself…he has own dreams to fulfill.

Beto goes to his room and tells himself that he shouldn’t feel what he feels for Marina. Meanwhile, Marina is in bed thinking of Doc telling her what love should be.

Next Day—

Pru comes into Vanesa’s bedroom to wish her a happy birthday…followed by Beto, Hortencia, and Angustias. Beto gives Vanesa the ring and she squeals since it’s the ring that she wanted. She says, “YES!”.

Margarito tells Yola about Lino wanting to leave. Yola can’t believe it since Lino has always loved his work at the ranch. Afterwards, Yola runs over to Marina’s house to tell her that Lino is leaving…and she is sure it’s because of THAT Vanesa.



RGV Chick: Thank you very much for the recap.

Rgv Chick - thank you for your recap! The plot just keeps trucking along.

I agree, Tori seemed "normal" in that flashback and I was thinking QTH??? Maybe whatever caused his current mental state will be revealed one say.

During the serenade, couldn't we all hear the mental scriiiiiicccchhhhh of the record when Vanessa saw Beto step into view?!?!

I am intrigued by Angustias's hairstyle, particularly on the sides(temples) where her hair goes OVER that headband. Does. Not. Compute. Thoughts, anyone?

I will be out of pocket the rest of the week due to total hip replacement surgery tomorrow. So thank you in advance, Rgv Chick, for your recaps the rest of this week. Not sure when I'll be back online....but should be by the weekend.

You’re welcome Doris and Steve!

Doris, yes! All that was needed when Beto appeared during the serenade was the Screeech. I can’t believe that Vanesa was so happy when she got the ring and then said yes to Beto. Can’t wait till tomorrow to see if she will admit, at least to herself, that it’s not Beto whom she wants.

OT-Doris, I hope all goes well with your surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for both recaps Rgv Chick.

And I wish you nothing but blessings
With your hip surgery Doris.

I now have an idea how don louse will meet his end, maybe. The devil will come to him and take him to hell. Well thats what Im thinkin anyway. Since he
Is counting on ol sloo foot to appear to everybody else. And Hes talkin about himself.

Beto's friend gave him some good advice. I think he's scared of his daddy. Which is understandable, the man is a tyrant. I'd like to know the reason for the fixation on those ear-
Rings. Did they belong to his mother?

The song and dance of van-n-lino. He
Should write a song about that. She seemed genuinely happy about that ring
To bad she dont feel that way when she sees beto.

Marina maybe blind but I like the way she stands up for herself against the
Mask.He's acts like he don't know what to do with her when she does that.
Keep that goin marina. And she's getting her GED, good for her.

Wasn't there a shooting accident that
Caued tori's mental situation? Don louse shot him?Somebody said something to that affect a few days ago. I don't
I'm glad things are Movin along at a
Quick and steady pace.


Thanks for the recap Rgv Chick. How you manage to do that and manage all the work that a farm with many animals entails is beyond me, but "good on ya!" as the Aussies say.

Am I delusional or did Don Louse seem actually reasonable at times last night? I was really worried that he was going to fire his capataz because of that other fellow ratting him out about the avocado donations. But he didn't. One teensy weensy little point for our tyrant.

Looking forward to today's show although I usually don't get to watch it until dinnertime.

Thanks again...

Thanks, Nina and JudyB!

Nina, I was thinking along the same lines regarding Don Louse and the anvil coming to him. I really do hope that the person the devil appears to is him...JERK!

JudyB, I also noticed that itty bitty soft spot Don Louse seemed to show us, but it was only toward Toribio. I am still wondering if Don Louse is to blame for whatever happened to Tori to make him the way he is now. I'm guessing that Toribio got in the line of fire when they were out looking for ducks at the waterfall or maybe he had a bad fall???


Extra busy afternoon, Patio Peeps. I'll put something up...eventually :-)

Take your time darlin, I didn't home until after 6:00 pm.


Ep 12: Part 1 Can’t Hide Love

Yola continues to tell Marina about why she thinks Lino is leaving because of Vanesa. Vanesa has treated him like crap and even made fin of his name. Yola thinks that Vanesa even caused her accident to get Lino in trouble. Damiana sees that Marina is getting upset. After Yola leaves, she comments that Yola only comes to upset her more than she already is.

At the ranch, Don Louse joins the birthday/engagement celebration in Vanesa’s bedroom. When Beto tells him that he would like to have the wedding in a month, Don Louse and Susana are elated….but they seem to be the only ones. Su wants to invite everyone…at least 400 people. She tells the family not to worry; she’ll take care of everything. Don Louse adds that he will give her more than enough money for the wedding. Vanesa then mentions that she wants to resume her riding lesson; so Don Louse tells her that Beto will have to give her the lessons because Lino is leaving.

At Marina’s house, Damiana thinks it’s time that Marina set up a different booth at the plaza to sell her lotions. Marina worries that if Beto finds out, he will be going to see her there.

Zac is walking through the orchards with Don Louse. When he hints that he should be next in line to take Lino’s place as foreman, Don Louse shoots the idea down since Zac is not liked by the others…he is mean and rude to everyone.

Beto goes to talk to Lino at the stables. He wonders why Lino is leaving; so Lino responds that he has hi own things that he wants to do. Lino then asks about Vanesa; so Beto tells him that her ankle is healing and that she wants to resume her riding lessons. Beto thanks Lino for everything he did for Vanesa (you’ll be thanking him even more later, Betito!)

In the kitchen, Hortencia comments to Angustias that she hopes the wedding will be there. Pru overhears and points out that nothing has been decided. After Hortencia leaves, Pru asks Angustias if she noticed Beto’s (not so happy) look when he gave Vanesa the ring…even Vanesa didn’t look that excited. The only one who was really excited was Susana. Pru then comments that Beto has gone riding and left Vanesa alone.

Later, Angustias is at the cemetery looking at Eulalia’s grave. Baldo sees her and scornfully asks what she is doing there. She explains that she has gone to several cemeteries and found nothing, but she did find what she was looking for here. Baldo points out that Angustias only asked about a baby’s grave; she never mentioned that she was looking for a woman’s grave too. Angustias concedes that Baldo has a point; then she gives Baldo money to keep that grave clean and place flowers on it on a weekly basis. As Baldo leaves to get everything he needs to clean the grave, he makes it a point to tell Angustias that he is glad that she found her relative…though Angustias never admitted to being related to the baby.

Vanesa goes downstairs since Beto had the gall to leave her alone. She then goes out and sits by a wagon wheel. Lino sees her there with a very long face. When he approaches, Vanesa asks if he is leaving because of her. (Yes, Ms. Sharp-tongued sugarlips with the crocodile tears, he is leaving you because despite your mean, snobbish attitude, he luurves you.) Lino responds that he has tried not to have feelings for her and has tried to make himself dislike her, but he can’t because the heart cannot be ruled. Vanesa’s crocodile tears roll down her face as he tells her that, at night, he can’t sleep because all he can think about is her. Vanesa tells Lino that he can’t leave since his friends and family are there. When he insists that he has to leave, Vanesa pleads with him to stay; so Lino agrees that, for her, he will stay. After Vanesa returns to the house, Susana scolds her for being out of bed. She takes Vanesa back to her room and tells her that she WILL heal in time for the wedding


Ep 12: Part 2 Can’t Hide Love

Marina is walking through the woods when she hears a horse coming. Beto catches up to her, but Marina tells him to stay away from her. Beto insists on helping her carry her bags which look heavy; so he accompanies to her home. Once they arrive, Marina insists that he leave, but Damiana arrives and invites him for a glass of juice. Beto mentions that Damiana saved his life when he was born. When he states his birthdate, Marina notes that it is the same as hers; so Damiana tells them how she helped both of their mothers on that torrential night. Before Beto leaves, Damiana asks him not to tell anyone that Marina is not her daughter or anything else she has just told him. Beto agrees.

Beto returns home and scolds Vanesa for getting out of bed. He recommends stronger meds.

At the ranch office, Margarito and Don Louse are talking when Lino comes in to tell Don Louse that he has decided to stay. Don Louse is glad but reminds Lino that he needs to do what he is told to do. When Don Louse mentions that Beto has to go into town to get meds for Vanesa, Lino quickly volunteers to go get the meds.

Angustias tells Pru that she doesn’t have to worry anymore; she has found her daughter’s grave…her daughter is buried with Eulalia. Pru wants to take flowers, but Angustias advises against it because people will see her there and wonder why she is crying over the grave. As they talk, Don Louse comes in and chides them for whispering again. When Pru tells him that she wants to visit the town cemetery, Don Louse criticizes her. When Angustias tells him that she will accompany Pru to the cemetery, Don Louse says ‘no’ because he will be the one to accompany her. Once Don Louse leaves, Angustias tells Pru that she will give her directions so that she can find the grave, but Pru will have to pretend to come upon the grave coincidentally.

At Damiana’s house, Marina is confused as to why Damiana was so kind to Beto, but somewhat understands since Beto has never done anything against Damiana. Marina still doesn’t understand her own feelings; she is sometimes sad, but then feels intense anger. Damiana thinks that Beto does have feelings for Marina. When Marina reminds her that Beto is engaged, Damiana wonders if Beto looks at Vanesa the way he looks at Marina.

Beto is with Vanesa checking on her ankle. When he mentions that Lino went to get the meds for her, Vanesa tries to hide that she is pleasantly surprised that Lino isn’t leaving.

In town, Lino can’t get the meds without a prescription; so he goes to Doc Mask to ask for his help. Doc Mask refuses to write him a prescription; he will NOT help anyone from that ranch.

Marina is walking in the woods when Tori catches up to her and tells her he has candy for her. When he notices that Marina is crying again, Marina asks him to go on ahead of her and she will meet him at her house. After Tori leaves, Marina leans on a tree and waters it with her tears.


Thanks Rgv Chick. Hope it was just normal tending a ranch and animals busy and not a crisis. This episode was just a little too weepy and "oh me oh my" for me. You captured the tone perfectly when you said this:

After Tori leaves, Marina leans on a tree and waters it with her tears

Yes, yes, yes, first love, can't forget his voice, his "palabras bonitas" but I'm getting weary of dwelling in adolescent boo-hoos. Ready for a little more action.
But glad Lino is sticking around since I prefer his presence on my TV screen to the rather large-pored Beto.

Happy Thursday everybody. Overcast here but this is Ohio. We have to make our own sunshine 'cause Mother Nature usually doesn't.

Thanks JudyB, no crisis here; just a trip to the vet to pick up Carlo, my young male goat who got "fixed." I'm making sure my herd doesn't grow anymore. Overcast in the RGV, but the sun should be smiling upon us and getting temps up into the high 80s later today.


Oh, yes, too much weeping for my liking. Marina really needs to stop all that boohooing to EVERYONE. Vanesa's tears seemed alot more realistic than Marina's. I hate to think what Vanesa will go through when Susana finds out that she prefers Lino over Beto. A volcanic eruption is probably prettier.

So what is Damiana hoping for? Seems like she actually wants destiny to make sure that Beto and Marina end up together; though I'm skeptical about her motives. She mentioned that Beto was raised among the rich while Marina was deprived of many things. So is it just that she wants Marina to have what belongs to her or is Damiana hoping for whatever makes Marina happy. I think it's more of the former.

Rgv Chick...there DID seem to be a lot of rancor in Damiana's comparison of Beto and Marina's life. Like Marina had been cheated out of what was rightfully hers. And yet, clearly, Marina has been happy. Adequately fed. Tenderly loved. Free from the tyranny of Don Luis who would have not been happy with a blind, female offspring. But no doubt she fears for her future when Damiana, herself, is no longer here to look after her.

What puzzles me is why Damiana is aways looking so pissed off. Somehow that seems the wrong attitude for someone who is a curandera, dedicated to healing and helping people.

Oh well...on we go. Thanks again. Glad Carlo is now free to romp and romance without engendering any more little ones.

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