Friday, April 05, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 4/5/19 Capítulo 141 Homecomings--OR--Mea Culpas

Everyone is out in the hall trying to get some fresh air. Eugenio wonders why it is taking the ambulance so long. Neto comes out wanting to find out what is going on. Pancho explains it is really serious and asks Neto to go help Ari and Temo get the oxygen.  Lupita thinks her dad looks really bad and doesn't want him to die. They give Imelda some oxygen. Ari begs Imelda not to give in and die.  Audi wanders in wondering what is going on. Finally,  the ambulance arrives.

Linda and Axel are interrupted by all of the sirens and go down to see what is going on.

At the hospital, Linda tells Dani to calm down. She is sure the triplets will be fine.  Dani is concerned that Guido's desire to hurt them is non-ending. Carlos comes out to tell them that the triplets are fine and stable. They continue to be oxygenated and under observation. Another doctor comes out to inform them that Imelda has suffered  cyanide poisoning by inhalation.  They have been administering oxygen to her and giving her the antidote.  Fortunately for her, she shouldn't have any side effects due to the fact that she was found so quickly and given oxygen.  That saved her life. She will still need treatments to clear her lungs,  help her breathing and do a few tests but she is out of danger.  As for the rest of the family,  that might have been affected, thanks to Ari, their treatment will be reduced. Temo and Ari saved their family.


Imelda arrives home and thanks God for living to fight another day. She thanks all of the family for being there.  Nonno sees it as the least they could do.  Nonno feels so ashamed of what Guido did he can't look them in the face.  He hasn't been to see him because he hasn't had it in him.  The (busiest) detective in Oaxaca stops by with news.  There is progress on all of the charges that were leveled against Guido.   They are still investigating Gabriel's death because without a corpse it is difficult. Guido was careful and didn't leave behind a trace but that all fell apart with the last attack.  They were able to prove that the humidifier had high levels of cyanide and Guido's fingerprints were all over it. That means they are ready to go to court.

Yolo arrives at the prison to see Guido.  She thinks back at telling her father that she was now ready to go and confront him.  She couldn't wait any longer.  As she enters the visiting area, Guido stands up.

Back at Blanca's,  Imelda has something to say to all present.  In her latest encounter with death, she has been thinking and thinking about of all the mistakes she has made. She is very sorry for all of the pain she has caused.  She now accepts that even though she always acted in the family's best interest she, at times, caused a lot of suffering. Now, she wants to start over.  So, from the roots of her soul she is asking them all for their forgiveness.  As a matter of fact, she has to start  to start with Ari and Temo.  The doorbell rings.  Everyone thinks it is Ari and Temo but it turns out to be Robert, Dave and Blanquita all in their red sweaters. There are hugs all around. Robert gives Dani his condolences on Gabriel's death.  Blanca asks about Julieta. She wants to know where her daughter-in-law Julieta is. They all want to know.

Back at the jail, Yolo and Guido are both standing. She informs him that she knows about everything. He promised her that he would protect her and that they would be together forever. It was all a lie.

Blanca is not happy saying that if Julieta stayed behind and wasn't there it would be just too sad and they do not need anymore sadness in the family.   Robert says Julieta stayed behind to make sure they would all be there at the Córcega's at one time so she could surprise them.  Robert asks where Ari and Temo are.  It is Ari's birthday and Temo is giving him a surprise.  All of the Córcega's are ready for Julieta's surprise. Robert tells them to close their eyes.  Dave goes to get Julieta. Dave and Julieta come in together: Julieta is pregnant.  Blanca hugs her.  Julieta tells them there is going to be a new Córcega-Aguilar. There will be more family!There are hugs and happiness all around.

Back at the jail, Guido wants Yolo to let him explain. Yolo doesn't understand what he is going to explain; that he poisoned a worse man?  that he didn't commit murder? Guido professes true love for her. That does not play well with Yolo.  She cannot take him and doesn't want to hear lies.  She knows he murdered his cousin Gabriel. He romanced her to get even with her father.  Guido is quick to deny that. He tries to explain that at the beginning it was for revenge but as he got to know her he really fell in love with her. He loves her with everything that he is.  Yolo says that is the problem because he is nothing. Guido is left with his mouth hanging open.

Blanca sends the kids into the kitchen to go get some snacks.   Robert explains that he and his family took an earlier flight from Mexico City.  Julieta is six months along in her pregnancy.  Linda admits to having seen Julieta's "little belly" when she was in Africa but kept the secret.  Danni is happy the triplets will have a cousin close in age to them.   Blanca asks  why they didn't tell them about the pregnancy.  It would have given them some hope and joy in the difficult times they are going through. Julieta notices Blanca's change in mood and is concerned. Robert and Julieta express their admiration for how brave Dani has been.  Robert explains that Julieta is having another complicated pregnancy so they wanted to wait to tell them in  person. They all want to know the gender of the baby. Julieta tells them it will be a boy.  Robert thanks Pancho and Susana for being there for the family.  Susana is happy that Robert is back to complete their mutual mission of unifying the family.  Robert is ready for that. Blanca, of course, is interested in names for the new grandson. Julieta says they have been waiting to let them be a part of the decision making process but just "a part".  They all laugh.  Eugenio says to Robert that the time has come to tell Robert the he has a new brother. Robert looks shook and is suddenly silent.

Back at the jail, Yolo tells Guido that she doesn't know what to do with all of the love she has for him because you just cannot turn it off  with the push of a button.  Love is something that keeps us fixed in place and is very profound.  Guido says he will always love her even if they are separated for years, decades. Yolo reminds him that for all he has done he will be in jail for many years and she swears that she will STOP loving him in all of those years. She is still not sure how she will do it but she will find the strength. She needs to forget him.  Guido begs her not to forget him. She wonders why and also why did he have to turn into a murderer.  She knows how much he suffered, well, she suffered, too being abandoned by her mother but she didn't go out and kill somebody because of it.  They could have moved on together but that is not how it is. Guido says if he could he would change the past for her. Yolo says he ruined the chance to start fresh together and to be happy. Guido  would give anything for Yolo to forgive him. Yolo insists  she never will forgive him.  As a matter of fact, this will be the last time he will be seeing her. Guido begs her that that not be the case. She makes it clear that her mother hurt her very deeply but he has been the biggest disappointment of her life. Yolo says good bye. Guido begs her to stay but she is out of there leaving him in a sobbing muttering heap.

Back at Blanca's, Robert doesn't understand why his father said he  had another brother. Dani explains what happened with Neto and the whole Eugenio Yolo/Eugenio story. For a time they thought that Neto was Yolo's son by Eugenio but now that has been proven false.  That being said, they now consider Neto a part of the family anyway.  Blanca tells Robert they will explain it all in private. Robert asks if anything more serious is going on. Blanca says yes but now is not the time with the kids around.  The kids bring out the food.

The next issue is accommodations.  Blanca wants the Oppa's to not be uncomfortable, so she is offering them the living room as their sleeping area.  Julieta's eyes get real big and she quickly explains that since they knew that Blanca's place was already packed, they already made arrangements to stay with her mother. Blanca is clearly not pleased. She wants them there close to her because of all of the time they were gone. Julieta thanks her with a smile but makes it clear that she cannot cancel staying at their mother's.  The next thing, Catalina comes flying through the door yelling "Juli" and greeting  everyone.  Cata is just dying for them to come and stay at her house. She already has a gift for her new grandson.  She has missed Dave and Blanquita so much. She also lets it drop that she has knows she was going to be a grandmother again for so many months now. That sets Blanca off. Robert and Julieta both try to deny that.  Cata says she is going to be the best grandmother ever. Blanca has to correct her. THEY are going to be the best grandmothers ever.

Temo has made Ari cover his eyes with a scarf.  When Ari takes it off, he sees that their bench in the park is all decorated and surrounded by balloons. Ari is shocked by the extremes Temo has gone to.  Temo wants Ari to enjoy this because more surprises are coming tonight. Ari thinks this is enough. Temo says no, nothing will ever be enough to show Ari how much he loves him. Ari says he loves him more. Temo asks if he wants to make this into a competition or open his gifts. Ari chooses opening the gifts.

Yolo leaves the jail where her father is waiting for her. Neto hugs her.

Back at the jail, a guard tells Guido to stop crying. Nobody is interested in his  bawling.

Back at Blanca's, the triplets start to cry and Dani goes off to feed them.  Robert is looking forward to meeting his nieces and nephew soon.  Susana and Pancho are ready to leave. It is time to get back to the office.  Robert asks about Pancho's new look in the suit.  Has he left his vegetable business and returned to the business world leaving the Burra behind?  Where is he working? Pancho explains he is working in a really big office where they sell things. No, he hasn't gotten rid of his Burra.  Susana  asks Robert and Julieta what they learned in their travels.  Robert says in new York, he studied a lot; in Africa he treated hundreds of children. He learned things that he can apply at this foundation. Julieta got her Master's degree. They all laugh good-naturedly when she says they will have to call her "Máster Julieta".  Julieta also makes it clear since she has a few months until the baby arrives she is dying to get back to the office and her old job. Linda, Axel, Car, Pancho and Susana, all look uncomfortable. Julieta states that she would like to be back at work tomorrow.  Susana says she needs to talk to the  board of directors first and that Julieta shouldn't rush herself but rather get herself moved back in. Cata adds "to her house".  Blanca has to add  "to her house".  Julieta undestands what they are saying but she is just so eager to get back to work and up to date on everything.

At the park, Ari starts to open his gifts. The first is a snack that Temo found out that Ari liked at the fair.  Ari will be keeping it all for himself.  The next gift is a pillow with a photo of Temo  printed on it so Ari dreams about him.  The next is a pottery piggy bank from the fair. It is not to save money but to "amass"  memories.  The next is a photo of the universe with TAHI (te amo hasta el infinito)written on it to show the small place of the universe they inhabit; their space.  Next, Temo would love to travel with Ari. Why not a trip to the beach? Ari would love to go. Temo says then  they will be off to the beach. Temo wishes Ari a happy birthday with wishes for many more birthdays by his side.

Back at Blanca's  the Oppaa's, Eugenio, Blanca,  and Cata eat together.  Blanca tells Cata to just accept that the Oppa's are staying with her because she has cooked so much food in preparation for their return.  Cata insists she has more space.  Blanca asks if she has told Robert and Julieta that Hugo and Tavo are now living wit her. Robert chokes on his food when he hears Tavo's name. Dave pats him on the back. Robert asks "Tavo" as in his friend "Tavo"???? Cata says she will discuss it all when they are surrounded by the scent of lavendar in their own private room in her comfy little home. Julieta tells Blanca again that it makes more sense to  stay with her mother. Blanca asks that they stay at least for tonight because there is so much to tell them. Robert agrees because they have him worried with so much mystery about everything. Blanca assures him that they will talk privately tonight away from all of the children.  She doesn't want to worry him but there is something about the family that he needs to know.

Eugenio talks to Dani and Linda about how worried he is telling Robert about his Alzheimer's. It is going to sadden the Oppa's and affect their lives. Both Linda and Dani tell him that Robert deserves to know and that it has probably been kept a secret for too long already.

Neto informs his family that they redid the DNA test and they are not Córcega's by blood but in spite of it all they are still going to consider each other family; a "heart' family.  Yolo apologizes for how she has been.

Back at the jail, Nonno has come to see Guido. Nonno can only stare at Guido  waiting for him in the visitation room.

At Susana's,  Susana is talking with Pancho. She doesn't know how to tell Julieta about her job. Who will end up with the vice-president of creativity position?  Before they can say anymore, Crisanta comes out telling nobody to move because they have been invaded by termites.  They need to get out.  Susana starts scratching.

At Polita's, Arqui, Polita, Temo and Eduardo all sing "Las mañanitas" to Ari. There is beautiful heart shaped cake with little figures of Aria and Temo on top.  Ari  makes his wish. They all cheer. Polita wishes her son, her pride, a very happy year.  There is a knock at the door. It is Imelda. She wants to talk to talk to Ari and Temo. She needs to listen to them and they need to listen to her.

Back at Blanca's, Blanca and Eugenio go along with Robert and Julieta to meet the triplets in Dani's room.  Robert remarks that his nieces are just as beautiful as their mother and his nephew is so handsome. He has his father's smile. Dani says part of what they have to be told all started when Gabriel's grandfather and his cousin Guido arrived in Oaxaca. What they thought was going to bring them joy ended up with Guido causing them the worst pain ever because Guido killed Gabriel. Eugenio says that cannot be true. How could have Gabriel died? Robert looks at his father and asks his mother what is going on. Blanca pats Eugenio's shoulder and gives Robert a sad look.

Everyone leaves so Imelda can talk to Ari and Temo in private.  After that, she wants to talk to Polita, too.  Imelda tells the boys that they are long overdue for a talk.

Robert tells his mother that there is clearly something wrong with his father. Robert wants to know what is going on so he can help.  Julieta says they can count on her too. They didn't come home just to their city but to their family.  As she told them the day she left, the family is where they would always come back to. Blanca tells Eugenio the time has come to tell the truth.

At Neto's, Yolo continues her apology for all of the crazy things she did like blaming her father for bringing them to Mexico when her father was only trying to do the best he could for them. Her mother is the only one responsible for having left them not him.  Yolo knows that she has been rebellious and hateful but she was that way because she didn't know how to deal with the pain, sadness, and disappointment. Neto wants to get some family counseling to get them beyond all of this. Yolo has decided she wants to change. She wants to be "good". Neto tells he that she has always been "good."  Neto and the kids join hands around the table and he says he has the best children anyone could have. He also agrees it is always good to change when it is for the better. Yolo asks if he forgives her. Neto says of course, there is nothing to forgive her for. Yolo tells her father that she loves him in Spanish because they are in Mexico. The "4 Rey's" are united again.

Back at Polita's, Imelda first wants to thank Ari and Temo for helping to save her life.  She also realizes that life has given her a second, third, fourth,  . . . better said  "another" chance. So she wants to make it worthwhile this time.  She knows her time is limited and since she has had time to reflect, she has decided to take advantage of whatever time she has left to love. Temo and Ari exchange glances in disbelief.

Everyone is back in Blanca's living room, where Blanca is talking about the challenges life is making  them face and how they are fighting not to give in.  They get their strength from the love of their family. Without a doubt, they have needed Robert and Julieta. Robert tells her that they are in their thoughts and hearts everyday. Blanca continues and explains that several months ago they received some very serious information about Eugenio. Eugenio tells them he has Alzheimer's.

Back at Polita's, Imelda admits to having made Aria and Temo's lives unbearable and having behaved very badly. Temo and Ari agree that she has been  one of the  major obstacles to their love but that she has spurned them on to fight to keep it alive and make it stronger. Imelda declares herself a witness to their love being real and true; a love from their hearts. She wants to accept their love. She wants them to understand that she is an old woman who had been brought up in a very conservative way and that her life experiences made her hard and closed off but she has never ever intended to be an evil person. She asks them to understand how hard it has been for her to come to terms with the world having changed in so many ways. Seeing them reminds her it is all so complex but that she has to evolve with the times because the one thing she has always wanted for her family was that they be happy. It is clear that Ari and Temo are. The boys smile. Ari assures her they are happy and have been going about things in the right way: They respect each other; they support each other; they love each other. Imelda thinks they are brave and respects them.  Imelda apologizes for all she has done. She asks for their forgiveness from her heart. She holds Ari's hand. Temo grabs Imelda's other hand.  Ari and Temo  agree to leave all the bad that has happened behind.   Imelda thanks them. She will always be their grandmother and proclaims that for today and forever they will always be Aristemo for her.  Everyone is happy.


I was impressed by how calm Julieta seems to be as compared to what she was earlier in this season and last season. She seems laid back which is not how I would have described her before. Anyway, things are wrapping up nicely. It was so funny seeing Robert literally choke on his food when he heard that Tavo was living at Catalina's.

Thank you, Jarifa, for yet another wonderful recap. Yeah, they are wrapping things up nicely.

Nice to see the Oppas again, and Julieta looks really good! Robert too.

But I have never totally understood the problem with Julieta returning. Did Susana or Cklass assure her that her position would be held for her, whenever or if she ever returned? Certainly it would be nice, but who was supposed to do the work while she was off in NY and Africa?

Jarifa, Cynthia, and Lynne, you guys know your telenovelas! Temo and Ari are heroes for Imelda. Wonderful! Now hopefully they will go away.     :-)

Poor Yolo! Well, at least she made Guido absolutely miserable which is absolutely necessary for villanos in these telenovelas.


Andy, the company and Susana were supporting/sponsoring Julieta doing what she was doing when she left town (now we find out she got her Master’s degree besides going to Africa ) and she was told that her job would be there when she got back. Susana had kept it open and was juggling both vice-presidencies until the Korean problem when Pancho got involved. That was the “understanding.” It should be interesting when Julieta finds out her job has been filled by her boss’s “ husband.” Not going to help the kind of family unity Susana and Robert have been aiming for.

Thanks so much Jarifa. Wow, no matter where Julieta and Robert go, the house is going to be overflowing. Oh well, it's just a story after all. Blush to admit that I was kind of hoping that Imelda would pass on to her eternal reward, but instead she had one of those glorious near-death experiences where you come back full of love and acceptance for all. Even better.

I think we're not supposed to discuss previews but I saw some that look very enticing indeed. Ahem, but I digress. Another gloomy day here. Trying to get up my enthusiasm to clean bathrooms and vacuum carpets. Need a shirtless, muscular hombre wrapped in a towel to get my energy going. Any takers? LOL Have a great Saturday everybody.

Jarifa: They don't have Gabriel's body ?


Judy: I went LOL when the guard told Guido to stop crying.

Yolo FINALLY got a backbone & told the sociopath GOODBYE FELICIA.

Andy: Julieta still looks HOT.

Jarifa, a joyous jewel. Just sensational. Savored every syllable.

"she is out of there leaving him in a sobbing muttering heap" could not have been more perfectly descriptive of Yolo's words vanquishing Guido. I have a feeling he will be manically begging Nonno to forgive him. Nonno's look would wither the strongest tree.

"The (busiest) detective in Oaxaca stops by with news" and "Robert looks shook and is suddenly silent".

I think Julieta blossomed. She looked radiantly happy - a noticeable, welcome change. I loved Robert and Dave's matching red sweaters but was troubled by the huge, unsightly wooden buttons.

How difficult for Robert and Julieta to hear about Eugenio. I'm on the fence about whether they should have been told sooner...

I loved the Reyes bonding - Neto is a role model...

Imelda's transformation? OK, if you say so...

Julieta's back so it's time for Pancho to go back to his job. What am I missing? Susana said she would hold it, Pancho helped out but time to return to La Burra :)

A wonderful show but even better recap. Thank you so much Jarifa!!

Happy Saturday all!


Jarifa, thank you .

Time marches on. Juliet has perhaps mellowed out due to pregnancy hormones. Maybe Pancho will step down and let Juki have her job back .Then we will be back to that strong woman theme that we started with before Juli left and Axel and Pancho stepped in to the company.

Well, it is sunny here. The daffodils are poking up. I have a million chores to do. Looking forward to a,walk in the local park with my daughter later.

Thank you Jarifa for covering all the details in another jam packed episode. I sure was glad that Robert and Julieta made their appearance. But looks like a new Blanquita--this one has much darker hair.

My favorite part was Yolo confronting Guido. The actress did a wonderful job.

I laughed when Blanca was upset that Julieta and Robert weren't going to stay at the Corsesga apartment. That lady must enjoy crowded conditions! LOL! If it had been me, I'd have said, "Oh yes, go stay with Catalina, you'll probably be more comfortable there." It was funny too, to see Robert's reaction when he found out his friend Tavo moved in with Catalina. Daniel Arenas is such a good actor.

I sure am glad that Imelda repented of her meanness and cruelty! Now we need to have Audi repent as well.

Jarifa, thanks for the info. If I ever knew that Julieee was expected to return to her old position I long ago forgot it.

And, Diana, thank you for mentioning "the huge, unsightly wooden buttons" on the sweaters. Actually, I only noticed on Robert's sweater. I didn't say anything because they might be a "thing" that I don't know about, and that some people just love. Whatever, nothing important, just silly.

Yup, yup, yup. A great thing that Imelda has repented and has become a sweet old great-grandmother. Next up: Audifaz falls down a well and no one hears his cries for help. But then Temo, with his superior sense of smell, finds him and goes back to Ari and barks, errr, tells him and they go rescue old Audifaz. Audi has an epiphany and realizes that love conquers all, the heart is never wrong, and the end (of the show) is near. Love, repentance, and hugs all around.


andy     :-)

Great recap, as usual. Thank you.

Sorry, but I hold grudges. Imelda could've offered to host an out-of-this world wedding for Aristemo and I STILL wouldn't forgive her. She was mean and nasty to them and to their families, taking the baby away from Polita, charging her rent, threatening to evict them numerous times, etc, etc. And now, just because she almost kicked the bucket, she's all, "Forgive me, NOW I believe in love!" Really?? Umm, sorry ... it's a (resounding) NO for me! She'll get over her feel-good cloud and go back to being her miserable self ... she's done it before. I know we have to tie things up in pretty ribbons for the telenovela grab final, but still. Lol

So Imelda is redeemed? Nah, don’t believe it. She’s still got some venom to spit. Again Yolo was perfect in her anguish......just as good as Dani in her fury , hurt towards Suspenders Boy,

Excellent recap as usual, Jarifa. I was amazed at how authentically pregnant Julieta looked. She even seemed to have a slightly puffy face--but maybe it was my imagination. :)

Zuria Vega (Julieta) is pregnant in real life. Or was, at the time of filming.

Hi, MMTMF Patioooh!! I miss you all!

Just a heads up. On Monday, April 15th, MMTMF is scheduled to air from 7:00-9:00 (E) and Doña Flor y Sus Dos Maridos will follow at 9:00 pm.

So glad to see that Robert and Julieta are back!!! Squeeee!!!

RgvChick, thanks for the info! I am so happy they are giving us the legendary two hour gran final and not chopping anything out. Yay!

Anonymous 5:50, thanks for the info on the pregnancy, too.

SpanProf, you were so observant! 😊

Anonymous 4:19, only time (and very little of it) will tell with Imelda.

Anonymous 3:24, yes, it is hard to believe that Imelda turned the page after all of the pain and damage she has caused.

Andy, I wonder if Audi will follow in Imelda’s tracks. The cynic in me says he will because mommy might tell him to, not that he might actually have the idea himself.

Cynthia, Blanca does seem to be a fan of “the more the merrier”.

Diana, thanks! Those wooden buttons sure give those sweaters a definitively unique look. LOL

JudyB, as long as I don’t have to hear Imelda’s hatred, I guess it is okay she survived.

Steve, Gabriel was cremated.

I cannot wait for the next capítulo!

Susanlynn, I would hope Pancho would step down but he is sort of competitive.



No, Diana, that is not the start of another message. It’s me just being sloppy this a.m. I need some coffee.

Rgv Chick, great to "see" you.

Appreciate the info on the finale. The 15th looks like "must see TV"...

I saw something I thought was another Dona Flor preview. This one had Raúl Coronado and it looked amazing (didn't know the actress or the other male lead).

That said, "this" DF looks good and I'm ready for something a bit different.

Sunny here a bit cool but beautiful.

Enjoy the day all - spring is all too fleeting.


will you recap doña flor? thx

Diana: I do NOT see Imelda changing anytime soon.

Wow! Three hours straight on 15 April? I can't even get too comfortable watching an hour-long show for fear of falling asleep. (It's not the show, it's me.)

I need to start skipping rope again and doing some road work to get ready for such a marathon. And I'll need a bowl of popcorn and a huge, huge pot of coffee because I'm on straight decaf these days and trips to the bathroom will have to substitute for the caffeine effect.


You had me laughing andy.

It wasn't too many years ago that there were actually times I tried to watch 2, sometimes even 3 TNs every night. Those days seem long ago and time is precious and much harder to attain nowadays. It will be a long night and a Monday too! But, am looking forward to it.


I am thinking already about what I will have for dinner and snacks!

Thanks, Jarifa. Fine job.

So glad to hear they won't trim the gran final.

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