Monday, June 17, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Doña Flor, Sin Tu Mirada, y Mas - Week of June 17, 2019

Welcome to page 1 for the week! Some of the current daytime telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 1-2PM – Doña Flor y Sus Dos Maridos: Ep. 45-47
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 61-63
Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

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Part 1

Well, our young folks are dashing ahead with their lives, their new jobs,their club memberships and their romances and some of the parents are perturbed. On the other hand, Susana is thrilled that Big Ed seems to be making some kind of headway with Vanessa. Here's how it all went down today.

Damiana leaves Doc Bazán's home and is followed by Doc Mask. Now he knows exactly where Marina lives. Marina is still happily stumbling around the place and bumping into lamps when her other mom, Prudencia calls and they make plans to meet at the Church of Santa Lucia to give thanks for the restoration of her sight.

Her vision is still what I would call "functionally blind"--she can only see close-up and then it's like looking through a murky glass, but whatever. Prudencia and Angustias are thrilled, and the latter is especially grateful and happy that now Marina has come full circle, and can see.

Later Doc Bazán gives her some primer books with simple pictures. She is to write the names of the objects underneath and presto! she'll be learning to read and write in no time. (Cue the Lourdes water).

Back in Valle de Bravo Zack is still being a thorn in Margarito's side. But Erasmo has stepped up and vows to fill in for Marg, even if a guy like him does the work of three men. Zack sneers that Erasmo's helping because he wants to be in good with his novia Yola. One look at Yola's face and we know that's not what she wants. But Erasmo and Margarito both want to protect her from Zack's well-known "ojo alegre" (he's a predator, basically) So fine. All good.

In other developments, Prudencia and Angustias finally learn Marina's address, and Lucrecia has decided to join the same club where Beto works out--under the guise of making new friends. But it soon becomes clear her only target is Beto himself and she's honed in on him like radar.

And Doc Mask, who's been following Marina as she visits the church, sees her stumble and mistakenly assumes that she is still blind. This will be crucial later.


Part 2

They're throwing a big party in the vecindad with balloons and streamers and Marina is getting to check out her old friends. She immediately knows that Lino is guapo (handsome) and tactfully says that Toribio and Baldomero are too. And finally she gets to hold the magic baby who never eats, cries or poops. Lots of tender murmurings while baby looks bored like "who IS this lady?". But bless his heart, he doesn't cry or fuss. And looks a bit like Beto. It's the hair I think.

Well, if you thought Zack was a predator, you should see Lucreepy at work. She and Beto are back from an exercise romp at the club and she wants to join. He agrees to sponsor her. That's more than enough encouragement from Lucrecia to plead her romantic case while running her fingers up Beto's chest and giving him light kisses all over.

He's backing off while she's moving in. Saying that he tried to forget Marina with Vanessa and it didn't work. Of course not, coos our psychiatrist. You had a friendship with Vane, nothing more. But we've got a spark [chispa, chispita]. Don't you feel it? More kisses, more magic fingers, more insisting.

And aren't we all thinking the same thing--this lady could be boiling a bunny later on. But Beto is weakening (guess he didn't see the movie) and pretty soon the kisses are more intense, with arms wrapping and bodies bumping.

And in walks Dad Zamudio.

With a look that could turn Beto to stone.

Lucrecia whisks out with a light-hearted "Adios" and leaves Beto to face the music.


Part 3

Okay. Marina has had enough of the baby and wants to rest. Anita will take over. Nobody's worried about Doc Mask, they think he's gone back to the town. But no! the camera shows us the Doc renting an apartment in the city and planning what furniture to bring. Dumdedumdum.

And dumdedumdum for Beto who is being filleted and grilled by Zamudio. ANYTHING I SHOULD KNOW? We're going out, mutters Beto, head down like a naughty schoolboy. WELL I DON'T LIKE YOUR TONITO DO VOZ [tone of voice} MY DAUGHTER IS NOT SOMEONE TO TAKE LIGHTLY.

And there's a Mom on the warpath too. Doc Bazán's mamita who is grilling him on where Marina is going to live (not at the home clinic, he assures her) and how in the world he expects her to learn to read and write in the wink of an eye!!?? But just to make sure she's still in charge, Mom announces that she's going to move into the guest bedroom.

I love how the parents still wield a mighty sword with these young adults. Not that they're paying any attention, but still....


Having left Beto to face the music all by himself, Lucrecia now pops back in and wants to know if Dad gave him a sermon. Most decidedly. And Beto keeps stammering that they're going too fast and he wants to slow things down.

Nothin' doin'. She's a strong woman, self-confident, she's already had her heart broken and has moved on like a champ. Beto wisely starts to walk away, but our Lucrecia grabs him, holds him close and pretty much smothers him with kisses. The guy is toast. This lady won't let go until he's completely desiccated.

Lots of little scenes back at the vecindad while Beto is being assaulted. Lino is still reluctant to take the chauffeur job even though Prudencia has promised to lobby for him. Baldomero is sulking because Damiana keeps calling Margarito, ostensibly to know how his sprained ankle is. Ramona, back in Valle de Bravo, is weeping and wailing rending her garments because Doc Mask won't take her with him to the apartment in Mexico City. I've always been loyal and devoted...don't you want me to go on cooking and cleaning for you?

No he does not.

And besides, no one must know that he's selling the house and moving. Especially not Margarito and Yola.

Back at the vecindad, Marina is explaining to Baby why she still can't spend any time with him. She has to go to work to provide for him, see. Baby understands.

Now we have a little montage: Lino driving Marina to work; Doc Bazán mom watching Marina work; Pru and Angustias playing with baby; Luis lustily throwing Susana around like a rag doll before jumping her bones.

And Big Ed happily shopping with Vanessa, copping a feel whenever possible while she racks up a big credit card bill. The butt swat and encircling her with his arms while handing over the credit card were high camp. You had to love it. Vanessa's death glare has none of the force of Doc Zamudio's. I'm beginning to think this relationship could work. (just kidding)


Part 5

Doña Encarnación, Doc Bazán's mom, is lowering the boom on Marina. (Could we fix her up with Doc Zamudio? Clash of the Titans?) Well, no matter. Mom wants to know why Marina is hanging around, distracting her son from his important business. Does she intend to be the new señora of the house? Marina gives her that innocent, wide-eyed look, but later on fires back effectively. I'm very grateful to your son and am working to pay him back. My only interest in him is as a friend. And I ask that you respect me as I respect you.

So there.

Back at the hospital there's another confrontation going on, though it starts out mildly enough. Bazán is chatting with Beto...the usual "Haven't seen you for a while, how's life in Emergency?" and Beto, while sharing that he's now with Doc Zamudio, wants to know why Bazan didn't tell him about Marina's surgery. After all, I was the one who brought her to you for a consultation, he sniffs.

Yes, but later she came alone, Bazan retorts.

Well, can she see now?

Can't reveal anything about my current patients. Although I assume that you had some kind of relationship in the past.

Yes. We were married. And that's why I want to know how she is.

Look, you WERE married. Now you're not. End of story.

Whew! Definitely some antler-bashing going on there.

Elsewhere, Lino has picked up Marina to take her home but they stop for an ice cream (ice cream cones are REALLY small in Mexico). She sits alone and Doc Mask creeps up behind her assuming she can't see. She turns and queries, Doc Isauro? He's freaked. She's freaked. Lino keeps saying "tranquila, tranquila" the way these characters do whenever there's a crisis.

Lots of no puede ser's on the part of Doctor Creepy. He runs off, falls, the mask is knocked off and he scares the bejesus out of a passerby. But later, back in the vecindad, nobody is taking his presence seriously. They're not even sure it was really him.

Only other development is don Luis catches Susana in her mother-in-law rendezvous at the club with Big Ed. Luis, naturally suspicious, wants to know how they know each other. Chucha quickly steps in and tells him Ed is Vanessa's fiancé and why don't we invite him for dinner? Ed of course is champing at the bit for Vanessa to set a wedding date. And hmmm, now he's got blackmail material. Surely he's on to the fact that Luis and Susana have a relationship ,just from the way Luis kissed the top of her head.

Will this all blow up in a big scandal? Will Vanessa be dragged to the altar? And will I ever stop blowing my nose? Tune in tomorrow to see what our crazy characters are up to. In the meantime, I'm headed for the Advil bottle and some more kleenex.

FLOR (highlights)
Ep 45: Part 1 A Lie for a Truth

Lola finishes her performance and asks Paris if she can help her cheer up Tito who is still pining over Flor. Paris refuses to help and tells Lola to cheer him up herself. Later that night, Lola and Tito are observed by Itza as they are in their jammies having a good time eating pizza and ice cream.

In the morning, Flor wakes up alone in the middle of the bed. As she looks around and under the bed for Val, Teo comes out of the restroom brushing his teeth and questions Flor about her “dream” in which she was move about oddly and asking someone to caress her…she then called out Val’s name. Flor quickly justifies that it was just a dream, but Toe isn’t too keen on the idea that she is dreaming of someone who is not him. When Flor asks about Sami, Teo explains that Sami is in serious condition and may take up to months, even years, to recuperate…but she will recuperate.

Chile is at the funeral home praying because he feels very alone…he is thinking of becoming a priest, monk or anything where he would have to wear a skirt. Val shows up and teases him that he would look quite nice in a skirt. Chile is glad that Val finally showed up. He explains that he took all his pain and focused on spirituality. Chile has changed and now thinks he wants to help those who are disheartened. When Chile asks why Val returned, Val explains that Flor brought him back with her love; now he needs to prove that he didn’t cheat on her. Chile starts talking about not taking revenge because it contaminates the soul and rots the body. Val tries to tell Chile that he doesn’t want to avenge anyone, but Chile is on a roll and wants Val to let him continue with his sermon….Val needs to inhale and exhale luuurve.

Itza mentions to Tito that he and Lola were having a really nice time …he and Lola would make a nice couple and she sensed some good vibes for them. Tito denies feeling anything, but friendship for Lola, but Itza teases that they like each other.

Xochitl tries to get Aure to pay for Diego’s ticket to come visit her. When Aure tells her that he doesn’t have the money, Xochitl quickly gets an urge to go be with her mother (manipulative little brat!).

Sami is praying at church because she misses her body. Val shows up and tells her that there is still hope for her because she still shows signs of life…unlike him who is DEAD. When Val recalls how Flor had promised to become his wife if she proved t other that EVERYTHING she was told was a lie, his eyes twinkle as he plots to get Sami to tell Flor the truth. Sami pleads that he help her find a way to stay in the land of the living; so Val will talk to his “contacts” to see what can be done. He smiles wide when Sami tells him that she would do anything to remain alive.

Elpi advises Oscar to approach Teo with the truth using the same strategy that “Celeste” uses with her listeners; he should come up with a story about a similar transgender problem to tell Teo and see how Teo reacts.

Rose is planning a fashion show. As she and Jovita interview a sexy dude, he mentions that he knows where the town is because he heard about the crazy lady who destroyed the painting.


FLOR (highlights)
Ep 45: Part 2 A Lie for a Truth

Octi is at the hospital with Sami who is still in a coma. When a nurse comes in to turn Sami, Octi offers to help and as he holds Sami, she wakes up.

Flor is alone at home stressing about seeing Val. He shows up and starts massaging her shoulders and tells her that they can go upstairs so that he can help her destress. After Flor tells him to go away, Val agrees to leave but will return to prove that he was innocent.

Chile goes to talk to Elpi to tell him that he wants to give himself to God. Elpi thinks Chile is exaggerating, but when Chile insists on helping out at the church, Elpi suggests he go to a seminary.

Val finds Sami at the town gazebo and tells her that he has talked to his contacts upstairs and there is a possibility that she can remain on earth, but she will have to work hard for it. In reality, Val previously met with Carlota who looked up Sami’s file and told Val that Sami still had many years to live. Val tells Sami that he went through a lot to get the higher-ups to let her live, but he accomplished it. She will live, but she has to tell Flor the truth—that nothing happened between them.

Rose goes to show Marga the video where Marga yelled at Jovita in front of the reporter; the video went viral. After Marga tells Rose that this was Jovita’s doing, Rose’s eyes bug out and she stomps off to Jovita’s bakery. As she gets there, Jovita and Vicente are laughing it up as they watch the video. Jovita sees Rose, and thinking that Rose will have a good laugh about it, proudly shows it to her, but Rose is anything, but amused. Rose chides Jovita for embarrassing her mother and starts throwing bread at her (oh, pooh! An alliance ripped apart!).

Teo shares with Mica about Flor’s current problem—she is seeing Val’s ghost; and he thinks it’s because of all the stress Flor has been under. Mica suggests that Flor see a psychiatrist, but Teo doesn’t think that would be a good idea because Flor would accuse him of thinking she is crazy.

Xochitl is now with Mariana…all smiles and happy to be with her mommy, but she needs to tell her mommy something very important. Next thing you know, Mariana is talking to Elsa and planning on having Diego come for a vacation.

Some nerdy guy with glasses comes to visit Marga because he needs to talk to her.. (He might be a Rose’s next conquest???)

Flor is at home trying to convince herself that she is not going crazy when Octi comes to see her. He tells her that Sami woke up from her coma; and the first thing she did was to ask to talk to Flor. Later at the hospital, Octi and Flor arrive at Sami’s room. Sami has something important to tell both of them…about Val—what she said about her and Val was all a lie…nothing happened between them. Val never bothered her; it was she who tried to manipulate him into sleeping with her, but he never did…Val never cheated on Flor with Sami. Val, who has been listening, is super satisfied.



JudyB, thank you so much for this excellent recap, especially as you're not feeling well. As always, much appreciated!

I watched today's episode 1.5 times so far, I'm going to rewatch another couple of scenes later.    :-)

I first watched "live" and no CC, the second time I did a good bit of FFWDing, but also slowed down or watched several times particular segments, and used the CC. Interesting to compare them. At one point Doc Zamudio is asking Beto and Rapunzel how things are going and she says very well, she even traded phone numbers with Vane, and Doc Zamudio says "Qué huelga..." At least that's what I heard; the CC said "Qué bueno..." Proves ya can't always rely on Closed Captioning, eh?    :-)

There were several other problematic scenes as far as my Spanish was concerned. When Doc Mask saw Marina come out of the church he said something like "So the operation was/wasn't a success. She is/isn't still blind." I wasn't sure whether he thought she was still blind or not. But I suspected that he thought she was still blind because he did not look upset and we know he didn't want her to see, most especially see his ugly face. Turns out I guessed right, but it was more the visual than understanding the Spanish properly.

Hmmm... Doc Beto is training to be a facial plastic surgeon. Wow! That would be one big bucks operation!

Doc Zamudio's hospital office is quite nice. Here in New York a couple of families could live in that office. And it would certainly be a step up for Marina and her extended family.

Everybody hooked up with the "wrong" person seemed to be having a good time, even Vane with Big Ed. Vane looked to be thinking, "Gee, love is wonderful but it don't pay for stuff at this upscale boutique..." JudyB, call me a cynic, but I'm not so sure that this pairing could not work.

I enjoy the way this TN keeps us, or at least me, wondering how these couples will all shake out.


Andy: If you have to guess, who do you see as endgame ?


Steve: I honestly don't know. I haven't figured out if this TN is just teasing us or if there will be a couple of surprises.



Thank you Judy, for your snarky recap. My favs:
“(Cue the Lourdes water).”
“And looks a bit like Beto. It's the hair I think.” (LOL Judy!)
“-this lady could be boiling a bunny later on.”
“Back at the vecindad, Marina is explaining to Baby why she still can't spend any time with him. She has to go to work to provide for him, see. Baby understands.”

Okay, looks like Lucreepy is oozing on over into stalker mode. I'm done with her. Hide the bunny!

Grandma's chauffeur and day camp service is "on" this week. So what that means is that I probably will not have time --- or the energy --- to watch Mirada this week. I will save this episode on the DVR just so I can see Vane & Ed's big shopping spree.


Oh, I hit "publish" before I meant to. JUDY - I hope your cold gets better soon! You are such a dear to write a recap while under the weather. (((Hugs))) Aren't grands the best? They give us all their love and all their germs!?!

JudyB, sorry you got the sniffles. I Hope you feels better soon. And thank you For writing while blowing your nose. That Gotta be tuff.

Beto is getting stuck with an octopus.
With to much hair. I do not like this person. Even if beto don't get to have marina again, he don't need to be
Hookin up with that sticky heffa. And we know he and marina are endgame.

Isauro acts kinda upset that marina is
Starting to see the lite of day n nite
He is such a waste of skin. Yuck!

When is pru gonna find out about her Cheatin Hubby? Ima bout ready for her to kick his pompus butt to the curve.

Everyone seems to be Movin on. Marina is working, half blind. And in walk ma
Kettle with a burr in pants threatnin
To move in to protect her son from a
Gold diggin blind girl. So glad mari put her in her snooty place. I thought
She was gonna be nice. Pru would tare
Her a new one.

"MY DAUGHTER IS NOT SOMEONE TO TAKE LIGHTLY". Hows about dont take her at all. Ever.

Why is Margo sitting with pillows on either side? Baldy looks like he's gettin tired of all the attention marg
Is gettin from his woman. Well stuff happens.

Ok sleepy time. Thank you Judy. More Of these happily uncertain folks on tomorrow.


Quick comment before My day with la Nieta begins.

Bazan's mother thinks Marina is a gold digger, but just wait until she learns who her bio parent$ are. Poor woman will likely $woon.


As always, my dear, funny Patio is cracking me up. Still feel like the fog has rolled into my brain and settled in for good, but this too shall pass. Thanks for all the good wishes and good vibes. They DO help!

Steve...None of us know for sure who is Endgame, but since the theme in these stories is that Love is Destiny, we expect, at least, that Vane-Lino and Marina-Beto will end up together. The rest of the characters though are up for grabs.

Andy...No, I would never call you a cynic. A rascal, yes! A guy with a sly sense of humor that always makes me smile. And clearly, Vanessa is enjoying all these new duds. And a passing swat on the behind is tolerable for a whole new wardrobe I guess. But doubt that she will be up for anything more...strenuous, shall we say.

Doris...thanks for noting all your faves in the recap. Makes me feel very appreciated. Lucrecia "oozing into stalker mode"--yes! Hide the bunny! And I agree with you...when "Ma Kettle" (thanks Nina!) finds out Marina is an Ocaranza, she will probably change her tune. Or maybe not. Mama may want her son the doctor all for herself. It happens. Have fun with your darling nieta this week. They are worth all the germs and sniffles.

Nina...So many lines to laugh at...starting with "thank you for writing while blowing your nose". What a visual! But my favorite, in addition to Ma Kettle was :
"MY DAUGHTER IS NOT SOMEONE TO TAKE LIGHTLY. How about don't take her at all. Ever."
And "sticky heffa" is a perfect name for Lucrecia. Scary in her determined pursuit, I must say.

Thanks you all for starting my day off right. Still not out of the woods, cold-wise, but making progress. And you great people helped!


Good Morning Rgv Chick. Still haven't a clue as to what's going on in this telenovela but enjoyed this:

"Chile starts talking about not taking revenge because it contaminates the soul and rots the body. Val tries to tell Chile that he doesn’t want to avenge anyone, but Chile is on a roll and wants Val to let him continue with his sermon….Val needs to inhale and exhale luuurve."

Sounds both wonderfully wise and wonderfully woo-woo. Your recaps are so interesting I think I want to check in, but then the day rushes past and time gets away from me. Thanks for all you do for CarayCaray, tireless lady. You amaze me.


JudyB, I still cannot believe how amazingly funny your recaps are. Thank you for ending my day on such a happy note since I cannot go to sleep until I read your recap.

Doris, you are so good at identifying my favorite lines; can I just copy your comment?

Nina, "...Kettle with a burr in pants threatnin
To move in to protect her son from a
Gold diggin blind girl." You crack me up, girl! What a vision I had with this LOL


JudyB, thank you for commenting. I can't believe that more people aren't watching this show...or maybe they are and they're lurking. Anyhoo...I am really enjoying all the characters and there is actually no one that I could say is pure evil. Just about every episode is full of humor. Chile is a riot; I don't know how the actors can keep a straight face during filming.


Beto really wants Doc B to break HIPPA or something. While it does happen in telenovela land, Doc B obviously ain’t stupid. Marina is no longer Beto’s girlfriend/wife. She doesn’t owe Beto anything. If baby no name is his then that would be the only thing he automatically has rights to but not to Marina unless they get back together.

If Marina and Doc B start dating they’d probably have a better chance of at least lasting a bit longer than the current pairings of Beto/Lu, Lino/Anita, Vane/Ed. From the chatter I’ve seen elsewhere Lino/Vane seem to be the favorite couple more so than Beto/Marina. Doc B seems like the type of character/man who could potentially sacrifice his own happiness in order to see Marina happy if she finds her way back to Beto in the end. I like those kind of endings to a love triangle where one accepts defeat per se and steps aside with no ill feelings. I doubt Doc B will turn into a crazy, possessive guy a la Doc Mask. So far it doesn’t seem like anything could make him turn to the dark side and become villain-esque. The only issue on Doc B’s end seems to be his mother.

Lu on the other hand likely won’t let Beto go so easily. And she clearly is quite the daddy’s girl so daddy will continue to give Beto an earful about how great his daughter is. So Beto’s road to getting rid of Lu isn’t too crazy.



TF - often the secondary couples are more interesting and inspire more caring about their story from us viewers.


Doris - Very true. I do like Beto/Marina because I love who is portraying both but yes the Lino/Vane storyline is more interesting. There is something about them defying Chucha, as opposed to Marina/Beto defying Luis and Doc Mask, that I find more interesting. Hard to describe lol


Part 1

Well, our dear characters are still wandering around, hooking up with the wrong people and deluding themselves that they are moving on. Don't imagine any of them will get clear about their romantic destiny until we're a lot further along in this story. So let's see what mischief they got up to today.

Doc Mask, all alone in his dark, navy blue apartment is pitching a fit because now Marina can see how ugly he is. He throws over a coffee table for good measure. Really really upset! Almost makes me feel sorry for him. Almost.

Anita, still all sweet and swooney over Lino is telling him a bar owner was so impressed with his video that he's ready to hire him on to play there.

Vane is back at the hospital, curled up with Beto again, telling him Big Ed is a better novio than he ever was. Beto opines that he thought she was better off with Lino. Our little fresa sighs and say, "No, too many problems. It would never work."

Hey Vane, TF and Doris are rooting for you! I am too, come to think of it. Fight for your love you silly girl! (She's not listening. But the show's not over yet.)

Meanwhile, Beto and Erick are having another one of those tedious conversations about Lucrecia. Beto is damning her with faint praise by saying how intelligent and interesting she is. Trust me, this is not how a guy talks about a gal he's hot for. Just sayin'. Lucreepy comes up, figures they're talking about her, gets herself invited to dinner at Beto's that night (meet the parents!) and just looks weird. Maybe it's because she's a psychiatrist. Dark thoughts and all that.

Luis and Chucha are pounding the bedsprings (their couplings always look very athletic) and then musing about the planned dinner. Luis has full confidence that Prudencia will carry it off beautifully. Chucha, with vinegar in her voice, coos that "Yes, Pru is a great hostess." You can tell she loathes any praise of her rival.

Doc Mask has shifted from throwing furniture around to drinking booze out of a bottle in a paper bag, wandering the streets of the city. I was hoping that he would get hit by a car, but no such luck. Meanwhile, back in Valle de Bravo, Yola overhears Ramona talking about moving to the city. She's instantly suspicious.

And so is Angustias. She's noticed that Chucha is never around anymore, but quietly agrees to fix a delicious dinner while Prudencia sees to the proper wine. Not that Luis thinks Big Ed has a refined palate (palador) and refers to the guy as a "chaneque" which is a type of mischievous dwarf that haunts the
forests and wild places of Mexico. Not very promising as a fiancé for his Vanessita!

We end this section with Lino singing another one of his tortured, tuneless songs about love to the ecstasy of Anita and the bar patrons. Don Nepo (who usually plays thugs) tells him he'll only hire him for the weekends. He knows Lino's looking for fame and fortune but kid, THIS IS NOT LIKE IN THOSE TELENOVELAS.

Well, it had to happen. And we break for some thrilling ads about Medicare and Pre-funeral planning. Do they know I'm in that market niche? Jeez!

Many thanks JudyB for the splendid recap!

Finally you guys seem to have caught up with us!
I particularly love how Marina's sight is gradually coming back, but why oh why don't these characters ever learn to take precautions? A mere speculation of sight of Dr Eeeewwzauro would make me move or change my patterns.

IMO, the secondary couple (Vane and Lino) are more interesting as they just look good together, probably coz that predetermined notion of "they will have to split at some point" doesn't really heavily apply to them as it does to the protagonistas, who commonly have to be made a bit stupid to make the show flow...

Still surprised no hero/heroine ever realises a bad guy/girl creeping onto them...oh my... the beauty of Telenovelas!


Part 2

Ah, parents. Meddling Mom has popped into Doc Bazán's office, figuring Marina has complained to him. And she wants to assure him that MARINA STARTED IT! NOT HER!
All Mom was doing was trying to correct the rude way Marina was talking to clients. "No way! The patients love her. She's the best receptionist I've ever had!" protests the good doc.

Okay, that fell flat. But Mom, as she slinks away, still has a dinner date with her son after he sees his last patient.

Toribio, Baldomero and Marina are in the neurologist's office. First the bad news. The damage to Toribio's brain is inoperable. BUT, they can do some exercises to help him fire up those synapses a little better and help his memory. And doc will prescribe some medication to help him sleep better without nightmares. And don't worry about the cost!

Anita, meanwhile, is still benevolently managing Lino's life. Since he only has a weekend job, he needs to go ahead and apply for the chauffeur position at don Luis' business in town. He protests (just to make us viewers anxious) but finally agrees to go see him.

And speaking of anxiety, Marina and her amoeba crowd are oozing around the hospital and you just KNOW she's going to run into Beto.

But she doesn't. Instead it's Mama Bazán--who's all apologetic now that she knows Marina didn't rat her out to Sonny Boy. Marina assures her she's not after her son (whom Mom considers a hot catch [muy codiciado], listens empathetically to all Mom's laments about loneliness, and encourages her to follow the dreams she had before becoming a wife and mother.

Wow! A year of therapy in just two minutes! And Marina isn't even a psychiatrist. Too bad Lucreepy can't see her at work. Phenomenal.

Anyway, sum total, Mom is smitten. Almost as much as Doc Bazán.

And more ads about you know what. Well, better than toenail fungus I guess.


Part 3

Erick can't come to the dinner because he's working night shift. Lucrecia wants to go home and change, even though Beto tells her she looks fine. (Guys, we always need a special dress to meet your parents for the first time. Puh-leeze.)

Lino arrives at don Luis' office. Lucky for him, Luis has just had a great romp in the hay and is feeling benevolent. He remembers what a good worker Lino was on the ranch--and still thinks he should return there. But since he's determined to stay in Mexico City, by all means sure, take the chauffeur job my boy!

Has anybody noticed Luis' finger wiggle? I first did when he made his initial move on Chucha's off the shoulder blouse. But since then he's been doing it a lot. Cracks me up. I'm falling in love with this bounder, even if he is cheating on dear Prudencia.

Elsewhere, Marina is thanking Doc Bazán for all his help and he tells her to call him Ricardo. Great! Thanks. That's a lot easier to type.

Now to the dinner. Whoa. Doesn't start well. Chucha instructed Big Ed to wear a discreet suit. Which he does. Adorned by those wretched Miami Vice gold chains. And he sits on the arm rest of the sofa like some teenaged lout. And calls Prudencia by her first name and suggests that they "tutear" each other. Really really out of line, but Prudencia goes along with it, a polite smile plastered on her face.

Angustias looks horrified; Vanessa sick; Luis dubious; and Chucha gleeful.

What's more, Big Ed is already pushing for a quickie wedding. When Pru asks Why the rush, he's offended and gets offensive. Don't you think I'm worthy of this "hembra" !?[female...rather a crude term for a young lady of a certain class].

Everybody looks fabulously uncomfortable. Except Vanessa who looks catatonic.

This prickly dinner scene is contrasted with the relaxed happiness of dinner with the Valle de Bravo folks in their humble dwelling. Except for one sticky moment. Toribio is boasting about what a great pal and support Baldomero has been. There are no men like him! Toribio adds. Baldo looks to Damiana hopefully. And she looks away stony-faced.

Oh boy. There's no hope for this romance. Sure hope things work out with Doña Chola of the Toolbelt.


Part 4

This difficult scene is interrupted by a phone call from Yola. Maybe she's just worrying over nothing [girando mucho la ardilla] but she's learned Ramona is moving to the city and that makes her think that Doc Mask is already there, stalking Marina. The Valle de Bravo folks pooh-pooh the danger and so does Marina. She's not going to let that guy torment her any longer!

Meanwhile "that guy" is in the dark side of town, lurching among the vagrants and the streetwalkers, still clutching his bottle and his grief. When one of the gals comes on to him, he briefly chokes her, but undeterred she hauls him up and takes him off for a session. Have to admire the work ethic and dedication of these gals.

Chucha, our other example of work ethic and dedication, is trying to smooth over the rough edges of Big Ed's pushy proposal. Of course he can't wait. My daughter is so adorable that he's head over heels! But Vanessa is backpedaling desperately. "I didn't even expect you for dinner, much less a proposal," she whimpers.

Just then Beto and Lucrecia enter and divert everyone briefly from AN AWKWARD MOMENT. But of course Big Ed just goes on making gaffe after gaffe. "Ye, Beto, gotta thank you for breaking up with this lovely gal so I could snag her," he chortles.

In the meantime, Luis is still focused on Beto and his new gal. Didn't know you had such cute colleagues, notes Dad. And Prudencia notes THAT. She's looking very thoughtful.

And we get more inspiring ads.


Part 5

Awkward moments continue. Chucha is still arguing for a rapid trip to the altar. After all, Prudencia and Luis had a very short engagement. "Yes, but we knew each other our whole lives" counters Pru. "And marriage is forever." Luis looks startled, as if he'd forgotten that one detail.

Beto steps in and says the only important thing is if Vanessa wants it.

Big Ed begs to differ. He thinks they're opposing the marriage because he doesn't have a distinguished name like Ocaranza. "You could be a Fernandez or a Lopez, doesn't matter if she loves you," snaps Beto.

"Haven't I shown you in a thousand ways I'll make you happy?" Ed queries. Vanessa still appears to be in a coma. Mom glares at her. Comatose state continues. Mom keeps pressing. "You'll never find a man who treats you this well!" "Of course she will" snaps Beto.

Vane is still catatonic. But Lucrecia is looking positively sour as Beto continues to defend his former fiancée. (Watch out bunny rabbits!)

Well, this is all just too uncomfortable. What's going on elsewhere?

Damiana has called Margarito again! And he's reminiscing about how her pomadas [ointments] are what he really needs for his injury. And also dreaming of the old days when they would all gather on Sundays like a family.

You see where this is going, right? Damiana with Margarito. And Baldomero...well, we'll see.

Meanwhile, Prudencia is shuffling her ill-behaved guests off to dinner, promising that if they relax and eat, this will all work out better. "Yes," pleads Vanessa to Big ed. "I haven't eaten all day and I'm starved." Delay, delay, delay!

Luis is still chatting with Lucrecia, telling her she's a chip off the old block of her brilliant dad, and checking our her tush when she walks into dinner. Ah, you rascal you!

As for Doc Mask, well in spite of his new street friend's hard work, she hasn't been able to rouse him into any kind of performance. No matter. She's put in the effort. Now pay me! He hands her a wad of cash and tells her to pick him up some more booze but she's not going to be his errand boy. She's off like a shot as he screeches Largate! largate!

Wow. What a bummer ending. Well, there's always ice cream.

Brian, glad to see you. And thanks for the "splendid recap" remark even if you only read the first part. That was generous.

So we've caught up to you...does that mean you're watching this in Mexico? Anyway, come on board and speculate with us about the secondary couples. All good fun.

FLOR (highlights)
Ep 45: Torn Between Two Lovers

Celeste reads an anonymous letter to her listeners (which is really about his wish to ‘come out’)). Late Oscar goes out into the town to see how that townspeople are reacting only to be disappointed that the letter was not well received by the townspeople of Tlax…caca. Even Teo is criticizing the letter and feels sorry for the family.

The nerdy guy with glasses turns out to be Atahualpa Madero, a curator who is there sent by the bishop to help Marga repair/restore the painting she destroyed. As they are conversing and Ati is telling her about how is going to help her, Rose barges in in her usual way, yelling and complaining, until she see Ati with whom she is quite smitten. After Ati leaves, Rose tells Marga how much she liked Ati’s eyes, body, cologne…

Sami is asking Octi and Flor for forgiveness. For appreciates her sincerity and leaves. Octi has mixed feelings since he is happy that nothing happened, but he is disappointed that it was Sami who was doing the chasing. Teo arrives to check on Sami and tells Sami that if she continues to make progress, she can go home in a couple of days. After Sami asks about how his marriages is going, she gives him a bit of advice…women like men who are attentive and spontaneous.

Val is still appearing to Flor and trying to get her to forgive him. When she brings up the debt he left her with, Val concedes that he did that only to help her repair the house. Flor then brings up Cassandra…Val had completely forgotten about her. After Flor remarks how much she suffered because of him, Val hugs her, but they are interrupted by Teo who comes in with grocery bags and wants to cook something with her. Val rolls is eyes and criticizes everything Teo is doing until For tells Teo that they should continue their cooking upstairs.

Chile goes to the church and finds Ati looking at the painting that Marga destroyed. Chile defends Marga and tells Ati that what Marga, the genius did was a work of art. Later, Elpi comes in and saves Ati from Chile who was only protecting the house of God.

Marga goes to see Chile with the pretext of buying a funeral package. As Chile explains what is available, Marga is concentrating more on Chile’s lips and eyes as she fans herself. Later at night, Marga is at home still fanning herself and thinking about her Chile.

Tere and Nestor argue about how she is never home doing her wifely duties now that she is working at Cklass with Rose. After Nestor leaves her in tears, Rose comes by and urges Tereto sign up for a dating app.

Teo spontaneously decides that he wants to dance with Flor. Val watches as Teo and For dance and laugh together. After they dance, Teo wonders how Flor fells about being in bed with him. Flor hesitates as Val tells her to tell Teo that he will never make love to her the way Val did. Flor doesn’t answer the question directly, but she tells Teo that she is very fortunate to have him…and they should continue upstairs.

Mariana and Xochitl are having a drink at a café. As Xochitl tells Mariana that she is having trouble finding some paintings that she needs for a school project, Ati, who is sitting at a nearby table, overhears and offers to help Xochitl. Smiles, blushing, and stolen looks ensue. Later at night, Mariana and Aure discuss the costs of paying for bringing Diego to spend his vacation there, Aure agrees to pay for half the costs. Mariana knows it is too much money, but Xochitl needs to be content. After Mariana goes to check on Xochitl, Ati drops by to leave Xochitl the pictures of the paintings she needed. Aure wonders who the heck he is and where he came from.

Flor lies on the couch alone as she thinks about Sami’s confession. When Val comes to her, Flor asks him to respect her since she is a married woman. He tells her that he isn’t having it easy either…and explains that she can seem hear and touch him, but he can’t feel anything when he touches him.


Great recap JudyB, Even if you are fighting the mucus. I'm rootin for you girl.

The look on vanessa's face is saying this is gonna be the dinner party from hell. And rightly so cuz all the "ship of fools" are there(except for pru and
Angsty. I would love for ed to catch sugirl and happy Donny in the throws of passion, take a pic and text it to pru. Why? Cuz I feel like those two dummies are gonna rub Ed the wrong way
Why? Cuz they're stupid and cocky and
They think they're gettin away with their little Indiscretion.

I agree with you JudyB, I could almost
Feel sorry for the maska-nater,Almost.
But I'm not there.And I never will be.
In his Twisted burned brain, he's sad because A young woman can now see. Something he denied her because he wanted her to be beholden to him cuz he got severely hurt Doing something noble. It was a friggin accident. It wasn't planned. I thought he was a nice guy But then he turned all freddy crugger on her.
I thought he was only burned ln the face and hand but omg, his other arm &
Torso too. Hair and makeup done a Good job with that. How could that hooker stand to be anywhere near him that close? Yuck. The drunk didnt have any luck tryin to steal his bottled liquor.
That last hooker that came up to him,.
I thought she would look like marina in his drunken state. She looked kinda scared when he grabbed her. She must have really needed that money he paid
Her. Was he singing a song or moaning
When it faded out?

The baby eats. Yaaah moma.
It'll be good see marina in scrubs and outta that sweaty lookin outfit &those
Dusty Desert boots.


JudyB, thank you, you did great work with this recap; being sick did not impede the flow of snark any. Get better soon anyway.

Brian, nice to see you back here.

I think this TN did a nice job of showing that someone blind from birth would not see things clearly and understand what she was seeing immediately after an operation to "restore" sight. She is now perhaps progressing unrealistically fast, but it's fine, who wants to watch hours of her learning to see?

Big Ed is funny. Invited into someone's home for the first time and he sits on the arm rest of the sofa. Who wouldn't want this guy in the family?

Wow! Doc Mask is sure taking it hard, and hitting the bottle hard too. How did he wind up on the street of winos and street walkers? Does someone drinking hard just instinctively home in on such a place?
Though why there would be street walkers on a street where there is no traffic, I don't know. But there was at least one quite good-looking hooker, and I loved that skirt! what there was of it...
And she didn't even try to roll him. She must be one of those with a heart of gold, or at least silver or bronze. Doc should quit hounding poor Marina and see if the honest hooker would like to hook up with a needy doctor. Maybe get married; no worry about the scars, hookers have probably seen more strange things than most doctors do in an entire career.



Thank you, Judy, for another snarkastic recap, and I love the title!

There are too many zingers that had me truly honestly laughing out loud. Are you sure you’re not from New Jersey? (your writing style reminds me of J Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books and another favorite author of mine.)

A few favs:
“Fight for your love you silly girl! (She's not listening. But the show's not over yet.)”
“And we break for some thrilling ads about Medicare and Pre-funeral planning. Do they know I'm in that market niche?” earned a guffaw from moi. Hallmark movies are bad about that, too, with Joe Namath trying to sell Medicare replacement insurance. And I'm in that demographic, too.
“Marina and her amoeba crowd are oozing around the hospital. . . ”
“Well, this is all just too uncomfortable. What's going on elsewhere?”

And in other developments . . .
“Largate!” Oooh, is that on my Bingo cards?

“Toribio is boasting about what a great pal and support Baldomero has been. There are no men like him! Toribio adds. Baldo looks to Damiana hopefully. And she looks away stony-faced.” That’s because she is realizing that Baldo is a two-fer deal. With Baldo, you get Toribio.

This plot would get really interesting if Chuca should end up preñada, after all her boinkfests with Luis, who apparently believes in marriage forever with a side of adultery.
She is giving away the milk and he has not paid for the cow, only room & board. Well, and that bracelet. Did we ever see what it was worth? Yeesh...

Andy, you crack me up --- “Invited into someone's home for the first time and he sits on the arm rest of the sofa. Who wouldn't want this guy in the family?”

Ah, better than coffee in the morning...a gab fest with my favorite Patio. the "Ship of Fools" reference. It certainly was a strange, and very tense social gathering last night.
And "the baby eats. Yaaah momma". At least they're no longer pretending she's magically nursing the baby long-distance. We saw an actual bottle.

Andy...Yes! excellent question! Why are there street walkers on a street where there is no traffic. I can tell you weren't so distracted by that short leather skirt that you forgot all logic. As for the sitting on the arm rest...I loved that visual. I bet the actor playing Big Ed is having a ball with the role. Just like Eduardo Santamaria is having a hoot playing Luis.

Doris...Gosh, J. Evanovitch/Stephanie Plum? I'm honored. Been a while since I've read any of her books but I loved her wise a$$ character. And if "Largate" isn't on your Bingo card, it should be. Also loved that "Baldo is a two-fer deal. With Baldo, you get Toribio."

Oh and Nina, thanks for the shoutout to my mucus. The waterfall is slowing down, I'm happy to report. Hoping I can hop on the plane Friday without my head exploding.


"Flor lies on the couch alone as she thinks about Sami’s confession. When Val comes to her, Flor asks him to respect her since she is a married woman. He tells her that he isn’t having it easy either…and explains that she can seem hear and touch him, but he can’t feel anything when she touches him."

Ah Rgv Chick, you're got my interest now. What a situation! I'm going to have to start recording these shows so I can figure out what the heck is going on. You have me truly intrigued with your recaps.

I'm fading out on the evening shows, just because my energy is limited with this darned head cold. But daytime TV while having lunch just might work. Thanks as always for your tireless work.


Steve...Scarlet Gruber may have started out as an Antagonist but she's more in the Helpless Victim role now. Must say she could have picked something a little more poetic as a stage name. Have to admire her for sticking with the family name, however clunky.


Judyb, you are one strong lady to be coming up with such hilarious recaps despite your head cold. Thank you for the laughs. Doris, Andy and Nina, you all aren't too far behind in being just as snarktastic with your comments; y'all make a fun patio. As always, all the great zingers have been mentioned; it seems I'm always late to this party, but I wouldn't miss it for anything...better later than never, right?

Brian, nice to see you back and glad we finally caught up to you. "I particularly love how Marina's sight is gradually coming back" Me too! I think it was Doris who first commented on how well Marina is depicting a sightless person who gets her sight. The writers much have done their research! It's amazing to see how a blind person (now sighted) has to adjust to light, perception and his/her environment.

JudyB, thank you for including the word "Chaneque" and it's meaning. Chucha thinks Vanesa will eventually help Edson be rid of his chaneque ways...good luck! He seems to be just as authoritative and obnoxious as Luis...poor Vanesa. Me thinks she is in for a very difficult ride.


Thank you, JudyB. I really am enjoying this TN and all the comedy; I do hope you get to see at least some of the episodes so you can make some of the connections. Somewhere I read that this TN has only 64 episodes, but I can't find that resource anymore...though I'm crossing my fingers that it is true.


JudyB, I'm happy to hear you're feeling somewhat better. If you are flying this weekend I hope it's a lot better by then.

Doris, is that what it is, Toribio, that is making Damiana upset with Baldo? She certainly seems not so happy with him now. Even earlier, her comment when she reassured him that she was "a woman of her word", didn't sound to me much like a gushing declaration of love.

What, Lino knows more than one song? Who knew? So he can actually do an encore now! I wish we had gotten to see the video that Anita made. She must be a genius if she could massage the material she recorded with her cell phone, him singing on the stairs and a couple of kids holding a backdrop, massage that into a hot video.

I have to go out today but the recorder is set up. I don't want to miss what Vane has to say about Big Ed's proposal. Rapunzel could not have picked a better night to invite herself to dinner. And since this TN seems to be a game of musical loveseats, where nobody has to be eliminated but we don't know who will wind up sitting with whom, maybe Big Ed and Rapunzel?


MIRADA - OT - Patio chatter

JudyB- if you like smart-@ss heroines, you might enjoy Darynda Jones’ Charley Davidson series. Best read in order (!), if you can handle sone paranormal (I generally do not) and a few steamy scenes (but not the central theme thank goodness), , I have really enjoyed this series. Very strong themes of good vs evil with a fair amount of snark from Charley.


Andy...Hah! Yes, Lino finally has an encore. Stardom is now just a step away.

Doris...Thanks for the book recommendation. Always looking for new series. That one sounds right up my alley.


We had a jam-packed episode today fellow travelers. Vanessa says Yes to the Dress and to the Wedding as well. Lucreepy seduces Beto (without much trouble). The baby finally gets named. Doña Encarnación goes joy-riding with Marina. Lino and Vanessa still pretend they don't love each other. Doc Bazán (Call me Ricardo) declares his love to Marina. And Doc Mask appears to kick the bucket (colgar sus tenis)

And that's it.

Okay I can fill in a few more details for you, but if you're pressed for time, go on about your business Patio Pals.

The episode begins with Marina having a heart to heart with Baby, who looks profoundly bored. As are we. It's the usual pitter patter about how she's going to learn and grow and Wash that Man right out of her Hair. You know. You've heard it all before. Evidently so has Baby.

At the house, the Ship of Fools (thanks Nina) lurches back into the salon for after-dinner drinks and an answer to the burning question. Yes or No. Beto confronts Chucha for "trying to get rid of her daughter." Ed, who's saying all the right things about wanting the best for Vanessa, including finishing her education if she wishes, starts getting testy. Clearly you don't want me, he mutters. And starts to leave. That snaps Vanessa out of her coma (with a little Death Glare from Mom) and she whispers "Yes."

Beto's still not having it. He thinks someone's forcing Vanessa. He and Ed have a massive stare-down, while I'm mesmerized by Big Ed's shiny suit. It appears to be made out of chrome.

No matter, Luis is ready for a celebration. Shakes the champagne, makes a glorious mess as he pours and over-pours the glasses full and gets an eye-roll from his dear Prudencia. Chucha though is over the moon happy. Beto refuses to toast and looks like a churl. Lucrecia notices. Angustias lurks like a Bad Fair in the background.

That was the main action. But what else was going on? Chit-chat with Lino who has trouble sleeping with Baldomero's snoring (the real reason for Damiana's indifference?)and Toribio's nightmare shrieks. And Marina's worried about his fibs to Dad and Yola about how well he's doing. He just can't share that he's come up empty. He'll tell 'em the truth when he's successful. And Anita admits to Marina that's she's sweet on Lino. Well, the whole neighborhood knows that! Even Baby has noticed.

And after the oh-so-uncomfortable dinner, Lucreepy finally nails our Beto. Light kisses, that progressed to deeper kisses, that progressed to "My dad's out of town. In Monterrey. We have all night." Shirt unbuttonings and clothes droppings ensue. Etc. We're spared any further visuals.



Part 2

Marina declares nameless Baby her only great love but Damiana thinks it's time to give him a name and have him baptized. High time indeed! They settle on Rafael, the Angel of Healing.

Prudencia and Luis are getting ready for bed. He's looking adorable in navy blue pajamas. Sorry, can't help it, I'm hot for Luis. And evidently he's still hot for Prudencia. After some connubial chit-chat about the evening (he's not crazy about Big Ed, but Lucrecia is a cutie and will be good for Beto) he pats the bed and says Get over here! How can you resist an invitation like that? She doesn't.

Chucha, in the meantime, is pillorying Vanessa for being too slow to say "yes". Vane weakly protests that she had no idea Big Ed was going to pop out an engagement ring, but did you, Mom? Naturally Chucha denies it. But she'll organize the wedding toute de suite, you'd better believe it. Vanessa is Whatever... I don't care. Do what you want.

At Doc Zamudio's, Beto is quickly getting dressed. Guess he's not the kind to snuggle all night. Not with Lucreepy anyway. That's what she wants, but as a fallback position, she'll take interrogation. "I noticed you're not as affectionate with your dad as your mom. Why is that?" He admits he has issues with don Luis, and besides they're not his biological parents. He was adopted to fulfill Luis' wish for a male heir. BUT I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. And he doesn't want to stay the night either.

Next morning Pru and Angustias are in Vane's room for a de-briefing. They don't think the quickie engagement and wedding is a smart idea. You hardly know each other! Don't let your need for affection and your heartbreak over failed relationships to propel you into this decision! ARE YOU MAKING MY DAUGHTER DOUBT!!!???? Yep, Chucha has heard it all and she's putting a stop to this nonsense right now.


Part 3

Back in Valle de Bravo, Margarito has found out that Doc Mask is indeed selling the house. And Angustias accuses Susana of selling her daughter. Chucha raises her hand to slap Angustias, but she's too far away and besides Pru would never allow it. When our harridan sniffs that she "didn't know servants had opinions", Pru snaps that Angustias isn't a servant, she's Family.

Lots of other brief scenes follow. Doc Mask is thrown out of a hot sheets hotel and in the process leaves his cellphone behind on the sidewalk.

Marina gets some horrible, oversize glasses, courtesy of Ricardo, to use when she's on the computer.

Beto and Vane are talking at the Club, and Beto is looking very muscular in his sleeveless tee. But he can't talk Vanessa out of marrying Big Ed.

Lucreepy calls Vane and wants to have lunch. No, no, not to talk about Big Ed. To talk about Beto. Alright then.

Doña Encarnación has decided Marina is her New Best Friend and wants her to go shopping with her. Doc Bazán agrees.

Lino is learning that as chauffeur, Luis wants him to go on being the same honest, loyal, get-'er-done guy he was at the ranch, and that means he has to deliver some papers to the house, even though Lino protests. WE DO THINGS THE WAY I WANT, Luis reminds him. Indeed we do.

If I promised to do everything you want, Luis?....Oh never mind

And horror of horror, turns out the one thing Doña Encarnación wanted to do before getting married and raising a family was "borrow" a hot car and go joy-riding! She bullies Marina into the car, puts it in gear and Vamonos! They're off like a bat outta Hell.


Part 4

Ramona keeps calling. Doc Mask keeps drinking. Doña Encarnación keeps driving. Really really fast! Pretty soon we hear sirens! No problem. They'll never catch me in THIS car, Mama chortles.

But they do.

And when she lips off to the officer, they haul her down to the station.

Chickens are also coming home to roost elsewhere. Beto has admitted to Erick that he and Lucreepy got busy last night and now they're "novios". Doc Zamudio enters the room at this moment and Does. Not. Look. Happy.

But Vanessa is looking ecstatic. She catches sight of Lino when he arrives at the house with the documents and thinks that he came for her. He did not. Well, alright then. I have a fiancé who adores me, so who cares? Lino sniffs that the guy is probably rich, right? So marry him tomorrow. Forget about me!


Part 5

Luis has made time in his busy schedule for a little afternoon delight with Chucha, starting with a shoulder massage, but she leaves him high and dry when she learns Lino has been sent to the house. She's out of there in a flash to do damage control at home.

A very unrepentant Doña Encarnación is at the station, dismissing the joy-ride as no big deal and besides...Do you know WHO my son is!? Doc Bazán arrives in a state of shock. He can't believe that Mom has kicked over the traces like that. And with sweet Marina in tow. Evidently the hot car belonged to one of his staff, by name of Victoria, and she's hopping mad, you'd better believe it.

Well pish tosh. Mom felt free, liberated. joyful. excited. Great. So there. And Marina, looking sweetly pious, feels that Santa Lucia protected them. So no harm done.

Is Santa Lucia also protecting Doc Mask? Evidently not. He went from clutching his chest (and also clutching a bottle) to collapsing on the sidewalk. Some young guys find him, think he's dead and instead of rolling him for his money, decide to call the police. What's with kids today?

But let's get back to Doc Bazán and Marina. He's offering to take her home. Not necessary. Baldomero is waiting for her. So instead he starts telling her how he's gotten fond of her. He admires her. He's beginning to "sentir cosas" (feel things) and....

I think I'm in love with you.

Cara impactada de Marina. And there we end. Now there's a cliffhanger!


Ah, I love how people can't wait till the recap is over to comment. This is a Passionate Patio! And Lucretia MacEvil is a great name Kirby. TF also suggested Lucreepy. She's inspiring a lot of nicknames.

And I think you have a clear shot at her. No one else on the Patio seems to like her. Andy is holding out for Vanessa.


Excellent work, JudyB!

I’m not surprised that Beto only told Lu the half truth about his origins. I couldn’t really imagine him saying “Oh by the way, my ex wife, who I’m still in love with, is the legitimate, sole heir to the Ocaranza name.” But I’m guessing Lu sensed that he didn’t tell her everything which is why she is going to Vane.

Lino really masked his hurt and delivered a blow to the gut with “olvídate de mi”.

I figured Doña E was a sophisticated, rule book type so the joy ride was interesting.

What will happen to Doc Mask?!?!

Mirada: Thanks Judy B.
OK moved it so it is not SMACK in the middle of the 'cap. yikes.

Ahhh just gotta luuuurve a TN with some social messages, PSAs and a generally uplifting theme.

PostNatal Care: Boat Marina cranks out a wee one with some cowlick hair guy she has never seen, then frolics off to do this and that, reminiscent of Mother sea turtles who are a thousand miles away when their eggs finally hatch. Good luck Aire.

Miracles do happen: Marina, now that she has noticed that there is more to this making an air Baby than she at first thought, goes to the Walk-in Clinic at Walgreens and has her sight restored and buys a jar of baby food.

Human Trafficking: Vanesa's sweet Mother sells her into the sex trade to some ugly dude wearing some sort of construction hoisting equipment around his neck as jewelry. You could see it in her face, thinking.... "Well, this is only for twenty or thirty years."

Hope Springs Eternal: Alberto, after knocking up frumpy blind chick, somehow surreptitiously rids himself of her and her replacement is SMOKING Hot. If she is Lucretia MacEvil I want to go to hell too.


The writers really wanted us in their good books yesterday. Lots of enjoyable scenes made this worth the watch!

Seeing Doc Eeww tossed out like expired meatballs was a sight for sore eyes, sore after having seen his charred body the other day. Now if only he could forget Marina's address as a result....if only...

Another cutesy scene was the Encarnacion/Marina one. I must admit it was fun seeing Marina screaming as a seemingly old lady slammed the gas. Who knew you could get a cop chase in Mexico? More adventures with these two!


FLOR (highlights)
Ep 46: Part 1 Flor Stresses about Val’s Innocence

Flor and Val have a serious talk about what they had dreamed their lives would be like…they were supposed to grow old together. Val suddenly disappears and leaves Flor disappointed since they were talking about something that was important.

Mariana serves Ati some coffee as she tells Aure that Ati practically saved their lives since he was able to get them the paints that Xochitl needed. Aure gets Mariana into the kitchen and questions her about Ati, but Mariana reminds him that they are separated and she doesn’t have to be explaining what she does or who she talks to.

Oscar walks around town and see a big banners telling the men who aren’t men to get out of town. Teo happens to come by; so Oscar takes the opportunity to feel out Teo and his thoughts about the issue. Teo thinks everyone has a right to live as who they really are, but criticizes the way the person went public with it…it must be horribly embarrassing for the family to find out the truth in such a public way.

Val brings Chile to tell Flor about Cassandra; so Chile tells her how they used to be thieves…which Flor already knew. Val adds that they would give a large part of the money to those in need….they never kept everything they stole. Val then tells Chile to recount what happened when they got to Tlax…huaca. When they mention that they gave some money to the church, Flor won’t believe it until the priest tells her it is true.

As Flor, Val, and Chile walk to the church, they see all the banners and are upset about how people are so cruel…they need to get with the times. When Flor sees Elpi, she asks him if he received a large donation; so Elpi confirms that he did. Later Flor chides Val for trying to be a Robinhood type of thief and asks where he got the money. Val fesses up and tells her that he stole the money from Cassandra, but he has no way to get Cassandra to back him up…until he remembers a strategy that Carlota told him about. He tells Flor that she will have to want to believe him.

Aure asks Marga if he can bring a guest to have dinner at their house. Marga assumes that Aure is bringing a woman and tells Aure that it’s good that he is getting on with his life…he should go out and have some fun. When Aure tells her that it’s Elpi whom he is inviting, Marga gets upset in a jealous type of way; so Aure tells her that she shouldn’t ruin his time with his bio dad.

At Flor’s house, Val holds Flor’s face so that she can see his memory of Cassandra handcuffing him to the bed and taking the money they had stolen from her father. Flor is flabbergasted and thinks that this is too much for her; so she asks Val to leave her alone for a while so she can process everything. Val agrees, but assures her that he won’t stop until she believes everything that he is telling her.

Aure and Elpi have their lunch together. When Aure comments on all the banners in town, Elpi admits that he knows who the person is who is in much turmoil about his situation. As they eat and drink, they realize how much they are the same in regards to likes and dislikes. Just then, Elpi gets a call from Oscar who is desperate because of all the banners…he is afraid.

FLOR (highlights)
Ep 46: Part 2 Flor Stresses about Val’s Innocence

Marga meets with Ati at the church to tell him that she won’t be working with him to restore the painting; she doesn’t want to cause anymore problems. Ati understands how she must feel, but thinks that she shouldn’t let what the people are saying get to her. The people don’t understand how passionate artists are and that each stroke that an artist makes is a part of their soul. When he adds that everyone makes mistakes, but the biggest mistake is not to lift oneself up afterwards, Marga smiles.
Elpi meets with Oscar and tells him that his idea about Celeste reading the letter was not a good one. When Oscar suggests that he may have to hide Celeste forever, Elpi wants to try to convince the people to respect other’s preferences. Later, Elpi calls out the people and chides those who put up the banners for being such a bad example to the children…wasted oxygen and energy…

Rose is helping Tere set up a date on the dating app. Meanwhile, Nestor is setting up his own date using the same app (guess we know where this is leading!).

Teo and Flor are having lunch when Teo asks what she thought of his dancing which looked more like convulsions, but what he really is asking is if she was honest when she answered his question about his lovemaking. Flor assures him that she was absolutely honest. Later, Teo shares with Mica about his question to Flor; he thinks Flor isn’t being honest. Mica chides him for asking Flor about his performance…he is only showing how insecure he is. Teo justifies that he should be insecure since Flor is calling out her dead husband’s name. Mica stresses that Val is dead; Teo should concentrate on making Flor happy and always showing her that he loves her.

Mariana and Ati see each other outside, Ati asks Mariana if she would like to go out to dinner with him, but when Mariana is concerned about what people will say since she is recently divorced, Ati offers to make dinner for her at her house. Mariana shyly agrees.

Marga is home when Chile comes by dressed in a white shirt, black tie, hair slicked back and bible in hand. He came to bring her God’s word. Marga quickly lets him in. As Chile talks about loving each other as much as you love yourself, Marga can’t take her eyes off of him. As he continues to talk about love, they get closer and closer to each other, but Chile tells himself that he has to be strong and tells Marga that they need to show restraint. They are interrupted when Aure comes in and runs Chile off.

Mariana tells Flor about Ati who is very interesting and worldly, in addition to being very sweet, but she notices that Flor is distracted. Flor admits that she worries because she can’t stop thinking about Val and wonders if she judged him unjustly…and she doesn’t know how to keep Teo from worrying. Later, Flor goes to talk to Itza…she thinks she is going crazy. When Itza asks what she feels for Val, Flor admits that she is very confused…Val is trying so hard to prove his innocence; and she is afraid to find out that Val was truly innocent. Itza thinks that Flor hasn’t stopped loving Val. Flor tries to convince her that she loves Teo who is so loving toward her, but Itza advises that if Flor ends up believing in Val’s innocence, she is going to have to think hard about how she wants


JudyB, another fabulously snarktastic fun read, thank you! Lots did happen in this episode and you captured every detail!

My favorite scene was the joyride...what a blast! I'm so glad they didn't continue with Encarnacion's controlling, protective attitude. She is so much more fun now.

Kirby, good to see you on the patio! Lucretia MacEvil--good one...and your human trafficking comment was spot on! I just don't see anything good coming from the Val-Ed relationship.

I want SuDooDoo to be splattered on the road after a bus runs over her.



Some of my favs--

Marina having a heart to heart with Baby, who looks profoundly bored. As are we

He and Ed have a massive stare-down, while I'm mesmerized by Big Ed's shiny suit. It appears to be made out of chrome.

Angustias lurks like a Bad Fair in the background.

She (Encar-thief) bullies Marina into the car, puts it in gear and Vamonos! They're off like a bat outta Hell.

Thanks again, JudyB. You rock!


JudyB, JudyB, JudyB, you're killing me with these hilarious recaps! I just loved "Some young guys find him, think he's dead and instead of rolling him for his money, decide to call the police. What's with kids today?"

The TN was not as good as the recap, but it had a few high points...

I had to laugh at Beto's hands quite indecisively not quite on Rapunzel's decisively nicely filled out skirt. That girl doesn't hesitate to go for what she wants.

I never saw Thelma and Louise all the way through so help me out: Marina and Mama Bazán, which one is Thelma and which Louise?

Lino, hombre, cold, very cold.

Doc Mask, assuming he recovers, and especially if Doc Beto makes him handsome, should go back to find the honest hooker and propose to her. Kirby can have Ramona if she'll just dye her hair blonde.



JudyB, you hit it out of the park again. Lately the recaps are way better than the actual episode.

I Don't Believe there will be a van/Ed walk down the aisle. I see where they
Could be good together but she's hung up on lino. And I don't see ed with lucreepy. He's arrogant but he does deserves better than Ms McEvil.

I thought red hit moma was gonna take
Marina on a shopping spree but instead
She hijacks someone's red hotrod🚘Glad
She didn't continue to be a queen bitch moma. She really is more fun this way.

Wardrobe marina needs a change. Stat. I know they will get around to it, and Hurry.

I thought they were gonnatake scarface wallet too, but they turned out to be pretty desent kids. Yall fine kids like that these day,snap a pic and frame it.

So Ricardo is in love or fallin in love with marina. Ok then, now She gotta tell him about the baby who is now eating,yet to cry and poop. Rafy,
Rafael, I like it.

Thank you JudyB. You can really crank
Out Some good recaps. Maybe that cold gave you the POWER OF THE TYPE))))))).

Hi Kirby, so happy to read you again.
Its always a pleasure to have you snark it up with us on the patio.There
Are many snark worthy characters in this tn.

Thank you JudyB.

Thank you Judy B. My bedtime treat!

Loved the boys mistaking the eye on Doc’s mask for a death stare. Serves him right
Also loved the whole dinner scene. Usually these situations make me squirm but this was too funny. Luis sure knows his way around a champagne bottle. Bit of a misfire when cork hit Pru in the head Also liked Doc B’s mom change of attitude. Clever and could be fun


Judy - Thank you for another snarky recap. No time to write much due to bad storm yesterday and hubby had to go get my sister and her son to spend the night here, after they lost power. Her hubby stayed home with no electricity (worried about looters? Sister was rolling her eyes). Sister needs air conditioning....too warm and humid to do without. One of their trees got blown over and took power lines with it. Their life was like a telenovela last night!

OT - forgot to explain ....tree fell right across sister's driveway along with the power lines, blocking them in. Now they have to find someone with a chain saw to remove it.

Ahhh, my crazy, sassy Patio. I'm glad you fun reading with the episode because I have such fun reading your comments and wild opinions. This is definitely the "family room" I've always wanted.

TF...good observation that Beto left out a key bit of information-- that Marina is sole heir to the Ocaranza name. We don't know if Lucreepy is hot for the fortune or just hot for Beto's bod. But she's certainly laid claim to the latter.

Kirby...SMOKING hot. Don Luis would agree with you. Certainly Lucretia MacEvil has a knock it outta the ballpark figure. Top to bottom. But those eyebrows!

Brian..."Doc Eeww tossed out like expired meatballs." Wow...great name for Doc Isauro and great image. Still hard to feel sorry for him though.

Rgv Chick...Clever gal! I love "Encar-thief"! And easier to type than Encarnación. I was scared to death there was going to be a big car crash and Marina's vision would disappear again. Whew!

Andy..."Lino. Cold, very cold." I thought so too. I mean Vanessa has called a gazillion times, visited the vecindad repeatedly begging to reconcile. I think they're even, when it comes to crappy behavior. MAKE UP ALREADY! Also agree that Doc Eeww could do worse than the hooker with a heart of gold.

Nina..".Y'all find kids like that these days, snap a picture and frame it." Amen! We've seen so many videos of young guys doing dreadful things. These two fellas are saints. But alas, that means that Doc Eeww will survive. To wreak more harm.

Mely...I agree, the dinner party was a hoot and I imagine the actors had a good laugh when the champagne corked popped Prudencia. I still think the cast and writers are having one big blast with this one.

Well, Crazy Crew...stay out of trouble until we meet again. Tonight will be my last recap for a while. " Leaving on a jet plane" Friday for vacation.

Doris...Glad everybody was okay...both at your house and at your sister's. We were without power for a week a few years ago. Temperature hit 100 degrees some days. However, if Hub and I were stuck in a motel room for a week together, we would probably kill each other. So we stayed home. Showered in the dark. Spent the day reading on the porch. He's retired but I managed to go to work without drying hair or having coffee. At night we would drive around and look longingly at other neighborhoods that had lights. And then stop for ice cream!

Overall an interesting experience.


Rgv Chick....Watched Flor yesterday and loved the scene with Chile. I'm betting that guy is stealing the show. Funniest thing ever doing his "Sister, let me share the Good Book and the Good Word" numerito. Also got a kick out of the good Padre and his blow-by son discovering that they had the same tastes in coffee and in food. Both sweet and funny. This show definitely has potential.

Thanks for hanging in there and recapping. I find daily recaps very tiring and you're doing it for not One but TWO shows. Send me your multivitamins will you!?


JudyB, glad you got to watch Flor; it really is a good comedy and I just love watching every one of Chile's scenes...the man is hilarious.


JudyB, thanks for the reminder about your vacation. I'll do my best to at least provide highlights; though I am no match for your humor. If anyone would like to jump in and volunteer some highlights, please feel free to do so. Judy, you will be missed! I think I'll double up on those multi-vitamins...ACK!!


Dear, dear Patio. Yes! Think about it. You're all hilarious and have great senses of humor. All you have to do is type a mini-recap in the comments section. Rgv Chick is already doing TWO daily recaps, for FLOR and REINA plus managing the CarayCaray main page.

You could divvy it up for the 8 or 9 days I'm gone. This is such a great group it should be no problem.

No pressure. But it's an opportunity.


This telenovela is good and the recaps are great the lucreey is hilarious. The couples are pretty interesting. The car seen was just to funny at least she likes her. Who does everyone think the couples will be together in the end. For me I think Marina and Bazan stay together. And of course Lino and Vanessa thanks for the recaps. I'll sure be back for those

Welcome Saints 505! Glad you’re joining our crazy crew. RgvChick and possibly others will be recapping while I’m away. There’s a new page for last nights episode.

Thank you I'll sure check it out. Have fun being away

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