Monday, July 22, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Sin Tu Mirada y Mas - Week of July 22, 2019

Welcome to page 1 for the week! The current daytime telenovela that is being recapped by our Snarktastic JudyB is: 
  • 3-4PM (E) – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 86-88
Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

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Part 1

Ay yi yi, we got to see a lot of different developments in our storyline this afternoon, but one thing did not change: Marina and Alberto keep having the same discussion, with the same self-justification on each side, and the same result. Distancing. Whereas we can tell, by the way they look at each other, that they really want to be together.

These kids!

Still. We need to look at some of the other issues. Namely the nasty web that our Spider Lucrecia continues to weave. Doc Sotero is all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as he reports that his impotence problem is completely solved. Fortunately we are not treated to a flashback of his performance with the jolly streetwalker. Lucrecia is now pushing for a rapid scheduling of the surgery, barely taking a breath when she learns there'a little hitch--Bad Doc has a Bad Ticker-- or at least a little arrhythmia, which could pose a problem with surgery. Oh, and another little thing: I came to you under a false name. She waves all that aside. No problem. Well, there's more. I can't be operated on in your hospital because my dreamgirl works there and if she finds out I'm there, she may leave. And I'll never find her again. More pooh-poohing. I'll help you forge an alternate identity, get you papers etc.

You'll help me lie?

No, no, I'm just helping you realize your dream. Your story has touched my heart and out of compassion and caring I want to help you.

She is such a sweetie. NOT!

Quick switch to the sad Boogie Nights house. Hilda and Vanessa drag in, tired and despondent. Evidently Vane and Ed's old bedroom is filled with flowers. She'd rather not go there, so she's off to the guest bedroom. But first she reassures Hilda that she's a strong woman and her son would want to see her go on. Get back to work. Well how about you come with me to the office? Work with me. Vanessa looks stunned. WORK? [Doris and I are saying yes, yes yes! Probably the rest of you are too.]After all, Hilda continues, half of this is yours. Don't you want to help care for it and make it grow?

She's not the only one thinking about the business. Chooch Mooch and Lousy Luis, post-coitus, are discussing the lack of a will and how it affects Vanessa. He thinks it's good. This way she automatically gets half. You can see dollar signs in Chucha's eyes as she calculates how she can get her hands on some of that "half".


Part 2

Don Luis( who reminds me of a large brown bear the way he crashes through doors) arrives with a thump and a splatter at the Amoeba Home, lunging into Toribio with the good news that he is now the owner of the whole dang vecindad. Yes, you Toribio!

Tor tells him to get out! So does Baldo. Luis waves all that aside. Hey, I'm here with the best of motivos [vengo en son de paz]. Toribio thinks it's a trap. So Luis tells him to consult a lawyer who can reassure him that it's on the up and up. Baldo figures that they'll have to go over it with a fine tooth comb, but the upshot is. It's legit. Luis has paid a hefty price for the vecindad and now Toribio is the owner.

So let's get to the ball. Marina is looking radiant in the red dress that Toribo and Damiana picked out. All eyes are upon her and Lucrecia is doing her best to cast a little shade, in spite of her rival's splendid appearance. And Muñoz, temporarily dazzled, is then a little spiteful when he realizes the dazzler is simply the little receptionist he accused of theft. -If she was too poor to afford the medication, I wonder how she could buy that dress? he sneers. He and Pop Zamudio speculate that maybe Bazan bought it. Alberto huffily assures them that she would never permit such a thing. Well, perhaps some other male friend then, adds Zamudio. All very subtle and ugly. Beto looks like he's being turned on a spit and roasted.


Part 3

Our bristly brown bear is back home trying to convince Prudencia to go out with him to a get-together tonight. She prefers staying home with a book. He moves in for a nuzzle and whispers how he bought the entire vecindad for Toribio-- and even though the "tribe" was dismissive, rude and cynical, he really really for realz did it. Well, I'll convince Toribio to accept your kindness, says Prudencia. More nuzzling and she agrees to go with him to the event. Okay. Bad Man. Good Nuzzler. Gotta give him props.

The snippy gossip at the medico fiesta continues. When Lucrecia observes that Marina not only has that glow with Bazan, but seems to be er...talking with a number of doctors in the hospital, Muñoz opines that she's probably looking for a husband. However, he's quite cordial when Marina comes up, and at Beto's insistence, apologizes if he seemed a bit brusque when he questioned her. The stolen medication has been found--dropped in a wastebasket, and as far as he is concerned, the case is closed. Pop Zamudio isn't sure it should be (he seems to fall in line completely with his daughter's scenario) but so it goes. The conversation continues with Muñoz learning that she has a son to support [Oh are you married? No, a single mother.] Not sure how this affects Muñoz but when Lucrecia slithers in again with a "I think there's something going on with Bazán that's more than just friendship] the director simply smiles and says "Nothing wrong with looking for a father."

So back to twisting the knife with Alberto. Our Lucreepy moves in close and asks if he wants to go over and speak to Marina. -No. She's busy with Bazán who's showing her off like a proud peacock. -Are you jealous?

Ah, Lucrecia...with you the questions never stop. Nor the schemes.


Part 4

Well, the "tribe" has indeed consulted with a licenciado that Doña Toolbelt recommended and the contract is solid gold. Damiana and Baldo are still unimpressed. Don Luis is not repentant! Not a bit! He just wants to get in good with his wife and get access to his grandbaby. Well, if he's willing to pay that much [dineral], heck, I'd sign the contract happily! smiles Chole.

After some group muttering and "que sea lo que Dios quiera" Toribio does indeed sign. And Damiana warns him that he'll have to be very careful about who's paid rent and who hasn't. Chole admits that she's cut a little slack to some folks who have lost their jobs. And Toribio decides that he won't charge Marg or Damiana anything at all for the rooms they're in. (Well, I hope he manages to make enough to pay good Doña Chole for her maintenance work. But whatever. Easy come, easy go.)

Lucrecia is not the only one with a scheme and a plan. Our Andy, ever alert, already suspected Erasmo might pull something with his boxing expertise. And that's exactly what's happening. Erick arrives when Marg, Lino, Yola and Erasmo are having dinner. Erasmo suggests this is a bad time and he should disappear. Marg instead asks him to join them. Erick then adds that he'd like to invite Yola to a movie. Again Erasmo jumps in and says "Too bad. We're having a little boxing get-together tonight. But perhaps you'd like to come? Maybe join in and trade a few punches? Erick looks stricken. But agrees.

Not before Lino gives him the evil eye though. And reminds him that Erasmo is his long-time friend. Therefore has dibs on being his brother-in-law. -I know how you rich twerps are...think you can dip your spoon into any sauce [mole] you want. Erick assures him he respects Yola. And as for being a brother-in-law, shouldn't she decide that? Another LOOK. Lino is good at that I must say. But Erick doesn't wilt. Yet.

Back to the ball. Marina is dancing cheek to cheek with Ricardo, but remembering her fateful dance with Alberto. And Beto is doing the same. Lucrecia ain't having it. Qué pasa? And adds that ALL the men seem fascinated with Marina. But continues, We learn from those that HURT US. And MOVE ON . They DO look good together. More turning and twisting on the roasting spit for Alberto.

Lucreepy then walks over to tell Marina how awesome she looks in her finery and simpers " Oh, you BORROWED it." When Marina answers formally, she encourages her to use the "tu" form since they are destined to be such good friends. Ugh.

Alberto asks Marina to dance.

Lucrecia and Ricardo look stunned.

But then recover and disconsolately dance together, stealing glances at our young couple who seemed tremulous and somehow so right together.

Okay. For one thing Ricardo is too short and weedy for Marina. Just sayin'.


Part 5

Beto is admitting to Marina that he can't stay away from her. And asks her to remember that wonderful moment when they danced together at la Añoranza. She wants to forget it. He wonders why anyone would want to forget such a beautiful time in life. He admits that he hasn't always been a good man. And didn't live up to her expectations. But no one has ever loved her more than he has.

That's enough for her. She's done dancing and done listening.

But he's not done talking. He wants to apologize for Erick's meddling. Didn't want her to think he put him up to it. -But is it true? Do you regret abandoning my child?

-Yes, I do. But also regret not knowing if the child is mine or not.

-You don't change! Being a father is not a question of blood ties. It's who raised you, who protected you, who took care of you!

-I'm sorry that I just can't get past what happened.

-NOTHING happened to you. IT HAPPENED TO ME.

-If you would just give me the proof I need, I'd fight for you, do everything I could to get you back, regain your love.

Marina looks stricken. Both angry and heartbroken. But they are back to Square One. Both locked in to their positions, their resentments, their certitude that the impasse is all the other's fault.

As an addendum, there was a previous scene, rather ironic, given Marina's definition of parenthood, where Luis and Prudencia arrive at the festivities to see his great friend...[What's his name?...Muñoz]... and he announces loudly that he's Luis OCARANZA!!!! A piggish man steps up and asks if he's Alberto's dad. My ADOPTIVE dad, snaps Beto. My biological dad died.

So, lots of big questions in this overall story. What constitutes parenthood? What mistakes and inadequacies are forgivable and which are not? What does being a family really mean? And are the differences between the rich and poor unbridgeable? Or merely a detail to be swept aside by great love? Jump in and let us know Patio!


Thank you, JudyB. You scored high again!

Favorite lines - Beto looks like he's being turned on a spit and roasted…More turning and twisting on the roasting spit for Alberto. You’re a genius, JudyB. If he’s not careful, he’ll be more fried than Doc Mask. He is such a wuss and frustrates the heck outta me.

Vanessa looks stunned. WORK? [Doris and I are saying yes, yes yes! Probably the rest of you are too.] Yup I was saying “Yes” too, but I felt that Vanessa’s hesitation was more because of her lack of skills. Whatever the reason, Hilda and Vanessa need to be careful. I don’t think Moochie will want “some” of Vanessa’s half; she’ll want ALL of it.

Luis has paid a hefty price for the vecindad and now Toribio is the owner.” Never expected this one coming…so exactly how rich is this farmer supposed to be—he offers to pay everyone’s hospital bills, bought the condo as the love shack and now he buys a whole apartment building…oh and he paid for the funeral. Is he growing money on those trees?

The stolen medication has been found--dropped in a wastebasket, and as far as he is concerned, the case is closed. Now that was odd…did the writer’s just drop the idea of Lucrazy framing Marina?

For one thing Ricardo is too short and weedy for Marina. Agreed! And he really needs to do something with his hair. Every time I see it I want to soak it in Dawn for a while before washing it.

Marina looks stricken. Both angry and heartbroken. But they are back to Square One. Both locked in to their positions, their resentments, their certitude that the impasse is all the other's fault. Such stubborn kids! …and more frustration…just do the danged DNA test and get it over with…Oh but don’t tell Lucrazy because if she gets wind of it, I’m sure she’ll weave something into her web to mess it up. OMGosh…she knows that Doc Mask couldn’t be the father…Oh Noes!!

Thanks Rgv Chick. Glad we're in the same corner on this one. But if Ricardo is too weedy and too Brillcreamed for Marina, and Beto too wussified, who can we find? And now that Evil Incarnate Lucrecia is involved, too late for a decent DNA test. Evidently she has easy access to all kinds of subterfuges, false documents etc. as befits an arch villainess. Curses! Foiled again! Tough to be trapped in Viewerville, unable to step in and straighten these folks out!


I loved the title Judy! “Same Arguments Same Results” is certainly true and is interwoven into every fiber of our lives. Sometimes we learn, sometimes we don’t.

“Distancing” – just one of your brilliant observations.

“Bad Man. Good Nuzzler” was my absolute favorite. Also enjoyed “Bad Doc has a Bad Ticker”, “sad Boogie Nights house” and “best of motivos [vengo en son de paz]”. Excellent all.

You posed so many interesting questions. “What does being a family really mean?” To me, it’s being with those you love. It’s love that constitutes who a family is.

“We learn from those that HURT US. And MOVE ON”. If that only were the case!

Rgv Chick, I got a huge kick out of “he really needs to do something with his hair. Every time I see it I want to soak it in Dawn for a while before washing it.” Too funny!

Judy, I always enjoy your stellar recaps. You put your heart into these and it shows.




Thank you, Judy, for your recap!

And I will echo what Rgv Chick and Diana have already said.

Toribio owning that complex is a disaster waiting to happen. Poor guy has no business sense, much less common sense. Caray!

What is it with the Amoeba clan opening their doors all the timeto whoever knocks?!?!? Not even a peephole! Gah!

Yum, Marina & Beto convo .... lather, rinse, repeat.

And hide all bunny rabbits from BSC Lucreepy.

"Well, Doctor, I'm not sure. Like right here?"
Dr. Lucrevil: "Trust me, I'm a Doctor and I know a LOT about these things."
"Now flop out wee wilted Willy and let the Doctor have a look see."

"Um, if, er I DO want to get better..I...uh.."
Dr: "Oh My,that should be in Pampers.
What was it you said the last girl called you?"
Dr. (hardly audible) "Good one... Glad it wasn't me instead of her."
What's that?
Dr.: "er, I said, mean and hurtful."



JudyB, thank you for this excellent fun recap chock full of goodies, though I might have a teensy, tiny disagreement with you on a few points.

How can anybody have problems with Doc Rapunzel? Look at the lengths she is willing to go to in order to help out her special patient.   :-)

Marina looked nice at the dance, but not as pretty as I was expecting.

Poor Beto is still a jerk. At this point I'm beginning to feel sorry for him, he doesn't seem to have learned very much. I have to agree with JudyB that Doc Ricky is not a very impressive looking galán, but he may be playing things just right. He has been consistent and persistent, almost too much so, in telling Marina that he wants her, no conditions or reservations. Beto, no, even now.

Of course, "the heart wants what it wants", especially in TNs, so Beto could still win out, it all depends on whether Marina starts to seriously fall for Ricky. I think she already knows he's the better deal, but first love memories and feelings and TN destiny all have to be discarded before it can happen.

Still, Beto would have to dramatically, dramatically change his ways for me to find him and Marina as believable.



I was underwhelmed by Marina's red dress. Her hair looked nice.

Marina and Beto have to end up together, somehow. The end of the opening to each episode shows them together. Unless the writers pull a fast one on us. Personally, I would like to see Fernando Colunga ride in on a horse and literally as well as figuratively sweep her off her feet.

And at this point, I just wish Marina would have the DNA test done on Rafa to prove Beto is the father, start getting child support payments from him, and NOT get back together with him.


Great work, JudyB!

I was also confused by the case of the stolen medication being closed. It was obviously found in a trash can next to Marina’s desk. Maybe it’s a lack of evidence on how it got there. Whatever, I guess.

I kinda see both sides of the Beto/Marina argument. I do think Marina is right in what she said. She was raised by Damiana who isn’t her biological mother and Beto is somewhat in that situation too but really only Pru can take credit for Beto turning out normal, independent etc Marina is proving to be a bit stubborn though and Beto shouldn’t have doubts. He’s kinda had the chance to see if he has some kind of fatherly instinct towards Rafa instead of needing a DNA test.

I laughed when Beto told that one guy that Luis is his adoptive father. Luis needed to be knocked down a few pegs.

I hope there aren’t any consequences to this situation with Toribio and what Luis did.


Ah my dear Patio. I so look forward to reading your comments--knowing what struck you, both in the episode and in the re-telling. And hearing your own special take on things. This is a great group.

Diana--I agree that Love makes a family. Not blood. And the Amoeba Clan is family. Mutually supportive. Hanging together through thick and thin. Pooling resources when needed. That includes Marg, Lino and Yola even though they are now in a separate room.

Chooch and Vanessa are not a family. Just a victim and a victimizer. Hopefully Vanessa will finally know what "mothering" means after she lives with Hilda for a while.

Doris--I love your practical take on things. Get the test. Get the support payments. And then ride off with Colunga. Works for me. As for the red dress, well the color set off her lovely complexion. And the actress is gorgeous. The dress did not take away from her natural beauty but complemented it. But're our visual expert, so if you were underwhelmed, I take that seriously.

Kirby--Yikes. Once you let your imagination go, the results are scarifying. Lucrecia is troubling enough without that!

Andy--Yes, Beto is still a jerk. But sometimes I have to remind myself that both he and Marina are very young. Particularly Marina. Hasn't she just finished the equivalent of high school? So they don't have the wisdom of us experienced folks who have been through the School of Hard Emotional Knocks two or three times (speaking for myself only). And you too were disappointed in how Marina looked at the ball? Guess it was too much of a buildup.

TF--On the dismissal of finding the medication in the wastebasket. I too was astonished that Muñoz just brushed it off. Not sure where the writers are going with that. Will it re-surface later? I mean, Lucrecia could have dumped it anywhere. If THERE, surely she assumed it would tag Marina as the culprit.

On the other hand, if Doc Rapunzel is frustrated in her evil plans, again and again, I will just relax and let myself enjoy her discomfiture.


A thoroughly enjoyable read! Thank you JdyB

Well we got to see where Lucrecia got it today. Doc Dad was quick to ascribe bad motives to someone he doesn’t even know

Alberto looked handsome in that suit. Making it tough on Marina

Once Marina makes up her mind there is no changing it

What to make of Luis’ disorganized appearance at the party. Tie too short. Color Lise. Tie loose

Sad little scene with Vane and Hilda



JudyB exquisite recap. I missed the episode, had to work. Thank the tn gods For recappers.

Munozo and Zambia sound like 2 gossips
Jealous of the new girl in town. Where'd she get the gown, how could she afford it? None of yo dam bidness.
You better pay attention that quackpot
You call you brilliant doctor daughter
And you dr muuuuunzy, listen to your
Son when he tells you "I DONT WANT TO BE A DOCTOR)))))))))))).

Marina and beto, she knows rafi is his
But if he knew fersher he could be his daddy. Yada yada yada. So Moving on.
Ricky is a little runt. With to much hair. But moma carnations loves her lil hairball with legs.

So lousey thinks buying an entire apartment building will exonerate him?
Is he dumb? Yes, but pru loves her big dumby. He's like a child,"see mommie
I bought him a bigO house building and
Now tori is happy". I wish he wasn't such a jerk,but he's pru's jerk. For
Some one should help Tori understand
That he can't just let folks not pay
Rent cuz their friends, but I'm sure
He knows he can trust them and they'll
Pay when they can.

Omg theyre talkin about back to school already? Ok back to the story. Doctor
Lucreepy wants to help doc freaky to get the love of his imaginary life back. Naaaaww not gonna work. No what
Would solve that problem, he could die
While getting his new face. He'll die

Beto is holding marina and rafi at arms length, cuz right now theyre not good enough for him. And shes not gona
Back down either. He could have stood by her and got the DNA TEST later. The
Man is stubborn. I love you but.....

The fiesta continues. I hope I can see
Some of it tomorrow.

Thank lady JudyB for a fun n snarkily

Thank you lady judyB for a fun and snarkity recap.

Everybody is more Of a mother to vane
Than her own mother. She nothing more
Than a means to get money. That is sad sad sad.
Cuz in the end she will wind up with
Nothing and living out of the trash.
Cuz thats what she is.

Nina..Right back atcha. Thanks for a "fun and snarkily" comment. Or two. I always look forward to your very Ninaesque viewpoint. It is unique. And memorable. I imagine you put a little snap, crackle and pop into everything you do. And I do hope we eventually see Susana living out of the trash. Most of the time I give even the villains a pass but this gal I truly hate. She's a wretched friend and an even worse mother.

Ms. are going to be our visual expert along with Doris. Yes, our big grizzly bear was a bit unkempt, plus he made me laugh when he told folks "we're here because of our great, Pru, whazzhisname? I mean, he NEVER knows people's names! Or forgets them.

I don't know if it's the cumulative effects of the tequila or it's meant to be a clue to his narcissism. Anyway it's hilarious mostly because the actor plays the role with tongue firmly in cheek.


Part 1

Dear Patio, I am absolutely exhausted by the excess of testosterone floating around in this one. Erick and Erasmo. Beto and Ricardo. Luis and Whazziname? Muñoz. Even Papa Zamudio and Beto. Each male is determined to mark his territory or defend his turf. No matter what. The womenfolk being fought over are merely incidental. Lovely landscape but incidental indeed.

Oh well. Sometimes our animal nature just takes over. Here's how the Hormone Hostilities began. Lucrecia briefly stops by Pru and Luis. She's looking for Beto. Naturally. But Luis and Pru are rehashing old ground. He's ticked that Beto continues to diss him. He's still my first-born son as far as I'm concerned. -And he'd accept it if you recognized Marina as your daughter. -Not my fault she's stubborn as a mule. And so on.

Beto and Marina are rehashing the past as well. -I fought my parents, fought everyone, practically left Vanessa at the altar for you! -Yes. But when I really needed you, you failed me. -I was blinded by jealousy and rage. But how sweet our moments were. Sometimes I still close my eyes and listen to the rainfall, the song of the birds. -I remember those moments too. But those memories wound me. -They wound US. Every night I dream of you...dream of us back together..Forgive me. Their theme music softly begins, then swells as they draw closer and gently kiss....tentatively, if kissing for the very first time.

Oh for heaven's sake! We're suddenly at the hot, sweaty gym where Erasmo is King of the Hill and taunting Erick. I'm looking for a good challenger. Wanna step in the ring, good buddy? Erick just smiles and admits, "I'm not a fighter.

Dang it. While we were away, Marina follows up the tender kiss with a resounding slap. -But you love me, Beto protests. I felt that in your kiss. -Yes, the love is still there but I will always fight it because the pain of your refusal to raise our son with me is even greater than that love.

These two just make me tired. Yes, it was awful. Really really awful. He's a jerk. But he's YOUR jerk. Make up and get this over with.

They're not listening. So like my own kids.

We see Lucrecia watching all this through the window. For a moment she looks vulnerable, sad. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. The camera pans to Alberto who looks bitterly heartbroken. I almost feel sorry for him too.

Back to the gym. Lino enters the ring and does pretty well but y'know, so what. We're more interested in what's happening at the Medico Fiesta. Lucrecia has pulled herself together and slinks out to ask Beto what's going on. He lies and says he's just standing around thinking. She files this away in her Vengeance Rolodex. They go back inside and Beto dances with his mom. Lucrecia looks lost once again. Still don't feel sorry for her.

Back to the ring. Erasmo keeps throwing out the challenge and this time Erick steps up. White Bread is going to fight Speedy Lightning. Erasmo is looking pretty ripped and Erick is looking like the soft pampered riquillo that he is. This can't end well.

Marina doesn't think so either. Take me home! she pleads with Ricardo.


Part 2

Your crankypants recapper is getting tired of everybody. Once in the car, Marina confesses to Ricardo that Beto kissed her.


Man, talk about Too Much Information!

He's stunned. Gulps. His Adam's apple trembles up and down in his weeny neck. And he's ready to get out of the car and go back and rip Beto's testicles out.

Seriously. Was that necessary?

Beto's drifting around looking like he's been charbroiled and left for dead. Lucrecia is looking equally drained. Pru and Luis are still discussing their children's failed romance. She thinks Marina has moved on. Luis is sure she's still crazy about "his boy". (For once, Luis is right.) I just hope that Marina can open her heart and fall in love again, muses Prudencia. Lucrecia is surprised. -I didn't realize you knew her so well. -Didn't Beto tell you? She is my and Luis' daughter.

Someone please wipe the egg off Doc Rapunzel's face. mean you didn't know Marina was an Ocaranza? -I'm sure Beto had his reasons for not telling me, simpers Lu. [more fodder for the Vengeance Rolodex] And Alberto? He looks like he just wants to crawl into a hole somewhere. Anywhere.

Erick too. He's dancing around, trying to avoid Erasmo's punches as best he can. And both are fighting without protective headgear [caretas]. He lands a punch now and then. Surprisingly. Must be the magic of testosterone and the mating call.

Whoa. Speaking of testosterone...Wee Ricardo slams out of the car and races back into the fiesta. Somehow I don't think he's just going back for his cellphone.


Part 3

Prudencia allows as how Luis asked her not to spread this bit of interesting family history around. But now that his issue with Toribio is common knowledge, it doesn't seem to matter. Papa Zamudio lumbers up at that moment and wants to introduce his darling daughter to some psych eminence. Off they go.

Back at the gym, Lino and Anita are hanging on the sides of the ring, trying to get Erasmo to stop the mismatched fight. Erick is clearly exhausted. But nothin' doin'. Erasmo is determined to show Yolita that he's the top dog. Yola even hops in the ring trying to convince Erick to quit. He's slap happy and dazed, but pleased that she's worried about him.

So let's drop back and check on our tuxedoed combatants. Ricardo is frothing at the mouth, ready to punch out Beto there and then in front of everybody. But suggests they take it outside. They race up some stairs and of course grapple and strangle each other dangerously near a fragile balcony and the hard tiles below. Will these two pitiful studs push each other over the edge? Nopis. Marina arrives like an outraged nursery school teacher. I can almost hear "Boys!. Use. Your. Words." Actually she just tells them to stop it. Ya! Same thing. Guess you can take the boy out of the mugger, but not the mugger out of the boy. They are so like a couple of 2-year-olds.

The discussion between Pru and Luis continues and now Muñoz has joined them. They're aware of the dustup between Ricardo and Beto and Muñoz is surprised. But learns that Marina's is Pru's daughter. So Alberto is adopted then. But who's the dad? Luis of course. But it's a long, complicated story, Pru concludes. And I'd appreciate it if you kept it confidential. But you understand why I don't want you to doubt the honesty of my daughter. -Of course. I've already apologized to her. And I see where she gets her beauty.

Quiet smile from Prudencia. Hmmmmm. Thank goodness she's not wearing the red dress she had on (barely) at Vanessa's wedding.


Part 4

We see Luis at the bar, picking up more drinks. As well as an odd camera shot of a miserable looking couple dancing. They appear to be regretting signing up as extras for this episode. He comes back wondering what Pru and Muñoz were chitchatting about. -Ah, recalling old times, smiles the director. Remember when we were BOTH courting Prudencia? Luis gives him the LOOK. You know. The one that says "Mine are bigger than yours. Always were. Always will be. Now scat!" The hormones are getting so thick I can hardly breathe.

And how are the hormones going at the gym? Erasmo moves in for the kill. Yola screams. Erick is down. But not out. Hang in there.

The camera goes back to the car where Marina and Ricardo are bickering like an old married couple. She's carping because he went back inside to start a fight. No need. I already slapped him. He's wanting to know why she was out in the garden alone in the first place. -Because I was dizzy. Not used to drinking. He's blaming himself for leaving to answer an emergency call. She wants to take a taxi home. Oh noes. He can't possibly do surgery in the emotional state he's in now. He'll call in his assistant. Boys, girls...for heaven's sake. Just stop!

And at the gym, the fight finally is stopped. In case you missed it, Erick did get up a couple of times. Did land a few punches. But Erasmo is declared the winner. Erick still has his mouth going though. Hey, you couldn't beat me in three rounds, like you said, so now I have the right to take Yola out. Erasmo starts to punch him again but Lino pulls him away. Yola looks annoyed with everybody.

Okay. Medico Fiesta again. Lucrecia is casting a little more shade on Marina. Portraying her to Papa Zamudio like a femme fatale who has caused the rift between once close Alberto and Ricardo. Beto comes up at this point and says he's not feeling well. Wants to leave. Lucrecia wants to stay. The party's just starting. He leaves without her. And Zamudio warns her that this fight between the two men is more serious than she seems to realize.

This section ends with a bedraggled Ricardo and Marina walking home in the vecindad. He hesitates, then kisses her lightly on the side of her cheek. She looks uncomfortable. And wistful. We see him walking slowly away, shoulders slumped. Alone. I almost feel sorry for him. Ah heck, I really do. Right now he's losing the fight for Marina's love.


Final Part

Ugh. I was hoping we'd have an episode without DocMask but here he is. Ramona awakes and wants to know why he's up at this ungodly hour. Because he's going to be hospitalized tomorrow. -Why? You're so healthy now. -Because I'm going to change my life completely. -Then I have to be with for you! NO. STAY AWAY. That's what the nurses are for.

Sweet guy.

Erick is back on Beto's couch where he seems to have taken up permanent residence. They're dishing like two schoolgirls over their romances. Beto tells him he kissed Marina. Erick is like Oh wow. Dude! Step back! What about Lucrecia? Oh I'll tell Lu. She's so mature and sensible. No problem. Erick doubts that. We do too.

Back in the vecindad, similar dishing going on. Marina is remembering his strong arms around her. The touch of his lips. The overwhelming feeling that their love might really have a chance after all. Yola begs to differ. He's going after you while he's dating someone else! Not good sistah. Don't fall into his trap. -But he says he'll fight for me.

Those are just words, snaps Yola. What you need are acts. And he needs to dump Lucrecia. Tell Beto to SHOW you he loves you. Not just talk.

Talk? Did someone say talk? Oh yes. Papa Zamudio is on the phone to Alberto. With this grim announcement. Alberto, WE NEED TO TALK.

They sure do. If I were Lucrecia's dad, I'd want to clarify things too.

And there we end. So jump in Patio. Who emerged the winner in the Hormone Hostilities today? Who's the champ of the Testosterone Tourney? A lot of contenders. But who were the winners? Can't wait to hear what you have to say.


Thank you for another great recap, Judy. I’m exhausted, too, and had to FFWD thru the boxing ring scenes and rehashing of the past. And I don’t even have to recap this stuff. Bless your heart!
My favs:
”Your crankypants recapper is getting tired of everybody.” LOL Me, too.
”[more fodder for the Vengeance Rolodex]”
”The hormones are getting so thick I can hardly breathe.” I know! Right? Our warrior recapper needs an oxygen mask. Stat!
”They're dishing like two schoolgirls over their romances.” Word!

LOTS of antler bashing today, and a couple of big reveals. Hormonal Hostilities, indeed. Wheee!!!

Bazan leaving the party to run to the OR is one thing. Running from his car to serve up some “whup ass” to Bazan … for kissing Marina … is beyond believable. So unprofessional for a guy who is “not dating his receptionist.” My telenovela beanie hat was spinning. Hubby was rolling his eyes (as I explained what was going on) while he continued playing Candy Crush. He gave this episode what it deserved. LOL

I really wanted Beto & Bazan to both go over the rail and into the water below.

Hola, Lucrecia, Beto is not going to inherit the Ocaranza fortune.
The look on Muñoz’s face at the big reveal was a hoot, too.

I don't think there was a winner of the testosterone tourney today. But I would sure love to see them all dragged up in front of Judge Judy.


I thoroughly enjoyed this recap, JudyB.

I’m trying to find the specific term for people...well, men like Erasmo who think that anything can be solved in the ring, by fighting etc. Macho doesn’t seem to fit. I think it’s more than just being macho. Erasmo didn’t “win” anything. Women aren’t to be “won”. Beto and Ric weren’t that bad though. No punches were thrown or anything like that. Although both fights were certainly childish.

Marina shouldn’t have even told Ric that Beto kissed her. Maybe M & R might start officially dating but right now they are not anything. Friends, maybe, but Ric doesn’t need to be her knight in shining armor yet and fight her battles for her.

I almost forgot that Beto hadn’t yet told Lu that Marina is his “adoptive” parents biological daughter. I wonder what Doc Z will say to Beto when they talk.


“Their theme music softly begins, then swells as they draw closer and gently kiss....tentatively, if kissing for the very first time” was lovely and lyrical. Beautiful Judy.

Like doris, also loved “She files this away in her Vengeance Rolodex”. Very clever.

“Beto's drifting around looking like he's been charbroiled and left for dead” made me laugh out loud. The image it conjures up has me shaking my head appreciatively.

I can’t forget “Hormone Hostilities” and of course “crankypants recapper”. I can’t think of anything further from the truth. You view all with a fair but kind eye and you make it seem so effortless which of course it is anything but. All was wise, witty, insightful and infused with your marvelous humor. I’m still not sure who the king of the jungle is but you are the Queen of recapping. Thank you for the gift of laughter Judy. There is nothing better.


Hola Patio. Qué tal? I figured you have some reactions to this tumultuous episode and you sure did.

Doris...Judge Judy. Oh dear. My husband used to call me that. And not in a humorous way. But yeah, I was wanting to smack some heads together tonight. And quite agree with you, Doc Bazán's reaction was way over the top for someone who "is not dating his receptionist." Of course I imagine in his fervid imagination, he has already wed her and bed her. He makes no secret of his feelings. Glad your better half can relax and play Candy Crush while all this bedlam is going on.

TF...Nice analysis of the problem with "winning" women. They aren't trophies. But rather individuals with their own hopes, dreams and goals. But that's our rational brain talking. The "old brain" is still out there howling at the moon and battling for dominance of the female. And I certainly agree that Marina had no business telling Ricardo about the kiss. I'm sure she'll think twice before confiding anything else!

Diana, Diana...How I wish you could watch this with us. It's alternately sad and funny and even the least of the characters have a certain charm. Alright, not Lucrecia and DocMask. But even Ramona and Doña Toolbelt, in addition to the Amoeba Clan, are all quirky and interesting in their way. I didn't expect to like the show this much. Don't feel like the Queen of Recapping, but I certainly do appreciate the compliment, amiga.

you'd have....

Like Andy, I only see my typos after I've posted. Nuts!


This was a tough to watch episode. Not a lot of fun in it. Judy, thank you for sticking with it all the way through and recapping it for us. I loved the "Vengeance Rolodex”.

I know you like the way Louse is being played. That part at the second rate doctors' ball, when "[Luis] comes back wondering what Pru and Muñoz were chitchatting about. "-Ah, recalling old times, smiles the director. Remember when we were BOTH courting Prudencia? Luis gives him the LOOK. You know. The one that says "Mine are bigger than yours. Always were. Always will be. Now scat!" --- The cocked eyebrow was a little extra.   :-)

I sometimes (quite often, unfortunately) don't properly hear the dialog. When Marina got into the car with Ricky, I thought she said Beto had threatened her, not kissed her. I was shocked as I hadn't seen or heard anything that sounded like a threat. But it did make sense that Ricky would run after Beto if he thought Beto had threatened her.

But a kiss? No. Perhaps he should have asked her if the guy had forced himself on her. But to just go confront him was silly. I don't know if it will impress Marina or not. We'll see how that works out.

Yola did not look happy about being wooed by two idiots, but Erick came out ahead. He didn't start things, it was obviously Erasmo, and then Erick gave it a go rather than feel he had lost face with the lovely Yola. And women way down deep do like it when guys do stupid things to impress them. So demerits for Erasmo, a few paltry points for Erick.

Absolutely nothing re our little Vanesa? I'm disappointed.

Not much from the Spider Queen today. She didn't poison anybody, didn't push Marina down a flight of stairs, mostly just a lot of slithering around and learning, yet again, that there's more to her boyfriend's story.


Well heck Andy, I think you like the way Santamarina is playing the Louse too. But now that we're on that, I'm also wondering about his disheveled appearance, pointed out by Ms. Mely the other day. Are the writers trying to signal that our don Luis is coming unraveled? Yes, these are the trivial plot points I find myself wondering about later.

Erick definitely earned some paltry points with Yola. He looked a wee bit more mature than Erasmo. A wee bit. And besides, she's sweet on him. You know, infatuation at first sight.

Vanessa is getting short shrift these days. But give thanks that we didn't have to see Mama Chucha!

Our Doc Rapunzel is collecting a lot of backstory on the hapless Beto and I'm worried about what she will do with it. But it's just a story, just a story!


Thank you again JudyB. What a great read!

The stupid, it burned this episode

Posting before I read

I was rushed for time so I knew I would have to fffff. This episode sure made it easy. I cannot even with 2 prominent doctors physically competing for Marina. And making scenes besides! Was that parallel story telling with the boxes match? And no headgear?

I liked Marina’s dress. Simple yet lovely. Very suitable for a young woman. Lucrecia looked old and worn by comparison. Her vaunted hair also looked dull and straw like. Probably not Inadvertent

Doc Dad is about to let his mask slip. Won’t be so jolly after all



Posting before I read comments


Thanks Ms. Mely. You’re right on about the visuals again. Lucretia looked sallow in that off-green gown and the Rapunzel hair looked like it needed conditioner. Marina on the other hand was radiant

. And was the dismal green gown symbolic of Lucreepy’s corrosive envy? Well, we’re having fun with this one, even on the disturbing days. Should be quite a ride together till the end.

Oh JudyB this was a biggon. All those
Male hormones flying around clogging up the oxygen.

O Man lousey was a mess in this episode.
He's pickled and he's gettin pickled some more at the fiesta. Munoz and Zam
Gossiping like two Ol bittys until they Find out that marina is the real princess Of the ocaranza kingdom. And the look on lucreepys face was really priceless when she found out queen pru
Is marinas mum. The queen mum.

Now she really has to get rid of marina. Shes not only beautiful, she's
Rich. And she's got something that she
Don't. Alberto's heart. And she will
Never have that.
Don't you just love it when the guys cry too. Beto will never cry with Lucy
Like that.

"Yola jumps into the ring", You mean roll into the ring. I never seen anybody get in the ring like that.Its
Hard to tell who she's leaning towards
I kinda hope its erick, erasmo is just
Interested showing her how tuff he is.
And he's not that interesting.

I wonder if they'll have someone else
Play the part of doc freak-a-da-mask?
He's suppose to get a different look.
In the face department. We shall see how that goes in the coming episodes.

As for who won the testosterone war,
Well,can't say anybody did. A their lives Are a hot mess, and are gettin messed in the Coming episodes. That's what I'm thinkin. Not that Ricky isn't a Good guy, He's just to short for marina. Her bodu And beto's body fits better together With him beinging taller than her. Speakin Of, he just forcing himself to be With Lucreepy, and she just hangin on to him when marina comes around. Give it Up girl you don't stand a chance in hell of havin beto. Which is why she wants to help the mask nab marina. Not!

Thems my thoughts.
Thank you JudyB, you bring laughter &
Joy to us commenters. Tah Tah!


Hey there bring laughter and joy right back. This is just one juicy, opinionated and colorful Patio.

Love the Queen Mum for Prudencia. Stroke of genius.

On Doc Mask's transformation, did we really see much of him before the fire? I honestly can't remember (is it possible that my brain is already teflon-coated?) Anyway, interesting question there. We'll just have to wait and see.

Well, off to the showers and bed. Wee Will is coming over tomorrow and he is exhausting. Adorable. But exhausting.


Judy: Good Morning from the Alamo City. Did I miss anything juicy ? I was busy at work.



Nina said it best --- "hot mess" !!! 👍🏻


Doris, yes! If the episode could be encapsulated in two words it would be just that...Hot Mess. Our Nina is a wordsmith. If you want to know more Steve, you'll just have to read the recap.


Oh, Judy, the Amazing Snarkster, I laughed, or at least chuckled, starting with the title and all through the recap…and the many comments by our great patio. Thanks for the good laugh. You’re right, this TN sure is bringing out the best of the patio…colorful, engaging, and entertaining.

In addition to the ones Doris already mentioned, I especially liked, “His Adam's apple trembles up and down in his weeny neck. And he's ready to get out of the car and go back and rip Beto's testicles out. I had to laugh out loud at this one!

“Someone please wipe the egg off Doc Rapunzel's face.” Yeah, that must have been what she was wiping off her face when she slithered out to talk to Beto outside. Spicy omelette anyone?

Judyb,” I'm also wondering about his disheveled appearance, pointed out by Ms. Mely the other day. Are the writers trying to signal that our don Luis is coming unraveled?? That’s the signal I’m getting…and that his life is becoming unraveled as well.

About the dresses, I like Marina’s dress better on the mannequin that I did on her/ It was very pretty, but something about the neckline bothered me…it looked like someone had sewn it up so as no to be too revealing. Agree about Queen Mum’s (yes, Nina is a genius!) dress…somewhat dismal and matronly. And I actually like Lucreepy’s dress and I liked what they TRIED to do with her hair. Had it not looked messy and dull, it would have been very pretty.

So do we all agree to rename this TN to “Hot Mess” or “Sin Sentido”?


Lucreepy's hair looked like it had not been washed in weeks.

Luis definitely is starting to look like he is becoming unhinged. Pru finding out about his affair with Chu might be the final straw.

RgvChick....Thanks for checking in amiga. Always love hearing from you. I might have been a bit harsh with weeny necked Ricardo but honestly, the way he tore back in there, no wonder Andy thought Marina had been assaulted—rather than just kissed. A lot of passionate menfolk in this one.

And yes Doris...if Prudencia is disenchanted now, wait till she finds out about Susana! Hot mess coming up!


Going out for early dinner tonight. Recap will be posted later than usual.


No worries, JudyB! Enjoy your'll take me a while to get over "Oh, yes, I'll be your novia..." Un-freakin'-believable! Ughhhh!!

MIRADA - don't worry, Judy. I'll have to read in the morning. We're going out to the Johnny Rivers concert tonight. Can't wait!!!


Part 1

Your recapper is frothing at the mouth tonight. I'm on Team Marina-Beto and that duo just went down in flames, thanks to the machinations of Lucrecia. Or was it Destiny? So much stood in the way of our erstwhile lovers. Perhaps they were not meant to be after all.

So let's get going on the sad details (always remembering that “it's just a story, just a story”)

Lucrecia is trailing around the hospital corridors looking shaggy and unattractive, but she's got a plan to hold onto Alberto and will pull it off to perfection today.

Back at the big house, Luis and Prudencia are chatting. He's suggesting their relationship should be all hunky-dory now that he's given Toribio the vecindad and Tor has accepted. And forget about Paulino taking over the documents, Big Grizzly Bear is going to deliver them himself! That's not enough for Prudencia. She also wants Marina to carry the Ocaranza name. -No problem. I can tell she's still crazy about our Beto. All they need is a push. They'll get married again and presto chango! She's an Ocaranza and I have my grandson back. Luis has it all thought out. Just like Lucrecia. Which plan will work?

Mientras tanto (meanwhile) another grizzly bear, Papa Zamudio is reading the riot act to Doctor Ocaranza. Very bad taste to dance with another woman, and to fight with another doctor over her to boot And if you break my daughter's heart, you will no longer be my assistant. The only reason I accepted you was on her recommendation.

Straight talk from Papa. Beto reminds him that that “other woman” was once his wife. -All the more reason! snaps Zamudio.

Beto gulps and says nothing.

Doc Rapunzel is haunting the corridors, waiting impatiently for the arrival of Doc Mask. They work out that he'll be put in a private room, far away from busy corridors and that she'll see to it that he's operated on as quickly as possible.

Some Morning After regrets:

Ricardo is lamenting that he acted like an idiot last night. (we agree!) But sunny Doña Encarnación has a plan for that (is this beginning to sound political?). We'll invite everybody to a celebration dinner. To honor the fact that all the doctors in the hospital were dazzled by Marina's beauty.

Beto is back at the apartment, re-hashing, as usual, with new roomie Erick. He's not worried about Zamudio's threat. He'll just find work with someone else. Erick doesn't think so. Lucrecia's dad is world famous..he can shut doors for you all over the place. No matter. Beto is determined. He's going to go see Marina and tell her he's breaking up with Lu. And tries to call Lucrecia to give HER the bad news, but our little minx “doesn't have time to talk...see you later...bye”.

Our first section ends with bumptious Luis bursting in the vecindad door once more to bring Toribio the documents. The little fellow stands tall, looks coldly his “benefactor” and says crisply, I hope you don't expect thanks. Because you'll get none. Wow. Take that, Luis! And he does.


Part 2

Well, if Toribio's reception was cold, Marina's was even colder. Luis calls her “Marinita” and she quickly corrects him. Marina! (No little affectionate diminutive for you Dad). -Hey, I'm trying to be a good guy, he pleads. I just want to see my grandson. -No. You're a bad example for him. -But what about later on, university studies, doctoral studies, give me a chance. He's my grandson.

More stonewalling. Well, at least let me invite you to the house for dinner. That'll make Prudencia happy. What's the harm? Marina looks like she's weakening under this onslaught but says nothing.

Not so for Angustias, who's been opinionated from the get-go. She's got Prudencia's ear and she's not letting go. I don't think you should go along with your husband's plans. We know that Marina is better off with Ricardo.

Destiny must think so also. When Beto arrives at the vecindad to tell Marina he's breaking up with Lu, she and the tribe have already left for dinner with Doc Bazán and his mom. Doña Chole asks him if he wants to wait but he says he'll come back later. Oh...big mistake Beto. But what can you do. Destiny is at the wheel and calling all the shots.

Calling a few shots herself is our feisty Yola. She's reading the riot act to Erick (who's trying not to laugh) and Erasmo for making macho fools of themselves. They are NOT rivals. They're her friends. Punto.

Ugh. Back to Lucreepy and Doc Mask. There's a bit of dithering over the heart studies (is it wrong to wish he'd die on the operating table? And Lucreepy too?)

Okay, I apologize. It's my primitive “old brain” talking.

Isauro is worried that her father will feel pressured with all this hurry up and wait business at the hospital but she assures him her dad will understand just how IMPORTANT this is. And it needs to be done quickly. Doc Zamudio sees it somewhat differently and is concerned at how fast he's needing to do the necessary studies, but accedes, as always, to Lucrecia's urging and seeming concern. He grudgingly agrees to see the patient in question the next day. (Sigh. It's all going Lucrecia's way. See what I mean about Destiny?)

Next part of the vicious plan now goes into effect. Lucrecia calls Marina and says she needs to talk to her urgently. Right now. And we see her patrolling the corridor outside her office. In a new set of sexy open-toed heels by the way. Then she zips back into office, with door open. Feigns being on phone talking to Alberto. While a huge bouquet of red roses is displayed on the table for Marina to see. The fake conversation goes like this: Oh I love those beautiful! I know you ate something that didn't agree with you and that's why you went home early. Don't worry, silly. I know you love me. Nothing has changed darling. To top it all off, there's a note, supposedly from Beto tucked in the roses that says “I love you as I have never loved anyone before”, left conveniently for Marina to find and read.

Pardon me while I go stick my head in the toilet.


Part 3

Silent tears stream from Marina's eyes. Lusneaky turns “Oh, I didn't know you were here. I need to talk to you about Toribio. something wrong? You look so pale.”

Relishing Marina's stricken appearance every moment, Lucreepy moves smoothly into a defense of Luis (I'm sure it was an accident). -Yes, but his neglect of Toribio afterwards was not, retorts Marina. They wrangle a bit about whether Toribio should continue treatment with Doc Rapunzel but in the end, Marina maintains that only Toribio can decide if he wants to continue. She drags herself out, head down, utterly disillusioned, and Lucrecia smiles in wicked satisfaction.

I'm almost glad the scene switches to Papa Zamudio interviewing our favorite monster. He's warning Sotero about all the time and money that will be involved to reconstruct his face, but the doc is unfazed. Spare no expense. -I'm surprised, if you have that much money, that you were being seen in a clinic for the poor. -At the time I was an alcoholic. A total mess. But your daughter has given me hope. And I want you to operate on me as soon as possible.

Marina, still terribly undone [deshecha] by what she thinks is Alberto's betrayal, runs into the ever solicitous Bazán. As he guides her into his office for a little one on one, she murmurs “I was stupid to think that my son could ever grow up with his father.”

Back to the Spider Queen. She's quickly torn up the fake note from Beto so that when he arrives and notices the lovely arrangement, she can say it's from the grateful mother of a patient. But oh my, she's too busy for that “urgent talk” he wants to have. And rushes off. Thinking to her sweet self “I'll NEVER let you go.”

Beto, on the other hand, is thinking “I must find a place for Marina and the baby to live with me, whether the baby is mine or not.”

Ricardo, meanwhile, is pressing his advantage, dismissing Alberto as a low-life. Especially when he hears how much the kiss meant to Marina—and how devastated she is to learn it was all a sham. Beto is still pursuing and loving Lucrecia. On he presses—I want to be with you, be close to you, be a father to your son. He moves in for a kiss. She lets him. So they kiss again. And again. Aaaarrrgggh! This is so wrong!

Bring on the ads while I knock my head against the wall.


Part 4

While Viewerville is sitting there with their collective mouths open, Marina is responding with radiant smiles and shining eyes to wee Ricardo's advances. I'm already fond of you, I'll do all I can to make this work. Of course I'll be your novia.

Whaaaa!!?? Look, I admit I was raised by strict Presbyterians, but Lord have mercy, can any sane person switch boyfriends/fiancés like this from one day to the next? A mere snap of the fingers and off we go! My mama would have my hide. Especially since there's a baby involved. Beto's baby.

Oh well. Let's move on. Marina certainly is.

We switch to a see hapless Beto rubbing his eyes tiredly. He's evidently calling Marina. No answer at her desk. (Sorry fella, she's busy canoodling with Ricardo. Can't answer her phone.) So he calls Lucrecia. And goes to voice mail. [You can't break up with people with a voice mail. Although I know people who have. As well as by a text.] But Alberto is a bit more dignified than that.

Another little scene. This time with Erick and Papa Muñoz, who arrives at the apartment, outraged to see that his worthless skunk of a son is just getting out of bed at noon. -Well I work at night Dad, so that's normal. -And at what? -I'm a bartender. -After all your education and your studies that I paid for, THIS is what you're doing!!@!??? -All those studies didn't interest me. -And what am I expected to do when you become a burden for me? -I won't. I'd rather be poor and live by my own rules than under your thumb. Sell the car. Take me out of your will. I don't care. Dad leaves. Checkmate. Another breakup and a young man moving on. At top speed.

Now, for those of you missing Vanessa--she's about to appear. First in Lino's thoughts, while he waits for a secretary to sign some documents he delivered. We see her again in the hospital, begging for his love, apologizing for all her mistakes, and admitting that she is a woman who needs him. Oh my.


Final Part

Vanessa, who evidently did learn something at college while pursuing Alberto, is teaching Hilda about computers. Evidently our little boss lady has been scheduling everything on paper, but Vanessa is about to teach her all that you can do coordinating schedules, financial reports and budgets on a computer. They're getting along like a house a-fire and Hilda is confiding that she wouldn't even have the energy to get out of bed if she didn't have the consolation of Vanessa's company, affection and help. Vane looks decidedly guilty.

Hilda continues- Am I imagining things or do you and your mother not have a close relationship? Well, the discreet answer is that Vanessa and Mama have different goals and interests in life. And the discreet answer is what she gives.

Chucha, kvetching with Luis in the Love Shack, is about as far from discreet as you can get. -Jeez, if you can afford to buy a whole vecindad for Toribio, you can certainly get me a bigger apartment she wheedles! And maybe something else....

Luis ain't having it [at times you just have to love this lout]This relationship isn't going anywhere else, he warns her. -So you just want to reconcile with Marina and be with your grandson. YES. MY GRANDSON. HE WILL BE AN OCARANZA!!!!

Does anyone want Beto and Marina to be together...other than me, Luis and Beto himself? Well, Prudencia is wavering. But Angustias is solidly in Ricardo's corner.
And of course Lucrecia has her own strategy, which she continues to weave while pushing her dad to operate on Doc Mask (under a pseudonym) as quickly as possible.

Prudencia arrives at the hospital to talk to her son and find out where he's heading. But runs into Muñoz first. Beto is in a conference so the director asks her to have coffee with him. He needs to talk. He's failing at fatherhood and needs her advice.

Do we see potential competition for don Luis? We sure do!

But the ending scene is between Marina and gal pal Yola. Pouring out her heart, Marina tells her it was all a lie, Beto had no intention to breaking up with Lucrecia. So...she has accepted being Ricardo's novia.

Cara impactada de Yola! And Cara de Nausea for the rest of us!

And there we end.


JudyB, thanks for another marvelous recap. And don't be depressed, Beto could still win out (though I hope not)!

Yay, Angustias! Marina would be better off with scrawny, wimpy, somewhat greasy Ricky. Why? Because he's not Beto!

I am still hoping against hope that not-so-terrible Beto winds up with a consolation prize and not our sweet daffodil. BUT it's long odds because as Doris said Monday, "Marina and Beto have to end up together, somehow. The end of the opening to each episode shows them together." But I much prefer her other idea: "And at this point, I just wish Marina would have the DNA test done on Rafa to prove Beto is the father, start getting child support payments from him, and NOT get back together with him."

But he was Marina's first love, and he's the father of her baby. It would be really hard for scrawny, wimpy, somewhat greasy Ricky to win out. Hope springs eternal, but I'll have popcorn on hand to throw at the screen when the finale rolls around.

But OK, I think I have stated my feelings and preferences at least a dozen times now, so I'll give it a rest for a while.

Vane a captain of industry! I love it. But she did look a bit guilty and uncomfortable, which only says fairly good things about her.

I loved Yola giving heck to the two boys and slapping them on the back of the head. We've probably all seen something similar dozens of times, but it's still fun.

Ah, Rapunzel, our slithery Mistress of Evil. Seriously, Judy, you're not enjoying this? Silly you. We suspect that Beto will win out by the end, but we know Lucrezia will be punished for her sins.



“Pardon me while I go stick my head in the toilet” made me laugh in pure delight. And loudly and happily. Totally unexpected which is why I loved it so Judy.

“You can't break up with people with a voice mail. Although I know people who have. As well as by a text”. So, those things are not just made up fodder for movies. Color me highly impressed.

“Doña Encarnación has a plan for that (is this beginning to sound political?)” Umm, a bit but that’s what makes it perfect. “ bumptious Luis bursting” – there’s that bumptious again. Simply great.

Other favorites were “Mientras tanto (meanwhile)”, “another grizzly bear “, “our little minx “, “Destiny” and of course “feisty”. I get a constant kick out of these not so dear terms of endearment. I want to add your “Ah, Rapunzel, our slithery Mistress of Evil” to the mix too andy!

“Doc Rapunzel is haunting the corridors, waiting impatiently for the arrival of Doc Mask also made me smile.

Who needs the late show? Your recap made today’s stress lessen immensely Judy and was great fun. I enjoyed every single word. I hope you had as much fun writing this as we are reading it. Gracias..



This recap was extra witty and I loved it. Excellent work, JudyB.

I wonder how long the secret of the “mysterious” patient will be kept? Heads will be exploding when Beto, Marina, and anyone else who has got a connection with Doc Mask, find out.

While Muñoz doesn’t exactly deserve the father of year award (much like Luis) I could ship him and Pru.

At least Vane is doing something productive. Su should do the same instead of hooking up with Luis any chance she gets. Ugh nasty.

Luis is team Marina/Beto for clearly all the wrong reasons, just for his own benefit. Viewerville probably has better intentions than he does...and it’s just fiction lol

JudyB thanks for another blockbuster.
The wrong blocks got busted tho.

Yes Doris I believe marina and beto belong together and they will be. They
Just have to get through all the mud &
Crap that people keep throwing in the
Path they are on back to each other.
Beto being a butthead don't help eitha
"I must find a place for marina and the baby to live with me, rather the baby is mine or not". Really? That is just comin to your noggin? Why didn't he think like that before all the crap
Started? Thats all he had to do, they could have gotten a DNA test later.
Now he's stuck with the ice queen from hell. And marina is stuck with a wee
Lil doctor with hair issues. He means
Well, but he's not for marina. And he
Is waaay nicer that lucreepy ice queen
From hell.

I wouldn't be surprised if vanesa wind
Up running the company. And give sudoo
A job. And if she refuse to work she don't get not one red cent. I got high
Hopes for that girl.(vanesa)

Ok bedTime for me, got work tomorrow.
Thank you judyB, we need this laughter
In these hours of "what the hell is going on?"




Goooooood Morning Patio! I see you were lively and opinionated last night, maybe even a bit "bumptious". Just the way I like my Patio to be. Thoroughly enjoyed this morning's Breakfast of Champions commenters.

Andy...NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, NO,I am NOT enjoying our "slithery Doc Rapunzel" but I do love your way with words, and ah heck, your sly way of setting me off. Gets my adrenaline lit up in the morning. I'm sure that's a good thing.

This was good:Yay, Angustias! Marina would be better off with scrawny, wimpy, somewhat greasy Ricky. Why? Because he's not Beto. I blame my moral myopia on the fact that I didn't watch when Beto treated Marina so cruelly. Easy to forgive and forget that way. She COULD end up with Ricky. He's in there pitching.

Diana...Ah yes, people DO break up by email and text. Horrid isn't it? I had to comfort a friend once who spent a very morose Christmas after her daughter's college boyfriend broke up with her by text. Poor child was devastated and of course Mom even more so. Merry Christmas! The "mientras tanto" was my quiet little shoutout to Carlos. He used to like to sprinkle that one in from time to time. Miss my good CarayCaray buddy.

TF...I can't imagine Doc Sotero's secret surgery staying a secret for long. After all, Beto is Zamudio's assistant. At least for now. And if Lucrecia keeps avoiding that We Have To Talk moment with him, he'll presumably be part of the surgical team cutting into Sotero's face. Now there's a delightful prospect! And you're on board with Muñoz becoming Prudencia's Fall Back Position? Okay. He's available. She soon will be when Luis' adultery comes to light. And "la verdad siempre sala a la luz" And Beto and Erick are already good buddies. Could work.

Nina... "thanks for another blockbuster.
The wrong blocks got busted tho."

That is pure Nina. I don't know where you work, but I wish I worked there too. We'd be laughing all day. Okay. Better not. We'd get fired.

I'm glad you're on Team Marina-Beto. I almost was on Ricardo's side until I saw them dancing together. Their bodies don't connect well at all. With Beto, she can nestle her head under his chin. He's got enough heft for her. With Ricardo, it would be like a June bug on a...oh well, forget it... He's just too weeny for her. I like his Mom though.



Judy: Good Morning from San Antonio, TX! Did LuCrazy get our sexy blind Protagonista fired from the hospital yet ?

Good morning Steve. You're a bit behind on developments. Marina is no longer blind. Have a good day.


Judy - this is brief....nietanado due here in a minute. Thank you for your snarktastic recap!!!

I will simply say "ditto!!!" To everyone's comments.

And... there was zero. zip. ningun chemistry in that kiss . Nopis.



Agree Granny Doris. A kiss about as tepid as a sitzbath.


Good Day “Bumptious” Patio!

Very late to this very lively party since I was out and about all morning. JudyB, oh my, how many times can I say that you are just a Snarktastic master recapper without sounding redundant? What a fun read in the midst of my busy day.

I, like Doris, will just ditto everyone’s comments....well maybe not Andy’s hope that Beto get a consolation prize rather than Marina :-) I like the traditional TNs where the protagonist couple ends up together. Lately this is not the case and Love does not prevail all the trials and tribulations the protags go through.

I’m hoping to have more time to comment on today’s episode.

Thank you, JudyB!

I am with you JudyB

Some of these people make me tired! Even Marina. Today Damiana and Marina really seemed mother and daughter just a little of kindness and empathy would be nice. Our Marina seems not to see any good in people not on her list

Erasmo wandering the halls up to no good cemented the final pairing of Erick and Yola

Luis seems to be flailing. Not used to not having control

Hope Sue doesn’t ruin Vanessa’s relationship with Hilda. Probably doomed anyway when someone lets slip she asked for a divorce. Maybe Vane will decide to clean up all the deceptions

Wait til Sue demands half the inheritance


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