Monday, September 16, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Amor Eterno, La Usurpadora, Sin MiedoALV- Week of Sept. 16, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE or SMALV, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. TNs/series covered by this page are:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 47-49
  • 10-11PM Sin Miedo a la Verdad
As with other discussion pages for more than one TN, PLEASE identify the TN you are commenting on to avoid confusion and so readers can easily find the conversations they are looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

La Usurpadora will be covered on stand-alone discussion pages posted on a daily basis.

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SMALV2 will end on Sunday September 29, at 10p/9c.

Hi everyone! I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus, but will be watching La Usurpadora. I would like to provide some recaps. If anyone else is up to it, could be a party! Otherwise I can provide some shorter ones. One question: last time I recapped was back a couple years ago for Tres Veces Ana. Do we do recap posts into one discussion page these days?

Ria--Welcome back to Caray. As you may have noticed, things have changed around here. Our "resources" are quite reduced. We no longer have the numbers of available recappers who can dedicate one night a week for so many months. Instead, we are following the formula on Telemundo: posting a front page twice a week for, in this case, the primetime novelas from 8-11 pm. Comments and iscussions start us off, but often times three or four folks step forward to do mini-caps. It certainly adds to the enjoyment. Much more fun than watching alone.

So far, we have enough to make a go of it for Y Manana Sera Otro Dia...Mejor.

Most of us are waiting for Un Dragon to start. We may have enough recappers to do a full nightly front page for it.

As for La Usurpadora--have at it and see who follows you with comments and discussions. You are welcome to post a mini-cap of your own on the comments page without needing any necessary permissions.

I'm definitely going to watch, but don't have the time or energy to recap regularly. (Well, I'll watch tonight's saved Gran Estreno tomorrow.)

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Great, thanks Anita.

So any chance I can get the permissions to post individual threads again? Since Usurpadora is only 25 episodes long, I can try to give it a go of trying to follow it through. (I actually already started to sneak peak preview it and happy to report that so far it's going down quite smoothly!! :) If so, might be nice to have separate threads for reference later?



Ria, I second the welcome back to Caray! As Anita has already explained so well, we’ve resorted to posting recaps (also referred to as ”recaplets” when they are shorter) on the comments pages for several of the TNs. The patio peeps will be delighted and so appreciative that someone will be providing recaps/highlights for “La Usurpadora.” And you will definitely have followers ( including me) who will have some good discussions and comments.

Looking forward to reading your recap!


Ria, our comments crossed. E-mail me; we can discuss setting you up as an author so you can post individual threads. My email address is

Thanks Rgv Chick. Will do!

Hello everyone! Like Ria, I took a short hiatus after PASL2 ended but decided to check out La Usurpadora. I didn’t see the original but after doing a little research I have a general sense of what the plot is. Not a huge fan of Sandra E but I’ll give this chance. And I was quite surprised by the cliffhanger ending of this first episode.

Just read that Cuna de Lobos will begin on October 21st at 9/8c ....I’m really kinda waiting for that one more so than LaUsp. Didn’t see the original of that one either.


Whoopeeeeee! See you all on the front page (above the fold for a couple of days).
Thanks, Ria. You rock.


As you may already know, Ria will be providing recaps for "La Usurpadora" on stand-alone pages (YAY!). Also, a recapping team has formed to cover "El Dragon;" so when it starts, it will also be on stand-alone pages (another YAY!)

I will continue to post the Primetime pages for the "Amor Eterno" fans and recappers or any other Primetime TN that may be of interest to the Patio.

Have a wonderful day!

OMG, you guys rock. Thanks so much for all you do for us non-spanish speakin
Folks. Or maybe just for the fun of it
You do it. Either way it's just fun to
Spend time with people I probly will never meet in person from other states
And other countries. Fun to be had by all.


Anita: I'll be watching this, looks very good with political intrigue.


Alexander: Big question is whether we'll get a happy ending ?

S3 is in the works.

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