Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capítulo 4 Thurs. 10/24/19

An Anonymous contributor has graciously provided the Thursday recap. Whoever it might be, we thank AnonFri for stepping up. How about a round of virtual applause, and may this contributor not stay Anonymous too long.

Alejandro visits Leonora’s humble home that evening. He informs her he also has his own apartment and that he really doesn’t always live with his family. He’s only there now because of his mother. It seems she asks him how he’s feeling about his father’s death, and he says well.

Gélica is giving Catalina a massage. When she lowers the nightgown strap Catalina pulls the sleeve of her cover back and ends the session.

Leonora tells Alejandro she’s never met anyone who’s been on top of an elephant. He hands her his phone to show proof (was he with Jose Carlos?) She asks about his brother. Did they ever try other forms of therapy for him? Alejandro receives a phone call and Leonora gets someone at the door. Luis shows up with a paper bag. Alejandro asks if everything was resolved regarding his job. He says yes, to thank Catalina for that. Alejandro lets Luis know he mostly helped him because of Leonora.
Ámbar sees that her husband gets a message and she reads it. Catalina was telling Francisco that she’s heading to Acapulco tomorrow and they can meet at the Esmeralda. When he’s coming into the room, she goes back to bed pretending she’s asleep. Francisco checks his phone, gets concerned she might have seen the message but Ámbar pretends not to be awake.

Francisco calls Catalina and tells her she shouldn’t be calling him so late. He thinks Ámbar suspects, but Catalina says how would she know? Carlos didn’t know for twenty years. Is she pretending not to know then? She really wants Ámbar to know the truth. She wants to be with him already. Ámbar then shows up behind him to ask why he’s on the phone at this time. He gets defensive and half yells that he’s going back to bed soon. He says goodnight to Catalina.

Leonora and Carlos hug, she thanks him for the meal. As he’s leaving, Alejandro plays jealous. Luis tells him not to worry, they’ve been friends for a long time. He leaves. “Now what?” Leonora asks Alejandro. He wants to know if there will be any more interruptions. She asks “If someone calls will you answer?” No. They end up in bed then.

Gélica is in the despacho with Catalina and offers to go with her to Acapulco. Catalina says it won’t be necessary. “But I always go with you” Gélica protests. Catalina tells her she needs to spend time alone and think. Gélica watches her go.

Alejandro wakes up and Leonora is showering. Catalina calls: “Did you just wake up?” Then she asks if he spent the night with the future wife. He reports that he did. Catalina gets happy. When he says he will get ready to go to the meeting, she tells him not to, he should spend more time with Leonora instead. As told, he goes to meet her in the shower and they continue their intimate time.

Ámbar is speaking to her maid. She doesn’t want to take her medicine, despite the maid reminding her that the boss ordered her to do so. Ámbar doesn’t care if he did. The maid leaves it on the counter, but Ámbar gets busy planning.

WARNING: I missed parts of this scene:

Jose Carlos is sharpening a pencil in Catalina’s office. “What are you doing here?” she demands.

He reproaches her for his cancelled bank accounts.

He wants to prove to everyone that he’s innocent and that he was set up for a trap. As he exits her office, he says that they will look into his salary later (he wants to work there? Or maybe he meant his allowance). Catalina calls Diego to tell him to take care of Jose Carlos immediately.

Leonora and Luis are at work. She wants to know why he’s changed his course. The medical examiner’s wife shows up right then. “Didn’t you receive my calls?” Luis lets her know it won’t be easy to investigate this case. She wants to know why? She gives him a sense of responsibility by claiming “He was your friend.” He tries to push that off with the reality that he can’t publish anything without getting approval. She requests to know who she should ask for help then. He stays mute. She still wants him to help.

Francisco meets Catalina and is on his way. She asks one of the men to bring something into her office.

Ámbar calls Francisco. She asks him to sit and wants to talk. She wants to go on vacation with him. He agrees, but offers one after this trip. She asks to go with him now though; he can take care of everything first and they’ll enjoy later, but he protests. It’s only two days. She immediately asks “Is there another woman?” He tells her no. She says I love you and he slowly responds with the same phrase, then walks out with ‘til death do us apart.’

Luis is remembering the scene when Catalina said that Matias is an enchanting little boy. He’s remembering that she claimed not to have been responsible for him having lost his job. Back in reality, he looks concerned and can barely keep his eyes on the computer screen.

Catalina is at the hotel in Acapulco. She receives a call from Diego. He says it’s about Jose Carlos and tells her that Jose Carlos himself is digging his own ditch. We then see Jose Carlos busy betting on horse racing. He loses, it seems.

Leonora receives a small black gift bag. Her friend reads the card: “It was a marvelous night,” and sees that Alejandro signed. Leonora finds a ring and is shocked.

Alejandro just spent some intimate time with Miguel. Leonora is calling and he sits thinking about what he’s really doing. When she gets to his voicemail she runs out of the office. Luis comes and asks the lady what’s happening.

Leonora goes to the Larios mansion. Gélica says “He’s not here, did you call him?” Jose Carlos shows up and welcomes her. She asks if he knows where Alejandro is. He begins to put bings into her head: “He abandoned you already?” She’s tells him “If you see him tell him I’m looking for him, please” but then comes back to retort with “How could I even ask you to do such a thing,” since she knows he doesn’t care. He apologizes that today is not his best day. He continues to tell her that she’s being used and should be wary of the family, Alejandro, but most of all of Catalina. Leonora doesn’t take him seriously. She brings up that he’s the one who should be taking precautions because of the murder. He tries talking a mile a minute, claiming he didn’t do it. Alejandro calls at that moment and Leonora demands to know what is going on with the ring. She wants an explanation. He will offer it to her at his home. She will wait then. Jose Carlos is seen off to the side, with white headphones.

Catalina is laying on the lounge chair. Diego calls again and tells her he received the details of the tracing information for the photos sent to Carlos. She will get to that later and hangs up.

Ámbar sneaks next to a resting Catalina. “Hola,” she whispers kind of loud. “You’re surprised to see me? You were waiting for Francisco.” Catalina looks at her, very disturbed.

Miguel is so happy and says he will see Alejandro at night, adding an ‘I love you.’ Alejandro gives him a real excuse for not being able to do so: dinner with mom and target wife. Miguel sees this as the beginning of many of their separated nights, but Alejandro doesn’t think so. Miguel is unconvinced.

Catalina tries to call Francisco, but Ámbar doesn’t think they need him at the moment. Catalina observes her and begins attacking by asking “What’s wrong Ámbar? Have you taken your medicine today?” Ámbar lets her know she knows about her husband’s affair of twenty or so years. Catalina realizes it was her who sent to the photos to Carlos. She lets her know those photos killed Carlos. Ámbar is unfazed and tells her she’s ready to reveal the truth to everyone. Catalina launches the next psych attack: “Who will believe a crazy person like you?” Catalina adds that Ámbar was so useless to Francisco that she couldn’t even bear him a child. Ámbar is set off and starts to physically attack Catalina with a black sculpture; the two struggle but Catalina starts to drown her headfirst in the pool. Then she pulls her out and sinks her back in. Ámbar stops struggling and Catalina realizes she killed her off. She starts to panic a bit and the phone begins to ring. It’s Alejandro. “What have you done mom?” Catalinas heart stopped for a moment. He proceeds to tell her that Leonora is asking about the ring she sent in his name. Catalina feels relief. Her son continues on about how he wants to do things his way, not hers. She tells him not to scold her. After hanging up, she turns to see Ámbar gone. She arms herself with the black sculpture and begins stalking the perimeter.

Ámbar is stumbling to her car. She’s desperately calling Francisco on the phone. Catalina suddenly hits her on the head and she falls. Francisco answered the call while driving, but no one talks back to him. Catalina drags Ámbar away from the car.

Leonora is waiting for Alejandro in the patio. He runs and immediately apologizes to her. She says she wouldn’t be calling him so much if she hadn’t received the ring. He plays it off as a nice minor detail. She says it’s not any small thing. She didn’t realize he was one of those ppl who think they can buy people off with expensive gifts. Leonora tells him that’s she likes him and enjoys his company but they’re not in a relationship. She feels they’ve taken a hundred steps forward. He agrees with her, but still begs her not to give everything so much importance. She takes the bait and they hug and laugh.

Meanwhile Catalina is covering up Ámbar’s car with black polyester fabric.

Again Alejandro and Leonora spend time in bed together. A while later she’s sitting up, thinking it seems, while he’s asleep on his stomach (or pretending to) and she then hugs him and tells him she’s going for a drink of water. He lays there defeated.

Leonora walks around and finds Jose Carlos in the kitchen. He’s happy to see her. He gets her a glass of water. They start talking about addictions and he brings up her mother. She gets a bit emotional and walks away from Jose Carlos in time.

Luis’ friend visits his home. The friend has found information on an illegal shipment precisely involving Catalina’s business. Luis isn’t excited and tells him he won’t be a part of that. He warns him to drop that story because it’s dangerous. The friend guesses that he’s been threatened. Luis responds with: “They’re powerful people. Just forget it."

Catalina is at the edge of the wharf. Francisco comes and surprise hugs her from behind. He tells her Ámbar called but that he didn’t get to answer her on time. Catalina tells him she doesn’t want to talk about that, they should focus on themselves and enjoy and do they begin to kiss.

Jose Carlos is in his room looking at his stash. He does the manly thing and dumps them all, except he flushed them in the toilet. He’s visibly affected though. Or maybe he was partially drugged already.

It’s night and Catalina is able to hold most of her anxiety in. Francisco is pouring drinks. He suddenly receives a message from His wife. She’s telling him she knows everything and is leaving him. He tries to call her and Catalina pretends to not know what is going on. She didn’t seem concerned enough about Ámbar finding out the truth. She says “She’s gone, it’s done.”

Meanwhile Ámbar is tied up and in a boiler room or something. She has duct tape over her mouth. There’s hope she might survive and tell it all.


Hey you guys, how is this one looking so far? Worth the plunge or not?

Anon, looking forward to your recap.

Victoria, this is quite dark without any light. Some of us feel Catalina, the villain is a bit one dimensional and while the story is good the recaps have been the main reason to watch. IMHO. So if you are interested, all you need to do is read the recaps, last night was only episode 4...


Definitely worth it. Acting is good, production excellent, and updated in an appropriate way.

During La Usurpadora we were wondering whether 25 episodes is enough. I am still thinking about that.

AnonFri, excellent recap, thank you!!! I kinda dozed off and missed some of this but you filled in the gaps quite proficiently and masterfully.

More later...after morning chores.

Thank you AnonFri. Not sure how Catalina is going to cover up this latest murder...if indeed Ambar is dead. Our neurotic, betrayed wife seems to have amazing recuperative powers. I thought she was a goner after the pool attempted drowning. She is definitely tougher than she looks! Nice to see someone giving the dreadful Catalina some real challenges. Poor Juan Carlos, up to now, has been easy picking.

Thank you for the great recap. You clarified so much that I missed.

Although Alejandro is not a good person, I felt a bit for him. While I think he does like Leonora, he is betraying her terribly. All induced of course by his wretched mother. Perhaps it's just me but Leonora's over the top reaction to the ring was a bit much. I would have put it aside and discussed it in a bit of a calmer manner, not run like a woman possessed.

Speaking of, whatever relationship is percolating beneath the surface between Gélica and Catalina seems a bit cringe worthy.

I hate seeing Luis shrinking and shirking, but unless he can sequester his son to a safe haven (would one even exist), I don't see how he can start doing what he needs to and should do.

Judy, I was also impressed with Ámbar. I've always liked the actress and she is doing a great job here. I suspect she is still alive, but perhaps not for long.

Francisco is not the brightest, is he? Cat has slithered again, more (attempted) murder and cover up.

Where does everyone go from here?

Thanks so much.


Thank you, AnonFri, For your wonderful recap.

The hour just flew by with this one with so much action.

JudyB, I never expected Ámbar to initiate a physical confrontation with Catalina. That was a surprise. Here is hoping she survives to tell the tale.

Diana, Yes! Leonora’s reaction to the ring was a bit over the top but with me being “old school” she having sex with Alejandro so soon was also over the top.

It seems like Gélica must be the “housekeeper/maid with benefits” who has had a sexual relationship with Catalina since she so easily dropped Catalina’s shoulder strap.

Catalina and Francisco’s affair has been going on for more than 20 years?????

José Carlos could become a real force if he manages to stay clean.

Good stuff, AnonFri.

The part you missed was JC reading an e-mail regarding the difficulties in Sierra Leone. JC is becoming aware that there is traffic in "blood" diamonds, which refers mostly to worker exploitation. Something that would have appealed to Catalina. This may actually have been her contribution to the business (along with her henchman's). Carlos may have been unaware of this.

I agree that the whole scene with Catalina and Gelica was cringeworthy. This is a powderkeg sitting near a gas leak. Gelica probably knows a lot about Catalina's activities. She has seen that Catalina actually hates JC. She keeps quiet about these things for her own survival. I'm sure she has her limits, though, and that could be a contribution to Catalina's eventual fall (if Catalina doesn't kill her first).

More after caffeine.

I'm thinking Ambar is not dead. Why else would they run the camera so slowly over her body? I was expecting to see a wince of an eye or other slight movement, but there was nothing. We'll just have to wait until tonight.

JudyB, "Our neurotic, betrayed wife seems to have amazing recuperative powers. I thought she was a goner after the pool attempted drowning." Me too! she was under for quite a while and her eyes were wide open and not moving. The writer's really pulled one on us. I'm also wondering how catalina was able to catch up to Ambar so quickly...faster than a speeding bullet??? OR beanie time :-)

Diana, "whatever relationship is percolating beneath the surface between Gélica and Catalina seems a bit cringe worthy." Now that was really creepy. It's obvious that Gélica has a thing for Catalina. Jarifa, do you really think Catalina has ever reciprocated? If she has, it was probably just enough to keep Gélica under her control.

Diana "I hate seeing Luis shrinking and shirking..." That is disturbing to me too. I still don't see why he destroyed all the info he had on Cat; he had it in a secure place and could have used it later. I must say though, that Osvaldo looks so much better with longer hair and a beard vs. his look on "La Bella y Las Bestias." RAWWRRR

When Leonora was talking to Juan Carlos in the kitchen, she told him that she swore to herself that she would never get involved with an addict. It seems that J-Carlos has a genuine interest in her since he flushed all the drugs down the toilet. Keeping my fingers crossed for these two.

Urban, thanks for adding that info on the e-mail; that is one thing I missed. I did however, see Cat tell JC that he needed to work for his money. JC took it well and replied that he could work there since he is an attorney. After she reminded him that he had never used his license and that he had been in jail, JC walked out and told her that they could discuss his salary later.


RGVChick, that one caught me off-guard, too. If Ambar and Francisco had been as much a presence in JC's live as previously implied him becoming a lawyer makes sense, but how did he get through university with those addictions and get the degree? Or did Catalina or Carlos pay someone off for the sake of the family's image and he's afraid to work?

Freezing him out of his own bank accounts can't be legal since he is an adult and had not been convicted of any crime. The smarter thing would have been to let him go through all the money so he would crash and burn in order to see that he needed to get help. Like most addicts he doesn't want help at this time.

Appropros of nothing, the actors playing JC and Alejandro are 7 and 29, respectively although I think their characters are supposed to be younger than that.

One thing I forgot to mention: Why would Catalina have a beach house in Acapulco since it's been destroyed by drug cartels? Shouldn't her beach house be in a much safer place?

Great recap, AnonFri! I agree with all who commented on Ambar's being alive. That woman must be invincible! And I too am surprised, Urban, that Juan Carlos managed to make it through a university law program--or maybe his addictions weren't so severe. So many creepy relationships and unsympathetic characters in this tn. Couldn't they have someone like Montse, or at least someone who really cares about others? (though of course Luis seems to care about the safety of his wife and son.


I also assumed that Jose Carlos probably didn’t have a bad enough addiction at the time of his college degree. Would his dad have paid off his degree to begin with? Carlos didn’t seem to care much about him.

This novela is definitely different from LU. For some reason the Luis character kinda seems blah at this point in time. Leonora is too gullible. Catalina too calculating. Francisco too dumb. Ámbar too desperate. Gélica is so weird. Alejandro and José Carlos are the most interesting to me so far.

If that was Catalina’s private beach home and no service was present, how did Ámbar just get in?

Or maybe someone did see everything and Catalina will be blackmailed for it.


Also, it seems to me that if people around Catalina,(or involved in her life like the coroner who autopsied Carlos) keep dying or disappearing, someone is going to notice (other than Luis, that is). Hmm.

AnonFri: Blackmailing Catalina sounds very likely--though the blackmailer probabl wouldn't be very long for this world. :)

Ooops; that's 37 and 29. Pa Vega is too young to be the mother of anyone Alejandro's age.

Catalina must be the reincarnation of Livia.

“ I Claudius” clip! One of my faves!

Thank you to everyone who answered my question about whether or not this novela was worth watching.

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