Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 7 Martes 10/29/19: Alibis

Alibis are interesting things. Most people invent them when they are unable – or unwilling – to keep a social commitment. Others need them to cover lies. Smart criminals save the best ones for when they kill.– D.D.
Catalina and Diego were going over communication statuses of their suppliers when Francisco entered her office. She closed her computer and asked whether he had heard from Ámbar.
No. I just spoke to Vega; she's still ignoring me. What worries me is I don't know if I have the right to insist she return my call. I don't know.”

Leonora peeked into Alejandro's room; he was not there. She knocked on José Carlos' door. When he did not answer she entered. The room was in some disarray and he was not in bed. He then emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered and shirtless.
Excuse me,” she said, a little embarassed.
Did you mistake the room?” he asked.
No; I knocked several times. How have you been?”
Good. Nobody need worry.”
Gélica told me you had a bad night.”
Yes; I had nightmares. But it's getting better, step by step.” His right hand was shaking, so he put it behind his back and held it with his left.
Good. Well, I'll go so you can change.”
Thanks for worrying about me.”
I hope you're better, that's all.” She went to the door.
Leonora, my brother is very lucky to have you at his side.”
Thank you.”
He looked as though he wanted to say more.

Alejandro was addressing a meeting and talking about Gothier's brand image. José Carlos arrived late and took his seat. Catalina noticed him but returned her attention to her son, who were saying they needed to reinvent themselves. He talked about the digital audience and José Carlos – with a mouth full of donut – interrupted him saying “I like this. It's a great proposal. I have another one: That I take charge of the diamond suppliers.”
Diego is in charge of that,” said Catalina.
I know, but it would be better if someone in the family was at the forefront of negotiations.”
Catalina's phone rang; she looked at it.
Not a good idea,” said Francisco. Someone else's phone rang.
Milan,” said Catalina as she got up. As she passed her stepson she said “I like this proposal; everything else is the same.” She left the conference room.
Let's vote on it,” said José Carlos.
Is that the presentation?” asked Francisco.
Catalina went out of the room and answered her phone.
I've been waiting for your call.”
Ah, very good,” said Mr. X. “Do you have the money?”
You know that getting millions of dollars in cash will not be easy.”
Your deadline is nine PM tonight.” He ended the call and pocketed his phone. Then he opened a bottle to get a head start on the cocktail hour.

Luis and Leonora were at her desk talking. He was suspicious of Catalina.
She went with me to the police to make my statement. She defended me,” Leonora told him.
Defended you? You were the victim,” he said.
Yes, but in this country when you make an accusation they treat you like you're the guilty one,” she answered. “You haven't been through anything like this. With her on my side I finally felt strong --”
Yes, of course. Using her influence --”
No. Because I felt something I never had. I felt like I had a family.” She almost began crying.
If you need help, I'm your friend,” he said.
You are the best friend I have,” she said.
Baldessari had been watching from his office window. He got up and walked out of his office. Leonora got up and left the newsroom and when Luis stood up Baldessari was waiting for him.
I have something for you,” he said.
There is a video making the rounds of social media that his partner has disappeared. It was in a red-light district after a few drinks and she never returned.”

Leonora was in the women's restroom, splashing cold water on her face. She flashed back to Lazar's attack. She took a deep breath.

I want you to investigate this thoroughly,” Baldessari said. “Homophobes, kidnapping rings, radical groups. I want five or six installments and I want you to start now before we get scooped on it.”
You'll need me, too,” Leonora said. “You'll need photos for the articles.”
No, no, no, no. I have something special for you. The boss wants photos of Nadine, the star of the moment.”
But you can get those kinds of photos anywhere.”
Don't argue; it's the boss's orders. Besides, he demanded the best photographer we have.” Baldessari started to walk away.
For that you need me?” Leonora asked.
Good idea. Give those photos to Nico who does photos of gay couples, paying customers.”
He walked out .

Alejandro ended the meeting and the room began to clear. He paused to kiss the cheek of a blond female employee, then left the conference room. José Carlos followed him.
I can't imagine the energy needed to keep up appearances,” he said. “Sincerely. Your mother can't make you marry someone you don't love. You're over 21.”
I've been thinking that the only thing she's afraid of is you taking the company.”
If your mother wants a grandchild, you can pay someone to have it. You won't ruin anyone's life. It isn't quite what our father wanted but our father is dead.”
Don't you think it's fair to honor the memory of our father to do things the right way?”
Your mother will ruin your life. I'm not your enemy. Think about it. My ruin is your life. She'll ruin me whether you marry or not.”
Are you finished?” José Carlos did not answer. Alejandro went to his office.

Mr X showed up at the newspaper and told the secretary he wanted to see Rafael Baldessari. She told him that Baldessari would be out of the office for the rest of the day and wouldn't be back. He was holding a manila envelope.
I have important information,” he said.
If you wish I could take it for him.”
This information is a bomb,” he said. He did not see Leonora, who was just beyond the open door.
I'll tell you what. Since you've been helpful I will leave you my card so he can call me.”
He handed it to her and walked out. He did not notice Leonora, who watched him until he got to the elevator. She then went to the secretary.
Who was he?”
I don't know but he is crazy.”
What did he want?”
I don't know. Something about information.”
What kind?”
I have no idea.” The desk phone rang. “Excuse me.”
Leonora saw the business card on the desk and picked it up.

Alejandro was on his way out when Miguel stopped him.
I've been waiting for you, I've been worried.” he said.
Why are you here?”
To find out what happened.”
Cut with a pocket knife.”
A pocket knife?”
Alejandro watched as others passed through the same area.
Yes, but I'm alright.”
Do you have some time?”
Yes, why?”
I'm moving to Chile.”

Francisco met with Commandante Omar Vega, who told him this meeting was routine in these cases. He was going to ask him some routine questions to assess his honesty. Francisco seemed to not understand this, or pretended he didn't, which could have encouraged Vega to question his competence as an attorney.

I'm going to Chile. They've accepted my proposal.”
Why so fast?”
I don't want to go, but I don't want to end up as best man at your wedding.”
Miguel, don't go. Don't do this.”
Then don't do this to me. I don't want to share you.”
You know perfectly well that Leonora is about my father's will.”
I'm fed up. I'm tired, very tired. I loved you. I was under the delusion that I could have a good future with a partner. For what? To be displaced?”
I love you, but Leonora is something else.”
You love me?”
Of course.”
Then let's go to Chile. We'll start from zero. I'll have a good job. We'll meet new people. Let's go to Chile.”
I can't go to Chile. Imagine my mother. She would see it as a betrayal. I can't do that.”
Don't give me this stuff about your mother's attitude.”
They stared at each other.

Commandante Vega began his questioning, all the while watching Francisco's expressions.
Before Sra Ambar disappeared did you have any kind of argument?”
Did you have any heavy discussion, any marital problem?”
What does that have to do with this?”
Did Sra Ambar have a lover?”
Of course not.”
Are you sure?”
And you?”
Francisco stared. He had kept a neutral expression up to this point, but Vega's instincts noticed the subtle change.
Ah, I thought so. Did she know about this situation?”
That doesn't change anything, Commandante. My wife has disappeared. I want to contact her. I want her to come home. Perhaps if you can't help us I should take care of this.”
No. This is a legal matter and only a judge can demand a tracer for the phone. I'm surprised you didn't know this, abogado.”
Francisco stood up.
Well, we'll decide what we're going to do.”

Miguel had had a few drinks too many. He went on about wanting to spend his life with Alejandro. The house, garden, the entire bourgeois dream. He talked about coming back after a while and starting over. This ended with them deciding to go out to have fun.

Fifteen thousand is too much for a rat like you,” Catalina said over the phone.
You want to play hardball? Okay, we'll play hardball,” he said as he sat down on his couch. “I'm on the trail of a woman who just disappeared. What is her name? Ámbar. Isn't it too much coincidence that this poor woman disappeared right after your husband died? I'd say this is quite a coincidence for you.”
My husband died in an accident. This woman abandoned her husband. These things happen.”
I asked myself how much time would I need to investigate this to find the connexion between these two events and you.”
I would like to know, Señor.... Can I call you Señor X?”
I have the proof in my hands that could put you away forever, Señora.”
Those photos won't do it.”
I have DNA evidence that can prove that Alejandro is not the son of Carlos Larios.”
And what else?”
What else? That's sufficient. And if you don't hand over the money on time you will face the consequences.”
Where do I bring the money?”
Wait for my call for instructions. Obviously, you will not call the police.”
Don't worry. This business is between you and me.”
She ended the call and stared.

Alejandro called Leonora to postpone a date with her, saying that he was dining with his mother. He cut the call short since she was at work and he had things to do. As soon as he ended the call Miguel and he left the restaurant they had dined in. They had enjoyed some excellent examples from the wine cellar.

Catalina stared at the stacks of money on her desk. Also her pistol with its partner, the silencer, and a taser. She checked it to make sure it was fully charged.

Luis went into a gay bar in the line of duty. His colleague, Nico, was with him. Dance music with its clichéd thumping bass was playing just a little too loud and the dance floor was full. Nico told him they were invited for drinks and Luis told him not to eat anything there. They talked about photos and Nico talked about other possible things that could happen there. Luis left him near the bar, saying not to drink anything. He then walked through the dance floor, looking around. He saw Alejandro coming in from the other end of the room, greeting others. He saw that Alejandro was obviously known there.

José Carlos was still at the atelier. He looked around to make sure he would not be interrupted, then sat down in Diego's office and tried logging into the server. He tested multiple passwords.

Catalina arrived at the designated location. She rang a doorbell at the gate and was buzzed in.

Luis saw Alejandro and Miguel together. He was realizing that their relationship was beyond mere friendship. Nico came over to him to show him photos on his phone. Miguel tried to get Alejandro to dance with him but he pulled away. Then Miguel started out on the dance floor. Alejandro noticed Luis and ducked out of sight. Luis made it to the other end of the floor just as Miguel realized that Alejandro was no longer in the club.

Catalina slowly entered Mr X's apartment and closed the door quietly behind her.
Good evening,” she said.
Wow, how punctual!”
I don't have much time.”
Well, you could at least stay for a short beer. Or next time.”
I don't think there will be a next time.”
That depends on you.”
He immediately frisked her, like a tough cop would a criminal in a 1950s film noir.
Don't touch me!” she yelled.
He found the pistol, hidden in the back of her waistband. He held the muzzle to the back of her neck briefly before stepping away.
Did you expect to surprise me?”
No. I wouldn't come into this neighborhood without some type of protection.”
You're absolutely right, and how beautiful you are. You're right.” He tucked the pistol into his own waistband. “But at least, did you come alone?”
I always keep my word.”
Therefore, we can negotiate.”
I want the file with all the photos and the DNA test on my son.”
He held out the manila envelope and snatched it away as she reached for it with a gloved hand.
Are you ready to hand over the price?”
She nodded, then pointed to the desk.
Also those photos.”
Well, then hand me my money.”
First I want an answer.”
What is the question?” he asked, as though bored.
Who paid you to investigate me?”
No. You can't ask me to break professional confidentiality. That's a breach of my code of ethics.”
I am paying you much more than the price of your services. Just say Yes or No. Was it Ámbar?”
Yes. It was she. Ámbar.”
Catalina opened the envelope and removed a flash drive.
I want to see what I'm buying."  Mr X tried to refuse, but ended up taking it and plugging it into his laptop. He clicked through the photos that had been sent to Carlos.

José Carlos looked through some documents when he saw a security guard at the door. He recognized him and the man – Lopez – apologized for startling him. José Carlos explained that he was working late and needed to review some documents.

Catalina held the DNA report and looked at it. It clearly showed that Francisco was the father of Alejandro.
It's the original. There are no others. Give me my money!”
Catalina zipped open the travel bag containing the money. She took out stacks of bills and he took them from her. He started counting in some fashion. She slowly removed her stiletto-heeled shoes and carefully placed her bare feet on the floor. She stepped out into the corridor with the taser in hand. He did not hear her. He started to yell about the money when she got close enough to put the taser directly against his back and apply the current. He fell to the floor and she injected more current. He twitched but could not get up. She removed her pistol from his belt and carefully applied the silencer.

Leonora arrived via taxi at Mr X's house and her cell phone rang as she approached it. She answered quickly and it was Alejandro.
Hello, my love, did I wake you?”
No. Not at all.”
You sound a little agitated.”
No, I was working. Can I call you back in a little while?”
Yes. I was having dinner with my mother and then talked to Miguel, who was a bit anguished.”
Was there a problem?”
He was having trouble with his partner and needed to be rescued.”
Is he alright?”
Yes, he's home at his apartment. Can I call you a little later?”
I will. Bye.”
She ended the call as she looked at the building.

Catalina retrieved the money and all the files. She then tased the laptop until sparks flew out of it. Mr X was regaining consciousness although he could not get up from the floor.
Help me, help me,” he said, weakly.
Leonora was just outside the gate shouting “Good evening.”
Catalina turned toward the sound of her voice. Leonora rang another bell and a woman came out.
Whom are you looking for?” she asked.
Good evening. I'm looking for a Señor Josue Armenta. He's a private investigator.”
He lives here.” She opened the gate to let Leonora in.
Catalina stared down at him.
I was going to kill you,” she said. She crouched down next to his right side. “But it will be you.” She put his bare hand over the pistol, picked it up, and fired at the side of his head. One bullet seemed to have done the job.
Leonora and the landlady were coming up the stairs. They got to his door and knocked. Catalina had exited the apartment and taken the stairs to the next floor. She listened as Leonora knocked on the door. Leonora pushed on the door and discovered it was not locked. She saw Armenta [Mr X] was lying on the floor. Blood pooled around his head. The landlady screamed.

Somehow Catalina had gotten down to the ground floor and out of the gate. She looked back briefly before crossing the street to where her car was parked.

The crime scene unit arrived punctually and immediately began bagging evidence. Including one of the photos of Catalina and Francisco. A crime scene photographer took pictures. A uniformed policeman talked to Leonora.
They said that you didn't hear the shot?”
Did you hear the shot?”
No. I didn't hear anything.”
What's in the bag?”
Equipment for my work. I'm a photographer.”
Did you take any photos here?”
No. I was going to, but no.”
That seems impossible to me. Things don't go that way. You're coming with me to the station.” He started to grab her arm and she resisted.
No, let go of me.”
This is only to eliminate the possibilities.” He reached for her again and she pulled back without taking her eyes off him.
We'll do this the easy way or the hard way.”
Don't touch me anymore.”
They both ducked under the crime scene tape surrounding the building.

José Carlos poured a glass of whiskey and left it on the table. He sat down on the couch and stared. It wasn't long before he cried out. Gélica found Alejandro in a nearby room.
Alejandro, he's very sick. He needs your help.”
What my brother needs is a straitjacket.”
José Carlos came out with the glass and the bottle, which he handed to Gélica.
Gélica, I don't want this in my room. I don't want any alcohol in the house. Get rid of it.” She took it from his hands and out of the room.
Very good, dear brother. Very good. This is a big step forward,” said Alejandro. He took a sip of his own drink. It was clear that he had had others before it.
José Carlos went back to his room, passing Catalina on the way. She asked Alejandro what happened.
Where were you?”
Dining with a friend. Do I now have a son who is jealous of my every move?”
No. I never think about that.”
And what is happening with Leonora?”
Leonora. Do you want to pretend that I spent the whole day with her?”
What should I say? That I'm the best boyfriend of one's dreams, Mother? That didn't happen.”
You've been drinking.”
Yes. I drank. I was with Miguel all afternoon. We went out to eat, to dance. It was incredible. Are you going to say something?”
Yes. Go to bed and we'll talk in the morning.”
She turned away and went to bed. Alejandro looked at his cell. There were four unread messages and ten missed calls.

Luis picked up Leonora at the police station. She started describing what she saw, such as the open apartment door and the ruined computer. He got her out the door and back to her apartment where he asked her whether she had seen Alejandro. She shook her head.
That's the first I've thought of him tonight. He said earlier to call if there were problems. He was dining with Catalina.”
When I refer to Alejandro, I'm talking about Alejandro.”
Yes, yes. I didn't call because I don't want Catalina to get on him about how his girlfriend is always in trouble. I was at the police station twice in two days.”
You think that was a good excuse for Alejandro?”
What do you mean 'excuse'?”
Leonora, we're friends. Good friends, and I love you. We have no secrets, do we?”
No. Are you worried about something?”
I saw Alejandro in a gay joint. He arrived with a young guy.”
Did he see you?”
No, I don't think so.”
He told me his friend Miguel had a problem and he asked him to come and help him, so they went there.”
He called to tell you that?”
Yes. Before all this obviously and he would call later so he wouldn't have to worry him. Alright?”
Yes. I imagine he had other things to worry about.”
You want a drink?”
No, thanks.”
Leonora went to the kitchen and Luis still thought about what he had seen earlier.

Miguel brought his luggage down. Alejandro was feeling awkward because of the events of the previous evening.
You won't believe me and it will be hard to believe but I had no other choice.”
What? What are you trying to say? You had no other choice but to leave me there alone? To look for you like an imbecile all over that place all night in front of everybody? I almost went to your house.”
I'm sorry. Someone almost found out.”
There is nothing else but for me to say goodbye. I have to go.”
No, Miguel.”
We're not going over that again. I'm serious.”
Why no more? You know how important you are to me.”
No, no, no. I don't know. All day we eat together, I have hope, then you abandon me at the club. I have no other choice, Alejandro. I have nothing left to fight for. You left me alone!”
You're right. If I had the same freedom that you do I'd do everything so that our life together could work and move up. Why are you laughing?”
Because this is too funny. Your life doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your mother. She makes all the decisions for you. You don't know what you are, you don't know what you want.”
When do you leave?”
In the morning. Don't go to the airport with me. I don't want you in my life.”
He moved his suitcases toward the door. Alejandro tried to touch his arm but he wouldn't permit him to.

The following morning, Catalina gave instructions to an atelier employee then went upstairs to find Alejandro sitting on the velvet couch, looking depressed.
Alejandro, what's wrong? Is it Miguel again?”
Yes. It's over. He was serious about it. He's going to Chile.”
Well, it's for the better.”
He looked at her out of the corners of his eyes. She had an incredible capacity for cruelty, one so deep that he had no idea, but it was unnatural for a mother to be so unemotional about the end of a relationship.
You're starting over now. Going forward there is nothing more important than you and your future. Concentrate on Leonora. We are very close to achieving our objective.”
A police car stopped outside and several officers entered the gates.
When all this is done, you can do whatever you want once you have a son. But now we have to finalize your relationship with her. And more. Ask her to marry you.”
No. This is not the moment to do anything like this.”
Yes, this is the moment. Every minute counts. How many times before this have you done the procedure with Leonora and how many times before you get your freedom?”
He looked at her with a questioning expression but did not have time to express it verbally. The secretary entered to tell Catalina that the police were looking for her.

She went downstairs where Commandante Vega held up the photo found at the crime scene. The photo she had missed.
Where did you get that?”
At the crime scene. Last night a report came in about named Josue Armenta was found dead. He was a small-time con man. This was found among his things.”
Catalina thought back to the staging of the suicide.
Why are you investigating?”
You should have seen him. He was a wretch who had more enemies than friends. It looked like someone was settling accounts.”
But didn't someone say it was a suicide?”
It's a theory with many inconsistencies. The most important thing is the weapon. It was found in the deceased's right hand. He was left-handed.  It's possible that a victim wasn't giving in to his threats and decided to eliminate him and tried to make it look like a suicide.” He showed her the photo. “A perfect crime, Senora Creel.” He handed her the photo. “Take it; it's yours.”
She smiled slightly and thanked him. “I'm sorry you had to bother with this.”
Since Senor Larios' death, I've looked for the opportunity to look for more evidence but since I've been on the case nothing has turned up. I have to go.”
Gothier's doors will always be open to you.”
As you wish.”
He shook her hand and left. She looked at the photo and shook her head.


My apologies for no screen grabs, but I had a long day and didn't want to delay this.

Urban, this was a masterpiece from start to finish.

Your exquisite detailing of every scene and translation of every conversation were wonderful and greatly appreciated.

Another cold blooded murder. And not a whiff of regret. Chilling.

There were many moments of clarity. José Carlos'"My ruin is your life. She'll ruin me whether you marry or not”, chief among them. I admire his trying to conquer his harrowing addiction and I hope he succeeds.

"she's still ignoring me. What worries me is I don't know if I have the right to insist she return my call". No idiot. You do not. For the life of me, I cannot comprehend at all what either Ámbar or Catalina saw in Francisco. Dense and unseeing, so easily manipulated.

Perhaps the most telling words uttered were Miguel's to Alejandro: "Your life doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your mother". Another pathetic weakling.

And Cat's "How many times before this have you done the procedure with Leonora and how many times before you get your freedom?” When I read that, I instantly thought Catalina intends to murder her after she gives birth.

Will Luis keep this newest secret? There was little doubt what Alejandro was doing. Perhaps he isn't the friend he insists he is.

And finally, did Catalina know it was Leonora who appeared at the murder scene? I dare say Leonora has missed her calling. A photographer? She should be a detective. And one of the few honest ones in this TN.

Thank you UA!


Gracias, Diana. Great points. Since Diana has no family and Catalina has no friends, she may see the world only from her own perspective and think that friendship really doesn't exist. She probably does plan to kill Leonora after the birth of the (still hypothetical) baby on the assumption that there is no family to miss her.

And what if it's a girl? Sex selection is done, but according to WebMD the success rate oof IVF for couples wanting boys is 73%.

This episode also raises the following questions:

-- When was that DNA test done and who ordered it if there are no copies of the results? Francisco doesn't appear to be aware that Alejandro is his; nothing in his behavior or interactions with him says that. If he does know he is the smartest character in the bunch for being able to conceal this. This could be a scheme that he and Catalina conceived together. Which doesn't protect him because it looks to me like she has more than the usual level of greed.

-- Obviously presumptive paternity is in place here, but what happens if this information becomes known? Does Alejandro lose any right to inherit from Carlos despite having been raised by him?

-- If Ambar is still alive as others think (we didn't get a shot of her body in the car when the crusher claws picked it up), she's a dead woman walking. She knew about the affair but did she know about the DNA test results? If Armenta lied to Catalina about there being no copies of this and she knows, she could blow the lid off this situation and Catalina would certainly suspect she would. Since that could put Alejandro's inheritance at risk Catalina would take no chances.

More after caffeine.

Hello everyone,I have some bad news for you!

Apperently Fabrica De Suenos(the big project consisting of 12 reboots,including Cuna de Lobos) was today canceled by Televisa.The stated reason was that Cuna De Lobos 2019 got terrible reviews.. Only 3 full productions have been released.These include upcoming Rubi( main character potrayed by Camila Sodi), Cuna De Lobos and La Usurpadora.

Sources are:

Thanks, CountxAlacrán, for the info. I knew the ratings for “Cuna” weren’t great in Mexico but the series cancellation is still a surprise. Glad we still have Rubí to look forward to.

Also, I am surprised that they would cancel the series based on “Cuna” ratings since it is the remake of the iconic classic that many people would never watch if they loved the original just based on principle. I know they planned to remake it back in 2010 but it never came to fruition.

Gracias, Count Alacran for that. I was working on an article about this project for the Weekend Edition. I may have to finish it today and publish it tomorrow. Having said that, I have difficulty picturing Camila Sodi as Rubi.

For now, those of us who are enjoying Cuna can hope for it to complete itself here. The ratings for it have been adequate by comparison.

Jarifa,the 2010 attempt wouldn't have worked with Salvador Mejia at the helm.

Wow! Urban, you truly outdid yourself on this one. Thanks!

O/T: There is snow on the ground up here in Chicagoland. Not much but way too early. I hear someone shoveling . . . a very sad sound this morning. It was sweatshirt weather this weekend. Wah!!!!!! : (

Diana, Leonora would make a better detective. That being said I found her detective activity a bit annoying especially just after having been attacked by that photographer creep. Also, there was her letting herself into José Carlos’s room after nobody responded to her knocks on the door. She seems a little too flaky to me.

The old right hand but he was left hand staged suicide situation. I feel like I was watching Investigation Discovery programming. Love it!

Anyway, the discovery of that lone photo now has involved Catalina where she least wants to be.

I am glad that Miguel is leaving Alejandro behind.


Thank you Count. I am so very sorry to hear this.

I think the shorter episodes were a wonderful idea. Not perfect due to so much being condensed, but LU was wonderful and while this is grimmer, it is first rate. I was really looking forward to ‘La madrastra’. Not understanding most of what the article said, I gather nothing else was in process, is that correct? UA, looking forward to reading your article.

And Jarifa, I totally agree with you on everything you said about Leonora. I haven't connected with the character much. She is pushy, although not meanly so. I like her a bit better than I did initially. And yes, her move last night seems foolhardy considering what just happened to her.

And I don't know the actress playing Rubi but I could think of several actresses who would have fit the bill. Barbara Mori had that elusive quality, that innate sexuality that just leaped off the screen. I can't see anyone doing the job she did but hopefully I'm wrong (as usual) :)


One has to wonder what kind of abuse Leonora endured as the daughter of an addict. She is a lot tougher than she looks and doesn't always think about safety when in pursuit of a story. She may also have a need to save JC from himself, maybe because she couldn't save her mother.

She may be overcompensating because of her vulnerabilities.

Okay, there has also been a change in Vice President of programming at Televisa. The new one is more of a fan of traditional novelas. Now this makes more sense.

At least José Carlos had a towel wrapped around himself when he ran into Leonora.

UA...You are amazing..recapping two dark dramas. Thank you.

Darkness falls...creepy Catalina continues to spin her web for the poor, unfortunate souls around her.

Jarifa..I would be happy with a return to traditional telenovelas. Please.

Another masterpiece UA. I'm surprised this show is receiving low ratings. I don't like dark stories but I can't stop watching this, much as I'd like to. It's fascinating. And very well done. For me, the casting is perfect. Leonora and Ambar both have that nebbishy look that screams "Go ahead, abuse me, use me, I'll put up with it. I just want to feel needed." And the actress playing Catalina--sheer perfection.

Your and Jarifa's recaps do justice to this gem. Just surprised it does not have more of a following.

Surprised to see clever Catalina making so many mistakes, but needs must if we're to wrap this up in 25 episodes.

As for Rubi, I watched the original with Barbara Mori on Netflix. But I'll certainly give it another go-round this time. However, like Diana, I can't imagine any other actress that could match the devastating, sensual beauty of Mori. She was incredible in the role.

I see now that I should never post before my morning jolt, let me correct that here: Leonora has no family.

Leonora was played by Diana Bracho in the original and... well, wait for my article on the current issue.

Thanks, Judy. I also don't understand the viewer decline (from my own perspective).

JudyB, yes, the ratings have been lower than hoped for in Mexico. Here its rating on its debut night did match the Telemundo offering. Since then, ?

To be honest, I don’t understand how many of these novelas don’t have more of a following.

I never saw the original Rubí even though I have been tempted on Netflix.

OT - Apparently the news about Fabrica de Sueños isn’t true. It looks like FdS is doing “etapas” of productions and the first etapa only includes LaUsp, Cuna and Rubí. Back in August Carla Estrada began pre production on El Privilegio De Amar. As far as I know no other potential productions were mentioned.

In other OT news I read that Rosy Ocampo may be developing the second season of La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo. I guess we’ll see if anything eventually comes to fruition.

Thanks, TF.

I just posted the discussion article about Frabica de Suenos. Let's move discussion of this to that thread and keep this for last night's episode.

Superb again, UA! 4 down! At least this victim wasn't someone we knew, and was such a sleazy blackmailer of many that Catalina may have been doing a public service. Nice save about the gay bar, Alejandro! Why was the police detective comandante so willing to let Catalina off the hook for the latest killing? Is he on her payroll? Having an affair with her? Given the presence of the photo at the crime scene, I would think she'd be a prime suspect.

Thank you, UA. Another notch to your "Super Recap" belt. I agree with JudyB that the recapping team does justice to this show.

My fav scene was the towel wrapped JCarlos :-D

Do they really play the same music at the clubs ALL the time. Do they not have a playlist...even a short would be better than listening to that Boom, Boom, Boom all the time.

I may be alone at this table, but I can see why ratings may be going down. Though I like the idea of 25 episodes, it does not do justice to the adapted story...too much is left out. After a long day, I just want to sit, relax and enjoy a program...and not have to THINK too much. Then, there are also backstories that leave me wondering how these villain(esse)s became so cold and callous. Did they just decide one day that they were going to start murdering people? or have they killed previously? In La Usurpadora, we easily figured out that Paola didn't have all her screws tightened, but with Cat, I can't even begin to imagine what brought her to where she is now.

JudyB, as smart as Cat seems to be, I am also surprised that she is making so many mistakes.

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