Monday, October 28, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Oct. 28, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 1 for the week! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thought s. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 37-39
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 11-13 Starring Luscious Lips Dan

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Ooooh baby, there are those TEETH! Thanks RGV CHICK. Somehow I'm thinking of the Big Bad Wolf and the "better to eat you with m'dear" line from that old fairy tale. Updated of course.

RGV--Thanks for feeding our addiction. Diana--checking the latest shot of LLDan yet?

Ooooh. Rgv Chick, thank you, thank you!

Oh my. Anita and Judy, I am fanning myself as we "speak".

Luscious. Sigh.


Thank you, RgvChick, for the Luscious Lips Dan pic. LOL


Scenes are combined and not necessarily in the order they were broadcast, etc. etc. etc. (y’all know the drill & disclaimers by now)

The girls were all herded to a table on the patio and there is a gift box at each place, with each girl’s name on it. They think it’s a going away gift from JuanO. He has them open them up, and each girl has a smart phone. They think he gave them so they can all stay in touch after they leave Mazatlan and go their own ways.

JuanO is all “Whaaaat?” No way. After last night, I realized Leo is never going to forgive me. My heart is broken, but eh, whatevs. My obligation is to all of you. I want to give you my apellido. Furthermore, I am including you all in my will. Caras de impactadas all around the table.

JuanO also wants them to stay in Mazatlan permanently. He wants them to be economically independent and will make that happen. He asks each girl what they want to do with their lives.
Barbara – I need a gym so I can be a professional boxer.
Soledad – I want to help people, maybe open a clinic
Ines – I want to feed the poor (and something about selling clothes)
Victoria - … takes off running. In a later scene, she tells him she wants no part of his surname, inheritance, or help with a career. She did not come to Mazatlan for those reasons.

We see Dario playing golf. His friend (Ricardo? … well, I’ll call him that) doesn’t get why Darios is so upset about JuanO’s illegitimate hijas showing up. Dario says it’s for one reason only --- to please Leo. Richardo notes that Dario has more than a casual interest in Leo. Dario says he has loved Leo ever since they first met 25 years ago. Richardo is impressed that he still loves her after all this time. Dario says yes, he has hope, especially now that Leo and JuanO are divorcing. Besides, I am going to need your tech knowledge to help me get rid of these girls, for which Leo will be eternally grateful to me. (at this point, the Mexican Greek chorus is doing their ominous thing in the background)

We see Leo telling her maid to set the table, she is going to have JuanO over for dinner and make his favorite dishes. Oh joy is Leo!

Later, J-Ines is falling apart. (get a grip, girl!) She grew up in a convent, doesn’t really know about apellidos, money, careers. She can’t handle all this.

Scene with JuanO and J-Victoria. She tells him she came here to meet him. She does not want people thinking she came to Mazatlan for anything more than that.
JuanO --- not even my apellido?
J-Vic --- least of all that.


Next we see J-Victoria talking with Xavier, our resident Voice of Reason, a role usually filled by the local padre del pueblo, but telenovelas these days don't have priests anymore and this ain't no pueblo. But, hey, Xavi is wearing a stole just like a real priest would. Wardrobe dept. is on top of things, but I digress….

J-Vic tells Xavier that she doesn’t want anything of JuanO’s except Sebastian. If she takes the apellido, that will remind her that they are siblings. (ummm… QTH? I’m not following this line of thought) She tells Xavi that they are in luuurrrrrve. Xavi asks her what is she going to do with those feelings; they have gotten themselves into a fine mess. (indeed!)

Flash over to Chez Leo/JuanO, where miscommunication is taking the stage.
Leo --- I made your favorite foods
JuanO – Why all this? What about the divorce?
Leo --- Forget that. This is because of what you did with las hijas
JuanO – You heard about that? (he should be getting suspicious right now)
Leo --- Sure. They told me so, themselves.
JuanO --- And you’re okay with all of this?
Leo --- Of course, your sins are forgiven and forgotten. (spoken like a true Christian)
JuanO --- Wow, I thought you would be really angry
Leo --- Nopis. You finally did the right thing by those girls.
JuanO – Of course it was the right thing to do, giving them my name and adding them to my will.
Leo --- You did WHAT????? (things go downhill from there)

Aaaaand, we are back to Mundito as the intermediary for their conversations later on.

J-Ines is talking to J-Sol about her crush on Sebastian, that it is the worst sin in the world to want one’s own brother. Speaking of the devil, up walks Sebas. J-Ines has an imagination sequence (worthy of Monica’s in Mañana) of Sebas walking up with rays of light all around him like a saint, and he kisses her on the mouth. J-Ines snaps out of it, runs away and jumps into the swimming pool. She can’t swim, so Sebastian has to jump in and save her. Gah.

Shortly afterward, J-Ines is in the confessional, telling the priest what happened, that she has the hots for her half-bro (and he looks like he is rolling his eyes). Finally the priest tells her she needs to keep her distance from Sebastian, as in kilometers. Much later in the show, she is sitting on her bed, sobbing, holding a photo of Sebas where she has drawn (with a Sharpie pen!!!) angel halo and wings. Give. me. a. break. She tells J-Sol she went to confess her hots for Sebas and her penance is to get far, far away from Sebastian. I need to go back to the convent. (seriously, I agree)

We have an obligatory shirtless Octavio scene, he and Sol are having a nonconsequential flirty convo, all for the sake of a shirtless scene. Thank you, writers.

Sebas is helping J-Victoria connect her laptop to the internet via hotel WiFi. They are sitting really close together. Dario’s golf buddy (Ricardo?) is filming it all for nefarious purposes, no doubt. Sebas asks her why she refused JuanO’s apellido, inheritance, blah blah blah.
Juana Vic says - you don’t get it, do you? You want us to both have the same apellido?
Sebas says - it’s just a name …. it’s the blood we share that is keeping us apart.


Bless Sebastian’s heart, it’s bad enough he is lusting for his half-sister, right? He goes home and there is Leo waiting for him, complaining about what JuanO did for the girls.
Sebas says --- Fist, I won’t allow you to badmouth my sisters and second, like it nor not, they are his hijas and have a right to his name and be in his will.
Leo says --- Have you one crazy?
Sebastian says --- I am sticking up for them.
Leo --- collapses …. must be her heart? We hope? Well, it's too early for her to kick off.

Dario’s golf buddy continues to spy on Juana-Vic, filming, etc. and Juana Vic tells her sisters she has had a weird feeling all day long that she is being followed or stalked. But juarever… The girls start discussing JuanO’s gift to them. J-Vic asks them if they have considered that Sebastian’s inheritance will be subdivided with them? As in, much smaller? Well, with or without the money, the important thing is that we all met and have each other in our lives now.

They all decide to download one of those phone Apps where they can see where the other is at any time. This might be significant, and not a throwaway scene. Do we want to guess someone will be kidnapped? Stay tuned.

Later at the hospital, JuanO asks Seb if he is angry his inheritance is going to be divided with the sisters. Seb says ‘you really don’t know me if you have to ask. What does bother me is that you did not discuss it with me beforehand. We have always talked about stuff before making decisions.’ (kid has a point)
Leo is apparently okay and is walking out thru the lobby, calls JuanO and Seb a pair of traitors, Judases, and asks Xavi to take her home. Bless her heart. Clearly she has recovered.

Juana Soledad has a nightmare where all four sisters are being burned alive at the stake. Lots of screaming. (I want to hit the Mute button, but I am recapping and might miss something, taking one for the The nightmare wakes her up, she tells J-Barbara that it was not a premonition, but a warning. They discover Ines’ bed is empty, with a note that she has flown the coop. Convent bound.

And that’s basically it, Patio. Our dog has been pestering me to feed her (she is such a demanding diva), and hopefully she is not comatose from hunger by now.

Hijas--I must scurry off and watch the episode. So much going on. Thanks for covering it, Doris. I'll be sure to FF>> through the burning at the stake. The scene in Alborada was enough to last a lifetime (and the one in Outlander).

Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (don't blame Doris :)

(I posted a reply about recapping on the previous comments page.)

Rgv Chickie, "...for a while I thought Chabela would turn out to be the real mom." It could still be the case for Laura. They keep dropping hints, but I don't know if they are valid or just red herrings.

Now that Camilo has returned home Diana wears a slinky red something to bed, arranging herself seductively and showing lots of leg... but Camilo takes a pillow and settles in to sleep in the recliner.

Paloma wants nothing to do with Malicio or his plans to get back with Barbi, but he blackmails her by threatening to release a video of them in bed to the internet. (PSA: do NOT agree to any videos of youself in bed. I made the mistake of doing so and I so regret it. Now everybody knows I snore!)
Malicio gives her 24 hours to decide or he outs her. Well, if she was popular before... just wait.
Barbi is furious with Rafa for letting Paloma stay with him.

Adrian and Laura are connecting, little by little. Incidentally, in one of their conversations she tells him that her mother always favored Diana and was always harsh and critical with her, Laura.

Margarita, of the ideal couple, is getting more and more neurotic and needy. Manuel is concerned, Regina is annoyed.

Manuel literally bumps into a very pretty woman on the street. He hesitates a second, then recognizes her, "Lidia!" Ah, ha! It seems that Manuel knows Luis' sister, "Bodoque", real name Lidia. And she still very definitely carries a grudge against him. Oh?

Meanwhile back at the vacation resort, our happy, but so far platonic, couple have a lot of fun together and discuss careers. Iñaki tells Monica she should be realistic but if she thinks with her talent and experience that she is ready to lead a company like MediaLink she should ask for the job, the title, and the salary.
She does so. She tells Camilo she will return to MediaLink if she's publicly appointed to the position of Executive Manager, has a desk nameplate with her name and title, and receives a fat salary. Camilo readily agrees. Monica and Camilo think that since they are on an equal level now, Monica should continue using tú with him, rather than Usted.

Not a lot of cuteness today. Hopefully Lidia "Bodoque" will heat things up a bit. She looked so much better today than she did as a Lucha Libre babe or even as a waitress.




doris, I smiled all through your recap.

"We have an obligatory shirtless Octavio scene, he and Sol are having a nonconsequential flirty convo, all for the sake of a shirtless scene. Thank you, writers". HA!

"(I want to hit the Mute button, but I am recapping and might miss something, taking one for the". Yes, I think I would have wanted to mute that scene as well.

This mirrors real life in that inheritances are often not quite what we expected. The three of us children from my father's "first family" were included in his will. Much to the surprise and chagrin of my very spoiled half sisters, his "second family". Not that it was much, but enough to get in a snit apparently.

Being lured here by the great recaps. And, admittedly, the pictures of Sebas that are just divine.


Thank you, Doris. I missed this episode of "Everybody Loves Seb."

Anita, I remember the burning at the stake in both the shows you mentionned...awful.

OT....Anita...Outlander returns on Starz in Feb.


BTW, if anybody else is interested in cuteness, especially Japanese cuteness, Hello Kitty, girls in school uniforms with very short skirts, etc., you might want to read the Wikipedia article on "kawaii".



Doris, thank you for your excellent recap. It seems you suffered through the Sebastián scenes so the other ladies here wouldn't have to. And yet they did, odd that.

I watched while also doing other things but I tried to compose a recap in my head. It went something like "The girls get together from time to time, they look sad mostly, they hug and cry, occasionally they run around a bit. A couple of them seem especially interested in Babyface."

You did a much better job.



Andy...ha..... I loved your recap -in- a- paragraph. It gave me a grin. Thank you. You rock.

DORIS...Thanks so much and thanks to your dear pup for waiting so patiently for her dinner. Great job and we are certainly of one mind, I wanted to mute the Burning at the Stake scene, as well as call on ANDY'S Señor FFWD. Ugh.

Loved this paragraph:

Next we see J-Victoria talking with Xavier, our resident Voice of Reason, a role usually filled by the local padre del pueblo, but telenovelas these days don't have priests anymore and this ain't no pueblo. But, hey, Xavi is wearing a stole just like a real priest would. Wardrobe dept. is on top of things, but I digress….

Of course we do have a priest, who sometimes makes random appearances, but he appears very old and tired. Xavier (or Javier) seems to be much more the Father Confessor and a better listener to boot. No eye rolling for him. But then he hasn't heard a gazillion confessions like that poor old padre no doubt has.

And thanks too for that shoutout to the shirtless scene. It's definitely a plus. I was too busy with school or babies or something to have ever watched all those popular beach movies, so I'm catching up in my dotage. Don't think I ever dated a guy with a six-pack though. That was not a requirement in my youth.

The odd thing was there were moment tonight when I caught a glimpse of similarity between Sebastian and Juan. But of course they must NOT be related for the romance with Juana Victoria to work. In the meantime, they both need to work on those eyebrows a bit.

Thanks so much Partner. Enjoyed your recap thoroughly.

ANDY...Hmmmm, sounds like there have been a lot of interesting developments in Mañana lately. I for one am still gloriously happy at no longer watching. And yet I always look forward to your recaps. So I'm glad that you've stuck with it. And yeah, come to think of it, I think I DID see that bedroom video of you on the internet you rascal you. Just don't ask me where!

ANDY - thank you for your commentary update on Mañana, and especially thank you for watching, so I don't have to.
And . . . Your super ultra mini recaplet version of Hijas is basically what I wanted to write. LOL
Aaand . . . Thanks also for the kawaii tip. I looked at that and learned a lot. Better living through Caray!Caray! I love Hello Kitty!

Judy, that poor priest needs to retire. Don't know if he is the same one Sebastian and Stefi saw, but it is a minor role for sure.

Doris thanks for the whimsical recap.
I think I spelled that ^ right. Anyway
Work and errands prevented me from seeing this episode.

What is it with these siblings fallin
For their brother. And when are they gonna get to the part where they find out he's not blood. That nun sister is
Kind of annoying. She's a sweet girl but she's been sheltered,and she keeps
Crucifixing everything. She'll be ok.
Patience, she needs patience.

Yes He Should have talked to seb about
Dividing his inheritance amongst him
And his sister's. And now Leo is Havin
Make-believe stroke. So darios is just taking revenge on jaunO for Leo. That
Wont end well for him. And from what I saw in the opening credits jaunO may end up with The boxer's mom(jaunaB).

Good recap Doris, thank you.


Nina - I think your CrockPot Theory©️ might come true. JuanO and Margarita had a conversation in his office (wasn't really mentioning in recap) talking about stuff. I had a feeling there might be a reason for that innocuous scene and now you've confirmed it.


I agree DORIS and NINA. There was a moment in the office when Margarita stopped and just stared at him so tenderly-- then went into her reminiscences about how she'd fallen head over heels in love with him the first moment she laid eyes on him. If Leonora were smart, she'd be more worried about the one remaining mama on site, rather than the four daughters. As tough as it is to accept, Juan is really doing the right thing by giving them his name and including them in his will. Of course four infidelities is harder to forgive and forget, but still...

Who knows, maybe Leonora will live happily ever after with Sleazeball Dario. Now we just have to find someone for the irreproachable Estefania!


Judy - I'm still speculating on who could be Sebas' bio-dad. That should be interesting. After Darios' declaration of everlasting love for her, I kind of sort of wondered if he might be Sebastian's dad (via one night stand?) and perhaps Leo might not even know. O


...drat, I hit publish instead of preview. So to finish what I was saying ...

Otherwise, Leo would be against the marriage of their kids.


Doris, thank for such a fun recap. You and JudyB should get together and write a book about all these crazy characters we've seen of late. So many of my favs have already been highlighted, but I'm gonna go ahead and repeat, repeat, repeat because they are gems.

Regarding the golf scene: "(at this point, the Mexican Greek chorus is doing their ominous thing in the background)" So what could Dario possibly have in mind. I definitely don't think he would have anyone killed so the only thing would be to discredit them somehow or convince Juan that they are a bad influence on Sebas or others he cares about.

"Next we see J-Victoria talking with Xavier, our resident Voice of Reason…Xavi is wearing a stole just like a real priest would. Wardrobe dept. is on top of things…" I'm glad J-Vic and Sebas have someone they can confide in, but other than offer his lending ear, I don't see him doing anything to help them...but I guess listening does help a lot.

"We have an obligatory shirtless Octavio scene, he and Sol are having a nonconsequential flirty convo, all for the sake of a shirtless scene. Thank you, writers." Ahhh the shirtless scenes are something to look forward to. Hope there will be plenty more :-)

:Leo --- collapses …. must be her heart? We hope? Well, it's too early for her to kick off." We can dream, can't we?

""(I want to hit the Mute button, but I am recapping and might miss something, taking one for the"." I briefly saw the scene; it wasn't too bad...nothing like some of the horrors being shown at night. Thank goodness for "Las Hijas!"

I agree with you Doris, If Dario was Sebas's dad, Leo would never have allowed him and Stefi to be together. It'll be interesting to see who the dad is. The only other man Leo talks to frequently is Xavi and I don't think he is the dad either. We'll just have to wait-n-see.

Thanks again, Doris, you brightened my day :-)


Andy, thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this show. I'm glad it seems to be getting better, but I just can't help but be relieved that I'm not watching. Keep the updates coming :-)


Scurrying back I see comments galore. Doris was faithful to the episode but, lady, you certainly give it a nice twist. Great read. Thank you.

Did anyone else notice that Bermuda Boy's bermudas got even shorter and tighter in this episode? I just had to pass that on.

Yes, Margarita was admiring the photo of JuanO of yesteryear. I wish we had been able to get a closer look. At a glance I saw a very handsome, thinner guy. I could see where she would fall for him with a thud.

See you all back here after I get the recap up for today's Hijas.


Doris, "Thanks also for the kawaii tip. I looked at that and learned a lot. Better living through Caray!Caray! I love Hello Kitty!"

And I love pretty girls in short skirts. Something for everybody!




"Did anyone else notice that Bermuda Boy's bermudas got even shorter and tighter in this episode? I just had to pass that on."
Oh noes ....l I was so busy reading the CCs that I failed to notice. Oh well, hoy será otro día ... mejor ... and I'll be looking. 😎

Hijas de la Luna #12 - Fake Videos are False Friends (as Leo found out)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019 Part 1 of 4

1. The 3 remaining Hijas report to Seb that JuanaI flew the coop and is on her way who knows where, but they all decide it’s to the convent. They track down her location on her phone and set out after her by car. Nighttime Road Trip. They catch up with a motorcycle with someone riding shotgun. They recognize JuanaI, not through the helmet, but probably by the long black skirt. [Some writer must have thought this was funny. I didn’t.] Motoman stops. The 3 Hijas scold her for running away. Motoman hands her over to Seb gladly. The girls continue scolding. Seb calls for order.

2. Fer is still drawing things in the hotel open-air cantina. The two boys, Octo and Mau, are talking about their “intendeds.” Fer suggests “kidnapping” them. Well, getting them in a remote location where they can only pay attention to them.

3. Dario checks with his tech wizard cum henchman. Tech guy knows exactly what he is supposed to do. They grin conspiratorially.

4. The next day the 3 Hijas are grilling JuanaI on why she left. She claims she missed the monjitas and everything in the outside world is too strange. They suspect there’s more. JuanaSol immediately feels sorry for JuanaI and takes the blame by telling the other sisters about her premonition.

5. JuanO gently taps on Leo’s door. He’s checking on her. Seb is right behind him. They both hear the screaming banshee telling them, among other things, to leave her alone.

6. Seb is concentrating on something on his computer. We don’t know what it is, but we find out soon enough. He jumps up, angry and runs off to confront JuanaVic in the open-air restaurant. He’s furious as he shows her the video of JuanaVic leading the other hijas in a conspiracy to take JuanO for as much as they can and having him end up with Margarita after his divorce. JuanaVic protests. Yes, she finally admits, it’s her voice and yes, she said some things in that conversation in the laundry room, but what she said was the complete opposite of what came out on the video. She can only believe someone tampered with what she said and changed the video. Seb wants to know who. She shrugs her shoulders.

7. Dario (in a surprise move) shows Leo the video. She reacts just as he supposed she would—-unrestrained fury. Easy now, he counsels. The video is a fabrication. JuanaVic’s voice was actually electronically generated, using and rearranging her own words. Dario explains that if SHE believed the video, so will the whole world. JuanO won’t delay in throwing all the Juanas out of Mazatlán. (How cunning is that!) [Me thinks his reasoning is that without the Juanas around, the fortune is safe and Seb is back to being the 100% heir. As for wanting Leo, I guess he figures she can wait.)

Hijas de la Luna #12 - Fake Videos are False Friends (as Leo found out)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019 Part 2 of 4

8. JuanaB and JuanaSol take JuanaI for a walk down to the mercado. They are confronted and accosted by an angry barrier of mostly women. They are accused of being imposters. [Some writer must have thought this was funny. I didn’t.]

9. JuanO is very upset over the video. He tells Xavi he believes it and how could the 4 Juanas be a bunch of scammers. He’s decided to go off to “The Island” to think. Xavi tells him to be careful. [I think we need to keep an eye on this caper.]

10. JuanaVic and Seb knock at TodoelMundo’s door. They need his expert help with the video. TEM says he’s sure it was fabricated, but it will be very hard to prove. It’s very professional. JuanaVic is afraid JuanO has already seen it. Their kibbitzing doesn’t allow TEM to concentrate and asks them to leave it with him. JuanaVic and Seb give each other “The Look." He’ll get back to them.

11. JuanaSol, Octavio and the others are looking at the video. Octo doesn’t believe it. JuanaSol and Octo share a tentative “The Look.”

12. Leo is on top of the world. She calls her best gossip buddy and they discuss the revolting video. She’s deep in glee. JuanO will have no other recourse than to kick the fraudsters out. Then she begins to receive supportive v-mails from other women. When they are gone, she assumes, everything will go back to the way it was (and it seems like she would take JuanO back).

13. JuanaI has a call in to Mother Superior. She wants to return to the convent. She misses her life there. MS says she misses her, too, but that’s not a reason to return. MS tells JuanaI to call back tomorrow. MS immediately calls Seb, as he and JuanaVic are walking back through the lobby. MS says she’s worried about JuanaI. Wasn’t she happy to find a father and a family? They both say yes. They thought she was adjusting well until yesterday. Seb tells MS about JuanaI’s little escapade on the motorcycle. MS decides she’s fleeing from something. Next day, when she talks to JuanaI she tells her she has to quit running away from whatever it is—and she’s sure it involves a boy. She reminds her of her little prank of running up into the belfry when she was approached by the butcher boy. So, no doubt she’s running from a boy now. Gulp. MS tells JuanaI she can’t return to the convent for 1 year. Gulp, gulp.

14. All the Juanas are having a meal al aire fresco with Doña Barbara. She declares she has no interest in JuanO and is not in favor of his divorce. JuanaVic again tries to pry the reasons for fleeing from JuanaI.

Hijas de la Luna #12 - Fake Videos are False Friends (as Leo found out)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019 Part 3 of 4

15. Dario just learned that Seb got a loan approved and is about to buy the land next to the Hotel Media Luna. Whoever it was he was talking to, he says he’ll be darned if he lets that one get away from him. He is intent on controlling Seb’s fortune—for Estefie’s sake of course, after they get married, to insure her financial stability. When the guy asks about Mau, Dario declares that Mau is an imbecile. [Well, by my reckoning not an imbecile and extremely handsome. He can fix me a drink anytime.]

16. [I didn’t catch everything here, but under time pressure have decided not to go back and review it. Sorry. This goes for a couple more scenes down the line. Feel free to fill in] It’s nighttime and Seb has gone to pay Estefie a visit. She’s seen the video. I think he tells her it was tampered with.

17. JuanO and all the Juanas have a very loud confrontation. He believed the video. They are upset he believed it and declare they are leaving. As they are exiting with all their rolling stock, Seb arrives to save the day, night, juarever. The video was altered. JuanO needs more proof than his say so. Just then TEM and Mundito arrive to save the day, night, juarever. He confirms the video was altered. He says it will be impossible to find out who the culprit is because it was technically so slick. They still want him to try. JuanO begs the Juanas to forgive him. They do and there are big group hugs. JuanO tells them he loves them.

18. Alvaro Rentería (aka Dario Iriarte) puts in a call to the seller of the land next to the hotel.

19. During an Oropeza [Get it? Gold-is-heavy] family conference, they try to analyze not the technical part of the video, but how it came to be filmed in the first place. It is true they were all in the laundry/folding room together. The room is in the basement. How did the culprit manage it. Xavi will check for any hidden cameras near the windows. Surprise, JuanO sees a little hand-porn between Seb and JuanaVic. Seb grins from ear to ear, while JuanaV seems to be more embarrassed and a bit guilty.

20. The 4 Juanas' “future” boyfriends are discussing the computer video, but the conversation quickly turns to how to make the girls pay attention to them. Fer returns to the “kidnapping” caper. Seb immediately objects. It’s his sisters they are talking about. He’s quickly overruled.

21. JuanO gets home for the night to find Leonora’s 95 Theses nailed to the front door. He rips them down and enters. She’s waiting for him, like the Grand Inquisitor. He testifies that the video was computer generated. She wants to know where he got that idea. He tells her.

22. Fer and Seb are having a not so cousinly talk. Fer wonders if Seb is jealous that he’s attracted by JuanaVic. Seb counters that's not it, he wonders how Leo will take it if she learns he’s after her #1 enemy and then severs their familial relationship. Fer counters that for JuanaVic, it’s worth the pain. [I think he meant risk.]

Hijas de la Luna #12 - Fake Videos are False Friends (as Leo found out)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019 Part 4 of 4

23. Estefi is filling Papi in on all the wedding plans. She is so animated. Bro Mau is silent to the point of being superfluous. In the middle of her to-do is done list, Dario get a phone call from Leo. She tells him that JuanO found out the video is a fake. Dario tells her not to worry. He can fix it.

24. Seb gets a visit from the owner of the land next door. He can’t sell it to him. A new buyer has stepped in and is willing to double the price of what Seb offered. Seb sputters that they have a contract. Owner says he’d rather pay the penalty for breaking the contract than to let this opportunity get away. Sorry bub. He walks out.

25. JuanaSol drags JuanaI to church to make the Padre change her penance for impure thoughts (instead of 40 cm. she has to put kilometers distance between her and the object of her impure thoughts). They are confronted by another angry crowd. They don’t want estafadoras entering sacred ground. JuanaI tries to reason with them but gets a rock thrown at her forehead. We don’t see how they get out of this because we next see JuanaSol ministering to her wound. Instead we get JuanaB looking at some art that is going to make her enough money to open her boxing club.

26. JuanO is telling Seb he doesn’t know any Alvaro Rentería. Seb gets a call from someone who (out of our earshot) tells him he knows who the video culprit is and is on his way over. Next we see the whole gang hovering around the computer. They can’t identify some guy on the screen. Enter Mau. He indeed knows that guy. The video culprit can be none other than his dad who uploaded it.

27. Did JuanO ever get his “The Island” getaway? We never see him sail away. Maybe with the reconciliation, that’s off the schedule.

28. Gee I wish I could watch El Gordo y La Flaca which follows because they said something about Jorge Salinas getting naked.

Thank you , Anita, for that detailed recap.of all the chaos.

The Mother Superior looked so familiar to me, and tgen, I realized she played a madam in Alborada. She has a very distinctive voice.


Anita, there were many little treasures tucked away in your fun recap.

"Fer and Seb are having a not so cousinly talk" made me smile.

And yes, I wish I had seen El Gordo y La Flaca (Jorge Salinas).

I've enjoyed reading the recaps here but as I really am unable to follow the storyline and characters never having seen this, think I will step away as I am really not contributing anything and can't join the discussion.

I wish you all the best and thank you for all of the great recaps.


So sorry to have Diana leaving us, but I understand. I am the first to admit that not seeing what is going on is a hinderance. Like today, I missed a lot because I was listening and not watching. Some details were untrue. Forgive me. My imagination filled in where my eyes did not.

Correction: JuanaSol doesn’t take the blame or JuanaI leaving until the women’s group dinner.
Correction: Dario wants to groom Seb to take over his whole business empire. That’s why he says not Mau, he’s an imbecile.
Amplification: TodoelMundo says the visual part is real, only Juana’s voice was altered. He compared her voice from the interview he made with her to the voice on the video. They didn’t match.
Slight correction: Xavi is going to check the SECURITY cameras near that window. The hand-porn was very real and so was Seb’s big grin.
Dario’s little game backfires on Leo—you can tell when JuanO tells her (as Inquisitor) that if she doesn’t believe him, that’s her tough luck. He’s tired of begging her to forgive him and says goodnight. I think the look on Leo’s face tells the whole story. She does want him back and he’s slipping away from her with her attitude.
Addition: When the guys are discussing who could have produced the video (before they start talking about kidnapping the girls) Mau begins to suspect his dad—but doesn’t let on just then. He tells them he has to investigate further.
More: Fer asks JuanaVic out to dinner, she owes him one. By the look on his face, he’s a goner for JV.
I didn’t understand the JuanaB and the art at all. She talking to a Reymundo. I think the art is for her club, then she says he can pay her whenever he can????
In the last scene, the group has the security camera footage and that’s when Mau walks in and says he knows the guy.

I really apologize for all the misinformation and omissions.


Thank you for your recap, Anita. All the scenes the writers thought were funny (but you did not) were the same ones in which I failed to see the humor, too. More like beanie hat moments. The dumbest was Juana-I on the motorcycle with a strange man, given how she freaks out over everything and every man that crosses her path. Just made no sense to me she would get a ride from a pure stranger who could be a serial killer, rapist, kidnapper, etc.

And, yes, what happened to Juan-O’s trip to “the island”? Did Looneyvision cut that out?

”Dario declares that Mau is an imbecile. [Well, by my reckoning not an imbecile and extremely handsome. He can fix me a drink anytime.]” Not quite the hottie that Sebastian is, he is very nice looking and can fix me a drink anytime, too. ~cougar roar~

My favorite -- ”JuanO gets home for the night to find Leonora’s 95 Theses nailed to the front door. He rips them down and enters.”

My next-favorite --- ” Gee I wish I could watch El Gordo y La Flaca which follows because they said something about Jorge Salinas getting naked.” LOL!!!

J-Barbara and that art was very confusing to me, too, making it a QTH? moment. Again, I wonder if this show is being cut and pasted already (see comment above about Juan-O's trip to the island), possibly for more commercials(ad revenue).

Speaking of commercials .... and Spanglish phrases ... Today's show had a Coca~Cola ad and the text on the ad says "Fuertes Together." I had to rewind to make sure I saw that right, and I did.

Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (don't blame Doris :)

Monica and Iñaki continue having fun at the resort. She's staying longer but it's his last day there, the following day it's back to business for him. So they spend their last day together doing, what else? Karaoke. They get onstage together and sing the show's theme song. Wow! Talk about a wild last night together!

Luis' sister Lidia tells Luis she does not want to go back to jail, she's afraid she killed... somebody. I vaguely remember some creepy manager or trainer tried to abuse/rape her, something like that. And she used some of her lucha libre moves to toss him out of the ring, I think. It wasn't cute so I wasn't that interested.

Regina gets a copy of the keys to Adrian's van, meets with Pablo to give him the keys, he lets her know Monica is returning to MediaLink as Executive Manager. She's shocked, runs to tell Diana, Diana is shocked, runs to MediaLink to tell Camilo that under no circumstances is he to allow Monica to return and certainly not as Executive Manager, Camilo tells her just as forcefully that things have changed since she rejected him while she thought her cancer was terminal, and he decides who works at MediaLink, and she should just butt out.

Eugenia offers Adrian money to keep quiet about Monica and Laura being adopted. He is offended, says he won't tell but he thinks she should tell them they are adopted. Just then, Paloma walks in and is shocked by this revelation. Amazing timing these people have.

Iñaki walks Monica to her room, gives her a rose, and kisses her on both cheeks. Torrid, torrid, torrid!

Meh, but at least no nastiness.



Sorry to be so late to the party but am thoroughly enjoying your Cliffnotes this morning Anita. Especially this:

[Me thinks his reasoning is that without the Juanas around, the fortune is safe and Seb is back to being the 100% heir. As for wanting Leo, I guess he figures she can wait.)

Yeah, given how long Dario has been lusting after Leonora, evidently he has the patience of a saint. A bit odd, given what a scoundrel he is.

Also cracked up over "Leonora's 95 Theses nailed to the door". As a good Lutheran, that was hysterical.

I certainly wouldn't worry about any "mistakes or omissions" in this one. It's pleasant but appears to be thrown together by a bunch of writers and directors who are seriously ADD. Clearly someone needs to be on medication. It's a jumble. A pleasant, upbeat jumble with lots of leg, chest, sea and sand. But still...a right mess as we say.

But enjoyed your resumé of the episode. Let me know when a naked Colunga is on el Gordo and la Flaca and for sure I'll tune in.


ANDY, loved your "torrid, torrid, torrid" quip about the cheek kiss. I see their romance is proceeding at a glacial speed. Only a gazillion more episodes to come. Stay strong, my friend, stay strong!


Andy - thank you for your succinct commentary on Mañana.

" So they spend their last day together doing, what else? Karaoke. They get onstage together and sing the show's theme song. Wow! Talk about a wild last night together!"
Oh my, those wild and crazy kids!!! (lol)

"Iñaki walks Monica to her room, gives her a rose, and kisses her on both cheeks. Torrid, torrid, torrid!"
This has really gotten into the wild and crazy behavior. "Torrid" indeed. ;-)

Maybe this guy is who Moni will end up with. Or maybe he is a red herring. Whateves. Thank you, Andy, for watching so that I don't have to.

Besides the karaoke, they spent the first third of the episode on a yacht on the lake with Monica half-scared out of her mind--then, of course, they run out of gas and of course, she can't swim and of course, and they were, of course, stranded.

I was sure they would end up in a clinch. Then miraculously, not of course, in their next scene, someone has shown up with gas--and put-puts away before Inaki tries to start it--more tension, but not of course, it starts up.

Oh, and in case anybody cares, Paloma swallows her pride (in return for a promised wad of cash from Mau) to assume the blame as being the seductress of Mau, but of course Cris doesn't remember it that way. Mau plays hard to get but finally Barbi is forgiven and the wedding is back on, she'll get his job back, but not the Exec. Mgrs's position he always wanted.

Last but not least, Maggie is losing it completely. Regie didn't want to spend the day with her and she gets her nose out of joint. Regie won't come back to live with them so her other nose gets out of joint. She storms off the stage crying out to Manny that Regie's baby is HERS and only HERS.

Anita funny recap.

And riding on the back of a hog on a long black nunniary is kind a funny, cuz yoh don't see it everyday. But any
Ways bald bearded motorcycle guy was
Laughing at some Thing.

So Dario just wants seb so he can keep The money in he family. Well he is going about in a rather sinister way.
He's like the guy with the handlebar mustash.
Fun recap. Thank you Anita


Anita, thank you for covering quite a few things I was just too lazy to cover.   :-)


Anita, thanks again, this time for your recap of Hijas. Tuesday was a wild and crazy day for me with no time to watch that TN, so your recap saved the day.

"During an Oropeza [Get it? Gold-is-heavy] family conference..." No! It went right over my head and I never would have gotten it, so thank you.

more later (y'all have been warned)



Part 1

Have you ever had one of those sugar cravings in your youth where you just dug into a big ol' jar of marshmallow fluff...well...because? That slightly nauseous feeling afterwards is what I'm beginning to get watching this. It even makes Rebelde look like Shakespeare. And I'm wondering what happened to the tortured intellectual I was in my youth who went to dark Ingmar Berman films and read Heidegger for fun? Now I'm watching Marshmallow Fluff!'s in Spanish. And yesterday when I went to my daughter's house, there were some cute Hispanic guys putting in plants and I could toss off a couple of saucy saludos and rejoinders before going in to babysit. We take our little triumphs where we can.

So we're in Juan's office and Mauricio is giving 'em the 411 on his dad. Yes, he's capable of being behind the doctored video and the deep-sixing of Sebastian's terrain purchase. He's seen his Dad betray one friend after another, just in order to make more money and increase his power. Part of his sad family history. He and Estefi had a wonderful, loving mom. Dad was never around. But now she's gone and life sucks.

Seb decides he's going to confront Dario and he does. Dario denies everything but luckily Seb doesn't believe him. Not even when Dario seems to ream out employee Ricardo and fire him.

Sebastian is smart enough to see Dario for the scum that he is, but not brave enough yet to break Estefi's heart. But as he confesses to Uncle Javier, how can he kiss her when all he wants to do is kiss Juana Victoria? How can he be with her when all he want to do is be with half sister? Javier gives the kind of advice that just makes you want to kill the speaker. "There is always an open door. Some day you will see the solution and then walk through that door." Huh?

Alright. What else went on? Juana Inés disguises herself as a biker and waddles into the church like she's been riding a large bike or a very large horse for years. And then proceeds to bore the bejesus out of the priest. She needs a change of "penitencia" because she can't leave her sisters. Yada yada. Finally, after multiple eye rolls and sighs, he tells her she simply can't LOOK at Sebastian any more. After all Sin enters by the Eyes. I've heard that one before. It's pretty standard confessional advice. Inés ain't happy.

And speaking of confessions, Juana Victoria is about to squeal on herself when a distraught Estefania shows up. But is stopped when Estefi bursts into beautiful tears and wails that she's afraid Seb doesn't love her anymore. And she'll JUST DIE if he's doesn't. HE'S MY LIFE! More in that vein as she finds out Vicky knows even more about Seb's current problems than she does. And it's not right. As a couple, they should share all their problems.

Vicky's feeling conflicted for sure. And even more so after she asks Estefi why she came to her, given the Juana's current Bad Press in town. Oh, because Estefi would never believe Vicky capable of anything like the video implied.

Lordy, what can ya' do? This sweet blonde with the bodacious eyelashes and other attributes is just 100 percent nice.



Part 2

Inés, still in Biker Disguise, gets back to room. Juana Soledad is screaming in fear. Much uproar. Barb, Vicky and Estefi rush in. It's just Inés. Hahhahhahahahahahahahahahahaha! Uproarious laughter. Yep, we were supposed to find that hilarious. I need to go watch some depressing French film, or read some old Jean-Paul Sartre books to get my blood sugar regulated. Whew!

Juan storms into Dario's office to tell him not to mess with his family--not my daughters, not my wife. Dario denies all. Juan storms out.

Juana Victoria and Fernando have a fancy dinner in an aquarium. (I did enjoy the shot of the marine life swimming around.) He pitches the idea of going to the beach house to relax for the weekend. And confesses that he really digs REALLY digs her. Oh and another sad family history is thrown into the proposal. Dad was really rich. He and Mom traveled leaving me with housekeepers and nannies.That's why I loved Seb's family. I came back to Mexico because I love the land and want to paint it, draw it, whatever.

Anyway, this lovely evening ends dramatically when they exit the restaurant and there's an angry mob bearing torches and maybe pitchforks, who knows? threatening death and dismemberment. Fernando grabs the comatose guard's gun, shoots in the air and disperses the homicidal mob. Gets a big hug and a "You're my savior" for his pains. Suddenly the beach house proposal that she nixed, is now getting a big "yes".

Meanwhile, Dario is pitching the same lure to Leonora. Why not relax from all your woes at my Beach House. She wisely refuses saying "no está el horno para bollos" (it's not the right time). So he switches gears and reassures her that soon the Juanas will be gone--no one would stay in a town where everybody hates 'em.

Back at the hotel, Margarita, looking spiffy in a beach hat and showing lots of leg (though not as much as our Sebastian) is having a cool drink with Juan and remembering how enchanting, charming, handsome and wonderful he was when they met. But never could she have realized that he would be such a great dad as well! (Watch out Leonora, this little gal is doing everything right.) But so is Juan. He reiterates that he loves Leo, has loved her since forever. But he loves his kids too. And he's seeing a side of Leo he didn't know existed. All he can hope for is forgiveness and a new start. Margarita gently points out that those four girls are a constant reminder of his four infidelities.


Part 3

Okay, let's wrap up this sugary mess before I have to go out and score some insulin. Our good-looking boys and our good-looking girls all head gaily off for the sun-drenched, lovely Beach House. Sebastian, worried about protecting the virtue of his sisters (Hah!) has come along as well. Accompanied by his lovely, perfect, irreproachable fiancée. She's already reassured him that she wants to share his problems, and will back him 100 per cent in his quest to buy that nearby terrain. His pain is her pain, after all.

But is there anything else that she should know?

Big gulp. But Seb says no. (Guess that door didn't open yet.)

Rooms are being apportioned by Mauricio. Seb and Estefi in one. Which makes her very happy. She can't wait to make love to him again. It's been so long since they spent a night together.


And the others. Well, we know Juana Soledad snores. Barb is noisy with her training ritual. Inés is beyond annoying with her constant praying. Juan Vic will stay with the latter. Barb and Soledad in the other.

But now the bathing suit crisis. The girls didn't bring any. Inés won't wear one anyway. Barb's suggestion of skinny dipping is also nixed.

Perfect, irreproachable and drop dead gorgeous Estefi has the solution. In she comes sporting a fab bikini, cover-up (which covers nothing), matching earrings, and high heels. Lord have mercy. And evidently a big supply of surplus bikinis that she's happy to lend to one and all.

Oh boy oh boy. Can't wait until the next episode. On the edge of my seat. Or not. Will have to lay in a big supply of dill pickles and explosive kimchee to counteract all the sugar blues on the horizon.

Prepare yourselves accordingly Patio. More fluff and more funny scenes that we probably won't find hilarious. But on the other hand--it's not Mañana Será Un Dia Mejor!

Thank you , judyb.

It seems that we can either have the violence and gore of Dragon and Cuba or the sugar and honey of Hijas. I'll have the sweetness..and I love looking at the beach and that beautiful pool while it is gray and set where I am.

Is there a reason they put poor Michelle in that dreadful wig ? Is Estefi eventually going to do a makeover on her ?


JudyB, thank you for your fun and funny recap. Just don't eat anything sugary for a while, like a day or two.

I am back home catching up on things after a very hectic day yesterday, so I skipped watching Hijas today. With your recap I feel confident I didn't miss anything other than commercials and I'm "reluctantly" willing to do that. I don't even mind missing bikini scenes. I have never had that much interest in them anyway since Beach Party with Annette Funicello, who never wore a bikini, and because nobody will ever top Ursula Andress' little white bikini.

"Fernando grabs the comatose guard's gun, shoots in the air and disperses the homicidal mob. Gets a big hug and a "You're my savior" for his pains." Sheesh! Why did that never occur to me back when?

But as far as Steph is concerned, I gotta love a girl who wears heels with a bikini. Maybe there's more to this TN than I thought.




Talk about sparking some curiosity Judy! "It even makes Rebelde look like Shakespeare". Hmmmm.

Lots of fun. Fantastic recap.

"Lordy, what can ya' do? This sweet blonde with the bodacious eyelashes and other attributes is just 100 percent nice". I will have to try and see this on a day off so I can catch a gander at "Estefi". Picture perfect seldom is, but...

I also love aquariums, and all sea creatures.

So, my departure was short lived. I missed the patio here and can at least applaud the excellent recaps and comments.

Speaking of, just loved "...have never had that much interest in them anyway since Beach Party with Annette Funicello, who never wore a bikini, and because nobody will ever top Ursula Andress' little white bikini", andy. So true! And I don't think Annette ever actually went in the water, did she?

And beautiful Danilo with the hundred watt smile. Sigh.

Thank you Judy!



JudyB, I want your brain..well, not all of it, just the snark and humor cells. I laughed throughout your recap. This show is nonsensical, but you seem to add so much more humor to it and it just seems to come so naturally to you. Thank you for the laughs. And a belated thank you to Anita, our other oh so talented writer, for her recap on Tuesday. Your recaps are such a joy to read.


Andy and Anita, thank you both for keeping us abreast of all the continued craziness. I think I'll take crazy over all the gore in "El Dragon."

Be back tomorrow ...have a wonderful evening.


Oh, Diana your back!! YAAAYYY!! WOOOPEEEE!!!


Hola Sweet Patio.'re absolutely right. Sunny beaches and happy bodies are far preferable to the carnage they're featuring on the nighttime novelas. Saw part of last night's el Dragón and was absolutely horrified. So totally agree that our dumb little show is better for our emotional health. Especially with these rainy dark days. Poor little Trick or Treater's tomorrow are going to be chilled and drenched. And I'm not looking forward to opening the door every minute or so either.

Now as to "Michelle's bad wig"...Maybe that's her real hair. Being by the sea does that if you have natural wave. For all we know, Michelle spends hours having her ratty hair blown out so it looks fab in the other telenovelas we've seen her in. I rather like thinking that in real life, she's just another gal with really large teeth, eyebrows in need of a trim, and hair that drives her crazy. You know, kind of like the rest of us.

ANDY...Not eat anything sugary for a while!.... Son, you don't know me. Although I did pull out the Mother-In-Law's Kimchee (Yes, there really is a brand called that) for a bracing addition to my evening meal. Which I then topped off with some ginger snaps. So the Sugar Abstinence didn't last for long. But thanks for reminding us of Ursula Andress. I'm sure she was a frequent visitor to many young man's fantasies back in the day.

DIANA...Hey, welcome back amiga. Sure glad you didn't stay away long. A Patio with Diana is no patio. Just a lonely back deck. We need you kid.

This story does have nice landscape so I hope you can stop by some day. And I'm not just talking about six-packs and biceps. The shots of the ocean and beach are lovely. And just looking at sunshine is a nice counterpoint to the dark gray skies of Ohio these days. My husband loves watching golf for partly the same reason--the lush greens and surroundings always make a nice escape from our long gray Winter.

My dear RGV CHICK--I'm a generous gal--you can have ALL my brain, even the crappy parts, if I can have your energy in exchange. Mine seems to be disappearing down various black holes in the cosmos these days. I'm somewhat amused by this story, but not the way the writers planned for me to be. Still, I imagine them sitting around a table, throwing out ideas while tossing down tequila shots, and just more or less faking their way through the whole script-writing process.

Could possibly be a pleasant process.

For them.

But long hours and short attention spans though make for a very choppy episode. I remind myself's NOT Mañana. And I'm still eternally grateful. Thanks for the props, amiga.

Whoops...that was supposed to be:

A Patio withOUT Diana is no patio. Just a lonely back deck.


OT...Judyb...hub loved playing golf, watching golf, talking about golf. He loved being outdoors and would often come home from the golf course which is just 2 miles away and tell me about the deer, fox, squirrels,or birds that he saw while playing the game he loved. Thanks for sparking that memory.


Thank you for your recap, Judy. This episode, for some reason, was putting me to sleep.
”That slightly nauseous feeling afterwards is what I'm beginning to get watching this. It even makes Rebelde look like Shakespeare.” Oh Judy, yes, and can it get any dumber than it was today? I’ll take it over narco drama, murders, and all that other dark stuff on prime time, but still …..

Beanie hat moments:
- J-Ines as a biker going into the church was beyond stupid. For starters, where did she get that outfit?
- J-Ines’ bandage on the forehead for that small cut was OTT (over the top). A small flesh-tone one would suffice.
- The sisters screaming when J-Ines comes back to their room in that biker outfit.
- Angry mobs throwing stuff and threatening the sisters. Because, really, who cares if they think las Juanas are out for Juan-O’s money? Really? Is he the patron saint of Mazatlan or STTE?
- The bathing suit dilemma.

”This show is nonsensical,…” Well put, RgvChick!!!

DIANA – I’m so glad you are still here on the Patio with us!!!

”But as far as Steph is concerned, I gotta love a girl who wears heels with a bikini. Maybe there's more to this TN than I thought.” Andy you are a hoot!

I had time to catch a little of this today, mostly the swim suit dilemma. I truly appreciate the recaps and comments for making it possible to kinda sorta keep up with this. It is awfully sweet and fluffy, but I can't take the violent ones. (Although I did agree to dress as a vampire tomorrow for work--part of a vampire tribe.)


Malicio bribed and blackmailed Paloma into telling Barbi that any encounters between him and Paloma were all Paloma's doing, that Malicio wanted nothing to do with her, but she forced herself on him. Right. Anyway, Cristóbal knows better but is not believed because he drinks. Camilo reluctantly and awkwardly rehires Malicio, not to the exact job he had before because Camilo now has Rafa and Rafa's buddy Armando on the payroll, and Monica coming back to be Executive Manager.
In any event, Malicio is back at MediaLink and the wedding is back on.

Whatever. I wish they would stop wasting everybody's time with Malicio.

Diana and Camilo call a truce, but Diana wants the entire family invited to the congratulatory party (brindis) to toast Monica's big promotion. Camilo agrees.

Cuteness Alert! Nico takes whatever that thing is that he and Diana knitted together to his little girlfriend at school. And we get one of JudyB's favorites, little red pulsating hearts filling the screen. Awwww!

Monica arrives back home from her vacation. She makes a grand entrance at MediaLink with a new hairdoo, a new "luke". She greets Camilo as "Camilo" and gives him a little air kiss. But she is putting on no airs, she is still just "Monica" to everybody at the office.

Adrian and Manuel are talking, Manuel has a lot on his plate lately. Maggie is losing it and he briefly met Lidia on the street. Adrian wants to know who Lidia is. She was the love of Manuel's life until she simply disappeared one day, she was so important to him that he might have gone crazy if he had not met Maggie. Yet when they met on the street she was cold and hostile and said she would never forgive him. So Lidia is a mystery woman now.

Monica catches up with all the office gossip with Luis, who takes the opportunity to ask Monica to invite his sister to the brindis. It's beginning to look like just about everybody will be at this party. Except for Regina who says she is just too tired to go. After the others leave she changes into her underage pregnant eco-protester Ninja garb and lets Pablo know all is ready.

Los Sarmiento and others arrive at the party; the mood is festive and everybody looks very nice. Ximena flirts with Rafa.

Meanwhile, Pablo and Regina steal Adrian's van and break into a factory yard of some kind. [I am very disappointed in Pablo.]

Back at the party, stuff happens! Yes, yes indeed. Camilo introduces and toasts Monica, the new Manager of MediaLink. Malicio oozes sleaze; Monica and Diana fence a bit, Monica tells Diana openly that she will do everything in her power to win Camilo, whatever it takes; Diana says, in your dreams, Babe; Monica replies that time will tell.

And yet another babe, Almudena (played by Ana La Salvia), makes her entrance. She sees Camilo and Rafa talking together, and exclaims "No, no, no, I can't believe it! My two great loves together!" It's Rafa's mom, Camilo's first love.

Almudena gives Camilo a wink and a suggestive look and calls him "Bizcochito."     :-p

Monica and Diana bond momentarily with pained and worried looks, "You never forget your first love!"

The episode ends here, but there are still other guests to arrive, other shoes to drop... tomorrow.



Ooops! Hotel is on!


Congratulations to the Washington Nationals and their fans.




Andy - thank you for the update. I might have to record an episode just to FFWD-> and see Mini's new hairstyle (which always signals a new etapa for a protagonista) and Rafa's mother, Almudena.

Moni, not Mini. Dear autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt.


SUSANLYNN...Glad I could spark a happy memory. I bet Hub could really hit a long ball. I tried to learn golf once. About all I could manage was a little dribble of 50 yards tops. Not my idea of fun for sure.

DORIS...I suspect, if we were watching this together, we would both howl over the same absurdities. But oh well, still trying to forget a scene I saw on el Dragón, so afternoon telenovelas it is!

LA PALOMA...Glad that you can join us for this silliness from time to time. As long as we keep brushing up our Spanish, it has to be good for something. Sea and sand, ah...I'm sitting here in sopping blue jeans having gone out for a morning walk in spite of the rain. Found out my jogging shoes (not that these knees are up to jogging anymore) are not waterproof. Oh well, sea and sand, sea and sand. Sunshine! Sugar! All good.

ANDY...Love your full Mañana recap, still with lots of Andy humor. And thanks for the shoutout to the wee hearts scene. So sorry (not sorry) to have missed that. AND HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY FOR THE NATS. Better than any Hallmark Special. Hollywood better be picking a director and casting the leads right now, because this is going to be one helluva movie someday. Makes you believe the Universe is still benevolent. Which has been hard lately.

Have fun today Patio. Stay dry if you can. And don't eat all your Halloween candy before the little people show up tonight.

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